USB T5he Courier. pi; i "i-: ONl:; a. y;:. .Vit. C. HAMMER, Editor. '' ..isllit -lid mi ;v :.v. iiar(i r of n ivittury it-.i. rvi. cnco to ijivi.i:; liu- tirnrn !' ::li. "Wr aiv i t!u- South a Mil with vvhL'ii i r.-.n k .nit-u'.vn h'' A IVniisvlvaniu fainn-i- ui-nt the jilil vv Ik-it.-u Hump who li:ul ; saiiUcil hisdiiuiiii-r w- itn-aiv.-nit mul allot him llii'oiiu'li I hi' biirs, follow iny this She 'i.n jury refused to lind an I . n ! I w against liin. Tin- Aslu-vilh. Anli-Salivn .,, ninth- an exhibition of its fully unilini; itli the n piililii an-! iniinkipul i-t-ciion, ami - in t! when t ho ib-siiv for ulVnr i tlian i is tile 'iisitv lor tt-iii .-! The A.-lii'villi' (In.-.-lu-, rml'li can oran pulilishi'il at A -1 1 . 1 1 1 . complain that many of the tn-rui-. ri'jjisti-ivd in tlii- riiv ti.-ct ion ,. At-llt-viHe vvvii' not .piaiiiii-il. T-i:- cau?i"i tl;. Ualou'i A to c li Nvtt! Il.ivv vi ii (iaxotto and it- partv ili-i-mi-: any negro, dead or ;t i i -. !;o. coitUl ho jrotion on tin- ! books, was di.'iiuliiiril, ' I otherwise? Thi- i.t:v!:.''s when in muirol of the I .., Ashi'.ilU' all "ud m-v, nl In ik'irrof. 10 ri-i-ier. i. anll. - or ilitilitiralioii. A lit I vet lh. party litt-v nli,vt t,i th',. rv::i of only 1 n ho i'aii itialify . iug to law. H", lini' S chaa men i h:ini;i' n i I It tik-in! to ,.rl;.i:,i There 1- llMllMe in camp in New York, between Senator !att Oilell. uf .on:-.. hrL'ht.'ns . !(,. rat Udell is for u.,- 1'latt niaehiih' .- aula I.on l':mi. a friend of Senator 1'latt, in a vi.--.t- sai.l: -.No matter w 1: r;,i he will .low,, in ,1, publican party h.i-u't ellillli:ll to he el. fit Uoosevek is t,t he th i-autliilate. I have to .-itipi'tt ili hc is a beaten man. men 11!. e I' r.iisir. cratii- i-oiu.-iit chain- but as I'tv.-itietit eon! a rat e. tie Chief of Monroe, am Union cm tin citv i.ti Ville. S. C, trial, in lh. Unf. t hai and 11. li. were botnul Conimissioi! city, on the postollieo at i 1.. i :iiV lb A. r-. W: r l. ( cliafLTe (Jri. i ' Th unts We'-e found Ltii'tv au-.l each .ent to the I'.-iie nd I'li-. i Atlanta (ia., for a term o, tiv v The trial fotisuiiied two davs. -'ifter the 3 n . -ii serie tin ir pr. t.-rm they will b.- indicted f..t robherv of .-jv.'.u i' the safe oi (i. Shoemak. r, of Charlotte: the tempted bank reblni vat ib- k and the safe cracking at II Harrett (iricr's store, at iiattii Lo e To Be Humbusrc-il. It is truly wi.ndetfu! hov. .a-; pi-opk- are gtllh-J! Hole is an i stance that recently occurred Concord: An enterprising man -truck o town last week and stepped int.. t iiu.-ket store and bought some pivt little cakes of soap at 15 cents p tloz.'ii and within iin vards of t! Btore lie vt-ndi tl tlieln 1 v outerv ten cents a cake, declaring tiny we worth 50 cents, but that he "U introduce the soap at the iiotnin price of It) cents. It went fteel lie said the soan would cure ever thing but consumption. Ore Found in Abundance at Ore Hill. The furniKc of the Empire Ht.-e! and Iron Con. puny, was closed down last night, but not for the usual cause in tact it was it good cau-e. It has been told in the record that Mr. Isaac I'oeser, the superintendent, has always contended that there w a ore and good ore at Ore Hill, n hieh place wns almost abandoned some years ago. c-o prcsistent was he in his opinion that the company in structed htm some time ago to niuJu investigation, which has Wn don. bT d'gS'OK tunnel. Tbe result lias been that hue ores in abundance have been found, so abundant, in fact, that it ia found necessary to cou atudt tramways at the place to get the ore to the railway. Hands aie scarce and Mr. Posser was instruct ed to close down and take every man he could find and go to Ore Hill and put in these tracks. Greensboro Keeord. Gnj't Chape Itcnt. Fanners hare made good use of their time for tbe last few days. ueT utumi casn . nitea an ap- inui imniL nere urn e q l u oyuuaj id i'ebmarr. Moat of the sick of th community ro oonmiescent. Mr and Mrs B W Tngh, o Mill boro, tinted in this lection lart Sim duv. Mr ami Mm i VT I'n-.'h visited y,--z' at fcorthti:ie BILL ARP S LETTER. i Wheie is my mimlstone. Where ! is tit;, take and my ax-? l'id uny- 1 ': vt hear ot a nejjro stt'iilinir a 'Mi'l-telie'r lie Stole U 10 sell ol I.-: r li- thought it was a clnvse. ! 'a bet th. re me twenty niijioes in ; of my Inui.