THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. LESSON II, FOURTH OyR. INTER NATIONAL SERIES, OCT. 11. Text of !hr Leiiuu, II Sam. Til, 4-10. Memory Yrracl, H, O Golden Text, II Suni. vll, lu-Comuic-ulury I're pared by Hvv. D. M. Ntt-ariia. Copyright, Ii)' Ar.nrkan Prrea Association.! In this remarkable chapter, tlio wholo of which wo r.i a it,krd to study, wo havo three sections-verier 1 tu 3, David's purpose ami Nathan's uppror nl; 1 to 37, th Lord's liiorfsiice to David through Nathan; IS to 'M. l'tt vid'B oonimuiilon with (lad. As Puvld says in verse 23, Ixr.iel was unlike any other nation on earth, inasmuch as God had redeemed them to moke tiiciii u special, people nnlo 1 iliurtvif , ti do (Trent thiiijai for, that throii them lie might he made to other nations. "That the world may believe, thu.1 the world may Know" (John xvli, 21, -I this Is tho desire, of Uod as revealed in all Scripture. Whether It be through an Individual, as Abel, Enoeh, Noah, .Ybrauau, Jo Beph, Daniel, David or any other king, priest or prophet, or throunh Israel as a nation, or the elmreh as the body of Christ. Cod dosl.uss to reveal 11 In some measure as lie fully did In Christ Jesus, and the threat i;uestion ever is, "Who, then, Is w illing to con secrate his service this day unto tho Lord?" (I l'hr,,:i. xxix. r If there Is the least leaning to our own uuderstandiuh' there will 1 lire. It must be the wKlom vi Hod, and that alone, fruiu iirst t 1 a t. In our l!st lesson we saw hmv li e w is dum of David and ail Lis c-.tmselori only brought trouble. 1 they obeyed tod ail v them. Now, David ha w.'uch commoiiiU il-a ii prophet Nathan, who "Co, do all that is in tl the Lord Is with thee" neither the klm; tier th the mind of liod. Th as our lesson t,ive us th ns revealed to Nathan, him to David, which I soon as they know it. the church is full of pi. Is laboring to work ei inny prove only w ood. 1: (I Cor. Ill, ll-i;. bccaiis David and Nathan n--r a temple with.'iit seek in. the mind of Cod. 1! temple was all riiilit an to pass In Cod's time an, Ixml actually Imv It by His spirit il thr,.,. lin. but now David mil thliiK woro Important a:: and tlie iiios:ii.c of prophet is. "Thf Lord- t ' He will make the. and thy throne s forever (verses 11 told, to his crcat lastim; klau'i'.om. a Who shall reh;n words, David is t, the wotuan who i pent's l;ead, the is to ble-s ail naii. also and sit upon h That David so na f;-nin vei via-ro w mu of the fruit the llesli. II, sit on his ti by the prop mighty an-e f. ti; Kzel, IIS. Seo xxii, Hi, tills reh to lsa. 1 the cove lilled. 1 Scribed was at people to whom 1 and determine.! tatliilit them tha be postpon, d ti xix, li-iro. ii- late and V ft It turn boo-mso th their deliverer tiur omen, hut of Cl-ri-t. a-i.l ;' Hi relation t the chur, !:, but t : her future yloi-y. If any object to th- v.vr ! ;:i "If he e ,n,:.:ii Ini i'::;;'." a applicable to Chri.