Soft '-: E3ftrHaeS Gil l&S makMapoorlookintt hsr Iti hs line new. Uati tr purs. heavy bodhnl oil. ee- ll1!' 1 peel-ally prt-pnred lo wtU- lu'R BUuU itx wuaitier. l'V"A Bold everywhere Vi In euu till lzeit. f Mase tj sTA::n,no c:l ca. Vsa (DRi SSTIPATlOHi Constipation ianothinrTnore m than a clogging of the bone si ami nothing less than vital stag nation or death if nut relieved. If every constipated sufferer could realizo tliatlie is allowim; poisonous tilth Id remain in his system, lie would soon pet r. lief. Constipation invites all kiml of cnntu'.iin. Headaches, hiliuus ness, colds and manv other ail ments disappear wtitn consti pated howcls nrcrclievcd. Tlioil tord's Jilaok-I'raiiirlif tlioTottplei" cleans out tin) bu.U'la in an easy and nrtturnl manner viiNn't ti:o purging o calomel or other vio lent cal hartics. Do sure that jou get the origi nal Thcdfnrd's Jllatlc-lirainjht. made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druggists ill Jo cent and Sl.UO packages. hlchlT. lko,., lllnmvl.,. anil hi ui .1 It for Hi'' lt any oiler taxatlie. 1 think 1 ruuhl rue ami. to worn ulthout II on ai-oant of belnv troubled with i-nnstlnithio. Your medicine 1h ail Mat Keep me op. V. II. JlfrAll,A.,D. GO TO J W.TIPFET7 WITH YOUR KGGS AND CHICKENS. Highest Market Prices f.r :J! Country ProJiice. Fraaklinvillo N. C. On tli lir.-t mi I i df May ,. id .Inn. lh i.Saint' I..'iiis Sua I roiul will have mi ,-,i! way ami lutitnl I rii Birmingham, M ni Louis to jmitits in . soiui, Is la In hi 1:1. I. ami 'I'i-mis. Write l. A., 1'. D., l'li- nS Cia.. fur iiifxriiia: iu:i. I'li-r.i V:llleii r ivi'.ni-. ii.i au.l U'Kaiisii.- i,:.ll 'i'l . T. item, A 'Dress Shirts.'- (iKNTLKMKN If ymi nimt. a Nice liiv.-s Shiri f.-r fiu edits as f.'mil as ymi lia. Iieeli i 11 r 7j eeii's'to .1 for, C'liine In -iv lis iiiick. We are Head (iiar. rs f i r Slnrt-. Collars, (.'nil's mid Neekti-s. Cum-: Voiiis truly, ' W. D. STEDMAN 01 CO Furniture Store ! K. li. Re-ants' Knininne I re is the place to hny fur- J nv, iiclure frames, iiil.'', f Store nitun etc. J5e sure to see him when in Ashehoro. Undertaker's Supplies Such as is Collins, fa.-kets, ete. 4 i hand and furnished I notice at rea-Muialile f ttlwavs on on short prices. Good hi'arse lit yetir command. I E. D. Kearns, BURNS & I PRESNELL, REPAIR SHOPS. v'e condu t a first clan repsii J atop (or Wngoni, Buggle", Carts and Carriages, eto. 2 Also Uorss shoeing and Paint- 1 lug a apecialty. We giia antee our work and and aollcit your putr jnage. BURNS & PUGS NELL. 4 O. B. fiox, Froaldaat W. J. Armllsld, Vuw-rriwident. W.J. Armfldd, Jr., Cadiiaf. i ml of wmi Asheboro, K. C. CAPITAL ...t23,CCO.C0 Wt ara ew praparad to do a gauanl ! :.rAisf (nuiiiaaal d v aolioil tlia t,-.::vr,L ot trut, orporalioua auit I; : i "1 of Kaadolpa o4 adjoiatuf CUaetora J ?i Tout TV P Wood. P H Mania. C 0 ito't'. irt, 0 J C'oX W F f..i, .4 J Nankin. TTB W.tkiBa, Mk F L MnfZli, O B Cor, ill Cure fl Harn& f ' Toucan, V V 1 1 ' 1 r ft i uHiufci"': i : V ft WwJ '' K "SAT. lenclnen ' t. If Ji lii iwloe a- .. . p!V ., ' orUltuu-Uj i II 1 I all ti Li Irlrauirlit urn all tin' Mine any Mil Courage to I m People Vho Leek a Protective Triii" WILLIAM GEO-RGE, JO'RTiA.f from "The Fowrr of Truth." I'tLllshtil by Drcnt&no'a 8N(iltATiri'l"i:. tlie most ixipular sill of liuiniinity, is luineliulness of the heart. It Is the revelation of the emptiness of preleiuled loy alty. The Individual w ho possess es It llnds It the shorlest cut to all the other vices. limnililiide Is u crime more despica ble than revenue, w hich Is only refiirn hiK evil for evil, while ingratitude re turns evil for IMod. l'eople who are tmurateful rarely forgive you if ynu do them a pind turn. ' Their micro-s-opi- l.earts resent the humiliation of liavlii.u I ' helped by a superior, and this rankliiiK feeling l.itcriujj through Ih-lr " tty natures often ends in linte and tri a-lu ry. Ci itilinle is lhaukfuliii'SS expressed !u ii-tinn. It is the instinctive radia tion of justice, civlm; new life nud en--rcy to th) liidivldti.ii from whom It emanates. It Is tlie l.-arl'R reeoBiiltion of r.ii.ilness thai Hi- lip- cannot repay, (iratitude never eoiuils Its payments, ll realizes that no debt of kimlness can ever be outlawed, cm r be canceled, ever paid In full. Cratitmle evi r feels the liisiLiiilleanee of its installments; Im,;itide the mil liinuncss of the ih lu. tJratiiuile is the Ilowetina of a sen! of kititlrii-ss; luuratiltnle is the ilead Inactivity of a seed dropped on n The'nin 01 gratitude Is htt niau: the rising superior to ingratitude i- !,iir,-st ilivin.'. To de-ire recognition of our acts of kindness an,l to hutiK-r for tippivi iatloii and til- simple justice of a n turn of prnd for uood Is natural. V.xn man never rises to the dicnity of true livim- u.ilil he h;.s the courau-e that dares to face inrtilude calmly and to pi:r-ue his eo-irse tinchanp'd Win n his pi.l works n I with thauk- lesn.