FY it Tf J5he Courier. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. VFSTlltl'I.K I'ASSUNOKIi-N, tm arrive nt A.liil.n Himi Ala.r.1. rrlvmnt A-lM '.iniln Mi XH THAIS-IT for llluli Ptiliit ul S i i. in. No. ht llmh Point m 3. 1" p. in. No. l-lilli-avt A-liiMn i. Nn. Ill (nun If lull P.ilnt nrrlri':il A-lii'lmm Wn. in. Alielim fur lllilli IM I', m. Ilmli Point nrrln's Alii lir.i4.rm i. Local and Personal. Key A W Fljler spent Monday -iiere. Miss Sallie Henley wont to High Point last Fiiduy. ' Mr Will Rankin, of Greensboro, Vi here yesterday. "MwaMyrtie Si-arboro spent yes fcsrdity in High l'oint. MrW It McMiisloM, of Grays Cllajii'l, was in town Monday. Miss Etta Hlnir bus returned from ft rieit to Miss Mary Ferree in .. uidlciiiau. Mr II 1) Seurboio came down from High l'oint vesloulay ana went ov to Cedar Falls. Misses Lnnila ami .binie Welch, of " liiinii, visited at Mr W V Spelt c t' last Sunday. Mrs Martini Pago, who has been ifninr relatives here. went to deds Saturday. Kneineer M J lUiling of the Pine. rat Bpeeial has moved bis family m High Point lo Aiierucen. Mr. H. Mollitt bus moved from (fikliuville to Asbehoro and rding at Mr K. II. Moiris'. fr f! II Lucas and little son, of -all, passed through town Mon 'on Ins way to Thoinasville. ir li tj1 Hurrow, an overseer on of the state farms ut Pillery, in if ux county, is at borne lor a few i vacation. Dowcll liros. will have a load ;!ue mules and horses at their les on Depot st'eet next week, for -', nd cxi'hange. 'it give in f'tll the Methodist ference ap)iointments this week. i uro many changes in this ion of the state. HE Cm illicit leanis with regret he illness of dipt. W. S. Line f ut his home in Providence .ship near Millboro. h Asheboro Graded School has ger attendance than usual in almost every school subject in town has been unrolled. v, W. A. Hunch and others left Jy to attend the annual session '!) North Carolina conference of . P. Church at Winston-Salem. v. 8. W. Staley, formerly of Lib ihil county, but now located at ra, N. C.", was married Wed ;iyof this week to Miss Janie ireen Chapm. K T llinshaw, of IlinshawV , two mile ' ihwest of Handle ,, was in town ..mlity. Mr .fihaw thinks of moving to Asbe- btan early day. ' anksgiving services at the odist Church at clown o'clock imnksgivmgday. All churches id to worship w lib us. - J. P. UOlUiKHS, Pastor. Joe Koss, at the bank, will re i t'.i moiiev sulwi iUd for the i.l-ng of Mrs ikon's hoiis-e. As .-nit will begin next wiek, it is '. it that the payments be ti.irwcck. 1 ' account of "The Chicago Lady, timers" at the Academy Ttics ; UtNov. iMth. the Aberdeen .X ro Hallway Co., will run a ' i'ltin from Troy to Asheboro , ; for the round trip. j" Aomnn, of Star, was in town V, Mr. Annum is secretary surer of the Star Chair Stock vrysnd has also acquired a '.ffitoek in the Montgomery ;i.;is and will assume the i nt of the mill. ' Superintendent Way ut , t .'J meeting of State County .'t dents of Public Instruct : ti j annual meeting of the 7 liiary and Historical Aa--t. Italcigh hist week, and rograinme for an address ibraries". T. Wood went down to :; tj county Monday tnorn- m represents one of . Nothing houses in Halti : s. returned from i . Msful trip in this comity Mr. Woods clothing is wl Mr. Wood is all right r bants are pleased with th bis goods. t the home of the bride's O C Lewis, near Swiutmi, township, Mooro county, Wright, of Asheboro, K Biuly und Miss Dora 1-.. rock, of Thoinasville to nin, of JiewLiern, .ov, Gcion was visiling ut - Tho two drove wre married by (Rev J II of the Presbvteriau , Paid: vis, Chas Lewis, V Wil '. Welborn, J. F. Lewis. crop in this section ie tfge "parkeni" may be dule. x 1st there will te a the Pinehurst Special, vill leave High Point at nd return to High 1'oiut i the nisht of the snme train will arrive ut Ashe , m.; return going nrth To Our Correspondents. Flense geml the editor at your earliest convenience the name and post ollice address of some one in your neighboi hood w ho is now not taking The Courier. Langley Rc-caplurcd. (iibnore l.angley, who escaped from Asheboro jail live weeks ago. was recaptured bv IVputv Sheriff Hrewer w hile Langley was drunk on Saturday of last week. Langiey and Keharadora another prisoner inanaircd to get out of their cells, and went down stairs to the lower door. Deputy SherilT Newhv knocked Deharadora down and pre vented his eseupe. Langley ran by while Mr Now by was engaged with Deliaiadora. I loth are now in jail and the greatest euro is being taken to piovi nt their esc.ipe. lielurudora is in jail for riot on an exclusion train. Langley is charged with re sisting oilieers and other offenses. Country Fair, At Asheboro Residing Room Thursday night. Nov. 19 rilDnil.YMMK. 1. Potato liace. V'. finding the pig's eye. 3. freaks in Dime Museum. 4. Country Store. "). Candy Booth, tl. fortune Teller. 7. Egyptian (Jloo Club. 8. Hei'in Hag Contest. OflllTlll A'llllKi"ll HlCl'llK. We Will Help You to Keep Off Tress passers. Send ten cents to the Courier ollice and tho buumlariesof your lam and we will till up blank" trcspas: notices and post one at court housi door and send von the number bv law rciiuircd to be posted at other public places notil'ving trespassers to keep off vour lands. This propo sition is open until Novomlier 20th, as we cannot undertake to keep ill such a generous proposition. When you have paid your subserip :on if your name does not appear in tin; Conner under the head ot "Nil sci iptions paid," you may take it for grunted that your payment is not properly credited and we will thank vou if you will w rite us a line stat ing to whom und when payment was made. Last Call for Taxes. I will lent the following times and places on my second round for collection of taxes. Please meet me promptly. I'l.AIK. " TOWNSHIP. TIMI'. .hi..mi. An. I..m. . Moti. V". lltli. Hiil.m Killlii'S's. 1'iil ir l.MVi'. IH. . " J 'lli. l-iill.-l-.-l I rniily. lvl..l 111-. i.l.m chminu Pi Let us uiideistiiiid each other. The law grants me the privilege to cot the taxes tiy distraint alter l he liist of Nov. and it compells me ettle alter the lnt of January, therefore it is my duty to collect the taxes now 'and your duty to pay t hein. Please meet me at the fore going times and places and pay your taxes. This is the last round and taxes must be collected from ull w ithout lUlav. T. J. Fiscn, Sheiiff. This'ov. 14, 1903. Mt. Gilead Dots. While driving along the street near Prof Skoon's late Saturday evening. Mr. I H Avcoek's line .Won horse fell dead rolling in a ditch, turning the buggy over and throwing Mr Ayeock some dii-tance against a ante, nut fortunately nut hurting bini. Mt (iilead is fast becniuiiig one of the best cotton markets in the Pee Dee section. Cotton crops were short, but the good prices make the tinners smile a broad smile, some thing unknown in this section for some time. Mr Haxter Scafboro is all smiles. He has n girl at his house. Merchants have had nice signs put up. -Sewiiy s amn. nas cttuiui back & Sons deserve special notice as they have fancy window signs. Mr X W Newby is displaying one of the nicest stocks of goods in town and is doing a nourishing business