15he Courier. !' wise hits the nail. ntiCKOXK holla:: a ykau. Vm. C. HAMMER, Editor. Oltlne at yisnetjuro am At the inoiitlily iiict'ting nf the boiril tf county coitmndiouiTS nf Guilford county hist Muiwl-iv -(.wiiil complaints wciv hoiinl us to the hail i lnvn that of indolence The Nation Must Leave to the State Control of the Suifrage Issue. At thi; regular monthly dinner of thi! Baptist Social Union held ut the Manhattan Hotel today .lohn o. Wise, foimcr Coiifrres-iuiaii from Yir irinia, simke on the neero situation. Tho attitude of the nation, he said, toward the iiuestiou has all iilon .No man, lie condition of the public roads. The commissioners will send out a circu lar letter to the justices of the peace aikinx them to see that the law is enforced. The ;rand jury of Huu dolph county in making repoit at the last term of court calls attention to the r.'.i.-eralile condition of tin roads in many sections of the county and calls upon the magistrates to do their duty. It is the duty of the magistrates u see that the uversccl work the p:.!il:c roads as lv-itiivil I y law, and where magistrates fail to do so they are eijually guilty of wola'. ing the law us the overseer. During the last campaign the licpuldican speakers and papers p;e dicted with lunch assurance ami vehemence that the fanners would lime lo pav much higher taxes th year than ever U-f..r- They allege.! that the Democrats h.i run the State ill del. I so deep Ilia! t:i... this year would aliim-i ruin our peopl-, and lliev honied me-t liUluiiilv our tile terible hardships that the' l.r -pavers would he fereeil to ; mil, p.. 'Well, the LeL'isiat.,re has met i"i.! ildiourned and a new I'.-wmu- hill has been passed, has it increased tii Mot one cv:it.! Yes, the lute of property and p.": saiii" as it w as last it was under l-'u And hi.rv mm . rate of taxatioi taxation on a is h exactly ll t year and less tlia in 1 tile! .. ivorl li ralte 1.. uike i The i'llciuu levied a tax of hunderd dollai ami the I i urn I'.iiil and :' i cents. Aii rate i f ta.valio been able to n. incivaS' fharita Schools and elision.-. S'lllc l.l'.es. hoWe iligiier thai: heletofeiv. be paid by tii- cxpr. s-, ihab rs and di.-t :!I.t-. t.lX Oil li , 1 1 1- lieaiels Hill be I'.liee i;,!l it tax oil distiller', . will rivii.-.d. The la: . a tele'.'raph companies i. three times v. Imt ir-h-i-Hew lis- -siie a; - 'a til double '1 conipa- i.s i.ii! ai- pi e of 1 on the oi e f property, -'a-nr.- of I'ditee' the tax lo with !':i- red 1 1 ee I ihe ! icmncr.its have I'lait i.iii rted, would subscribe to a policy that meant which lie belonged. 'It is the idle day" he said, "to try to enforce laws permitting the negro frachise. You coiinot tind a white, no matter where he lives or under what circumstances when you go to him , who will subscribe to a poli cy that menus eventually a possible negro domination. There is only one solution to the negro iiestioii. The nation must recede fiom the position taken by it on the matter of the negro 9nffrage. The mation must remit to the State control of the suffrage issue. Thi nun i.e a great concession of sound, common sense. 'lii reducing the ijuestion of suf-!'-:iL'i'''.iii sensible basis you will touch Ihe tender spot of tha South erner. 1 am one myself and 1 know it. will ruieh my heart. "You soon must tell the negro he cannot haye all that he expects: you iv ill have to tell him this at the cost of a race war among ourselves." A Horrible Double Murder. A horrible double murder was cominileil near W'hitcville a few nights ago. I'nder cover of the rain and darkness the assassin or assas siai s crept up to t:ie home of Mr. Ie.se Soles, and shot both him and a eidi.ivd man named J im Staley as the tuo sat by the lireside. 'The house was then 'tired and the corpse of the two men partially burned, only their charred trunks have been found li the ashes of the dist roved home th owir.L' ilav. The hodes could not be ider.tilied ki-oiit bv the kevs found by the lur- r man. The kjjs were always car ed bv Mr. Soh-s and as he was the ifger man it was naturally suppos- I to be his remain--. The live i..r the deed was i.tlv robborv. the negro dim u:-i was reported to have fro! ' m.'i,, ; 1,0ml, and Soles about $T . ihe house. No trace of this was and in the ashes of tile burnt ai'oeng and as part of the money I'd and .ih.