-r. it may such to know that i:;i...; trnnslahn the pasaj:e. "When laid upon him." and Dr. t iir: It, "In sutTerin-' for inlipdty. Christ, according to lsa. l.ii. for Isratd'a and for our an-. Uorsley translate the List c verse 10, "And tliii is the arm about tho Man." Lutlu r h-.i upon this verse: "Thou ?;(.'". eternal kini.'dum in whirh in ! bo klnc lie mnst b- C-l a: for he Is to he My S. a. and to be Kln;r forever." Let He-.-ea tlaus consider well the three tional covenants of Seripture i Cod with Noah and Ahf.h Iavld, and may tlie con. fori that oaiao to David cotuo to all fic'i, A!t!.ot!;:U my bouse be Hot so wi'.u Cod. y- t He bath made with me an -ve:-:.istl:c: covenant, ordered lu all t' ia:- au l euro" (II Sam. xxlli, Ch The comfort Is found in the faithfulness , f Cod notwithsttiiidinj; all our iinfaih:'ii!uess. Seo I Cor. 1. l; x. 13; I T1k v. 21. Concerning all the promises to ns as Children of Ood and joint lieir with Christ, by rirtne of Ills procioii Idood, let our hearts cay as David said. "Tbotl, O LorJ (iod, hnst sp il - n 1F Do as Thou hast saM" :-ps 29, 25). But let us not think-, r ttiat.y do, that God will do otherwise l. an He bas purposed, and that to think out a Beomlndly good plan and then seek God's blessing; upon It Is nil that Is necessary. God Himself must or'-l nate it or nil will be vain. Lot u - t .ei x fore walk with Lllm (Amos ill, 3. A Perfect Painless Pill la the one that will cleanse the sys tem, set the liver to actiou, re-ia-va tho bile, clear tho C'.iupli-xioa, cms head ache and leave a good tasto in the mouth. The famoas little pil s '.,r do ing such work plOHiaotlyandefltctaal ly are DeWitt'a I ittle Eirir bi-eri bob Mooie ot Lafayette, Ind., siya: "All othrr pills I have used, aripo and sicken, while Dp W itt 's istt e Early Kaers are aimplr perfect." S Id by W, A. Underwood and the Bta d-rd Draff Co. , A Core for Dyspepsia. I had djKoepi n ia its werat fom and felt mirerable mut all the t,m. bid rot enjoy eatinp; umil arter I nii,H Kodol Dye, fpsm Cnra whirli hg com pletely enred m: Mr- W. W. hiidor, ot liillarJ, l'a. No appiite, lose rf trenRth, nerroasno-a, hsaflaobe, co., ui'Hiion. bkJ breath, aoor , i-,nca, ir.di irefttion, dypi a uni all t.o,ch trouble are quiiaVly ennri by th saa of KoJol. Kodol repreeni ,t a oral juie of JilMtio i -o.kbne,l wit- tha gwat-N t kuw tin ami reen ttne t,ve propria leu. It elnui,., pnriff a and iea Mm fioiaicli Sold ,.y VV. A. t ndr'iod i,d the Stan iard () i. Co. . ' f. , t ;!...;... ' ' . ' . ' .' ' ,' ; i 'V ', nein- in i t . . a a a at 1''.! '.:. ;,a . ...... a w i. .! 'r" e I j-- e' ' ..a . . a'. - ma iiy v !.o 1 .a v i : I . n : i. '-a p .a- ... ..... ... , . ; . . , '.;. '. : i,.aa ,.a,i a ;,. r. 1 1:1 !:'. :s'.':: 'j '''. ' :'N;.::' " ';' ".'..'. . IWIaai.a : .; .'e r :. a . :.!y ' ' '' : '"','"'.''!'' I also in Matt. 1. 