H6e Courier. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. VESTlBl'Ll! PAtWKNOKK-Nn. 1M atria lit nhi-lmm Imm AlMnleeii ill a. m. N". IOT arrive at Anhehoro Inim Hiftli i""t at .in p. HI YRIi TKAINTri.HI Nn. 140 liiivw Aiheli for Hurh Point at fl a. in. So. Ill front Hi-th Point arrives at Anhelmro in u. in. No. Ha leaves Aheboro for HIrIi Point 4.l l. m. So. 143 from High Point arrives Ashelniro 4.JU p. in. Local and Personal. 8. A. Cox, of 1'iflgiili. wis here Tuesday. J 0 Skeen, of Ihiin, was here "Monday. Mr Nathan Slack went to Troy Tuesday. Samuel Spoon of Dewey gave us a call last week. Mr. J. T. Wood mado a trip to Baltimore last week. Rev W A Bunch was not well enough to preach Sunday. Dr. F. A, Henley and family spent Sunday in Randlcman. Miss Marry Ferree, of Randle man, is visiting Miss Etta Blair. Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, of High Point spent Saturday and Sun day here. Misses Fannie and Mary Williams of Eliso visited Miss Jessie Boroughs last week. Miss Agnes Boroughs, of Kemp's Mill, is visiting Miss Jessie Boroughs this week. Mr J T Wood returned last Thursday night from a business trip to lialtiinore. W. A. Underwood spent Sunday in Asheboro with his parent retiuu ing to the road Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rich, of Lex ington, formerly of this place are visiting relatives here. Mr John F. Brower aud wife, of Franklinville, visited the family of Dr. Underwood Monday. Mr. S. S. Bobins, of Asheboro, has been elected president of the senior class at the State University. Mr. U. S. Hayes returned Satur day from an extended visit to his family in West Virginia. Mrs. Geo. W. Berry and children have returned from an extended visit to relatives in Tennessee. Mr. J. Worth McAlister returned to Charlotte Monday after spending Sunday here with his parents. Mr E A Wiles wag in town last week he says he will move his family to Charlotte about November the first. Mrs. M. W. Farrish and children, of Caraway, are spending the week in Asheboro visiting relatives and friends. Claude Hoover, of Liberty Normal College, spent Saturday ana Sunday here with his parents Mr and Mrs 1 J Hoover. A protracted meeting begins at the M. E church here next Sunday. Rev. L. T. Cordell, of Randlcmun, will assist pastor Rotlgers. Mrs. Geo. Barker njturncd to High Foint Monday after spending a week here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Rush. Mr. W. A. Lambeth, sou of Mr. Frank Lambeth, of Thomasville bus gone to Yale University to continue his theological studies. Miss Gertrude Brooks, of Moflitt, passed through Asheboro Saturday en route to High Point to visit her sister, Mrs. Bertie Moflitt A sign painter has been engaged this week painting attractive signs on the windows of the stole of the McCrary-Retlding Hardware Co. Rev. H. M. Blair, editor of Christ Ian Advocate at Greensboro, N. C, preached two interesting sermons in the Asheboro Methodist church last Sunday. Lawyers Brittaln, Sapp and Spence went down to Troy Monday to attend Montgomery county Su perior court which is in session this week. 'Squire J C Skeen, of Davidson county, spent Monday night Asheboro. He says corn crops are good and that preparations are being made tor sewing a large wneat crop this fall. Mr C II Spencer, of Hamlet, passed, through Asheboro Monday on his return home after spending several days with the family of his father, Mr W W Spencer at Me chanic, this county. Mr. E. H. Morris of the firm of Morris-Scarboro-Moffit Co,, spent last week in the northern markets buvinsr foods for his firm, which will be able to move into iu band- some new brick store by the 15th o( this month. Mr. Oscar Teatrue, son of our townsman, Mr W J Teague, is chief dispatcher for the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company at Jackson ville, Fla., and Mr Jule Reitzel, a sou of Mr M J Heitzel, of Liberty, is his first assistant. While getting on the train at Bis- coe Tuesday morning where be went to meet Ins brother, Mr Willi im Spiuks, fell and was caught nmler the train. The wheel passed over one arm crushing it so badly that it had. to be amputated, tie is vereljr, though not dangerously hurt ana is uomg wen. J. roy iauiiuer Do Good It Pays. A Cbtoaso man has ntwerred