9 "She Covirier. TRICE ONE DOLLAR A YKAR. Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. The Incest to go iwtruy inv Hiiniil - U CliMiii;liii, former nuivoi of liill niore uUtl i-ushirr uf Diitiiuiu- .- lul . and Geo. 11. Lemont, lieivtiifiire ii timekeeper on the Hilttnmv c.-lale. JLhtli belong to pi-oiiiiiiciit Asheville families. Hutli vi-ie entrusted uitli the liamllin' -j large sums of iimm-v oy 111-. Geo. W. Vauderliiit. Thty "imMeil" (lie J it v ii. Us mill t tu'e $11,0110 liefore I heir ..(.;;.!!, in-; w,ie discovered. Wlim the chaiue vvi.s i nifti mane a jter.i-nu i.-iii;ii was mude. Mr. Yamlciliilt Midileiik n- tinned from Mumpe imil eiii an expert n'eotiittuiit vi ii ; ,1 stealing. Oru-n elim-j;.-!. ht tinii mude ana Imlii t'liaiiiph.in :iii, Tu rn nit vvere diselmi" d. T!uv 1 , t for puiti uiil.iunv n. u nt ri in i l Was Hindi- to prosecute tin-iu. 'lie Blow movement of u .Kiiid jury replied them this week uilh a true billor em hi zz lenient. Tie v li:ise fallen us dure itiniiv other- lu raii e they were not honest. Then- aie in. n Who think they can muketli b stealing hut itviil i.n i a beeoiiiing hauler as the veai fr u thief to ,.t out in h, There are many Hays of m:.siloiii''s. ii- li iny d s h ... ii. I. ei II Two important thing- w,re dot at the annual session of ilie Ma Library and JliMorii-al A-se, iaii. in I!a!eeh last week. Vr.) iv: eh ly it tins been goiieialh a. , . pie.l true thai Xorth Carolina t'.iri.i-h. more troop- to the Confederacy i In any otln r Southern Slate. .,n. th tllot.ll tuber of soldier- da! ihi; tile u exceeded the voting p"p:i 'al i"ii the Stale, ami that the number our brave buys in Cray ui.if". m in . dead on the Intile tiel'd.- , Virji: was greater than the imin'u r of diers f uriiishi d by Viru'tnia to ; Confederate ai niv. Ibe.ntiv Jit :. Christian, of Virginia, has ,;. this fai-t on ail arliele w i.ii-iv u li.-hcd. It ha- been ,:im , ,. sively b Capt.S. .. A-!le iih l die that. Judge Christian is ;,..,rr,vt lllS lossesioli. The A"'. .i: ' 1, appointed a i-ominiitie to in, fully and r. port iivii ih.- ;- a sourees ot i'lforiiialiei!. ,i ;h ( a oliiiiiins a. .. not afraid to e. ::: t I ! fullest iin .-stigati.'ii. .',-- ei. lion also appoiult.l a i-.':;.:i,,'!ii.- ; eonf. r vi it Ii .Mr. Can i-- ;i-e, hi I llloll W hilt I. I Ml- le 1 ,. labli-h ;i free lil.ian a' n. ii . uii-t Seat in I he Slate. Ii. F. C. The friends .d Civ. n-l , College ale giatii'n d at I i:.- i , alio n lb.- college ncii..i C'uds of the lee, Ii! M.-l !;...!i- ferci.t-e at High point. I,' -were'i:is:-ed ender-ing t le iai Aliimii.i for -.iiiig tie debt and lai-ing -1 1 ioo.uho t inelit fund. A part of lie tional fund w,c- .-. t a-i.le lo : pay ing I he interest us ii a. the buiiils. More than three :hoi-.i:id was ! :u-. d by si.! .-eiiptioii tile colifereue.. to pay mi I he indebted I less. iii-hop Sliilli an eiicotiiaging address in in the college. W.--: Mail., t (ireelisbi.ro, rai-id -'l.oou ,,n before Coiifel eliee. 1 1 i.- non tluit the lti.uiio w hicli t In of stewards adiised W . si eliureli to raise, will ;.inn I... lip to be paid on the bended rib I ess. ML e, Siiluiel i-i i -lain board Market gotten III' Seeral months ago Mr. .1. K. Al bright was appointed pu JltAiry. Mr". Marshall, of State Senator Mar.shall ollice for sometime until h ia-t.r at briii her held the r.uioial wiisatl'ectnl by l!. preseiit:iti burn. Mr. Albright wa liiingtoii at the tine- of the i in l.