and by his genial manners mid honest deal inil he is fast winning the trade and confidence of the people of this sec tion. Mr Li I' Hyrd s store is the busiest place in town. Keeping two bookkeepers and from 4 to li clerk; busy. Mrs J P Baldwin and two littl boys, Karl and Egbert, of liuinseiir. visited in this vicinity some days ago. Mr L L Hyrd s tannery, under the management of Mr J P Baldwin, of Kamseur, is turning out some tine leather and could find sales for many times the amout they can fnrrr isb. Mr Oliner Luther and sister are visiting near town. Mr Frank Tolhert took a pleasure trip to Kamseur last week. Mr C W Tuft und J L Hay ward are erecting two of the finest houses in town. We understand that there is a shuttle block mill going up in town. Mr Frank Henley, of Kandclnh connty, has moved bis family into town and is engaged in the saw mill bnsiness near town. Can yon tell whut has become of the Ramsenr correspondent? Haven't Randleman News. l!ev. and Mis Amos (Jregson, who have been nbsi nt for more than u year are now at 110111." for the w inter. Misses KpMe Woollen, Lulu Cur dell and Cornelia Hnwdcii visited friends ill Trimly Saturday and Sun day. M. ssrs S. r. v:itit and S. . New lin attended the Conference in High Point Saturday. Miss Annie K . Johnson spent Sun day in High Point with Miss Kthcl Di'n'ee. Mrs. ilenrgi." liiinsiickeriiiid child ren, who have been i.-iling relatives hern for several weeks left Monday for their home in West Virginia. Miss Nora Hughes, w ho is amend ing I'celeS lbl-lliess College ( li'eenslioro, spent Sunday here with her parents. Miss Marv ferree has as her guest this week, Miss May Wile, f Char lotle, Miss liviium, of liviiiini, inut Mi-s Ktta Blair, of Asheboro. The friend-Mif Mis. .1. A. Pickard will be glad to know she is recover iiiLrfi-oma very severe attack of Lngrippc. Miss Sallie Pleasants spent Satui- day with Miss Daisy Stuart I age. A number of Asheboro peopl were in our town Mutdav, anion them were: Miss Myrtio Searboro, Messrs. W. A. I'l'iderwood, Sam Tongue, Joe lioss, W. 1. Ariutiold C. A. Painplin, (iarland lilair am Will Collin. Key. L. T. Cordell, has been con lined to his home for the past lew days with a severe attack of Lroti chit is. Franklinville Items. Protracted meeting began at the Baptist church Sunday night. Tin son iocs wore opened by Lev .liinu Jordan who preached a very fon-iblo senium toa large coiiirregiition. Miss Martha Wedding, of Cedar falls, visited Prof and Mrs l M Woatherlv Sunday. Mr Hugh Parks, Jr. made a busi ness trip to (ireciisboio Saturday. Mr II A liussoll h it Monday for (iulf to attend the imirriage of his sifter, Miss Pauline, to l!ev Donald Mchcr. Miss liussoll is the charm nig ami ''accomplished daughlir of Mr and Mrs S Kusell, ot tiuil. and Mr Mclvcr is a )iroiuiiient minister of Monroe where we sup pose I hoy will make their future inline. We wish for the happy couple 11 long and pro.-pen his life. Drand Mrs T 1 fox spent the lirst of the week in Staley visiting roluliws. Miss Mary (hun, of Kanov, visit ed relatives in the city last week. Mrs Caroline Craven has just completed a novel ipiilt for one ot mil' young ladles which is composed of two I boii.-aiid live hundred and fourteen squares und is ready to make another with double the number if any body wauls it. As the bini law was out Sunday Mr W D Manor who is very fond ot roast birds and a ho would not think of breaking the Sabbath hunting birds, found some very line ones in 111 old building w hich he captured in order to have a iii.st .Vipiulay morning. Mr liciij Mollitt, who lias been asunr of the franklinville Mfg. Co. fur over .' years ami who ie- it I v retired from business left lutisdav for Asheboro where he will make his future home. Mi Mollitt was one of our oldest and ino.