.J 15he Courier. rUICEOXK DOLLAR A YKAli Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. John W. Yi-l'kw, ihe Kciil:n! republican in cliiii'v of inuriKi revenue affairs ;it Wnhiiilnn i. dismissed J. AYil.-v Sh"(.k,i.f I'imm Kiver, from tin- ivvt'iim- si ivico. II. will be sumrdeil as dejinly culli-rim by T. L. Green of Asheviile. I( i Buid that the 1'ivsMriil ami l.'i.li mond Pearson do not like Shook. That was a pitiful tale lold in iIk dailies a few days ifi of a dninkrii husband boalinr and brni-iio; ihr body of his H-linod and riiimiv.l wife who was supporting him i:i I i. idlencss and dissipation, Ho locked up and will bo put mi tli.- chain gang. If 1 v drunken iii.ii were niiub' to do service for ilir Stute, the c.'itisc of tciiipenince and good morals would be lu nelilted. An editorial in the Morning Post refers to lion. Jik.-j.Ii (i. Cannon's home as in the State of Ohio. l"ii, h Joe hales from Illinois. lie is too busy, or has lost sense of one of the tenderest emotions, to spend one i: his native county of Guilford at the reunion of North Carolinian- i t week. Although born among S.m h cril people, he Seldom, if e r cone s among the Southern p,n.p, environments at lca.-t hae tan-lit him to train with another -eriimi and if he has u kind poi in hi., heart for his former home and the traditions of his people we have never heard of his expressing it. Senator Simmons recent !v 1 1 1 ! a complaint before the Corporation Commission regarding the pre-eiic. of negroes on Pullman sleeping ears, between Kaleigh and (IoI.UI.oim. Kvidenlly the Senator doesn't -X,-the colored man as well on a I'll'! man sleeper as he dues . n r ;, shoving a Demncralic hallo!, for he was never heard to complain of ihr negro when he was votini: the IVm ocratie ticket. Yadkin Kipplc. Senator Sim nn n - took a pullii.au ear at llal.-iirli to go to hi - old h u:e w here his aged fat her had L.-.-i, n.-ir. dcred by a iicl'I-o. (in thi- car v..-tv negroes riding in violation of lav.. Would not the editor of the under .-imih ; riiviinii;ii,r. complained. In fact, hrot her. w le u ami was it that negroes ot, d the cratic ticketi' I.i Trying too TeachiTou MiKh. I'nlil there is a larger average ai tciidance, at least, in oar public schools, it would be well to (.t!i oil some of the higher branches which some teachers and parents a ing on having taught in' tli ins-,.-:- l.llUie schools to tile neglect, of jhnse i,i ;b Jirimary brauchi'S, With nearly half the children in orth ('.n.-'.iia out of the si hools, it would be tin; better used if the teachers would organize attendance associations an. I make an activej canvass to got the children in school: and if the child ren are in the schools theie will be no time to teach the higher branch' s for some years to conic. It would take all the time in the elementary branches. The piiblic'Vehool teach, r in town or city has little time to devote to higher branches if he does Lis duty in the elementary. The liihlioal Recorder recently said editorially: "We need u campaign throughout North Carolina in behalf of econoniv in public administration, and es pecially in our towns and cities. We should never stop until affairs are conducted us private affairs are. In some ot our towns we notice' tln-v are maintaining departments of Lit in and French in the free schools. This isan imposition. We should be con tent to confine instruction in our free schools to reading, waiting, arith metic, geography and history. The pretentious efforts of the superintend ents to make frving-sizc colleges of the graded schools tlioul.l I.i. unj pressed by the school boards." Rural Libraries. One of the best articles we have read on the importance and value of rural libraries is the following from the Greenville Reflector: "There is no more important ques tion relating to education, and, in deed, the future greatness of the state, than that of rural libraries. We who were "brought up in the country' can appreciate the joy of having all the books one wants to read, hong years ago we used to walk miles