-st'S, am! declined to Hla.k-Wil- e llot- allilial leans ii for th. with the handful of , pill that t-itv. He aL-o voted suffrage iiniendiiifnt. This is a thorn in the flesh no doubt, to cer tain Ninth Carolina republicans, Mr. Albright formerly lived in Ala mance. county. He uiartied Miss Lena K. Crocker, one of Asheboro's popular Totins ladies, a daughter of the late J. T. Crocker, Down at lioi ky Mount there is postmaster by the name of Robbing who bail gome two or three members of his own family holding positions in the otUoe as assistants. The Post oflice Department being informed of this fact made complaint. The wrong ws 'corrected, by sou-iu-law Rollins taking a baud in the matter and sending our of his brother-iu- lawi from Madison eouuty all the way down to Rocky -Mnu.it to talte the plac ot ne ot lioninus Iamny. Thui is republican machine polities ?ulm3nitere4 by the party bos. "he nnwy friend of Editor CalJ n of tJie f'harlotto Ohserver sym-fuihiie- wiib him in the death of h'i .is J. I',,' ai.:ell Jr.. The yw"S : i ( had Ut u iu ill health fur! .-d rniitli. took hi own lire th rc-apjKdntmentof Her John K f; k,ut She L-nne.''i!'"". colored, to the pwhn-, of I ITEMS OF NEWS IVcemher luth is Iheil na North Carolina Pay in the public M-bonls. The Klkin Times comes out for II (J Chatham for lieutenant govern or. The Key Furniture Coinpanv of sratmillc has gone into liankriipi- ''' Mr. Van P. Nirtvnml, a lawyer ami sun of .ludge Norwood of W.-iv-ne,-ville shot and killed himself Tuesday. Thirty-one out of thirl v-tive in. n on a work train were killed in In diana last Friday in a eollision with a freight train running at full speed. it is said that Dr ('has ! Molv.r will re-i ;u a resideiit of the State onnal. It is niiiioiid that lie will Mi. eee.l the late Mr Currv as auvnt ..!' the l'ea'o.h Fund. S'iiMiir eourl of ill. h'.S ili-llli-sed the ill l'nile.1 Co!. I I'.riek" men Hied .ttil it th State instead Suptvn if l-Olllle Court of our unitiL' it. It is now nr. I Weed's l;i i mil I that lien. Leon ippoinlnii'iit as Major- Henoral in the army will not le eon-l'riii.-.l hy the Senate nttim: to the eoiiehisive nvoof lutainst him for of- 'ieial eortni'tioil (iei'ierai of Cuba. while tiovernor II. M mine! F. Phillips. e-S..be- it r C. -neral of the I'nit. d States, ,i;. ,l in Washington. 1. C., Wedias d.iv of la-t week and w.is buried at Chapel Hill in this State. lie was an a'de lawvet- and a man of highest eliar e d r. .In.lge Allen refused to allow the ,-i-e of Thomas ami Chalmers White i:i Kowaa eoutitv emirt ' moved to moi ii.-r eoiintv in this tri.-l. The eollli-ei for the d.-fe- asked that it be removed as tin thought they i oiildn't get a fair a!. Hi- d. V. .lav is 1 , ing Iri.d for hi li''e oi AsheMlle Superior Const this k. Ureal inter..- ill be rellleinb.i-i e,l hi- tlllee bill. law hammer in o lev hae etllelV.I maiiif hat Dr. day hildreii w:!li her. His al plea ol lu ll of our i oiliityiuall S., r. w: tin i r a week or two a. had this itil'onnati .vas wailing for a i . e ivp.-rt before p:i ling pint. Fel-ol-iugloi; -...mi .. xaiuiiiiili fed with s I'ollh.! ; I;' i rtock. utiar foil . llger. ;n . t! the White II Mie deiioiin. Yir.