-e who know all ;.:! it i' it'iimUloue, but they won't , Thai is a race trail not to . ,- .1 mi one another. Who steais my I . : 1 1 1 1 piteous before we j;ct up ill j ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 i 1 1 u ? We haven't had u -.jtiaii to eat ill three months. I .Mr. Cleveland made a good speech I in New Yolk on the race ptoblom, land .-o dill Mr. rarkliui-st, but you .-..n't tuakiwi good citizen out of a i i eio without he has a muster or a i, en w hum he has to depend. My ; ;.i:,;"ii from observation is that I 'i'li-ki -ee can't tin it or any other '-ea-ol. Tin' more education, the j It-- iiifiiualinn to work for u living. I V-, In are tile Tiiskegee gratliiates. I 'a-t iawiiu' around or teaching j -,-'.'.. ... I, 1 real in yesterday's paper ! heiv a ii.-gt-o school teachci was te.i'ilit in inning made a fake list of !::.- . li. lar- and drew more money j ihan he wa- entitled to. ltut ueith-jei- II, velum! nor I 'ark hurst nor any i ..ti:"t- Northern man knows enougli !..:.enl the iifgm ti talk intelligently ' about him. .Nor does this g.-nera-; lion of Southt in men know much ' in re. Nol.otly ki.ows but the few j old u. en w ho are left. Itlf editors 'and lew -patKl men do not know. i'i'inv are all loo ouui;autl most of . l',,. in t-.iiiie froiii stot k that did not m i roes in tin-old lairy times. 1 I .1" not assert this through conceit. 1 ! ait it tain- and astonishes me to 'e ar .Northern speakers anil sotuu 'i-s the South saying that i ' tii" u 'uro was set fi-i.v iie has ma il wt'inl. rial i.roulvss, cotisider- ,: i:i that for a thoit-aiid ve.-irs he hail ,!-.. ,;i ith.-v a satnge or a slave. Mi .:( .', m land -aid "theiv is still a uricv :!i' i- alii" .at "f iguoratiff, a sad .!: u ! 1 1 ft 1 1 1 -1 ' u - n i - - and a tivinon- I .! hi- amoutit of laiin s- and thrift : :: -- in'i riiiitigled with their eiti ell-hill.'' i IT Mr t !i veiaiu! hail I n an old . i . t i .en ..f tile South he wouhl hii doni (alii, the negro nil, iutlu-trious, and i- thoti-aiids of the bite i.iot.le of the !i.V!lt It.-d ' Not an itr.i was om ie war from lio (iranile. amp nor a ..ilia.' lo tin as not a convict Th. in all the South Th. ivhiiioti was faithfully ob n. i ; :;e i. ro families were -I ami happy, for most of I a kind master and mis ... will 1 -et up in the night i-!. r to tli'-ir sick. 1 i;i I lie : to I..- puni-hed, of coin-.-, I.a.l bite children, but it i.t I t.. he done. Talk about kle- .nd the chain- of hi i i- all rot anil imagination tlrei! hate a ina-ter until Sk a's,'l'li-.",r'a"1MlT1it,il! I li.-iii lie. d one. and lie i o tin thousands of v. bile The fad is there are few ho have not got one. I d it I have', but I have and t hat is tile mine thing - not a ch-rk in a ston :ti.. I v, i. th.-r itiale or female, but is tin , .i i!.- control of .-oniclio.h: not a . i : uiictor on ti railroad tram nor a .: -ail-. r on a -hit', nor a pupil in lb . ! -eh. '!-. nor a policeman in the tow n. ! Miic-tciiths of the people in the civ ! ibeil countries are suboi'tlinate t ! tiie oilier tenth, and it looks like e cry body ill these L'nited States be j i.ig to I'eiltly lioosevelt, save n few -I hesllleS luy-eti aild SOIlIf Jl 1-SISSlppt l, I he Hid titue .-lave got agood, fair I lin-iitioii f roiu contact wilh their 1 n.i;-!. r and master's children and ; tiie.L ;.- 'i here thev had advantage of j the poor whiles. -Most of the family I - vtai'is could read, notw itbstaiitliug ! th. re was a law forbidding their be i iiijf taught, .-hackles chains! Where ' is niv griiidstone and tuv rake and iuy a Ve? l'he negro, especially those j oi the i-opper-coloreil tyjie, (I (lout ; in. .in iiiulatloesi are natural born id ehanifs. We had in (ieorgia j more negro carpenters, blacksmiths land shoemakers than there were whites tor the same trades. These kind- of mechanics are in the State now, tuit they ilon t come ironi J us k.gee. For several liears 1 have been looking for a laboring graduate from that school, hut have not found one. A New York friend told me not long ago that I could find fifty of t hem as waiters in hotels in New York city. That is all right. The money for their education came from up there and we can spare the whole turnout. "Just emerged from bond age and ignorance and were a thou sand years behind the white race hen their shackles were knocked o!T." Oh, my country! Where is my grindstone? Before those imagi nary shackles were knocked oft our slaves were so obedient and law-abid ing we