- or disdain. Mi. u slioiild have only one court of lis ti I'tlons, not "What Mow w ill It be re rluht;" Then he In harmony with . serenely, bruve- ull b- tin but "Is ll sh-iii i liu- his life this standard alom iy, loyally and mifalterini:!y. inakiiiK "ri'ht f-r right's sake" both his Ideal and his Inspiration. Man should not be an automatic tras machine, cleverly contrived to release a Ki'-'in .i'aauiity of ilium limtlou un der the stimulus of a nickel, lie should be like the -real fun itself, which ever radiates ll-:ht, warmth, life alal power, because It cannot help dohiu so, I aue these ipmliflcs 1111 the heart of the sun. and for It to have tie :.i means It must aiv them. It Is hard to see those who lime sat at I in the day of our pros- is from darkens lity t:.- c Sllle then orway, to w o would mod firm . that sl id splinter llki thill w that friend-:'.. ip at which a i ur hands in our turned to cold, lie; otlld arinth Is but n liaunllni; ived ill III the rsatlon of our atTe-tioi u:id- l h-r, d but id to w l .::r aT:::- i.i: 1 aspirations have been 1. ;-..w:i open wip. no I'duelieard chani iier if ; serve, has in on secretly pol sonia;: to- waters of our reputation and u m. inm : us by his lies and tr-'a. !,cry i.i hard indeed. Hut no mat ter iiwr the Ingratitude stints ns we should Just swallow the sob, stille the tear, smile smvnely and bravely seek to force!. In Justice to ourselves we should not penult tlie Ingratitude of a few to make us condemn the whole world. We pay too much tribute to a few human Insects when we let their wron-plnlng paralyze our faith In humanity. It Is a lie of the cynics that says "nil men are uiiL'r.iicfnl," i. companion lie to "all men have th-ir price." We must trust humaclty if wo would P't piod from huui'inity. If a man receives it counterfeit dollar, hi? does not strai-htway lose his faith In all money; at least there are no such Instances on record In this country. If he has a run of three or four days of dull weather, he does not say: "The sun ceases to exist. There are surely no briuht days to come In the whole calendar of time." If a man's breakfast is rendered tin unpleasant memory of some item of food that has outlived Its usefulness, he doeR not forsw ear eatlnp If a man llnds under a tree nn apple with a sus picious looking hole on one side, ho docs not condemn the whole orchard; lie simply confines his criticism to that apple. lint he who has bellied some erne w ho later did not pass a Rood ex amination ou gratitude says in a voice plaintive with the consciousness of In jury and with a nisi of Ills head that implies the wisdom of Solomon; "I have had my experience; I have learn ed my lesson. This Is the last lime I will hnvc faith In any man. I did this for hlin and that for hlin, and now look at the result!" Then he unrolls n long schedule of favors, carefully itemized and added up, till It seems the pay roll of n great city. lie complains of the Injustice of one man, yet he Is wlllinit to be unjust to the whole world, making it bear the punishment of the wrong of an Indi vidual. There Is too much vicarious Buffering already In tbli earth of oars without this lllllputlnn attempt to ex tend it by syndicating one man's In gratitude. If one uiau drinks to ex cess. It Is not absolute justice to send the w hole world to Jail. The farmer docs not expect every seed that he sows in hope and faith to fall on fcood ground and bring forth Its harvest; he la perfectly certain that this will not be so, cannot be. He la counting on the final outcome of many seeds, on the harvest of all, rather than on the harvest of one. The- more unselfish, ennri table and exalted tlie life and mission of the to dividual, the larger wljl be the number of Instances of Ingratitude that must be met and vanquished. The thirty years of Christ' life was tragedy of ingratitudes. Ingratitude to manifest In thrna degrees of Intensity la the world fie knew them all In number less bitter Instance. The first phase, the etwpleet and moat common, la that of thonghtlea th.T.kl'-wnrsa, as waa shewn In the ttm id t'39 ten Jopera healed Jn one fcce Ingratitude Gratitude as Virtt-e day. Mao t-cparted wltnout a wor2: only one gave thank. The second phase of ''tgntrltude Is denial, a ixjslti sin, not the more ne ' gation of thnnklexsness. This was ex ! emplltled In l'eter, who, In Ids soltish desire to stand well with two maids and some bystanders la the hour when i he had the opportunity to lie loyal to j Christ, forgot his friendship, lost all I thought of his Indebtedness to his t Master and denied him, not once or twice, but three times. The third phase of Ingratitude Is treachery, where selfishness grows vin dictive, as shown by Judas, the hon ored treasurer of the little band of thirteen, whose Jealousy, Ingratitude mid thirty pieces of silver made possi ble the tragedy of ('alvarj'- These throe thanklessness, denial and treachery run the gamut of In gratitude, and the first lends to the second, and the second prepares the way for tho third. We must ever tower high above de pendence on htimnn gratitude, or we can do nothing really great, nothing truly noble. The expectation of grat itude Is the alloy of nn otherwise vir tuous net. It ever dulls tho edge of even our best actions. Most persons look ut gratitude as n protective tariff on virtues. Tho man who Is weakened in well doing by the Ingratitude of oth ers Is serving iud on a salary basis. He Is a hired soldier, not a volunteer. He