13he Courier. I PI5ICK o.'K l'OLLAU A VKAU. V.n. C. HAMMER, Editor, j TOOK S.Uliio tX TliK L'X i.'l' in umu. A iHX)r, innocent negro, t r v : ' t- uinke a living at hone.-i uiiik.Yiii.'iii, wns stoned u ml run from home at Fremont, Ohio, last week: The facts as told by the- Associated Press dispatch mv us follow?: J'rcmoiit, Ohio, May iO. John Dixon, colored, was driven from town by a mob Lhluy, after mi exciting encouutcr last night in which hi nonie Was stoned. Dixon hail Uvii einiilovi'd at the l.'iati.- Slu -it- I'hiiit and illil not pi out when tin' strikers iliil. His wife ami cliikhvn i-m uphI the fui'V of the u i 1 bv t t 1 -r to tail. Dixon hiil all niu'lit ami escaped to Xorwnlk today. And this in the town where lies buried ex-1'residenl Haves. Vet. these very people hold up their hands in holy horror when a in'L'rn dun 11 South is lynched for rape, yt Tlll-:. lynch him for trvim to make an honest living. SEXATOK lSI.MMu.NS IN XKW YuliK. Senator Simmons grows in public favor all the while. In his spe.vh before the Xorth Carolina Society in New York last week, he fully sus tained his reputation. Senator Clay, of lienriria, is iur rect, no think, in his statement ilia; "No State in the I'uion ha.-i a l.elti-i reiresetitative in the Senate tha:: b North Carolina in the person of Mr. Simmons." There are now I HI public school districts in this .State, which lane voted a special School tax and elec tions arc now pending in tweiiiv other districts. Kev. A. J. Mi Kclway is i.ow the editor of the Charlotte News. lr MeKclway has made the 1'ivsbv t.-ri-uii Slaudaid a great ntwspapiT. As u brilliant, al le writ, v he has not a superior mi the Stale press today. For more than two wars tlictv has beeu a law in North Carolina iv,!:i' ing that nil corporations i!oi::g busi ness in North Carolina to take o:'l letters of incorporation in this .-tat--, thus doiiiesti.-atiiig th.-insvi-.is placed on tie- same looting a- i-ur own state fi-pouti'Mi?. The cilccl of this law was to pM-n: ivitnnal of cases brough: i.i the Superior Court to thu l'cdol.'il t ourts. A decision of the L'nited S::.t. Sujireine Court d' e'aivs this art in operative. There is no reason for alarm M any one about the xw .-:iient . !' taxes, it ;ias iieeii '.a-- ia'.v . : 1 siuce 1 that prop, ny listed at iuTlllK (AS1I VAIXI., Land is re-asses.-ed every four and this year is the regular tint assessment. It will be a sti thing, indeed, if there. !S I greater increase this year than before in the valuation, be. au-e i f the gieut progress being inade along diuVreut Hues. If we desire to sc.- Aslidbom grow and prosper it is our duty to -tau-.l by the town, iis officials and its or dinances and regulations. Let the aim of evuryone be to build up the town. There will 1 e a great change in the town if all will go 10 work to build it up. Until about six 11 eight years ago cur town went for ward with leaps and bout.ds. lVr several years there has be 1: a dispo sition to build stores and buy dog wood, cross ties, chair timber, etc. What we need is to inanuf.ict uie everything we can and ship as litticj law material as possible. I.i;.-iness men of Ashelioro, why stand ye here idle? Other towns are going ahead with all kinds of manufacturing plants. Somebody must bein. Who will lead oft" with an itT..rt to get up the first new fac tory? Opporlaiuti. -must be in&du by effort. Dioucs and grumblers will discourage effort. We have the best of railroad facilities for shipping in any direction, and the raw material is at our very doors. We need factories, building and loan association, saving institutions. We must establish more factories. At our present licks we are burning day light. We are looking for an effort ou the part of our jieople '-to get in the procession" mid muke substan tial and permanent improvements. lieT. H. K. Buyer, a .Methodist minister of Statesville, preached a most interesting sermon to tho non-debt-paying part of the congregation recently: "People who secure goods or mon ey, says Mr. Woyer, with no inten tion of paying or who make no at tempt to pay honest debts, are worse than those who break in and steal, and will stand loss chance in the hereafter. This, remarks the States ville Landmark, it the tort of talk that U ueeded, and if the clergy would indulge in it a little more freqnently good results might fol low." ... . Rhentnacide U a powerful blood purifier. It cure rhennmtUm, tcia t. ea and other stubborn disease per manently. Tliia to proof that you v .if t to t;.ke it to pnnfv your blood .