-r it is believed to be. li -toU-ii. CAN'T SEND AFTER WHISKY. High Point Has a Very Strict Law A Thirsty Gtizen Comes Near Getting; Into Trouble. Since the law prohibiting the ship ping of whisky into High Point went into effect, those citizens of the town who imbibe in alcoholic stimulants are sometimes put to more or less trouble in purchasing spirits says a Greensboro correspoii deut. Formerly it was an easy mat ter to 'phone a saloon in Cireensboro to semi a case of whisky or a crate of beer on the next express, hut mm the man with a thirst must citner come after the goods himself or order from some point outsnte l lie State. The law does not even permit a man to send some one over Greensboro on the train to niiik purchase. A man who was ignorant as to this point came near getting into trouble yesterday, lie sent, a ineBsengcr after a gallon of old corn liiUor, but the messenger, unfortu nately, got drunk and landed in the look-up. The thirsty citizen came over this morning to bail out the prisoner, but usked that tne gatiou of whisky be delivered to him lirst. He was sorely disappointed when he learned that the Imuor had either been stolen or cousumed and tlueit- ened to allow his messenger to re main in jail for his carelessness. When informed that both he and the messenger wore liable to indict ment under the law, he put up the amount of the prisoner's bond and hastened out of town. -(.irccnsnoro 'Telegram. liglilnmg-rol , rcjOICf at. belli; tin roll,, anion;.; "i floin l, of Four Children Burned Like Rats in a Trap. A t. mint house on the land of Mr ii. II. lxeainev, ahoiit two miles wet of I'-.aiii.iiato'n. N. ('.. was ih-stroved !.. lire aaoa, n a o'elo.-k April 9. I lie ;,o-,,-e w.l.-: occupied by l'ltfll i . colored, his wife and sefel -in :i. l'our of the children win weiv sie, ping upstairs were burned to, lea' h. The roof was falling in i., f the occupants of the b imoui Mere awakened. 1 here were e-eapc a I. rrib'le death. Suit Against Smathers. An order has been signed bv .ludg. I Ioo dio( g Kcccivcr JollCS, of is 4u Co goods ., CXe,ed lieeord. Tlios. I'iiv. ,li, I-aac of ll.ni, a lueml'i of the si ton. 1 V I 'lelli. of ool for the deaf at .Moi, Si.t solid cars of .. chicken.. passed through High J'oiut ..in- dai last week .iitig "to th... jj.im h.-rn markets. T'ley weie from Western Aorth (.'arolina. Col .1 W Croswell, division Supci intei.dent of ihe Snutheri. Kxpnss Co., with headquarters in Wilming ton, died on April 4tli. A ae-.v resort has ber.'i mnde at Lakoview. a m-w town-site in iioore county. It is intended to make of it both a winter ami summer resort, A large hotel is being erected. Six solid car.-; of 'Ji.oiill thickens passed through High Point one day last week going to the northern mar kets. They were from Western North Carol Inn. Toliec (ifliccrs Sundav afternoon arrested two boys in (uveii-boro 1,M j weie joiiiai gumming in a room over a store in South Klni street, 'i'he boys were playing poker at a ti n cent ante. Tiny are sons of well knowu people. Carl Faddieon, a young man em ployed in the Atlantic Coast Line general uflices in Wilmington, N. C, was killed April tUh, by being run over by a passenger train on the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta itoail. ite attempted to board th. train just us it was pulling out of uie stieu, and slipped and fell uiidt the cars. While playing in the yard one uay last ween, tne lourteen-nioiillis- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A Wnitley, who reside a few miles northwest of Greensboro, fell into a tub of water and wa drowned. The little one's mother discovered the sad plight of her baby, but was too late to save her. The baby was buried at Mt. I'isgah. Greensboro ratriot. le' Wi-o iu Carolina liank, to bring u:t against (i 11. Sniather ailiesville. former receiver of the ink. The order provides that the nil .hall be for an account and it lenient of his receivership. No im! accounting has ever been made in.-o the change in receivers bv uiatiiei-s. and the suit is to detenu ic w he'liei Smathers owes the re ivor-hip or tin.- receivership is in ..