J5he Courier. Local and Personal. Mr J II Redding was in town Sat urday. Miss Ballio Ileulcy spent Sunday at home. Mr 0 R Fox returned from Mor- ganton Wednesday. Mr P P Bean, of Shiloh, was here Saturday. Mr L K Fuller, of Farmer, was in town Friday. Mr and Mrs O W Rich spent Sun day in tbe country. Miss Jessie Fetter Ti'eited Mrs S Bryant at Randleman Sunday, Mr J W Cox, of Staley, was in town Saturday on business. eJMiJRobt N Page, of Biscoe, was nere yesieruay going 10 rarmur i mencement. Messrs Ira Johnson and Filmore ttriles were in town one day last week. , Mr W C Hammond attended the debate at Guilford College last Fri . day night. Mra W D Stcdman left Monday for Concord to yisit relatives and friends. Col W P Wood left Saturday night for New Orleans to attend the Confederate Soldiers Reunion. There were a number of citizens of the county here Friday and Sat urday ol last week. Mr and Mrs N M Lowe, of Me chanic, were here to attend the fun eral of Mrs George Hurley. Mr W J Baldwin passed through Asheboro Monday on his way to Jv.atnlene, t lonua. Mr J T Rush left Monday night for Washington City, where he is ex pecting to secure a position. Congressman Page delivered the address at the commencement of High Point Graded Schools last week. Mrs Mattie Propts, of Alabnma, attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Hurley, here Sunday. Why is it Asheboro has not one or more rural free delivery routes? An effort was made to get one but it failed. The Asheboro Reading Room will be formally opened to the public Thursday evening at 8 oclock. Everybody invited. Messrs Rufus. Deaton, George Hilliard and L D Birkhead returned Wednesday from a fishing trip to the Marrows on the Yadkin. Miss Agnes and Edith Moring re turned from Greensboro Female College this morning. The com mencement exercises closed last night. Dr T T Ferree left Monday night for Baltimore to undergo treatment for blood poisoning. Dr A H Red ding, of Cedar Falls, accomompauied him. Mr Uriah Presnell has sold his house and lot in South Asheboro to Mr Causey Lowdermilk, Mr Low dermilk will move to it later on. Miss Julia Thorns, who has a re sponsible position at Graud Forks, . North Dakota, came in Monday morning and will spend some time visiting at Mr W U Moring's. Rev J P Rodgers left Monday for Burlington, where lie is assisting in a protracted meeting this week. The board of stewards voted him him a leave of absence. Zebnlon Marvin Caveness. former ly of . Brower township, Randolph county, was a member of the gradu ating class at the State University Medical Department last week. At a call meeting of the board of town commissioners Monday evening . the following school commissioners were elected: Col A C McAlister and Messrs J D Simpson, J O Redding, J A Spence and X J Moffltt. A 'phone message from Ramseur just a we go to press says that owing to the illness of two of the members the operetta, "Josiah's Courtship," will not be given here xnuaynignu Mr E B Henley, who lives about five mils west of Asheboro, had the misfortune to lose two fine milch cowi one day last week. He had staked them on clover for an hour or two and then turned them in a pasture with water in it Mist Gibson, of Gibson Station, S. C, spent Tuesday night here aud left on the early Wednesday morning train for Greensbtro Female College commencement. Miss Gibson lias been teaching at Farmer for the past year. Rev Plato Dnrham, of Trinity College, passed through Asheboro Monday on his return from farmer, where he preached the commence ment sermon of Fanner Institute Sunday. Rev Durham is well known here, having taught school at Ashe boro several years ago. Prof C F Siler, principal of Star Academy, write ns that Hon R 1 Beasley, of Monroe, will deliver the address at the commencement on next Tuesday instead of Hon Ellis C Williams has been previously announced. Mr Beasley is a good speaker and everybody that can noma near mm. Solicitor Hammer ia in Etatesville this week attending court. With this court the spring circuit or term end. The fall terms beirin with Asheboro court which convene the sixth Monday before tbe first Monday is September, the date July 27th.. JodM W B Allen, of Golds- boro, will kuld the fall terms of court! of the tenth district Mr R D Jackson, of