and miles to borrow a dilapidated "Robinson Crusoe" or "Gulliver's Travels," and iu our hearts there waa ever some regret we could not have the works our aouls craved. We led a narrow life, we country boys and girls. We didn't know much about railroads and theaters. We longed unceasing ly for knowledge of the world that lay beyond our father', farms. We dreamed of the day w hen we should be 21 a man and free and how we should kiss the mother good-bye and walk brisklyolown the lane, ont of the white road, past the ore h aid and hay meadow and on to the city. But it teemed like the age of a pat riarch from 15 t" 21, and we wanted to know THEN we wanted to know all about WsitflT Scott and hit days of chivalry. The few ptigv. we had found of I'Vniniore Cooper's fired our heait ..ml soul with" desire to know tii'iv out the world as it had been and as it is. Well, some of us grew up and saw t'ie scenes we longed to see, and lived in the joy of a dream come true, trv i at we never forgot the coun y .".ml the longing of his heart. ;e rural libraries will mean mi higher life in every home i icii their influence enters, i broaden the soul plunged .11 l.v isolation anil penury. Tli.-' v. i.i write their legend plain upon tile brows of those who' seek them. Thev will educate a boy or I'irl'.- hear, as noseliool can evel do. Ki : the honor ami glory of the -tale and the coming nee, let no one lift hand to oppose rntal libraries." New Wealth far the South. hen a company was organized at As i l oiv, N. C, 'to start a cannery ;i was said ih.it not enough fruit and v. . '.aha ere grown ill the neigh bor!: -od I" keep t he cannery going. It is how announced that there is enough fruit and Vegetables to keep half adoen canneries in operation: thai the management will arrange to can ail 'caches that can he obtained, thai t he cannery is running every day and M iiietinies at night and that eveiy effort is being made to can all the c tables, fruit and berries on the local market." Th Southern l-'arm Journal pub lished by the same company which pi.Lli-hes the Manufacturers' Re cord copic.l the above from the :i 1:1; ! tli. of so ral Weeks i'.o and .'II. com er. and there in the Smith can i' .i-:-'i i. hae b.vn established, i. . '.e! th'ess nearly every grocery froi i iruinia t" Texas carries ply of canned goods packe.l . in To. In the aggregate the S.litll is millions of dollars annually aimed goods, while ils own - and vegetables decay because auv places the production is tei' than the demand for the '. pro la. is. Throughout the ii theiv are many points whole le.-ulis accomplished at Ashe-,-oiiid .a.-il be duplicated. The 'li.-huieiil "f canneries not only ids the iillle of the emploWllellt :. and women, but carries the ,.1 f.-r liie products far into the :,! 1 w inter. I ! a. Ids wealth to .iiimuniiy m several different . I..1 thi-re be more Scuthern Tiirii) News. ri Hi. rnll li 1 ! lar ..ppomli'i aiiilav liiorn- i.ioved his fanii week w her. h. Avell'.le. The people ot ' , : v much to lose tins IlllltV good -I ! I Urainc has opeln-d Up with .-lock i-f g.-ncial niei'chandise ia w building on North Main in Lis Y hi v for went to Gteclis fe.v davs sta cave f,.r Philadelphia M .ps course pr. para a trained nurse, idi.s ot the Prances irv ! Tli, becolia ird l.il. raty Society gave a very able i.e cream supper at th'-col- iiilav night September -'."th. limine returned last w.ck from ,:j her relatives in Winston. . Pari ridge has started a piv.-s- a'o at the Park. r house. All Mii work dollesholild i soiiuMc? ! Carr will move I'ri. 1 M r, e house vacated by Mr II I. :ry. in a very short time. .1 IS Craven, of .'ooleelliee, .-..ral .lavs here with lelativcs ek. ast Mis (. I-' Kirby is visiting her parents here. Cai : I. i'rankliu is looking very proud ihedavs. A young lady has come to visit li i 111. .Mi.-- Xuu Wood spent Sunday iu High Point vis'ting friends. .Mr and Mr- Marvin l'raine, of in-toii-Salein visited relatives here this week. Mrs I. Johns of High Point spent a f.