I 4 lull J Issued Weekly. VOL XXVIII. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASI!EBORo7n. C., THURSDAY NOV KYI HER 26, IV-H. $1.00 Per Year 22. S. Bryant, Presi-Kid Baciik of Puvuaiera Randlemun N C Ca al paid in, Protection to depositors, C20.CC0 40.000 1ii:ktoi:-.: S. J. X'ew! Bulla, W. '1. Bryant. C. 1 N. X. Ncwlin, J. 11. Cob, ? II O Barker and VV K Halt BRITTAIN (l!i!iC5 : AlTORMVS-.vr TAW, Asheboro, - North (Jpruliii JpHACTH'K in Hi, Oilirts. l'ri,ln,t ml,- HAMMER & SPLfCSZ, Attorneys - at - E. MOFFi'i Y, Attorney - at - Low, ASHEBORO, N. C. PKACTICK i t-iv. ii i om. c ll.url O.L. ZMV, i Attoriiey-ii-J Corpor&U. j, Co !.. -.. bttt Li. ' - tlicsdo-i In 0. B. Cox. President. W. 3. Aroi&elJ. Vici-I'ic-iiir W.J. Armfleld. Jr., C!o.. 1. II Of , Asheboro. H. CAPITAL i- We T now I rti-nrcd to banking burner,:-; and v 1 aeeonnta ol firnm, corpu.. individuals of Randolph aoantiet. Directors ; J M Worth, W T JVr f 0 0 MoAlistrr, C J (' i, ding, A M Rankin. V li "V : Parks. Ben Mofiit. O !. '. Dr F E Aabarj, J ... W JArnSelA. 53 nv.1 m 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE rfrto Copv. ijiit .e. (iilridf rerti.ii ciyr i; ltn at TlCl ly ciiitldpnt l:.l, tprruilnutUXj without .:it-cc in li.o Scientific jftnericaR. A hniomflT !llntn,l" I wMr. I wrwl rlp nilallun of nr .-iciilllli- )..-.irnl 'I . -rn... . a tpwt fmir niontlia. L lioiabytt.l rim.-..lr:iii.-;. Brmscta Ollli'tt. 125 F fcU Wantiluutuu. 1). C. ' V ft ' L SOWING. A i .inli-Tiert) whoiU- :sd Fir:i! Sesds - f-.- -Vocit'B iNew a . ii lis till about nt I.ottucc, C.-ti- ' - tiblo crc; ? -1 ;.:oUl::bleto . . . Also about , Clover, Vetches, -:.-S2S 3 J Covers, J.! Oafs, Vhat, Barley, tie. ft "..- Falltatali mailed . :-..iiiCt. Wr le for it. CAPUDIWE curias jB ALL HEADACHES !lreerep,irinu 1 HowloHwillvTO n VtrM an.! I HMU 11 I ; na l!. ill .': Co ,'.i(i:;n:j. " I III!. T i i - ..f leading le r..-i,L high-ill- republican all i g w H li I lie - ill' I '.mania, am! hr -...called I-.--nii;, are in I hi' ,r.i is of 1 Ik- f: iei h:.t doll I i:l:d jilM liother .-I. 'l::,t ihe I' 1,1 lends i.l' tin ;!) ii.cica.-.-,.!, .,!' tin :n w !:, 11 a :-a" IiliiIV,' iv-.'-'enido and nun. I, pa.-t pre ith Hi.- re- ion it Win n .r 'iv lie ..I .!a a:: l j-. ui- i. mil r.i,; ,'ir,jn- hi'- ilililV v sine man ,:;,! I f '.!: :, in I il l.-.l Sl.il.-s i r, ! wiiii i.-, r.iiTi-K ;. .,t '..'r i la i i , r who r.-pub- . i. -. . gni.-.- I- I'll,' Of I I-.' !,- .I.-.-I..1--.-.-, ntcd the will - f ;: p ..pie of : what of i -..lonibia. .- p ii'i nt .-tale? Il had cpciiiiioii to suppre : h a- C. neral Scotl ai I. -.-ti.il in 1 m! I . under -.m, bus ..'ir l'r- .-id' iit k side- with I he .-vces-:naiua :!:.! order. .1 our lo r, -i-t the Ian, ling of t nut by the republic ..f th,-, ..CI'Htl-UI of its COII- .till ti ll to I i Major And.'! f lb.- li IV tl iiii.nta:ii tin .'linn repub-ik'- ihiul.iiig w.ll-ivgulat- , CO! form:i , i- and i' ua- with every recogni.cd principle of rightful American con ilii.il' V-tiampl.d oil the weak, .lu lu-. ! -e.-.-i.,u I.i bi-righll'ul. and promoted il- Micei.-.-. Is i' not a -iiiinu-l ::l pi.-udi' ill our national hi.-tory'r 'io ..!: mi docs .li.-grace and difhuiioi aliaili-' Let tin.' peo ple au.-w.r the .piestion. The whole luilk in the cocoa n lit of Ibi- ili-giMi'i'ful pr.ic"idiiigc:;iue out to-day wh. n it was aniioun. ed ill the Xiw York pl. -s that 1 ho linn of .1. l ieipont Morg in i Co. had been made tin- ti-. al agents of the Hew re public of I'ai.auia in this country. That in, ai.