15he Courier. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. VBTIBULE PASSENGER No. 18a arrivea at Ashclioro Irom Atjcnlwn at loao a. m. No. 1W arrival it Aiheboro from Mirh Point St S.10 p. MIXKD TRAIN Train No. HO loavca Aahvlmo (or Mali l'cilnt at B s. m. No. Ml from align Point arrive at Aahaboro 10 a. m. No. 1 loaroa Aaluhnm for Hlrh Point U.01 p. m. n lw iron High Point arrives Aaheboro at 4.10 p. m. Local and Personal. Mr J P Baldwin, of Ramftenr, waa in town iueauay. Prof Way haa returned from Liberty commencement. Messrs A II Keams and S T Lof tin wcio in town Tuesday. Mr A F Yow and family are moving U star. Mr. Sam Teague spent Sunday Greensboro. Mrs S S Keams, of Salem Church, was in town Wednesday. Why Not commencement is today, and Shiloh tomorrow. Miss Jn'anitft Rush went to High Point Tuesday to visit friends. Mr W F Tally, of Randleman, was here Tuesday. Mr M J Presnell, of Michfield, was in town Tuesday. Miss CriBaie Miller is expected home from Lucama this week. Several Ashcboro people attended preaching at Holly Springs Sunday. Mr T J Moffltt went tip to Greens boro Tuesday on business. Mr Hiram Freeman, of Ether, was in town Tuesday morning. Messrs Off Hilliard and C V Bean returned from a trip to Wash ington City. Mr G C Floyd went to Greensboro Tuesday returning yesterday. The Randleman band passed thro' Tuesday going tq Star commence mc.it. Mr E B Leonard and Mrs F L Trogdon, of Ramseur, were in town Monday morning. Mrs W J Baldwin and children, of Lassiter, are visiting relatives at Ramsenr. Mr John Brown and Mies Nora Williams, of Central Falls, visited at Mr J B Kobbina' Sunday. Messrs. J W Hnnsiicker and Dave Foreman, of Salisbury, passed thro Tuesday going to Star and Troy. Mrs Wm C Hammer and little daughter, Harriett, are visiting rel atives at Steeds. Mrs J M Way has returned from a visit to relatives and friends in New Hope and Concord townships. Mrs M S Robins attended the f olden wedding reception of Mr and Irs J R Bulla, at Trinity, Monday evening. We call attention to the new ad vertisement of II A Moffitt & Co. of Worthville, found on the first page of this issue. It is not too late to sow tomato seed to raise tomatoes for the canning factory and our people should tuke advantage of it Mr J T Brittain loft Tuesday morning for Yadkin High School in Davidson county, where he delivered the commencement address Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Ernest Teague came down Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday with Mr league's father, Mr W J Teague, returniug to Oreens )oro Monday morning. Mr B F Newby returned from Liberty commencement yesterday. His daughter, Misa Ada, who has taken the business course in the Liberty Normal College returned with him. Mr A B Covington, of Ramseur, came up to Asheboro Saturday to meet his daughter, Mrs Mattie C Townsend, of Ellerbe Springs, Rockingham county, who came up on a visit to her parents. Rev R E Caldwell, D D, of Win ston, N C, will preach at the Pres byterian church next Saturday even ing at 8 o'clock and on Sunday at 11 o'clock, a m, and 8 o'clock, p m. Communion service Sunday morning. Mrs Z F Rnsh went up to High Point last f nuay mgnt to auenu me v-l.l.lo f Mr AH Horner, who has been quite ill. Mrs Rush returned borne Monday aiternoon anu repurw Mr Horney't condition improved. Last year it was Charlie Row who carried OH oratorical nouors; ioai month it waa another Kanaoipn ooy, BlAmw RnlUna I Mat week it WM rouns- Lambeth, of Thomasville. are leaders wherever you nuu mem Vnni rvimiitn: Winifred Cox and sister Misa Ora Cox, arrived here today, accompanied by tier jno ui i ,i wifn Avanireliiiti from Indi ana. Misa Cox waa in the Bible school; at Cincinnati, Ohio, the - ion mnA forth Mat year haa had charge of the Bible school at Beulah Heights, Ky. May God nuke them a blessing to 'wills in Ashcboro. -v- Golaea Weddiox. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bulla celebrat ed their fiftieth year ol raimcd nie ... it.. knml . tln.ir ilanirhter. Mrs. Nannie Craven, at Trinity, on the evening of May 25th, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Bulla formerly lived in A .k-hnm and thir IruUIV friends bere wiah for thesa many more years ol happiness. UfcacrUtloBS Pal. m ii.il. V fihiart J A Clanrj. Nora Williama, T B Bush, ,Z C Lewis, C B Keama, DrCH Phillips, v u w . Tt TP. Sfetvi- tsmmi Uicki, A C Arnold, Mont Harris, J R Millar, N V Keams Mre 3 B Brooksbirv, J W Parrwh, K H Dor- sett, W l moroourg, j Kora W Iw;s. Caatlaf Factory. Mr Elijah Moffltt recently re turned from Baltimore where he purchased a canning outfit for the new cannery. Ramseur Commencement. Owing to illness of Mr Oscar Weatherlv. one of the teachers. Ram senr High School Commencement has been postponed until next imirs- uay, June tth. Better Schools lor Asheboro. The new board of town commis sioners have met and levied the taxes for the coming fiscal year. 'phe school tax was levied at 30 cents on the $100 valuation of nronrrtv and BO cents on the poll. Heretofore the school tax has been 2o cents en the $100 valuation of property and 73 cents on the poll. The increase in the taxes for the scnool was taken off of the general assessment. There is now in the town treasury about $1,000 in cash for general purposes. Owing to this fact it was considered. unnecessary to lew a) larire an as sessment for general purposes as heretofore. The action of the town commis sioners is a lone step in the direction of better schools and will, we think, be heartily approved by the people of the town. Educational Meetinp. Enthusiastic educational meetings weie held on last Saturday at Provi dence Academy and at Julian, this county. At 2 o'clock p. m. State Senator R F Benslcy, of Monroe, and Super intendent Way addressed the people at Providence Academy. Senator Beasley made a strong speech in fa vor of better public schools and edu cation for everybody and completely captured his audience. He was fol lowed by Sunt Way, who also made a strong plea for better schools and school houses. At 8 p. m. they poke at Julian and again aroused he people on the subject. Our peo ple were highly pleased with Senator Beasley. Social Event ia Randlemin. The "Flinch Party" gi ren by Mr and Mrs C C Randleman on last Saturday evening complimentary to Miss Dunlun of Anderson was quite a social event in our little village. For several hours the yning peo ple were given the freedom of the home and enjoyed themselves with all the pleasaut features the hostess had arranged. At 10:30 o clock the guests were invited into the dining room, which was most artistically decorated in red for the occasion and were served with delicious ices, cake, etc. The hour for departure arrived all too soon and the merry party dis persed reluctantly. The invited guests were Misses Dnnlap, Cor nelia tfowdon, Jjonise incus, utnra Stimson. Jessie Woollen. Messrs W T Bryant, S G Newlin, J T Council, T 1 Marshall, W u Turner, UT J)ox, Mr and Mrs J II Cole. Free Library. The"f ree public library" establish ed largely by the efforts of the ladies of Asheboro is now open to the pub lic. Miss Bessie totlin is librarian. The library is open to the public from II a. m. to Z p. m. and irom 5 p. m. to 10 p. ni.. The library is I'st.'tHished especially for the benefit f laboring people where may be found the best books and magazines to read. The leading dailies will be kept on tile. You are requested to call at any tinap and read the piipers and get a good book or magazine to read. The library is established for the benefit of the public ana we hope all will patronize it The librarian will take pleasure in wait ing on all who will come. Ubertv Children's entertainment was given Saturday night Un Sunday at li e cioca: ev ut Hnme, of the University, preached the commencement sermon from the turf.