uitl not need a prison, and now there are 4,400 in the chain gangs of Georgia. Wonderful pro gress! With all their education they are meaner, lazier, dirtier and ten times more immoral in their domes tic relutions than ever before. And yet some Southern editors boast of their acquisition of property and run it up in the millions. Of course there are some good and some thrifty negroes who have made money, but they are not 5 per cent of the mass es. Oue negro in this town is worth more than all the rest. The cities are full of vagabonds who play craps and steal and snatch pursea from women and burglarize houses and keep women and children in state of constant alarm. Stealing ia ac much a race trait with them as it is among the Beldonin Arabs. Where are my young pigeons and what has become of mj store wood and eoalr BILL AKP. Mr Ii N Si aims, a yonng Raleigh luwrer, wns f!tcted president of the State ftti . ' v School Ama-mUim at The Millionaire Sunday School Class. TOPIC: Giving up. GOLDKX KU LK: Give and make others give. The last issue of Life had a pict ure of a Sunday school class with voting Koekfellel lis the teacher. In the d iss was liner, Carnegie, llave- er Ibiiina and other trust niag s. One hud a catechism on which was printed, "In Ucef We I rust. llavemeyer hud a ur ot Sugar Plumbs," Carnegie had lib- rarv drawings, unit outers were simi larly employed, liolow followed the article: Topic: Giving up. Golden Hute: Give and Make ithers Give. Lender: You will notice thutoiir topic this morning is Giving Up, which, we inter from the Scttpture lesson, mean that we must give up something in life. First, let me sug gest that we need not worry with the irgtltiieiit of the Nazarene, that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eve of needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heayeii: the comparison is not well drawn, for all depends upon the size of the needle and the camel. He also meiitiones that we should give all we have to the poor, but we "know that it would be simply folly to consider that literally. The Naza rene was iiiidoubtly a wise poison, but he never managed a coal trust. nor an oil trust, nor a beef trust. If he lived today and should happen to be picsident of an oil company, and should attempt to do business on those lines, he would soon go to the wall. (Unanimous assent from the class. I These injections must be taken practically. We naturally desire a few shares of the future life, there fore wo know that it is business to give up something that will extend our inllueiice with the Creator of all natural products the one who made a universe ot trusts, cacti ot wnicn He holds in the hollow of His hands. The question is: What will be the easiest service for us? Giving? Now we come to the underlying thought. The command to gite is virtually n eoniniund to get, tor we cannot give unless we tirst get some thing to give. How shall we get it to I'ive? From the people! This will be a twofold work: When we gel it from other people that we may give it up, we will be making tln-m give up, too, and .they unconsciously will be saving their souls. 1 should like to have an expression from a member of the class as to how we can arrange to give up some thing according to these principles. As for myself, 1 have advanced the price of oil two cents on the gallon, am) at the end of the year 1 not only will have made others give up, but would have gotten euoitoh extra p rot- it to enable me to give a few hun dred thousands to a university. Coal operator: I can estlv miners' wages mil clear enough t. endow charieties to help the poor buy fuel. the prices of beef and other meats and raise a sum to establish friendly inns and soup houses for those who cannot get work to live. Steel Trust Magnet: I can man age to clear the price of a few free libraries where the people can read and forget their miseries. Head of Sugar Trust: I can make people give up enough extra for sugar to defray the expenses of a hundred or so missionaries in Cuba and the I'hillippincs. Lender: i Ins is w nat 1 call a pruc tical Chistian spirit. Hy our work we shall be known! James Havcnscroft. Two Engines Crash on Southern Railway, Greensboro, N. C, -May 5. Twc freight trains on the Southern Kail- way collided at Jamestown early this morning and smashed up eight or ten cars, completely wrecking one engine and damaging the other. Firemen and