- i i in t this firm of ';Cap lains of lii,,.ici " will finance the now republic ami g. t the rake-off. That ai-eoiiiil- for lii fact that the New York Nun. which has been hitherto biiterlv u:it.i'o!iitie to i ,t, lias come ol.l il! irs- th. action ..f the uilmiui-traiioii ::i gui ruling ami robbing the repuh- ..c ot t .iiomiiia. 1 hat pap.-r h ow m d ami coiil rolled bv Mr. Mni .an. It al.-.i .-hows that all the talk .ib !.! Wall Nrcvt and the Morg: in. ii -ts I ling oiipo-. d to Itooscv. will no b'Mg. r go ilow n th" throat. of u hi tin rlo over iTidiiloiis public. Jhivareiil! togetlicr ic.w iu- one l.ai-i'V b;,n,l of c. :,i:,iei-oj,il fie, biHit- e. ;.nd Hash! l a .eiks, and it i -;i!gii!:ii'ly iiiifoi .uiiiit'- that Senator (banian's b'.i.b-r.-liip in th - Senate ha, fail, d num. !,!. Iv to g,-t the d. ui.K'i': M in that boiiv to l.lu-.-al, -..liit, Iv lo h.ive a:i thing lo do with 1 1.- i la b.iiiite republic :inil : air, !i,al , that inav conic b.- lo:v it f.'r rati!lc.i!ion. The mail who uii.s in tile Senate to ratify treaty wiili thia liiKWivi'lt-uiudi; re-1 himself con frniiti-il . (if endorsing a tl is-' honorable net inn. It i--generally conceded Unit the democrats must carry tin.1 slates !' New Vurk llllil New Jcl'ScV ill the !lii l pivsiili-ntl.il tlei lion ill iinlei- to un. ( iiiR-eilini; that those two r . . . states are absolutely ntr ilelll.K-liitli' Sliei'ess next Veal', it lllav lie interesting fur tlie (leiuoerats of the country to know tlie kind of di'inneraev that ni'ist conlrol in the stale of New .leisey lic.t year if we would win that state. A7i illustration drawn from the lu.-! ('oiiL'ivs.-ioiial election in that -late la-it vear will sillliee Il Hi'-iii this iiiforination. In one of l!ie ('oii''iessioiial districts that was democratic, I he democrats nominated a man named 1), lit Llinlon i'liina- iran. a man of wealth, ivliiicment, collate and social distinction, lie ri ini si'iiteil onlv those thiii''a that ii'ni!ilicans like and of which they are not nfranl. Ho was indorsed hy (.'rover Clivland, who lives in his disliii'l, mid who made a speech for linn. I In- lirsl he had made since his retirement from the prisidency. Xoluilh.-tandinu' all this and tlie furl her fact that Mr. Flanagan spent lame sums of nionev, he was defeat ed.' (hi the other hand, in another di-lricl that was normally republi can hy ahoiit 4,(HM iiiujority, and in tthich the rejiiihlicans nominated the millionaire thread iiiaiiiitactiirer, I'arliour, and inwhich the democrat -ic nomination went licyin, the ilemucrals won a splendid victory. After the nomination in this district had he n declined by ;i number of deiiiociats, a yoiinj; democrat named William Hughes, a lawyer without iniinev. Imt wi n c naracter ami brains and real democracy, accepted , the nomination as a matter of parly honor, lie announced from the be ''iiiniii'r of the ciimiiaii'ii that he ha I no money wit h tliich to buy vote.-, and .-aid'thar he did not waul a vol i.' thai had to be purchased, lie al-o -aid that if lie were elected it hoii'. I mean a real dciuoerati,; tri umph and a slap in the face of monopoly ami triinl domination ami tin-i ill..-of tin-predatory rich, lie roundly denounced all llio.-e things I'r.'iu .-i.trt to liuudi of t he caiiiiiain, and the r, mil w:n that he was el. did by the holiest men of t he di.-lrict liy 't.lMMi majority, a change of s.iiihi 'o.'.s in the district. l'lml alum hi 1,-iich the democrats of the loiintiy that if they hope to carry the .-late of Xe .Jersey ill the ncvl pr.-.