- "H'iat va nut that I must be about my father's business," and was very aDle sermon. Xfininv at 3 nVlnrk n. m. a music recital by" Miss Sallif Patterson, who graduated in music. At S n. dl there waa a contest for the reciter's medal. On Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the orator's contest took place. At 1 l:au came we uiemrj auuraa r Prof J O Atkinson, of Elon Col in Via iflsmimn at it o'clock the declaimer's contest took place and at 8 p. m- the drama, "tady Auaiey s Secret," was rendered by the pupils of me acnooi. Died. Cant S S Colev. at High Point, of nai-alvaia nn Mav 17th. At Central Falls May 26th, infant of Wm Garner. Near Lexington May loth, Mre Rarripr. wife of Mr Jeff Barrier, a prosperous farmer, aged about 40 years. Miaa ran Ann ttonmna at ivan- dieuan May 24th and waa buried at New Union church, nve miles irom Asheboro. The deceased was rlanirhtar of Mr Jonathan Robbins. a .i i x.M i oik 1 oai innie May Dora, the infant and ii rhiiii or u u ana iteuua uena "!rrf aimd one vear nine months and sixteen days. Minnie May was a bright and winsome child, the idol of her parents heaita; bnt their loss ia her gain. May the Lord bless and comfort the bereaved ana etneaen home. NOTICE rrk. Vmmo Panriloa' Rtmetv nt Christian Endeavor will hold its weekly prayer meetings en Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock ia the M. P. church, instead of Sanday afternoon. as heretofore. Topic, June 2: Missions in the island norld. 1st. 42; 10-17: , 8-9. Ma xxl K. Wood, Pros. ErlK P-OS, . Star Commencement, The commencement exorcises of Star High School was on Tuesday May 26U, exercises in the forcnooii, afternoon and at night The principal, (Jupt V r tsiler gave two gold medals and a beauti ful book as rewards for merit Master Sam Ingram won the medul for the best declamation by the boys, and Miss Bertha Wallace won the medal for the best declamation by the young ladies. The contest by the smaller pupils for the book prize resulted in a tie between Mary Ina Shamburger and Mary bcarboro. The address of Mr R F Beasly, editor of the Mouioe Journal was excellent His subject was the "Now Gospel. The commencement waa a great success, and the school year which has closed has been a successful one for Star Academy. Married. On the 10th of May, at the resi dence of the officiating justice of the peace in Providence township, Mr I M Kivett and Miss Mary A York, P A Ronth, J P officiating. At the home of the bride's father, Mr David Sink, two miles south of Lexington on May 14th, Mr Ernest Uonrad and Miss Amelia omK, itev J A Grey performed the ceremony. On last Wednesday May 20th, Mr Ernest L Pleasants, of Aberdeen, was married to Miss Snzic Page, of Biscoe, Rev G A Oglesby performing the ceremony. Mr Pleasants is a popular conductor on the A & A Railroad and the bride is an accom plished daughter of the late James R Page. Hillsboro and Pinion Items. There was a severe wind on the night of May 21 at. A crib at A R Hill's ww torn up and some fruit trees at C C Talbert's were blown down. The Sunday school at Hillsboro is progressing well; There will be a children's day the second Sundny in June; the closing address will be by Orlando Hill the secretary of the Sunday school. The Kusseil and Uoggnia mine has been sold by the owner Richard Karnes of Salisbury and work will begin soon. Rev Christenberry will preach at Hillsboro the first Sunday in June, at 3 o'clock. Staley Items. The infant son of Jessie and Berta Marley died last Sunday. Mis W A Warren sjient a very pleasant night recently with Mrs G M Allred. We would respectfully ask the President of the Liberty