--r,.,.. At I'm.-. 'c s. ITEMS OP NEWS. Mr Kom IV-nipert, n popular vi ii'i'i I'i'in, ilie'l in ilniinyton. 1 0':i.l. M-nl 4:1 yearn. '!!:. I . : f As-ocialioli lnee's : !;.:..! v"::y. July l.,t. ami will ;! -ion tlirri- days. Y ;!l Murphy, colored, was scvvi'.' :'h .i,i!:ilay of this week at I'lwu, X. I'., by living cany lit in 1: ' : ry of Nanford l'rick o. Aficr Rnwan Rlockaders. 1 i jiu ly Marshals J. M. lluilcy unit J Millikan, returned to tin' city ..n!ay nioniin; aftrr a trip to inb'v, ( akirrus and Howan cottti- : it :u It of io!ators of th lev- " . '! hursday in Stanley county in eoi man v wit h I leputv Collector Sim-', of Colieord. the d.-Mroved a good si.'.'.! -tiii and arrested Tom Ilarkey, a w bite man, who was later sent to jail in d. fault .1 bond for appear all. ai cou'-i. The still was '.'it or . 'MlIi'M eapanlv. There wen sei.i'i.; snmds ,.f 'beer. Tucday ev. niii; l h'' ollieers captured a wag on i-o Gaining a iiasitiiy of blockade w hi.-kcy. (iiwii'Uiro Telegram. Killed by a Fall. Cha-. Webster, of Sanf.ird, X. C.. lireiua i freight tiain, was killed .1! a h-'- tle oier J'eip liivi-r. near t iiniiioek. .Momlav luorning about 1 o'eloek. lie f.'li oil of bov in ten der. His -kull h.is crushed and he Mr. Rums Will Not Lease. Mr. H. It. hum-, who has of tne .larrell lloiel fol io L'ive up 1 a is. has decided to ! niter May lot I ,iiiilv i'l ti main ii Mr High -.u l !u; . i'oinl Ka et beeu leased. Avery Sap? Kills Himself. vetySapi h. oliii'.' I. ill it led Sllli ide t his horn. Salunlav. 1 -0:1 of the l'oint. ' He .If K".;; l'oint on j:. Ha- unmarrii.l ale Dr. Sappof llieh an eslale of r .'e.'.i'i f..-i-.s Chapel Itins. Th" drought is l.(i oining serious. ;-c-. !'; bee trees have been found in 1 he neighborhood. MrT"'ninv llai.s ha- -.'one to to s r I.ut" dylteli-gnphy. I.inebnrry in. St W.'rk. bcrrv. of Mis ! to hi's blothe -v. lb- had n Capl .are tint tu:o n the w!.a tile predict the a. rai i-stie with tl.i crop, but w mi that it will in ihis section, Mrs W It Web-i.-r.of ( vL-ilt'd in the v.cinilv last V.o.-!iilk' hems Mr C V li in town 1 Mr D M 1 it iiiti M.-re- parent iih left Mauaf.i iond go, is iu-teadcf as at Central Trinity Items. time I., re i fL i.;,t week for ill I ilii'.a ( ' role. Mi.- was honi. e-.ni Hair at.n-ii bv h"f .-i.-ter, Miss l'earl Mrs AlU;t heirill and childien left la-t Friday for Sprague, X. C. to -it lnr parent'. ..lis 1'iigh and Miss Florin, dwell, of iJandleinan, visited M i? I.ineberrv a dav last Miss .Minnie Dm Dimlup, w ho has be ll l lending si hool hel'e, left for her hum..- in A11-011 eoiiutv latwecl,. Mr- Curdeii and Miss Itessie Dun- i..p vi.-;t"d t'ri mis in li'andleliian la-t and this week. Mi-s Kuhi Hayes, of liandlemau, spent a week l.ere visiting Miss Mav Cor.lell. A Mr Dirty Hea l, of Xew York, is sneadiiig a while lure lor his In ail h. Miss i:p,ie W.dleii left for her honi.- in l.'andl. man last week. M- .1 A Carpenter left last Thurs day I'm Ai.-oti enmity, accompanied by Mrs Carpenter. They will make their home there at least for the summer. Mrs Partridge and her son, I! K r.irtridge, kft last week for their home in Jonesboro. Miss Millie Jones left for her home near Troy last Wednesday. Tkoso who attended the golden wvdding of Mr and Mrs Bulla from out of town were Prof II B Craven and wife, of Greensboro; Mrs M a Kobius, of Asheboro; Mr Kurle B Craven, of Lexington, and Mr and M rs W II Itagan, of High Point. Misses Nan Ileitman and Lucy Carr, of G F College, came home last Thursday. Messrs trowel I una Hall, who have Iieeii attending school here this year left last week for their respec tive homes in Asheville and Iiaudle inau. Miss Lizzie Wagner, of Thomns- ville, visited the family of Mr B J Beddick last week. GOLDEX WED1UNO. Mr and Mr? J R Bulla, of this place, celebrated the 60th anniversa ry of their wedding by a golden wed- ling at tlie liome of tlieir daughter Mrs Nannie Craven, Monduv night, May S&th. A large number of friends gather ed to Qongratalate this aged couple on their long and happy married life. A ereat many presents wcie re- nelvdd from their muiv friends ' all 'of which wcn-greotly appreciated. 