-identiiil cleclion they must nomiiia'.e a man for piesidenl who -bin. I- for the tilings and the kind of democracy thai '"Hilly" Hughes -Minis tor or tiu v mtiv asweii nan, ih ir harp on a willow tree. A look ". r ihe li. ld of lii."i mentioned for lii - nomination on the dcinociatic ticket j ill discover to the iicille ob- -erv. i ol the times the man who lills I In- bill. UHAS. A. KUWAIIHS. OLrt Rl.eiGH LtTTIiR. I.' .liigh, X. ('. Nov. -.'I. I'.Hi:!. Within a year from this date a a . ... i iior of North Carolina, and nr Slate executive and judi.'ial and legislative ollicers and couutv oili.iaU will he elected. Most of th.-e will be nominated by their re spective conventions within seven or eight months and yet no one can :u email ly or conlideiitly predict who i veil the next governor will be, lo say nothing of the "smaller fry". Si.-iidmaii, Turner. Poiigliton, (ih-Hii ii. d 1 1. n id-. hi. All of these gentleman are law is lan I good ones) and ihe only gentleman imt a lawver whom 1 have heard urioiislv liieiitioned in con nection with the gnbernatoiial iiom- atiou of (he Deinocratic party is Col. I.. Hanks Holt, the prominent tton lii.inufacliii-fr of Alamance eoiintv. rieseiit indications point lo lie of the closest con tests of liiauy vcars, ami so lar It seems to he "nip and tuck" bet ween the three leading ispiiiints. I he coining year promises to be me of the most interesting, politi cally, and the I'lesideiit ial and con gressional contests will lie unusually exciting. .Many of the leading Republican papers seem to stand hi mortal leal of the nomination of Senator (ior- 111:111. mid are trviug to discourage it all thev can. They know that as a president i ll candidate Senator Gor man would command the conlldeuci' of That mighty force in every elect ion iqi North, the "businesH inter- Is of the country. Governor Avcock, Senator Sim mons and most of our Congressmen are pronounced Gorman men, while Senator Overman and the others are ' frieiidlv'' to his nomination. During the agitation of the liipior ii'iestnui in Xorth Carolina, this vear elections have been held in it towns. IS of which Voted for prohibition or dispensary and against the open sa loon and 8 voted to lemaiii "wet." At one place tlie election has not yet been held. Ihirliam is the largest town to ad ipt prohibition since lial eigll tried it some l.'j years ago, and much int. rest is felt in the result of the trial there. There will be two dispeii-aiies ok'iHd ill Ilaleigh six weeks h. nce one fol the "upper crust'' of "s a ss i e t y" and the oilier for "po w lute to ks and niggers, for, be it known, the municipal liipior disjieiisiaries w ill sill cheap 'pin. -top" ami "Jersey lightning" as Ueaillv pi'i-niious as soiic ot that dealt out at tin; low groggeries and it will probablr succeed in killing just a. large a proportion of the poor U.-viIs w ho drink it because the y haven t the juice of the boiler good . Llewsam. jiul'li.' will Tin i'.ii ill.' char: Ca I l)i?coiiras.- 0l!'., l-.Vel'V person shoul.! a-'- hi.us.-lf am I an ciicoiiraer, or a ii-c' mr,i'i -r Do I pass aloii "on tin1 olhur shb of those who are wounded .-very ihn like the I'lie.-t, and l.i iil'-, leavin them to their nii-fortuiii.:, , In n I niiht have compa-ioii'r Am I KtiillV of thinking that I can't help liny hotly, Unit w hat I -ay d amount to anytime.', lhat p.op Hot look to me for i iicoiir,i'4''lneiil.' Ami while I have been tliiiikin' so. persons have pa.-.-ed me, l.c-ilaied. and "ono on, still hungry for tlie word or smile of cm oiiiiivcineiit . would not ffivc them'' Am I no! huiiirry for the . ry tiling I nf s scantily to otln-r.