engineers again es caped bv jumping. It was simnlv another head-on collision caused by- two trains trying to go different di rections 011 the same track. Ow ing to blocking of the Winstou- Sulem track by other trains waiting tor the main line to be cleared, pas sengers from Winston had to walk in from Pomona, that train due here at 6:30 this morning not getting iu until eleven o'clock. Negro Killed at New Bern. New Bern, X. C, May 5. George Vann, a negro t-x-convict, while re sisting arrest last night, was shot twice and death was almost instanta neous. Vann had shot a young white man named Thomas Green. Officer Lnp ton, assisted by special officers Dix on and Stvrnn, attempted to arrest Vann. lie resisted and shot Dixon in the thigh and attempted to throw Lupton off the train. A fnsilade of shots followed, Green receiving his share as indicated. Mr Geo W Garland, a young at torney of Lexington, and Miss Mat tie Snores, of Boone ville, Yadkin county, were married April 29th. W L Allgood, storekeeper and ganger, who el u Jed arrest during toe recent term of United States district court in Greensboro, has been arrested in Xadkin county and placed under a bond of $1,000 for his appearance at the next term of court. Allgood refused to testify upon the grounds that to do so would incriminate himseJT. Aft limit at too. 1 her Ii a (rrowiac aratttment which include old aw from ojolrn the beae ta of etmiee BoviiloiM in th bos.neo woo Id . Yewtk t" ewybre piefaml. Ia thi mpee Elect no Bit-M Is tlf farnu It bnefttn aid and josnf illk Bav. O. 3. BatUonir ot AMaw?, R. I vntnp. I want wrbodr to know rhitt Clwtnr Hirliil ie. It owrij m liHinmr una .ter tennhle f-i I f Ikwffiii 'tJ,- '-H-. I Trinity Items. j ,in hi i inn -"I i h"-" " . joyed by all present. Cream was .v.i. n.tiv b....i ... served t.y the young ladies wnicti was the cause of many a dime being taken in than if it had been other-, wise. I.' K Paitride ami .1 K Hall at-; leaded the Virginia-Carolina ball game in Greensboro last week. Someone tried to cuter the post-. ollice at this place one night last week by piying the shutter open with a mattock, but were frightened I awuv before thev succeeded iu enter ing. Miss Indie Young, who lias been teaching school at Central Falls, re turned home last Monday. Messrs Higgs ami Craven spent several days iu liuiidleman last week on insurance business. Mr Hriggs left Friday morning for Greensboro. Mrs Lowe, ot China Grove, is vis iting her pnrents here. Mr Lowe spent Sunday with them. Mrs K P Curr, of Durham, is vis iting her daughter, .Mrs J F Heit 1111111. Kev L T Cordell spent several days here last week with his family. Mr and Mrs Karlc 11 Craven, of Lexington, visited Mrs Nannie (ha ven Friday and Saturday. Miss F.ilna Lineberry returned bust week fiom the eastern part of the State where she has been teach ing school. Mr and Mrs John D Hrame visit ed in Winston several days this week. Presiding KldtT J K Scroggs, of Greeushoro, was in town a day or two last week, leaving Monday morn ing. The family of Kev L T Cordell has moved into the house recently vacated bv dipt Franklin. Mr. I W Hallance has bought the piopcrty of Mrs Pepper on Main street and bus moved into it. Mrs Pepper has moved into the old hotel building, and Mr A 0 English has moved into the Celtrane property on North Main street. Messrs J L Welhoni, J D Welborn and (i K Crovvell spent Saturday and Sunday in Winston, Mrs Fields und children, of Win ston, are here visiting her father, Pn.f Ganaway. We invite the students of Liberty Normal College composing the dra ma, "Ten Nights in a ltarroom," to come to Trinity, where we will guar anty them a good audience. Mr and -Mrs T 1) Hailis, of Ashe boro, came up Friday morning to visit the family of Mr B Parker, re turning Tuesday morning. Mr and Mrs F. It Carr, of Greens boro, are visiting relatives here. Mrs Hiillnrd, of Norfolk, Va., vis ited Mrs B Parker lust wfek. Elise Items. Mr W .1 Page has moved into his new house on Salisbury street. The Asheboro Luinlier XMfg. Co. under the management of Mr W .1 Page, is doing a line business in xi...... Mr K O Garner has resigned his position with the Kline Lumber C... and accepted u position at Higli Point. Mr P A Williams, who lias been sick for the past few days, is iniprov- Mr D 11 ussy died last week of ty phoid fever and was buried at Smyrna church Friday. He haves u wife and four small