1 As an Evidence of Good Faith Brer Bright Should Whack up. We do not know how much truth theie is in Mr. liright's statement that he did not know he was doing wrong when he went into the cherry live .scl.ciiie, but the old sinner knew be was doing wrong when he was getting piles (if money evoty day for li:, h I." was giving nothing 111 re turn. And now if the old jail-bird would return some of the ill-gotten gains to the women down in this part of the State who were swindled by him, they will probablv feel more like forgiving ti 1 111. e do not know what arrangement Hright lias made with the Lord about the matter. We venture the assertion that the crowd who were so willing to pardon the eheiry tree swindler never lost a cent by i tin. Monroe Knipiirer. A hile Man Tries to Marry a Negress at Gnldsboro. Something that very seldom hap pens took place at Ooliishoro on the .''nil. William Smith, aged 24, and ttlio is supposed to be from Scrantou, I'a., procured liceuseto marry Anna Hooten, a negro who mis lived here all her life. He failed to get any one to tie the knot. Smith obtained his license by representing himself to bo mixed-blood. He is without doubts white man. The Wooten woman is about 25 years of age. When these facts became knoirn las-, night, several young men advis ed him 10 leave town. Without any unnecessary delay he acted upon the advice giveu. Dangerous Runaway. Shorn liurleyson, who livs live miles west of Albeiuarle. lies at the point of death, the result of an acci dent w hich befell him one afternoon of last week at this place. He was .Irii ing his team across the railroad track, just in front of the engine, which had a full head of steam on. His hores became frightened and threw him ftom the wagon. He ev idently fell upon his head, as the right temple received a Severe bruise, and a bloody serum was flowing from the ear when help reached him. Medical attention was promptly given, but it was evident from the lirst that his life could only be pro- lullgc hort time at the most. Ha 1 man about '.s vears of age and - a wife. Stanlly Kntoprise. Major Mcrtz on the Road. Maj. ami Mrs. John Mortz. of Sali-btiry. the smallest couple in the world, tt h.i have traveled with Adam Foiepaugh A Sells Brother. John llobiuson's and other large shows have made engagements with the Hatch. Adams Carnival for a period of -'o necks. Company with the 5 weeks, with all pl'ililege of serf illg I'ln A' will get $:, a Week . vpel.-e, paid. Ma;. M.-rt is 41 inches in height and hi- wife is :IT inches high, 'lie i-a native of Hungary and Mrs. Mert.. ivh.i was Miss Maria Nail, is a 1, at i V" of 1 lav ic count v. Ciime Boys. The bovs f the Anti-Cigarette I.i ague w ill meet to reorganize by the election of new officers in the l.hiaki r woods next Saturday ; o'clock. Ail the bovs of the town are invited. We are planning for .-oiue good tilings for vou this sum mer. Parents are asked to make it pos.-ible for the bovs to come and help them to subscribe for the paper 1'lui k." one of the best Iiovb' papers pui.liMini. liign roint hnterprise. Mountain Sinking. Tin- sinking of Sugar Loaf Moun tain 111 Alexander county is a singu lar oiiineidctiee. The Mountain . racked nearly all round and li -link from one and a half to three f. et. There has been no cart luiiaki disturbance. There is 10 explana tion of the phenomena. Block Burned in Louisburg N. C. On May v!lst a whole block of tin tow 11 of Luuishurg X. C. was bnrned to the ground. The loss was $35,- 000, w ith f!i,iHio of insurance. A hotel, drug store, bank, liverv stabl and three or four general stores were burned. Kight buildings in all were destroyed. Lambeth Wins. Mr. W. A. Lambeth, son of Mr. K. S. Lambeth, of Thomnsville, won the liudal ill the contest litst week at Sewanec, Teiin. This was tho Southern inter-colbgiate oratorical contest, eumpiiscil of a representa tive I nun eight different colleges and universities. Mr. Lamlx-th repre sented Yandcrbilt. He is a student there in the theological department. Chinaman Carved in 1 Fight at Wilsoa. In a fight at Wilson, N. C, May '22nd, between Thomas Sanders and Sing Liug, a Chinese laundryman, the Chinaman received wounds which may prove fatal. At this time the doctors cannot tell the extent of hit injuries. Sanders claims self-de fense. Hail Stem. There was a heavy hail storm at Islington, juonuuy aiwrnoonoi mis week. The storm started with hail as large as lemons and decreased in size nntil the ground was covered. QUES I ION ANSWERED. Yea, Aoenst t lower Mill has tbe lar- gest sals of any mediolne in the oitIIi aed world. Y oar mothers' und ffrnd- ndui ri' Beyer nought or tumjr any- tDing else lor inaiKesuon or Blllon- nm. Dootnra wr 'C nod they Proatra'km or Heart faulure. eta. Tbey and Auguat F.nwr to ola unt thrsatemana stop termenauon rr annj gnguid food, regulaU ih action ol the liver, afxnalate is nerroaa and orgaa e ac:i n of the system, and that i all t ey to-k f eliny dull and bad with oradachaa an'l ntaw sobm. Yoa only ncid a lew dome of tfreaa's A- eost Fluvrr, In liquid f rn, 10 maka yoa aatisfltd ther ia aotbiug aarioaa to mttr flit 1 oat. loueaa latttna raliablo nmedy at all tlniEai'ta. 1 Prioa b and Tit, Sanctificalion. The following communication was handed us by Mr. W. C. Frazier, of Hrunswick. w ho is helpin the Siincliticaliou meeting conduct at Ahe- hum this week: Can we be made entirely holv in this life? is a iiie.