-MmI to the former receiver. John B. Green Captured. Wisun. . C, April 4. John 15. en. w ha is wanted for seduction. and for wiaun the (ioveiior has nffer eu a Vewnrd of Jiin.was found late o-terdav a lernonii in Virginia. Mr. I 'a i is t he father of the injured girl, tiaec-l him up, had him arrested and jailed ut Portsmouth. Mr. Davis eiiiue back to Wilson last night to have his attorneys, Messrs. l'oti und i inclio, get the necessary requisition papers to bring the prsioner back for trial. Negress Sent up for Killing White Man. After a trial at Abington, Va.. which lasted ten days, Klla Gray, a colored woman, was on April "ml. given sixteen years in the peniten tiary for the killiiiir of Charles M. Chester, a voting white mini, on Jan uary 2'J last. Chester, who traveled for n Uoiinoke bus'lless lirni, was found dead in the Gray woman's yard at Abingdon. The woman claimed Chester criminally assaulted her and that she shot and killed bun. Woman Shoots a Man. In a row at a bandy bouse in GreeneslKiro last Siimlay one of tin inmates, a voutig woman. .Maggie Harris, shot 'and seriously w ounded a married man named Standard. I'he weapon used was a rcvohoi. The ball entered the abdomen, pro- diieinga serious wound. 'I he woman lms been confined in jail to await the result of the woand. The physician who is attending Stanford says the wounded man is almost certain to die. John N. Wilson, county attorney, has taken his at.te-niortcui deposition. Franklinrille Items- Mr Charlie Cox und Miss Mi'ltic Craven, the accomplished daug'u t of Mr and Mri .1 'A' Craven, ove mill l ied Sundav, ucv James Jordan Oliciating. We wish for tlieiu B long and happy life. Mr C 11 .'lulian while hauling some goi.ils tor tne iTiiiiKiinwuc Store Co., one day last week,- was thrown from the dray and sustained a painful bruise. Mr Clifford Jennings, of Greens boro, visited at Mr M G Bute's la-l Sunday, and one of the fair sex is still smiling. Mr Ed lioiith left Wednesday for Sinford where he will make his future home. We hud unite a large frost Sunday morning which did considerab!1 damage to the grass crop throng; this section. Mr William Hobson, while liaulini some cotton one ilav nisi; in, -thrown from the wagon under tin horses which spoiled a nice hat ami made an ugly gash oil his forehead. The new goods for the l-'rankiii -vilicaiid liiiiidiilp'u Store Co... ar. coming in every day and they will soon have among the nicest line, el goods that can be found in tie con in v. Mr'.loliu Free, of Greensboro, ha been visiting at Mr Marion ltabl - in' for the last week. The l-'rnnUinvillo- second ni; e plaved b'am.'.nr team on ihe t grounds a few days ago. "i'-ii 'he i-raiikliniille boys fooling .-eVeral ahead of b'amseur. We are glad to see the inijTo'--ineiits that have been made -,i la.-l ltrag Street which has been grade.! and a suspension bridge has been creeled across -rsiminn creek whir-', will place our cili a .is on both -aa -of the ..ireain in closer communication. if Flan Checks Items. Farmers ar..' delayed section ov -Mr J I-' C. !!ev II A A Cripple Brutally Assaulted. Clinton, N. I'. Mr.J. L. Howard. of Clinton, a one-legged man, was brutally assaulted one night not long sua e by four men, one of w hom n- eil him riiiu his home to a spot jusr ouusiue me corporate limits, i liere the attack was made with lubs, sticks and a wagon whin soon aftir. The men where arrested and hound over in a IfJtiO bond each 1 wo have since furnished bail but the others are still in jail awaiting u iai. A Cigarette Blaze. Monroe, N. C, April 4. A bov whose name cannot be learned at the present writing has covered himself with enduring fame by puffing a cigarette to such bad purpose as to start a fire at the Indian Creek Cot ton Mill, three miles south of l.in c.il.ieu. ' ' ' ' ' Details of the tire are meagre. It is known, however, that four thousand dollars worth of cotton, the cotton house and waste house were burned. The only insurance was that upon the cotton. Your correspondent's informant did not learn the amount of this insurance. The fate of the cigarette, with the boy attachment, is nat stated. Hi probable that the cisrarette was care Iessly tossed among some inlhunmable material and Sampson-like perished among the rum it had wrought. Obituary. Mrs. Mary A. Curtis, wife of X n. v.urns, aiea &l ncr nome m ar (rays Chapel Mar. 29th, l.t03. Sh was a gentle chrisUiin woman loved by nil who knew her. She leaves sorrowing husband and seven chil- Iren and many friends. She will be sadly missed, bill our loss is her gain. J ne nerearea ones weep not as those who have no hone, for thev shall meet her in the clad beyond. U the soft mellow waves of" God-civen solace flow in soothing ripples over me laceraieu nearts ot the bereaved relatives and friends and soread over their wounds the precious balm of resignation until they meet her in that land where nartinir is no more. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Gray s Chapel. work in t!i inn li rain. .111.1 v ili.