children. Mr M F Vuiicannon, manager of Mill No. 2, is doing a very good business, and has won many friends. Raraseur Items. Mr and Mrs I F Craven visited Mr J C Watkins in ( last week. Mrs A A Hurley and Mis Maude Allred, of Saiifor.i. visited iu town last week. Mr (ieo W Cole, of Enterprise, is in town painting Mr I F Craven's residence. Mr and Mrs A W E Caiu-l mid Miss Jessie Smitliernian, of Troy, visited Mrs W H Watkins the latter part of this week. Henry Kimery went to Greens boro Saturday. D W Wiggins and family moved to Greensboro Tuesday. Kev W K Hammer filled his ap pointments Sunday to large audi ences. The town election was held Mon day and the ticket was elected with out any opposition. Profress of Caraway. Editor Courier: As 1 have seen nothing from Caraway recently. and think it proper to keep 111 touch with the outside world, I will siieak of the progress ot uaroway. vt e have four mail routes leaving Caraway three times a week and one daily mail and, in audition to that, the energetic, persevering postmaster has built a nice commodicna oflice and haa this week secured an up-to-date switchboard for his central phone oflice, and with his competent daughter, Miss Ida, you may expect yonr messages attended to properly. Caraw-av ia certainly on a boom aud if J JarreH'a health does not fail him there ia no telling what Caraway will be in tbe future and we also have the old man Mr Miller always on hand to revive the strong, confirm the weak, and after the mail carriers sing. A Subscriber. Greatly Alknatd By a Pctabteat Cough, but PcrmaV neatly Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Bajbac. a Xailaot al law, ia Grwnti'l. B. CU ba4 km troubled lor toot r Bee fmmn with m eoritio axmaMtk wlrich k a?, "grva'k alarm ed mm, eHsDf mt to tar that I wtta la th first mm of eoenaiptiaB,' Mr. Burha, bee.nj am Chat-bsrla-n i ouvh Remedy adearit'Kl, I eou. ln.lttj t fcjr K he cat' of it: 1 t4 iiu 1 rmrit- f city Elections in the State. i ne chv elections uiiuiiytiuiii int-1 oiaie passeo tin i ttieiiv no tin uo c riln h-arn. M liiwn was re-elected mayor f charlotte together with 12 of the 13 uldernien running on the same ticket. Kinstn voted bond: lo the amount 1 ; 0f .ii.m.oOO. j f,e fu democratic ticket was! elected at Mt. Airv. ! The dry ticket headed by Joseph Elliott was elected at Hickory. The anti-saloon forces carry Dur ham, headed by J F Frecland. Tito democratic ticket was elected at Asheville headed by E V Kaw ls for mayor. I 11 Mover was reelected mayor of Lexington over O E Mendeiihall. Mebane and Hawlield voted for ailed schools. W H Osborne was re-elecsed mayor of Greei.sboro. Only 17 votes were st for G T Glascock, independent. New Berne eoes democratic. Dem ocratic uldernien in every ward were elected. La ti range and Chapel Hill both voteil for graded schools. It ,1 Southland was elected mayor of Henderson for the 13th time. The full democratic ticket headed bv Mayor Powell wus elected at Kaleigh. High Point re-elected J J Cox iiiavor and voted $85,000 in bonds. 1 he democrats carried Mocksvillc. Mayor Boidcn and a full set of leiniK-ratic aldermen were elected at Salisbury. L'p and Down Sandy Creek. The people had a regular picnic on the creek the 1st and it wus so cold thuv had to build a camplire. Thero were all sizes, sexes and colors. One fellow thought he had a large fish on his hook but it turned out to be a moccasin. He threw snake, pole and all in the creek and hastily beat a retreat. Mr and Mrs J F Jones, of' Kam seur, visited their ftuher, Mr Alfred Jones, of Mullen, last Sunday. Mrs Kizie- Burriss died at her home near Kandlemnn 011 the 3th and was buried at Cool Spring. She was a sister of the tinic-lionored Ward, of Sandy Creek, w ho is now in his Stlth year. Mrs Burriss was near S4. The little son of Mr and Mrs She lev Yoik died Saturday. Now there are some folks who like to have their names put in the paper but Mr Lewis lork, of Sandy I reek is not one of them. He is raisini cuin about his name being in the I imiklinvillo items last week. Messrs L York and E Burgess, of Sandy Creek, make frcmient living trips down towards Franklinville, but what the attraction is we nave not learned. Now we do not belouu to the club of grumblers at all but wheat is all covered with rust and but precious little fruit and the corn won t come up and the vegetables won't grow but that is not our business we arc