-tiou that ihou--amis are asking today. I! (bnl's help I'll jirove to you thai we can. It is evident from four considera tions. 1. It is commanded "and thou shalt love the iird thv (iod with all thine heart, and w ith all thv soul. and with all thv might." "He tilled with the Spirit." "lie ve holy." , I Peter 1 : Hi.) "lie perfect." ("Mali. 5:4S.) 2. (iod has expressly promised the blessing. "And the Lord lln (iod w ill circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love tiie Lord thy (iod with all thine heart and with all thy soul that thou mavest live." (Pen. :iU:ll,) Then will I sprinkle ideau water upon v.e.i and ye shall be clean from all t'illi ness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, ami a new spirit will 1 put within you; and I'll put niv spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye hall keep mv judgments and do them." (Kzk. l'l rl'.O "Kor this is the will of (!od even vour atiel ilh-at ion," tl Thcss. 4 ::!.)' 1. It is proved by examples of holy christians. "Xoah was a just man, and in rtect 111 Ins generation: and Xoah walked with (Iod." (lien, li : S, !.) Job was a perfect and up right man. t.lob 1 : 1.1 -And thev were all tilled with the Holy (ihost,1. Acts 4 :L) "Harnabas was a good man, and tilled with the Holy (ihost." "And they chose Stephen a man full of faith and the Holv (i host," 1 Acts li : fl.) A. We must have il to enter heaven. "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord's, or who shall stand in His holv place!' He that hath clean hands and a pure heart," 1 1'sa. 34: a. 4.) "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see (iod,'-(Matt. 5 : K.) "Holine.'.s, without w hich no man shall see the bird," (Ileb. 13: 14.1 3. Sanctitieatioti not received at conversion. 1 lie disciples were cou rted before thev heard of pentecost. (Iod ordained them and sent them forth to prcai'h, John 1.1 : Id. Thev had a measure of Holv Spirit, John 11 : IT. They were not of the world. John IT: Hi. Their names were written in heaven, Luke IU:3o. This blessing is not for sinners and backsliders, but people who are d from all sins. The church at Thessaloniea was in a renuirka.blv prosperous state. They were truly in (iod, and to be in tiod means ,, be converted (separated from sin... These christian were ceni iarv christians. "Ve were cn.-aiuples to all that believe." Here is a gloriously justitied church. Paul pravs for tlieir sancti tiialioti. He wanted tllelll salietilied "wholly'," entirely, completely,' Head 1 The.-s. 5 : 3:1, 31.) Paul says -aneti-fv them wholly, proving that thev had never hivll ,,-allliilied. Xo one has ever been saved and santilied at the same time, lieceived a new heart and a pure heart the same 11 1. .1 1 1 e 11 1 . Ads ID: 3. .!. How to obtain holiness, ,, 1 it be distinctly understood that we cannot grow into this experience. Wesley says: lioth my brother and 1 maintain that christian perfection i received by faith. That is. it is giv en inslantani'ously in one moment: the talk of this work being gradual would be nonsense, as much as if we talked of gradual jiislilicati.ni. Ir. Clark says: "In no part of the scriptures ate we directed to seek holiness by graduation or growth." Growth never changes the nature of any thing. A sprout must tir-t be planted, then grow; so liiuM we In planted into grace, then we can easily grow in grace, lirielly (he steps to lie taken are, lirst, a pure desire to glorify (Iod; second, an niter abandonment to (iod of your entire licing. Itonians 13: 1. ;i. Definite faith. Uclicvc that the blood cleanses you now; not go ing to. but now in the present tense. We are sanctilied by faith, "lb- put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith." I iiul wrote to the new converts 111 Thessaloniea no more than months after thev were converted. "this is the wiil of (iod even vour sanctilication," (Thcss. 