1. u- i i;-v. . ' . . . '. .. ., , ' . . , , , , . , .,. , ... u - . ' .!....:.;. : Ule "i" .Hwr-i-i ?. ' :'f V' -:; 'V ' li.'''Va;:a..: b';.': "- i ', . . , '; : .." -' ;;' Tl I : mirn -nrkATk TVPmTTc,r' SHEDDING FEATHERS. i D'JCKS FOR THE MARKET. Cures Rficomatism .nd Catarrh - jrr xUIjiaV- lllii LiVM) ilkUI)lil,.U : Medicine Sent Free. WlV )l n0PllS E?! Informntluu Conevrnluic lore of Th il-t Are Tlo.e Tlia t llm e Sievcr ?V ff Xq rH ZTlil SHOULD UNCLE SAM ASSIST IN HIGH- f (! t ,. "d - ! ' 'a a; our ex ; erso. LVf M 1 l&iV WAY BUILDING? j ulIy decreases .nab.rlal- k(.t m,wm,ays said a wb,de,:,lc d .. r , i:",, "b! .'; ) h(Y r"" not lay nr!: alio i. .. s i , ;..!..,,. .: - .ii.i :-n . : ! . . : ' lli.ul- ond Amilnst tlie lmiirovruteut ; the same lone. Tins n-.!ii::il throwniK , , . . ., Hoaas l.i h Itnriit ItKi'lcto lr ' f( t,( (. :,; fe:lr-.ei-s :Mid i.!.r.ii-K on '"'' v,i'.", ,!l : :" ',."'' ' ' . . i ' ' i .,;,t, '. Covi-rniiient Aid. 1 of new pillM.u:- It .v.ll H "m dlfl'tt.- . , " '' ' 'i;V: " ""' : ' '' ' ' I: , , '. nl 1 : .1 ll liaH, In view of the hir,- pmii-r' r- As nature; r- i- -ur-n-ea! of the , five ti..- i'ruli I'.-o; fv , i v U . ',''"' ccntly assumed by the move:. .en: f r coverin.- of .. bo- -.. , i- ' ; " ',' ' ' . , ' H. ' ' '. " J.'o; Of prominent men in sections filn in i.:v o',iltry Jard. Tie ' , thu.l..t:e-t n-i :. .:.:..' w- 1 '. ' ',' - V,'t''i ' i'gfi . . , . ... ....!.. fil!i..i- I, in io droo out. n.-" . . .. . .... A P 31 iun-e Oeel I US iivl O l.rien N-,;ue UM'O ' I, ,'i ot o, , : . h,. e .: n ' - ;t!lll 1' , e:.T lit. K I ' Vl.-vs en the Tivm t!:eae ene com.i 1 :: !.; f.i-.., , . ,f.. ; :1 ... . : : i.-o Ptateineals il will be s'en thai it d reuuiri-s ahiiii I'.n l.-m.. ." ,.. e .- ; ' -il: m . s cM-d bv the prevulliiu: cpluLvi it is hioUlm; deln.:' .n-s t l-v., oy ,n-'P . ,.,, o. . ... . ' 1 . ' ti:ne f..r Vneie to tik- a hand It) ! -'v;" '' ' it." .v ! '. .'. 1 7 .. , , . ,, . ... I 'Tr- ii'-t' ..Tiiia:.. li.''. re of ti.e ' ' ;V j, I' y ',- V'" ..'l'" ' !' ,'. ' ' " "' ' ' . !'' i ' : ' ' . 'T " U V speakii; : ire;.: tlie in! ff a lae.l I j'J",' t .p., iV . ,'. . - , ' "i ' .' .' ,'i .. ; -, ' I P'y. ,V' V'l'l::---. ..!"'-':,;. .Ii;'. :;v ; 7,;;;; t,;,':1:1; take held ,.f !.' rea.l lm-r..veii. nt ..a s- K'" to melt eariy, a- t'.e.v vi tie j our ..nd tne.v mv l.-a ei n. tr I . ,. , ;,. ,. . ; ;,. .., 1; , d 1W in lion vleer. nn. nose l-eal funds with ! winter layers, but feed them In, no. ,,. c,v.-. v. ill i t i: e i; Timt uiv. . r ,. i ,. ;aJ !! -ti i' wart the w t',; liny lamiot ex- j meat, linseed tecal a fit a vainly, is ,t i L.:c meat a I iv i'.a'.er. of v. hi. : ,,, .; , b !.:.; -r s;;;vh;' I '' ":'.. ; : , ' " ', WvXa inn if tu.. ,...,,;,. sh'-w u .lni'itlJa to I occasionally. "'i hi re i u i ;.: m-ne i : . . l-: . I " " lu-ip ' th ic tvt-V and to seen:-.- prep-r If you wish to make your liens molt ,.y ,i rn:..:-i- ,.. ! ,h:n in nl-'"- '' - 'M- r t ia-' !;. stale l.-;W-.tletl 1 believe the ft. lend ,;..v- ( ,,,,1,-hlf ntul Willi t..i KM results it fo'.V e! hkeu: bllh r it t..'. ! .-'' c oil ..I ' ! '" crnin ..I will ,-lne lo aij. Ilinu ,vj .:-l.a;S ! e of value. I'!r-t. .. ; t :, ,l firn. I '. !. il d e, . : - -- S iiann- Latimer of South Carolina. kwp , vKv t;.:U feather: c.e.tabi I nii i a i . n, -:.. -.. ti.. . , r f, v. er p. r wiio Is a u-o-,! deal of an enthusiast on Umi, uitro, ,1 ,,, some oily traitor, s ns in f: I a: -:.i I ';;'-. unl. . ' " ' v-'-"r" ,. this ipieslion, says: but thiy lire inosiiy min, -il in. '. Intro-. ,. v ; !t. ., , ,.;,, . .. ; : , a... , , , t . .. '' 'Vv I will t ii why we have n-t had ciiotis lu coinpo.