T5)e Cdarier. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. VESTIBHl rAWNOEK-No. 11 arrive lit A.h.hnm (mm Ahenlctn at 10. ft. m. No. UK arrives at Anhi'ljoro from Hlah Point ' " ' I'. ninth TRAIN Train No. 140 law Aslw for HlKh WW at m. r mint Sartvea at ARheooro 10 ft, No. HI (mm Hiiro Hlati Polul ftqivm-Afthaliora I Local and Personal. Mr J A Spenoe went to Charlotte Monday, returning yesicruay. MiM.NtieMcAlav.pf Hocking ham,ds visiting Miu Ida Morris. Miw iixiie liewalleii visited Miss Treva Bush last week. MrWN Elder, of Fairview Tark, was in town Friday and Saturday. MrtfE A Wilee, of Rundteman, was here last week visiting her mother. Miss Kemp Carlton, of Durham, is visiting Misses lilahchc and Malik Wood. Mr and Mrs Alex Adams, of Cary, N. C. visited at Mr A J Woodell's last week. " Mrs Nancv Hohn, of Seagrove, visited at Mr J P Boroughs' the first - of the week. Mrs Sarah A Boroughs, of Kemp's Mills, visited her son, Mr J P Boroughs, last week. Mrs Martha J Way, of Alamance county, is visiting her son, frot J M Waj. A larg J number of Asheboro peo ple went to Bandlenian Sunday to 111 .1 Tl. H'lUn1. f.tnoral Mr Fass, of Mocksville, was here this week representing the Georgia Mutual. Insurance Uompany. Mr N H Slack made a business trip to Concord, Salisbury and other points inat wee. Mrs O II Rush spent Saturday and Sunday in High Point .visiting her daughter, Mrs ueorge earner. Some of our people attended the Tabernacle township Sunday school convention at Mount bliepuem lust Sunday. . Children's duv will be 'held ut Brower's church" on Sunday J une 28th. commencing at 10 o clock a. m. Miss Maud Oainev, of near Fay tteville, and Miss enevicve Tutc,of High Point, arc visiting the aliases Blair. Mr. E. Moflitt attended the Cole ridge township Sunday School Con vention on last Sunday and made tin address. Miss Julia Thorns w ho has been visiting relatives here for a month returns today to Grand Forks, North Dakota. Mr J S McAlister is largely interest ed in extensive developments of the water Kwer properties and facilities for manufacturing textile goods at Spray, N. C. Mr and Mis E A Wiles came down from Randleman Saturday afternoon to visit Mrs Wi'cs' mother, Mrs O I Hunsncker. Them is one case of small pox in Randolph. A Mrs Routh.of Taber nacle township, has it. It is said to be only a mild case. Mayor Moflitt has returned from a short trip to Virginia. Mrs Mof fitt will remain in Virginia at her former home for some time. Mr W II Watkins accompanied by his two nieces, Misses Sinithermaii, passed through town yesterday on their way to Ramseur. Mr J R Owen, formerly of Ran dolph county, but now of Washing ton City, is spending the week in Randolph visiting relatives and friends. . ', Mr John K ' Wood, who 'has a position in. the first Natioual Bank of Raleigh, came in Tuesday to speud several drfyvwitti home folks. We call attention to the change of ad of Chishblm, Strowd, Crawford and Reea, of Greensboro, well known clothiers and dealers in gents' t nrnishinggoods. Prof W 'A Bivins stopped over in Asheboro Friday on his return from Trinity College commencement on his way to his home at Albemarle. His many friends hero were glad to see him. Prof Way spoke at Mt Shepherd on last Sunday at Tabernacle Sun day School Convention. Prof J F liles, who has been teaching at Troy for two years, also made an address. Suppose the tax assessors were to examine the insurance policies on the property of some of our people,1, and assess in, accontance wiui wie estimate, there would be a great in crease in the assessed. valuation. Invitation! have been received by friends here tit the marriage of Prof, W II Albright, of liberty, and Miss Nancy Caroline Duffy, daughter of Mr and Mrs L E Duffy, of Greens boro, N. C. oa June 21th. Jerry Coblej" a young man was brought from Randleman, to jail Monday, the craziest person ever turn in Asheboro. Mr Fox, the de puty who brought him, says he has iott DM minu uu iwgiuue iuujwvb. Messrs W N Elder, N C English, Ed Miller, Peter Walker and Alfd Kennedy were here Saturday atteno Ids- the sale of the roller Bull prop erty of the late J A Miller of De- fittioe. Ut .bluer, oougm vue bum at 41000.' The bid wiH Temain . open for twenty day, Bet W W Ejoarand ' Mis Minnie Leiph Grimeey daughter of Mr J Grime of ThrftnasvilK Juno Wth, Hot J L Murphj of Hickory per- f .