The Bible says Paul may plant and Apollis water, but God gives the increase. Why Not Items. (Keceivcd too late for last week.) Miss Estelle Calicutt, of Strieby, SKiit a few days at J B Slack's last week. Misses Etta and Fleta King and Master Elsie sjK-nt Saturday night at John lungs, ot rork Creek. Misses 1 let tie and Laura Lucas, students of X A, spent Saturday and Sunday with Alice Annum, of Asburv. Mr Maness, of Moore comity, who lias recently entered school, visited his home last week. Miss Vclon Lawrence has return ed from High Point- Mr W C Spencer has returned from a trip through the Southern and Western States. There will be a public debate at the Academv Inursdav in cut. Mrs GB Freeman died April 14 and was bnried at Christian Union the ICth. We extend our sympathy to the beieaved relatives. The stadents are preparing for commencement. We are expecting a nice time. Cheeks Items. Ret H A Albright filled his pul pit at Pleasant Grove yesterday and preached an able sermon. Our Sunday School is progressing finely. A large crowd read the les son on the 1st Sunday and large number of spectators. Mr and Mrs J W Brady, f Cedar Falls, visited Mr Brads' parents Saturday night. Several of the members of the An tioch choir attended preaching Sun day and assisted the choir at Pleas ant Grove in singing. Come again. Messrs J A and & A Brady visit ed their nncle J F Cox, and think he is slowly improving. Mr G P Bray was a pleasant call er at Jaa Brady's Sunday evening. E S Caviness found bee tree Saturday evening guess he will nave plenty of honey. Married, st the residence of J A Bradv. on April 26th. J C Bradv nd Angie Brady, J A Brady, J P, officiating. Misses Mary and Maggie Cheek visited Miss Lnla Hick Sunday evening. farmers are hustling their work preparing for their crop now. Wheat aud oat looking fine now. Issasrtsst FaYassra. Balaace Yoar Maaara. A ton of stable manure contains only 89 pounds of plant food. It should contain 75 pounds. Add to each ton a tack of Kainit and 180 pounds'(say sack; of acid phosphate-Said material will increase the plsvtt food to 7S and balance the maaart for corn. A ton ot balanced manure vill then go M far w three toot of UTibalancwL FaiTner. 1 7 --"-" jit T " t, ; V' .'a f I Ut 1 1 I Cures Eczema, Itching Humost, I ! Pimples and Carbuncles. Costs Nothing to Try. 11. U. li. (BotdMO Blond Unite) s 11 1 rer'aiii and sure for eeznci, uelii' R sk 11, hum rtt, sea s. sc-'h-s, waier.v ! I. listers, pi'itplo-. nc limit l."es or joints, I101I3. ca.hunclus, pr.ektn t. ins iu Ihtt skin, old t-ntitiif c nicer, etc Hotn- to Hlo- d Balm enron ti n wo st a d .1 osi item. seHtrd tai" v .-in ii'hii'ir, purtfyinir and vitalbinu In- liloul, uieri-by sivng a h-althy loud eupi'ly to h skin. IIcrU aterv ve h ml uives the 'loll Blow vt benltb lo the ski .. . p 1I111 hro-' ii Inwii It.M.y H. d iKHkes the blood nd i .l iKinrkhing. Kf.eeilly i dvi-ed f. r lironie. -Id eime t lint doctor", patent nif ili ties p ml hot ep. i e fall In cum" I'lti-KlstB. tl, with coiiii'letedireciio. f Or ho-re cuo. To prove B. B. B. i-e, sump e sont free uud prerat'1 '-y ritloa Bin. d Balm At Ian a, D.s.nbe trouble, mid tree meilici.1 nent in roiled letter. Sliiinid lirug Conipanv. A Chicago undertaker has been haled to court for soliciting business before death ensued. Now if it had been a Knoxville, Tenii., undertaker his actum would have been regarded in the light of legitmate competition. Sensation. There was a hig sensation In Leesville Ind. tnhen W. H. Brown of ibsr places who watt pipet-tfd to d e, bad bis life ssve-l by Dr. King's New Discovery 'Or Consumption. He writes: "I en dured Insufferable nhoi.ies from Altitun hut your "New Discovery" give me im poillHte relief and soon thereafter effected a complete oura. 8iniilreitee, of ' onsumi tion, P -eumonia, Br"mhi ti an! Orlp are numerous It's tbe pi-i-r ees remrtlv tor all threat and lunK iroubhs. Price 5uc,and 11.00. (tuaran teeil hy Standard Drug O. Trial bottles freo. It is barely possible that some of the younger army otlicers wiioni General Miles accuses of cruelty have lieeii studying his own record, and are ambitions to be head of tin army themselves some duv. A SWEKT BREATH is a never fatlini: titto of a hea'thy stomach. When the breath is had the stomnch is nut of ordei. There is ii" remedy in the world equal to Kodil Cyspepsia Cure lor cu'ins; indigestion, dynpepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plain, Kv.. writ.