should be honest enough to see that he is working for a reward. I.Ike n child, he Is being good for n bonus. He Is really regarding his klndnetw ns moral stock he Is willing to hold only so long ns It pays dividends. There Is In such living always n touch of the pose; It Is waiting for the ap plause of the gallery. We must let the consctnusness of doing right, of living tip to our Ideals, he our reward, or life will become to us but a series of fall tires, sorrows and disappointments. A Plea For Courtships After Marriage Br WILLIAM GEORGE JORDAN Human affiH'tlon Is fed by signs and tokens of that affection. Merely hav ing kindly feelings Is not enough; they should be luado manifest III action. The parched earth Is not refreshed by the mere fact of water In the clouds; It Is only when the blessing of rain actu ally ih-seends that It awakens to new- life. We are so ready to say. "He knows how much I think of hint," ond to assume that na a fitting substitute for expression. We may kuow that the sun Is shining somewhere and still shiver for lack of Its glow and warmth. Iovo should be constantly mado evi dent In little acts of thotightfulncss, words tif sweetness ami appreciation, smiles and hand etaspa of estism. It should In shown to be a loving renllty Instead of n memory by patience, for beiirance. courtesy nnd kindness. This theory of presumed conlldeiice in the persistence of affection Is one of the sad phases of married life. We should have roses of love, ever bloom ing, ever breathing perfume. Instead of dried roses pressed In the family Itihle merely for reference ns a memorial of what was Instead of guarantee of what is. Matrimony too often shuts the door of life and leaves sentiment, consider ntlon nnd chivalry on the outside. The feeling may possibly be still alive, but It does not reveal itself rightly. The rhymed poetry of loving has changed to blank verse nnd later Into dull prose. As the boy said of his father, "He's a christian, but he's not working much at it now." Love without manifesta tion dm-s not feed the heart any more than a locked bread Ikjx feeds the body; It does not Illuminate and brighten the round of dully duties any more than an unlit lamp lightens a room. Thero Is often such a craving In the heart of n husband or n wife for ex pression In words of human love nnd tenderness that they are welcomed no matter from what source they may come. If there were more coortshlps after marriage, the work of the divorce courts would bo greatly lessened. This renllrjitlon is often one of the things that come too late. From 'The Tower of Truth," 1'ubllsbed by Brentano'a. SizinjJ Vp Humanity In Epigram Br WILLIAM CEOHGC JOsVDAN Borne men will cheat even in. soli taire. One ounce of prevention Is worth six pounds of coroner's Inquest. When a man permits a torchlight procession to parade through a powder magazine, It Is not courteous for blru to refer to the subsequent explosion aa "one of the mysterious workings ot Providence." Ileal success In life means the Indi vidual's conquest of himself. Tbe great question Is not "What have IT but "What am IT' Truth la not a dress ault consecrated to special occasions; It la the strong, well woven, durable homespun tor daily living. Like the blind Samson struggling la the temple, tbe Individual whoso life la based on trickery always pulls down the supporting columns of his own edi fice and perishes In the rulna. He who thinks all mankind Is rile is a pessimist who mistakes bis Intro spection for observation. Profane expressions of gratitude do not cancel an Indebtedness any mora than a promissory note settles an ae eonnt. It Is a beginning, not flnaUty. The man who Ilea to save a nickel merely proclaims that be esteems a nickel more than be does bis honor. The mn who keeps his religion to camphor all week aod s bo takes It eat only on Buodny Is not tra. .. Marrylnc a man for his money means marrying the money and taking the man as a mortgage, on toe property. Life la not a competition wtth other, la Its truest seme It la rivalry With To Cnro a CoM m Quo Day mmMMpMmlimmA, THIS mtSrmA Suiting Into Society Hank Cut Ice In Circle City, but Wasn't Worth Beans In Boston fmm "-It. i . iJ.- !" .Wh! .Vc. (licit In hjt.'rcf.- Venn .iii.iDf r, Jly prniuwsm - Niiuu', .Vim ii.tnl v.. in:!rr, Utlnn I never seo a fcIKm trying to crawl or to buy l is way Into society that I don't think of my old friend. Hank Smith, and his wife Kate-Kate Holts she wits before he married her and liow they tried to butt their way through the iipiT crust.. Hank and I were Iwys together In Missouri, and he stayed along In tiie old towu after 1 left. 1 heard of him on and oft as tending store a Utile and farming a little and loafing a good deal. Then 1 forgot all nlwtit him until 1 one day a few years auo when he j turned up In the papers ns Captain Henry Smith, the Klondike gold king. Just back from Circle City with a mll 1 Hon In dust and anything you please I lu claims. There's never any limit t.i 1 what a miner may be worth In those, except his Imagination. I was n little puzzled when a week later my otlhe boy brought me a card reading Colonel Henry Augustus Hottes-Smythc, but I supposed it was some distinguished forelgm-r who had come to size me up so that he could round out his roast on t'l.lca.