Julian, was in town Monday. Mr and Mrs Mont Harris visited in Asheboro the tirst of the week. Mr and Mrs Thos Fuller, of Farm er, spent Sunday with Mrs Fannie Porter. Mrs Arthur Henley and children have been visiting Mrs Ingold in Randleman. . Messrs T J ReddiLg and W II Relding, of Caraway, were here Monday. Mossrs II W Scott and J M Brew or, of Ramseur, weto here Monday on business. A large number of friends and relatives from the country intended the funeral of Mrs Hurley m Ashe, boro Sunday afternoon. Mrs 0 R Cox uud children and Miss Daisy Whitclcy, of Cedar Falls, attended the exercises at the M P church here Sunday. Farmer Commencement. The commencement exercises nt Farmer Institute Ih'biiii Tuesday nifiht with a concert by the pupils. 1 he concert was composed or music, drills and tableaux. Longfellow's Hiawatha was read and illustrated bv tableaux. On Wednesday mom ing at 10:30 the devotional exercises were conducted by Iev T 8 Elling- ton, after which followed orations, recitations and essays by tbe diner' eut pupils. Miss Clara Johnson de serves especial mention lwth in se lection and execution ot "An txper inient in Mutriniony." This reading is from a chapter in "The Leopard's npots, bv the well known author, I nomas Dixon, now of INcw lork, but a native Imrn North Carolinian. The morning program was con cluded bv Mr. Julian Garner on "Social Discernment;" in this he ursed the bovs of our country to come to the front with a greater de termination to place our-country on a higher plane. At 2:30 the unmial literurv ad dress was delivered by Congressman HON. R. N. I'AOE. R. N. Page, who made a stirring talk on "The Responsibility of Opportu- Jlr. 1'age impressed upon us the necessity of taking advantage of every opportunity for our neglect ed opportunities often prove to be the fortune of some one else. I he Congressman made a line impression on the entire audience. The commencement closes tonight ith a violin recital by Prof. J. N. Rumble, of High Point. Death of Mrs. George Hurley. Mrs. George S. Hurley died at her omehere Friday at 2:30 o'clock, p. She had been an invalid since 14 vears of age, but was in no worse ealth than usual until or.e week be fore her deuth, when she was conliu- ed to her bed. Mrs. Hurley was a daughter of Mr. Z. F. Rush, Sr., and a sister of the late lamented Wiley Rush. She was married to Mr. Geo. S. Hurley June 25th, 1690. she leaves a husband, father and one sister, Mrs. Propts, of Alabama, who arrived Sunday just in time for tbe burying. ibe funeral services were conduct ed from the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 4 o clock by the pastor, Key. J. r. Kodgers. A suitable obituary will appear later. Hurt in a Runaway. On last Friday afternoon Miss Mendenhall, aged about 22 years, a daughter of Mr Jule F Mendenhall, of Trinity township, this county, was seriously and very probably fatally injured in a runaway. Miss Mendenhall was riding on a lead of hay and driving when, in go ing down a steep, rocky hill some- thine cot wronz with the harness causiug the mule to run away. Miss Mendenhall was thrown from tbe wagon and the wheel passed over her, fracturing her skull, breaking her thigh and cutting a deep cut in her side. Miss Mendenhall is in a serious condition and her recovery is consid ered doubtful, by the attending phy sician. Mr Mendenhall, we learn, was away from homo when the accident occurred. Atteav ted Suicide. Mr. Wesley Smith, of Randolph county, who recently moved there from this county attempted to com mit suicide one day last week by taking laudanum but was unsuc cessful. He is a brother of Mr. Geo. Smith of Wilson's Store, and is a hard working farmer. He ia cul tivating a farm in Kanuolph county owned by Mr. William G. Slate, of Quaker, Stokes county. Danbnry Keporter. The Wheat Crop. When we say the wheat crop will be good this year, there will be many who will say we do not know what we are talking about. Notwith standing all this we venture the opinion based on -experience and the present condition of tbe crop. It is true that the early and long con- tinned wet spring greatly damaged wheat, but tbe cool dry May working wonders" with tbe crop, and if it continues the crop will be when harvested found to be above the average. Educational