-- pivaohe I an able sermon pulpit at l'li-asant Gl'oie . llev W W Lawrence 1 neighborhood veslenlay. -Itia.ly. of Cedar Falls, u .iron "and bom. place for I ,1.IV,. 1 M Ib-ady. i Falls, .-.a- down to see 1 . -teniae. Th.-r ai w if nick-.- a pi made a Hash of we heard no singing-. v " a W Leonard is all smiles ll..-'ght fi.-ni hi April :oh ua in thi -Mr.bel! sited ll.ll he !a-l few il otil, v. bich ' sill nose, .is .s','i4 Iv.vcry farmer knows thai ni plants grow better tli in ers. Soil'inay bo the fanic I seed may seem the same - some plants arc weak ami rs strontj. that's the way with '.i.vn. They r.t'2 like young ::ts. Same fooil, same home, a: tare but some p'uw l i.-, 1 r-trontj while cithers stay . ,'1 .-itid weak. ' ' '.v.tt's Kmnlsion offers an w.iv nut of tlve clilTiettlty. ..1 weakness often nu '. ; rot hecanse of 1 u k . o l. hut becauf.o the food . rot feed. Si olt's ICti.ulaion really feci' 1 oiv.es the child growin, :v.:tlt. 'h.-aever the cause of wea . "i, l failure to "row- i''-; l''o,ii!sio'i seems to find :i.l M.-t the m lit.-r tiyltt. ,- . . v .. I . C-allM , New York . c a ?i ... ; ...I diuta;iU. (JUKES BI.CK)') POISON, I ASCEH. PLCEK5, Et ZEM.X , C A HHUNCLK8 E1C. MEDHTNKFKEE. Robert WnrU, Niuxey' . Gn.. a's. I Butlered Irom blnl i oUon, mv i-ait, iHee anil -boulders erf one mB of corroptlou, aehu lu I" lies and 'i ouj Uuiulnj-, iuhlug, scabbv kti. ie IHood Halm uun-tl inn imf.-it y, heal id oh the sores ard gave my kin i lie h uluw ..' liinlih. Bloo'l n-ini nuvr life ii.lo nil blood aud 1 6 v lino tut. i. in my bruin " (iro. A. Wil- r. Kcs'.uiry, fnce eotertd nh pnu- . .a r o c s re oa baelt of benil, sup ,it rsitii. it ku.-. Illni-on ueelc.eutli.f li leer Done pains, iicomn sxe- .cimu feellv bv boliiuie lilooJ Unln. isnli b.al.d. Botuile lib ml Blm s all niidlKuuut blond Iroubloi, mieb us eoiun, i. hub a"" scai'e, i'i'P'". li llllllig H'TfH, enrbunliC", ' "lula, eic E peeiiilly adviwl for all obsltn nlf. ran. tli"t I avo rein hel the second c i-1 il ird MiiKf . 1 mproves t be d gert 1' u ; siici.RthFua '-ak kidnrys' D.uKKlstf, 1. lo t roie il inient-eami'le of Blood linlm sent free und prepaid by wriiing lllooi Balm Co., Atlanta, (. Iewrlbe ireui leauil free n.edlial anvice sent in soaltd letter. Watt later. in-rio bill, . Bill ..f pr a lot ot nnli' ally made th with whom i There viii 1 and i: eiia-bi gang i- fore. Gnashing of Teeth. il'immnoed by a prominent .i'ie.-r that one e:;ci I ot th .-cd by the late I.-gi.-tbe diminution or a bo iealiv all of liie store sigei-. in this Mate. pt v. ill be a o,.,p;,S:iu,- ; Iv wished for'' i :iolcc;i--,U. ,!e...-l. liuiii- 'no have gen n-.-lves offensive to all iv i ome in contact. a loud l.mieiitalion r of n-eth win -li this "fiom th- swill tub !.-( Iiathani Kecord. Report of Committee Appointed to Settle With Clerk. NOKTH CAHOLINA.l Kaudolpli County. i no uiiiiersiiiieu oimocu coo.....ut "- " .' -- Lassiter, W. J. bcarboro and J. A. Spenco beg leave to submit the follow inc report for the years beginning Di-c. 1, -6M and ending Ucc. I, 1903. That they met in the court house ut Asheboro on tho 2th day of Jan. 11)03 and proceeded to discharge the duties intrusted to Micm, and atter i,..in. livn lv oniiniel in exaiiiinins the books of distnbutiou, records ol settlement and iiidement dockets and other books and reports iwrtaminfr to the otlico of Clerk of Sttpciior Court, they find that 0. G. Hendricks the Clerk of the Superior Court trom Marcii, ip. io uec. i, uo, the following itemized errors in his report to the county commissioners for the term Miding lec. 1, 1902, which amounts are duo the parties named herein and should have been included in his report and should hare beea turned over to the new Clerk: To Whom Duk. Heirs of Annie Peace Heirs of Isaac Fallow Heirs of A. J. Crayon Heirs of Micajah Jackson Sundry parties No Cask. A Western ditor was miming the motto, "We tell the truth," at the head of his paper. A few days ago. houcvei. he encountered several gen tlemen who objected to the truth be ing told, and as a consequence the motto disappeared and the following notice was pruned: "i nui e lecot or from our injuries recently received this paper will lie just the same as the rest ot I lam. (.'IT.SiluN A - MiL-ust Haw.' .'A Kl'.t'.D still I A PKOMINHXT "INISTKIl BECOM- MEM8 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, ClIOI.KUA AND IUAKHHOHA REM i;nv. Rev. 1'rai.eis J. Pavhlson, pastor of in,. St Miinhow lluiitisi cliucli and ...a,l..,o ni Hip Ihir.l District li'P A-socliiuion, 2 ill! Second St. New li . una. writes as follows: i unve s.u i liKinl er sin's l olie, t'ho'eni and li ,o rl.,i Kn . , t fori'iampsaiid PhIi ihn .nan ,cb und a. una u eic iieni. li is in toct the best cramp aiei colic -. civ I have cvrr umvi Also severoi I nn i u-iutiioii.n-s have ue d it lunily sa l.