that. ' GckU nWa are betto Ihan real Mtfttr deed mitrj f the latter breworthlMi, A A kind J a-'if ueDtlr, fcow -vmpaiby and I Ida hoping hand Yn irjnot aib'y Iom y it " Mo t men am pj elate a Liod wo d nd ..r.cnuTHirniirnt Dora thai' anbtittiitial help, 'hire are persons in thi c iuu a ,ity who might irbrallj : "My gi.od I icnd.cheer Bp. A tew diw "I I biun"prjiln Oaath Rt-novd- . II ril fta of vmr old, and t brio a n dan.rr batevrr from pnenmr.nla """ y-'i oae tha -medloine I a'wata hutc. I know it lor K Baa helped m tint many a time SoM by the Standard Drug V. and W A. under wuoa. Prof Way is attending Troy court this week. Mr W D Steadman is improving the inside of his Btore. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris spent Tuesday in Kanuienmn. Several of the business firms' are having nice signs painted. A good many attended the Grays' unapei meeting lust Sunday. Mrs J M Way spent Tuesday night in Star visiting relatives, Mrs J R Vase, of IJiscoe, Client yesterday with the Misses Wood. 'Squire John Brady was in AsliO' boro Moliday and purchased a new top buggy. A number of the fishermen of our town went to the fishing ut Routh's null last Saturday. Mrs. John Bulla and children left last Saturday for their home Washington, 1). C. Col McAlister is again able to be on the streets after an illness of several days duration. Mr W J Teamie is movinir in his new home on the corner of Fayctte ville and Salisbury streets. Mr. Frank Page, of Biscoe, was a passenger on the train early Satur day morning going to Greensboro. Mr George S Hurley leaves today for Birmingham, Ala., where he has position with a large lumber con cern. Mrs. Dr Chas In:1 rani, of Mt Gilead, came up Tuesday and entered her little son in Asheboro Graded Schools. The Asheboro Canning Co. ship ped one-half a cur loud of canned goods yesterday and a car load today to Ureensboro. The firm of Miller & Wood has been dissolved. Mr Wood goes on the road for a Baltimore clothing house; he will have Asheboro for headquarters. Tioy court began Monday of this week and it is thought that crimi nal docket will occupy all of the week and extend considerably into next week. Mr. Robt Fuller, who has been in school at Chapel Hill, came in on the 0 o'clock train Suttmliiv nicht and wei.t over to Farmer Sunday to visit his parents. Mr Harris Johnson, of Salem church, passed through Asheboro Monday on his way to Pleasant Garden to visit his ditughtei, Mrs. Maudy Riley of that place. We have on hand live hundred nice school bags, which we will give to children in exchange for two good feed or brand sucks. ASHEHOHO RoLI.Elt MlLI.8. LOST A heavy black enpe be tween Asheboro and Union liaptist church. Liberal reward offered. Re turn to the Cot'itiKit ollicp. L. K. FULLER. Mayor C I) Williitinson received a painful though not serious injury Saturday evening. He was standing between the wheels of Toad Halm's wagon when Mr Iluliu's horse be came frightened at a passing train and iu trying to run Mr Williamson was thrown by the brake and u heel past over nun. J roy Ex aminer. Subscriptions Paid. G W S Saunders, Sum Spoon, U Spencer, J T Stridor. Married. Mr W E Davis of Edgar and Miss Maggie Goins of Trinity, in Taber nacle Township September 13, 1903. . E. Hoover, J. r. otliciating. On the evening of Sept, 19, at the residence of Mr. Thompson Siler, Mr. II Fernando Kirkmuiu took Miss May E. Siler to bo his better half. Miss Siler is one of tht charming niinrr lulling found in PrnvMi-ni't. Mr. Kirkman is a sturdy young man of business and a good farmer. Wm. R. Julian, J. P. otliciating. William Moore, of Ether, Mont- omerv countv. died at Sulisbury last week where he had gone to have an operation performed. He was critically ill when taken" to Salisbury, and died before tho operation was performed. Died. JoFin. the 8 year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Lee R. Spencer, of High Point, died of typhoid fever at the home of Mr Rosewell Trotter in Back Creek township Sept37th, 1903. His remains were laid to rest at Mt. Shepherd burying grounds Sept., 28tu Robbed the Grave. A. (tartline incident narrated by John Oliver of PhiladalDhie. M follows. "I was in an awrui condition my mn wa aim oat yellow, eyes unken.tongoe coated. Daia