4 :5.) It is a dangcrous'thing to trille with convic tion for sanctilication. Thousands of promising converts backslide sim ply liceuuse they do not go on and get sanctilied. '"Vet a little while is the light with you; walk while ye have the light, lest darkness collie upon yon." May God bless these few thoughts to many hearts is my prayer. In Jesus, W. C. FltAZIKIt. Hrunswick, N. C Th little child of Mr and Mrs E S Foreman, who live some live miles south of Albemarle, was severely burned Tuesday morning. A jxit of boiling conee was turned over and the entire contents ran down the side and over the body of the child. The left tide, thigh and back were scald ed, making a large raw tore. The child was brought here for attention. Stanley Knterprise. The State Teachers' Asstnibh will meet at Wrichtsville June 9lli and continue m session for five days. The Wastes of the Body. Every nven dayt t je blooi. muaelea and boaca mv ol avrrage lita loses two pouoda or woraoat mui. 1 b watt cannot b rpinlahad and tta bexua kesi apwttaoai perltot dlgctti. -a a'ben tlx atonuuk aad dilative orgaos tail to perioral tlixr fuoo"ow, lii trans ta uta dawn, besltk giyea way, and diaeaaa ata ap, Kodul UrpPia ymrm mtom hm woiaaoa ana a.gRSuve organa to dla t aod aaiiBilota all of tlx vbokaoma food mat awy ba (atog inv tha kind of bloo l that rabu l.ii (bo tiiiiea an.l protectt tha haaltb and it ran at a of iba mind aad budr. Ko- dul car-a Indignation, ilyapuptia aad sll rtomach troiibin. It la an Weill prtn toaio. Moid by W j Reply to "I ong Shanks." We regret to have to say anything ; iiboiit the holiness meeting at this : p.ace, l. ut alter reading .Long Shanks' piece 111 last week's Courier we find thai in justice to the readers of :l .rn net, and especially to the d' 1 town, we must say aah'is was ...idly mistaken, r 1.: not il via; in'cntioual v,e y. Nevei theless, il is a mis I'or instance he said the tent peopl Long Whet can't take. would hold i:,(io people when it will only hold about 100: he said there via re :0i people at the altar when there were only about 30; mid he said there were loo conversions when there were in t more than 25, so you can very readily see that to get the facts you must divide by lo, which w ill be about right. Xow we are not at all surprised at his conduct, because we have heard that abusing other denominations and makidg light of religion has been done by him before, and didn't he do almo.-'t the same thing down in Chatham seveial years ago? 1 think liedid, or at least we have some truth ful men w ho lived near him al the tiine w ho say So. Xow, Mr." Long Shanks, I would not raise one objection to your being good or doing good, but Ibis isn't the spirit in which it should be done. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor," You said they ivou didn't have the courage to say who) would go to the meeting sit, laugh and talk and then congre gate at the store next inoining atid abuse them. Xow, kind sir, you re lied n moment and see if you can't recall about T mornings in each week that vou also were there as sisting in the conversation, and then you would go and tell -Mr. Johnson and Ml. l'razier the news, over in town, so lliey could llingoiit insults such us "nine-tenths of the so-called preachers were going ton devil's hell: that he could get better girls than lianiseiir had." I say it's a shame that such a thing in ihe guise of a minister should come in our tow n and say such things about our virtu ous, modest young women and go away w ithout being called on to an swer for such language. We say what we have in all kind ness and with a brotherly love, hop ing, Mr Long Shanks, that you will improve in your methods. liamsctir, X. C. F. Thai Mceliiu at Ramseur. We thought possibly enough had been said oi the Holiness craze, thai sp. nt its venom up m our town and people for about seventeen days, but some remarks in your last issue by the liumscur Holiness correspondent calls for more. Some of our neigh boring tmv us are aroused over small pox trouble. I'.relhi'en, you should possess your sou's in patience, and remember how highly favored you are. Vour affliction may mark your faces some, but it does not blight and blast immortal souls. Vou have never been smitten with an epidemic of moral leprosy, a Holiness delu sion, this "get-away-up-high" sort ol religion. Xow, we have not one word of criticism (or the good and well mean ing people who have been deluded, l iiev will sooner or lulei see the fal lacy of such teaching. Hut think of professed perfection, and mere bovs at that, standing up and calling old consecrated ministers of (lod, who have grow 11 gray in the service, all kinds of hard names, going through tlieir list of ugly epithets. Those fellows ought to be ushaiii ed so ashamed that they would go away off to some boggy swamp and hide behind a frog .