-w hours m town Moudav. Trinity High School and the High Point lime ilossed bats on the diamond here la.-t Friday which result d i, I the score of ii) to 4 in fav.T of Trinity. The High Pointers failed to score after the first inning. .Mr Charley McCanless returned .Saturday to (ti'vnsboro after spend ing' a few davs at home, where he is taking the business course prepara tory to teaching it in the school here. Reply to Liberty Correspondent. Our Liberty friends seem to think the road force is lost as thay areiiot working in that towiiBlnp, Tl. y are not lost by uny means but are working some roads in Jew Markit townshiji where there has never been u shovel full of dirt moved by the road fgrce until a few davs ago and we think we are en titled to Eomc little work on the main thoroughfare of the county and will be satisfied for some time and will not ask any more if they will linilh uy what is already out lined, for quite a while and I think if there has boon a township left to hold the world together in the way of load working it has been onrs while all other townships have had work and ours has had none by the force. Bib. A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lees lllr, Ind. h a W. H. Brown of ibm place, whn vii expectfld to die, ha aia lit mt tl by L - Kind's Na Discovery (or crnHirr ii. Ii' wnt.g: "I en dured in su.a rje lgonlei (mm asthma but Tour Kew Dincoverv frava me im mediate reli t and anoji ih'Ti(t. r et fectej a cono lJe core. 8 in lar cure f consumption, p eamnnia, bronchitis and grit- arc nnmerona. Ii's hpoer- ramody fur a'l throit and tang troi blf. Prim &0v. and II. Uaaraa td tir th Sundard Drg Co. Trial ITEMS OF NEWS Alaj S F Tomlinson, of Durham, is to organize a new furniture com - ray- Three families of negroes in Jcni- salem township, Davie counly. have; sinall pox. A building and loan a has b'-eii organized u.v '. ' iu Ti.oin.t.svii'ie. The railroads giv .-i- State Fair, tickets good for returning to i V tbi last Friday night at ton tire destroyed two li the spoke and handle fa. t" ing to J X Payne A Son. Davidson county';, u. have been completed. 1 a 10 equipped up-to-d.iL. furniture and roller bo k ; .jl.icj '"" taken . New I adi. in I Mrs. Jefferson Pavis was epiile ill last Week at lSlU'l.ilo York, on her return from a Ca trip with a parly of friends. -he not expected to live. The lirst foot ball game of the season was played at Chapel Hill last Saturday between the University and Guilford College. The score was 15 to nothing in favor of Guil fotd. Charles Taylor while drunk in a Durham saloon shot at John Dudley and missed his mark and wounded Joh t Kanada. Taylor has been captured, lie is a stranger ami it is thought he is a safe robber. l!ev. John Hopkins, a whit. Man, was arrested recently iu ( ha'h.im county mar F.miuaus church hist week and taken to Guilford to answer the charge of stealing a cow Heal Jamestown. Cortes Jett was .oiv led at Cyiithiant. Ky last week for killing .1 I! Mari tiin in lircathitt county. The verdict was that he be hanged. This was the second trial. The other resulted 111 life impl i.-o;micnt. Five car.-, three loaded witlicotioa s.-rd oil. one loaded with baled papel ami the other with machinery, were burned up on a side track at Greens boro Thursdav llielll of Week, track A freight baekin" broke the tanks causing the oil i How in every direction. Mr John W Italics, a prominent ami wealthy citizen and bu-ii,. . man of Winston-Salem, who ha- been critically ill at Atlantic City, N. J., for .-oi. ie time, died tin r.- Nv'.-.lnes-dav. His remains were brought to insloii for burial. A wife and eight children survive. In addition to'avcrv large estate th-- dcea-d I MVs. over s-.'iU.I'lM.I of life insurance. Mr G Coble, for six Ve.us inau agel of the Pioximitv Mair.isacluriiig Company, has lesigned position iu New York as p take a in.ig. r of the cotton department for Atw Violett Co.. at 71 Wail street. Mr. Coble started at the bottom of the! ladder with the Cones, but his en-1 ergy and ability have enabled him to g.