continually In back and aid' a, uo appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three pnyatoiani naa Riven ma nit. Then I waeadvifed to use Elec tric Blttera; to my eTeat toy , the firrt bottle made a decided imorovemeut continued their rue for three wcekF.and am now a well man. I know tbe robbed the grate of another victim." Ma one ihoald fail to try them. Only Socente, guaranteed, at the Standard Drag Co. To Enlarge. The Enterprise is advised ou good authority that the quarters of the new silk mill is to De extensively en- lared. The management are very much pleased at the labor. Beside adding a largo number of spindles they will erect a large plant for weav ing at an early uay. tiign roint. Lntcrprise. , The trial of former Lieutenant Governor J H Tillman is in prog ress at Lexington, South Carolina. Mr Tillman is charged with the murder of N O Gonzales editor of The State one of the leading S C papers. w Conductor Blair Native of Randolph- Capt. J. Tom Jiluir, wiio was killed in the wreck on the Southern near Danville Sunday afternoon, was a native of this county, und at one time run us conductor between here and High Point. j Cant. Blaii'sniother. Mrs. Cvntliia, Blair, makes . Asheboro her home, but she was oil a visit to relatives at High Point when the sad news was received here. Two of his sisters, Mrs. John C Ingold, of this place, and Mrs. C. E. Allen, of Empire, left Monday for Spencer to bo pre sent ut the burial us did also Mr. C. A. Blair, a brother, living at Ram- sour. dipt. Alex Blair, another brother, is an employee of the Southern and lives at Asheville, also Capt. C. W. Blair, of South Caro lina. The deceased lias another sister, Mrs. R. V. Kivett, living at Empire, this county, and still an other, MifS Mary Blair, who lived with Copt. Jiluir at Spencer ut the time of liis death. The Col' it ie it extends to the be reaved ones its sympathy in this sad hour of bereavement. Nine Killed In Wreck. Another disastrous wreck occurr ed on the Southern Sunday after noon. While running at a rapid rate of speed No. !7, the Southern's fast mail train plying between New Orleans and New York, jumped the truck just us it ran on hut is known as tin- Still House trestle a short distance North of Danville last Sun day afternoon and the entire train, consisting of four mail cars and one express car, plunged into the creek below, a distance of 75 feet, smasli- tho tram into kindling wood and killing nine people and, injur ing seven others. Only one person escaped injury. The following is a list of the dead: J. L. Thompson, railway mail clerk, of Washington. W. S. Chambers, railway mail clerk, of Midland, Vu. D. P. Flory, railway mail clerk, of Nokesville. Vu. P. M. Argolwright, railway mail clerk, of Mt. Clinton, Ya. J. A. Broadv, engineer, of placer ville, Va. J. T. Blair, conductor, of Spencer. N. C. A. G. Clupp of Greensboro. Flagman S J Moodv of Raleigh, N C. A 12 year old son of J L Thomp son. Obltusry of James S. Veargin. The following obituary notice 1ms been received by the editor of the Coi'KiBit from Lyman T. Yeargir. editor of the Oakland, 111., daily and weekly Ledger. J. S. Yeargin was his father Hiid was born near Frank linville, N. C: Died in llarrisburg, Illinois, Sun day September 13th, 1903, James S. Yeargin Editor Herald and the founder of TheOaklandLedger. i'un erul services held at the residence of L. T. Yeargin, Tuesday, at 2 P. M., Rev, W. W. Wilson, Pastor Presby terian church, olliciating. Inter ment in Rosedulu cemetery. Tho subject of this sketch was born in Randolph county, North Carolina, February 1st, 1833,'audat tile age of six years with his parents moved to Edgar countv, Illinois, set tling near Elbridge. Here he assist ed bis parents iu farming in the sum mer time and attended school in the winter. Seeming a common school education he attended Wabash and othei colleges until ho married Jennie E. Kooutz, who survives him. Three children were, born of this union, two being dead and one living. James S. Yeargin moved to Oak land in 1803 and continuously resid ed here until April 1890 when lie moved to llarrisburg and established the Herald which he continued to edit until his demise. In 1870 he established The Oakland Ledger. Of petty offices the deceased filled