-silr-gtiie ceremony. - - Fewe Gianni-Wears Uager, dold la Chicken's Craw. While dressing a chicken one day last week, Mrs Redding, wife of Representative T J Redding, who lives near the Niwver gold mine 11 Back Creek township this county found a nugget of gold about the size of a gram of wheat in the chicken's craw. Educational. The Courier is publishing a scries ot articles by permission of the Kan dolph County Teachers' Association This week we publish letters on edu cational subjects from former Sena tor Pritchard, now Judge Pritchard, and from Mr. D. A Tompkins, of Charlotte. Other educational let ters of value to our people and which have been favorably received were by Senator Simmons mid Col. W. 1 . Wood. Professor Crowell to be Married. The following announcement has been sent out to friends: "Mrs Adelaide Gaston invites you to le present at the marriage of her daughter .Elizabeth Louise to Mr Georije Henry Crowell on Thursday morning, June 25th, at 9 o'clock, at the Methodist church, rranklm, N. C. At home after July 20th, High Point, N. C. Mr Crowell is super intendent of the graded schools at High Point, N. C, aud Miss Gaston has been music teacher ut the schools. Prof Crowell was formerly princi pal of tho Ashelioro Graded Schools. Confederate Pensions. All persons entitled to pensions, who are not on the pension roll, must appear before the pension board Julv 6th, uuless a certificate of a physician that applicant is not able to attend in person. New ap plicants can get blanks from the Clerk of the Superior Court. Those now receiving pensions need not apply. The Chatham Record, whose editor was a member of the last Senate savs: "Heretofore no widow- could get a pension who had married again, but the new law allows any widow of a Confederate soldier mar ried before April 1st, 18B5, to draw a pension even if she has married again, provided she is a widow at the date of her application and is not worth over $500 worth of prop; erty. The new law does not allow a pension because of service in tin Home Guards, but only because of service in the Confederate arniv or Dr. W. A. Woollen Dead. Dr. W. A. Woollen died at Ran dlemau on last Friday, aged 04 years, after a lingering illness of several months. Dr. Woollen had practiced medi cine for 44 years, was a prominent physician and a leaning citizen, and a gentleman of the highest christian character. . The funeral services were con- Jucted at St Paul's M. E. church, South, on last Sunday. Rev. L. T. Cordell, bis pastor, preached an ap propriate funeral sermon. 1 here was a large congregation as sembled to pay their respects in the lust sad rites to one in whom there was no guile and in whose religion they had confidence, because be died as he lived, wearing the white flower of a stainless life. The congrega tion assembled were fiom different sections of the county and tilled the largo church and galleries to over flowing. A sketch of Dr. Woollens lite will appear in a future issue of The Courier. Frwer Gallons; Wean Longer. Smith vs. Ingram. The hearing of Christian Smith . II C Ingram in ' the Supreme couit is decided in favor of the plaint iff. The plaintiff's case was argued in the Supreme court by Mr U. L. Spence, of Carthage, and Mr J A Spenoe, of Asheboro. The result gives Mrs Christian Smith sbou tone fourth of the town of Star, in Mont gomery county. Several yean ago Mrs Smith and her husband moved to South Caroli na and while living there Mrs Smith old her land at Star, but her privy examination was not taken as the laws of South Carolina do not re quire the privy examination of a married woman to enable her to con vey her property, but our Supreme court in this, case says that notwith standing the fact that she lives in South Carolina, yet the laws of con veyance in this State must be ob served in conveying land within the Strte. The question now will come up as to whether the present owners of the binds are entitled to the improve ments. The case was decided by the Su preme com t a year or two ago but the defendants got a re-neanng. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer, Died. Mrs . Nora Snotherly, wife of Joseph Snotherly, died at Greens boro June 10th, anil was ii .neti at Randleman June 11th. Deceased was a sister of Mr C II Cranford, of Asheboro, and Mr L A Cranford, of New Hope township, and was good woman. Dr John Plunket formerly of Union township Randolph county, died at Lexington recently. V Plunket formerly Uvea in uuiiiora county. Fifteen years or more ago he moved to iiandoipn, aim wiuun the last year moved to Lexington, Cicero Presnell died at Goldsboro June 12th after a three months' ill ness, aged 40 years. He has a num ber of relatives here among whom is Mr Arch Presnell, He left here 10 years ago, leaves a wife and three children, was a boggy and carriage painter and lus for font years been at work lor tne uoiusooro cuggy a. . - rewer Gallons; Wear Longer. Additional Locals. Mr W R Pool was in town yester day. Miss Una Bulla is visiting her sister. Mrs II D Caudle. Fewer Gallons; Wears Lourit. Mr Ed Cole, of Coleridge, is at tending the K of P Grand Lodge at Wilmington. . Dr W A Underwood attended the State Medical Association at More' head last week. . Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Messrs C A Pamplin and W D Stedman are representing the Ashe boro lodge K of P at Wilmington this week. Five "crazy people" are in jail 6ays jailor New by, including one who has delirium tremens. Fewer Gallons; Weirs Longer. Messrs T J Redding, of Caraway, and V C Russell and James Martin dale, of Franklinville, were here Tuesday. The young men of Asheboro gave picnic drive to Osborne's mill Monday night complimentary to visiting young ladies. Fewer Gallons; Wear Longer. Cards have been recoived here an nouncing the marriage of Mr Joseph Wray Freeman, of Spencer, and Miss Mary Jielle fowler, ot jnebanc. Messrs G II Lambert, of Ramseur, and A H Kearns, of Hill s Store, and Claud Hayworth, of Coleridge, were in town Monday. Fewer Gallons; Wears I onger Our hustling real estate dealers, Messrs lslair & Uorwita, have titted up otticcs over the old juturary Redding Hardware store on Depot street. Has Jimmies. Duke York was lodged in juil Thursday on a capias issued from the circuit court at Greensboro. He was tried for "stilling" at last term and sentenced in his absence. 11 is now in jail for failing to give justified bond in the sum ot tf.suu. He is also bound over to the Sir pcrior court of Randolph on a charge of lurcenv. Ho is in a serious con dition, having a bad case of delirium tremens. Ho has torn his clothing off and torn up his bedding in his cell. Sues Ex-Sheriff Hendricks. Suit has been commenced in the Superior Court of Randolph county by Mrs Nannie t, Loltrano against ex-Hheiiff Hendricks. The sureties, who arc sued with Mr. Hendricks, are Alfred Macon, E. Milton Cox, E. A. Hammer, A. H. Hendricks and J. F. l'ickett. Our information is that several years ago Mr W W Coltrane, of Liberty township, executed to his wife's father a deed for his farm on Sandy creek. Time went on; the land remained on the tax books in the name of W W Colt rane. finally it was soiu oy anerin Hendi icks for taxes. Mr Arthur Ross of Asheboro became the purchaser at a price of about $1200. In due course of time a deed was executed by Mr Hendricks lo Mr Ross. A unit claim deed was executed at the same time by Mr and Mrs W W (Joltrano and also by Mr Coble, father of Mrs Coltrane. After paying the taxes and the ex penses of the salo the remainder of the $1200 was turned over to Mr Coble. Mrs Coltrane claims it should havo been paid to her as the rightful owner. She is now suing Mr Hendricks and the above named