-'r What, i'h s en coiira'eineiit mean'' ilv.rv person can answer that iiie.:tio,i by askiuu another. What does il mean In lie I' It means resl for weary li'nbi, ami fuel to the Hickerin' lire of iimbil un. 'I'licii, since to try to clmr and in spirit those about us is merciful, w hy he so close-listed ill dealing .ml whal sts r.s so littler llr.uli III, all'' Indeed it seems a greal man;, peo ple take pleasure in dealing oat mil dew instead of sunshine. What gain call come to one who disheartens others. He is not looking for gain. He is gratifying an iuwaid hateful desire, and this carries damnation lo his own soul, leaving hi-: victim scathed to the heart. We all have something w ith w hich we can Ileal our depressed neighbor, or with which we can crush ihe nlr, aiiv blccding heart, as wc clems,.. Mauv of us do not use this weapon, ei'.in-r fumr against our fellow men. We simply lay it away out of sight and let it rust. We consider ii a u-.-l -.---iiislruiuent, one in do not 1 are to w ield because it is so eonum And also because there is a lit lb- blade glittering d' ce)il ion souieiiui.'S u by people who wi-h to so in than what lln-y are, and so we are fraid somebody will think we are sincere if we try t 11-e Ih ' 1. e.lioll. l,'on-.eipli III h We !e! i: lie. while the foes that su'reni ir friends and all p.-r.-on- w in- a rev i.ious.aiii! "i lieiruaine 1 . l.-gi 1 1 1 - a lliinst with this powi! eapoii encouragement ;lli 1 oomy foes would b- I'o iii-l. I never 1I0 we raise it to smile in a::. if we should .-top in think h 1 1 1 1 1 '. -1 1 we depend Upon the -lin.i, cll.-et of the reliiail.- o ..;ir friends, we should siir. lv say ivh i!-: ver good that eoiild be I n; t ill :i ! , 1 j ii.l about every one. u ii: ; a i ii.!..-i-, ' It is to one s iiillliilioii. at-!' r ha; lag ' lit time and patience p.-: f, ,i ; ' any aeliieieiueiit, plaviug the nii:; ,; for instance, lo haw a person c.imi .- 1 and li.-leii to 1 he perf.iiiii 1:11 1 1 and w hen il is hut, turn to i,,:i w ii h i 1 these words, How Well Mi il is that pice! IMd von , , r heriUh! I never heard air.t liki i! She plavs he a 11 t i I'll 1 hat's a lovelv piece, Wo'll oll allot her!'" One feels like -i Go and get Mi-s H M p!a von, then, I w :sh to plav o ilv f..r those w ho can en joy w hat I pared for tie 111, through ache weal ine.-s and Par-, And them lo hae sen-.' enough t while they are in my pi-, ,1 -, they enjoy it. No doubt Me lius never heard the coiiipli'ii, .. dace upon her playing fo; ler presence. 110 doubt, v, wh.ir i-i a .:..:-..! mine other girl lo Ih,. ski. -. V by tint Use just 1 olnpillll. Ills uholVtil '. due. and not behind I lie on .. 1- back to dampen the courage ol .- i,iie other worthy pel son. to we hot refuse lo give what we ook for; and want mi much 1:1 ither-' )o we not folg. t In gin prai.-e where 11 is line, not tliiiikiug liow iniii h it is longed for, not cu ing to iindet'.-laiid what disappo.nl luelit lies back of the smiling fac. turned to us in oin-st of its reiiardr God help us to see evi iy opp u t iiiity of giving encouragement to p npl, , so that we iu turn may righlfiillv xpeet to be inspired bv others. There is always something good that can be said aboul every p tsuii. 