-t to the top. Greensboro Paiii..;. At the preliminary hearing of Thomas and Chalmers While at Salisbury last Saturday, for the killing ;.' Pussell Sher'rill at Mt. L'lla iu llowan county w k I for. last. Judge fro n sign. 1 older admitting the two aho. i de fendants to Loud for th. ir app-ar-ance at the Ilex' term of i; e,,a" Su p. rii r curt in the .-ni" -i'.." o each. A correspondent of th Obs.-iver says, that G. i ger C A Ae'kert. with oi ern Uailway olVieials, v Lexington a visit with hav ing iiiiproveinelits i" depot. More side trie built to accommodate tie demand for cat room other changes will l at early date for the ;. the shipping interests. natigurat. Ivnlitagc i There are iu process of ir mole line residences than ev. fo'e in the history of tie Among the fine ones just c nip are those of Messrs W G P. i.ry liinery E l.apor, oh First si South'. The Lexington Co-Opt Company has obtained a will open a large stot. sheet in a few days. Ciovvcll is president Walker, secretary and ii the company. barter an 1 on Main The October Reuniun. (ireeuslKiro, X. C., Sept. It, limit. All persons reading this are earn estly requested to furnish to us im mediately names and txistoflice ad dresses of natives of North Carolina residing in other States. This in formation is desired in order that in vitations may be extended to as many non-residents us possible to attend the State reunion on October P'th and 1 3th, at (ireensboro, X. C. It is impossible for the committee iu charge to get the names and ad dresses of non-resident natives unless aided by a great many individuals, each or whom can easily furnish the names of a lew absent sous and daughter? of the State. Please ad dress communications promptly to lion. It. l. Douglas, corresponding secretary of the Board of Managers, Ureensboro, A. U. The railroads have given a round trip rate to the reunion of one fare pluB twenty-five cents from all points within a radius of three hun dred miles of Greensboro, and most of the roads have given a rate of one fare plus one dollar from all points beyond. it. very fiorth Carolinian, both res ident and non-resident, is most cor dially invited to be present. Kespectlully, Charles D McIver, Chairman, rJ. A. Odsll, 'Robirt E. Kiso, J. W. Fur, Csabak Cove, O. 8. Bbadshaw, Board of .Managers Non-resident Reunion Association, I APEX POST OFHCE ROBBED. 1 Safe Dynamited and $200 Secured Two riawksRiilh Shops Entered. (Raleiuh DUputch September 2 1.1 J , ... .,,,,.. ... ..N 1 was dynamited early yesterday moru i. lion ing and 100 taken by rob I ers. ' "i k Mes.-is live and Saunders, who ! sleep iu a building opposite the posi iie to I oil'.ce, h-'ard a nui.v at about :l o'clock ' A ' , 1 1 ami it is believed the robbery occiirr ' 'I i-d at that time. Two bla. ksiuith I shops were entered to gel tools vv till 'r;oi-j which to vvork on the safe. The identity of the robbers is not known "-land no clue has been found.- Moiu- i nig i i Brutal Murder. Thomas Jackson Armsttoiig w drunk as-.iillted Harry Kelly in city ! k-up at Durham on Th .lav night of last week, killing almost instantly. Aimstrong been bound over to court for l lief. Although Kelly, thcdeecas.d, had lived in Durham most of his time for liftecii years, his life is surround ed bv mysteiv. It is known that he has relatives somewhere, but no one knows w ho they are or w here they can be found. It is said, he has a sister in lialtiniore, a Mrs. Mary Kelly, who was a Kelly and married a man of the same name. This womaii.it is said, is the mother of Joe Keliv, the famous baseball pliiv.r. There is a rumor that yeais ago' K. llv, the deceased was a prize lighter aiid that he killed some per--on. It is known that he has a son, whoa few years ago was iu the eiu plov ol the government at Wasii ingtoii. Mrs. .V.arliii, oi Yadkin. EounJ Dead in Bed. Mis John Martin was found dead Sun, lav morning at her home, one mile north of Fast De ml, Yadkin county. The decea-ed was about ",'" yiars old. Her husband, who sur vives, was sheriff of Yadkin county for -eveial y.-ais. lie states that his wife was apparently as well as usual when .