Normal College and'the principal of the Siler City Institute to never 1st their com mencements again fall on the sumo day, for the reason that it has very much demoralized business for some days past in our town because of the many consultation meetings of the young folks to decide to which place to go. But we think they acted very discreetly by deciding, after much consideration, to divide time and take in Liberty Monday night and Siler City Tuesday. They say this was the best they could do under the cirenmstaaces. Misses KtU and Annie Stalev at tended the commencement of the State Normal at Greensboro this week and report a most excellent time. It is always a pleasure to those who have been so fortunate as to obtain collegiate education to return to the alma mater of their more youthful days and meet affec tionate teachers and classmates and view the halls of learning wherein they spend so many happy hours trying to develop that intellect given them by their Creator. We are sorry to hear of the sick ness of Mr G 0 Weatherley, of Ram seur, who taught the last term of our school. Hope he may soon re cover. If wa are any judge of small mat ters, there certainly will be more late corn this season in this community than eirly. Edgar Items. There was a very nice little rain Saturday night, but looks like we need more. Several from in and about Marl boro attended quarterly meeting at Holly springs. Mr Simeon Hicks, from below, is to be at Cedar Square, . ""Tt Satur day night at 7:SU p. m. and at Marlboro on sun .lay at tne usual hour for meeting, 11 o'clock. Mr T A Smith, of Settle, N. C, spent' Saturday night and Sunday with his cousin., J.. 2. ..K Sppjwr and familv. Misses Jennie and Jessie Davis went shopping at Randleman last Friday. Mr Samuel Nelson returned to Greensboro one day last week, where he is attending the bible acnooi, Lnscserry Itcsas. We are having some dry weather in the community and the farmers are behind with their work. Mr R A Lineberry, who bos been otienine up at saw null at Mount (wot th T..r ...V Messrs A W Nixon, A M Allred and Frank Spencer, of Jamestown, are building large barn near uerei Cross for Mr E G Stanton. Messrs AM Allred and Charlie Allred went to Greensboro the past week. Mr John Coble, the mail carrier at this Place, aava be baa a good coon dog and now wants good bird dog. Some of oar people went to Provi dence Saturday to the educational rally. Items of Interest, Mws eomsa from D. H. Tinier, a DnA-'st t iMaipeertewa, ra. UH 1. r i. ... -i i .t. Bin. at Kui uli. ra fcia atom. After aaiBf than alm mlt k seys. tby are tralj great, actaal uperiedoe coDviaew) Errv bivif wanta tnara (or CenitipatlUB Kt'nerh and Lirer tronWu. i-tfl at Randleman Items. Dr J W Long, of Salisbury was 1 f 1 1 It- UT A Wnnllxn IJl'113 ItlUllUltJ WJ OCl- 11 II i liwuvi, who continues very ill. Mr WD Turner spent. Sunday with friends in Ucidsvillc. Miss Bessie Dunlnp, of Anderson, S. C, is the guest of Miss Cornelia liuwilnn. Messrs Robt Dicks and Joseph Newlin have retained home from Guilford College for the summer vacation. Mrs S Bryant and little daughter, Virginia, lire visiting friends in Reidsville during the Cnrnivul. Misses Nannie llallenger, Claud and Maud Fox, and Dr Dennis Fox attended the commencement cxer excrcises at Guilford College. Mr A N Bulla who bus for several weeks been confined with a severe attack of rheumatism is still unable to be out Rev J A Woosley is assisting Rev L T Cordell in a protracted meeting at St Paul's. The Township Sunday School Convention will be held here Sunday in Naomi M K church. Mr A N Millikau spent several days in Washington City last week. Messrs T 1 Marshall and a m Barker attended the educational rally at Providence last Saturday. Quite a number of Aslieboro's young people camo up Friday night to attend the