-'Mion. If the h-:it are ,..,. , sv., ,a v, i I, are nn ie . s, s".ii-rn.r,K'V.;vafi. i' '' -; ' ''" -r "'vF -x i'eeai.7-. we have .i.-ni to men feathers, proei,!, d t y are near.:: . ;. e , :. l-i...ri, , e o m; ,u in . ;i . i ' 41 t , who live la eitl-s. Tiey ,r-i rills passed nioltlt:-; perl .' Itul nii.r the f.vtb ra f. ' , a a ' b r t ' J ' c , h 111.. Ir.l.TUI !( rill s. T!i. y t: .vo th3 j aro i;,,.,, v, .,, l e i.-.!-i il i.arie! I ; i - 1 I r a:-' t . t:!.i 4 , r- r z ""V7ia r7;:ir;;t:,l:';:;,: : 1 ; ; Aiitm u . .ii . .su v.v i: a.v- s'm:."-. .. .a .. i.l. , -a " r : . j , ,,; erameia t . mnreonaie a iu..l pua ,f ciover ia,ai. , a V .. . n n a i. ! ,--;a .., j J-Q jr.;, tl... m-i. y r e, ...- t lin;rev. r.i r . ,.,.t r,,,., .,r . . ;:;! ..r..;i i. ... '. ,1 o.,,. Ai, , j - - Ii;.' :,;r slaita .l.v:.Y' ';;:.r.:? ' : : - '.. : " : '. : ' " ! ! -l- to tlie ,:' 'V.'.iV ;",V't"" lIt"l-"t'.e VV. I l"J"V1"1. " '-I'1"1"1' - "v. -. .r.i.;.! 1 - .a- , '"t'4 ;,;i.,,t ..(iV, ;rrry,vi;i,,-,-,iilria.l,:,..MiUi!ilH ':! ! ti.oy ar- v : r :;'! ' ! - '' . :.,;,,. ran 1 1, a, , ,1 i . carry - : iceir I n to thr-.w ei';' old f all . :s a: i 1 nl ............ j : .. a . , ... ' -- ' '; .' '.". VA ., ',!; , wishes i ,. y nl n t a n..:l : -.1 a a.-;. ill- on ,,, ,n.u. .., ,,..,. ,; ,,..( ,.. , : . . , , ... . ,a. .,, y . ' . . ' .'..', V' i V;.'.il 'V'o'-. rir' Vnvtl"CK i id "'" ,:r T'' " ' ' ) ' ;' ' :l ' r ' :! ! ;f ; ' '"' t ' "' unesii n. I i.. ii or;. in favor of " ,1:i'v or"t m. i'.hi v, ill I a" : 'i '' '.' -: ! ' : : a 1 ' n : 'i n !-" R l-;.r '' wltltntll ''''l' -o' a ,:y . ' :! -a a'a. ' .: , a ' ; j ' '" '' " ''j ! ''1' in house. - ' ' ju-..e.i. ... u.... etv. .-, i . ,,. ' '.'. '...-: ... .. :.,.,..... m : ''..'.r'';"'!! 'V";" i.'.';: .;'- ;; ej J.u'tJ'iri:.'M. ' hard ' s'C :i" .e', '. v. . '. . .. j ..v :7,"r,.:: p.?.,',,'y '. T"-,. V;;, ' j n r. b- las seed ':'7.. ;,.n,;. . ivds,. n -,.,;v!,' ii, !....:: hi- ' 7 ;. . .. ' ;;. ; ; '. ' ; ;.; . :; ' ; , , ;,,i: ;I ,; , i,lv:iasii-. ' ''l '., . . . t a . : r; i 'a- i ra; v. . - : ... teriai. and I : i !. ' . . a . . r i :' .. , . i , , , ( . , , , , J e. 1 . . I -c . v. . :. a 's t . ...'.'r Klllaild, He! a- 11 :f ! I ' ; " , , a . i v . . . , , , . . . . ' ; , , .' . is j ;. i1 ... V,. ' r , . . .. : i r ; rai J i HAV.ais .i M'i'iiiM.. ' i: "i; : 1 ;1 l ", ; -. Kmii . .., i.' f . Vniled Sta:.- very rei:it:y 1. n ;i,! ' . f . .i- . , ' ,V - i: ' 11 1 ' ' taken up, 1 i .... .a i :. u- rs .r ; : naaai: a,;: ! . : i ., , ..'-j' SO tcARS ,i,t :':' ' ;;' V erammin-ma. a ..! ;:.yr..-.!: ( , asiiy . a . : .: i ... ..--., vEXrCr.! ;NCS 'l mm:,- t I of n' " ''' i. ' a.. s ia 'V: 'a'- a ' a'.ae bo seatteiad o er ii -eui! vla.t 1 tor . a, y's mark, t ine is tin i u-'i ,. !--W-Mii.JfTrj( .'', i.,ra . i . a;.- , . s i.t. a. - .. I'... rlfory, the sum t 1 a ' . f era ia : ! :p. ma I , i . ,, . . , ., , .. , i,;, -, .-v ; ; . ' , 1 5 V ii V'w .an ' v '" ' ;,''', ! ' - : : , v;:'y dlll"'s " ' :'' -:v-::1-'' " w'!'-v r- :V ' i'- ' ' .-mi ' ' l -r' f . 1 r j ii . :, I,...;',., .,, . ' n't ohU wl: useslw.