'Though there :nay be much ihal is bad, vet there is something go.i-1. if mlv our eves were the eve- of a brother or a sister, ami tr,.in, d 'o pick out the lloweis instead of the weeds. It is strange liow s mi., peo ple can only s.e the mi-t.ikis and faults of others. I know a man w Im goes around with u special!;, arrang- I eve-glass, so to speak, and w In 11- ever he meets 11 pelsi.n he put- thai glass to his eye. J hroiigh it only the faults of people show, it llui all the good ami puts ii in tlie back ground. Hy the aid of this gl.i-s t his man s. iects the faulls of nery person he sees, gatheis lliein up an,! carries tli.ni arouniT with him. lb has been at this business until Ic li , such a burden of everybody's old and decaying faulls tha' il is nnple i-aut to be near him. The mental odor is something terrible, l'nor man! I! he only had sense enotigh to drop tin corrupt inas he is trying to carry, and !oad himself down Willi lloweis. how sw.vt would lie the air around hiui. 1 have Sokeii to him abuui the matter. His defense is : that if we overhsik the faults of others we are excusing sin, and a christian must not excuse sin. In- must con demn it. And you cannot make thi liiuii understand that when a chii-t ian -. iTiiti'in us 11 sin, h 11111-t a' -i. forsake it, and ieavi it to be east in to the ten. and only gather up and bear illi him that w hich is pur, and sweet and flagrant, 1 do no' know that this man ha- ever ntt.-r ii a word of en. ourag. nii ail 1, 11.11,11, u,nl 11. ,il,l,,,t,U 1I1 11 i hu h gives life, and jmU torlh that Id of niv fan I ! hi-.!', lb k ,v , thing I : I li- ii- ale many i- I he ,-lory of o i,l iuak- a sueo his f.'llowm-u v l giie ililll a H i;'' man 1 Mi, ;;, onrt .alke. I ju-t I',,:- I 0 1 Ihe lird.lV ,-e I 1. Ih f; M, AaSiv ..:' M In,, I . 'i I ,d la-t M la 'i b- l ie.,1 est -ympat, .11 d . Wlill oy b:-l "hV'ell Kcpii .a. I ! mother bit crOMie M. 1 just hide iPla; . -, i bi- id" I . .-lining oiillit-. ! 11 .'.'1,1 gall..,,-' ..ing.li.gs. AH A I o: of be I tie . p.lllii W. W !' was e X. at ..!!.. t . U- ir of !.g pis li .h:. lb , eolPill ill fiiiiilv aw lb and family wil; at all barely esc d.alh. 'lit mi ing any I bin j ip.-d b ing burn.-1 P I. Shank Hire, lii. Hon. .1. Wil.y. the i-h ',.., I and 1,,1-ilaka1 le 11 Salisbury la-t night. - i.,.t only one of tli" i.-ii on the artli. but i- hi. i:, v., sh.ikch.ss, 1 .'iHluK, Vii?J t l. Shook j w i iiMi-.r.' t an a.-tn giaiu ti one to ;. lawyer. 1U . the 1'le-id. lit b, t, 1- Ih,.: In -tie I. le- lid lead as "In.! iimler the lolli.r, l ul lie wasu t 1 dwsii't wear any. -Salisbury Situ. ibl -!,'! b-it'.llts s a ml ll-M-ippi, i-1 U lii Til ill Mi-- I.l X. u'lngii.g a- ilian U. Vcs- I !.sk-l t i ; 1 it ! 1 grade of I the I p hoi lop i!y held would am sliM v.iigh I ; Im- it. Atlanta We.-l.-v- with I av a'l. lav for Ihe I'n-.uN of leCoUllell, Ihe gival crowds o,ud that Ai ah.I a good - lills. The i- not -plite - -in; ii-li, bill, j.aeitv, and it u iuui w ill h v will lor id in and Hap- 1 I. tlii'i P ol- amni on IVach- lll I il I pol der Ill-reieS I,; of the 1 -iie.-elh.il .pelelitltreS Well! ill V ice j ,- -lav, ,1 he I 1 A: la, -hip Hie have a spleii 1 here i- only :l!i til. Ill, and le ..'int. A !;, .s parade. ', half No.; d.-r. ,i.-ip and Ides-' I Go: . iiow unur.it. IP l.-.l ,.-h G.i.l lias ilon- for ..I; we i, IM- lie d to do lo.iy talk sto. ks ami a ,. I conn. ,ee. polities, I w lial I lii.- coiintiy 1 1 l.-voud ei. rvthing ,:, villi 1'l'gO.d, r, ligioii tiiat w ill m ike i-,-1 ;. i us I. id; to die. not only a 1 .vary, but I y. Wc boast now t lial ilu-.it type of iiligimi 1 s:tu; ,hii we have ipeltiti..ii ami ignor- is In,- gold-n age. all I li. "!