-d that h. Pr, i an ie L 1 ! he e.unil rv. t .plan lilies of I'i.pi ll train and thill lie ette on the st. ps of . ..f Kansas. l-l. Mice 'i'u-ki-e: a-hingti - bee,, e.-tllb-sehool with s broth.-.i as nb. r of Con-di-irict ob- ...i ..r k, r W i iua-oi. I In- I -s el t Tll.-ke, . ,1 to c estab .-mi f th- 111 found bu.-saw. ruiiiiing Al News .v. (l! he had run bai .all- . n extra fi-.-ight ir .iu ran away i I'.a'sam mountain, about forty s fio)n shei 111.-on theMutpry 1 ell SlindllV llillt. K Igitleel IV, of AsheMile. lo-! control of i ngilie descending the sleep grade ial-aiu mountain. It is tnoiight j . ; i i . i I iii.it the fio-t on th- mils is what e.iu-.-il the runaway. A car ju.-t b. -iiii.dth.- engine was loaded with he i vv I in i her and a piece of I hi I kill ed tlie engineer. The bodv of the ! r.ikeiuan was louiel uinler some v.i. ekage. These were the only lu.i lill.d. nth.:- of I he train cr.-w -ii.htiy Inn!. I ha" Jil-t been thinking," said lend Commi-sion. r Th..- K Wil li mis Sat unlay, '-I hat if th.-re Were bai nioiiis in Monroe now. with cot t a at eh-Vell cellts, there Would be a great deal of drunkenness. The .pi!, hide that reigns on tin- public leads now is in striking i ontra.-l to i !,c drunkenness ami rowdyism that prevailed a few years ago. It Use.) to be diingeiotis to be on the publii i.uds, especially after dalk, on ac count of the reckless driving and runaway teams caused by drunken drivels. You have only to look on i he public roads to see the difference that has cniiie over us." Monroe .loarnal. Our Church Rword: A horrible occurrence is reported from Guilford circuit. Miss Mary Ilassell, aged about ninetten, whose fathei died recently and w ho was living with hi-r hrotber, was burned to death one day last week by the igniting of he! ciotbing in some uiysterion9 manner. She lived for hours after the bnm was received, but could gje no iutelligible explanation of how it occurred. Her sister-in-law had gone from the bouse to take dimici to her husband. Miss Ibis sell extinguished the tire by running to a branch and plunging in, but the fatal injury had been done. Her funeral was preached at Hickory tireve by .Factor Kcynoids last Ssun dav. Wifl Appoiat Nefr. The President has decided to dis- u fiKht the while p"Pf Fluivncn. & V. hate mad n"insl I Appointmeuts Made by the Methodist Protestant Conference. AlaiiiamVjW L Ilanis; Albemarle, Hi, Clinton; Anderson, Y . 1.. I."v-1 , deiinilk; Hiirlington, (i F MillawaM 1 Muiieonibe, K. C. Lowdeniold; A - ll i: 11 o H o. . K. Srtaio; Br. a.l Uiver, 1! L Melton; CaMweli. Ii D Cannon; Chesterlield, . I 11 Turn ,r; Chatham, l A lliglitill; Ch-.e-hiud, W C Keiinett; Coniord, to supplied by II T Lowe: Paidsoe, .1 ti W Ilollowav; Flat Hoik, W Ix Ixeliuett; Forsyth, S F lau-as; (lib- senville, N (i lfethea; til'atiMib', deo W Holmes; Guilford. O P l.'outh: l.reenslioro, Ii. -M. Anilreivs; tuven- Mile, (i II Lean; Halifax, C 11 Whitakei; Haw liiver. J 11 St owe; Hemlersoii, A G Dixon; High Point, .1 S Williams: Ivey. D A V.iaswell: LaHiaiige, J F Havidson; Lib iniioii, C A Cecil; Liberty. W T Ashbtiru; l.ineoluton, T F jleCulioeli; Little ton. II I. Powell: Mock.