-o in his new book, and I told the boy to show the colonel la. I've got a pretty good memory for faces, and I'd bought t o much store plug of Hat.k In my time not to kuow hlin. even vlth n clean shave and a plug hat. Some men dry up with suc cess, but It was Just spoiiiiua out c.f Hank. Told Ine he'd made Ids pile and that he was tired of living ou the slag heap; that he'd spent Ids whole life where money hardly whispered, let alone talked, and he was going now where it would shout. Wanted to know what was the use of being n nob If a fellow wasn't the nobbiest sort of a nob. Said he'd bought a house on Heli con Hill, in Hoston, nud that if I'd prick up my ram ooinslonally I'd hear something drop into the Hack liny. Handed me his new card four times ami explained that It was the rawest sort of dog to carry a brace of names In your card holster; that It gave you the drop on the swells every time and that they Just had to throw up both hands and pass you the pot when you showed down. Said that Holies was old lmgllsh for Hot's and that Nmythe was new AnierhMii for Smith; the Au gustus was Just a fancy touch, a sort of high caul kicker. I didn't i . ..plain to Hank, becaus was congratulations and not cxplana tloiu that he wanted, and I make It a point to show a customer the lim goods that he's looking for. And I never heard the full particulars of his extu rlcnces In the east, though from w hat I learned afterward Hank struck Huston w ilh a bang all right. lie located his claim on l:eacou Hill between a MnyHowcr descendant and a 1 .duration signer's great-grandson, breeds which believe that when the Lord uiade them he was tlinsigh and that the rest of lis Just happened. And he hadn't been in town two hours be fore lie slatted lu to make improve ments. There was a high wrought Iron railing In front of his house, and he had that gilded first thing, because, as he said, he wasn't running a re ceiving vault and he didn't want any mistakes. Then he bought a nice open barouche, hud the wheels painted roil, hired a nigger coachman and started out In style to be sociable and get acquainted. Left his card all the way down one side of Helicon street and then drove back, leaving It ou the other. Kverywhore he stopped he found that the whole family was out. Kept It up a week, on and off, but didn't seem to have any luck. Thought that the men must be hot sports and the women great gadders to keepoti the jump so much. Allowed that they were the liviiliot little lot of lleas that he had ever cLasisl. Decided to quit try ing to nail 'cm one at a time and planned on soin-thliig tl:.:t he t rt ou-il would roiled up the w hole hunch. liauk si i t ou: : thou -and iiiviia tlniiH to his grand nH-iiIiig, a- ! called It; left om at ev-ry ho- ,:.hln a I. die. llnd a brass hand oil the front steps it ii.i urowork. on the roof. Or dered foiiy k ;:s from the I.ic.v.t.v anil hir-.l a y u.Uor , nliiii. to-cthei tul.'d snorts, m he call--.! il eUi. lor the ladhs. They tell me that when the hand rot to tolng good on the steps and the lln-works on th roof cvea lieacoll stris-l I .. !;e,l fill I be windows to see what was doing. Ta-iv must have lo.inD people In the street uia! not a scul but liauk and his wife and the intxer lu the hnu.-o. S.ime oue yelled "finwlii" and then He whole crowd t-ok It up. till !lnnk came out on the steps, lie shut on the baud with one haial and stopped the lire works wltli the other. Said that Kpcochitiakmg wasu't Ids hold; that he'd been living on snowballs In the l.:o:. 111.;' l u so .,g tlmi bl gas piie was lio'ti. hut tl .il this wel come started tie lee. am! he thought t-r.-e ll igers of ti e plumber's favorite prescription won!:! cut ont the frost. Would the croud Join hlin He had imped a lew frleid la for the evening, hot them seemed to be eonif udsuudorv: ndlui: nlictit the tac. and he haled ;, i-nv. the go...l mca curdle ou his 1 ::u. Wld!" til- on t!e '.'.i. Weak Hearts Ars das to IndlrestJon. rfinety-Blna of avers ens hundred people whs havs heart trouble caa remember vben It was slmols udins- tton. It Is a aotenuflo fact that all cues of Heart disease, rut orfsnlo, are set enhr traceable to, bat srs tbe direr! result f Indi restion. All food taken Into the stomach rhtca falls of serf sot digestion far nwnla and ml) the stomach, smffiof tt ss against the Heart. This liaerfsras with the aaboa of the heart, and the course of time that jeUcate but Tltal erta become diseased. Wr. D rttbt.f Wwaita, P.. Sara IWi-at eoubl and n, la a bad aut aa I had baart awa a a. I trot Kodoi DrtapMa Cera sk am mm Battel tsst What Yasjt Bat and relieves the stomach sf all nervous ttraia and me bear! sf all pressors, ,. rMaassatr. $ 1 .00 SIM toldi-f ; flnae ft fc-tat aba, wtMcS woa fcv Mm. - - rsrtw at a. a owitt oon omioaoq. I o-1 a Iit W A Underwood. Core Cri sTwttya. 