sin i ties on his ofliciul bond as sheriff for the recovery of what she claims should have been paid to her. Mr and Mrs Uoltraiie recently had domestic infelicities it is said, and Mrs Coltrane had a warrant issued for her husband and had him before a magistrate to answer a charge of abandonment, failure to support or some similar charge. Mr J A Long, of Greensboro, is Mrs Coltrane' at torney. Mrs. Coltrane has also brought suit against Mr. Levi P. Lindley, the present owner for possession oi the land. Level Cross Items. Aunt Gila Brown is very sick. Mrs J M Gray, of High Point, is isiting her mother, Mrs W F ltrown. Miss De.Ette Teague, of Liberty, is visiting Miss Myrt Causey. Quite a number of our people at tended the funeral of Dr Woollen at Randleman Sunday. Mr L F Brown, of Dunvillo, Va., who was called to the bedside of his grandmother has returned home. Mr and Mrs H O Causey, of Ham let, returned home last week, after spending several days with his par ents Mr and Mrs R L Causey. Mr Eugene Coltrane, who has been in school at Guilford College, has been at home for a few days. Miss Leua Uray, who has been visiting friends in Thomacvillo and High Point, has returned. Mr El wood Stanton has just com pleted his new barn. Mips Carrio Field's school will close next Friday week. We are having a very good isundny School. Rev Mr Lucas, of Randle man, will lecture here next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All are in vited. Mr f? W Causey, who has been eniDloved by the Southern Railroad Co., has accepted a position in West irgima. Miss Beatrice Coltrane, who has been in school at Yadkinville, has returned. Compulsory Education. Macon county has voted for com' nulsory education by a majority of 88. This is the first county in this State to adopt the system by popu lar vote. The recent Legislature enacted a bill establishing compulsory educa tion in Mitchell county, aotwocouu tie have the law. Death la Deluge. In far away Hephner, Oregon, a great Hood in Willows Urcek drown ed 500 people. Hephner is a town of 1250 population. Willow Creek is ordinarily a small stream. Th whole town w:is washe'l away. All Like Judge Allen. This court is a great one for dam age suits, and Judge Allen seems to be a favorite judge for all parties to try before. They have accumulated here, some of them, because very often a judge one side likes, the other does not, but in all cases on the docket with Judge Allen presiding it is a singular fact that there is nobody sick or at the point of death, etc., to delay or continue this class of cases by either party. I lie above is from the Uharlotte Observer's Greensboro correspondent. Judge W R Allen will be the Judge at the next two terms of Randolph Courts. Trinity Items. The infant child of Mr John White, of High Point, was interred n the cemetery at this place lust Friday. Miss Eva lleitman visited her sis ter Mrs Kirby m High Point this week. Mrs Dred Peacock, who has been visiting her parents heie, left Satur day for her home m Greensboro. Mr John Lane, from the eastern part of the State, visited Cant Par kin s family several aavs this week Mr I'eter JSranie, of Winston, spent Sunday Here with relatives. Mr and Mrs Ueorge McLamb, of Ureeusboro, are standing some time at Mr 15 1'arker s. Prof O W Carr visited his old home near Goldsboro last week. Rev J B Craven,! of Cooleemee, spent a day or two in town the first of the week. Prof J F Liles, of Tarboro, is spending awhile in town. Prof Liles is one of the prospective teachers in the school year and will travel in the interest of the institution this sum' mer. Mr Ritchie, of Stanley Creek, vis' ted Mr and Mrs D C Johnson Sat urday and Sunday. Kev li X Oordcll, of Kundleman, was in town Tuesday and Wednca day. -Mrs Albert Shcmll and children relumed home last week from an ex tended yisit to her parents Spraguc. Elise Items. A large crowd attended children's day at this place the fifth Sunday, All seeuied to enjoy the exercises very much. Miss Lit la html, of Meeds, has been