many. lie served me townsuip six consecu tive terms as Town Clerk. In IpOO he was elected county surveyor on the Republican ticket, lie tilled the office of Police Magistrate for four years and was Postmaster of the city during President Cleveland's lirst term. Death was due to llux und old age. He was failing a year before taking bedfast and lived but three weeks after tukiug sick. The Salve That Heals Without lcavinir a scar i DoWitt's. The name Witch Hazel is nptiKerl to many aahes, but DeWllfn Witch HhuI Salve Ik the only Witch Hazel Halve made that amtaini toe pare unadulter ated witch baiel. If any other Wilch Hazel Salve 1 offered jon It la a coun terfeit. E. O. DeWltt invented Witch IInl Hnlve and DeWltt'a Witch Haz-1 Salve ia the best e 'lve in the wor'.il for cuta, barn', liruiiea, tetter, or blind, bleed in it Itchine and protruding piles. Sold bv W. A. Underwood and the Standard Drug Co, Prop-am. Program of the Public School Teachers' Association for Oct. 10, 1903. I The Teachers' Preparation for Teaching the Lesson. Miss Fanny Page, J V Liles. II How to Interest Pupils iu the Study of Current History. Miss Martha Redding, Muss Maggie In gram. Ill 110W iSliail Vte net. xeuencro to Attend the Association.- T C Auiied, J T Henry, Ltigeno Harris. IV Stimulus in the M'hool iioom. How to Secure and Retain Atten tion? D M Weutherly, B C Camp bell. He Learned a Great Troth. It it said of John Wi sley that he ..,rl to M nitres Wesley: "Why do you tell that chil l the sume thins over nnd over again?" "John We-If. because once telling is not pnoiijh." It is tor tbli earn, reason tlit you are .a ...i. .nil aimlu thnt Chamberlain's Congb Remedy cures oolds and grip; that It conntcracts ny temleiicy these ditwaaes to reault in pneumonia, and tbat it ia pleasant and afe to take. For aale by tb Standard Drug Co and W. A. Underwood. Cox News. Peonlo are about through with '. their fodder. There were between 45 and 50 .conversions at Bro. Smith's meeting at I'mcv drove last week, Mr II Byerly died of fever a few days ago nseil about ?5 years. He I leaves u wife unit four children. I Mr J J Cameron is still swapping horses. Hoover Hill Items. Fodder and hav is about all liar- vested in this section. Corn crops are very good in this section. Mr. W. S. Thayer, has the linest crop of corn he lias ever raised on his valuable farm on Uwhanic he shelled 'Hi ears of corn grown this ycr that weighed Willis net. We want our roads graded so our neighbors run get to market with their grain it is not necessary to tell the public that our roads are bud. Conic once and see. Gray's Chapel News. The usual large crowd attended meeting here last Sunday. We noticed people here from Greens boro, Asheboro, Liberty and various other towns. Mrs Bynum Linebery, of Greens boro, died on the 2'ith inst. Her remains were brought here for burial next day. Mr. C C Kime and family of Mt. Gilead, are visiting in the neighbor hood this week and taking iu the meeting. Rev G F Miloway, of Burlington, is assisting iu the meeting. His many friends were glad of the oppor tunity of hearing him preach again. Franklinville Items. Rev. Thomas Curreck preached an excellent sermon to an appreciative audience in the Baptist church Sun day. Miss Month Jennings has been quite sick fur a few days but is re ported a little better at this writing. Mr. John Fox, of Randleman, spent a few days last week visiting his Uncle Dr. T. 1. Fox. Quite a number of our people at tended the protracted meeting ut Gray's Chapel Sunday. Miss Patie Luterloh is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo Patterson near Climax this week. ' Mrs. Solomon Moffitl.Jif Moffitt's Mills, spent Saturday und Sunday in town with Mr. Benjamin Molliitt. Miss Minnie Tippett who has been ut Proximity for sometime returned to the city Saturday and has accept ed a position with tho Franklinville M'f'ir Co. Mr. Geo. Kinney, foreman of t!ie cotton gin force and Mr. Ben Gray have overlialled all their machinery and are now ready to gin your cot ton. Mr. Kinney says he will guar antee perfect satisfaction and the highest market price for your cot ton. Mr Henry Jennings, of Greens boro, und Miss Yow, of Central Falls, came down to the city Sun 'lay and were married by Rev. Jaines Jordan. The happy couple left Sunday evening for Greensboro whee they will make their future home. The fourth quarterly conference of the Franklinville and Rauisetir sta tion of the M. E. church will be held ut this place October 11th and 12th, and 'ill those that are behind with their assessment will pleune hand it over to the stewards at once as they are anxious to settle with the preach er before conference. Mr. William Moore has purchased one of lA'wis Curtis' farms about one mile south of town and Mr. Alvis Wooddc has purchased the Keylmi resilience on North Bugger street. 