-s: ''I htve been a dyspeptic t T years tried all kinds ot remedies but continued 10 grow worse. By tbe mo of Kodoi 1 Organ to improve ai .in, e, mul alter tnkhK a few bott'es am ful'r restortd in eiiib, health and gti-Hiiath andean eat whatever I like K dol digest wrai at and innkes the Btotnucb w." t. W. A. Underwood, Kauillemtin, A good many newspapers nre in dttlging in a lot of natural comment over the fact that Dr. r.. Hcnjuniin Andrews hasn t vet risen up to- ex plain this liussian-Manchiirian affair. DI E NOTICE IS SERVED. Due no-ice is hereby served on tbe Public Kenerallv tbat DeWltt's wit Hazel Salve is th.. only salve on the ninrket Unit is made from tbe pure unadulterated wlicb. Hazel. UeVVltl Witch Hazel Salve bat cared thons f nf 1IM thil r.,lt Tin I yield to any 01 ber treatment, and thit fact has broiiKht out niaivy worthless couniei feit4. I hose persons who tret tbe ytnuine D.-Witt'a Witch H.zl Salve are Lever disappurned. because cures. W. A. Underwood, Randle- man. It really does look just a little like rubbing it intoinvtte President lioose velt to 8t. IjOtiis to assist in lavin the corner stone of the Clevefaud presidential boom. D0E3 Tl PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap rem. dy tor congas and cold is ull riKUt, bat yon want sometbl that will relieve and cure tbe more re tee und damArouR reaaltn of tbroat and lung Ironbles- What shall voudo? Uo to a warmer and more r eular oil mate? Yes, if poadble; if not po-sible for you, then iu e'tber case take the only remedy tbat has been introduced in all civilised countries with soooets in severe 1 tar-tat and long trrnbles, 'Bosjbee's German Svrup." It not only heals and stimnlates the tissues to 'lea troy 1 he a-eria disease, but alut ttammatlon, causes easy expeoioration, Rives a gooj night's res', and cures the pipent. Try one Dot tie. Kerommend ed many years by all druggists in the world. You can git this reliable remedy at all druggists. Price 25c and ;5c. There is nothing more disgusting to a man who loves tbe plain, naked. unadulterated truth, stripped of the veneering of a false iridescence, than to note the air of importance assum ed by some people we meet every day. Wilson Ptews. Too Great Risk. In almost every neighborhood some one haa ded from an attack of oolic or cholera morbus, r.ften before madtolne could be procured or a phys'oiaa sum -motied. A reliable remedy for these diseases could be kepe at hand. Tbe ri-k is too great lor anyone to lake. nantDenain a one, vooiera am Diarrhoea Remedy baa undoubted! stved tbe Uvea of more People am relieved more prin and saffermg than any otbtr medicine In ae. It can al ways be depended upon. For aale hy Standard UrugfUo. Kanaleman. Mrs Ingold, of Randleman, spent Sunday here with Mrs F Arthur Henley. A Farmer Straightened Out. "A man living on a laros near be came in a abort time ago oomptete doubled op wit rbeamatlsm I band. bin a bottle of Chamberlain's Pkin Balm asd told him to ore It freely and it not satiated after subs; it sm amd not pay eeoi for It," aaya O. P. Kayder, of Pattens UtUa. N. Y. "A few days later h walked Into the store as atraight aa a striae And banded as a dollar saying. Kite mo anotnerbottn of Cbnmberlaia's Pa B Blaw . I want at ha the aoune all the tine for It eared na." For sale by Standard Drag t o. Kandlemaa. if r Richard Hollowell, of Greens biro, (pent Snnday her with Mr and Mrs 1) M Petty, r . GOOD FOB CHILDREN. Th sleUMBa to takt and harmless Ooa yinuta t -lOJia Car rt'aa innil- at rotiet 1b atl raum ot Coigh. Vravp and IisKiripp baeanse tt aoxm not paw iib isdwtely Into tbe Mnmanh. t f- ai nent ac cat seam me t'-BDble. tttltawsoot t! tsn-nims. , bAi e:. 