-ville. (i I. ReM.old.s; .Mecklenburg. PC liatlle: Mount ileiuioti. C A Plih r; Monr..e. ,;v to i e -applied; Oak Paige, C M l!ap- ! f, . i: Orange, W D Fo,h man: Pinnacle , i a!..i Nloiii,! .ion, A I. Iliinl.i: l'l-h,., nioiith, C J Fdwards; Kainllciuan. .1 L ,; II I'.o.. man; Randolph, .1 I.' 1 1 n 1 1 . .i i ; j j ( iiielil.m.l, W C Hammer: R..;.:ioke. ! ; , , C L v'iiitaker; Ibu-ky Mount. Will In: Portei; liockingliain, lo be .-applied ! ; by l'.ryant Loviu: Saxapahaw, (i 11 L e Aa-tin; Spring Chuivli, C I! Lean: p , Stanley, H S U 'I'liompson: Surrv. .1 I.-,.-T liil'is; Tahermiele. W M I'lketL i; I'wharrie, F Suits; Vance, S F 1 1 ;irt-1 sell; West Lexington, William Self: Wiu.-toii circuit, J 11 Moton: Win- . .-ton Station J I Williams; Why Not. ( WC Las.-iter; Varborough Chapel. W l! Lowd. nnilk. Lei There are erv few ehai g s. Kemp's .Mills Items. Mrs A .1 Wright, who ha-T:-itiiig relatives at lirccii.-boro High Point returned home Mi-s Ida Davis, of eepted a p -siii. ll iis Finpire, has clerk in Mr Allen's Mi--e- Ftta Aumaii and Min. liird -pent last Sunday at W hy .t Mi - Mary ,1 Thoinburg is vi-iiin: her brother tu-ai Kmpire. Miss liel-thll Coble ha.- elltelM sell....! at Star. Mr .(.dm Wright is on a ii t aivnts. Mrs S I) Park, Mi aicg. a ie iv,. Mondav for their iimiiigton, Del. Vi ,- are ,-oi rv to learn of the ill-1 .-s ,-f Mr Duncan Mcl'lier-on. bat j oj e he W ill soon I it-over Mr C T Macon lias killed lgooihsj I' p.. I k this seas,,,,. j I' A Cox ha.- an apple ti'-e vvhi, h j as i ..rii the second crop tills vear. j Mr W D Spoon, of Aslu !.r... .. u; p.e-l. rday w ith his in, i I -it iT.-riiig w ith a cancer. er la Liberty Items. Thank-giving comes this ,.!. A largo number of the students will return to iheir homes lo eat the Th iiiksgiv ing turkey. M:-s I. ula Andrews iiiein h..ni. on ii vi-it mi Saturday of la.-t week and ivii'niid to school on Tii.,r- lav of liiis Week. Mr- O T Hutch went on a vi-ii t. her latin r's home la-t Saturday and r.tunied on Thursday folhuiiiig. I'liev all love to pay a "visit to t,e ..id limine, and It is well. The Township Teachers' ie,ting iu-re la.-t Friday was a decided suc cess. Among those present were ih. facullv of the Libertv Normal Col lege, Miss VirhiCobl',.. Miss Maggie Fox, Mr Cornelius I nrtis, Mi.-s Leonanl and others. Those men I ioued are all teaching in Libel H town-hip. Siqit J M Way wa- pl.-eiit and coliillicled the I ting. lli remarks were good and to the point. Supt Way reports tliat there are schoois iii the county that have no teachers. We tiust the time may soon coin,, w hen the teacher's pro fession a. id . ailing may be attract ive and remunerative enough to at tract all the teachers necessary to teach mil schools. Miss Klla L P.rovvn and the I Inh girls gave a nice supper and social on last Saturday night compieiin.nl arv to the faculty of Hip Libertv Normal College and their w ives. Mr Claude Hoover went home hist Tin .-day to spend a few days. The most pp-a.-ant event of the fall look place en last Friday night w In u the S P Society of the Liberty Noinial College gave their fall enter-tainni.-nt and bainpiet. The young lad.es of the S P Society know how to get ii j) a nice program and how to entertain t heir invited guest. Only tin- young men of the Liberty Lilei ary Society and the faculty of the College together with their wives were invited to attend the entertain ment. The entertainment consisted of vocal and instrumental music, readings, recitations, society prophe cies, essavs, . etc. The society prophecy by Miss Lnla Andrews in the essay by Miss Lula Amick w. r ..'r,:;:11 "Wl?