-be r. tired Saturday night; that alter making u lire Sunday m. .ruing, h" ailed t- !:. r and re ceiving i.o r. plv h-' went in the room and f.emd that she was cold in death. - Sl,,tesv ille l.andliial k. Arrested nn a Warrant iar Seduction. John Disher, a voting white man. was ui re-ted at tlie Key furniture factory yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Seroggs on a warrant issued Wednes day i.v Soitire 11. .Mover, of l.cxing'- i ton, Davidson county, charging li'in ' w ith seducing under promise of marr Miss Ada Ford, of l.cxing- ton. The family of Miss Ford became cognizant of 'the affair Wednesday of this week ly accident. The girl had left lying on a tab! in her room a letter w hich she had received from I Usher, dated September lii, iu which he said he would leave that night for Columbus, lia. Hie went, to her room Wednesday mid found sonic inciiiUrof her family reading the l.tter. She did not enter the room but Went to another poltion of the house, secured a bottle of laudanum and vvas about to swallow it when some one interfered. After learninu' the facts Messrs. .I. M. and A. L. Ford, brothels f the voitiig girl, provided themselves w ith a warrant and came to Statesvillc Wedie.-s lay night. They spent the right at the hotel and early yester day morning they reported their business to Sheriff Summers. 'Siinre d. P. liiirke endoiscd the warrant and I 'isher was anestad at Key's factory, n hei'e he had been at work iwo or three months. Pishcr iigiecd to return to Ixing ton yesterday with tho Messrs Ford and some adjustment of the inatf. i will be made there. Statesvillc Landmark. Liberty Items. 1 1 i t f a number of our p. tended the u ting at Cray la-t Sunday. pie at- Chapel Mr. .lohn Curtis and Mr Swain have been seen on our John streets recently. Mr. Tinner has hough! the place belonging to Mr. J. O. Kussell and will move there shortly. He has one of the nicest locations in town. A numlier of students entered the Liberty Xorinal College this week, ami among them Misses Julia and Klla Lee Smith and Mr. Marvin Me Phersoii. The number of students is increasing almost every dav, nearly luo arc now enrolled and w think the numlier will reach 200 soon. Messrs. Monroe Kirkman and Claud Hoover spent last Saturday and Sunday at their homes. Prof. .). A. Ilorna.lay is out of school this week. He left Monday for Knoxville, lean., where he will Ik; married oiT Wednesday of this week. He and Mrs. Ilornady will come to Liberty on Thursday and will be at home in Liberty after October l. Prof. Jl. S. Kinney has taken Prof, llornaday's place in t lie school room this week. The Lilierty Lodge K. of l gave a banquet on Friday night last. A nuuilKT of guests were inviled and everythihg passed off very nicely. JHr. . li. Urilrun gave the ml- dress of welcome and Prof. Aniick gave an address to the audience. All was highly enjoyed. One of the nicest features of the banquet "was the rendering of a song by Miss Lil lian Cain, the English student in the Liberty Normal College. The song was of her own coiujiositioti. Miss Cain came from tngluud to North Carolina some years ao and has now entered the Liberty Normal College. Miss Bertie Shepherd ("pent last Sunday at her home in Quilford County. Mr. C. U. Pepper hits decided to go back to the road as an operator. Randolph County and the Reunion. Fwroit Coi i;iKii: Last week you quoted a In iel' article under the above heading from the Ureensboro Patriot, It reuiMided me of a fact in my own observation. In all my travels I have found more people in Ohio m i: I Indiana from Uandolph county. X. C, than from any other county in that Slate Many othei North Caiolina counties have fur nished emigrants for these two States of the middle west, but ltun dolph and (iuilford more than all others. All this beautiful Stillwater valley, reaching twenty-live miles northward from the city of Uayton, vvass.ltl. d by Uandolph county em ierants the Hoover's, Foutse's, Voimtse's, Sin kse's. Way mire's, J ones' and other. ---all well-to-do and lirst class citi.'