Rallies at Providence Acad emy and Julian Saturday, May 3rd. As has been previously announced, Senator 11. F. Beasley, " of .Monroe, and Superintendent Frank 11. Ciir tiss, of Burlington, will address the people at Providence Academy Sat urday, May X'Jrd, at 1 o'clock, p. in. iney win uiscuss me queBuuu oi better schools and how to suppon them. Every friend of education is in god to lo present and near tneni explain the use and advantages of a local tax to lengthen tne public school term and give tho boys and girls an education nt their home school. On the same 'late at 11 o'clock, a in., Solicitor Win. C. Hammer, for eight years superintendent of public schools in this county, and Supt. (Jurtiss will address the people ut Julian. There the sentiment n strong for loeul tax and a better pub lie Bchool. All the people living in reach of Julian should join in with this movement. Some changes in the public school at that place seem to be necessary, and we think this movement is in tho right direction. Randolph county is just beginning this work of establishing graded schools in the smaller towns and ru ral districts, but we believe tbut when the neonle see the advantages of such schools the number will rap idly increase. About thirty districts in this State have recently voted a local tax; there arc seventeen more to vote; and one hundred and thirty- six that will likely hold elections yet this year. Randolph has two local tax districts and one election pend ing, while one district informs us that it will ask for an election at the next meeting of the County Commis sioners. We are gaining ground slowly, but are not keeping pace with other counties. No county in the State has more natural wealth, no brighter boys and girls live anywhere. What these boys and girls need is better schools, and they must have them. Several districts have tried different plans of improving their schools, such as paying private tui tion, and raising a public fund by private subscription. Neither of these plans have been entirely success ful, because in somo years the sup port is good and in some it is almost nothing. In order to have a suc cessful school it is necessary to know before it starts how many months it can run aud how many students are entitled to its privileges, so that no uncertainty as to the number of teachers required may exist. A local tax furnishes a fixed and permanent system of raising supplementary funds, and guarantees to every child in'the district an opportunity to get a good education at home. It dis tributes the burden of support among all tho people in the district accord ing to their financial ability. When a school is supported by private sub scription only those who arc most able to pay usually bear the expenses. In other words the school belongs to only a few. Under the local tax system everybody bears the burden and everybody is interested in its progress. Consequently the attend ance is increased by making ench cit izen feel that a part of the school is bis own, and if he must help pay the xpenses he must send his children. The large number of local tax dis tricts, uud the increase of the tax rate m many of tho old districts, proves conclusively that the people have found this the safest, wkest aud most satisfactory method of maintaining good schools. Another campaign foi education will be carried on in this county this summer, but it will be limited at first to those districts in which the conditions arc most fovorabh. Prom inent speakers have been secured for these meetings and the work w ill be carried on with a detinate aim to es tablish better and longer schools. Several districts have indicated their desire for one of these meetings and of course the program will be limit ed to these districts making applica tion. These speakers will be sent by the Southern Education Board, which pays their expenses. J. M. W AV, Co. Supt. of Schools. Married. Mr Mucon Hill and Miss Lou Shaw were recently married in New Hope township. Mr Will Rollins and Miss Delia Brown were married on the 3rd inst. Mr C L York and Miss Ida Brown were married on the 17 inst. at Central Fulls. Mr Chas T Hughes and Miss Unitji Kennedv. daughter of Mr Julius Kennedy, at the ressdence of the brides father in Trinity township, on May 