-faetory resulls." For sale tiy s an ami u.ui in . .isucuuiv. the tar- tlie civili- Vor.r ei .tll-rs' and cr-.llil- ei 'hrmc'if '' u-inu si'V- I iii-etioii or liili-ns-: v.-.-re sea co aiei tl.ey ll ..r. r..il'T- , Nui ioin etc. i Aai'ist V . v.cr to cln.n en .mil toy I.-riiienaiioii nf un i .!, !-)-. lot" 'le- action ol lie' on a- Hi-, ii.th.us o il ill ! . lie is ,.t; al t.fi- "The Land of The Shy." Thi. is the title of uu ultra booklet JlLt l-Mled l'V tilt ) doiarliil'-iit o! tin descriptive of We laia. This book is beaut if nil v Min ed, and give.- the prospective to an t-M-clh-iit id.-a of the attract io liiis charining iiioiintain eounli) To tiio.-e i letup luting a li i either health or pa-asm .pring or suinnier, it w to apply to a repr outlurn liai.v tern North ('; during i i. .llld be Well .ntative of tin On tho first and third Tuesdays of April, May and June the Frisco sys tem (St Louis A Ban Francisco Bail wad) will have on tale reduced one way aud round trip tickets from Bir mingham, Memphis and Saint Louis to point in Arkansas, MiseouH, Ok lahoma, Indian Territorr and Texas. U-:.. UT T- C I i-i m. -r. "ow n j. ottuiiuer-fy . a. r, u Attempted Rape. fon liussell, colored, of I'awtroe township, was placed in jail Wednes- uay, cnargiM wnn committing rape on a four-year old colered girl of the same township. We could not learn any thing of the particnlars more I haii that Kusmdl was tried befoie J.f pure 11. 11. W. Paschall and ordered to jail without bail. War ren ton lieeord. A Little Child Goes Marl Bit by a stray dog the little six year-old son of a colored preacher named Williams, Hying near Sun- bury, is ravins mad. Frothing f inr mimm anu uiueous cnej be is dying dying in anguish and pain while a heart-broken father helpless ly watches his pitiful passing. Eden ton " Transcript. Trinity Irems, Miss Epsie Woolen spent Saturday onu ounuay at. ner nome in Jlantlie man. Mr J C I'epper left .Mon day to join camp No 1, of the sur veying party of the Iialeigh West ern. Several young ladies an J gentlemen of High Point spent Suu- uy evening in town. air Ueorge Craven has boueht afine vonnir horse nu ne is me envy oi all tne boys in town. Trinity High School ball team and one from Itandleman will cross bats on the grounds here Mon day evening, April 13th, at 3.00 V M. sharp. A rood came is expected Key Albert Sherrill Dreanhed an excellent sermon Sunday morning to a large congregation. Mr Jeff Andrews has improved the ant-ear nee oi ma nouse ov anoint? a new front porch. Sheriff Finch came up Monday on the vestibule to sneud sevsral days at home. Mr Loo White, of iialeigh, was in town last week to see his brother. Mr J J White. Miss Harris and brother, of Thomas ville, visited their sister, Mrs J x iienry, Bunday The little girls of the town who have been col lecting missionary money, uioved a nice time at the parsonage Saturday evening. Key Geo Kirov, of High roiui, maae uiem a nice talk. Ke fresementa were served and each lit tle girl was riven prixe. Over $13 was collected. Negro's Throat Cut Walter Hess, bad white man. while drinkine. cut and alaahed th face and throat of Frank Hall, a Cool Spring Items. ll. v dames Webster pivael.o.l ai, exceleiit sermon at this piace m- day. i;, v M N Cooper, of C re, ns- boro, will 111! his regular appoint nt heiv the s .ml Sundav. The thrc-y ear-old child ,,f M'r :,,! Mrs Washington lirnucr fell from a foot log into Sandy cieek la-l w.-el; and inflicted a serious woimd on it- forehcad. Mr l;..iL. Waid and Miss .Martha Jones vi-iicd Miss linn ma Ward Sunday and also att.-n l.-u the holiness meeiiug at While's Chapel. Miss Margaret WaUer. who lias b.-eii seriously ill, is iiupiov- A I'KOV-IRilTIoN WHAT ( ' 1 A M Hi: III. a IN h COIJ-', CMOLI-iltA AND I'lAKIillnr.A ItKMLDV CAN DO "One af our eu-tom-s, a mt'. resp ot. cl c itlen of this .! .e , ; I. , e tor in jears ssuffrrer fron c.runie diarrho-r," wriies Walden & Mani a ilrnirjfl.f--. of Keterpri e, Air. "H hHli iisc.l vriou pa'nt Drenar.itio.. and been tresied by .liysi ign willmn any p rmxiii'iit DTiefli. A few in r.II n eo be enuimenced taklne Chaml.ei i.i - Colic, Cholera nd li.r.hoa It- ni'dy' Sl.iiiv eil.z.-nes ol Kntu',rse v In 1; ia.