'f'TPf mmmSm flowror descendant was telephoning for the police from one skle nnd the sign er's great-grandson from the other, nnd just as the crowd yelled nnd broke for the two piltrol wagons full of policemen got there. But they had to turn lu a riot call and bring out tho reserves before they coeld break up Hank's little Huston tea arty. After all, liauk did whet he started out to do w llh his party-rounded up all his i-tghlmrs lu a bunch, though not exact iy according to schedule. Kor next morning there were so many de scendants and giv-iit-giand-ous In tho police court to prefer charges that It looked like a reunion of the pilgrim fathers. The Judge Ailed Hank on six teen counts nud bound Mm over to keep the pence for n hundred yenra. That afternoon ho left for the west on a special, because the liudted didn't l-'l there quick enough. Hut before. go ing he lacked on the front door of his h also a sign w hich rend; NYbililiors paying their party calls will pica.-,- act leave rocks through windows to a t trad ain utlon. Not In ami not going o I"-. i ten- luii-k to Circle City for a Ut ile yue-t. Your inity. HANK SMITH. N. It. - Too swift for your uncle. Hank dropped by my ofllce for a minute on his way to Frisco. Said he likitl things lively, but there was alto gether too much rotighhouse on Hea con Hill for him. Judged that us the crowd which wasn't Invited was so blamed sociable, the one which was invited would have stayed n week If It hadn't slipped tip on the date. That might be the Huston idea, but he want id a little teore refinement In his. Snhl he w as u pn tty free spender and would hold Ids end tip, but he hated a hog. Of course I told Hank that Hostnn wasn't all that It was cracked tip to be In the school histories and that Circle City wasn't so tough as It read in the now spa per, for (here wan no way of making hlin understand that he might have lived lu Hostoti for a hundred years without being Invited to a straw berry sociable. Hocnuso a fellow cuts ice on tlie arctic circle It doesn't fol low that he's going to he worth beans on the Hack Hay. Woman. In Business As Illustrated by (he Pa thetic Story of Toby from "Id titr Prtm n Stlf Warte Mtr ciiint t-i Ilia S-m." by ffortfe foror l'rtntcr. tty prrmui..n " Smoll, May' ,i I -., JVUIshrrs. '.Met 1 never do biibiness with n woman that 1 don't think of u little Incident which happened when I was first mnr riiil to your ma. We set up housekeep ing In one of those cottages that you reail about In the story hooks, but that jou Want to shy away from when It's put up to you to live In one of them. It w as Just the place to go for a picnic, but it's been my experience that n fel low does most of his picnicking before lie's married. Your ma did the cooking and I hus tled for things to cook, though I would ttike a shy at It myself once In awhlltt and get up my muscle tossing flapjacks. It was pretty rough sailing, yon bet, but one way ami another wo managed to get a good deal of satisfaction out of It, because v. e had made up our minds to take our fun as we went along. With most pie happiness Is some thing that Is always Just a day off. Hut I have made it a rule never to put off being happy till tomorrow. I was clerking lu a general store at that time, but 1 had a little weakness for live stock even then, and while I couldn't iifrrd to plunge In It exactly I managed to buy a likely little shote that 1 riH-koned on carrying through the summer on credit and presenting wllh n bill for board in the fall. He wes Just n plain pig when he came to us, and wo kept him In a little sty, but we weren't king 111 finding out that he wasn't any ordinary root and grunt pig. The first I knew your mn waa calling htm Toby and Imd turned him loose. Answered to his name like a dog. Never saw such a sociable pig. Wanted to sit on the porch with us. Tried to come Into the house evenings. Used to run down the rond squealing for Joy when he saw me coming home from work. Well, It got on toward November, and Toby had lccii making the most of his opportunities. I never snw a pig that turned corn into fat so fust, and the stouter he got tho better his disposition grew. I reckon I was attached to hlin myself In n sort of a sneaking way, but I was mighty fond of hog meat, toe, nnd we needed Toby In tlie kMchen. Bo I sent around and had him butchered. When I got borne to dinner next day, I noticed that your ma looked mighty solemn aa she set the roast of pork down lu front of me, but I strayed off, thinking of something else as I carved, aud my wits were off woolgathering sure enough when I said: "Will you have a piece of Toby, my dearr Well, air, she Just looked at me for moment, and than she burst out crying and ran away from the table. But when I went after her and asked her iwhat was the matter sue stopped cry lug and waa mnd In a minute all the way through. Called me a heartless, cruel canulbaL That aeemed to relieve her so tbst she got over ber mad and began to cry again. Begged ma to take Toby out of pickle and to bury bim In the garden. I ressoned with ber, and In the end I made her see that any obsequies for Toby, with pork at 8 cents a pomid, would be a pretty ex pensive funeral for us. But first and hist aha bad managed to take my appe tite away so that I didn't want any roast pork for dinner or cold pork for supper. That night I took what waa left of Toby to a storekeeper at tbe Crossing, who I knew would be able to gate on Us hams without bursting Into tears, and