visiting at Mr W J rage s. Mrs 1( L Davis and little daughter Mabel, have returned from a visit to friends at Why Not. Miss Pearl Pritchard has returnee to her home at Asheboro, after an extended visit to relatives and friends here. Mr Bovd Aiiinan, of Liberty Nor- mul College, is assisting his uncle, Mr N J Carter, iu his store during vacation. Mr B M Williams and sister, Miss Fannie, have returned from Cres- ell and Shiloh, where they have been in school. Mr and Mrs W J Page have re turned from a visit to relatives ut Steeds. Misses Etta and Terra Monroe, of Bensalem, visited at Mr N J Carter's recently. Mr J M Hunsncker, of Rocking ham, spent u few days with relatives and friends here lust week. The infant daughter of Mr aud Mrs Wiley Muness died last Satur day ami was buried here Sunday af ternoon. Ihe funeral service was conducted by the pastor, Rev L S Ethridge. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents. "New Hoiie for Cousumptives" is the title of an important series of papers in the Review of Reviews for une. Mr Day Allen wuiey de scribes "The Outdoor Treatment of Tuberculosis" as applied in various sanitaria in this couutry and abroad; Evelyn Mae Hart oners practical suggestions to the consumptive pa tient under the title "How to live Out of Doors;" Mr Francis S Kiu- er describes "The Consumptives Chances in Colorado;" aud Mr Chos II Johnson gives an account of "New York's Fight Against Tuberculosis." The purpose of these articles is to show what has been accomplished iu ublic institutions and by private initiative aloag the Hues of modern methods, especially the fresh air cure. A Buxom negro woman who had cooked for a number of years in the family of a jewess announced to her mistress one morning her intention of quitting the job. "Why are you going to leave i.s, Mary?, inquired the Hebrew lady. Well, missus, explained the cook, "I's gu in tali git mar led." That won t make any difference, said the lady, "there's room enough in my ysrd for you and your hus band: you don t have to leave because you're going to get married." "But," replied the colored woman sheepishly, "you don't who I's gwine tcr mar y; and, without giv:ng tae Jewess time to answer further (,1:0s- tious, she said, "I s gwintah mar y a Chinee, missus. The employer raised ber bauds in holy horror and said: "Oh, Miry, have you thought 01 what your chil dren will be?" "Oh, yes, missus, looking up in meek submission and meau;Eg no insult, "I knows dey'll be Jews, but I can't he'p iu" Silas Yavier Flovd in June Lippincott'c. The Happiest 'Woman, lithe hardworking; one. The beat tvisfftction eomeeof aarvio pwf orned. Only it Is neoesaary to keep the howoU reaiilar end the ontaoa aotive. There's nothing like Dr. Kiag'i Kew Lite Fills (or teat. Tbey render eerviet awatty, Sit thoroughly. 36c. at blextard rug Co. Prof. J. M. Way, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Randolph Co. He was born in Alamauce county October Btn 1874, was educated prin cipally at Oakdale Academy, aud taught in the public schools of Ran dolph county for three years. He was principal for two vears of Bom mop. J. M. WAV. bay Institute, at Bombay, in this county. Iu January, 1!02, he re- ligned the principalshlp of Bombay Institute to accept the position he now Holds. He was a successful teacher and is an active, energetic and capable county superintendent of the public scnoois. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Liberty Items. Your Liberty correspondent is not dead that yon have not heard from him lately, but has simply been asleep part of the time. not much news going on since the commencement. All has been somewhat quiet and dull for the past two weeks. Harvest is now on hand and every' body has plenty of work to do. A number of hands could get employ' ment hereabouts, hut thoy are not to be had. Most of our people nave to relv on their own hands for their work. An important deal has been made recently. Dr Amick has purchased the one-half interest in the Liberty in or nuil Uollege