-tool, and let the uiiisiiiitofS and galliuippcrs suck the bad blood out ot them until they shall have more reverence for good men and things, and would it uot be well to send a holiness press corres h indent and poetic gusher along if thev should decide to go away and do pcnitnee, and make satisfactory progress, others might want to hunt u frog stool in the wilderness, where tobacco liendsand blackheaded devils mid rotten church members are not in evidence. Think of comparing a religions circus with an old-time Methodist camp meeting! It is a travesty upon our veiieiated and sainted fathers and mothers, who lived happily and died triumphantly, w ith the old-time camp meeting religion before this "get away-up-higll" so-cailed Sancti lication was w hooped up. Many of our people, as gcod by nature and practice as the average mortal, never attended the meeting at all, others, to gratify a bnrning curiosity, went once and were suffi ciently amused, and disgusted us well. After all, according to the Old hook, the very best men and women of earth are ouly sinners saved by grace. Another sad result that came of that meeting is that that great and holy name was so indiscriminately and almost irreverently nsed that it was robbed of its reverence with small children andthonghtlcsa per sons. SHoltT MIANKS. New Dankraptcy Division. Judge Jauici E. Boyd, of the U S. district court has appointed Fred erick W. Thomas referee in bank ruptcy at Asheville. A new division in bankruptcy was constituted com posed of the counties of Buncombe, Yancey, Madison, Haywood, Jack son, Swuiu, Macon, Uraham, Clay and Cherokee. A Little arlf Riser now and tkea. at bidrimu will oare tloti3D, hilioosoma and liver trabrs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are tbe famous nttM puis that cure hy arooainc tbe secretions, mov.ag the bow a gently , yet effectually, arid liv ing each tone and aueegto to the gUada ol lb stomach aad iiar fiat the eaaae of tbe trouble ia removed aa tire'v. an I If tbair one is conlinaed for A irncioas. a few a vs, time win oe no return 01 I ol the c.'mplaliit. Bold by W A Underwood. Cures Eczema, Itching Humost, Pimples and Carbuncles. Cost Nothing- to Try. II. U. 13. (Botanic Blood Babe) ia a ciTiain and sure tor ec.am, ivobii g skin, huni"rs, sen's. aoMea, waiery lilisters pimples, aebing Loiiea or joints, bolls, carbuncles, priekLm;, p ins in tho sktn, old rating sties, ulcer", elc Hotn ilo LIO"d Bului cures tlm worst a d mesi ileep-ented cases i.y cin icliinK. purifying and viuli.lnu iU" blood, ther. bv giyug a h-althy blood supply to die akin, ileala every lore and fives the rich glow ot bealtb to the skiii. liuilils up iba broken auvvn hnuy and makea Ihe blood led 11. 0 nourishing. Ksqecially advised Tor ilirui'ir, "Id ensaa that dootora, patent me ; ie: nee and hot aprp ga fall 10 cures HiugiHta, (I, with complete directions tor bo.iie cure, lo proe li. ii. 13. cu e, sample sent free and prepaid by writioe ISI"d Halm Co., Atlanta, G. I). s.-ribn trouble, and tree medical a.'v (v .ent in ceali'd Istter. Standard Drug Company. "Stand pat", '"Sawdustcr" and "Insurgent" will lie among the fre iUeiitly used expressions of the com ing campaign. The meaning of the lirst is well known. The second in dicates a ruiulidutc whose record is such that a slight ex posu re serves to disable him and the last is a man w ho, w idle maintaining his allegi ance to the party, refuses to obey a parlv mandate. DOES IT PAY TO BUY OHEAP? A cheap remedy fur coughs and colds is all right, bat yoa want something that W'll r. li.'e and cure tbe mdre se ic'e nnd danyeroun results of throat and lung 'roubles What shall voudo? Go 10 i winner and more regular cli mate? Yes, if posnlble; if not possible for yon, ibi n in either oaan take the only remedy that has been inirodnced in all civilized i'"untrio with success in vere ibr-at and lung trrul.les, 'B-.m-'h-e's German Syrup." It not on v heals nnd stimulates the liaaues to Uvtroy ihe ger n disease, bat alLif in tluuiiuatioii, causes easy ex proi oration, giv e a goii-i night's rest, and cures ihe (iitient. Tryoeeboitle. Recommend ed ii'S'iy yeurs by nil drugKists in the world. You can get this reliable retiwly at all druggists. Price 25c and Patent Commissioner