THE r, Tin ir tt 4 V .7 ft :s, Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY OCTOlil- $1.00 Per Year VOL. XXVIII. 14. -1 S. Bn ant. President J. II. Cole, Cashier C,e Bank of R.andlem&.n, Randlemaa N C Ca al paid in, Protection to depositors. $20,000 40.000 DiBKOTtius: 8. G. Xewlin, A. N. Bulla, W. T. Bryant, C. L. Lindsey, N. N. Newlin, J. II. Cole, S. Biynnt II 0 liurktr mid W K HartseH. BRITTAIN & GREGSON, ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW, Asheboro, - North Carolina HAMMER & SPENCEr Attorneys - at - Law , Anlii'loini, N. ('. E. MOFFITT, Attorney - at - Law, ASHEBORO, N. C. PRACTICK in nil tliuniuru. Klvi'li t4 mulrinclit uf c-Ci OUcti near Court House. 'PI Kt'l-iltl llUvlititill 0. 1.. &AP?, Attorncy-at-Law. Ptaetio, I- Slat tad Federal Oonrts Corporation Ootnmtroial tad Vto bsltUw. All bulaaM Mtandad so. J THE BEST Children's f Shoes I On Earth for the Money, f made by The H. C. Goodman Shoe Co., will keep the Lit tle ones' feet Dry and Save .Many a Doctor Bill, r Yours, I W. D. STEDMAN & CO I Dealers in Good Shoes. I . Drugs And Drug Sun dries, Stationery, Etc. i We have it complete lino itml would V like to have it call from you lit-ti in need of such. V Wo handle Dr. King's Family '. Medicines wliirh have been used and 3 endorsed, for the past 25 years, mid I which we positively maua stkk to ITItE, or the uiolteV Bef milled. j, Lee's Headache lleuiedy, Brume's i Miigie Liniment, W cam's Dyspepsia Cure, and Chill Tills, and Flynt's Vine Tar Bulsam, will liot fool you. t A lo a complete and well selected stock of Staple Drugs, Diamond I Dves, l'ratts Food, Toilet Soaps, J Toilet I'owder, Tooth Brushes and ? Tooth I'owder, Shaving Soap, Per j funiery, Shaving Brushes, Combs and Brushes, l'ipcs, line Cigars aud Tobacco, ec. We cordiully invite everyone cspe ' f cially the students to take a look at onr line of Stationery and School s Supplies besore buying. The most ' i up to date lino in town, f Yours for business, I J. F. IIK1TMAX, : Main St. Trinity, N. C. NEW THINGS IN CLOTHING! lit v,i W Suck it- i I These cats represent some of the new things that we are now opening np direct from the manufacturers. (Jail lu and see ine lawei gnu oest id I - men's wearables, THE MERITTrJOHNSON CO. 808 S. Elm St. Greensboro, N. C, Notice! Wiwllilt oimliftfl w iwliuttiH-lmUir n Tbronn V nni. i:r' i. all f m,n hiiMiint elaiimi aguinM mt M tt.- arr hrrelv piilfcl bi jircM'tit thros on nr tH'tniv llw H'h 'IHV of Ahkhi. WU4, nr Iht BrttM-d t!l t' pk-rulut tn Imf "( tlii'tr IWfV(rj. All in-won- iwhk-jW cMnte will aiiae forward el mke -HisiMit! itiyim-nl. Thin UK 1 till iUr ' AuiriM. IWW. A S. UI'SU. Aitinlulitraiot'. Iljah Mo, Alif. , " 'J Now Is Ibe Time to Select Seed Corn and Cotton Seed for Next Year's Crop, A man w ho has not studied the subject would find it hard to be lieve how much improvement can be made in the yield of any common farm crop by a little continuous care in the selection of seed. Farmer.! generally aro not careful enough about this matter, but it is only in the matter of cotton seed that there is almost absolute indifference. This is to be regretted. If any rnc is doubtful as to the improvement in yield and length of liber that can be brought about by using seed from the bestphtuts only, the article on this subject in the VJOi iearUookof the united hlntos Department of Agricitl ture will convince him of his error This article is by Dr. 11. J. Webber and is mainly a report of experiments matte bv different agricultural an thoritiesin the South. Dr. Webber. it will bo remembered, attended the sessions of the North Carolina Farm ers' Convention here in July, and suggestr . a practicable-plan of seed selection for cotton growers, which is given heiewith: "Take careful pickers that re main on the plantation continuously trom year to year und train thein to recognize the best plants, that