19th, 1903, Rev K Suits performing the ceremony. At the home of the bride's father, Mr W II York, at Kildee, on the 14th of Mas Miss Ada York and Mr W G Frazicr were united m mat rimony, Rev .G W Harmon, odiciat- "rhe attendants were Mr George Brower and Miss Emma York, Mr Oscar Stout and Miss Sue Brooks, and Mr Bh scorn Brower and Miss Cora York. After the ceremony the company repaired to the dining room where they found the table heavily ludeu with good things to eat. .On the following day the happy pair left .U u ..t 11... ......' f..H,... Mr Dallas razier. newish them a long and happy life. DOE8 Tl PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy torooughs and cold ia all right, trot jroo want eometbti tbat will relieve and cure tbe more -i r and daneeroiu results of throat and lane troubles What ball von (1o? Go to a warmer aud mora r gular cli mate? Yes, If poe-ible; If not possible (or yoa, then in either case take tie only remedy that baa been imroduced in all civiliMd et-nnti ie wild auooeee in were thr -at and land trrnhlea, 'Boajrxa', German 8niD." It not only be and atirrmlate ibe liaiuee to destroy ioe a-ena aueaae, DM aiia damnation, caneeeesA'T ezprororation, gi-ve a good night' rati, and carts the Dstiaut. Trrone botle. Recdmmend- 4 "any year by all draggiete in the world. lea can avt tliia reliable reaied y at U druggist Prioa gSc and 700. Ex-Confederale Soldier Dead. W S Shaw died on the 13th at New- Hope, aged ubout 58 years and 23 days, after a long and protracted illness with cancer aud probably a wound received in the civil war help ed to shorten his ilavs. He was 1 brave and excellent soldier and was in many hard fought battles under the leadership of Gen R E Lee. He was true to his countiy and a brave christsun soldier, loyal to his church and to his God. He leaves u wife aud three children to nmirii his deatii, but their loss is his eternal gam. A titiK.su. Dr. Branson Critically III. The many friends of Dr. Levi Branson of Raleigh, will leurn with deep sorrow of his critical illness. He is suffering from paralysis and a general collapse. ISo hope tor h recovery is entertained anil the end is exjiected at any time. 1 r, Branson is a native of Hwi- dolph and a brother of Mrs. E. T. Blair, of Asheboro. Queen ol Carnival. Miss Allie Vickerv. tho sponsor for the Greensboro Hook and Ladder Company, was crowned queen of the carnivo.' ut Greensboro lust week. The ceremony took place in" East Market street, in front of the gov ernment building, and was witnessed bv an immense throng of people. The coronation address was delivered by Mr. A. B. Kimball, u popular and prominent young attorney, who spoke gracefully and eloquently. After the beautiful crown had been placed on the head of the fair young pieeu sue and each of her muids were presented with beautiful dia mond rings. Ihe gifts of the tireen- sboro lire department. Greensboro Record. Miss Vickery is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V . Vickerv, formerly of Ramllemuu, Randolph county. Her mother s manlen mime was Miss Ida Woollen, of Randleman. Died. Jlr Newton Russell, aged about 89 years, died at his home in New Hope township May 7th. Peter C Cutis, aged 77 years, and J 1) (Loaf) Loftin, two citizens of Thomasville, recently"! died. Both were well connected. Died, at Haniseur, N. C, Muv 12, 1903, Mrs Fannie E Forrester, wife of J 0 Forrester, aged" 'V! years, K nios, 11 davs. She was buried in he village cemetery, May 13th. J. A. Kennedy, of the Fair Grove neighborhood, died yesterday morn ins about 10 o'clock. He is well known as proprietor of Kcnndy's Mills on llamby 8 creek, lie had been suftering and gradually growing weaker from consumption the past six months. He was forty-seven years old, and leaves a wife and four chil dren. Thomasville News. TheX-Rays. Rrirent exDerimonis, by practical testa and examination with tbe aid of he X liavs. establish it a a lat-t that Catarrh ot the St aia-h is not a dicca.e srlf, but that u result Irom repeat ed attacks of indigeatlon. "Hw Cm lUu'e Aly lndigeatlou.' ' clot Uf peeelaCure is curing thousands It will cuie ya of indigestion and dys pepsia, and prevent or cure Catarrh of he Stu 1 ach. iiodoi amesta wnat you eat makes the stomach sweet. Sold by A Underwood. Senator