Minstrel. Plsfah Items. The fill mora are somewhat dia- cotirtiL'ed on account of the ilrv weather and the curly planted corn failing to come up. Wheat .cron will probably be much better than the people expect ed. The fruit cr6n will probably lie an average yield. This writer's crop is above un average. Mary Anno Welch has been very sick, but is improving. Dr Mooro is attending her. Dockery Hall is easy mgain it's a girl. Mr Lyuden Brown hua lost three children in about four weeks with whooping cough and diarrhoea. Miss Zena unciiniion is visiting at Mr II C Williams'. Mr mill MrsThos Slack visited ut J D Welch, Esq., Sunday. Mr Li ti Lewis preaciieu nr. .m Lebanon Sunday. He is a good man and a good preacher. Mr N l uck bus purchased a if 70 organ for his daughter Miss Fleta. The people of our cuinmunity are anticipating a good time tit Why Not Thursday. There is such a great demand for lalmr in this section the laboring class have about decided to wait un til the rush is over. Saw mills are so thick south of here one whistle would answer for about eiirlit mills. The hands scarcely know whose pay roll they are on. Farmer Items. The cool dry May has greatly im- piovod our wheat prospect. The yield is estimated ut about two-thirds of an average crop. The bud or cut worm together with very dry weather is playing havoc with young growing corn. Prof Hairis leaves Fanner for his home in Montgomery county today. Miss Lura Gibson, of Gibson, N. C, went home lust week. We hope she will tuko her place promptly.'ns assistant at the opening of next term. Mr Sherill Lassiter and his sister, Misa Dora, will take charge of the Bombay school next year. Before the public schools arc opened in the tall, we hope the school board will duly consider the advisability of consolidating the schools of Concord township. It is too great a waste of money to lure teachers at $25 per mouth and let them sit through the winter with not exceeding a dozen or fifteen students as hus been the case. The relatives and friends of Uncle Drew Lewis, aa he is familiarly known, will be pained to leurn of another attack of paralysis that came upon him a few days ugo. i his is the third one. und at first his re covery was looked upon as being ex tremely uouDiitii, nut at mis writing he has some what recovered. Mr Julian Gamer leaves for Elisc where he hus secured a position as supt of the lumber yard ut the saw mill of S A ljcwis und Uharlie uran ford, with his team to haul lumber. The youug ladies in general regret to give him np; for Charlie is quite a favorite. Owing to some misunderstanding Capt Kennedy could not finish grad ing the uwnarrie road irom rj a Howard's to Asheboro. This is a serious disappointment to the busi ness of southern Raudolph. It is estimated fairly that nine or ten thousand wagon loads of lumber, guano, and produce will be trans ported to and irom Asneooro over this Uwhairie road by wheat sowing time. Let us have a bond issue of annaiter million dollars fur roads and bridges. It is the great need of this age and let the leading roods to the county seat be worked. Death ef Mrs. Staley. Mre. A. P. Staley, who has been i invalid for about 6vn years, suf fering with pulmonary trouble, pass ed away peacefully at her home Mon ilar afternoon at 2'oclock. aged 37 years. She bore her afnictioaa brave- tod was resigned to the will ef im hn rloeth all things well. Mrs. Staley was a devout christian woman and was xnucn lovea oy an 01 oer f nenda. Alinongn denied me pnyi Wm nt aomal life in a measure on account of her feeble condition of health. See drew around her many warm friends, all of whom will re mii th announcement of her death with sincere regret The remains were taken to Richland township whm ther were laid to rest Wed nesday in the presence of large number Ol sympatmsing menus. The