-iic.s an 1 ,1 a i,ov .lo-s ot l.iei,-s A i r. iu b in d t rin. I" uni'.e it .1 th- ie. U nothing seriou it "iili "ii. V. u can get tt f rem. ov at ail ilruj-i-ls .noveback li law. H- i ,-lliai; ie to : ad- i.i of iil.es- llder- l.e a te t . o. l of i on i -. undev-tau.N t he Mie.M b.e. no show of el. .-iioit III the I'il' b di.'.iiet. Mi l'.la. kbiirn has ii..t ve! ,.i, n.il an olbce in o jo ii no siioum dccnlc iii loom,, le re..-t;:-cen.l.oro 'ain. ror liv.-r iroul'les nu I catstipH'i. n i'here's n .'tiiiii- I. ;.,r ia urentioii I han I.iul - Uarlv Id. -, the fann u- little pi. la I I: y always i iTo t r. . ai.- an i save doctor I'll... Liltle K.rlv lits r. ar di'ereat fiom 1.1- Oil) T ; ill.-. Toft, do not we ike., Hie sv.si.-Di, ' ut mt as a toioc to i lie ' - lies by nronsi .e the s errta.ri an. I restoriiiK the l.ver to the f-ill i mee of 111 film-' on n-t irall 1 IKlolWoo.;. While playing in the yard one day ast week, the fourteeii-moiiths-olil laiightei- of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. hit- lev, w ho reside a few miles north west of (irecnslKiro, fell into a tubof water and was drowned. Ihe littl s mot hei discovered the fad oh --lit of her baby, but was too lute -ave Inr Me. i he uanv was nurieu at Mt. l'i-gah. Greensboro 1 atnot. A SWEKT I1REAT1I : ever fa'l'.ng "iitn of a bea'thy sioinaeh. Hen in.. Dr.-ain is i'i iu st-mieh is out of ordoi. There is no remedy in th- worlo en.ual to kouii c-ap-jsia 1 urf lor cii'mii luiiig-siiou lv- epsia and all stoinaeh disorders f rs. Msn S. t'riek, of White Plains Kv.. wiii-s: ''I hnve been a 'tyspsptic I r vpars ttlwl all kinds ol remeilie hut e .utime d lo grow worse, lly tlie hi of Rodol 1 lecau to Iwpiove ai e. nd after takl..K a few bott'es am fu'.iv restorid In reinht, health and urer.Bih and can es1 wha'evrr I like U .In! ,1', el. what von eat and insk' i he qtouneh wri t. W. A. Underwood Itninll-m in. HAK8 A CUUN SWEEP. Thereto nothlnv Ilka Mr,. th.-,. tboroiiRblir. Of 11 the Bdrn jon svir beard of, Bockien's Araioa ialn it lb mt. I aweaps away and rare Bams L'-uieman Kill testify to i in ir.th fulnesi of this stateinrnt." Fi r sale by Sundard Dr .e C'..., As'.e'ioro; Half the chariri of piide is lost under the preMiire of work and iriitation of haste. We rarelv kmm our best friends on their ide; vision of their noblest selves is lantty onsctire hv the mists of pre- occiieation in.TI ivcarniess. llamil- ton W. Mabif. GOOD KOU CUILIIISLW Tlie i leunnnt to taki and liarml-s tine Mi ate I ouli Cure eives immedi ate rtdiet in a'l cases of CntiRb. Croup od LaClripps liecausM it dtx-. not pa immcdiitcly into the stomach but like, effect right at -lie ma I of tbe troubls. It draws out th" iutl umia ti' n, hoals and soothes and euros p-r-m inentiy by "nnb'in(- t' e lunvs to con-tribui- pure llf.'-KiviUK aud lirti-s-'srain-inL. i,xye :a to th- b'oo-l ind li-su"-. W A Und'-rwfio-l, handlemRii. ll is triii- tii.it in. .st of the places her. ( I.ilihvu are taitgbt need re foi mation and renovation, but the teacher who will coi.tetit.-dly live in a disgraceful school-house needs re formation us much as the phuical -iirrniindiugs. A t-UKE TlltStl. It is 8-iid tl.it nothing is suro csi.-ii. d ailiuml in.v.s, Irn il.nt 1. nut ni(o 4?lhnr trim. Ur. Kings New D s .' ery far Consuaipt.aa l- a miru cure for all Line an' ti ro.it tr. uiilm I n..;, lands can testify to t' at. Mrs. I' li. Van lil-lre . f S . pherdon V. Va. soys: had a severe cpsi- i,f Hronehiik and f. r a v ar tried rverv- ivltiitiiL! J heard of, but pni no relief. .... ....c'vai. w i..3.'i.-..OTv;.L marriages than all the immorality of the world put together. UlK NOTICE IS SERVED. Due notice is li-rol.y serred on tbe p.iijlic Ko..eri.llr inai UeWiti's Wii. Iliicl sialve is tli" only salve oa tbe ninrKft tliHt is made Irura ihe pure uim.l.lti-raii'd wiieb bniel. DeWitt'i W'lich ll.izel Snlve ha cured thons anus of eases of piles Hut wo'ild not yield to a y oilier treatment, and (bin fa t has brought oui msny worthless iv . i ouii'i i feit. I hose persons wbo iret in" n nuine uen iii'a w iten Hazel Salve are i ever disupiioi ned. b.'i-nu-e cures. W. A. L'uderwoo'i, Handle infill. bottle ol Dr. Kintt's New 1)1 e.y i hen cured ine nbsolule ly. lis n!a lit.ro f- r Croup, Wb -opini: Cougli 'oi nieamoria an I L .inun pti ' r.v ii u'b ku Arsule ' bp Siau urd i) ug I o., Asbeb to. Irii.lljolll lie... siztjs Sue, SI I 'J The Wisconsin "U.gislaturo has passed a bill which prohibits the manufacture and sale of cijnretts or