is, those most productive, earliest in ripening, and having the largest, best-formed, anil most numerous bolls. Each year before the second picking, have these select pickers go over the eottor. from the best plants only. These pickers should bo paid uy tue day and not lor the amount picked. Preserve such seed cotton Separately, gin it seperntely on a carefully cleaned gin to avoid mix ing, and tis.i the seed to plant the general crop the next year. If suf- Iioient seed is not secured at the second picking, the same pickers can ho sent over the held again before the next picking. In "eneral, it is desirable not to use the seed of the tirst or picking." If one farmer does not need enough stud to justify him in asking the ginner to keep the seed from this superior cotton sepcrate from the rest, let him join with bis neigh bors who seledt the best cotton from their Ileitis, put all tocether. anil gin for all at one time. More earnest elTorts are made to get a good quality of seed corn, but t hose efforts aro often misdirected. It is customary to go into the crib before planting time und pick out rgest ears, and while tins method of selection is better than iiiio e.t alt, there is yet a better way. for the variety making the biggest ear may be by no means the most productive variety. Quite probably it was the only car on the stalk, while a slightly smaller ear which you have rejected may represent a two-eared or throe-cured variety the olalks having these two or three smaller ears shelling out a much iirger quantity of corn than the talk with only one big car. .Sup pose, for example, that stalk Not has one large ear with 1.000 "rains. Stalk No ii hits two ears with iioo grains each 1,200 grains us huge us those on stalk JSo 1. Stalk -No i has three has three cars averaging 430 grants each l,a50 grains as large us those on No 1 orNo 2. It is very easy to see from which of these three stalks your seed Bhould lie saved. The right policy then is to go over your field now and select your seeu corn lor next year, taking the stalks w hose combined out put is largest, whether that ontniit, be the yield of one, two or three cars. If yon do not haul up your own corn, possibly tuo best plan is to go over the ileitis at the proper time ami cut off the selected ears with about a foot of stalk above and below the cars. J. hese can then be dis tinguished-from the other ears when the orop is hauled up, and the Seed corn piled to itself to be shucked and shelled whenever you please. litis work will reuuire a little lime aud attention, but it will briiiir you handsome returns when your corn aud cotton crops are gathered next year. Progressive Farmer. A Woodford county paper tells of a young niau np there who culled on his best girl one on uday recently. After they had talked until they could not think of any more to say, he declared his inVeutioiis of kissing tier, oho was apparently very in dignant and declared she would tell her father if he did. Remembering the old saying that faint heart never won fair lady, the .young man dared, and succeeded in planting a fairly respectable kiss some place behind the ear. The young woman arose hastly and walked into the other room. "I'apa, she said, .Mr. f, wants to see your new gun." "All right! All right!" said the old man, delighted with a chance to show off his new shot gun. Taking it from the rack he stepped into the parlor. ine young man broke four window- panes in getting out, and when last seea he was still running, bare-head' ed, down the country road. k.x. Cursini Will Be' Turned to Praises. We must bring the county people closer togbther by good roads and then we can have good schools. We are pledged to educate tho iooplu of North Carolina. We have heard from the taxation imposed for the purpose of educating the children and to build good roads; you must raise money by levying