COURIER. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1.00 Per Tear, VOL. XXVII. ASHEBORO, N. C. THURSDAY APRIL 9, 1903. NO 41. THE ASHEBO RO , BRITTAIN & GREQ50N, ATTORNEVSATLAW, Asheboro, - North Carolina. Practice In thi conrts of Randolph and adjoining counties; in State and Federal Court, rrompt at tention to business of all kinds, OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Wav. O. Innr, J. i. 8po (Civil Fragile Oalv.) HAMMER & 8PENCE Attorneys - at Law Aihebom, N. C. North of Court Houm.) PraoMea in all the oonrU. E. MOFFITT, Attorney at Law, ASHEBORO, N. C. Practice in all the courts. 3pecial attention giren to settlemen 01 .Estates. wOrncx Nrai Court Hourb S.kVyaat.Presldeat J. I.Cole, Cashier Beoik of Randlema.n Randleman' N. C. Capital paid in, Protection to depositor!. $20,000 40.000 Directors: S. O. Newlin, A. N, Bnlla. W. T. Brvant. C. L. Lindsev. N. N. Newlin, J. H. Cole, S. Bryant U U Darker ana W A. ilattseu. Sydnor & Hundley, Richmond, Va. HM4quMr for Bridal Suites Virginia's Leading Fnrnitnre Honse begs to extend a happy New Tear's greeting to our many friends and patrons in North Carolina, and to assure them that onr stock of Fnr nitnre and kindred branches will, in the fntnre as in the paw, uo STRICTLY UP TO THE TIMES. Sydnor Hundley JOS-713 C. 100 ST. MTRICHMOND, VA. the Senate the miirdnrern in liiirh lifi niirrhh li,.v ,. are not beclouded by fanciful and reciprocity proposition tor good clleet. The law should be mid extraneous theories th nn it will rne ena time witn a Kmte under must be a tenor to evil doers nmoii how ifcAlf in a rrt rtemm(iJthiof the sugar trust. 1 hat all classes. The guilt before God majority, popular as well as in the . I4, for those tr,u,8t-w"c1 'f not the criminality betorc man in elentorisl ralWn. Th nm.r.t!n wnaiors dare not pass a tmng Mat all the late homicides, is vcrv emit. posit-on on the money question in W'I ,bon,t 600'000 cnr There is the evil doing that leads to 1896 and 1900 was a policy adopted , ul ..P...1 OI tlle carrying ot deadly weapons in at that time in order to relieve the "T' "V10"0""0 "emocrsts uo order to be ready to do the dreadful necessities of the people and the bus- .. . ' " getting me umcren- Killing. Heaven and earth cries out iuess world that were clamering for1?,, , B.emlte democrats alike for vengeance upon the crimi- more money to do the business w ; o toe wriu question until nam theconnlri. It .imnlv innld th. lue ot tne extra and regular One of the s ens of a bad and quantitative theory of money, and K "l0"' , "V . PEJ V,0 dangerous character is the carrying our every contention in that regard wiuuuiia.jiuaiu, pi a pistol about, it may be Hid has been amply proved by subsequent I under line clothes, ami the name of events. We wanted and needed more Tfie Mooev Value of'Good Road. tnc "laa bc f,,,r bl,t. tho '"" money in circulation and advocated , who docs it is n sinning, low down, mctalism as the remedy. The ... """-""is " - - iaw-urcaKing aim dangerous wretch. remedy come but it came in the cn'awons nave peen maue Dy an in- Such a man is unworthy of compan shape of one metal only, Bunerinduo-J ,n" civ" cnSlne?r M to the U10,,CJ ionship, and unsafe for trust. Ho is ed by the failure of crona in the old ,ue l S000 aB m community a moral leper and coward. The ex conntries,by the war with Spain and w 1 tneJ ve " transporting prod- ccptiona are the ollieers of the law tne nooa ot gold from the minns "T 1 " T i Alaska. The result was the same, ..? h.M ken. ,nt0 . consideration Prosperity returned to the country M1 ol roadways, trom tlic sandy just as we said it would if we conla r1.?11"" MreeU,, . , "g!,re8 get more basic money on which to do ?ur?'h BtronS argument for modern the business of the country. blln1way' , . L , We now have three times the vol- . The co,t of mov,n8 0.',10 ''J' nmA nfmnni, in , horse power over one mile of any had in 1896, and the result is thatM7roRccorcll,;Ston,ls',lmt'i' eihavecomnarativeni-Mnerttv vhv I" " " """u " then we hid stagnation in all lines J. F. Heitman, Has