.eiis. The rich and beau tiful counties of Wayne, Hush, Henry, Ihindolph and grant in In diana. Wile largely settled by best families from old l.audolph, and those stilling, intelligent, well-to-do eiti.ens are proud of the State and county of their nativity, us 1 myself am proud to have been born and re" red in that part of the southland. Several reunions of native North Carolinians have been held in this part of the west, especially in Kush and Henry counties, Indiana. 1 think the liaiidolph headquarters at (Ireensboro will be a center of de lightful gathering and greeting at the approaching reunion of lion-resident natives of the dear Old North Stale. If health will allow, 1 shall he delighted to join their company. Hkxuy V. Kisii U it Mi i. ton, O. Liberty Items. Mr Frank Martin, of lteidsvillc, has been iu our town for a few days. I think he wants to locate here. 1 notice that he was driving on all the streets and had one of our rairest young la.'ies showing him the town and (hoy were very busy talking and am sure real estate was the subject as tiiov looked like they meant busi- lt- lid wood, of lurhiim, is here helping l'r llerndoii ill a series of iiie.'tin's at the Christian church. l!r.i d W Wei lings, of Floti Coll is also here and we hope they will do niiieli l'oou. Prof Phillip Shaw left for Louis ville, Kv.. this week lo enter coll to prepare for the ministerial work. Prof Shaw has I. inn mayor of Lib rtv tor some two or three years, Mr U i; F.I lis has been elected bv the ublcriii"!. to till his place. dipt A S 1 ) u n u returned from Virginia last Sunday where he had been for several davs with his family visiting among his old friends I hat is the Capt's old home. If you hear anything from the count v road lorce w rite and let know. Nothing heard from tlieiu in Liberty township in a little more than o years. Mrs Will Haulier spent last Sun lay i.iijht here on her way to Lole ridire lo see her sister, Mrs .1 E Colt itr K l Patterson, A W Curtis and II C Causey spent a part of last week Hil l some ot tins in Orci hoi'o -s witnesses ill a suit betw .lohn F Jones and the Southern le.lllo.ld. Mrs ii C Causey and little daugh ter (iladv, have b.vn up at Lcvc Cross some davs visiting her sister, Mrs 1! L C.uis'ev. The K of P Lodge of this plae gave their annual banquet on the evening of Sept Wilt. After a very able lecture by Prof T C Amick and others, all present' were treated to ice cream and cake. 1 don t think a bigger thing has taken place in this part of North Carolina m many years. 1 just tell vou we had cak as big as a half bushel and they just made vour mouth water to look at them. We also had the Liberty orchestra and they did play and sin, some nn-'hly pretty pieces. 1 am not much up on the latest music but they sang one, something about a man going to sleep at the switch and didn't wake up and his daugh trr, Xel run down stopped a '.rain anil prevented a collision. It would have been a good thing if Xel had been over lo Ihiuville and stopped the tram last Sunday. Mrs Alfred Cox who left this county some 20 years ago to make her home in Kansas but soon moved to Georgia, came back to 6ee her mother and people of this county, She arrived here on Sept 2S with her two daughters. Mrs Alfred L'o.v married son of that good old t'uaker preacher Isham Cox who lived and died here not many years ago. A better man than he never lived iu this or uny other county. Mrs Cox left her husband at home near Tallaiiossa, Ua. She will visit here a month op more before return' ins. Carl li'eiUcI has been home from (ireensboro for a week or so but re turned that city on Sept 29. The boys nil like to come back and have a reunion us at one time some 8 10 of the boys clerked for Hugh Keitxel. About every one that could get a wuv to go to Grays Chapel went from here last Sunday. Two things were very noticeable not so many candidates were on hand as is gen erally there on election years and tlic Watts law made a Rood" showing. I have been there most every year for 15 or 20 vears aud not one time but what some one was drunk. 