-t respected utuciis and wa ived bv I be cut ire coniiniiiiitv and e re j ret very much touiw" him up. but our lo.-.s will be Asbeboro's gain. Among the many industries of uir town Mr John Jones has orga nized a Junk establishment and will noli be ruulv to receive all old ropes. rubbers and shoe soles that can be btaincil w bieli w ill be shipped to the norlhei 11 markets as soon as piotations can bo obtained. Two of our popular young men Huong the ladies who have been making fiMplent trips to L'aiiisilil it night believe I hoy were very near le.itu's dour the other night. It i. reported that there is a panllur in a thicket near tin-road ami as they ie passing the thicket thev heaul the hideous sound of the wild beast which put them to lligbt and it is b. lievi-d that one of them out-run his new hat as he has been wearing a cap since, and the other one says that t he pantiicr could jump one hundred foot at a bound and appiar- I to bo as largo as a voung cow and they have about concluded lo stay at lioine until the wild beasts are ull aptiired. Why Not Items. In last week's issue a short sketch peaied in your paper concerning the situation of atTairs between the young people of Why Not. As this matter has raised enthusiasm the writer bein" present will endeavor to tate some of the faets regarding the matter. Some nights past, one ol our good neighbor funnels made a corn shucking. As it is very popu lar in this vicinity for the voting ladies to go to such gatherings, 11 number of the farier Sex was present and the presence of them demanded the presence ot two young men who used bicycles for conveyance. The young men came on good wheels, the young men of Why Not wore not plca.cd with the visitors and instead of tilling u rattle snake s skin with irrovvs and riving the war whoop, cut one of the bicycle tires with a knife for 15 inches. The light hearted lads mounted the wheels and road away for three miles on the in ner tube. As the day of miracles is passed the writer must aekuow le lge that old time is springing now und will recommend those bicycles to ull interested in riding. And inunsvv to the challenge the young men did not use 11 very rash way in return: but barely made it convenient to call and see ttie young ladies on the Sun day following-and explain matters, Much success is wished the lads. Among republicans just now there are more candidates for storekeepers and guagers and like than for gov jjam ertlj ernor an 1 t tier state otnees. Diir Western North Carolina Conference Ap poinlments. 'III.- Alitill.il C.illt.T. nf the. Mi'lhnill.t ( Iiiim h n( w i.tii N.irtli Cur.ilitm nl lt wlmi in lliah C.i.il uhi. h e..-. Mi.li.lu)' iiIkIU of ll.is IV. - I. Ill-l.l.' III!' f..lt..WIIIK HpfH.iotllK'ltts; AsllI'V'll.l.l: IUSI till T. II A linrker, Pnl.- ini! 1-M.r. Frank slier. .1 sm-,.1. A T Poll. VV l iiilrlillel'l. 11. A W l-lvl.T. I. .1 T P... IIT. , I. II Alii-riiutliy. .1 li l.llr-mi. A-hf 1 i. , II.. villi.. I VVCiii.ii.1k.II. ull, T It VV..II. ill. I.. ) ii..li.'ll. '.y..il ,-dvt't 1111.I K.mrtll, T ... Tiniiiv. .1 A II Fry Mr....t. I. A Full". A I! Mirnill. 1,. .1 V H.il.lw 111. . !i. Mi IIiim-.v. 1, M. li,.ls,.ii. . A f. VVil.'V. -, U II I11 tt It-. : ili..ii..l !: liHiratiMiu nil, K VV llru.ll. y. , M V . I.' M Pirk !! .1 (' M. eli. 1.. M A .-mill I. F Sliie.-V. M II II.. Mi.VNKI.IN PISTIIIl T. J K. Woosli.y, I'reM.llns i-k, T FJonlnn 1..11. T V. Will.'