a full line of Groceries, Hard ware, Dry Goods, Notions, etc., and solicits share of your patronage. Trinity. N. C. IT "TOW WANT- THE BEST LAUNDRY out tuuu CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY. Tfcr tnt better d re pared to do yonr work right than any Lanndry id tU State; and do it right, too. Leave yonr bundles at Wood & Hori&g s store. iJaaaet ira "co day and returns Fridays. W. A. COFFIN, Agent. Machinery. For the A B Farquhar threshing machinery, saw mills, engines, etc write or call on Willis L Frmma w. Agent, Ether, N. C. Ddotle Daily Trains CafTiaf PoUman SUyper-w CafCart l taxx ma -smw Btnaiacaaa, McasUs aa4 Katsat Otj Tens, OUaktsu aaa laHai Territories Far West a Wartiwcat tintMLTTiwoumsLBBraM eai aatwaaw mm KANSAS CITY n4la litermtnrc. lckeU aft .T. AtNBtM, a.irv Af. PaM. D r..ewia.T.rAAaT W. T. SAUNDERS ATLANTA, OA. BLANKS. All kinds of Wanks for magristraUa at Courier Offlee, Send for prices. resentntives, which the Democrats VENGEANCE ON CRIMINALS. :M Di From Swrio,; P...: who were working in tho interest of .... , . , . mon "s' the Sugar Trust, to agree to before "' '"T . .. ' . , rme time during the full of i-vn Locrs oi irugn as w eu as Low Degree A Terrible Arraignment of Those Who Carry Con cealed Weap- izers," continued this distinguished gentleman. By that I mean that we lne V"?"1 .7 v- courts should not be. It may be should not nominate a man for the T i? V- t mat wnere mere is much money and presidency wh. bolted the party or- "m,tion ofjhe differentia on rc- a reputable family name the criminal ganizations in 1896 or 1900. There , ias ,1'cmocr?ta, have escupes altogether, or too lightly, are fundamental principles and tenets Tte. "P. tn?lr. fi8ht for The poor and defamed only, get the of faith in the Democratic party i?.atm lDe ?Tf tBer, ?' rlKht8 andfullponnltyof the law, which are immortal, and which will T r?are ?ruJ T1?-6" Repubh- promptly enforced. If this is true forever keep this land a free and in- !7U? 'VT1 lue BU88r Bnu wo dare say the juries are as much The painfully largo number of r From Our Regular Correspondent at tbe National Capitol the . Political Nerve Center oi Our Country. Washington, D. 0 April 6th. "The Democratic party can win and will win in 1901, if the convention is euided bv common sense." saiil onto of tho leadinir DrsmwrAU nf thi nation to me a few davs am. A. I fal! an? tnat . must some cent homicides is the ocoiisiou of said in my lastlotter. I .nnnt , lsl.atl0n.ln . lntere8t. presnnia- much talk and morali.inir. Ofeour his name at this time because he is ? 7 tne , nch bi"' or .fh8rc wo".ld good men ore discussing remediea not rwidv to ho .not,! . w. h. " masn-np ana possiuiyn panic. On the subicct much can be said. thelcss wants his opinions filtered Wv stfef continues to dictate the The removal of tho causes is the thromrh the press of the country in ot th'a 'Iministration. thing to be sought. Tho easiest order that th. neonU n.nv thinV tnnm uieos an signs tan, tney may as tiling to say about it is that the slay over. well start in on their financial bill or be promptly and fuirly tried, and "The Democratic party should not wnen . .wn meT, Dec,l,11fl0 tney if gmlty speedily and fully punished surrender to the so-called rwean- . 6 ? rr . 'K l'uu eTcr7 C88e- 1116 law anstractiy, they wonld vote to ratify the treaty The real reason why this extra ses sion is tobe called was given in this correspondence some time ago when it was slated that J. 1'ierpont Mur gun had called on the President and informed him that Wall Street could not hold out longer than the current resolution of the House en. dependent republic, and to which !r . Uemoeratacan round up about responsible as the judges and lawyers, tne vast maiontv or tn rwvm nf h I" J ..... ....... ... , i.u, uuui finiinlrTr.nKV.rifu. .nJ -1, I Will SenU business.. Therefore, the money Procn Bt0.n?,rnt? ?6 ceuY 0T?r ?" question is no longer an issue. a"n n" urT anu noru; "The question of special privilege, 07".a hkea "tono road ,n the parent of monopoly, and