1 W)i 1. - and ec r ei-1- D I S K I rT P L t Ti E f S T 5 MANUFACTURED Pt Johnston Harvester Company. Continental and Diamond Harrows and Cultivators. Write for catalogue prices. Randleman, N. C. W. G. BARKER, Agt. We have a complete line of the best Razors, Table and Pocket Cutlery in addition to our Mammoth Stock of General Hardware, Farm Implements of all kinds, Buggies, Harness, Etc., Etc. You will a egret it if you don't call and see us before making your purchases. McCrary - Redding HARDWARE COMPANY. IF YOU WANT THE BEST JOB PRINTING SEND YOUR. QUES I ION ANSWERED. Yes, AuguBt Klower still I as tbe tar givt sale of any medicine in the civili sed world. Yoarniiithers' nnd rnd mdthi rs' never thought of usini? any thing else lor Indention or Bilious ness. Doctors were scarce nnd they wlHnm bonid of A)ndicttlo, NerVOUS Prostration or Meat fnilure, etc. Tbey nsod Ang ist Fn wer to clean ont the system and stop fermenation of unHj gested lo'id, regulate Ibe action ot the liver, stimulate ihe nervous and orRin ic acil n of the svstem, and titni is all they to -k rlie:t fcelint dull and bad wliii h adacbes anil otber aches. Yon only nc d a lew doses of Green's Aa gut Flnwer, in liquid f rm, lo make you satisfl-d there is nuthing serious the matter with vou. You can got Uns reliable remnly at alt druggtMs. Price 25o and 75c. Iiheumncidc is a Hinerful blood puritier. It cures rlieunintisiii, scia tica and other stubborn diseasi-s per manently. This is proof that you want to take it to purify your blood 1111s spring. At Druggists. All WERE BAFFLED. Woid comes fniu vvke. Ark, that Rev, Jno. J Cox had a strange mat idy accompanied qv yellow jaundk-e. For yeara, physicians were baffled and tbough evir,thing known to the pro less'on was u-ed, tbe troub'e remained. One dny ho began 10 use Electric Bit ters and' in a we. k, a change for tbe better ean e and. at Irngtb be 111 n tlrely eared. It's the must reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trochlea Only 60c and guaranteed by Standard urug 10. Mr George B Craven, of Trinity, was here yesterday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONB DAT Take Leiatite Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggis S refund the money if it fails to cats. E. W. Grove's sis-nature 00 eaoo do 1. zso. Mortgage Sale. Hr virtue of a power of sale eontain- d In a mortrase oeea exeentea or N. B. Dicks and wife Nancy. M. Dicks to R L. Dicks on tbe 14th day of April 1900, to secure the payment of a oor Uiq bond therein aisoribed, and duty rai-orded in tbe office of the Register of Deed of Randolph County in bo-'k 107, nag" 18, and duty assigned to 8, 8. Welborn. and detanlt bavins been made in the payment or said bond as pro vided ia said marts ae dead, wo will sell at public suction to tbe highest ladder tor easa at t conn nonse door in Asheboro. Randolph County, at 12 o'clock M. oa Monday the 1st day of Jnna 190 tbe laaa conveyed and dea criSed in Sjid mortgage d-ad, at fol- lows: Aoertaln ciece ur 11 act of land I vine and being in Randolph Countv. state atoreeaiu, in new naraei lowu ahlp, Begnioiug at a stone In tbe road id running north a 1-8 daw wests cht to a atone, ibenee east IS ebs and 00 links to a dugood, tbeneo not th 4 eba and w links to an a. a at tne branch, ttmnos down tbe original branch 11 eh to a (onrwood, thence 80 eba to a stone in Ihe road, thenca a eoutbeaet course 18 ehs and 6 links to too Degiuniog. containing IS acres more or rase. a. i ottAO, aasvigagee, 8. 8 W KLBORK, Awtgnee, This) May 1st, 1901. Notke. Having quail fled as administrator ea toe estate 01 "an 1'eteraoa, Qeeaaaaii, before W C HaSBooail, clerk ol tbe - perijr Court of Kaodolob eonaty, ail persons holding claims afainat asid .ta'a are hwreby notioeii to present tbam tn the vutinraignwi, duly vanned. on or bof iretlM 1 11 h day "f April lwia. or tills smt'O m:l b Mtod la bit : tnrt.tT! md aM f'aona in- ! ORDERS TO US. ORGANS Factory Sale at Asheboro. 1!. vv. VYIi r. have Jnrt unloaded a soltit carol the -MATCHI.KSH" IBURDETT ORGANS. Iieen U'fnn the utitille fnc 87 vmra. Over In iiH-. Tin y are hlah grade Inatrumenla IB ever- nense 01 the wonl. These organs have a pure, sweet tone, easy to ojierato, handsome and substantial cases in both walnut and quarter-sawed oak. All BURDKTT OKCANS guarantml. See these organs before vou buy. g; w."fri& CO., State Representatives for Factory. North Carolina oflice and Wareroom ut Salishurv. - NEW THINGS IN CLOTHING! These cuts represent some of the new things that we are now opening np direct from the manufacturers. Call in and see the latest and beat in men's wearables. THE MERITT-JOHNSON CO. 308 S. Elm St Greensboro. N. C. Dr. W. A. Woollen, Will bo in his offloo from 8 a. m. until 6 p. m. each day to exam ine and prescribe for any one, who may de Bire his assistance. Chronic dlnertsns a specialty. W. A. WOOLLEN, M. D., RANDLEMAN, N. C. FOR Rock Bottom Prices On GROCERIES and BEST PRICES tor yonr Chicken ud Kggt be sure te go to Franklinville, N. C Kear Popjt. i 1 1 Cft'Drixton." ia.a. it,. - t