taxes. Some will curse you now, but tho future generations will sing your praises. INFORMATION FOX SCHOOL C0M.V,IT;iS IT NECFSSARV TO IMPROVE 0UU TCEMEN. Supt. Joyncr Advises Them as to Their Duties. State Superintendent of Public In struction J. Y. Joy her- is tending out to each school committeeman in the State a puinplct tonLtining in brief the duties an. I powers of seltoo! committeemen under tie- public law of 11)03. Appended thereto is the following letter to each one: Upon you, public school commit teemen, perhaps more Hum uponunv other school ollicers, depends the success of the public schools'. With out your hearty co-operation unit act ive interest in vour individual schools, this great work of public ed ucation cautiot succeed. "For your convenience, 1 have giv en above a brief summary of your duties and powers as prescribed by law. You are bound by the solemn obligation of your oflicial oath to dis charge these duties. You cannot af ford to neglect them. In the -:s- charge of them, us conscientious men, you can consider nothing but the success of the school and the good of the children. With suoh men, favor itism anil despotism can have no place, l'crhans the moat important of vour duties is the election ot teacher, lor, as the teacher, so wni be the school. In dischariro of this mil other duties, therefore, you can know nobody's sou or daughter, sis ter or brother, niece or nephew, cous in or friend. You are sworn guard ians of the children's rights ami i liter 's! s, and you should' consider these only in the select ion of a teacher and id nil other mailers relating to the management of the school. As pa triotic, men and good citieiis, von can rentier no more valuable ami peinmneut service lu your and tommuhity than by discharging without fear or lavor, the simple hut impel taut duties devolving upon you ts chool commit tiriucn. 1 wish to ippeal to you, therefore, to acquaint yourself fully with your legal duties itntl to discharge thehi bravely as the iw directs. "1 do not need to remind you that there are other duties not mentioned in the letter of the law, but iiiclnd- 1 in the spirit thereof, as binding in their obligation as these. Among them are () Tito duty to visit, the school occasionally aud manifest in this way to teacher, children and nations an interest in its success, a desire to encourage Ft, and .-i pur pose to become acquainted with its work and ili needs; to aid in fre tting in the community a healthy public sentiment for education and to lead ill u:l movements lor the bet terment of the public school-; i:i) to co-operate w ith the teacher in liiel- ng iiml bringing into the school ai: hildreit that ought to attend. "A word of encouragement from the committee to the teacher, if de served, will frequently lighten h"- oail and inspire her to renewed effort mil greater success. A word of ;:d- ice, when needed, will frequently save the teacher front many u bliin- r and the school from failure. A word of suggestion or earnest appeal from a eominilleeiuau to an iimilTcr- nt neighbor will frequently result in bringing to school some bnghi boy or cirl and turning the whole current of the child's life from dark ness toward the light. These are simple duties, cording little in time and trouble, but thev ire worth doing. Thev will bring joy to those who do them aud bless- to those lor whom thev are dune." Bryan's Beautiful Fulngy at th. Crave ul a Friend. William J. lirvau deliveied an ad- Iress recently at the funeral of Philo S. Benn.