property heretofore owned by Prof Slniw. A strong fac ulty is being arranged for the col lege and the work of the college will be put on a higher scale than ever before. Everything points to a most successful term for the college this tall, ihe catalogue will be publish ed this mouth and will soon be ready for distribution. Prof W B Owen, of Siler City, is now at home with his parents. He will spend the summer 111 Liberty, 1 rof Cui ley, of oiler Ulty, spent a day 111 this city last week. Mr W U Amick, of the University of JNorth Uarolitia, is spending the vacation at the home of his parents, near Liberty. Ihe Liberty Normal College will send the following students to the tniversityof .North Carolina this fall: J M Andrews, C C Sharpe and ft W Maun; to Wake rorest, A n Mitchell; to the A & M College al West Kaleigh, 11 U Mcl herson aud C M Causey. Not many schools send off a better array ot talent than this. Dr and Mrs Amick attended the coinmeiicciii"iit of the University of North Carolina and report a good time aud tine commencement exer cise. Miss Ada Newby and Mr C F Overman are in Liberty completing theircourse in bookkeeping. They lacked a few weeks of work at the elose of the college. l'rof W 11 Albright is spending a part of tlu. time in Liberty now help ing Mr W II (irillin, the cashier of the Lil erty bauk. lie is also learn ing the business preparatory to going into it himself. The bunk has been established now for a furniture fuctoiy. We have everything necessury, plenty of lumber aud everthing that would contribute to tho success of the fac tory. The Sanctificationists have not tried these parts. We hope they will not hare the impudence to do so during these hundred years. We be lieve in the plain, straightforward gospel and in the old-time religion of our fathers, and we believe in everything that will help ennoble the race, but we do not believe in fanatics or fanaticism, and that is what we believe the Sanctification ists to be. Dr Albright was in town lust week. Dr and Mrs T C Amick are at Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach this week. He is attending the an nual convention of the K of P for the Grand Domain of North Caroli na. They will spend a few days in Asheville during the coming mouth. A number of reapers have been sold from this town this spring. People must have plenty of wheat for still they come and buy machin ery to cut it with. Fanner Items. Prof Hurris, with a full corps of teachers, will return and opea up his school at tanner institute on Aug 20th. Let all who intend to re turn be on hand at the opening exer cises. Mr Henry Nance will move his family into the G T Vuncannon house which he purchased some time ago for the purpose of being near the school that he mignt more easuy educate his children. Mr Onrnev Snvuer has accented a positiotnwith a W riearns. - ... lewis Jjorsett is wonting as an rx pert iu the interest of the Deering Harvester Co. Messrs Munroe and Rush have set next Monday to begin work on the Tom's Creek bridge. The public is looking forward, with much interest to the erection of this work. The contractors are expert workmen, and they certainly will not let this work be slighted. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Tmka Lula Brotao Oololne Tablets. All druggieie refund tite money if it fails to osr. E. W. Grove's slgnetmre s. aeo Rsmseur kerns. Mr II B Carter went to Greens horo Wednesday. Mr D T Cochran is visiting relu tives in Montgomery county. Miss Josie Johnson spent Sunday ill dreeiisboro. Miss Belle Trogdon is visiting her brother, Mr George Trogdon, iu High loint. Misses Sullie Thomas and Vail Scott visited in Spencer the pa; week. Mrs II C Free who has been sK'iiding several days iu Sanfor returned home Thursday. Mr will rork, ot Malev, spen Minday 111 town to the delight 11 his many friends. Messrs A 11 1 nomas, J M Wind head and O T Leonard areuttemlin the meeting of the grand lod" Knights of I'vtluas at ilmington N. C. Miss Mary Ross, of C'oncon opened a subscription