1 have seen on all occasions a bov drunk aud fulling down between the church and Asheboro. I won't say that no one was drunk out iu the woods but 1 nave talked to a number of people that was there and not OLe says he even smelted liquor and that is a mighty good sign. Tboatasvllle Chair Fac lories. The Thompson Chair Company, which was built last spring, has started out in high glee. It is ship ping carloads of chairs and is recsiy mg orders in very mail. The QueonV Chair Company is about ready to begin, and no doubt it will follow in line with the many other chair factories of the town. 2EALTH ftSURANCE Th man who insnraa bU life U wiM tor hit family. Tfea man who Insures hfat health Is wise both for his family and hlsBsell. Yoa may Insure health by guard' lag ft. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease which genera lly approaches through the LIVER and man! feat Itself In Innumerable way: TAKE And save your health. Mysterious Accident at Trinity. A very unfortunate accident oc curred near town Sunday night, which is very mysterious in tho be giniiiug and has pu..led the heads of many as well as the one to which the accident occurred. The story is this: Mr J V Keains a young lnun who lives a few miles north of town, had been visiting in the place ami left with the intention of going home between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock. Air Kearns did not arrive at home until sometime after mid night and in dazed e-r unconcious cordition, with his hat, coat and 'loves missing. One of his gloves was found the next morning about one hundred yards from the place where he had been visiting the night he fine, and still farther on his coat which had been turned wrong side out even to the sleeves, and his hat some distance from his coat iu the same condition and still another glove was found between this place and Atehdale. His buggy was also found at Arc'hdale in an nil right condition and the horse which he was driving ciinic home the next morning with the harness tied up all right, and with the appearance of having been driven hard. The young man has been in a daz ed condition most of the time since the accident up to this writing. There are times when he conies to his senses and when nked how the ac cident happened, says he docs not know a thing aliout it. There are many theories as to how it hapjieiied but from the circumstances it looks like the work of some human hands. The people of the community urc greatly stirred up and especial'y in lli'h 1'oint where the young man runs a luoti table grocery store. It is said that the father and brothers of the young man say they will find out how it happened ut any cost. The young man has a deep gash on his head and his face is very much bruis ed up which looks as though he had been d rtigged some distance. It is very much hoped that how the ocei dent happen it will tie found out and if done by uny person or persons they should be severely punished. TltlNITY CoKRESl'OXPEXT, Scpl. Wrd, 1!(03. Sherrill Left $3,000. Mis. Sherrill, of Mt.Ulla.who has been completely prostrated since the killing of her son, Kussull, is report ed to lie slightly improved, says the instiin Sentinel. 1 1 is learned that the son left his mothor a life insurance policy for fJ.UOO. A resjionsiblo gentleman tells the Sentinel that the family will be advised to spend every dollar of the --f 3,0l0, if necessary, in the prose cution of the White brothers, who killed Sherrill. Sentiment, iu aud around, Mt Ulla is said to lie decid edly against tho brothers. Salisbury ami. A HOUSE O'DKEAMS Not a house to dream in, but the house that many a one has dreamed or, the home that one has planned for some future day when he can afford to reali.e it in fact, and which embodies all his ideals of individual, family and neighborly happiness. In The Delineator for October, Miss Clara E. Liiughlin writes of this House o'Dreams, and the paper will sti ike a chord of sympathy in every reader, lor it gives a broad, beautiful conception