opposi' B00 condition, 8 cents; over a com tion to which is a fixed principle of Pt gravel road, 6.8 cents: over pa the Democratic party, is one npon ln8 6-33 ccnts; r 8l,hnlt. 2-? dcr the same'BalifreP JlWg VViad o ficure the matter out tory. On this platform, construct-1 ... t. f nM. ho will, no doubt. ed as above indicated, I think it will . , th . thero is mlu.), wise for us to place a young and :w. tfci. Indiana emrinccr gorous Democrat whose Democracy known by his works, whose name we , the80 e8timates to a ill appeal to the laboring masses of mJn ' ,nlrv sav the the country at well as to the business I . . . . - it.n..ftnd intercsU and acceptable to both. We jnt0 cong'ideration the vast must Uke nto consideration the con- wnonnt of hauiing that is done, the ditiotis that confront ns. I he farm- ... , tv. nmle. esnecial- has not vet beeun to feel the fact ... ? . . i -mild that the trnsU are charging him enormolI(!. There jg n0 reason more for everything he buys than . Georgia farmers might not have they do the foreign buyer of tht same 8 on which to article, and the majority of the farm- tra rt their prodiicte to and from ers are "sUndpatters, and while . 8n veraKe 0f 7 cents and the very ignorant. The fellow ho coes about with a pistol in his hit) Docket either evnects to 'kill somebody contrary to luw, or expects somenody ,to snoot him tor some crime low ami base he has committed already. No decent innu tan have the same respect for ami confidence in man niter .-wini: a cuu hid under his clot lies. We liiivn lii-vcr aeon .1 over ruts and mud, 39 cents; over Christian centlemiiii enrrvina ono. per ton instead of from 39 to (4 cents, as is now the case in most is no respector of persons, and the inflicted on a few year the eight-year-old son of Mr. Leander Wooafev, of Arcadia, tins county, while eating persimmons, ac cidentally swallowed one of the seeds. For several davs the young man was slisrhtly liotliered bv the seed but the bad feeling finally pass ed away and the incident was ' nearly forgotten. .Some time ago. however, a pain m his breast made its appear ance and for several weeks 1;.) ha suffered excruciating agony. Physi cians who have examined" the boy say the seed has lodged in his lung ami tnat an operation is the on I means of saving his life. lie is unable to partake of but very little tood and those who hav seen him say the boy is scarce! more than a living skeleton. It is more than likely that an operation would prove fatal and his death under the present conditions is likely w occur at any tune. Jjexiii''ton Dispatch. One Negro Kills Another. Sunday night about S o'clock- Mayor Melt air shot and instantly killed Frank Itodgers at Vestal, a station on the A. it A. road three miles west of Troy. Both are color- 1. McNair .was arrested a n d brought here Monday morning by deputy sheriff Jordan, and having waned trial was committed to jail. the Bhootmg took place in .McAuir house, and he claims that he did it in self defense. It appears that the wo hud been quarreling for two or three hours prior to the shooting, and McNair had driven liogers from lus house with an ax; but later the latter returned with a gun, nnd had reached the door when the former red the fatal shot. The dead man fell partly in the honso where he lay till morning. Troy Examiner. ITEMS OF NEWS. Live Items of Intere-t from Differ ent Sections of the Country. A II Borden, of Salisbury, has been renominated to succeed himself as Mayor of that city. Sheriff Taylor, of Hertford county, N. ('., was robbed of $520 while in Norfolk, Va., Inst week. The ti year old son of William Davidson was run over nnd instant ly killed last Friday at Charlotte by a street car. Judge II G Connor, of the Su preme Court, has accepted an invr tation to deliver the literary address at .tne commencement of balcm ie male College in May. it lioiid horsewhipped a man by the name of Charles Hamlin on the streets of Kinston last week for interposing when he (Bond) was chastising a bawky horse. Ollie Clark, an employee of the Spencer shos, was painfully hurt by the bursting of nn emery wheel one dav last week. A portion of the wheel struck Mr. Clark under the chin cutting a deep gash. ltev C W Byrd, 1) I)., a prominent minister ot the M . church and a native of Wake county, has been elected president of Weslevan Female college at Jlacon, ua. Because she had grown tired of life and wanted to end her existence, Lone Home, a young white girl liv ing near Durham, drank ten dracmhs of laudanum one day last week. Her lire was saved. Mexican riuztzng Lir.