school her last Monday in the old academy w ith 3H pupils. Miss Ross is 11 good instructor him! her pupils all Ilk her. We are glad to have her with us again. Miss Maude England, the beauti ful and accomplished daughter of Rev J F England, of Salisbury, is visiting Mrs I F Craven. Rev Mr England was formerly pastor of tli M E church ut this place. Mr Chas Johnson who lias been in the U S Armv at Tvliec Island Ga., has re-enlisted. He left Satur day for Boston, Mass. where he will be stationed. Mr and Mrs II B Carter sneut Sunday with relatives in Chatham county. Mr J S Silencer, president of the Columbia Mfg. Co. and Mr S B Tunner, secretary and treasurer of the Henrietta mills, ut Henrietta, N. C, were 111 town last week, the guests of Mr W II Watkins. Mr W II Watkins is visiting and around Troy. Franklinville Items. Our farmers have been busy their wheat fields for the last few days and it is the general opinion that not more than one-hulf crop will be realized through this section Messrs Lewis lork and Lilly York, of boapstone Mt. spent bun day evening in town with friends. some of our people visited rem tives at Worthvilie Saturday. Key Mm 1011 isaldwm and some ot the holiness brethren have purchased a tent and pitched it in the woods a short distance south of Ramseur, where they commenced services .Sat urday night. Miss Ada Hayes visited her Bister, Mrs Geo Patterson, near Cliimii lust week. The race of the Franklinville Mfg. Co. is alxuit completed and the roller mill which has lieen put in first-class running order has started up, and Mr A P Routh is turning out some of the best grades of Hour that can be found an vw here. Mr W II Tippett has moved to 'roximity where he has secured employment for his family in the rox unity cotton nulls. Mr W II Nance and family, who have leen visiting relatives near Farmer, returned home Sunday. Mr 11 A Kussell eiieut a few davs in the city last week. Our streets were thronged with citizens Thursday and Friday listing their property and everybody seems to be well pleased with the new assessments. Mr Geo Tippett, who hasbeen up North for some time, returned Satur- ay and expects to deliver several ecttires on his travels in the near uture. Messrs J R Lutterloli and L F Fentriss siient part of hist week gathering dewln-rries for the market, and after a hard days work without any dinner returned home with nearly two pints, and have not been able to stir much since. Rev T S Ellington tilled his ap pointments Sunday morning at 11 a m, preaching two able and instruct ive sermons. Mrs T A Moflitt and children vis ited in Liberty lust week. New Uses ol Soda. Soda is one ol the least expensive and most indispcnsuble urticlvs in kitchen use. Acid fruits, such us gooselK-rrics, rhubarbs and plums, rcouire less sugar if a little soda half a tcaspoouful to one )uart of fruit is put in before the sugar. Bathing the patient in hot soda wa ter will reduce the fever. A little soda put in water in which meat and vegetables are boiled will make them tender and sweet, besides hastening the cooking and thereby saving fuel. When added to dish water no soup is needed, and there is 110 greasy rim around pour dish-pan. In warm weather meats may be freshened by washing in cold soda-water before cooking June Woman's Home Com panion. Dsviee for Tax Listing. Thp tax liur fttxl wflr for the vurlnui Uiwmhiim will iiuvl ttt the following tiuiifi atitl placed. ASHEBORO. Court HmiwR Juw asnl. IKW. " 2.1th. " " auih, milt, " BACK CRKEK. Tho tax llrtor and anaewnw lor Buck Cni-k Inwinhlp will imvt at J T Jarrul l' lUiro oil K:it unlar, June 7th, for the winvfiiifiu-? ol llnm- ho falliM lo iuii-1 liivm at iiH-irimiiT appoint- mcnt. CBDABOROVB. Thp tax Un anil a-wo f.ir Cellar Gm?o owii.hln will meet at Mra Kinney! at the vol. in urrcllict on Satunlay, Juim attn. tor the om reiifriHY. of thom who ilkl not meet tlum at the Hher appoiutnMMila. Eveiyone needs good blood puri fier in the spring. Khenmacide it recoenixed us the best wherever known. Refuse all