ciL'aretfce paper in thut State after July tbe lirst next. TOO GREAT A RliK. A reMal.U remedy for Uiwel com olalnis sheulJ elwtys be kept at bund The risk is t"0 are ut for snyous io t . ke Cbaaib'rlalD's Colic. Ctolo.r and Diar- rboer Remedy never fails and hen rodnoed l'h wster is Dleas-ot to lake. For sale by rtiaudsrd Drag (Jo , Aebe- Ooro. Tbe capacity of flie business con cern that advertises jndicioulv aud uuiiuuuuuueiy is luvarioiy umiu-u, Prioters' Ink. . ' """s-v.o, u. a. a. u, i , - . -7 , V - i sweeps sy ana nree Haras Frisco System, Atlanta, Ga- for in- ?es?ro cab dnver, in Salisbury last fores. Brsfs,,. Cuts, Boila, Utoem. . tSatnnlav. Th nrrn will Ll.l. 8ki Eraotloos and PIIm. It'. ni. Ul-m Mat been releaacsi on iftZ. DragcZ ' "J"'ral0 ?w-' Onlyae. at btautiar. llruf Mio. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. H. M. Austin of Winohnstse. Tnrf knew what lo do in tbe hour of nai His wifs bad snrb an annaoal ease of siomacn and liver trouble, pbyiocatu eomd not help ber. He tboogbt of end tried Dr. Kinft's New Life P.Us and sbs (tot relief at one and was finally In the South to,' people out every lut) liv- in the country. If il pays to have "ood 1 h 11 re lies in th. country, then it ouoht to pay b Have ood school-houses there. All WEUE UAr'FLEl). Wo d con.es fr. iu vke, Ark, that Ilav. Jao. J Cox had asiranire n aHdv a.-c mpanifd qi- yellow jsundlie. For I bypiolaii. eii) I.s 111 -il end tho ieh ev rlbn g knom lo the pro m was iced, the troiiu e reuianie.l d .y in- b- gan 10 us.' Eleeir c bit ten and in a wo. k, a c:.a:i.e for tbe batt-r ran e mid. at i mitli be wax ti elr cured. It's the must reliable iiie iictiiA tor Iiver and Kidney tr-ub (in'v 50c and gnaranteed by Kttndard Drug Lo. Iii many southern states the an mini aveiaec salry of of a public school is less than $141 per year, This is about lorty cents a day, the amount allowed the connty jailer iu several southern states for the main tenance of criminals! DOES TI TAY TO BUY CHEAP? ia all right, bat yon want soaiotbl A rheap remidy foroongha and cold '"nt will ri liete and cure tho more e- snd damerous rosulu of throat aud lung I rootles VYbat sball voudo? Go 10 s warmer and mors r- gular o)i- maier res, 11 pcwiuie: 11 not povsibte fur yon, then iu either ess take tbe only remedy that bas been in'roduced in all civilised countrlen wtib eueoess 1 severe ibrat and lunar trrnbles, BoeJhie s Uerman H.rup. It not on.y beals sad stlmnlatea tbe tissues to lefctroy ibo eerui disease, bus allays in flamaiation, oaaseeeasr eipectoraUon. (-.T'-s a good night's res', mid euree lbs p ttieot. Trr one bo' t . RecOmmerj ti ed msiiy years by all druggists In tbe sorld. oa caa git this rellab'e remedy at all druk'g sts, ftlM Hoc and 7e. - ' I Many Attractive Trips AT Uxtremely Low Rates VIA Southern Railwau Un account of the following oeea. viol), extremely low rales have been su 1 lori.ed via .-'Jin hern liuilway, Jwbich art- svaiisnie 10 me general public: ATLANTA, GA., for meeting Na tional Conference Cbarities and Cor reetlone, May D-12, 1903. Tickets on side May 4 aud 5, limited to return nn til May P., ltwi. ATLANTA, OA , National Onven te n Itai.list lione fconle s Union July H-12, 1903. Tickets 1111 sale July 1 ut iu, niuiiea return until July 15 r.xir-ns'ou 01 iiuiu may o- ois fcii'iel ou those tlcke's tn Anfrust 16 moi, 11 uepo.iiru i y ;orlj(inl purchas ers witu specml Agent, AtlAnia, Ga. on or t.eior" joiy 10, 1IM)3, ana spun p mom 01 iee ei nry cenis. liO.TON. MaSS National Educa tional Asaocali'n, July 010, luos. i ielieia on sale Ju!y fi ;to 5. limited to reiuru untllJu'y 12. I'm. If tickets e it. p .sited witu Joint Ag.-nt 001 rlinr ll an July 7 nnr liier th-i Julv 11, aud upon Raiment, of fee of flft certs, ex snsion ot final limit ma be "tilslned 10 sep'enbe' I. li"3 UAUOM. U.. Souse (Jane (iroweis Jiivwitin.i. .VI ov 0-8. 19 .3 Tlckots on Site May 4 and 6 (eic pt in Georirji an-l Alaiiarca, ou sate only on Mav 51 inniien to reiurn until aiay u, iis3. xm a 311 villi., ia.-a. uene-al As. embly ."nmhc la-d Presbtterian t bur,b, M-y 21-2l, 1jo8. Tickets on sa e Mi.v 21 to ill. limned toretnrn nn- 111 June 1. NliVV OBI KANS, LA. Almeriuan iical Ax.oelat'on. KUy 6 8. 1S03. Ti -kits on sals May I to 4, l mite 1 ten l' ror rrtoru, axrept 1' deposited witb Buecid Astentl New Orleans, tint later tbsu May 12, and upon payment 1 iee ot nny asnu, un-n dixv be tended to May 81. 19U3, ' NEW ORLEANS, L. .