'Possum John Maner vent grape hunting vunilay and took his now pus doi Jim and ho brought back several gallons of grapes, one 'pos sum and four Squirrels. He says the dog is a line hunter. Central Falls Items. The fuctoiy at this place is run ning on lull lime, tinner uie new management or sup i iitiicnison. Tlin iiinv machinery is sbtitiii!' tin. und I think everything will soon be in lirst class order to the delight of all concerned, us well us to the oper atives. Brother W. C. Hummer, has just closed a good meeting ut Giles Chapel, which no doulit will result in inticn good. His last sermon -wus a line discourse and several joined the church last Sunday. Farmers are doing lots of work this tine weather, inithering feed and preparing for getting in corn and sowing wheat. The sanctiticutionists ife diopping iu riL'ht often, to hold prayer meet ings and give exhortations to their followers. The health of the people in thi section is trood at this time and everybody seems prosperous. The I'ledmont .music uompany oi Winston. N. C. sold SJ30.00 worth of organs in this section last week. Let the good work go on. Committe of Every Churr h who decides to have their edifice painted, will save money by obtain ing a donation of a liberal quantity of the Longnirn & Martinez Pure Puints. The lamest Methodist Church iu Gcorsriu. calculated front a former experience, to use over one hundred gallons of n.ixed paint in painting their church, at a cost of about $150. They painted it with thirty-two gallons ot the U 31. and twenty four gallons of oil. mixed therewith, The cost was about seventy ($70) dollars. Thev saved fully eighty ($80) dot lars in'puinr, and liesides they got a big donation. It's the best advertisement :n town The church is most "roniin.T.t,and I seen by every one. Sold liv thefollowiinrairentg, IIol- lmly-riKiJ IUwe. Co., Asheburo and The ltundlenmn Stove Co., Kaudle- Letter to C C Randlcman, Randleman, N. C Dear Sir: Goo-I yarn: How we got our aKcnt at Delhi. II. 1 . Glutton" & Piiint were agents for ; wo mustn't tell name We wa ti-d 'em. 1'aiii" was puiuting lis oi g i oinnlal house, amu it iook iu gallons o( while tor trim. We sent bini 10 eallons and said: If you net it all on, no p:'y; if ou nave any left, return it add pay f r the rent. green. lie returned fur gallons and took the agency. Four or five years ago. H knows now that hi old paint was na la aiiiiiteriitwi : trial s wn, it took ten gallon In ennui m of una. Go by the iimne; iher.-in but one name to go by; Devoe Innd-and-zinc. injurs truly FWDKVOK& O Niy York. MeCrary-Rcddin : Oo. sells our paint xinnBnu u Thirst Appeasers! You cannot overlook our soda water fountain when you come here to buy DRUGS AND MEDICINES. But it is so long since last sum mer you may have forgotten how good our various hot weather drinks taste. We have discovered many new flavors and improved some of the old ones. Try some of them. Thev are delicious. STANDARD DRUG CO., Depot St. Asheboro, N. C. dFALL GOODSO Are arriving at the Millinery Store. We are now receiving new FALL, ana wintuk GOODS. We try to pleaBe all in quality and prices. A nice line of Stylish, Ready-to- Wear Hats expected tnis week. Come and see for your self. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. Furniture Store! E. B. Kearns' Furniture Store is the place to buy fur niture, picture frames, rugs, etc lie sure to see him when in Asheboro. Undertaker's Supplies Such us coffins, caskets, etc. alwuvs on hand and furnished on sliort notice at reasonable prices. Good hearse ut your command. C. 13. Kearns. V, WW ' (j'.y r .. f--..VK. - J Three limes the Value of Any Other! One-Third Easier. One-Third Faster Agents wanted iu all unoccupiii territory. Wheeler & Wilson Mnftf. Co ATLANTA, OA. For sale by MOFFITT & CC Asheboro. N. C. Land Sale. vlrtun' of the i .1 iiiltlioritv vesle.1 ill .1 sale iiiH.li- hy the I Kiuol. .1 .n iT.niiity ile ll.H-IU I. lucks lefrii.lnnt, 1 II. silliiect to the Hie line of Nnn. v lH. k. nl )iiil.lle mn the eourl Im the liiifllesl l.ia.lwrnt Ashel.im, N. f. ut 1.' M, MllNllAY. Nl IVKMIIKK Sin!. MW. the lnn.l .lwrili-sl in thecimii.liiint liisaul anil or.leru.1 to ! S..I.I iih lollou-s viz: North ruroliuil. nhioilillie Ille liui.n il U'linr Iu the nntty 01 ninitioiMi. isu 11. the Jonathan Krctier liiuil u 1 others. Tiles,, rs of Ihs'i Kiv liniils are .levlil. I lie nirt!y ullhili the town ol Kiiii.llemi Sniil litii'l is livlUisI in lour oliiiiiuil Iraels, all aiijonilnit, lormllm one tract. 1st Tract. Ht'Klhiilin: "H the ln "I IHv. River, rlurk' .tinier. initia tin Ihvli Rive thu varli ses olsiii.l river to the mouth ol .ssiinr the river to the north Imnk Ijoiiiinic the lnn.l' R. P. Hicks; thence up the m-s to an al.ler In Henley's hninsu, h lilackfNlk: thence Hue; thcnei smith lilniuK theliin.lsol lmvlil- Il an. I i.l the Knn IjoliuiiK tne lauiisoi r.ns siiren ontaiuiiiK lr eluiiali ms. nave ami enccpt al-.iit an a,-n-s ol the tract which has lnvll nolil to dilleJt-nt rtiisi Slid Tract A'lloiuluir the Unit, tmslnlliliK nt a miililleof the river; thence south luff ..i. ... .1... ,....1 m tl,.. iml.l K l Hick's line thence east 57 nsls ui a nrk in the middle ol the the hcKiiinliitt, coiitalniup n acres more or less. r ver: thence up tne nvcr lis urusi. o.. tnl Tra,t. Adjolnlne the tint mid wcotul tract, ami liiuilint at slake on the lunk ol the river near lii. ks- null .lain; in ehuiiis .m l M links Ut a Iss'l-ll I launch; thenei- down the l.nuicli lo Un it . .I.-. ., ih.. river to a suike in tilt- l. nik In H. nlev's old line; thence east UI the lie- H inn colihiiuliil a aensj more or less. iihTr.-! Adiolnlna the Unt tract and Win. I.....I I.I... W oak; thence east IS noli-s to a uliile mik lli.i.irlii-s isirm-r: thence aoulh on said ie on the luniK ilt-iin-en west 8-1 i to lliek'a corner: thence south on said l.i.. w- Una ... ih. Is-viiiniinr. eimtainina 14 ns-n-nrllMi. Total mtmher ol aTes 111 the (our tract lfttl more or li-ss. , . Tennsof Hnl: rash. Title, twrved until the sale in approved and i,innrmod by the court. Till, seinoobiir sard. nam. nr Business Notices' WANTKli Ki'Vi-nil linlnstrlniw ncrnnnn In each late in lravi'1 lor Ihium' intulilKhinl eli;ven yours inl Willi ii lurj,-f uiiilul, Ui i-nll tiiinn iniTCllnliu. nilili iil-i for Mi,vc-s(ul mill pmtltiiMc line. vniniiK-nt riimij-i-iiiciii. Weekly eusli niilary of i.-l. i erleli ill UutrUiru St., CliiuifO, FARM FOR SALE On Muddy Creek con tain ing 328 acres, on easy terms. Apply to Hamhek & Sl'K.SCK. SALKSMEX WANTED to look after our interest in Randolph and ad juccnt counties. Salary or Com mission. Address The VitToit On. Company, Cleveland, O. JOB PWNT1NG. Job printing is u specialty with us. AVe print everything you want by steam power Cull or send your work to The Couiiieu Job oflice. CHEAP SETTLERS TICKETS On the first und third Tuesday of each month till April 1901 the rrisco system (fcaint Louis und bun Francisco Railroad) will sell reduc ed one-way und round-trip tickets from Hmiiingliain, Memphis and Saint Louis to points in Arkansas, Kansas, .Missouri, Okluhomu, Indian Territory and Texas. Write W. T. Saunders, tjeueial Agent Passenger Dept., Atlanta, Ga., for full infor mation. ELIZABETH TURNBOW-Wc want the heirs of Elizabeth Turn bow, a widow, who came to Texas from North Carolina in 1834 or 18.'1"). Address .1 W Lawrence & Son, land agents, Austin, Texas. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy lady or centlman to manage business iu this County and idioming territory for well and favarably known house of solid fi nancial standing. sau.UU straight cush salary and expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from head quarters. Expense money advanced; position permanent. Address M.VN agkii, 010 Monon' Bums, Chicago, 111. n Krult .Inn imirN Tiv. iluzeii, hull Kiil luzfii. Iii'i-ov Hy I'iiiht -UK-', box. Ko iumI. Harm-- nil )K'. pint. Crinu Clir.li il air. iiiiart. Hiin.l P;iht lit, slu-et. Illiil'if. Iilllltl'l :nrtriljj-s. shHK I ivviIit. Culw, FrlmiTK. shot, nl lull line of Kcln-nil iikt. r clmnia III this nilverlise- Hnlt, Ax.iM.tvuM i hltll'liM. WilU ll I milt it will i"i' y Administrator's Notice. HllViim qlllllilll'il as niliulnitriitiror Aiiuiiiiln I. lute nl Hnmliilpli Cminty, tify till ihtmiih luivinp I'luiiiiH t tllO 1-sillU- lif I Metieil. iliilv vi'rilii in- llu' lir-l iliiv ill lir iik-aili"! All i.thiii. in iilsi'iiU'inln'r, l'.u. n liij nl llivir iwiivi li l.fT.l t.i Nli.lCRUI XOTIl'K:-ll 1 1 i-l t it 1 i. ii i in Lil. litis i nntilv nil tivrMii liiilii- II ii nr l MM'I I'-tuu- Ui prfM-nt tlic, mIi liny nl s-iit., imu nr lli utirii will In' .' 111 111 III try. All .111.- tin-15.111 . ill iilcusi Ilk- the aiiinu Tln tlif imIi ilny "I . imu. IlKNKiaTTa 8tuabt. Atliiirx. Elijah MiIppitt. Ally. NliHill CAliul.lXA I In tin- Suiirlor('iiiirt, Uuii.IiiIiIi I'miiily. ( Btliire the Clerk. .1 11 Ho- In Ik IiiiII nf hinwlf mill 1111 M l lark .l.-v.l. INOTICK. I tlll'1'i.tlltC nl J. ill 11 W K H.-l.lini Ailiuru! .limn M Chirk il. J Tnilll tluMTi'illliirsnf.liihll M ( lurk tltn'il., tllko IK-i'lul lirm't'LHllliK flltillcil .1 Kl, .11.. I l IIh- ii. Im nl u lilu uiiy lie iiivnlilc th. ni..i..v. An. I ihi K to iKitily J. 1 1 tin p. of tli.-su.l .h.hu Nl Chirk ili'i' il Ui ili'iir !' .iv in r li. li.iv iii-l I'.lh, l'.tl. lit my ..ill.v hi Iu'Inidi. N. N. iin.I till llu I'ViiUmivs ol Ihi'lr aiiu. it-r.-nuiiv. l.v m i llniis H.-.I11M1I.M ill v. IIAMMIl.N'li, C. S. V. Til's Auk '.HI Ii r." Land Sale. thcri'lii .'iiilliiu . lilili. il X. N. Nun-lin A I'", vc. lil;..h"..llu. li'iKhft hi.Mcritt tllL'rnlirl : ill A-lk"..n. V (.'..111 lio .'lui M.oll iXli.VV. NOVKMIIKU Sliil KM), ini; .li'K. rilK'il IumI ti nit: a tni. t of itn.l iM-ine in Kiin.tiili.il LV.UMI,. hliilv 1 aui- .. n- f. .11. vs low it: HcKliiniiiff at an t-iir mi olil -iil pit; running tuitiiK to u Miu-k Kum in Hit; Hunt's mrmr; tllllOl, wtulh ns lo a stone Iu the trwiiiik ..'lOi'liiiiiiH to n htoiic in the Ii (1 rluillis a stone; llioniv !. t-hnliis t.1 a sitmll white :. i-twnis ton forkeit hinrlc oHk; w.-si i'li-liutiis u a suiku in eofl'iimwitv Moiiiitniii.theme Ull'Ol.l 1 in.- Hi. W..I. UKKt.SOX, t'o Executor's Notice- i inn quiilill.'il lis the executor on the estnti 11. M. Allrcl, tleeciiM'il, Is fore W. t:. Ham. .1, I'K-rk Suis-riort'ourt of Ktiiiiloli.li Cnity is lo noiify nil .rsous luiviiiK i-laiiiis nitinlisi .sllate lyluetit. ii, that l.v virtue ol I mill testament ol s.u.r,. ,v.,-.'.l. I shall i la the premises t. tijhest ln.l.ler for twli. on tile J'.lh ilny ol Kc.l..llB. ut lio'cl. tlie follmiiiii! .li-erils-il tract of lnn.l lor the term tl... ....... nil life of I!. K. Slllilll. sitllllUl ill Raii.lol.. I'ouiily. X. ('.. niljoiinim the litmlsuf Wortli'Mli: I'o.. K. H. Kolikenieyer ami tiler., IsTliiuniK nt stone at the Worth MlK.lii.'si-or uet :A chains anil Hi links Ui 11 dole wih'sI at K. H. llonkeiiK ver s corner, thcnei-ulong his Hue Ii chains tlti-l Xi links to it stone, th south 11 chains and a llnkstn the l-nninik'. I shall ill-i.wiliL- is ix e tne lol i.l estate. iiuiEuv. liaruesH. irKim. nl kitchen furniture. aiuloth- r uHii-lH. too numerous lo mention. BRITTAIS AsOKKUHllN. A.J l.I't K. AtUirueya. Kxecuuir. This Autust Sltll, 1WH. Land Sale. i di-crcc and onlcr ot sale i Bv virtue . hy the Sll.-I Court ol Randolph Ootiuty hi the ine. therein is.-ndiiiK entitled t H '.'i, lo ll.'e hinllest liiilder ut Ui. ill Ashctsim, N. C, at nlu'clock HATfRllAYKTIlBKRrd, 1KB, the fullowiiiif di-HcriU-d real estate. VU., a tract I land In rrovi.leiiee uiwiisnip. itniiiiuipn ouiitv. N.r.. ti'lJoiiiiiiK the lands ol l-evi roster, ISiiieiin Hrower. t'laiid I ndcrwissl annul Ii.i-c'h iu iiles ui u sume. Claud t'nderw nier. thence W. 4 tsiles to a same In Claud riide.wtHsl's Hue, thence hj. 1(1 sle lora stone. ce K. Oi poles S uil, K 14 lsilea to a stone, them on Bishop's les to a st! me. and Peter Bowman's Mue lit thence W. to the Is-Kimiing i a tract of land near the centre xcept therefnn of the alm'e t and huvintr on II the bullilluK follows. R. kMnniim at 7,r. i. .iiiiMin tree. In the N. W. t tlie Int. thetli-e K. 18 isiliw to a stone near a risvl thence. M. on a line ls'twesn the lionse Brnnary 13 uo: c to a stone, thence