- lei- . !.,ld I.i- !i. i-u' I l.e ha I It. ' WO We I in HI gilt we noranee and lea! we have it 111 I he and p'.l gold on top, -ili.r is iiis ' B ll't IU .i-wer lo up ail II lip 1... I 1' If th". j its koe.'S ; back to e power. . t tl, we would s"e I lie o'd lime revivals. Th p".iple of Atlanta who have ,.v ,,, I t tie lev ival conducted by the l.',,ek!iiit h preacher cm s the out ci.ipping of the old time lire. h. lev. r I "., I heat th" same euuiplaiiil. Tlie eiiiireh.'S :.;' lift I. ,- and the piisUars up. ,:-mil aged or ileid ihcinsclvt-, ' . . live ple.u h. r rn !'.- . a; ; ,, hour Willi the pie- ..- .-"i.-. : ,; , I' ihiugs iu the cbii.i ". Dr. HloicJ . a i'..-,.l last SuLday that after 1 caucos taken (iii-i fully of the city churches that I here were more men in his taber nacle li-tening to him pi. ach than Mere found in all the otlu r Trotest ant (hiirche.- in t li - c;ty. That aioiie i- enough to l.nng all in. ia.-nis to their knees or in: kc them all mad enough to light. I f I wer one of them I wnii lit niovi- at tlr n.-xl regular iiivachcrs' inciting that we prav iiior.' and get the power lick liioiigh'ou and make him hush Yours trul v. SAM I'. ".IMN'K.S, I'l'aniils and Potatoes. The twelfth census shows that, th South has half a million ai-r. - ii peanuts while all the rest of th country has only about s'.VMMl acre The South al.-o has nearly half mil lion acres of sweet potatoes and the 1 1 resi of the country only in,0iMl acre .-ol The southern peanut crop is value , 11I about eight million dollars. The I southern sweet potato crop is valued at about seventeen million .lollars 11 jagain.-t about three millions for th ciop iu all other sections, I 1 hy a Jury is Loinposcu ot twelve. The jury of twcl.'c was adnptei because the prophets were twelve: I here were twelve Jewish justices, twelve pillars of the temple, twelvi patriarch", twelve tribes of Israel twelve stones in Aaron's breastplate twelve gates of Jerusalem, twelvi signs of t'li' Zodiac. When iurie.- were lirsl established the judge took the jury around with him iu a carl j until they agreed upon a verdict, i If I hey diil not agree they Were lined 1 and imprisoned. . .,. Dis'iianchiscment of the ixexro. "The sum total of it all is that Senator Gorman is kept to the front ii-. ,i presidential probability and that Tuesday demnlisl rated tiiat New York is good lighting ground nr t vear. t hai loile, X. C, Observer." , " j The -urn total of it all also is thai ie; ili,. negr.i in Maryland is to be dis rs ! franchi-.-.!. Among the proposed ' factors in the disfranchisement is r-: th.-abolition of the negro public -'! -..liool. We have found, with Seiia I" I tor Tillman, that the educated negio re sen. rally winds up in the peiii-I- 1 1 -n I iurv. - -I'alliiiiore Sun. I ; Liiitcd States Stuator Indicted. T'.le llldletlllf 1:1 return d by lle I'uiled Mate- district court at Oma I i'l j ha. Nebraska, ia-t Week ag.iin-t ;- I 1' luted States Senator Chin II I Met- rich and .1 ib l-'ish.-r, jiostma )nt H i g. Nelir.i-dia, Wii ' pri.-e 10 tin- public who are informed id j ;.. p, ;h,- crooked relations in the :". 1 i'.':iting of prop.-rty by the Senator ''; fir po-i nib: e 'iiarlers. It is opeii- I ly charged that Fisher paid Iiel '! ri"h money to obtain his appoint " ; 1 i : .-1 1 1 as po-i master. Seiiatoi Iict-'lii-h i- at Wa-hinglon representing I X. bra-ka in tin- ii)iper branch of "' j Coligr, ,-s.ll,. pot be ill-rested u II- '.vjlil after the se-.i .f Congre-s In-ersiill on Vice Presidents. If Mr 1,'ooS. l. It is Successful ill .apturing the Republican nomina ti hi for I're.-idciit he will make one -Pa. fui 1 h.-r than anv other 'iee at ev.-r lias done. No Viet l'V.