substitutes. Does not injure the digestive organs, A superb laxative and tonic. At Druggists. Nervous CURED Headache. uiu by ft 6am or two ol Capudine (Liquid.) Tho great rheumatic remedy not only cures every form of rheumatism, but makes radical cures of Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh, and all diseases arising from impurities in the blood. Endorsed by physicians and prominent pet pie every where after thorough trial. DOE NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Gentlemen : I take pleasure In hearliifftniitlroonrtothnruratlvuiMoiivrtii'i of your Khiobicidi."1 Two hottlen cured my son of a ha.l cane. II this will Mot any MBeSt torou In advertising jour meritorious remedy, you cuu use It Youra truly, W. li, HAND, steward mate Wind ImlUalUm. All Druggists, fi.oo; Bobbin Chemical Co., liit(jKiij'(rctiMi roceries We have a reputation for keeping the nicest, freshest line of Family Groceries to be found any where. That reputation must be retained, con quently we buy only the freshest and best. Sh o e s Our stock of shoes is full and complete j,nd we challenge comparison in style, finish 01 vear. And we are "feet fitters." Try us next time.; High Grade Fertilizers Always Morris & Scarboro-Moffitt Co. Depot Street, -A.sl5.e"foro, IT. C. TAKE A LOOK' At what we offer in Mens', Youths' ami Furniture of all kinds, Single ami Hon Uliilles, Blankets ami Kol kinds. Pings and )ru ware and Farniiii"; Implements, China, i laid and Tin Ware, the eelebiiiUd II & 15 Slippers Children, S it W Paints of We will sell all the above at lowest ry produce of all kinds. Natomi Falls Store Co. T.JBItYANT, Manager. liAN PLF.MAN, N. C J COX, President. J F. POOL, Hollady-Pool CORNER. DEPOT STREET. ASllUltO It ). X. C. New Store! We have iust opened up selected stocks of Hardware, Cutlery, Plows of every descrip tion, Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Rake3, and all kinds of farm ing implements. Builder's Supplees, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Paints, Oils, Wooden-ware, Tin-ware, Stoves, Heaters, Nails, etc., etc., ever displayed in the county. Our line is COMPLETE. ers and saw mill men and we think we know just what every class of the trade needs and have bought accordingly. Our salesmen will always show goods and make to one price without any dickering. Duy anytning in our tine. Very truly yours, Hollady-Pool Hardware Company. HERE IS MONEY'S The season is half cone and we ranging from sT-Mi lo jfcJO.tn) to close Po. id U) io. 4i, ami will make von These rnrnients are from lirst-elass material, well-made and lilting. A lot of Children's suits, H to 10, to be closed with tho above. If you can't come to see us, write and we will ship iroods on approval. Chisholm, Stroud, 300 South Elm St. by Please nientiou that you suw this nn mmmm Opium. Laudanum, Coc&Ino end all Drug Habits permanently cared, without pain or detention from bst'ness, leavic to craving for drugs or other stimulant. We restore tlie uerwoon and ptiyrnl aystems to their natural condition becaum w remove the causes oi dieas. A home remedy prepared by an eminent physician. WE 6UARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Confidential correspondence, especially with phvxiclana, solicited. Writ today, r:a!;stln Thercpcalto Assec!st!sn Dt. A 11M BrMtfaray, m rHt t'.tf prepaid on receipt of price. J Baltimore, Hd. f on Hand. Children e llarnej (.'lutliing, Saddles, Willow anil Hollow Ware of all uiidries. Dry (loods and Notions, Hard nd Shoes for Ladies, Gents and nil kinds, Heavy and Faney Groceries. cash priivs or in exchange for coun- Vkc Prcs. I) M Hlll.LAIIV. Manjrr. Hardware Co. New Goods! one of the largest and best Our firm is composed of farm be found ready and willing to and all the lowest possible Don't fail to soe us before you YOUR WORTH. have a iiiuuiltv f broken lots in fiiits, you any size from out. Can giv a sellili!; pnee. Crawford & Rees, Oreensbro, N. C. "ad" in Tim Coukikii. nn

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