-National Manulaotarers' Assoclat-qn, April Wii. IHIIDII UD HID aflni IB EA 17. VJ03, limiied to April 18, 1H03, for re- tnrn. Eneraion ot find limit t" April SO, 1908. may be obtained noon deooait ui lo-eia who opeciu Agent, "law Orl- aa, and payment of fee of fif y e. ts. ItJCHMOND. VA. Southern Eduea tiunil Conferenoe. April 23-17. Tl;k et on s-le April 80 lo 82. limited tore- tarn un'il April SH, 1803. SAVANNAH, UA. Hontbem Bs list Convention, May 714. 1(03. Tijkets on aula May 4-7, llmittd to re turn sntll slay 20. Br depositine i-uae.s kiio DpfKH-u Agent, oavannan, not Uier than May 80, and payment of of nrry eenu. nnal limit ma be si- tenoVdioJane 1 1V08. Tickets on sal to above points from ad stations nn tsoatbern Railway. Foe detail' d information suwly to n aretl Ticket Air nt ol Houthern Katl- a or oonnnJtint; line, or eddies. Amount Dub. $ 2 20 4 26 33 75 2 61 1 99 7 65 ' 0 25 3 30 25 1 20 222 30 50 10 2 10 ' 8 60 30 60 20 . 30 30 80 80 2 10 1 20 4 10 2 10 1 50 60 60 4 90 60 4 20 60 1 00 35 3 1 40 06 61 33 163 25 5 55 590 61 When said amounts were ascertained the same were paid over by ex- Clerk 0 (' Hendricks to V C Hammond, C. S. O. In addition to the above the committee finds that lie has in his hands as receiver the follow ine, (be roiKJit of which is usually and properly made to tho judge riding the district. li li Cox et als 3245 05. Coltraue heirs 393 81 Egbert Hummer 65 62 Surah lliushnw 62 70 Joseph Uancoi k 130 44 Total 4099 62 The committee tind that U O Hendricks ex-Clerk of the Superior Court during the period in this report has properly disbursed, paid oyer and ri'imrteii all other county funds which have come to his hands as Clerk of said Court so far as they have lieen able to discover. All of which is respectfully submitted. This April 6, 1903. II. 0. LASS1TEU, Chairman, ) J. A. Sl'ENCK, Committee. W. J. SCAUliOHO. I IF YOU WANT THE BEST JOB PRINTING SEND YOUR ORDERS TO US. 7743, Window ys Miller State vs l'oter Ureen "rs:i:i. Thompson vs Chaudier 7i,V., (i.uilford I-.br Co vs W A Fox, Sundry parties 7),'i!', Guilford hbr Co vs A I'ox, bumiry parties St vs Charlie Vomits S Keddick Heirs of hlizabetn .LaugUIin 8440, Wmslow vs Sanders J A Blair 8478, St vs Crisco A S Barker 8o(K, St va Sherman MneKier, a i i-rown fi.lli'.l, St vs Cornelius Anderson, Sundry parties 51 j, St vs llobt Millikau A S Barker 8,"0, St ys Slinbe l,unib Jiiagisirates 8053, White vs Fields Sundry parlies 8677, St vs Wni Harris J M Brintow 87o0, St vs Peter Hardin W V Bedding 8741, St vs l'etcr Hardin Ell Bobbins 8780, Moflitt vs Mcflitt Shepard 8801, St vs llobt Evans J 11 Gilmer 8Siil, St vs J D James W S Garner 8845, Burns vs U K II M Johnson i See inheritance tax $40 14. receipts 11 '.KV'''. St vs 31 li .Moon li U Tadlock '.M'i'i, St Clius Gibson Norf Black & Luttcrloli 01i;7, St ys Win Walker Maine ijiugulin llo, lurvis vs riirvia a u ard ner 12S. Elder vs Wall Sundry parties 210, Bd Education vs Itandlcinaii, L 0 Tadlock H i, Cavincss vs Elizabeth Foust, A G Pickett 272, Allen vs tioley A is liarker S.s'.i'.t, St ys Lnnpley W F Bedding 81HI4, St vs Englisli Sundry parties Pnstnbution docket pago 90 JJora I? tiller s heirs Blizzard heirs Bobl 11 Littel Heirs of Nancy S'lciicer iJisi juj .iiaiiiu.i uuwow Totul il How Can I Keep Up with 1 the Times ? T t,if,?r , ty hard l k P Informed on th. ' 1 political news, the scientific ma tK. n.- A news, the educational movements, the great business developments, the hundreds of inter-l. ! na vaiuawe articles in the hundreds of excellent -magazines. About the onlv ; v. ' the average busy man and woman is to read I I "agazine like The Review of Reviews," .nd, a" it is the only magazine of the sort. It Is a good 1 I thing to send $2.50 for year's subscription. "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT says 1 ... 1 t throui-h its column vlnrs baWtwsa m.r asated to mt that 1 could not oth.rwis. bar. hmi ZZIT, r. ( tbsir Idea, diverge, , fre. utter.nc. in It. eotodW EX.PRE8IDENT OROVER CLEVELAND say. ' ' I cooalder it very valuabl. Kldirioa to my Ubrisy.-'' The Review of Reviews Co.f : I ' '3 Astor Plan, Msw York Read The Review of Reviews Beducing Our Stock! We are reducing our stock of Hardware, Cutlery Ect preparatory to moving into our new building the first of the year and we are offering some ' Real Bargains in all Shelf Hardware If in nied of anything in the Hardwire line, we advise you ao call and see us while this reduction sale is on Many articles are being dfsposed of at less than cost ' McCrary - Redding HARDWARE COMPANY.