-iment f! or i: inr (V !-!. -o, i nfc -.nrs thrntirl. llii itmis. 'ex i tun bono tad umn out ull nureneu aJ imir.. .,..;..,. Doing the right things before Cod and man, anil keeping good company, is worth for protection more than all pistols of the world. those who are Democrats probably would not vote the Kepubhcan ticK- ew wc; uiigu. uu. "v B . ennnt es. cance of the election, in tne lace oi w holiove the time has come when this fact we must nominate a man he farmers themselves are inclined who has the confidence and can carry . . t thi roads pTOpOBi. the yast labor vote of the cities of L; from a dollar and cenU stand the country. An overwhelming ma-1. . ... m fimirns jorityof this vote will turn taesie jhatwiu he)p thcm.Atlanta Con- " J ,, TuT ZC.t a 1 stitutton. U mon, especially i" mo u th. mlildto Wr And hrinir vintorv to the Democratic party. With that The Happy Man, kind of leader on a platform that Tho hanniest man in the world is denounces monopoly and special ti,. , every day chap who Snvuege in all its ramifications ma u,) his own living, pays his bills emandi tariff revision, trust con- Lnd jjas the respect of his neighbors, trol and, where necessary, trust ex- H Teg . jjttle money as he goes Unction, an income tax and election ajon but ne dogen't strive to get a of United States Senators by vote of rner on the local output, and he the people direct, we can anu win ,, neither ambition nor so- win." . . piety. He never expects to wear out fit. t nf hi. trousers fitnirillg how States has started on another huge to t -jen off of others, and when swing around the circle which ae . .iaes ito his clothes in the modestly calls "an unpretentious I morning be naver wastes any time little outing for the purpose of avoid- trying to pick out the right, tint of mg puDiicity. i u w 1 sox, suspenders and nscKtie tnat w in that The schedule calls for about klend with the general effect. He 200 speeches and the party acoom- WMri . biled" shirt when he feels panying the President consists of two jike it wnen nis jt corn bo- secretaries, one aoctor, tnree sieno- inmn he whins out his lacit. graphera, two secret service men, one nja aoi cutg a 4 iuch gash in the poetnatnrai representauve. M ,ide of his boot, and nothing is saia three illustrated papers, representa- -hont it in the papers. He has an tivea of three press associations, one .mirtite like a cyclone and he never official photographer, and two tele. haJ to gjt np at nighU to poultice rraph operators, rrnat a uengnt- hl, eno. ally original way of avoiding publi- Ho beiieYe, jn the doctrine of live city. It is snt prising that he aw and let live, and when he encoun- not Uke along a orass Dana wivn rt one of the needy he doesn't stut which to hunt those bear. The ter :tn B;. nocket-book. The plain truth of the matter is that the gen- rAa . nlBn is happy because he Ueman who occupies the highest f. ..t;.flMi ,a doesn't spend tbe civic position in the conntry is never kj 0 hjj iie j yearning for some- o happy as when He is la tne lime- thing about four sizes too large for "8" V"" . ' him. ti. inn trip is a stumping tour pure &nd aimnlA. Ha wajita that nomi. nation a neap more than ne wants i Missouri nas piu me motuouui w those bears, and be is not overlook- her public aeDt. we ao no iinu in an bets that will pile nn the there is another State in the Union blue chips in front of him. which can say that she has not a It Did Look ,Ftnnv. first baby, went to the furniture factory and sales-room to buy a car riage for tho babv, and