- -Tl!e. irl The primary room of the Colleiri had been specially fitted up and decorated as a dining ball. Every tiling was tastefully arranged After the literary part of the pro- grm, all were 'iiAited to the impro vised timing ball where the ban ipiet was sei ved. The bill of fare was as follows: Hain Sandwich, Salad, Chicken, Bread, Salmon, Tickles, Jellvton, Syllabub, Cake, HnocoJate, Caramel, Cocoanut, isa nana, Hot Chocolate. After a few minutes of social enjoyment, from the time the banquet was over, all departed to their homes feeling that the evening was well spent, and tbey were well paia lor their attendance. The young men of the Liberty Literary Society purpose givingan entertainment m the near future. The merchants are getting in their Christmas goods. All expect nice Thanksgiving and pleasant Christ mas. The Libert? Normal Colleire uive Thursday and Friday of this weei for holjdav. ft fj r fl A i. V f Franklinville Items. proliaeted uuetii The the H;.!'" at cbuivli c!os, l lle pa-tor Wi 'I'tvaehel'seve I Sunday sildv u s of 'High al excell- si.-lrl le I'nint. w I w h ill att. id.d t!ie -a ardav Pleased -v mi.eh r . d ..I on. w h.i travels most . :ne at the ti 1.-st of :i f-H dii.s with ri-.' rs hae been 1 f. w .!: - and , is. I H T'ii.peil's t I'lovidelice. was Mr.loe nf l,i-ti ,! week friends Siv. ral killed foi Hi .unoiig t h- b hit !: w. Mr in th .Mr tr p t. ( tl. l'..t 1 led Stlll ehuieU. M 1. Plot , i ; I I' J !'. I : - bo. Loss of Flesh When you can't cat break fot, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't cat bread ?yj butter, take Scott's Lrnalilon. Vhcn you have '?m !:vi:.5 on a milk diet and want something a little more noyrishintf, take Scott's Emulsion. To s;ct fat you must eat fat. Scoits Emulsion is great fattencr, a .great STcrth diver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase ail body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them a!!, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valesccnts, for consumptives, for weak children,, for all jrvho need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com- fortable foodand a natural tonic Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. B turt that this plctart In th form of a label l o tht wrapper ol (very bottle Emtilslo you buy. scon & BOWNE, CHEMlfiS, 409rWlSt.,N.Y. 50c end $1 1 all dmjjbl, One of the latest novelties in in Tentions is a letter scale which will fit on the end of lentl pencil, and am he carried conveniently in the pocket. The m-grocs who immigrated from ! Georgia to Ldieria last l eborHry are! now m u ii st tute comlit on, auu are I etitiomiic the governim nt to take! t hem back home i , Staley Items. Mr Jjce Williams who went to Missouri last March enmc home Friday. Miss lil!i.' Krazier gave the young p.-ople a Flinch party Sat urday nieht. It vvus highly enjoy ed I iv all present. Supt. Way and I'rof. 1) M Weaih-i-riy spoke in the school house Sat urday, i'rof. eat lierly will speak ii. iiin SaM-rday night. There i on toot a movement to erect a new school library. Let every one come and help iu the great work. The Sunday school will have an ei lert.iinmeiit Christ mas. The public school lias an eiiroll- tm nt .f c. PisKali Items. Mi'theiv ( iiele lost a good mule one t'av last week. i'lie'iiil'.nl child of Mr. ami Mrs. Will Mamss dieil Saturday morning iini vv.