-iilollt of I lie past r.T led eieii 111 being nominated for the pie. idi'll. V. Wilcil Chester A. Arthur, w lu siu eeedsd Garliehl. was a candidate for 1 In- pr.-.-ideiii Ial iioini iialinn in 1-I. Ilob.rt (i. Ingersoll said: "No lee l'lesidriit was ever made I'resideat In the people. It is natural lo resent the accident which gave the Vice l'r.-ideiil the place. They regard the Vice I'r. sidi nt as children do a step-mother, lie is looked upon a- I, nipoiarv, a device to save an ele.-t nui, a something to -top a gap. a lighter. :i political raft. Il- hold.- the horse till another nd. r it found. People do not wish deal ii to suggest nominees for the presidency." Erect News. 1 li, . eive-l too late for last issiiei. M, ss - Carter and Annum talk of moving I heir maehinfrv from Hrow e.'s Mills to Slier. The farmers are m-aily done sow ing wheat and haw had a line time for il. Mrs Teinpy Sugg celebrated her nil h birthday at her old home Oct. the Isth. H'-r children and grand children were present. That was a good letter of Mr llugii Parks' in the Courier on schools. F.verv young man ought to read it ami govern himself accord ingly. Miss Ki.zie Albright died Monday morning about four o'clock at her si-ters, Mrs Catherine Yow. Mr Oiren Tysor visited 111 this ci'iiiniiinity Saturday and Sunday, returning to Goldston last Monday. M r Tysor brought his son Mr (.' 1! l'vsor, who will enter school here lliis week. Miss Flora Sugg returned home last Saturday was a week from Star w line she h:n h -en visiting for some lime. The school nt Mt Olifet continues improve. The nei' library is at the Academy. The Tanuny Hall Committee have adopted resolutions thanking Will iam Randolph Hearst for tho assis l.mce of Lid jiaper during the New York campaign. This may be an indication thai Tammany will sup port Ilearst'i nomination in the next national convention. DAINTV FRUIT DESSERTS: There are 110 desserts more tempt ing or healthful than those, made of fruit. The following recipes may suggest others.' Orange Custard : make a custard of 1 pt. sweet milk, 1 large table spoon cornstarch, 3 eggs and I cup sugar. Then rake 4 good, sweet oranges peel, cut fine, and sprinkle with sugar. I'our custard over the oranges. Cover all with n frosting made of the whites of tho eggs, and brown in the oven, Apple Charlotte : Pare and quarter S large apples. Place in stewpan with 1 cup sugar, u little lemon rind and three tablespoons of water. Stew all together until soft, and stir like jam. Line n dish with slices of sponge cake, joined togetlicr with white frosting. Pour the stewed apples over this. Cover with frosting made from the white of au egg. Cranberry Blancmange : Stew on itiart of cranberries in one pt. of wilier. Sweeten with 2 cups sugar. When cooked strain off juice, bring to a boil, then stir iu a thickening made by dissolving two tablespoons rnslarch in a little water. Cook for several minutes, then pour into molds and let cool. Serve with whipped cream. Hananas with Jelly: blew half Inen large bananas gently, in sweet ned wider for about '20 minutes. liemove and cut lengthwise. Lay in lass dish, ami pour orer one glass of red currant j.dly. Whip one cup cream, and jdace lightly over the lelly before serving. Prune Pudding. ; Take ono dozen urge prunes, and add enough water to half cover them. Sweeten with '-.' cup sugar. Stew until teudcr then set aside to cool. When cool, I, and chop prunes fine, crack Is and grind kernels to a paste. I'his added to the prunes will give them the flavor of figs. Beat tho whites of three eggs until stiff, and iir