Plutt and Governor Odell have had their annual fracas but it is not likely that either can afford to fall out when there is a national lection close at hand. The Wastes of the Body. Kterv seven Java t je blood, muaclea and booes of a man of average aixe loaea o nouids of wornotii tisane. Ibis waste cannot be replenished and the healih kept up without perfect digestion ben tbe etoinach aud digestive organs fail to prrforin their functions, the a rorpth lets down, health gives way, and disease rata up, Kod"l Dyspepsia Care cuuh'ea the etomach and digestive orga is to di,-e-t and aasimilote all of tne wnoieaome 100a mat mny oe eaten into the kind of blood that rebu Ids ibe tissues and protects tbe health and treneth of ibe uimd and body. Ko hl curve Ii. digestion, Dyapepi-ia and II i-toinacu trouLI' s. 11 ia an meal aprtia. tonic Sold by W A Under wo Ml. tieoi'j:e Gould says tbe present prosperity will continue twelve months longer. Just long enoiioli, no doubt, to convince a certain class of Keptiblicans that their partv made the prosiieritv. Items of Interest. News comes from D. H. Timer, a Druggist at Dnmpsevtown, Pa. that Dr. King's New Life Pills are the beat aell erain his store. After using them hlm-a-lf he says "they are truly great. actual exrerledce convinced me Every body wants them for Constiimtlon Stomach and Liver tn ubh a. 2Sc at Standard Drog otoae Aaheboro, Business Notices' Morris' Livery SUble has some second-hand buggies and harness in good condition they will sell cheap for cash or on time or will trade for horses ond pay the difference. I WILL pay the highest mar ket cash price or trade for Eggs, Chickens and all kinds of i'oultry. JASi'iat A U JIAni, South Asheboro, N. C. FOR SALE. One firstclass corn mill, ane automatic lathe machine, one set tinner's tools, cheap, for cash, or in exchange for lumber. Apply to (Joukiek Office, Asheboro, N. C. 4-9-tf. WANTED Several persons of character and good reputation in each state (one in this count' re quired) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house be solid financial standing Solaryo f 21.00 weekly with expense additional, allcasble in he pay eacs Wednesday direct from head office, florae and carriage furnished when necessary. (Jolomal 334 Dear- bora et, Chicago. New Salem Items. Miss Lou Fogleniuu is visiting her sister, Mrs W A fNiiab, 111 High I unit. .Mr Percy C'uudle, of High Point, is at home with a vaccinated arm '!'' 'i'civ Salem base ball team dcfi-dui tne Trinity team in u game at J runty 011 Saturday, May !Hh by a score 01 do to !. Mr T M Kirkman lias made quite an improvement 011 bis house. Mrs A V TroirdoH. who has been very sick for a few days, is improv ing, we are glad to state. If nothing prevents, the New Sa lem base ball team and the Jtumlle- man ponies will cross bats 111 a game of ball at New Salem next Saturday. Conic everybody and "root tor ra lem. Jlrs S J Caudle is visiting at Lib erty this week. Sick Headache CURF.D IMMEDIATELY BY THE USE OK Hicks' Capudine. 10c. 25c. aud 50c. at Drugstores YOUR Sr-lto Mi P" I B" t x I F you tin- Willi to Imy 11 tint It i I I JimUiMrmirsls-l.iriMii.iliKMi. 4 fTll.'lisTst. kif mwol Mvlw-m f i ul.l or sink-. f iHiUl!i"Hl.-iit prli-wl.i llu- and I' X vj Is wlmtwc are driving ttt, t live T I AI.K our talc l not ti ill "r sisu-o hut wi- inv. talc l not told haven't time uud see X T'HKItK 1 no i liiinti- fur hsiklint. and wo 1 will Uikeplun-ure In siiowtnKBls. f Yours truly, I Florence Owen, I Randleman. N. C. t Next to Hays' Racket Store. K'-HS-'-i-i-i-i-t Stockholders' Meeting. same I" harebr ualled lor the loth dar ot Jane. 1903. at 10 o'clock a. m . to he held at the olhoe ot the Worth If anuradurlnc Com pany, at Worthvllle, In Randolph county, N- O. All etockholdera are earneatlT requeeted to lie present In person or hy proxy. The mnln purpose of thla meetlna la to remedy the defect or defeota In the Deed made by John af Worth Manufacturing- Co. to the Worth Manntactnrlna Co. under resolution of June Mh. noa. an! to autnor lr.e tbe execution cf. and to eieouto such other and further conveyances as may De neueasHry to carry out and lve effect to and I vacancle etc, H. M WORTH. II. It. AIIIIIKI'. MrAI.MKK. AI.1.1K 11. WiiltTH, Stockholders' Meeting. mii'tini! "f the Mnckhiildce. "f Hie Central Mann. taetiiniiir Compiuiy. iui-1 Ihe e I- hervhy called lor the mill .lav ..I June, tines, at 111 o'clock a in to tie held at llieolll.