-tt, who was killed accidently in Idaho, lie was al-o one of the honor-try pall bu'r- Tho address was made at the grave. Jlr. Bennett was one of the presidential electors on the lirv au ticket in Connecticut in the hist national election. Mr. Bryan said: "It is sail enough to consign lo the lust the body of our we love how infinitely more sad if wo were com pelled to part with the spirit that animated this tenement of clav. But the best man docs not perish. We bury the brain that- planned for others, as well as for its master, the toDgne that spoke words of love and encouragement, the hands that wore extended to those who needed help, and the feet that ran where duty di rected, but the spirit that dominat aud directed all rises triumphant over the grave. If the sunshine w inch a baby brings into a home, even if its .so journ is brief, caniwt be dimmed by its death; it the child growing to manhood or womanhood gives to the parent a dev-Joo m-nt of heart and head that, uiitw tiglis any grid I hat demise can cause, how much niori Iih'S a long life, full of kindly deeds, leave us indebted to the Father who both gives snd takes away? Th night of death makes us remember with gratitude the light of day that has cone, w hile we look forward to the morning. " To the young death is an appall ing thing; but it ought uot to I e tt these whose advancing years warn them of its certain approach. In the course of nature the King of '1 rors loses his own power to affright us, and the interesting company on the farther shore makes us lust will ing and then anxious to join the It is Hod's wn." New haven V patch. Ihe Jones Carnival l.iinipany i.n at J-cMiigton tins week lioluiu itroet carnival. JURAL COVtMlNITIiiS? .I Here is it district, inhal iled by : ," some of the be.-t pie in the wcrhi;;. they me hoi.i.-!, i nt! ll.-t moii -, e!l u ; eh I going, !od Jeaimg people, but in' lllliel hai'dv.ol kill tared- liiev ! have forgot leu that the .-Irength ami prosperity of Ih. ir family, their com nnini!, must depend upon the abil ity i if 'tin ir eiiildreu to take lip their wol !; and eai rv it on. Thev are now doing ihe thinking for children n In) are not called upon I tin more than their inu.-ee , can accomplish, liere is a i'.ii'ii!', thai, has live chil dren. The t.liiesl son will inherit one-liflh of his father's properly. Then this buy will be lit. liiues poor er than his father is tit ptcsciit. Is his father wilit all his past exper ience and with what property he possesses lo elreliL then ; is credit, slicceeuilig Vel'V fasl in l.,c business world, other than making a good livii'g fur his faniilvl-' J'hen lio.v can this I at Iter expect his son tosuc- ed even a? Well its he lcis sucieed I when the s;:i must begin in this go uf sharp competition, without Ins fill lier's c.xpericii! " nod starting in life live times ooter than hi-' fill her, Uiil.'.-.j tile uiiutl of hi, .-on is Inline. I to do more thinking than his father is doing? Are the liiretvnloonnnunilica con sidering this qlle.-lioli? Do I'neV realize lite fact that ii lakes only about twenty-live years tor a com munity to change- in persona! up peiiiaui'c so that one can hardly re eogiii!.' tfV- old families that once stood for pifi.-pcnly ': : istliis'r The younger genera! ion tuei.!;.'-iive years" ago were not. Iraiu.d by the community, and with a viewtulhe devehijuneiit uf I lie eo.nnuuiily. The children, on account, of a la !. of tlilillil'g. Were Hot i.bie o lake Up the work of their parents. Their mi mis were not slrengthened sulli- cieiitly to rise iqiiiil to their paimi!.-. A three or f.aii" inoul lis' .eiio'd in a poor building wi;!i no desks, taught by a poor tint raine.i teacher, ea.riot give t!le cilildl'ill of I'ie :t li'iiiniiig to prepai" ihoni lor the hai'd.-r duties in after life. 1 1 i easy t ) ehillig" this. The Stale has made it pus-'ible for eve! v coiimr.iii il v to Secure Ul'HieV for liuihollg it g.ii.d school htia.e. Then the rountv id hat the power o make th. districts huge en. ei lilt il I. H it tax of tilil tV celits dred iloliais valua iiiii a in I lie Mitnv ;oo.l sehov il m.iiiili tcacbers. thirty-liu esl.'V rk'il vear with trained ' !e viu listrici.t a and liltv cents. I'wo years ago ' iriel. in Union cm it, lux. This is with nol even a miles. So s'. the school, ;ii d ." I, the result- li triel adjoining Wi the SilMIe 1 t cm I pled tlu ir .