got a pretty fab- price for him. simply mention Toby in passing aa aa example of why I believe women weren't cat out for business at least for the pork packing business. I've bad dealings with a good many of them, tret and hist, and If s been my ezperl euce that when they've got a weak case they add their sex to tt and win, and that when they've got a strong case they subtract their sex from it and deal with you harder tnsa a man. They're simply bound to win either way, and I don't like tolsy a gams where I haven't any show. When a clerk makes a fool break, I don't want to beg Bis pardoa for railing bis attea tio to It, and I don't want blra to blosh and tremble and leak a little brine into a fancy pocket' handkerchief. A little chance fat a mighty soothing thing, and I Ilka a woman's ways too BibcIi at borne to cars very mock for them at tbe office. Ins tend of hiring women I try to hire their fcMbands, and tttea I tutully have tbii, both rorkl'i'T for ns, There's BotMflB 1mm a woman at bciri in ipt ci'j a Mn mi tt PRr . . .... AN OLD ADAGB SAYS -wrt A light; purse U a heavy corse' Sickness make a light pane. The LIVER U the seat of nln tetrths of all disease. Ms Pills go to tbe root of tbe whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the actios of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system find solid flesh to the body. Fake No Substitute. a Ladies and Children Invited. All 1 idles snd children who cannot xtnnil tin- shocking a rain of laxaiire syrui s, ra'bar'ics. etc., are Invited to try tli- lamous L ttle Karlv Kier-. They are d fferent fr-m all other pills. Tin y do not purr the system. Even a double do-e will i ot grip -, weaken nrs'cken; " any people call them the Has.- Pi I. W II Howe l, IIous'on. Tex , fas nothing lietsei cm he used fur cmistipati"n, sick be dache, tto. Bob Mooro, Lafayct'f, Ind , save all others grineand sickin. while De Witt's Utile Early Risers do their work I ami easy. Sold by W. A . Underwood. Do You Enioy What You Eat? If you don 'i your food docs not do you much good. Ki dol Dyspeps'a Cure is the reinrdy that rvery oue ehncld take win n the. e is any thing iviong with tho Bteniaoh. There ta no way to maintain tbe heal'h and strength of mind and body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish Pxo. pt throu h the stomach. I in- stomach mnst be kept healthv. nure and swnei r tho strength ill let d wn ami disease will set u;. No ap petite. Iss of strength, no'vousinn-. Iiaj. cho, constipation, had breath, sour rislns, rifting, indigestion, dys pepsia nd all stomach troubles are quickly tureii by the use of K-dol it-pepsia Cure. Bold by W A Underwood, Itanllemau. l-'OH SALE. One first-class corn mill, diic automatic lathe machine one set tinnei's IckiIs, cheap, for cash, or in exchange for lumber. Apply to Cockikk Ot'FKtE, Ashcboro, N.C. 4-9-tf. Extremely Low Rates TO MANY POI1ST8 VIA .'Southern Railwau The Southern ;Klhray C'omuliy niiltoiiui-iv the sale ol lli ki'tfc lit extremely lew nilin, from Hiiiu- on it Iltusi for the following aisH-lsl or- a'I-HKVII.I.F.. S. ('. H,Milhcrn Kduratlinial An ... i:,ion. June W Jul? 3, 1W0. ASIIKVIl.l.K. N. C Southern Stieli-nt Confer di.-i- ami convention Y. V. I . A., June l it. mo. ATHKNS. UA. Hummer Hclio.,1, July 1-AUKUnt W. VMI. A I I.AM A. OA Nutloliitl Ciiivrutlisi B. Y. P. I', of AiiKTlcu. Jlllv V-lll. I'.US. HostoN. M Ass. National Kilueittietinl Am- cmtioii, Juiv ( in, rjio. KNnXVII.I.K. I KNN. -Summer .-. hull, June t- .llllv !-. tWIH Lus ANl.Kl.l;-. ( At., lieiu-liil Awt-laMy pros Interne! church. May Hl-Jum-U, 18US. MUNI KAl.l.K, TK.NN. Illhk- School, July t-Allltll-t 110. NAsllVH.I.K. TKNS Peiilnstv t'olleRv Summer school., June 1-July so. 1UUS. ST l.i if IS. Mn -Sni liKerfint ot North American Sai-iuti rhuuil. June 17 HI. IUM. Tfsk KtiKK, AI.A. Summer School, June - Auini-i ;. iwm. MlilVK I I'll ihitioiiMoti southern Kuilwav. l Uohi iiiforiiiiitloti call be had usi appl Mtion to nay Ticket Aeeut of the Southern Hal any. or AkviiImiI cimuccmut hue, or by si! lrei tog the uiiuvrstioii-il . NiiltTH CAItuMNA, I Kiitiitolph i 'utility. I In the Superior Cisirt. R M. Wi thorn, T. ). Kwldllig, I tlntrr cful Mnry A. MiirM, it al. ) Publication. ft aelii'itrhiir to thct'mirt from the tssnl4af lit In Ihe ul.'Ve t-iilltlcii N4.jHl proctslitiK, shlch la In v vc Until, sin! Iroin the am. lav It ot T. J. Kt .Hilar, loth lih il In thrnnce ot the Clerk of tin- clerk ui the superior Usirt of snul couuly, that Anitri s l. WelUini la a legatee under like laat sill anil ti-tiatiieii! oi l . i reiitrwes sr. aeceae,i. nnil in. -in h i a n-ccvary tatrtv to the shnve en titled ki-eiiil iinjceihug couimeiu'ed by the ex-i-mor-, pluiiitins, fur account ami anal nettle- mi nt, met that the mid Andrew C. Welti nut I.