. ,iil..l I M.ir. I I, "I M-.....I' Murpl .1 c l'..-l,-ll.. .-. I I' Till... MlpplilHl. VV. I..I. r. VV II I. Mv.-r-. Wliioii r 1111. 1 :lK.n.li. ... .1 .1 K.lvur.l. laiKCNSIU 'III 1 lilSTKU T. J H srnk'R, i.lil.li 1.1 IT. litvi-li-l-.m, VVi-vl Market, S Tlirrt'lilllu". .in,- i!r.-.'ii-..r.. o.iiil. .1 .1 Wr VV.ihlllt si i,., i .ni.l While 1 'I1I..1IV Park llili S1I1...1I. ' 'u.'-'i.isvill.. Mnin sIkv W. nln..rlli. A s llape 1.1 Chapol, T V. VVngi. 1 ; 1 1 1 1 i t HI lianl'.-ii. 'I' ll.litllllili. ii-.-iiraii'l I raiiklinvill,.. C A VV.: a-l..r..slalii.ll. .1 P l(.i.lr". i. L.n.i 'ireiiil. .1 A Fry. I. o ri... VV II K an, i, ...... i, O llai.ly. 1.1..I1.I1. A sli.-rr.li. 1 lcmi...l,l -I1111L-1..11 Slnvt. VV M tlnijliy. . I, il V Kirl.v. ... II .VI lilair. h.u.iry l ul.l Soenlary, W I. ,11 1.T lll.M.III. M.HKiAN 'ON PISTHIIT, I U Wi-t, PlcsMillt- "il r-' I 'l.ilii.n. II lisli. rilll. MOHHANTOX clltcCIT.-W II Mull. '. !l si.rinc-. l oslully. laM.- Kin k. S M M.1.IH11. U:ll,..-ill.-. .1 .1 !r.. l-ik Park, VV A N. ll. I l li U IT...III. Noitli i'.il.il.:i. K V llryaiit. Marmii. VV II W illi-. M.'i.. .1 rireinl. . V. P.rl.T. ell.. .1 l Arn.iM. 110.. lt. i':.r..l.--n. N K Iticlianl-i 'iill-i...,.l l( :il .1 T Krw M l . AIUV IMS Hill T.-.l A k lirrsltluiR 1.1. Ml. Airi Ml. Airy lallo l:... k 1-..M. .1 I' l.niii.m-.. I'M..! MMiintaiii. .1 M H.. lan.l. l..k,-. II F llar. ll. ,111... .,.vtn..urTayl.r. II I ik!,- r.-.i -Vl.lslll'P.V PISTHIIT, i It Ih'tH il.lrr, j.n lour rl.l-r. ali-l.un I'll-! I 'hi ii 1 i.. W II Wari' VV VV llnys s.ll.l.iiiv Mam str. ! I 'iiur.'ll. W V Se.-.l. K.im sah I..I.V a:..l l alM.r, li li llanvll. mi . vv v liiiiiuv.'im. , I F K11--I.U..I. 1 li s ni.L-.'ett. I..-MIUI..II. I X llll-ji'.N NVw I I. li. .1 N M. inl..-h. i.el.l 11.11 .1 .1 K.i.l.s. SIIFI.I'.Y Plsl lill I . - 11 I, Alkin.. pn-si.lliig Hell.. I. .1 F Al l.i-I II !".. I. VV p Nl, l".,lli 111.-. I VV Tie . I! M l ". mrl in" .11:1. II K Mil-. , k. I: VV P..IK It t-uifi-t-itv. I. I VHmi. I... k S.rin-j. II A Y-.rk. -I VI 1SVII.I.K PlsTI!HT.-J HVVV Iiiim i l.l.T. -l il.-nll,', Fir-1 Cliiilrli. II K H.)V.-r -i.e. SMli.-, vv. -i I-:-. I .1 M Imuimiii -i.i;.- ill.- l ii. int. 1. T s'.t.I. 11.. Vl, ::n,l, rl'.i. 'iil. F ii IV... -I..I.. V P..II.I I ir.-iiil. II F Fim-lK'. e.nii"li c.reiiil. H s II..BI... S. IM.illCir.Mill. VV F VV l,le. Mai liill'ir.iiil. VV si lu-rrv. Ir.-I. il l li.-i.il. .1 VV IImui ian. 111. k.. .V si, Hi. .11. Park, r llolmi'S. , I" I. I. i, I llh...hi-- II' II 1" F I" i .r.-. n a ..ii. IM II.. li v cillalinn. i 1 11 II ( ....inn. nl. II A V..ik. ml. II II P. mi ,.i. A .1 llurr.i. . M II V.-lal. Mil.- Million. I K All, A II li,.t.-.,li.n.. . W A l liMina-. mi. VV F FIU..U. ... .1 A .1 Fm rniuum. r spriiiL--. .1 II Urinkl,-i'r...-k. V r.ir., ll. S.,1,.1.111 SpriMi; Mill- II . , VV K. ini.-.lv. V limke. la. .1 ( lli.. .l. Hi. ,11. (' I" M...r... winsToS Plsllill I I. VV I Hale, li.'l.l. .1 I' K.rkn. !. P I Paiker. . VV M H..l.l.!!i. .Ian. II A Alklll". The News and Observer, of Hal igh. says: 'Lying, living in udultry and Iriinkeniuss do not seem to prevent I lie proving a good character m nu ts, slate ami fedetal, in .North Carolina. Jud.giag from recent court events Wake we would say that thculmvc svrtion of the News and Observer is correct as to that county. Wil mington Messenger. rA Name. From d re nal .id nerco I testify th t Dowiife Little Erly Ktsu a an- niuq.i .M.