-e of Ihe Worth Millill faeturliiiii'oiiiiuiuy. at WorlhvUlc In Itaudolpli eiKintv. N.C. A C. Mi Al.lM KIt. C. C. Mi'Al.lfTKK Kvr. .1. M. H. M. WORTH " " ' A. C. Mi A I. IS 1 Kit. II. M. Wiilfl H. l. R COX. AII1HKC M.AI.ISTKIt, AI.I.IK II. WiiltTH. AI.I.IK II. WliUTH. A-llntx ' iViirlhville. X. c. May nth. In M. Wi'llmrn. T. I UciMllir. I Kir, it ill - Mary A. frVinre. el nl. ) I'lililiiutiiin. It ai. iirliiKto tli. le nlnve eulilli-d ilv ,'e rilled, mill fn ruin '.lie eiiinililin1 in it nl I .1. Keil- ililiif. loth llli d III I Clerk nf Ihe HUInTLH n( tin ut of T.C. Fclitnw. sr.il ,. . . nrv i.iilv In III.- ill cutor-. iilailitnt-. lor re-count anil una III. nuil tlnil tin snld Andrew C. Wcllm it tllllll M-ltll' melit Nu-lh Ciimlliiii iilte "wHl'.-i'l OIKv'iWeei the flu I that i ii 'r iiiilili-lnil tn mu ll if A-lli inly nl Kitinliiiiii. linn mine :n .-Min KivliiKtlie tillenf this euiw itirecttli kmlreu 1' Wellmrn lo take inilli i- tin etilltlH "l.-eiul inni illntf HU- tn-ttlll III, l. k-.ile..,UMi..i ill mnlett llielr n. nut.. iiH.'anit tin vriur li'iiri nl Itai in. ami i.ii-w. r nr wine the (inK-iiUim I i 'IiiIi.i- and reiiul of the Clerk of tl Mortgage Sale. Re f rttia nf a nower of sate eoBtaloeil Id a morie-eare dead executed to Job Allen bs 8B Liow-lermllk ami wire arj Lownermna, oo tbe Slat day of Jaausrr.USSl. whlob mort gage deed la duly recorded la tbe otfioe of Keg-ieter oi ueeaa Ol Haouoipn i;ouay. in ecutors of Job Allea sou deceased, will sell at publle auetion to tbe blgheat bidder k 7S par 1H, we. me ODiieraiKoea ex l Haturda; I'oloek tb nar deaerlbed plaee or paroal uf land IsTlnDlQsT I tli nd or an nlfl rotd I Olcaorj in 1 irofoon nnltiff In utbnrle dlrtxitloD thm vftli mid road 17 ohs aad links Co ft mail awrtn gum on W aid of said mad. thane S s dg W tl oba to a roet oak, thanca a M deg W 4 oha to a bpaoiati oak, tbenca W ft ona to a hcm in too roau .eauing to ueiana Wlliiama', theaca thm varloua ooarsea ol aald road ta a aoutberly direction 4 oba and 14 llBkatoftatak In tb road P Wiiiiauia c-tirtiar tbftno W 1C de N II cba and 40 itaka to a atone inaaoiacaia, tnence ww oba to a pile of atonaa aa lb eaat aid of Boarwooa u pon i 25 link to a lourwot 7ft itnka to a whit tbanoa r tb debt aeour- JAI.LBW. Kura of JOB ALLEN, deo'd. Thla May int., l8. Notice. Ravine quwllfled a t.Italnfatrator on tb tate or John B Olaa. deoeaaed, bfifora W. o, Hammi. h. I. Cleric of tb ftnperlor Court ot Mndo)pi county. anderi.fftd duly vfrined, ta ftth dar of May. lH.or thla i pleaded la bar of their recovery, and all pereoaa owing aald eatate win come for ward erd aiak lBmdUte aettlemeat. TblaaU dar May. iw . JoHM W. OiaA8, 4dmr, I. mot FITF. A tie. Worthville Items. Mr Alan Browning left for Spray lust Friday night, where ho will make his future home. In Mr. Hrowning leaving, our town loses one of its best citizens and the Sunday nchool one ot its best workers. May success crown his efforts. Mrs (J W Ilolden, of (Ireensboro, is visiting her mother Mr 1) M Mer edith, this week. o would be glad to have last week's corresponient from this place come again. 1 he kind of lire the larger part of the Holiness gang has is mentioned in James i, G. Kol many of tiie followers of these so called "Holiness liovs have ever been any good in the chart li. but have been kickers, crowiers. disturb ers, and they say themselves, the un converted part of tho church. Mortgage Sale. l!y virtue of a power of sale contain ed in a morteage deed executed bv N. 11. Dicks and wile Nancy M. Dicks to ft L, Dicks on tbe 14tli day ot April in K), to r.rcure the payment of a cor t .in bond thcr in disoribed, and duty oided in tbe office of Ibe Register ol Deed of Uandolpb County tu book 107, Dae- 12, aud duty Resinned lo 8. S. Welbcrn, and default having been made In the payment ol aiuu Dona as pro- videa in saiu mortgiae aeea, we win sell at publio auction to the highest bidder fur cash at t e lonrt house door in Asheboro, Randolph o tity, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 1st dav of June 11)03 the land conveyed and des cribed in avid mortgage d-ed, ai fol lows: A certain