- found lu the state irf North Camlina after dui' illllluciicc. Now, then-Ion., II In ordered li the l'4Hirv that notice lie imbluuieu Hint IllnUtul- I t)Y the executor Ut all account and final settlement and to xive the lemtteee an ouporfuut. lute eourt ami iiHitMt their MtMttf claim aul nsiutnng una lo apta-srst ine oroce I the C lerk ill the Sui.'rior Court of Kauilolpll County ou June SSnl, luna. ami auawer ur demur In the complaint, tslierwiae Um procedUig w ill uu ncuril exuie aa lo mm. Mortgage Sale. By vlrtoe of a power ef sate eoatajaed la a mortcaa deed executed Co Job ill.i br B cowiermlis aaa wile M t iownaraans on iba Slat day of Jaaasrr.llsSl. wblch caort gas deed is dolr recorded la tbe oSee of KeKiaier oi ueeae oi aioaoipa xiaoir. IB boon 7S ease im. we. ca uBaersisaed es- eeuturs of Job AHa bow deceased, wilt sell at public aoellOB to tbe big-bee! bidder fur caah ob Cbe premise., oa Bacnrasr, the wtb ear ot J bbb. iw. at la e'eioea ax. ta followina deorlted Dleee or panelof laad: BesiBBlnc M a htokorjf la T Treadoa's Hbs by the aide of aa eld road, aad raaaiBg la a outberlej dlreotloa tbe vartoos eoaraea est aaldroadlTeba sad SS link, to a aaasll aweet gum ob W side of said road, tbeaee a a dec W 11 cba to a poet oak, tbenoe a Sf der w ctia to a Bpaalsk oak, Iheaee W cue lo a atake la cue road ibboibc to neteaa Wtlllaena', tbeoce ibe virioiia oeareeB of M road la a aoaiherl dlreeUoa 4 oka aad if linka iob acakB la tbe road D WliliBase ooraer, tkwaoe W 14 de tt is ebe aau Meka to a atuae la aa old Qeld. tbeaoe W at It llnke lo a eourwuod t bailee 1 ebe aad Ta llBbs to a wblte oak o Spoea a eoraer, tbeoce ar oa ble aad J Trogeoa'i lis at eaa tu 0 HpoxiB'eeorBe. tbeace R na J sed T Troedone uaa eo eas to a aiaea oes T rroa- doue eorBer. taeaoe a oa tola line T ehm t hta ooraer. tbeeoe B la but Mas u ike a- sIbbIcs eoaCalalBS I' Bores Baore or at T A J ALLRIf . gxtra of JOB AJuLKM. dea d. Tbla May 1Mb, lata. Notictt- lUTtsir qnlHlled aa aJsaitBtMrtfir oa tka Court of luado, pit, Ciouatr. All Dvraona kaviav eltuau IMUI mm mi at ara aotlQeM lo urmt tbm m tk HHJrlMBd dol fwrlftexi. oa or itfon ta a ol May, i as, or U)a awtaa will tx piaadad la aar or taair raeoTarjr, aaa au paraoaa owivf aaia aacaca IaniSak. Br rtrttw al th? nowct twitted in n mm rfr f rar ol M? lAsrt wtUijwl fcatmt nl mt itntrll $ ttoat it-C fl. 1 Wtll fsvil At lauiitM' twa-tkafv u Utve kujftHfia bicltittr, un tajaarmiM(a on ft IITB lAY r JlfbT M, t I (Y -lock a. aa. Uva MtMrtav Ml atkite ta wH a cnjvin vara nr )at-rrri oi taoa i) ihr im dmiii e V4Minif of Kanoo,n uaa mam aminaiii ea rawa-ra cm 4Krmtil rrwk. boaiiilwi and tJndili. aMfcalsOWM. ltrHfrtmi.air lit a MJUrWfHK. (HI W. V. HuM4tr . Hna, tttctHi WmtK ettaiaa sUmI bb lUikit- in mimU Urn ff r oa tit brtat mm rXMlBty Jilaan, thMafaS With Mai1 lilta BBTCth BJ thsJnn Audi aa mitt, lo a tv bimt'M oak, A. . UmIUhu farther. tiwnMW t M eiuma to a sis!! fM kiwry t,lnir, tti4?iw" rft Tth -JiHfnp Kit. fA as linka tr lit, t mffiani i Bittntiivwii Tbla Jui r -xx W Driven to Dttpttatiocs. Living at an ont of the war Dlace. re mctr fron oivillaatlOB, a family la eftea driven to oriperation in esse or acci dent, remit i g iB Burns Cms, H opnd: ll'nrs. etc. Lev in a anpplr of Back- 'ei ' An lea Bslvc. It's tlie best on earth., SSr, at standard Uiug O. NEW THINGS IN CLOTHING! 1rjev Drixton' Aaek Suit. Theee cuts represent some of the new things that we are now opening up direct from the manufacturers. Call in unit see the latest and best in men's wearables, THE MERITT-JOHNSON CO. 308 S. Kim St. Greensboro, N. C. FOR Rock Bottom Prices On GROCERIES and BEST riUCES for your Chickens and Eggs be sure to go to W. H. Jennings. Franklinville, N. C Near Depot. a NEW GOODS 0 Have arrived at the Millinery store and wo are now ready to sell all the ladies a new fas ter hat. We will be clad to see all interested; and will take (ilt-astire in showing jou through ottr store. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. Land Sale 11 r virtu.' of a power of tale oontafn ed in a deed or trial executed April lth, 11101, lie 're1 A Silver to Win K Faltoii fo -einre the payment of certain notes therein described, said deed Is reoord- ed in the ollioe of tbe Kegjlster of Deads of Randolph eountr la book of mort gage ilseJa (il, page 169, and there tiaoiag been detsalt of payment tn se- cordance with the terete of said deed ol trust, nos-, therefore, In accordance with tbe terms of said deed of trast the undersigned will sell at the Court House door In Asheboro. N O. at pui lie suction lo the highest bidder for cash on June S3rd, 1908, . i he following dricribed real es tate, lying atil being in the count ef itaudoipn, mat ot iNonni;aroiina,aBa bounded aa follows, vis : first Xraot : laying on caraway ureek adjoining thelsndaof John Backerdlte, T J Bedding and other and. begra nlng at a stake northwest corner of the old survev and ranniasi ibeaoe snuib 4 deg seat 63 elia to a bush by a brattea i li uce uurtb lit) deg east down a Dranca 11 1-4 chs io Caraway ertxk, ibenso south tw ueg ea-t a i-z ens u a ben a, thence south 41 deg east chs to a ataka In John ford, tbenco Boejtk 80 dec eaat leaving the spring on tba nerta ai ls cb- to a siaka in Davids n's line, thenos north oa said no 14 chs snd 21 links to a piuo, tbsoos eaak it Cba to a stake, thence north 4 l-S cha to a black oak, theaoa seat? 1-1 obs to a stake, thenc north 17 cba ta a post oaa. inencs west ox i-i ens to a large black oak Beekerdits's oorner, t hence north on bis Una cha to a slake, tbenc watt 31 l-l caa to a stake, Ufnoe aonth 15 chs to a Post oak In tbs