-hare -s cf lie- Cue M h-i. 1 title ere lilt til. .-end!! ivile-e of o tins sal; .p'.il.d, ill- HI (ik'itn oil' (ioveiiui.. Winston-f..leiu. X.C.. S,pl. I, 'oli. I'o in y. l'l.ol-l.t; or '1 H t: Si m ill I'l.iible In niir-wel" all let!, r" : " ivetl I take this method cl an- nonncii'.g to mv liii'iuls 1 nioi.g a-:m the Stale that I will be ,t ca:.., ' - before the next Deiiioeratic Mirtf CollVelllioll for the cilice of 11....,'- nor. Having rctively canvassing e Slate for t'l'. aly-six e:i:'.-', the pi-ople kliov,' lu.' . u I will up n li- he.i.-Uartci's alio nbr into la. criiiul'Ie for ihe nomiu.i: am. I ampnigii for mv pnrlv aid ,.. - for nr.- friends, bin is a new role m tioni'i-r for niv-elf. I w ill Ulit lilVSelf illlo I he peoples lu'l-i-, tsking thi-::i to let my candidal . 1 known, so that those desiring ;- i.i i an do so, bv ing I hid 1 - -t ::t the primal ies, all the v.. I. s to ,. i.i. Ii I niiiv he entitled. To be lion rnor of North ( 'a? din;i. is a high and laiidaoicanihilio:., and I most earnestly desire to iitlain :Lis high ollice, as both u tuki i the people's esteem, :i!id a pl'ool ot their eonlideiice iii me. If nominated, 1 will c.. i'.a-s :h- Slate, using evi l y eii'uM :o insure lleniticnilic sni.'.-.-s, wi.n !i "" .in-', the Stale's safety a::d prosiierilv. If cted, knowing no man or ehi-s of men, in the discharge ol my duty, I ill strive to advance all th- n.lei'- sl . of the Stale, etideav.irii.g lo i"- ure "the grciilest go.ui to nil, v Ha-) nit detilneiit or injury to anv."i Having faith in (lie people, 1 believe I will be nominated, if, however, anv of my worthy competitors are selecl etl bv the Convention, I will clieci- fully abide ius decisou, am. couiinu. in the future, as in the past, d dug all 1 ciiu to promote Democracy, us my party's success is lo be valued inure than my ptisoiial ambition. 1 regret that I cannot meet I ho people face to face and discuss with them the great issues before us, but this seeming impracticable, 1 leave all to thein in the Convention Assembled, licstiet lively, If. B. tilctin. Sludent: "What kind if tr.iit "I for ino- inent would you ri-eouimci' briabs, professor?'' I'n.f wouldn't recommend any. Tho worst possible thing you can d for an ine briate is to treat him." A bill ha passed the Senate of Alabama to prohibit ! asc ball on Sunday. I"ii.:n thi l-armer :. Point. i i..!n- .' iiiiniliy iil e a t i'cltlclltlllUS I tied to linancial, s. ;1 '..tle-:ne::f. i..r'.s attitude is v. m-t!i leek'a.j.i.r uitlt life tly rel .-pirii i., Ii" f.ui I'.oilhl v;'.ii;:i:: knoviii ting an to best hi: -V . IV i'. '1.1 i altidin ih! i. it of tin Cilll fi nor ;i sv. 1 1 tiuin in : l i- a! logri : i; -iiiii I.I. k tl public does ! Iiis in crship of men v.ko h.r.e syupa'l.ctic iutelligeiice and wim i::ly ki.uw country life, its t uitlitiaiis and lea! i i.'J. ds; mere theorist w ill not p.-:--. ; '.'he status fi ll.e Alr.erifiUI fiilla- or'.a indicated by tb,( faniViiuii-:;'!--. d.-tilv I'itpeis and l.igli i l.--; in:t::a .:um and liooks ,v',!-; by I he boys, and girls he sends '.u high n diou! and college. The popiilanly und pe! ron nge of fanner's : t : t u -. corn -pon-doiice courses in agriculture, cpcr iiusnt station work, ite., are .-i.gnili-cant. The ilieii.ii!ieiiiil popu'nrily of reading course j for fiin.u-i-s. fatal els w iviv und l'.iini'-i .s' c'.iidiiii i ; piiiolical iigiii.-iillui-e, household i:c Icrests, nat'.iic study, etc., are n, i ;!- I v itllSillcio'.l:'. The fariin i hil-gelv the ci'n-..i!id:ilio;i de!i it'll' bill..'-, the post. And knoii ing Ihe t'.'K'.iion.', he unnoiis ben. lit i nlgalii -i:ig belle,' still '--p: 1. phone m. :,,e, sislo!..'- Illidel" : lints slrieliv f tile 'iirin- lipl i .itlOil lllent"!. iih 111! ing in U-eK.