of the external features of a "home, rrom library to kitch en, up-stuirs nnd down-stairs, in bed' room and hall, it is perfectly, hap pily planned, aud the many varied needs of the home it meets in every detail. It is indeed a house to dream of, and proscctive home-builders will find therein a fund of sugges liveness as well as a wealth of seuti ment to illumine the bare details of architect's plans and estimates. It is a pretty safe presumption that people who habitually avoid, whether of low or high degree, are comjielled to steal or gamble in order Like the runninsr. brook, the rea Diooa mat nows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The sprincs of red blood are iouna in the sou core ot the bones called the marrow and ome sav red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen ire full of fat Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by -feeding the bone marrow and the soleen with the richest of all fats, the pure coa liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not onlv feeds lie blood-makine organs but ;ives them strength to do neir proper work. - tmi tut trrm - t - acprr a towxm. cmM. MwYarfc. .IlltS Pills Prevnt! Prevent! Fever nnd BII posnosi by Timely isaof Vick's Little Liver Pills .25 Non-Griping;, Liver Tonic and Antiseptic to Bowels for Child or Adult. Build up the Kundow n SysU:u wit) rViCK's Aromatic Wins of Cod Liver Oil, 51.00 The Great Restorative Tonic. USE Vick's Famous Turtle Oil, "2S Cents The Largest and Best Liniment on the Marken. i raa suppiioo oy L. Richardson I rug Co. Wholes&le & Mr Ui uggists. Greensboro, N. C "The Land 'Sapphire In Western V ALL-YEAR-ROUND RESORTS I V Lake Toxaway IS Miles Shore Line Equal to Lakes of Europe ASIIKVII.LK. HoTKl'HtSCS, HKSHKRSONVII.I.K. WAVNKSVILI.K, HKKVAKO, LAKES TOXAWAY, rAIKPIKLP AND SAPFHIRK. ELEGANT TOURIST HOTELS X Scenery Unparalleled Highest Mountains East of the Rockies Climate Superb la Summer or Winter. Soxithern Railway Will Carry You Thm In Through Train. S H -Write tur IKM-rli'tlTe Pamphlet. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. WE ARE RECEIVING A New and Large Lot of Goods Which we bought before the advance in prices. G, W. ELLIOTT & CO., RANDLEMAN, N. C. -WHAT ARE-s Red Indian Blood and Liver Pills? . . The Bes Pi ! Lver Sold for . . Constipation, Biiliousness and jnr.iire Acts on the KIDNEY, Li ER and are GUARANTEED to give Satisfaction. SOI D On LY BY Standard Drug Go. fN e w Goods! WE ARE pleased to announce to our friends and customers that have the latest and moBt exquisite styles in white goods, lawns, dimities, and dainty shades in dress goods fabrics are now awaiting your inspection. Our large as sortment will convince you that we are leaders in dress goods. G e nts Department! OUR CLOTHING counters are laden with rare bargains, and we can fit you out spio and span in a new suit, shoes, hat, etc. All the styles in shirts, collars and neckties at prices to command a purchase. Come to see us. WE ABE AT IT AGAIN. SELLING THE PUREST AND BEST LINE OF DRUGS TO BE FOUND. : . : : , : We Have No Te Unload, But Give you the FRESHEST, PUREST and BEST at Lowest Prices. . - We are Undersold by None and Guarantee the : BRST QUALITY That Money Can Buy. SCHOOL' BOOKS AL WAYS ON HAND. V : : : : : W. A.. UNDERWOOD, ILANDLEMAN, N. C. W. D. TURNER, Manager. W.W. JONES, D1m In GKOCKMES, PROVISION'S AND I'RODDCE, Sewing Machines, Parts and Attach ments. Also have a lot of good clothing that will be closed out cheap. Produce bouglrt and sold. Your patronage solicited. Give nie a call and I'll tieat yon right. . W. W JONES, Allen stand. Depot St. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, GREENSBORO. N. C. . f ;k Au; ITKRARY AND Bl'SlNKSS COt'RHKS. Hi-litmlsof HUhlc, An nn.i r.i.HHiiion. TKRM BKOIN88KPT. th. 1803. Terms niMlcrutv. A'ly lor latnloiruo lo Mrs Lucy H Robcrtioa, Pres. 50C0OC0CO OOOOOOOOOOOOCXJOOOQ of the Sky Country Norlh"Ce.rolina. HARD WICK, Gen'l. Pats. Afent. WuMartM. . C LMood. .Miller . Wood. OLD GOODS. . . - OOOOOOCXXXX9000000000000000