sorrow-stricken husband and a!1. A ratafia Kara th. aiiirwra Bvm- pathy of the community, Iligh j'omt enterprise. Ramseur Items. Dr C S Tate went to Greensboro Tuesday of last week. W II Watkins returned Monday from a sojourn of u fov i'r ya in and around Troy. D F Andrews went to Durham last week, and it is rumored that lie will move his familv there. Wo ahull lie sorry indeed to lose such good people. L E Teague went up to Greens boro rhuraday ai.d set himself up to new suit of clothes. (ieo Haves, of Durham, is visiting his father-in-law, (! W Thomas. Jno M Steele, of Greensboro, but formerly of this place, is spending a few days in town. Bryant Scott, of Spencer, is visit ing his parents, Mr and Mrs II W Scott. Mrs S. T. Townsend, of FUlorbe Springs, i:i visiting Mr and Mrs A B Covington, her parents. Mrs r L Trogdon unit h is IjCoii anl went to Asheboro Monday. A certain young niun residing u few niiles'cast of Ramseur had an engagement wit a young lady in tow n to carrv her to Holly Springs Sumlav und about the middle of the week his horse became laino in one leg and the fellow was so afraid that he couldn't keep his engagement he worked the balance of the weak try ing to cure the lame leg. At any ute he was in town bright und eai iv and was seen in company with one of Ramscur'a fairest young ladies going in the direction i.r Holly Springs. Moral: Use Barker's Nerve and lione Liniment and your horse will have no lame legs. A Miss Kelly, of Chirkton, is vis iting Mrs Dr Tate. lias anybody seen "Long Shanks" since the Courier arrived last week? Itev. J. R. Scruggs, presiding elder of the Greensboro district, held quar terly conference here Satin day night. His text Sunday morning was from Exodus 3 eh. aild 1 vs., his subject being Larger knowledge, Larger being and larger doing. He made it so plain that "a wny faring man, though a fuol need not err therein." After preaching the Lord's supper was observed. Brother Scruggs is a great and good uiuu und n nnm of whom we ure justly proud. Rev. Mr. Long, of Elon College, was in town Sunday. We regret we did not have tho privilege of hearing him preach. We regret to tiniiounoe the serious illness of Prof. (i. O. Weatherlv, one of the faculty of the Ramseur'lligh School, and on account of his illness the commencement was post poned until June 4th. Mr und Mrs II B Carter and Mr Mrs C B Smith attended tho closing exercises of Siler City High School May 20th. Mr A B Covington went to Ashe boro on business jl') Saturday. On account of the high price of cotton and the low price of sheetings the Columbia Mfg. Co. will run on half time until July 1st. pranklinville Items. Mr Frank Stuart, of Asheville, spent Saturday and .Sunday in town with relatives mid friends. Mr Luther Parks, who has been in a telegraph office nt Charleston, S. V., spent Saturday and Sunday at Mrs Moon's, to the delight of one of the fair sex. Mr W H Jennings made a busi ness trip to Greensboro one day last week. We are glad to see Miss Mollie Jennings mil after a few days illness last week. Mr W C Craven, of High Point, and daughter Mrs Florrabell Dick ens, of Virginia, arc visiting in town this week. Several of our people attended quarterly meeting nt Holly Springs Sunday. Mr A 11 Burgess has leopeued his refreshment stand on R R avenue, where ire cream and cold drinks can be obtained at any time. Messrs M G Biiie and Abe Hudson seem to be very much improved since the appearance of two voting ladies in their homes within the last few duys. Mr J R l.ulterloh, who is especial ly fond of l'ork ami mustard salad, wus ill a few days lat week from having tarried too long over this dish, which was prepared for his siH'cial lienelit. Owing to the continued illness of Mr David Curtis, woik on the Acad emy has been suspended for several days. Sick Headache CURED IMMEDIATELY