Allen an nounces that the Patent Office has not issued a patent on perpetual motion device for at least forty years and will never do so again. From a Cat Scratch i'u tbii orni, to ihow rsl sort of a burn, so'e or boil, DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo is a a!ck oare. Ia baying Witch tla.al Halve, bo particular to get I' .Vitt'r this in ih'- salve thit heals withmr leaving a sair. A siiecinn for Mmd, blee'Hnt, Itching and protruding p 'lea. Sold by W A Underwood. Quick Arrest. J A. (iullediie of Verbena. Ala. was 1 1 Ice In the bo-pltal from a severe case of 1 il- rausing 24 tumors. Affr Jo tors and all reme'liea fadt Buck ten's Arnica rJalve quickly arrested furiliT 1 dlamuiation nnd cared him. It coi quers aches and kills pnan. 25c, ut Standard Drug Store Asbeboro. Reduced Rales. To Chapel Hill N. C. round trip ?3.?o tickets on sale Mav 30. 31. June 1, 2, nnd 3rd, with final limit June oth. To Harbison, X. C. round trip :u;u tickets on sale May 22 to 27, inclusive with final limit May 29th. To Wilmington, N. O. (account Teachers Assembly at Wrightsville) round trip 9.50, which includes membership fee and arbitrary beyond Wilmington. Tickets on sale June .ith-llth inclusive, final limit 30 davs from date of sale. To Kernersvillc, N. C. ( For Oak liidgc ) round trip $2.60 tickets on sale May 19, 20 and 21st, with final limit May 25th. To Winston-Salem, N. C. round trip i2.G0 tickets ou sale May 21,22 i'.i.io and 2Gth with final limit May 3m h. To Asheville, N. C. round trip siii.So tickets on sale June 11,12 and bith with final limit June 24th. C. A. Pampux, Agent. TheX-Raya. Recent experiments, by praotloal tests and examination with tbe aid of the X Hays, ea'abliah it aa a fact that CatArrh of ibe Stomach is not a dieeaaa of lisrlf, bat thai It results from repeat ed attacks of indigestion. "Hoar Can ICVe My Indigestion?'' Kudo! Dya peeaia Care is oaring thousand" It will cute yoa of indigestion and dys pepsia, and prevent or core Catarrh of 'n-htoracn. nodni digests what yon eat lnaaea the stomach aweet. Sold by n A underwood. Extremely Low Rates TO MANY POINTS VIA Southern Railwau .If lint for the fulkiwln ftuet-Ul or AMiKVMJ.K. ir. r ftwificrn KturatkmiU An itthm. Jtmo w-jiuy s. mm. ATHKN" OA. Hummer fehnol, July 1-Auput ATLANTA, OA. Ntitloiifi) OmiventkMl B. Y. P. V. of AiuerU'm. July ft-liL iwn. &nrrs, map,-.-Nat I-1 mi Kducatlonal Am- (ifttion, Jitiv rvio, .ism KNoxvil.l.K, TKNN.-Humnwr Bt4iool, June 1 tiiKithirn Hail war. iiHHi to any Tick. Agt wnr, (V AjctmUnf onitm-ctlug Ituca, Chariotte, B.C. VIIOAV1STIII8? W e have a nice line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Laoei, Em broidery, etc- Work and Drees Shirts, Overalls, Underwear and Notions. Also a complete Una of staple Hardware and Drugs, Dia mond Dyes, etc Tbe Groceries we keep are always nice and fresh and the pricea right. All binds oonntry produce in exchange for merchandise. J. 5 IHSITMAN, TRINITY, N. C. DISK IMPLEMENTS MANUFACTURED P"t Johnston Harvester Company. Continental and Diamond Harrows and Cultivators. Write for catalogue prices. Handle man, N. C. W. G. BARKER, Agt. nHaBaHHHBaaaMaat7HaaHHai we nave a 1 aoie ana rocket cutlery in addition to our Mammoth Stock of General Hardware, Farm Implements of all kinds, Buggies, Harness, Etc., Etc. You will legret it if you don't 'call and see us before making your purchases. McCrary - Redding jj HARDWARE COMPANY. J I DUB NOTICE 18 8ERVED. Dne notice ia hereby serfd on tbe publio generally that DeWIU's Witch Hazel Salye is tha only ealva on the market that is made from Ibe pare. unadulterated witch hasel. DeWitt's Witch llaael Salve has cared thous ands of caara of piles that wonld not yield to any other treatment, ana tola fact baa brought out many worthless counterfeit', i'hoaa persona who gat tbe genuine D-Win's Witch Hasel Salve are t.av.r eisapnoinioa, oecauae it cures. W. A. Underwood, Handle man. Toronto, Cumuli, is considering a law which provides for the abolition of Taxes 011 f 700 of tho value of every residence. The idea in view is the modification of the tuxes on the homes owned by the jRiorcr jnn)le. Under such a law a mun owning a home assessed at $900 w ould July taxes ou only $200. GOOD FOB CHILDREN. The pleaaant to takr. and harmlo-s Une Minute (-oaxB (Jure giree immeai' ate reliei in all cases ol Cough. Croop and LaQrippe beoauan it does not pa- immediately Into the stomach but takes effect right at tbe seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflimina- linn, heals