having select ed a nice one and being answered by the salesman that it was substantial ly built and of their own manufac ture, they bought it and placed the baby in it. Tney started down street toward their home, but us they went long every one who met them look ed at tho outfit and then would laugh very heartily.. This greatly embarrassed the young couple, who coma so mini ng wrong, so tne luuy, m uvpjiem tion, Mold her., husband to walk ahead, while she rolled the carriage, d then turn and meet her and In to discover the cause of all the merriment. Ho advanced a few steps and rurned back, then made a spring at the carriage and tore a card off the front of it which read: "Our Own Make." Boy Shoots His Father. A tragedy occurred a few miles ibovc Concord last week in which imes Ashby was shot by his eon. is not know n how the affait occur red. A ueighlxir said that Ashby was chastising his daughter about not rising promptly at a very curly hour when the son interfered for her protection nnd sent a load of shot in to his father's abdomen. The physi cian ti lls me that he rc.arJs tho cast as critical but time only will tell the extent of his injuries. The boy ijuiekly mounted the best horse on the place and h-ft for parts unknown. A Little Laborer of Georgia- Not munv descriptive articles can llirnw so much light upon child- lnlior in the South ns does a little storv in the April McClure's called "Who was her keejK-r?" The au thor, Mary Apslewhite Bacon, is, hor wlitors tell us. a native of Georgia, and thoroughly familiar with tne conditions she describes. The cen- trl tirrnre of the story is a seven- year-old girl, whose family leave a Georgia tarm to live in a coium nun district, having been promised "a good house to live in, painted white. wiiu mree rwino m - ,,,, money every Saddy night." 1 he point of the story is the tragic effect on her of long hours and nightwurk within the uoisy smuiows oi mc clanking mill machinery. A story in McCluru s. I said some time ago, in this cor respondence, that the President would call an extra session of the 58th Congress some time in the early part of next September. I missed it about a month, as it is now given outjrom an official source that tbe extra session will be called caily in October. It ia given ont aa the ostensible reason that this extra ses sion is to be called for the pui pose of disposing: finally of the Unban reciprocity treaty by obtaining the concurrence of the xiouse oi aep- Wcstern North Carolina in the Spring. Western North Carolina is attrac tive at any season of the year, but crrtainlv during the spring months, when tho trees arc uuuaing anu iue flowers blossoming, what could be more inviting than a trip to tun lumntifiil mountain country. Tne months of April and May in th Tjind of the Skv and Sapphire Country, including Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C. are very enjoya ble. The climate at this soason is delightful, the scenery most beauti ful, und the opportunity for the en joyment of sports, including golf, cannot DC surpasseu. J. lie noieis in mm region una... the very best accommodations. If you wish to know something of this delightful region, communicate with the nearest Southern Railway ticket agent, or address S. H. IIakdwick, G. T. A. How Mr. Roosevelt Lives and Works. will be entitled some time to Kno even more tint i thev have as yet been told about the way in which Presi dent Koosi-velt accomplishes so much and yet keeps in prime order. His physical constitution was, of course, built 141, as everybody knows, years ago, bv systematic exercise and much outdoor fife. His mental vigor would seem to have bivu acquired by a some what analogous method. The Pres ident docs not llinch from the task in hand, lie has schooled himself to do tho day's work as it comes, lie manges his nay won, i y j mious 111 eating and diniMiig. uois not allow himself lo be cheated out if a fair amount of exercise, does not- civ in the least upon stimulants or tobacco, and perhaps above all, never tries to surpass himself or to expend his reserve strength in the achieve ment of something exceptional. W ith matters of colossal importance 10 at tend to, he simply docs his best a.