-lv.-. :. ia,:y in 1 ,v... , ,;vi.,. ,,,;, u...,;;, r. .,.. j j J V.VT-a,, ai,. hok ,r..a ::y an ,f !!a- r :!'.s that ten and a ; a ... Ill' who latt ns (l;;.,.,.y nl!1!ou ; tll a la, ,n I, V--K T-,,r: MARKS M r m-iam the vxj i..l!ti.rf f th- i ilr ou a very l..,v !.-. latteuiu thou- 1 llt.vl r ...,. ,1 .r. la; ia : i I ..Vrwiv Ucsians by "Y'-.t to ! -text -t ..:' a .-!. all bv Slinds J','i'rli- j ti. we: ra atort... ta . i n. a. t I ' ' V '! - Cwrvja'.iTa Ac. w rail., k-pramn. la- . a ay nu.t liw Tli nan.r., I yet, atci tl.ey are teo ha'l.-r.d. . i ! 'V. ...'.';!"' ! ,.0-s-i ' i rro.-ln.-t er in wl-.t pr-n rii. ii i :- burden The R ale:: is ii. . !-ar.,!vrnio of j,,,, ha.-U t ) the s. iaa j an a Io r. .. t j -'i '" ' ......':.'.,' .1 .ti-' f f!";"1,1, !',;"."', .la..',l.;.':";s " ::Z "Z n!I wt,rtw!-! - ' - i t,:ri.t. t..i i :,.. j-it m n- i ;,,',:,,';;; '-ut';a.; .:...,.ii;,.' " "" ' e'-Jir'niei wit:, a Yiov "n. p'-:a,,.",it ers of the b. .aefd in atar,.. Tii.-y j t;-i !., , if ii ha! ; a i,. Ii I e la; . it la-n JZwMiM nn.i teiiiiaa-n i ,.- ,a s. . r e, ; . a to are simply the v :! : r.lianl da, k ii'i- , I f cd her.- - Mrs. 1 .tries .l.a sin I tttltljA JSt9'.l deli.u... Tl,.- p -o...... may l.o .l. iicn lcl up. proved by ci nlnr;, s , f car. t'.il ! reed- try Keeper. I Pj V. .i, '''"',''J,' TVelo'' JiiT.'jil on to Had i.ot . nly a remedy, but i!k Tho chief differenc, s betw een the ' I i .r.. iti.tu c -,j'iy.i;. : Lit bn.iror'is ar!".ae'r'asiUend lire two are th- larger sie and more brib Cle. Out Vcrr.l:.. I ivtjfiN h 3S!3-oad,. KbV Ur . MiS pr, pan d to I o tit Olt on llondi. Trofessor IMmond O'Neil of Ihe State T'niverKlty of l.'alifornla Is of the opin ion that, ns compared lth the advan tages which are obtained from sprin kling roadbeds will, oil. tho objection to tho nsu of oil In destroying tho rub ber tin's of bicycles and carriages is comparatively sliiilit. The oil nets r.s a solvent on the rubber, and. while the inconvenience Is greut. when the grent savlnc In cost over sprinkling with wa ter is considered this phase becomes tomparntlvely unimportant. QUESTION ASo'A ERED. Yes, ugutt Flower still has the lar gest sale of any me Itciue in the civili zed world. YonriiK tbers' and pr.ud niothi ra' never thonght of Ufing ary thiux else for Indigestion or Bilions n. 69. Doctors wero sca-co. and they seldom beard of Appendicitis, Nervons fioatratlon or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean ont th,.Fji!tm and atop fermenation of undi gested food, regulate the action oi the dver, stimulate the nervous and organ ie action of the svstnni, and that ia all they took when f-elln doll and bad with headaches and other acbra. Yon only nted a lew doaes of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid f rro, lo make you satisfiad there is nothing serious th matter with yon. You oan get this rp'tahlA remedy at all druggists. Price :15c ai d 70c. Take Laxative Bromo Qmmnc Tet$. e two are tl" li,rsr size nnd more brib Hunt ni.nrkltis of the Union. Ax n ta ble fowl they nre fully thee.ittal of the famous relcln. As htyer.i thry tiro