onal. nal line, thenos west la said line 24 aha to tbe beglnnlag, cental sing mo acres mora or less, being the Alexandria S.wver Oolllline tract, i . Second Tract: Situated adjoining the first tract ami. beginning at a voat oak northwest corner aW the old aorrey and running thenos south 64 dag east Is 1-4 eh to a white oak, tbettee Swuthi 46 deg west 14 ohs le a pine on toe eoaiR Id of the Ride road, thenca south 10 d-g and 10 eh to a en all poet Dak la tb More bead Ins. ajmce said lln4ehstoatadf4viJMaosrth 60 1-1 chs to th begiaoiBg, soBtaisisg 1 IS acrca mors or leee, tsatng tia itntxih Bawr Ould Mb tract, said two tract being th aaaao propartt eewvay en to n. w LiToa MfMs ena. a rai ler, T i Redding. A. 8 and W O Jones by d 1894. eotf bearing data April 10, Third Traoti last an the wataya oft Carawar eras-k and known as tb Dot Iy Sawyer Gold Mine trawl, taijeiaing in Bawysruoia ssine wsoia.tu i othor and hoonciad as faUowsi etegirTt nr at a ataka at ot near taa ueiirlaal oorner BDatUsb oak and rnnninttt, west on Oardaer's line 47 l-t oh. to pof oak oa tbe wM id ef Deturaa's nw roaft, tsysnas aonta4g ssataitats ta a stak in aasd road, townee, eoni 16 d grew seat ( cluiua to a at in said road, thaao o a t h 17 tieg sat S oa hs a-attiho Is) said soesl thenc aoath Uwo eaet 14 ch U) I ataka In aaid road, thenca aoutk (4 ttett ea-t 6 eka to a stake in ssia ia, I naneo south 79 etwt ix oae i a stak aaid road, ih-aoa aonth 8C deg rt 1 t an to whit OakOokar's corr. tbe no aorta: at oh h aw on to a stake, Mtaaoe aorta 11 1-1 cha to a ak, thenc north )4 aWg oat t 3h Va stak in b Un of th Erach (lawyer 116-aor tract, theito wee 1 I-s ens to la Bg lining, onuaBiiig io ere mora or lee, i tt . i Fanrth Tntctt On thewater ef Cr- WeV Crek and kaowB a oi the T J Redding bo tract rii,f-ng th Sawyer Gold aia n-aets, Uss iaasl of JoJaa Raddiw an avtkar Bad botzaJaw I a. followai Eeiauiog al bush by a branrb a.4 rwotiing aorih 64 deg west 11 eh and TS link to a white oak. thaao era 46 4ff w t 14 cks to a ae, tbeoo oth 10 dg r4 16 tin to a bom oak. thenc we 49 1-1 d.-s eaM lobBd 60 link to a turrento, tnno ciowB I he vartwQ eewrao) of Hum braoca north 6a deg twl 11 ctiaaad m Kka to Ih beginniua;. c-t .joint W acres more ar le, being t" aai prmtif oeverwd by H O -i'., tnate, to th fsawynr uii i...n.-f OoisimiBV partv of ).:- rit p.rt tj deed dd Oct. hb, ltdi, Thi s 1 b. lwo-t. ' " .1. li. i V'Jfr'X Trust.- Poms h tiowsj. A.ti. -4l jJtf 1 I (BACK. VICW.) f i) Thrco Times tha Valub of Aiiy Other! Once-TliiTd Ctvfcier. One-Third Ftvctor Atrenta wanted in all unocenpiet territory. Wheelei; & Wilsoti Mnfg. Co ATLANTA, GA. For sale by M0FF1TT 4 CC Ashcboro. N. 0. W.W. JONES, Dealee In GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE, Sewing Machines, Part and Attack tnente. Also have a lot of goott clothine: that will be closed oat cheap. Produce bought and sold. Your patronage solicited. Give me a call and I'll treat you right. ' W. W. JONES,1 Allen stand. Depot St . 13? SXCHaZ? Consult t K ti Toltowlng Kernx!Iea. Always Reliable, Skftd Every One Gu.fii.rt sd to Pltxe or Money Refunded. Vick's Tur ITeel Sarsaparilla, best blood purifier. Vick's Aromatic Wine of Cod Lifer Oil, great Restorative tonic. Vick's Little Liver Pills, mild, pure ly vegetable. Vick's Magic Croup Salve, "qnick relief for Croup and Whooping Cough. Vick's Turtle Oil LintnOnt, largest and liest for man or beast. Trade supplied by L. Richardson Drag Co (Wholesale only) Greensboro, N. C. BLANK DEEDS AND MORT GAGES. Blank deeds and mortga ges at 25 cents a dozen; chattel mort gages 10 cents a dozen, at Con rise Office. NORTH CAROLINA I Randolph Coanty ( W T. Fooehea, Adm, of.' no. B. Allan deed, vs- NOTICE. J. A. AHm, Allan t al. VT. P. Tho defendant J. a. All4, 1W. P. Ansa, Krill Ineujm, KetelU Allen. Wlllerd RehsW ,. fjtrf Brkr, Marttta atiiUkaaw, JdrhM Allan, (iwra.v AlUn, Ida hiaaery, Cora a Soeth S- C Allen, JanatU Kdwards, i. R. AlWea, Charle Ailea. Ella Mwbfes, Qark BUI, Edith Hill, Denial Hnlr. 3 Si. Un lev, Unit E. Moot-,. H.' A. ifeAl.y, Ban HonVay and Nora lrtapsUae, aad any other a ok Down . heits at taw of John B. Allen dd wtilUk noiio that aa Betton eatittad a abev has hswaa eoaaasaei In th Sapertetr Coart ot Bondolnh County to sublect real asaeta la th hands of the .'leek of tbe Covrt kt)iarl from. th stal of lanateUaaatad in Kandorijh ramus tee the payment of tbe debt of th plain tiff's intestate. Joha fl. Ail , dss d, . , , . , . Thai tba dafendaaU wUl fortliw take no tie that thy ar rOJMiw4 tw par before th Clerk ot fen parlor Coert f aeld ooaarty s tba 3mk day of Jan loot at tb oonrt hen ? aid eoaaty, la Aalxbero, Jh. Oi -toad aav wt mi ttaasar to ta ooapiat ta said notion or tb pJalatlg will A to tba eoort for tb nlieX in at eoeapiwirrl. W. O. Hammmtd, 0,1 O, Thl May nth, not. "i i4 9 Ifeeetjrletiv MM tree. Ol. -A ft tm -. tawt i - in: T A ; 'Vtn,. -' 'Ji saw .,.. a-bwiii i amumtat nir. i tin mil eas, BBiftiB ef -- --.. -J i- w . ' rWfi-'Hieiitfc SMIBBWMIfLilliLj swatUasjBNBdsa .Waekti. ri.rat.wi JOB PEINTING-Job minting is a ftteeialtr with tw. .Wo sriat everything you want by fttnint powrr Call or send yonr work to 1st COCKIIB Job ofSc. -.' ,t P t . - ar