-d n a iiviTldil. I !' are ri;diily nam A because ibey ive rm gtu uii'i energy ana aomcir v on. wub e..se. W. T hatoD, Hoerne, I'rx I lio is Hi-Ill oi people are ualnR lhe ii-iy litt!,. pit In prelerence to ll men. Dec.inse in.y are -o lue biii an.l f ile, tuftl They cure biliuuar.e s, t r lit liver, lauiiniee, tick nPad.n ei st.Mit.ou. ore. I hey do nut P iip and wea en, bat :1" anse and roni;1 h en S I I by W. A. Underwocl and the Star dad Drug Co. For a Bui Cold. IE vo.i li ve a Hi I cold yo.i nred goot ri'.n!.o m .iiclue like i mmner- iim'a C..U4U Remedy to loosen nd r. in.Um,a..i..n orthe thro.t end 1,., g.. For " l ly ti e Stan !ard Drug Cj. nd W. A. I'n'derwood. Cray's Chapel Items. Mr Marion Trogdon has gone to High Point to work in a machine simp. Mr Isaac lioiith our efficient mill- wrig.it, is in lower Handolph repair ing a mill. (ins Hiih, of Winston, gave a s'i.h' of haul cn'o t imnent at the ' academy one night last week. I Pub Pugli, the hawk catcher, is 1 doing a good business in that lino. j Miss Isabel le Curtis, aged sixty two years, died of dropsy at the I home of her nephew, Henry frazier, i.iine on the 12th infit. Mrs Muiphy Simtli died ot dropsy on the Gill ins't. lb r remains were interred at Cool Spring. ITrinity Items. Mr Alley McClamb left for his homo at ltiiseboro, . ('., Monday after spending a few days here with his biothor, Mr (ion Mc'clarnb. The Trinity High School second football loam defeuted the High Point second team on the grounds hero last Friday to the tune of 7 toO. Misses Nealie liovvden, Kpsie Wol leii and Lulu Cordell, of ltaudleiiian, returned home Monday after a short visit, to friends hero. The minstrel given Friday Nov. 13th was a pronounced success and was heartily enjoyed by nil present. Mrs Irene Craven and Miss Kate Craven loft Monday for Durham to spend the winter. The Post ollice here has been moved from its location in tin southern part of town to one of tin rooms adjoining 1' M Hnllance'i store. Mr C W Dunlap. of Oak liidgi Institute, spent a day or two hen last week with his cousin. Miss lies sie Dunlap. The bird law is now nut, and the crack of the hunter's mm can bo hoard on all sides. Kcv J W Hoggins filled tho pill nit here Sunday morning in the ab sence of l!ev Albert Sherrill. liev (i K Kaves pleached at fair- view church on Sunday evening. Mr John Elder returned to Oak Ridge. Institute Monday morning after spending a few days at home with his parents. Large crowds from this place have been attending tho conforenc at High Point. Mr J A Carpenter Ii.iS moved hi family into the house known" as tin (iibso'n place on Main St., which he lias piticliascd. .Mr v arpeiiier.vnim self, will not arrive in Trinity until Christinas. Pi of (ins Hich, the famous magi ciau and sleight-of-hand performer gave an exhibition m the old collegi chapel on Wednesday night. Jt is with much pleasure that wi iniioiince that Hev Albei t Sherrill has been given one more year as our istor bv the Western -North Caio- Una Conference. Hev C Heaviness was also returned to Hie work of the Western Handolph Circuit. Mrs Scarborough, of Creeiisboro, visited her son here last week. Mrs H M Ci'ir, of (iriinslioro, also visited relatives here. NEW THINGS IN CLOTHING! These cuts represent sonic of the now things that we are now opening up direct from the manufacturers. Call in and see the latest and best in men's wearables, THE MERI TT-JOH N50N CO. 308 S. Kim St. (iivensboro, IS. C. ATTENTION! L ve-s of Oood Music Nov. 24 At the Academy. go lady entertainers Al l. ARTIST5. Solos, duets. Trios, (luartets, hu- morons mid dramatic reading. An entertainment of highest char 8 "tor. appealing only lo the better nature, cultured and refined. Highest leeon.niendutions, Hppn ed bv pulpit and press. Kiijoyinent for ul!, disappointment for -on'-. 