the peer" of tiny duck, nnd their es; are the litrgesf. For hnrdltu'ss nnd ntatllns (lUiilitli-s they tire uii-e.t; iaisaed. hiirtn nnd Itnnch. Large, 7minetrUal Rarara. Why not breed fnun hens tlmt Iny ranny lnrse, nyiuinetrh al ecir? In n few gcnerittlGtw u Htniln may Ik.' loillt np that will lay ea -s thiit w ill brim: better prices thnu the uilsoolhtriOuiH output of an nverae Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing; Ilk doinir a thinn thoroitfrhly. Of all the salves yoo rver heard of, Booklet! 'a Arnh a Salve is the best. It swwpi awav and cure" burn', sores, brnlser, cuts, bodx. u . era, el-In eruptions and pllos. It'a oniy 25c, ai d guaranteed to tire sit Hlactlon by thn Standard Drug Co. Ran' a Ten Penny Nail Through His Hani. While opening a b. I, J 0. M.iot.t, ot Three Mile Bar, N. Y , ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his band. "I thouRbl at once of all the pain and soreness this wonH cause me.,, he says, "and immedian I7 plied Chamberlain's P-iin Ifnlm and ec-aaonally afterwards To my sur prise It remoTe'l all caio and soreness and the iniared ps"a wre soon boal-1 d." For sale by ihe btanpurd Drag 1 Co, and W. A. Undernood. To Cure a Cold in One Day Cleans Out Vrr: il-.i. A writer In the f- iiTt!::e'.i s:iys he has cleared Id pr-. i.ilf . of tlllll by IIVlkiDK Vl.t'.e.V.l-:. ; ii .1 Ofipperas and cov. r!nr t.,e !! in the n.-ihir v.-!;!: it. In crevif hi m i deli a nt I: . 2-t i. : the copperas nnd senttet'ed It In tin-1 Hers of the floor. The retailt ivas ,i , , plcte dlappettrui'.co of rnta ra' l la Pint that time not a rat or iae I been seen near the lione livery the ndhtr Is corded with the yeii whl'ewaab ns a purifier nnd a -,.t t 'rniior.tor. nnd no typboM. ib siau rr fever attacks the f.irailr. Dieling- Invites OiscAsc. Tot-ure dvspep-ia ir in-iice -Mori it no leiiger nee-s&ary to live nj. r ai'k d t'-aat. t,rv..iion produo- - su-h i-i.-neas tnat the whole nyntem 1 e.-..nto- tin eahprer.o .bi6S". Ko-'el l;vp-l-iu C. re enables the stomach and dm tivo arans to Cii t and Hj. ia-.l jto all ot tho heleMiu a food ti nt cue cars to e it, acd ,s 1, nfver fai' rif imu I r ind Remio'n. I srp n 1 Rll -louiai.u troul lt-a. Kodol tlk'i ttft what yon en! I mak' s Oin sto.T,a"h sweet. Bold by W. A Underw cd ad the S'andir i Drn-ON A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Ans'in of inoiiesttr, lad km w what to d , in the hour of , ee I. Hi w ,fe I nd sm:h mi uno-usi t f stomncb and liver trouble, phvae-.u.. could not help to r. lie tho ;l't of and ind Dr Knur s I'sw Life IMH and fhe jrot relief st oi c adwas finally cured. Only 2-"e,M tie S'andirl Drua Co Caare CHp ia Two Days. & on every B JH .,11 hru.-l, tali, j, t5 t'U wmtlUitilon. IC 't . r- ' ; 1 1, i t f..nii, O. K. Cox, Pr3iJeot, W. 3. Arufleld, Vice-Prwidenk W.J. Axmfleld. Jr., CWitrr. iul unnit ui Asheboro, CAPITAL $25.Whow We are now prepared to do a ft ja-rd banking bnsineajj and va so in iba aoaonnta of Brms, oorporstioaa and Individuals of Kscdolph and adjolnUif aoanties. Directors) J M Worth, W P H ood, P n Morris. 