-he goes along, deuls'with every problem that arises ill u simple, unm, " natural wav, and thus linds the day siillicient unto itself. He borrows ti-Liihle. alt-ens soundly, and meets tl, ,.rmi- n-firshed and with full courage. iVoni "The Progress of the World," in the American Monti ly Review of Reviews for April. t A Spring and Summer Tonic tio to the glorious mountains of Western 'orth Carolina, the "Land of the Skv" and "Sapphire Country; ,1 natural "punidisc at 11 times of the year, a pleasant spot, full of life. color aim enjoMiit ni, iicm mm sibilitics for health ami and recrea tion. For temperature and climate it is unexcelled. Reached by the Southern Railway. Write for descriptive 111 Land of the Sky," mailed free upon ni.iili..tiim to anv agent ot the svjhiii- " . If Cl II I I 1 .. I-.Lr ern Itailway, or Jir. n. ii.iiiiihi General Passenger Agent, Nasnin ton, D. C. While defending the home of his sister-in-law at W llmington last week from the disorder of a drunken young man, Roderick MacRne, engi- eer of the llmington Cotton .Mills, was stabbed by ham 1 L. Mann MacRae's condition is considered dangerous. Mr Sanford Dimutelt, who was ac cidentally cut in his head by an axe in tho hands of Mr John Burclia'ii, near lionda, the other day, has since died from his wound. He lived about twelve days after a portion of his brains had been taken out of the wound bv attending physicians. Union Republican. At Tvro Shops, in Davidson coun ty, April 2nd, Cupt. C. K. McMurdo committed niiicide by shooting him self with a sl-ot gun. jo cause for Iced is known. (Japt. 31c- Mnrdo was a famous dog trainer of Charlottesville, Va., and has visited andson county for several years dining the hunting season. Charles Moblev escaped from the jail here Saturday night. He had I miL'lit bike some exercise, lie made a hole through the upper Boor, tore Ins blankets into strips, let himself down from the (vihdjw nnd cat-sped. Chatham Observer. Thursday night a valuable horse was stolen "from Mr A II Murray, who resides iibout four miles east ot town. Tho following afternoon the thief, a negro by the name of John Kllison, was captured, witn tne horse, near Burlington und Drotignt to Greensboro and brought to Greens boro and lodged in jail. In addi tion to being tried for stealing a horse. Kllison will probably also be called on to answer the charge of biii-L'lai-v. as he is kaid to have enter ed Mr Slurry's residence Thursday night and stolen some eatauies. iic has served a term in the penitentiary for killing his brother. Greensboro Patriot. Thr report of the co " com-. i"-;-n. of which wear only to print ..i..-.r. nill iirohublv not please either the mine operators pi strikers entirely but it appears to give tin-strikers a good showing, lhey ...... i-..i,i,.i1 nn increase in wages and h.,H..r llnm-B. llllt tllO Ullioll is Uot recognized. The latter will please the mine operators but will not satis fy the strikers. So far as we can see ver, in a nasty exaninmi-iou, ...v ri a c ji i ui 10 en aavea tgy BY BUYING YOVR DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHINGS, FURNITURE, &C, &0., of AV OOP & M PRIX a. -r Largest stock to select from and prices that are sure to catch those seeking bargains. We've Got Just Stacks of NEW GOODS of every description and of the very latest styles, and when you want a new dress, new hat, new suit of clothes, anew pair of shoes, or anything else that is up to date, why just go to see New Goods! WE ARE pleased to announce to our friends and customers that have the latest and most exquisite styles in white goods, lawns, dimities, and dainty shades in dress goods fabrics are now awaiting your inspection. Our large as sortment wiU convince you that we are leaders in dress goods. Gents Department! bond outstanding. The State of Mis Annri was saddled by her Republican officials with a heafy debt in the old Reconstructien