lightly into chopped prunes. Hake in oven for 15 minutes. Serve with plain or whipped cream. Pineapple Cream : lake a can of pineapple and strain off the juice in- oa bow l. Soak t lb. gelatine in this until it is dissolved. Beat the whites f three eggs to a stiff froth,add two iiblcspoons sugar and the gelatin. Whisk lightly and mix in the pine- ipple. A pi icot hoii file : 1 nt one pt. milk in a doiihlc boiler and place on the ire. Heat t wo tablespoons hatter to cream and beat four table poons best llour into it, Grad- ally pour the hot milk on this, tirring continually, then cook for bunt ten minutes. Sweeten with hive tablespoons sugar. Remove from the lire and stir in the volks of gs, and set away to cool. When cool, stir iu lightly the whites of the . ggs, beaten to a stiff froth. ill the bottom of an earthen pud- ling dish with apricots, sprinkle with sugar, and pour over them the batter, and hake in own for 25 min es. Serve with cream sauce. SKItVINIi OYSTKKS. Oyster" stewed iii their own liquid: -Gentlemen especially ore fond of them prepared iu this wise, strain the liouid to remove pieces of shell idd the ovstcrs and gently simmer until about half of the liirnid has btitt. r peper and salt and pour over mall slices of bieail, cut thin and lelical'iv browned. Worchtstershire nice or tomato catchup should sc impaiiy this dish. Fried ( tvsters. If large prepare as ollows. Drain, roll inline cracker dust dip, in beaten egg finixed with 11 little milk and seasoned with pep- .. r and salt and again toll in the nicker and fry a delicate brown on mill sides i 1 hot fat beef drippings tud butter equal parts. Drain and with colil-slaw or chow-chow. If small pour the oysters into crack- r dust, season mix well, mold luto mall Hat cakes with two or thrae oysk rs in each, dip into the egg then lo the cracker and fry. Pickled Oysters. Choose the larg- t for this purpose. Put over the lire in their ow n liquor and a small piece of butter. Simmer a few min utes until plump and white, then take out with a skimmer into a dish. Take of their own liquor enough to cover them. Put a layer of oysters into :i deep dish stew over a few clov es, bits of cinnamon and wholo pep per, and cover with two or thie slices of lemon, then oysters till all aie used. To the hot liquor add a cup of i inegar (that is if you art not pickling over l.r( oysters) salt to taste and pour over the oysters. They may be used the second day after preparing but will keep some time in a cool place. roil white hasps. Cleanliness is the first essential and therefore w hen rough work has to be done it is well, if possible, to put on gloves. Preventing is better than cure, and as nothing soils the hands like getting them grimed this should be avoided as far as possible. It is however, not always possible to wear gbves for dirty work, to one must be prepared for on e hands be ing sometimes very muce soiled. When Ibis is the case, dont go to work upon them with soda, soap and a brush, for that would roughen them dreadfully. Instead take some vaseline, lard or oil and rnb it into the hands, and then wash them thoroughly with a good toilet soap and a piece of flunne! in warm watM. The flannel will soon clean them and without injuring the skin in any way. It it far better than a nailbrush gor ordinary use; and, if used regular?, a nailbrush will be found almost if not entirely super flous. That is a thing to be remem bered, for the vse of a brnsh rough ens the finger tips and culls and makes them more liable to l,V!:te soiled than viiey need be.