0 O MsAlieter, O J 0n, V- f K.J. tin, A M Eankin. W II Waius, Ilnb rarks. BnJ Moffltt, O B Cox. a W K 'rtyfl. Vt FEAjbary, Joaa-jhTstUa. W i eUaUaid. DIM fit D.v'Airil H. C. , tV.W" V H,' "II. i "i , . -jiWMln.-iOM L . if.! -ti.i . bti-..,.. 'x3uc: r' r.',jiieVfiW' V ' V . APPLES FOR EXPORT. Cntoiiraa rop n Fnllurc Tim IOn llh I. Ike n I rli Apl'le Tlio llox. All it,i- foreign eorri-spondenta ntsreo Hint tlie" itrple rop of K.nrope Is n fail ure thi jettr imd that there will he an Iminitiae demand for Aineriian niile In ioiHo,iieiiee, tuiys a lSostoit exporter in Aniei ienii I'ulliviitor. Stiielly fan,- fruit Khotild be wrap ped with while or manil.i papar. Many growers of full fruit have found It un profitable trylitK to marhat smli In years puft when parked in barrels, but with tlw swift passage of steamer umv and improved ventilation of the eompiirti.e-iiti and the fruit coinu In ii,,- st,ie ,.r paekajte i ndvoeate (a ease he! lii!.' jllst ill it half a lihrieli. it is perl .oily sure tor growers io lorwaru, and im our fall apples me ready to sldp at a time when utmost nil hinds of sninll fruit are very searae In liur, pe there Is nit enormous sale for tliain and always has been when landed In (.ood .i.ndiiion. My tidvh e to growers Is to eh,, their apple trees of tliefall varieties more ntienllon and cultivalo tl in, ns they will lind they w ill pay I ei'. r than winter trees. 1 '1 he Knuli-di like n erlsp npple. Pueh varieties as I'orter and Williams are. not worlli sending, but sueh ns tho Lniehoas, Alexander. tirnvensleln, , Wealthy and the I'auteuse (huow) arc j f really npprccittted. 1 n:n cetir.oeni ii:ai xue ioa win lo the uniiersal pnck.iRo for arb'ti and that the barrel Is doomed. It I" 3 ba.iiiiilMiis pi.i Tlifr.-" In nltogitli i r too li'.ueh fruit for one compartment. tj, am! niui h of the eoiiteiits or tne onrrei 'i I.. ,,. i ,,e ii, iv. i.-l.t ,,f that nhovei It. The liirrel it lolled and Ulelied I about, wh'Tiais the box has to be car ried or trucked. It Is too snail to be w alked on its er.ds and too I.n'iju to be thrown, rotikcqucntly It has more care ful haiidiinu tknn Ihe barnd. It looks as if It wero goini? to bo a profitable year for tliosa w ho linve ap ple", nhhotieh the crop Is not ns larce lu this i -oil nt ry ns last year; but. take it as a w hole, it will bo a fair one. Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of everr one hundred people who have heart trouble :an ramem&er when It was simple Indiges tion. It Is a scientific fact that all eases of r.eart disease, not organic, are not only Iraceabla to, but are the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and : t velis tne stomach, putting It up against the ; heart. This Interferes with the action of jlhe heart, and in the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. ; Mr. D. Kaubla, el NevtJi. O.. aiya: I had ttotr lach ; nubia an.) w In a b.l slate aa I had heart trouble , mm It. I t. Kivtal Djitepill Cure lor .bout lour Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves Ihe stomach of all nervous train and the heart ol ail pressure. BMtleaonly. ft. CO She holdlrt 2S tlmea the trial al.