-,- buried at 1'isgah eliureli Sunday cveiiiii.'. Mis K.-l.-llil I'allieott who has liieii all. .inline; school at Why Not for .-..ine tun.-, visited home folks .v.uirdav and Sunday. Mi- .Mary I. Bean left Sunday f .r a t wo weeks visit to her sister M:- I!. L. Cross at. Worthville. A t'ov opened his school Mon dav with a larire attendance. M.-s.-rs. Lewis and Taut, who have Ii. n engaged in the lumber business n. ii-here left last Wednesday for Moi.re couiily where they go to take c!.ai-j;e of a saw mill. t on my surveyor 11. A. AUuight is survi ving land in'.this community. Mr. Nab I 'arks of Motlitt visited in our neighborhood Saturday and Ninduv. Come again Isiah there is one w ho is uluays glad to see you. Mr. Wm. uiic.imm and Sadie M. Call have moved from their home i..,o- Aconite to Mr. Cagles, near h- re. W. L. 'uiu ;inon has moved his f.iiuily into his new house near hi iai hers. Mr. and Mrs. lioht. M. Cox visit ed relatives in Montgoineiv last Sut- Kamscur Items. cry sorry indeed that th We a I W N C iitereiu-e saw 111 to rclliovi our t-te, ,ed brother llev T S Kll ii'ton to iiuol in-r charge, lie ha: been with us three years iind we have 1. .:i net to f.ve him and his g finally. Ail liiiniseiir, regardless of .1. ii.iiiiin.it i. . ual all'. latum.-, join li our sorrow. Mr l 'has 1 I'arks. who has been taking ;i treatment in.lohn Ilopkiu'i lioiit.il i" r..i'timore, returned home Salurdav night veiy much impr d. W A rn lei vvood and mother, of A-hel-iTo wciv in town Mondav, A V I-! Capel, of Troy was a wel come vi.-uor to our town last week. Mr vY T liarlev, of Concord, wm cailed to t lie deaih-lu-d of his broth er. .1 .1 1 1 urlev l-'i idav. Mrs I ii.., L Chi.-holin,of Sanfoid. i- visiting Mrs 11 B Carter. Mi-s ,,V Osborne, of Central Kail.-, visit d Mrs II M York Sun W II Walkins .lr, with the Socio 1'ittee Machine Works, of Newton I' p i r Kails, Mass, spent last week vv iii Lis patents Mr and Mrs W 11 Watknis. T S Kllingt.m laised the biggest hi-g of this season so far, weiohiu Mi.-s Salhe Kllv, who has been v i -iiing Mrs l'r Tate, returned to In r In. me in ( larkslon, N (. . l'lea.-e notify the Mt tiilcad coires pi rdeiil that I inn not dead; just i-i-ik on an over dose of 'l'ossum and '.-.nilin rn I'udding. C. 1?. s. Liberty News. Tin- weather has lieeil very cold fin the pii-t fen days. Mis N M Patterson is somewhat MlljlloVi d. Mr C fl Pepper is acting agent for ..:.! in I ll Kv at I'lirlllini tl.lo week. Mr Max Itii-i-hiier was here a dav or two this week selling tobacco. Mr .'oeCiulchtleld.of BnrljjigUm is homo for a few days. Mr M .1 Keilil will return from ca.-tcrn North Carolina iu a few days and Mi (' P Smith Jr. will return from d.u ks.in Miss. Mt U K Patteisoii Kr,will travel narl ol the time for a lile insurance company. 