and soothes and ooraa per manently by enabling the longa to con tribute pore llf'i-giylng and llfe-auarain-iug oxygen to tbn blood aod lUaue. W A Undurwool, Handleman. Meanwhile, J ml ire Tarker of New- York smiles but gives no other in dication that he is a "recojitivo can didate. Age Limitation. Thar is a crowing sentiment whioh nKclndeeoldaraefromeoioyiiittbe bene fits of choice positions in tha busmem would . V onto t every wnere preirrrea. In 1 hi reaoaot Elect no Bittes is dif ferent. It benente old and young alike Key. (J. J. uodlongoi Asia way, n 1 writes. "I want everybody to know what Electric Bitters w. It cured me of jaundice and liter trouble from wh'o I had anffered fo- years. It'a a great tonic and nervine and cores Liver, Kidney, and otomach troubles. Only ie and goaranteed by Standard Drag (Jo The driver of a closed moter car recently noticed that his passengers had slipped down onto the floor. On opening the door he discovered that they had been completely over conic by tbe fumes from the muter. A SWEET BREATH ia a never falling tiga of a bea'thy stomach. When the breath la bad tba stomach is oat ut ordei. flier ia no remedy In th world eqaal to Kodtl CraDenaia Cure for earing inrllgtation. dytpepsia and all stomach diaordtre. Mrs. Mary 8. Crick, of White Plaina, Kv.. arritea: "I have been a dyspeptic for yeara tried all kinds of ramodias out eounnaaa 10 araw wurwa. ia aa of Kodol I beama to Improve at one, and altar laai.iR a tew sown aaa folly restorad In weight, health and ranarth and aaa aal wbatavar I like Kodol difteeta what yoa eat and makea tbe atomaob aweet. W. A. Underwood, Kaudlaman. The enffineerine schools of Great Britain are in so primitive a condit ion that students are ad vised to come to Canada, McGill College, to the Trov.CN.Y.iPolvtechnic. or to aome of the great Uerman institutions aScncatioti. There was a big sensation In Leaayill Ind. warn W. U. brown of that plaoea wht was axpeoted to die, had bl Ufa saved bv Dr. King's Maw lieewer or Consumption. Hewrtias: MI ao- daiad Insnftarable abooiaa freai Asthma bat your "New Dlaoovaiy" give aaa ina- ari ad lata relief and aooa tberoattar ateotad a complete enra. Similar carta of conaumptioa, aamooia, sraaeni lla and Grip are aanMroaa. It'a th peer.eaa remedy for all throat aad lang iroublea. rm wo, aaa n.w. uaaraej teed by Staadard lng f. Trial bottiaafrea. On the first and third Tnesdays of May and June tbe Friaco System (Saint Lonis cV San Francisco Bail- road) will have on sale reduced one way and round trip tickets from Birmingham, Memphis and Saint Louis to points ia Arkansas, Mis- somi, Oklahoma, Indian Territory andTeiaa. Write W. T. Saunders, 0. A P. D, friaco System, Atlanta, Ga, for iiiornrntion. complete line ol the best Kazors, O: ORGANS Factory Sale at Asheboro. l. W. Frli A r. hare J.H nnaiarlNl a ll'l carol Ilia MATCIII.KaH" BURDETT ORGANS. At Aahelm.o. Tliem onralia will lie mA not !n the 1 .lagra. Tha HIIKIlPrTT ORIIAN hiia lasen liefore he imttlU' fi ST yeara. Over 1S.000 In a-c. They ar lilah arada tnatrumenta In avcrr aenee 01 tha wnnt. TheeH" organs have a pure, sweet tone, easy to operate, handsome and substantial cases in both walnut and nimrtar-sawed oak. All BUIiDKTT ORGANS giiuranteeil. See thee organs before you bnv. ' 0. W.FKIX4C0., Statu Representatives for Factory. North Carolina oflice and Wareroom at Salisbury. NEW THINGS IN CLOTHING! These cut represent ."unie of the new things that we are now opening up direct from the manufacturers. Call in and soe the latest and beat in men's wearables, THE MERlTT-JOHNSON CO. 308 S. Elm SL Greensboro, N. C. FOR Rock Bottom Prices On GROCERIES and BEST PRICES for your Chicken . and Eggs be sure to go to W. H. Jennings. Franklinville, N. C Near Depot. NEW GOODS Have arrived at the Millinery Store and we are pow ready to ell all the ladiet a new Eas ter bat We will be glad to aee all interested; and will take pleasure in showing job throngh our store. : MRS. E. T. BLAIR. KficuzsTErs w.zuz: FEI1I1YR3 VAL FILLS BiraiMua aa. .naiaa. Buy T mr Unirr.at, a arf tm. la aunp. ear rvtmmlmm. Ma. FOB SALE. One firstxlass corns mill. Me automatic lathe machine, , one set tinner's tools, cheap, for cash, or in exchange for lumber.. Apply to Col-riui Omcf, Asboboro, A.C I j J (BA4 Vltw.) " nnxton '4 S.k 5ult "W" t.alaaHnMki M Kawaaar aaa Ut lUat aa aiJ ai3 ri'V " - attar aav 1.1. - a. aw- SEa""4- 3 oauoaaamra onmui 00. afaMaaa aaaaajji rsataaV PA. (

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