-s exiiel..-.ive road fence-, t ho i: fence i Ulls'i-,"htlv he.lg. ,'.i - and ; walls, the little and li.-lh-- .-. the pale-faced diiry !n;t Mi; the, the cradle and the hoe. has conic the cttag" organ or right ;a;ino. :!ie top-buggy aud r. v. T!i.- lav. :i mower is f.iihi tin: hi.inmnck, and of fariit inai i ry tin r i-; almost t o mu h. 'l! is a!inget'.:i"i"t.ii.-oiiii 1. 1. rfe. piael that Tlu Two tiesi-iab :ili cmply crov. Ill .tn t iaivniont ; !ai- Witll leVel'ellt. falill IMa! Illiilii. A nation I.e. ps hi r war.!: 11. -.-iic! Ihe C.iptai'i's j".-.; !. Ill Id .-triidi',i.-t throiigii his p. uive lis lug. i n sharply shines I he Ha. Who Illli name ot Cl And well-loved ti-sof plaii I . itch lor a stepping- torn Tile vv hile he ciiitchud th i mat of ion.Uercd France. And yet the soldier (.'rani higher pl'lc. , ith Ills own Ilia, -si ie pal unoe its a ;uide With Havitrd's chivalry aud Sid ney's grace, iient'est ill triumph, sir. im- of oar pride, bidding his bail' nl i . ui ui evtii. I! : "Co back, Uisu.iiM your 'customed place, nor lack i lie frrtits t.f harvest time" -lll C F. lllllhlVVell, ill Octo'iei" I.ippincotl's. Ham at the Narrows. The creat dam at the Narrows on the Yadkin which has -o long l-.-.- n in ii preliminary stage is to he built. The stoin-for the dam is now being quarried and it is expected thai the cle-trio. power plant, intended to l supply power to fai'lcries iic, with- in a radius of 100 miles will be completed within two years. . Oot,! k Til!: RLPL'iilJCAN lAKiAIN COLMlk". j in i.:; a.;uiii:ib!e si .-, -h i! iit ( 1 ..-j". H I he Nebraska delooelidic conveiiliuti, .Miiviit laid of Kill City recalled a I.Mie dn slop-, .-. I ! 1 1 .-r ; i i i i tiliit lej".l!'!i"i:n leiiliag. ;. : I . ow.-d ;t breechy niti'i . Cn. dii', Ii -,-tiirteil r.ii h his son , loli. i . i'.' !' I he lllil!.' illell:;' the t reek . : l .il loin. J'.laS, 1 iilg i! s.l aeioll- it i:.dn;li.d, ;;ae this advice: -Joliii ' veil lake the light, side tvhil' ! v,i.. ' take t!:,. left, for i'l-oln W il.-il I knov. i I' I In- k:.1 ! of that mule In- is liabl. 'it ' 'a . II loth -ides- cf III ' Cl-lek ill . ' the iiine ti:i:.-." Tl,:- st-.i-y ;:: ;!ts ihe Iiabits of !!. ' i'-:.i: li'.'iiii I in ly loday ;im! .Mr. ieed'.s i n ii 1 1 ' -... i il.i.s tteiv s i striking 'hit I '.: ;. :'i- wide publication. tf i.epUIH' ll. l il illl I't ' :irty m:.y once i incipli am; ; . .-.t p .iu-i. i u-i-. it is a i -' .' ! 1 1 . . ' s -1 . ,-s, rudderless, halt less crafl (in! ling before exped- l.eie..- shifting I I', .'.,'... The .'.. re .' .'.ate-lii. il w ho ..night to -A-xV course by lutt liotisio's shilling ed weight Ii. r I. , Tli"S.,ri.:e, ..till S i -tie .--...!.-!. buckle," laC. :M"! !..-:.'. aiii -hed his t .11, and his .!. .:!::!:, gsu'or.i innl ,..; i he will ; ,,. fr.-li.i.H.'IS i'n ! cctn:::, '..- ti...- while he W'-ie to heave in sigh:, he w mi III mutiny an 1 weieaine i h , 1" : i in:-. Wiial womier then I. lilt i tile o'd I'epill.lii'iUi tiarlv lias l i-. n:. , an organ!,:..! t ; n I . . s - a coilei'linu ui j ci. tram ; an inlci min 'ling c: i.p- , p..-i; a co iic.ieiiation of isot . : l i..-. it s Ml of intelieel.ia! -i ;:, , count, r w iiel'e eveiy opinion, cr. .!. I proi'i --ion, policy or prouii-e '; glad ly s-Aiip;,.! fr' v.i!.-.. . You ' utll ii. ! beg.i.i i:iv siiniie a. a vi.--. i I :;n I ev ' with a bargain 1 1. r 1 1 - j - -Tk .... iiipli'ir I ow ii is imi' i !. It hi. '. be properly described ihe H-pii'.'i.-a:, pany. "i.. 1, US cxi.uiii.e tiiis I'. p! 'ri.-aa i ar:.a:n e.iu'il. r. Side by si;!e : ii" same laid", ciieb in the i. p.!-i.;:...e.c;t;vftli!y wrapped i-i th An:, ric iii Hag, 1H..1 ii.ark. '. d-w n lo ; :ie -r .iiit-- e..:i,ni..u ,iriv we tin I tin s'.iit. 'iiieiit,-: 1. "he li'.i'i.; Iiiiii; up on r great ;:.:;:i;ir.i.-.irin-: :.n-I c- nan-Tcia! in- , VI ill ' -- I le-ei-l laev !,.: I 1. "We he!l-Ve in I d.ic.I ;-cus iib-iiv." -'i"hes.','r.: a,,,! Ihe lo. 