fiece or tract of land lying and being in Randolph County, State alore?aid, in New Market Town shio. Beginning at a stone In the road and running North H 1-2 deg west4cbs to a stone, tnence e.ist 13 ens ana so llnk-i to a dogaood, thence north 4 cha and SO links to au ah at the branch, thence, down tbe original branch 11 cbs -ourwoud, thence no ens to a alone in lite road, thence a southeaat course 12 cha and 6 links to the begiuning. containing 13 acrea inore or less. K, Li. tuuiits, mortgagee, S. KLUORN, Assignee. This May 1st, 1WM. Mortgage Sale Bv virtue of a power contained In a mortgage deed executed hy A . C All- red to li. u. LiiBsiter on ine zna u.iy oi November 1807, to secute the payment of a certain bond therein desoribed, which said mortgage de -d ia recorded In tbe office of Hogister of Deeds, tor Randolph County in book 96 page MM. and default having been made in the payment of said bond as provided in said mortgage deed. I will sell at pub lic auction to tne Highest Dinner lor csh at tho court house door iu Ashe boro, N. O. ou Monday the 25th day of vgy, 1903, at 12 o'c oca vi. tne lauo. convene and denrtocd in said lnort- rage deed wii.ch ia as lollowi: A tract of land In Kind lph County, state of North Caroline, in Hack Creek town- biD ndimnlnc tbe lands of Jeremiah Allrrd, James York and others and bounded aa follows: beginning at a wh'le oak in Jeremiah Allred'a line mnnins west 38 pole to a atalte; tbet.ee south 12 polea to a stone: thence eat t 38 poles to a etoue, thence north to tbe b ginnine, containing three acres more or lees. E. C. I.ASS1TEB Mortgagee. This 2'ith day of April. 1903. Notice, Havine Ouali tied aa Adiuinistratnn on the estate of Eliza R. Glaat. deseaso d befor.' W. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior unutt n( Kundolpb county, i ball son at public aueti n, to ihe bleh- cal bidd-r fur C'aah, on the premises, on the 2i)d d v of May 1903, tbe follow ing personal nrnperty, to-wit : House hold and kiu ben furniture, uud other articles too tedious to mention. All perBiins having claims acainai said ea'a e are notflnd to present thorn to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before tho 2sth day of April 1IW4, r this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoTery; and all parauna owing aiid eatate will come forwar I and make immediate aettemeut. 'IbisSWh day of April l'.K3. U. n. tUA, Adiur. of Eliza R. Ulasa deed. NORTH UAROMNA i Handolph County, t 1 T. Fuuhhee. Adni. l of Jno. 11. Allen deed. J P. i NOTICE. , Allen. Allen et ai. ) The defendants J. A. Allen. JW. P. lieu, Nellie Inman, Katelle Allen, Wdl-rd Roberta, Uurney Barker, Martha MPlikan, Julius Allen, Uurney Allen. Ida Emery, Cora E. So..tt, S. It. Allen, Janette Kdwarda, J. R. Allen, Charles Allen, KPa Stubbe, Clark Hill, Kdiili Hill, Uanisl Hemey, J. c. Uen ley, (iolie E. Moore, H. A. Henley, Mi).', Henley and Nora Livingstone, and any other unknown heirs at law of John B. Allen decea-ed will take notice tbat an actiou entitled a above hai beeu eomuienced in tho Superior Court of Randolph County to subject real ii.iaela in tbe nanus ol tne Clerk of the Court olitamed front the sale of lands aituated in Randolph count for the payment of tbe debts uf tbe plain tiff's intestate, John B. Allen, deceai--d. Tbat the defendants will fnrt'ier take uotien that they are required to appear before tbe Clerk of Superior ourt of aehl onunty a the 29tb day of June I9O0 at the court house of said county, in Aaheboro, N. C. and an swer or demur to ibe complaint In said Action or tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe court for tbe relief demanded in an'.d complaint. W. C. Hammond, 0. S. C. This May 14tb, 1B03. Land Sale, Br virtue of the power and authority vest' eil tn me bv a rieuree BDd order of aall granted by the Superior t'ourt of Randolph tlteled N. .'