BY THE USE OF Hicks' Capudine. H 10c. 25c. and 50c. at Drugstores Business Notices Morns' Livery Stable has some second-hand buggies and harness in good condition tuey win sen cneap lor casii or uu iiuiu ui iii miuu iui horses ond pay the difference. RICH BROS, are putting in a kiln of brick this week and will have them for sale in a few days. WANTED At J. Aumnn's. Ash boro, N. C, sixty thousand lbs scrap iron and thirty thousand ins rags in the next thirty days. WANTED Several persons of character and good reputation in ouch state (0113 in this county re miinvll In rwireaciit and advertise old established wealthy business house be solid nnanciai sianuing CLnn S9i Ofl wwklv with exnense auaiuoi.ni, michuic m .. . Wednesday direct from head offices Unru and mirvmtrn furnished when necessary. Colonial Co., 334 Dear born St, (Jtucago. TO CURB A COLD IN ONJ5 DAT T. Wfl'.. nn,n Onlnitu. Tarilata. All dngi'l"a refund uu money If it fails tn ttja., K. W. (jrova'a aiguaiHr ae. evS B-al . Elon College Commencement. The Courier acknowledges an iiv vitution from Mr. W. II. Parka to Elon College commencement. i he progriiuiie is as follows: Tt r.siiA v, June 2xd. H:00 p. in., Alumni Address, John P. Lee, I'll. 15. ('.), Suffolk, a. Wedkesda v, Ji nk 3ui. 11:30 a. in., Annual Address, Gov, Clias. H. Aycock, LLD., Kuleigh, N. C. 3:3 p. in., Bncealaureute Seiuion, Itev. T. M. McV Innnev, D. v., LL. 1)., Chancellor Pulnicr tin versity, Mtineie, Indiana. NlH'IKTY REI'ltKSKNTATlVES: 8:00 p. ni., C. E. Holland, (Clio) irgmia; Miss JUlie lselev, (rsi) North Carolina; L. P Holland, (Clio) irginiu; C. M. Walters, (I'hi) North Carolina; Miss Mabel Brittle, (I'si) Virginia; M. L. Bryant, (Phi) irginiu. TmritsDAY, Jink 4th. 10:30 a. m.. Graduating Exercises. 3:30 p. in., Re-union of Literary Societies, und Art Axlnuit. b:00 p. m., Annual Concert. Stockholders' Meeting. M. Worlb Manufacturing Company, and the i , to be beld at ufaoturlDK Com- 't.bvllle. In Randolph county, tade by John M- Worth Hsnufaoturlns Co. l.e tbe uob other a ry to carry out and trlve elTeot e a:ill reaolullon. aaa 10 iranaaci auou bar laialneia by way of alaoilon of otll ira. wbere tbare are vaoaoolea, etc, aa may be neceaaarr. :.Y. .Mi AI.ki KK. Kir. J. M. Worth. II. M. wiiktii, Stockholders' Meeting;. Unit thcr will Iw a tml Mnuu t'ttiixnf thcMiH'klioMi ."il'ic'.r t'i'i-"i'ul' n i I.. In lil y, und tin' Mime l lien by Inv nl June. 1IKH. nt lllii'rl.n l the ntlirf ni the Worth Mauil- rurtiiri uny, ut WortlivUlt In Kiimlolh ili'W an? I'aniifitly lYiiui'.tttil toW A. r. Mi Al.lsTKR. Si i ri'tBry. ('. c. Mi AI.ISTKK Kxr. .1. M, Worth, lUcil. II. M. WORTH " ' " " A. r. Mi Al.l.-I KIl, II. M. ttHK I H, NORTH CAROLINA, 1 K:milolt! Cnuiit)-. In the Suju'rlor Cour K M Wvllxrn. T. J. Riil'lhiit. ) IinliT aryA.rVlllrti. I'l ul. J I'lllilliatlol ullt'liivit hI't. J. Ki'il. lillk. Imtll tlll-.l III tlK'llltil'l' of thu i'li-rk of till' i rk nl II li'Bllti' inlcr th'f lu-i i-tniiH'iit nl T. C. K , Sr. ilii-t'HMMl, till' Hl.lVO I'll .-x itnr. iiiiilmiiK fiirmriiiiiit tiinl tliml wtllf- im nl. mill tlmt tin- xnl'l An. In n I' Wi'llmru am llr. M.'t'hil I'mi-iiliiiw ,n'.'.lilli',','iiiv. Now, tli.'n'li.ri'. It In unli'ml by In till, ..I tin- i Iri-u t Wi'll.irn Hi In itltliil ni.