1 1 1 1 Patterson is veiv busy liavi.ig a largo niul well deselved i.ractn e. ' Mrs P ! Patterson is vis iting ill (ireellsboro this wink. Mrs O T Hatch has returned from t visit to her parents near Ashcboro, .Mr Ijogan Hardin is in' eastern North Caroline, on business. Ucv P J Caraway is the utw pastor ..f the Jl J. Churcli. lie is an utile inenctiiT. C P Smith Sr. lost a fifty dollar cow last week. We rrelud to note the health of Mr Ibivid Staley is much improved Ir T C Ainick delivered an able addic.s to his school and a number of cit'zens Friday afternoon. .Mr Pepper's class in Telegraphy is doing nicely. Mis A A Tengue is visiting rel atives in Lnurinbiirg thin week. M r M M Teague is at home for a few davs. Mrs J W Cravcu ia visiting her il.iii" liter Airs l'ctiner this week. 'The L-huicbes of onr town need Devoe's paint very badly and the town iu eil some sanitary worn. Who is Mayor now? Mr Diffee, of Oreeusboro, and Mr Hill, of Gerruantown, were waitiosr on the trado here this week. There will be an important lecture here on temperance on Doc ith at night. We all wish the Conner a pleasant Thanksgiving. li e understand the law is being riilgidlv enforced as to birds liug hipntd out of the state, w e under. stand that two officers are on the liA.kouL one in ftreeoiiboro .nd tha other one visiting the bird a nipping points. ' . C. C." r.j Name. From p ra ual mi rit-uco I testify th.t I)iit' l.tttleKarlr Kiso'g ar nneqinlJt d as liv-r.l.t l. They are ritlhtly Mini, d beiauao they live sirxi glb an ' cnoiiiy and do 'heir v u k. with enfe.W. 1' liiitiin, Ito. me, i'ex. Tlio s -ii.'. ). uenp'.' Rre using thw i -y litt'r pll n n 'yretereroo lo 11 tlierv. bee .u-e t'., y are o Jile sum and elle- liuil T''ey enm htll-'iM e-s, -.1 Iivrr. 1 i ii.Uuo., sick m-i.iiiu- , O"sini.it oii u e, U ey ilr not p irge anil Kf s mi, on1 ::! nnsc nnd ri nii Ii- S I i tiv 'A . A. t'luli-rwoo l Mini the rila ila illirnM l o. Weak " Hearts Are due lo Indication. Nlnety-nlna ef every ons hundred psople who have heart trouble can remember when II was simple Indiges tion, ll Is a aclentiflo fact that all cases of neart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the atomacn vhlch tails ol perteci aigesnon lermenisana wells the stomach , puffing It up against the Heart. This Interferes with the aallon of Ihe heart, and III the course of lima that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble, ot Nevada. C1., Mya: I had atofnaea rouble and waa In a bad atata aa i had heart trouble vll h II. I took Kodol Drapepala Cure lor about lour uonlhe and It cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous main and the heart of all preiuure. Bottles onlv. SI. CO Sim holdlnr 2H tlmea the trial aite, which aella for 50c. raparad b I. O. DeWITT 00., OMIOAQOb Fosale bvWAoo.il w Pair and square Doalinvv Makes mid holtie Trade W. D. STEDMAN (SL CO Mrs. Fred UnraLth. "Alter mv lint baby wa t bom I did not em to rvitain my strrngth although the doctor gave me a tonic uhkh he comid cred very tuperior, but instead ci netting bctttr I grtw vcakr every day. My hut. bind insisted Hut I take Vine of Cardul for a week and see xh.it it would do for me. I did t.'ke the medicine and was very gralelul to Iind my tlrencth and health slowly retu-ning. In two weeks I waa out of bed and in a month I vas able to take up my ut-jil duties. I am very enthusi astic in iu praise." Wine of Car.lui reinforces the organs of generation for the iirileid of pregnane)- ami childbirth. It prevents mis carri:.i.i No woinan who takes ine of Oardui r.nr.l fear 