W. la puk u .iom. tii-iu- the Isini. thence N. IS rsilea ti r..viiinlinf ooiitaiulm: 1 acre more or les. which lcavm In above tract 40 acrea more or leaa to be ""tiaiil land h anM subject to the rlower rlirh ot Charlotte Howmall. aiiuan wnrrin, Terms nl sale Cash. Commiaaouer. O. U SAPP. AttoniOT. Tola September IS, HW3. Tax I will attend ut the following 1003: 11, AC k: Widow Kinney's Farmer Noah Skeen's County Home New Market Trinity Bethel Church TOwNsiur: Cedar Grove Concord rabernacle Back Creek New Market Trinity Grant Franklinville Cedar Fulls Franklinville Ritmseur Columbia Liberty Providence Raudleniun Hew Hope Union Richland Brower Pleasant Grove Coleridge Asheboro Randleman Franklinville Liberty Widow Chaniness' Ruudlemuii New Hope Aciidemy Labon Slack's Yow's Mill L. O. Siikji's J. A. Brown Coleridge Asheboro Worthrille Central Fulls The taxes are now due und everybody is requested to meet me prompt ly at the foregoing times and pluccs This Sept. 1 st, 1 003. A LINE OF Hardware That cannot fail to please the most practical person is to be found at our Store. The PRICE and GRADE OF GOODS have pleased and will continue to please all those who wish THE BEST HARDWARE at the LEAST PRICE. Give us a Trial and we wiU convince of the Truth of this Statement. : : : : : MCCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO., ASHEBORO, N. C. NEW - I have just returned from of the best and most complete been brought to Randolph Co. here than ever before. Don't dress goods, shoes, hats, notions beforebuying elsewhere. Our than any one else." We HaLyes' N. Y. Racket Store, Randleman, N. C. Stop and Think Before Buying. We have some special bargains Shoes we are closing out at a greatly reduced price, uome and examine before Buying Men's Hat's, Mt. Vernon at $2.00, Orange Valley Brand for $1.35, Essex Brand $1.00 and lot of other Brands for 75c and $2.00, latest styles. Of Underwear we have a large and complete stock at lower prices than ever before. SEE OUR BLACK MELROSE DRESS GOODS AT 50o yd We have a lot of the Elkin make of shoes at $1.65. When in town come in prices will interest you. Yours for business. 'Phone-I'.!. RIDGE. FOX & COMPANY. C J COX, President. J E POOL, Hollady-Pool CORNER. DEPOT STREET. AHIIEliORO. N. O. New Store! We have iust ODened uo selected stocks of Hardware, Cutlery, Plows of every descrip tion, Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Rakes, and all kinds of farm ing implements, Builder's Supplees, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Paints, Oils, Wooden-ware, Tin-ware, Stoves, Heaters Nails, etc., etc., ever displayed in tne county. Our line is COMPLETE. Our firm is composed of farm ers and saw mill men and we think we know just what every class of the trade needs and have bought accordingly. . Our salesmen will always be found ready and willing to show goods and make to one and all the lowest possible Erice without any dickering. Don't fail to see us before you uy anything in our line. Very truly yours, Hollady-Pool Hardware Company. HERE IS MONEY'S The season ia half none and we raiiKing from $7.50 to 20.00 to close no. oo ui an, to, mu win iuojv These frarmenU are from flint-clang A lot of Children's suits, 8 to If you can't come to see approval. Chisholm, Stroud, 300 South Elm St. MP Please mention that you saw Notice. times and places with the tax books for time: Monday . Oct Tuesday " Wednesday " Thursday " Friday Saturday " Monday " Tuesday Tuesday 13 at night Wednesday Oct 14 Thursday Fndav Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Oct 27 forenoon " " " afternoon and pay their taxes. T. J. FINCH, Sheriff of Randolph County. GOODS New York where I bought one line of fall goods that has ever The bargains will be greater fail to look over our line of and gents furnishing goods motto is "just a little cheaper are yours to please. in Shoes. A large line of and look over our stock. Our Vice - Pres. D M H0LLADY, Maitf r. Hardware Co. New Goods! one of the largest and best YOUR WORTH. hate a quantity of broken loU iu auita out Can gire you any aize fiom - ....iB ,...n. , . material, weii-maue ana niung. 16, to be closed with the abore. ns, write and we will ship goods oa , Crawfqrd & Rees, , Qreenebro, N. C. thig"ad" in Thi Coctuiu.