1'nder the auspices of the school board. Keniember tho date, Nov. 24. None better ever came to Ashboro. RAY EDMONDSON, BARBER, Opposite Standard Drug Co. AsliF.nono, X. C. JOB rWXTIXG. Job printing is a specialty with us. Vi e print even t lung you want oy eicaui jiowrr ctti' or wn"d your work to The COURIER Job office. MM "Ul ?"l:.;;'i: Letter to W. J, Armfield, Asheboro. Jioari-ir: Mr had two Lou ? pillUted t U"'lli: I nine: tho i th r i"., Delhi, II Y, Ii' alike, aid !U)e I.mI-oikI-niid . t c. II- pq. il s in.e prion I - 1.. paint Ho ns. rl h x ! ! ii. of I .d-und zinc. 12 enllo La-v. . . "-il-z'ne II' p i I $P- I i . ..in;- lead- nii zine, f.l ; for picniin h-.rytpq nnd-zlne. The to i;i oust "f Hi" Ie id-und-zinc job ' n ( '1; p e tot :1 coat of the barvti'S "ii' - iiif j i'i n f'i-1 ii-" diili.'t I niivv hit was l-uyini? baryies; tic do.i it t.'ld h tn th -t paint wits nn po d ft IV viie. A fair pxrmp'o i f lio , it jjennrally ronifs ut, vvli.ii v a bu "n.imeihini; ju-it as ko.i1." Ii : ergo bv the name: the name; und the i.n" e in Devne. Vonr-i truly FV IJI.VOK& O N w York. MeGri:7 V, ' 'Ing Co. Bt P nur paint- Tei Thov.t.iid hurches. in the l"i.it'"l St:;.. have used the Longman A Mari'i-ez ''are l'ainls. Kverv (,'huri ' bo given a liberal iiiiuulilv v, h. i.evi-r they liaint. Hoii'l pav l.-lo a gallon for lin seed oil, w hich vou do when yon buy it in a scald can with a paint label on It. S ei ! I I. therefore when you want foui teen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. & M. and mix sis gallons of pine linseed oil with it. It will make fourteen gallons of paint. It's done easily. It makes the paint cost you only anon! .IX'J a gallon. Vou probably won't need more than ten or twelve gallons ot it, u. cause t ho I.. x .M. I, nut covers so much more surface than other paints. Sales have been tens of millions of gallons; nearly two million houses viintod under guarantee to repaint not sahsrh-toi'v. Pampl--sf.ee. Sold by our Agents. The I'lollndy-Pool ii.hv. Co. Ashe boro; The l!::tiilloiii,in Store Co., Iv'aiidieiii.'iii. Business Notices' KOlt SALI'. .'i.i iht.'S or more lino pine, oak and poplar saw mill timber situated live miles southwest of Asheboro on I'm liarrie road. Ad dress for particulars. A C Me-AlisU-r, Agent, Asheboro, N. C. WANTED 1,1 viisrit Thams at Klise, N. C. 0'i 1 liirhani and ( bar lotto 1!. 1J, (i'oo.I price, l'ry lumber, short haul. Apply to Asi!i:i:n!tii' j.t Miii:i: M'l-'u Co. Asheboro, N. C. NOT I ck: , the Tun 1 I will !; in Hooks, for the pi n at niv store, s for 1!mi:i are 1 V, -..nest ali '.e ;.:nl pay theii . IV Spiion, I ,. Collector. town of Ash. !,, and as the low i now due i 1 . come forward :, taxes. Oct, Tth !'.'(;!. NEW STORE Oel Si. A -it r.iiiiiio, K. c. Heavii and Fancy Groceries. Buy and soil Chickens and Eyos and all kinds of Country Produce. T. E. LASSITER & CO. Heat Market, ALSO Groceries and Produce. All kinds ol" Meats and Country Produce bought and sold. Spoon & Webster. Depot Si. AtllKUOltO, N. C dFALL GOODSr Are arriving at the Millinery Store. We are now receiving now FALL and WINTER GOODS. We try to please all in quality and prices. A nice line ot Stylisn, Keady-to-Wear Hats expected this week. Come and see for your self. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. Three Times the Value of Any Other! One-Third Easier. One-Third Faster Agents wanted in ail nnoccupiet" territory, Wheeler & Wilson Mnfff. Co ATLANTA, OA. For sale by M0FF1IT & CC Asheboro, N. C. A LINE OF Hardware That cannot fail to'please the most practical person is to be found at our Store. The PRICE and GRADE OP GOODS have pleased and will continue to please all those who wish THE BEST HARDWARE at the LEAST PRICE. Give us a Trial and we will convince of the Truth of this Statement. : : : : : McCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO., ASHEBORO, N. C. Fair and Square Dealings makeTast Friends. Watch this spacei'next week for Money Savino- Bargains. Hsxyes' N. Y. Racket Store, Randleman, N. C. Did You Know That we had reduced the price on a lot of dress goods fic heavy Mack to f0c. (Ac heavy black to 4c. c gray "to 40. iUc sre'en to 20c. lHcihrown to 12 l-2c. Ik llanelettes lie. 10c " 8c. Ic suiliiiif 12c. c black and white morehair 40c. And we will give you bargains in a large! lot of shoes. We are loaded, with '-bargains for' you," just come and see. Yours for business. I'liono ii. RIDGE, FOX & COMPANY. C J COX. President. " J E POOL. Hollady-Pool CORNER. DEPOT STREET. ASH K H O li O. .. C. New Store ! We have iust opened up selected stocks of Hardware, tion, Reapers, Binders, Mowers, ing implements, Jtmnder s suppiees, wagons, miggies, ttar ness, Paints, Oils, Wooden-ware, Tin-ware, Stoves, Heaters Nails, etc., etc., ever displayed in the county. Our line is COMPLETE. ers and saw mill men and we think we know just what every class of the trade needs and have bought accordingly. Our salesmen will always show goods and make to one and all the lowest possible price without any dickering. Don't fail to see us before you buy anything in our line. Very truly yours, Hollady-Pool Hardware Company. TAKE Chickens end Eggs AND PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TO Li. M. CAUDLE, lUXDLlIAX. X. C. HE PAYS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES AND IN RETURN WILL SELL YOU GOODS RIGHT. BE SURE TO SEE HIM WHEN IN TOWN ! Of Moneu Saved! BV BVY1NC YOVR DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHINGS, FURNITURE, &C, &C, of WOOD M O Largest stock to select from and prices that are sure to catch those seeking bargains. We've Got Jvist Stacks of every description and of the very latest styles and when you want a new dress, new hat, new suit of clothes, a new pairof 'shoes, or anything else that is upto date, why just go to see Style Originators. AVarid Assortment At Lowest Prices. Mi -a I, Sheet iron, RiiMhth. IVil sirin, Mutrhes, Paints, Cook inj; Stows, Corsets, Siitrnr, Iog irons, Saddles, Toilet Soapj, Nail?. Sixlu, Clotliintr, Furtilizors, Cross Cut Saws, Molasses, Shot :uns. Cheese. Hois" hiuI Mule Shoes, Cakes, Axle Grecsc, Neck 'l ies, Salt, Hour, Oil, Preserves, Iieds, Kazors, Candy, Toeket Knives, Harness, Fuciiutorg, Shoe tacks, Quinine, Ribbons, Iret Iv Hoods, Lard, Cuttle Powder, Shoes, Meal, Pad Locks, Tooth Picks, Witch Hazel, Lounges, Harrow teeth, Solphor, Saddle Blankets, Coloniel Flower Pots, Quilts, Shoe Polish, Mackin toshes, Tire Iron, Rublier Roots, Axes, Honey, Window-glasses, Chairs, Kid Gloves, Augers, Salmon, Hamc Strings. Kockcrs, Pills, White Lead, Flannels, Axe Handles, Elastic, Glass Cntters, Andirons, Oil, F'lour. lied Luck Tobacco, Trace Chains, Cigiirs, Molasses, Gate's Snuff, &c, &c, too numerous to mention. Nozomi Falls Soro Co. W. T. BEY ANT, Manager. ViccPres. D M II0I.LADV, Mangr. T5he s Hardware Co. New Goods ! one of the largest and best Cutlery, Plows of every descrip Rakes, and all kinds of farm Our firm is composed of farm be found ready and willing to YOUR R I XG, of NEW GOODS WOOD & MORING. RANDLEMAN, M, C Aeara irom mm or some wine. o.