-t'liil lum-flii .1 In n.l til Hill' till' I,' In iniiu- into iimrt anil iimu-l tlii-ir n-n-ti'llvi' niini iiti'l ri'.iuirliiK liiui hi iipl"-nr at tin- ntllci' llH C Ii rki.f Hi.. suTior Court of KniLlulph Iv un .Inn,' vnl. IHuS. mill iiiimvit or .l.'niur . ll.i''miiiiilnliil. iitlitTU'U- the linK'iililiirivill In- lii-iinl i-ximrU' a- Uihiin. Tliij imh .liiyof May,' ll'M. Here is the rreat Oak- Easel now on display at our store. It contains the line of beautiful new spring tailoring samples sent us by STRAUSS BROS.. Cbleaio Geed Tall ora tt Yea-re The Oak-Easel is the connecting link between the tailor and the faultlessly fin ished garments which give you so much pleasure to wear. It's really a lesson in good clothes buying to see this great collection of tailoring novelties. Pileea taw an4 aavtierao. Hen aifcaaliitely tukf. f antaatt. Cavil r. WOOD & MORING. ifeJXMiflinenii Every woman looks best with ! a hat made individually for her. No two women look equally well with bats alike; if they did thare would lie no need for such thing as artistic or individual millinery. Now when it conies to hats we have them in all the newest and most desirable shapes and elylee dress hats in every sense and they cost no, more than tho or dinary kind aud less than same a great deal less. Come and see them. Yours truly, Florence Owen, Randlemin, N. C. Next te Bays' KucUl Sitee. 1 Y THE 8 I 6 W OF I 1 t?nOD TAIL0RIN8 I I JJ vu The Great Spring Remedy. After the rigors ef winter are felt you are liable to feel the need el a tonic, luadv aad BLOOD PURIFIER. YOU WANT THE BEST OF COURSE; THAT IS RHEUMACIDE. Thia medicine la tcientifically compounded from the extracts of roeti, herbs and barki, combined with certain other purifying and alteratlre product!. A aure cure for Rhcumatlim, Indigeetlon, Conitipjtinn, Boili, Kidney Troublei. and all diaeaiea arliing from imp itiee in the blood. All Druggista, or t Chemical Co., . Groceries! We have a reputation for keeping the nicest, freshest line of Family Groceries to be found any where. That reputation must be retained, con quently we buy only the freshest and best. Sh ? o e s Our stock of Bhoes is full and complete and we challenge comparison in style, finish or wear. And we are "feet fitters." Try us next time. High Grade Fertilizers Always Morris & Scarboro-Moffitt Co. Depot Street. -Ajala.e"boro, 2fl C Paint, Paint Paint ALL KINDS Sherwin-Williams' Mixed Oil, Roof Paints, Wagon Paints, Buggy Paints, and Family Paints. Buy paints of us and paint what ever you want to paint. NaLomi W. T 'BRYANT, Manager. C J COX, President. J E POOL, T5he Hollady-Pool CORNER. DEPOT STREET. ASIIK150UO. X. C. New Store! We have iust opened un selected stocks of Hardware, Cutlery, Plows of every descrip tion, Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Rakes, and all kinds of farm ing implements, Builder's Supplees, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Paints, Oils, Wooden-ware, Tin-ware, Stoves, Heaters, Nails, etc., etc., ever displayed in the county. Our line is COMPLETE. ers and saw mill men and we think we know just what every class of the trade needs and have bought accordingly. Our salesmen will always be found ready and willing to show goods and make to one and nil tho lowest possible price without any dickering. Don't fail to see us before you buy anything in our line. Very truly yours, Hollady-Pool Hardware Company. "All Wool wide; won't run down at Our Suits and Overcoats VERY and at Reasonable prices If it don't suit you to come and see us, send us your order by mail, same shall have prompt attention, values and prices guaranteed. We ship Suits and Overcoats on ap proval to be returned to us when not satisfactory. Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees, 300 South Elm St. Oplatn. LssiiaaiiiBi Oseslns end cii Crrn tail.; permanent!? cured, without pnia of detention from busing, Imvuisj o cmv:.i tor drog of other stimulants. We muton tin tier in and phum! - 't their aatnral condition because we remove t.ia ctn.i it ui. w. s.: A. j . e prepared b aa eminent p6yBkii. expreia prepaid, . Baltimore, Hd., U. 3. A. on Hand. OF PAINT. Paints, White Lead, Linseed Falls Store Co. RANDLEMAN, N. C Vict Pres. D M II0LUDY. Mangr. Hardware Co. New Goods! one of the largest and best Our firm is composed of farm aend a yard ravel nor the heel." are of the BEST Greensbro, N. C. LA