. UngllKh Admr. et al va Oeorge UDO ID therein pendlo 11 at public auction door in Ae"eboro, N, Ii' 12 o'clock af, Saturday tbe IStb day of June, ISM. the following real Uuil in arollna, and la Trinity t tbe lm.de. ( B.C. Kid ladotberaand beginnlnv at a white oak near tbe mill pond, thence North 52 pole to a pine, tnence went jui poiee to a apanian oak. thence Sonth 77 polea to a poet nk Blobard Klder'a oorner, thence Weat 83 do lea to a white oak, theooe South 99 polea. A. W. Kennedy 'a oorner, tbeoc Eaat 21 potea to a rea oik. inence oouin iv oeg Baat 6 polea to a doobl white oak, tbeno North 80 dn Kut 37 1-2 polite to a gam, tbeoce North 80 tlege Beat 29 tt polea, A. U Crotta line, thence a atralgbt line to tbe bfgtnnlug cooalnlng 78 acrea more or leaa. Subject to a life eetate deeded by Jetae A. Miller and wife to Jacob Shlpton la a por tUm thereof aa followa. vli: Beginning la the branch on a targe atone thence Hoath Terme of aal. one-half eaab and onehalf on a credit or atx months. Title rvaerrod tilt payment of tne parcnaee money O. L. 8 AFP, Atty Thli May Mb. lata. Have yon ever read any of Swe- Jcnhorg'f works? If not, yon guild me your addre&i enclosing a stamp or two and I will mail you one of fail books free. State whether yon want it In Knglish or in Ger man. AD0LPU BOEDER, fin Cleveland Street, 4-2-llt. Orange, N.J. pjaBafSMHHHaWH The Great Rheumatic Cure ' AND Spring Blood Purifier Positively cures all diaeues ariiing from impurities in the blood, Includ ing Catarrh, Indigeition, Chronic Conitipatien, Kidney and Liver Troubles, etc. Every person in the land needs a powerful blood purifier every Spring. You need it. You want the best the standard. That is RHEJJMACIDE. BEWABB OF DANGEROUS SUBSTITUTES. RHEUMACIDE benefits instead of injuring the digestive organs as many so-called medicines do. RHEUMACIDE is a powerful alterative, but Id people or children can take it with absolute safety. Price $ i.oo at Druggists, or eipress prepaid on receipt of price. Bobbltt Chemical Co., . . Baltimore, fid., U. S. A. Groceries! We have a reputation for keeping the nicest, freshest line of Family Groceries to be found any where. That reputation must be retained, con quently we buy only the freshest and best. Shoes! Our stock of shoes is full and complete and we challenge comparison in style, finish or wear. And we are "feet fitters." Try us next time. High Grade Fertilizers Always Morris & "Depot Street, jSb.sjlj.o'bcro, Paint, Paint-Paint ALL KINDS Sherwin-Williams' Mixed Oil, Roof Paints, Wagon Paints, Buggy Paints, and Family Paints. Buy paints of us and paint what ever you want to paint. Na.omi Falls Store Co. W. T.;i?UYANT, Munatfer. C J COX, President. J E POOL, Hollady-Pool Hardware Co. CORNER. DEPOT STREET, A S II K Ii O R O, aN. C. eVVVeVe New Store! New Goods! We have just opened up one of the largest and best selected stocks of Hardware, Cutlery, Plows of every descrip tion, Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Rakes, and all kinds of farm ing implements, Builder's Supplees, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Paints, Oils, Wooden-ware, Tin-ware, Stoves, Heaters, Nails, etc., etc., ever displayed in the county. Our line is COMPLETE. Our firm is composed of farm ers and saw mill men and we think we know just what every class of the trade needs and have bought accordingly. Our salesmen will always be found ready and willing to show goods and make to one and all the lowest possible price without any dickering. Don't fail to see us before you buy anything in our line. Very truly yours, Hollady-Pool Hardware Company. "All Wool wide; wont run down at Our Suits and Overcoats are of the H VERY BEST 1 and at Reasonable If it don't suit you to come and see us, send us your order by mail, same shall have prompt attention, values and prices guaranteed. We ship Suits and Overcoats on ap proval to be returned to us when not satisfactory. Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees, 300 South Elm St. Qreensbro, N. C. (ft I IQ) Jul wmli Oplmn. taudanant, Cocalna ead al Drag llaLi: permanently cored, without pais or detention from buslsean, teavmf Hfimn tor drnga or other atimulanta. We retrore tbe netfoul and fhyaloU eyeMBa k their nam ml condition ftecaaae w remove me camsea oi niieaan. a -wan nwj prepared by an eminent physician. WB SiJARAMTEC A CURE FRES TRHL TTZXTTJPt Ceaidentlal corraaiwodeooe, eaiwcially with phvncwm, eoifcilad. Vmi XaifiJ. Kambmttmn TfcwjiBSBtlc Hswttfslta Bayt. A I tl 8rMfraa &n$ on Hand. Scarboro-Moffitt Co. C. OF PAINT. Paints, White Lead, Linseed RANDLEMAN, N. C Vicc - Pres. D M I10LLADY, Manir. Qcnd a yard ravel rvor the heel prices in r i ll L n ! 3 i a LlU 1