1 lie- cuniimj of bcr child. If Mrs. I'lirath bad taken Wine of nr.lui lM'f..re lur baby rn roe she would not have Iwu weakened as she was. Her rapid r.vovery should cononr-ml this great remedy to every expi-ctant mother. Wine of Cardui retjulates the menstrual flow. J. F. lieitman Has just received a larjre stock DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, undp:kvvear, shirts, HOSIERY.Sl'SPEN DERS. GLOVES, ETC. And will sell them to vou at nioney-savin.o; prices. See him before buy i no;. vi. T. ilcitman Trinity, N. C. Furniture Store! E. B. Kearns" Furniture Store is the pluee to liny fur niture, picture frames, rns, etc Be sure to see liim when in Aoheljoro. Undertaker's Supplies ISiii h as coflius) cukeU, etc. slwuvsoii hiinil iind furnished on sliort notice at reasonable prices. Good hcurse st your command. B.'B. Kearns. 13he- University OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, : -Pharmacy.- On. iiniidml ami .iKht wholanhltM. FKa tuition to arm-lur and to ami ol mmlsten. Lrjaju f"f thr neeily. STOUBNTS. Si INSTRUCTOR. New IVtrmtvirtw, Wah-r Workt. Onitral H.nt- lita- . blhrarr ,UBi niiunm. ru ma, antoemlc and pn4BHma3 rt4iftiantA, bi-elna glBhr;ih ih vlfi-i ir.HAhl.Jt, Frwiiait.es wn.N.c. IfYou Wsuit The Best Laundry OM Ralubfo Charlotte Steam Laundry. TW are U-i Ut ureirel to do vonr work riftht- tliaa any Iatundnr the rtttatii; una (lb n rignt, too. Iintve Tour bnndlus t Wood &. l,nm?' store. l'.iwiKPi- leave Tuesdavs nd nturiis Fridsju. Vf, ACOFf !N, Agert. Clothing, imm mm COPvniGHT t01. See CONVINCE YOU THAT WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT IN STYLE, FITS AND FINISH. No better can be found a iywhere and we make the price RIGHT (SFULL LINE OF General Merchandise, Both Wholesale and Retail Remember we are still headquarters for GROCERIES. Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. Xev Brick IStore. Asheboro, N. C. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. in WE ARE RECEIVING A New and Large Lot of Goods Which we bought before the advance in prices. Q. W. ELLIOTT & CO., RANDLEMAN, N. C. Red Indian Blood ' and Liver Pills? . . The Bes 1 Ever Sold for . . Constipation, Biiliousness and m ;ure blood. Acts on the KIDNEY, LIVER aid are GUARANTEED to give Satisfaction. SOLD ONLY BY StandaruDrug Oo. jNewGo WE ARE pleased to announoe to our friends and customers that have the latest and most exquisite styles in white goods, lawns, dimities, and dainty shades in dress goods fabrics are now awaiting your inspection.Ourlarge as sortment will convince you that we are leaders in dress goods. Gen t s D e partme n t ! OUR CLOTHING counters are laden with rare bargains, and we can fit you out t pic and span in a new suitZehoes, hat, etc. All the styles in shirts, collars and neckties at prices to command a purchase. Come to see us. WE ARE AT IT AGAIN. SELLING THE PUREST AND BEST LINE OF DRUGS TO BE. FOUND. : : : , : We Have No OLD GOODS. To Unload, But Give you the FRESHEST, PUREST and BEST at Lowest Prices. We are Undersold by None and Guarantee the : : BEST QUALITY That Money Can Buy. SCHOOL BOOKS AL WAYS ON HAND. : : : : : : W. A. UNDERWOOD, RANDLEMAKN.C. I Overcoats, Men's Furnishings And all kinds of Furniture. our Line and we will Corner Depot and Fuyetteville St o d s ! -Miller 1 Wood. J.