-e. which Mill lor SCc reparsd by C. O. DeWITT CO., OMIOAQO, 1 or sale bv W A l o I rwond Administrator's Notice. .l.l.7,.!e:i'l,'ar,.ill,..;r'r,,..v,r I-..US lial. l.r.l to ;dlt.lle 1 I l:HI. I . J'lllN Al l Ithll. t v I Am:., l'.iil ats-.(i. f-57 Cenaf . J e 1? v: ijrieAJ, for 1 ' 1 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, r'CKZTRS Af'O LEADERS If! THE TAUCIHO MACHINE ART " em mtmrmm arw tnmmlj-thrm oHImm Im t BaaWaaf Btrntmrn smssI gmmmma MO E. Haiti morw Strsnset, OXL.TIMOISE, MDw Of Moneu IY BUYING YOt'E DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHINf, GENTS FURNISHINGS, FURNITURE, &0., &0., of 'VV OOP A: M ( J Largest stock f ; trlcct from r.i'.tl prices that are euro to catch ILc.o seeking bargains. We've Got Jist Stacks c NEW GOODS of ovcry description and of tho vory latest styles and w'l. n you want a now dresa, now hat, new suit of clolhes, a new pair of rjhoes, or anything else t!:a,t is up to date, why just go to see Style Originator; roceries! V. ... hnvo a reputation for keeping the nicest freshest line cf Family Grocories to be folind anj where. Tiuit reputation must be retained, con quently we bay only the freshest and best. Sh o e s Our stock of shoos is full and complete nc we challenge comparison in 6tyle, finish 01 vear And we are "feat litters." Try us next time 1 1 i jj'h Grade Fertilizers Always Monis & Scarboro-Moffitt Co. roet, -clietcro. IT. C TAKE A LOOK At what ve offer ill Mens1, Vouths' uml Cliililmis' Clotliin,., Kiilnitniv of nil Kin, Is, Sin-le ntttl Do'uble Ilanioss, SaiUilJa, HIiiIIch, lilaiiketsiiiiii iiohes, Willow ami Hollow Ware of all kinds, Pmjrs ami Jrug Stimlnw, !rv (ioida Notions, Hard Wiireaiul 1-aniiinx lii.lenienls, fliin"::, (iluisaittl Tin Wine, the icl. lirnl. il II II Nlij.p, is ami Sl s for Ltt.lies, (ienla and Children, W I'ainU of nil hinds, Heavy uml Fatipv (iioi erieg. We will ; try ,ro,!tiri ell all tlie aliovc at lo of all kiiuls. Natomi BliYANT, Milliliter. X. T TAKE Chickens AND; PRODUCE L. M. O A U D I he iwy:. :e rro : -est I r T C" ;. x.V. 1J. 3ELL BE SURE TC 1 0 fe k rcriuar.entl for dreys cr : ' without i .. a .iiniuhtiits. their nature! co:- "' -y.- '.ctusc v i:reparea oy r:i r : .i.-.' .h'veian. r 2SE.-V'!WT" A 'Ju'1, ConBdentia. cerrcpor, .-we, r----tally CM m ftifrvav:-:-: c l: ?'7soeiitic association fleet. A PROCESS - ' rAltflKd MAOHINES OF ANY MAKE !i T3 ANYTHING IN THIS UNE EVER iiEFOEE MANUFACTURED aW PRICE BRAND MEW PROCESS BRAND NEW RECORDS Much AarsMs mml much mora durmbla (Asm may othaw wax record. Amk torn BLACK SUPER-HARDENED COLUMBIA HIGH-SPEED MOULDED RECORDS From Wax Records Ever Mado awl Bjr aareJsrai 1 Saved! INC , WOOD & MOKlNG. on Hand st I'iisli jirites or in cxdiimijo for conn- Falls Store Co. KAMU.KMAN, N. V YOUR nd Eggs OF ALL, KINDS TO market trices and in YOU GOODS RIGHT. HIM WHEN IN TOWN! '1 r otf Orun CZabits a h ia ta mm mm i Uutcntion from busiaers, leiv,u' no craving e restore the ncrvoua and chvs'cal avslema to remove the causes of disease. A home remedy , FREE TRIAL TREATMENT with ph.iciann, solicited. Write today. Itas Broadway, New Varfe City EMCH