days. Wnen tne Democrats came into power they set about paving off this debt and have ever since worked diligently to that Thoit lAhnnl huvp hnn rpward- 1. The other day. in the presence Rheumatism is caused by au excess 1. .,.d in th midnt of nf uric aud lactic 111 the blood ;..t., W SAA bond I Rheumacide. the great blood purifier, .... t.r,,,l s mnoh for honest 1 laiative and tonic, cures the disease Tann Democratic administration of State by driving the acids out of the blood. gddregij and Gov. Aycock affairs. Exchange. At Druggists. the Uterary address, Spoiled. nf 3Sn females under eighteen vears of age in the negro schools of Atlanta who were asked to tell what they intended to do when gtown, on ly sixtv-three said they expected to tie engaged in houseword. Of the Wa. TnS uronosed to follow pro fessional pursuits. The sixty-three vhn nmilllllHVd llieir lllieimoil lu engage in housework could not have been long in school iy iu n ready for their white dresses and pink and blue ribbons they also will prelty liKeiy oe iispii'"K " v professions. But what waste of valuable bone and muscle is tneienj i.iiVA.l.l'itcr Pet-bin, in South ern Farm Magazine of Baltimore for April T.;ttltin VVnmle College is prc- n.nnn Inr a in-put coiiimenceincut the last week in May. Bishop A. Coke s...;tl uill in-each the annual Ber mou. oiiiniission seems to nine .1.. . .,.! nnc exact mstice ami 10th sides should accept the result .niiniiilv. as t u-v agreed to uo 111 Ivance. S.mie anxious souls continue to ..l..r irln- i nianv neotile are in different us to the education of their hildren. KememU-r that tne cure for such indifference is to convince .,) Unit t is as Imucii their re- ious duty to train their cnuuren as it is their duty to observe the i...... tiThiiu a 111 t not steal.' nu ihn nimle are convinced that Bteal mg is morally wrong, hence they will not tolerate thieves in good so ciety. Whenever parents are con ;,ul ht ignorance is morani wrong, they will not , tolerate that crime any more man tney nun ! crate crimes against property nm- The Pistol Habit Epidemic it immired a whole week of the .' 1 X-.(l,mtr.ii Kll nerior court to try the cases on the ..-iniimil docket, a longer time than ,.t ,.i.v sourt ior yeasn, Many "of the cases were for carrying pistols. it-HmoAc-"""".. ...... F(;r a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, or in fact, all Lameness nn;1 B-rc-' t of your body there is noilim t 'fill drive ot:t Ibc pain anairj iiau.uiation so qnkkly as If yon cannot reach the spot your bdf get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican flustang Liniment pvei-eom the filiU"nM ct hnrc. A. 14 a tleuh Uuale:- butl iiaiu killo1 OUR CLOTHING counters are laden with rare bargains, and we can fit you out spic and span in a new suit, shoes, hat, etc. All the styles in shirts, collars and neckties at prices to command a purchase. Come to see us. -, Millar (SL W00d. Come and See Our new line of SPRING and SUMMERIGOODS now in. A complete line in everything carried in a General Store. All at Lowest Cash Prices Old Dominion, Addisonl&. Allison's and Baugh & Son's Fer tilizers at $1.25 to $1.95 per bag. Great bargains in LADLE'S AND MISSES SLIPPERS AND GEN TLEMEN AND BOYS SUITS. All Kinds Country Produco in Exchange forJMerchandise Natomi Falls Store Co. W. T. BRYANT, Manager. KAJMJaiA, D. M. OSBORNE & CO. EAff Largest Independent Manufacturers of Harvesters and Binders In the World. Negro Pays One Cent Tax. iwhM the smallest tax ever Co- i..(,.d liv a sheriff of North Carotin was receipted for recently by ei Sherifl Gaddy. Alec (Dock) Moore, colored, of .township, was the man from whom the tax one cent was collected. No attempt was made to divide the tai between .State, county and school, out tne en- Dr C F. Rcid, of Nashville, tire amount was turned into the n will deliver the missionary tr-atury for the W-nefit of the general eils and Gov. Aycock will deliver county fund. Wadeaboro Messen- J. H. BURGESS, Agent, ftamaeur, M. C, gcr.

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