'o'here ihe thig one- :- ,g la Vel" 1 hiliil-il d.iw u.; r ("Hi i W. c-.te:,-! v,:!l !.:. 1. .1" ( 'nl with 1 he i:i..i:g,'cl : - !! i-v S.h.ciN li-:!p a tfi. h 'o.i. "!nu't IIIISW.T this lane" Ue'o-' have a goa-l gi'a.l--.! s. ho .!.'" i, the way ii iii. ui v. ho whs writing to Monroe about moving here, conclud ed his letter, l'eupie lire moving about, iii North Carolina s goad deal now-, and the prime object sought is ad school.-, Advantages fci the children. Ftcr notice how the jump.,! aroiUid . hour- 'i'-ike I be ill. -lies ,-cl I. in Ik ful-e Ihe scIk.i,! wis I o ., ,, 1 1 . farm lands could be 'ooneht i.-isilv and at, ho big ligtiies. .Mr ha j: Mullis. an nilellieeiit. vm fanner of thai section, told us i Saturday thai I .!. . l 1 r .. t. i ... i . .. reicli of t!ie i-nii'.li "i I c ,,. ;e sup- lilicil. while ill Ibe vilbc. no v. . iv told by a man who livi.s"lhcre. prop- ci ty is about us high as it is in Jlon- ouu. When peojiie move it is for the pi!!" use of bettering themselves, and i All doors should onu outside in i he mail w lio-e car is attuned to the", stead of inside, especially in assembly ii. w conditions doesn't coiisidi r him - -.If bettered by a move that does not carry him w itliin reach of .1 good school. Monroe Journal. There is yellow fever in I aivdo, Texas. " '. t)c INTfREST. ' .-Ii. r 1. 1 bk burn l iotfiil Il A Mi police j'ldge recently . r if he was intoxicated 'j... k .-d :t . ",., vm . "i'hi.; r-ea. I W lei :;ski ! The p! Holier leplied,1 in , I u :is ili ifl drinik." I of the oliiier ant if his prisoner I l.s.-'.l prolan.' laiigu:; ;e. i lie reply I... "'! i'"'.:- .'t ,-av a- to that sir, I.:,; he !. . i,,.-t awful. Fori unal.'A tl;-- movement In in it li gin. it i- a farm. r union failed. Think v. i in I w..n!-l b ippeii lo llie e'-iiiili v if the I'.ii'in. is went, on a si I ike. The lu-w member uf Congress will h-urii the meaning l "at tho can non's inoul h" w hen he attempts his Il niil oratory before the new Speaker. When Senator Alice expressed a di.-like for i'ostmu-t. r Todd she was le'iiovid. When the people of lil .liaiiola. txpi- ssed a dislike for the '.in postlnasb r the postoilice .was abolislied. That's politics. i-'raece is to have it nickel but will prououni it "in . hdli'.1 However, I in pi'.u iini'iiilion will niiike no i!if- I-. r- :a e :;. long as it will pay lor a .New York politicians believe I hat I..:,.. I uiitcr (,,een i- no longer ii'.uikil ie ii ' lainii.hile for the go,' erii'U'siiip. California lias a "pest of quail'' .vhil." New lurk would welcome lho "liillegiaiii lii'.ev.'s" in anyqiiaiiliiy. Tliis is it eae of inai r out of place. "T'ue in. -n v. ho ;u we most delight to honor in nil the land are tho-c who in the iron v.-ars fruiu '01 to '(.;." on liicir sh'eildeis the bin ileli of saving the l.'iiiuii." 1'resideiit !!o'i.'-..-yi ll a' l''.i.i.'ii-i' mi Labor Day, :ii ui- saying which, the 1'iesitleiit 1 1! . '.'ceil- to piomn'e ( leiu ral Leoliili'd Wood ovel the heads of i'-'l Civil War veterans. The public is itiixioiisiy awaiting tha' ex perl legal opinion on thcTul loch chiifge-:. The opiiiioii il is -aid, w ill make very ii, teres' ing lvadiiig, .-s-pei ialiv for a former First Assist ant I'o-'nin-l -I' t;. n- rah As a, it 'c.r th- l'nuee of Wnhs n-'i'd lii-bi-r-.s ciiu come to the S..ilit !. i". fair v.e v. ill have to lie -a!i-:i - d with : lie Sultan of Sulti and li:-- "Ki:;g f I kihol-l. y." 1 , is nil ri.iit t i write a bunt le- .,,!)!:.:-- the :. gl'-n but they do ( .i-ue i n !..;:i;i'-' v. la u t li 1 are c!luiv.i to There would he seme reason in the :.:. Ui. i't on the '.iit . f cutaili c- ;..-:. ,-.;:.:..:" ,( :, si:..',!.! ask -ial lite el llllllii a: in-.' rr.-.-i-b ui lu 'li n- i',i i the I-. i tie, ,.li f-ared that ICgill be a eall-.iii-- has applied for r.e,g li,...- ! in.-. -'.': ha-: ii aid M". .1 Cl'i.u! e Clinti.ll i: is an lls the -Viliil r.-r not ly reiuiid if .:- of iis coii- .tor Wihi ,."id"'. il'y prepared 'W averag. il.t'l'io.o'iO. old gel.tlem.lU is 111 V- Th- o.ns llaajit is authority for u:i :il that, there is a 1-al v :',ew York Citv everv liftnii . No !;: e sliM'el" there. I' A 111 i i:a- . Slide a 1, iilll.l- . !. iv, ! y objecting to Miss lew p. ssions are officially o ns olil '-liiiu-celiligllolls Itefon- lung we IllilV Yank. vs. Southerners, Wcst'- lid N,,:;c,,:;tigs to Ciller Diamond. 1 k , -ill lions of it time w hell I he blown ihanicuds in the crown uf King I'.dward, the Hope diamond and other famous gems of the kind i a:i be practically duplicated at will w. i.i li'.-iile to-dny by W. C. Fnch.s at it (. I.n ;i-j.i -:;iy . .'.pi riincnl slilioi., Mr. ! ucii- a unod the diseuviTy of a process by w hich he is id !e t'o cluing.- a diamond to iiny color chii- en and make sin h udorulion iieruuiueut bv ihe ii.-e of the liociitgen rays. The ine! hod consists: in dirccling the X-ray ihroiigh tha subsliiiiccs from which the color is lu l obtain ed before t he ravs lunch anil lunc I t litte t lie tl ialliolld. ill'ioliS lllclills U 1 1 .1 I hem -als have been list il to i color the diamonds und it hits been found that by revising the method Ihe color may also Ie relumed II is thought l.y Mr. I'tichs that u i.-n be bas I. e e V tic if. .eel i his ex p'i"i lueiits he w illtbe able to bleach vdlow diamonds with ease. Chicago telegram to the New York 1 buildings in l.'iubnionil, several years jago, scores of people wercj lilirned to do ith vv ho would have escaped if the ' d mrs to the hall had opened on the jnutside. Ia the rnsh the crowd ; surged lo the entrance aud held the doors tight. Ex. s ill: Wood'- Seeds rv-T i-1 S ft;e tlie lateut lion r.bout ..mrs wlioilo "llest inforuiu- vcgelabli arm Seeds lioni.l write vi Wood's New . ail Catalogue. tells all atiotit C tl,e fall i.liuiti!: - (.ettuce, Cab. is iit;e iuid othi r ', ...(.table crops i( v Inch are pro . ; - . o prolitiililu to a fiatheni !"". Alsonliout I Crimson Ck Vetches, I Graises ar.d Oovers, 5 Seed Oats, Wheat, Rye, Barley, etc. I y.'noil's New Full Cutalopue mailed g free on ruquest. Write for it. f T.W.WCOD&SONS, s :cJsn;cn, - ri- hniond, Va. " N UW GROCERY STORE. Fancy and Clean Groceries, Feed," Fte. Full line of Lcggett's Fancy Clocerics Always Kept on Hand by THOMAS E. LASSITER, Depot Street. Asheboro. N. C. "y TRINITY V - - HIGH SCHOOL - - Opens Next Term September 2nd. Offers full courses in art, music, typewriting, book-keeping and thorough preparation for college. Faculty of 7 experienced teach ers. Largo and commodious thrce-slory brick building. Large and attractive campus. Moral community. Healthy location. Individual instruction hi each pupiL J. T HENRY. H.iidmaester. Trinity. N. C. S PLACE VOUR. LANDS FOK SALC WITH CORWST.3 BROS ASHEBORO, N. C. A C- REAL ESTATE AGENTS. .ii low i;.Ti:s to Californiaand North 'west. The Frisco System Will Sell Daily IJtwecn Sep-l-jinlvr Hth ;:n..l November 5utli, VA)), low Kile Colonist Tickets to Points in ::.::: WASHINGTON, OREGON, CALIFORNIA. MONTANA, IDAHO, W.O.ViING, COL OKADA, Nl-.VADA, UTAH, ARIZONA AM) NEW MEXI 1CO Short Line. Qi.ick Time, no Ikis Tninleis, l tee Reclining Chair-cars, For Rates, Schedules, Maps, and lull information write to W. L. SAMNDERS, Gen. Av;'t. Pass. Dept. F. E. CLARK, Traveling Pass. Ag't., A T lama, G a . CAP19DINE ALL HEADAGLES 15he University OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, . Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and .'litlit Hiholanthtpii. Fres tiiitl-iii ti lii:lu-n. and 1.1 wmi. ul minltterl. Loaiu fur Uie tiwOy. SUS STL'PKSTB. 00 INSTRCCTORS. New lurmltortpn. W nl.-r W.irVa, Central Baal. Ilia sykK-iu. L.lnirv hi.ihi viiiuinm. rail Icrm, fUi!Ul,-ai I Hill. S C. ECZEMA AEiOL herm;