HPT 1 1 "I H Issued Weehiy. """vol XXV 111. S. Bryant. PrcsM.-M J- c"j' cs!,!cf 5? BeLtik of flandleman, Randleman. N C Ci al paid in, Protection to depositors, $20,000 40,000 Dm urn ills': S. C. Newlin, A. X. Itiillit, W. T. l'.i viii.l. C I.. Lindsey, M. N. Newlin, J. Ii. Cole. S. Htyui-I II O Marker inul W N Hatlscll. BRITTAIN & GRLGSON, ATTORMYSATIAW. j Asheboro, - North Carolina, i HARDER & SFECE, Attorneys - at - Law JltACTH'K hi :;ll llu- A-l-. E. IfflOFFiYT, Attorney - nt - Law, ASHEbORO, N. C. PK.M TICK in nil l'i pivcii t, -.-it 1. Hi, Olll.v lieiil Curl II,. 0. L. SAP?, Zys Attorney- l-l.aw. 'frotlP It f '. :to ill e"jiU'l d-! bt Lw. all tin. iuv.1.1 ir; &'. XV ltl!d tO lv. Vox, Trim lent, . J. ArmBuM. Vic I'.-.-.-i.lent. VV.J. Armtieid, Jr.. (.'.-ihier. im m 1:1 Ashobaic, N. C .CAPITAL We r now i r-ir.".1 to Jo i btokiog bnrlKi' .j mi! vt en too iQiiti of flriu", porntut: IcdiTi.lnsl of Ua.lolph ul ' j- i 1 Directors ; ' M Worth. W P Weed. I' V. M OOMoAHnter, 0 J C-s. 'V ! ' diofr, A M Bunkin. W II Vt , :k : , Prk. BuiiJ MuCa. O U IN . A . Dr F K Aebnrr, Jun. h T.rV W J Arr"i.W. trwi rt'imrt ou ni -Hla lluwtoSeciiieN'n :l 1 I'ntonM a man, I I I,' 'it, l '1...- EMvyvi.- .s'.f.-.!..-..-..-.'UJ.'.- -t - A Tradc M0K3 CopvnioHTB Ae. Anron millii kcl-li ml rterrlpll..ii mny qnlrklT Mi-orlntil r.iir V ! iV-VV' .1 ,n m i 'iio !"N,!'iimV nt lr.. HMM ntron- l,.ri.'i-.irit.lmMii, I'liipum iiihi'ii ir.nniK'i Mui.n A o. riicolvc tprrint HtfUt, wlllioutclmrin. 111 11.0 Scientific Mmtlim. I"LV?'iVrn""m"i''.t'W tsw..V",'.1,.-" MUNN&Co.3611"-'1"' New York Bructi omoerii2S V SU WMblwlun. I). C 15he University OF NORTH CAROLINA Academic Department, 1 Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. mm nuil-lrv! l..t . u-l:,.l:iiv i,. Kir tull.,... h. l.ml'..i 'i.l t "I imnlsl.-n bum. Iit iiu iwviy. , sos st i' m: nts. iNSTiii i uu.'. M.'W noniiili rl.i-. Wiil.TTk. IVIH.11,1 I' 'Hi HyiOt.in, Ubrnry 1 iU'u Hill, N.C. ' II You Want The Best L-nndry . Send Your Laurnii lo the Old Rslt&bl Charlotte Stearn Laundry Tl.v nro U tter lilelialed to. do kl.li-:.-l f- -: 1 1 i your work rijlbt tlmii any Lauiidry in the State; uild do it.rilit, tiK. Leave vour lunidles lit Wuu.l & MoringV. Un: i:;.-Vtn leaves Tuesday ami returns I'.idayi. W. A COFFI N, Agent. TilR Oi.l) MAN. i-1 a, iVn.iltriiius Cnve Collsidclublr cut!" iiv riled over the !ist'inry nf a cave four IllileS I'll 111 Vi!:IUM-S;llill. I I 1 1 S iir.-.ls nl' iieuple i-. iti 1 1 it ii . to i.-it the .-jet ami man. ll:":i.-f ale luhaiici-il a.-, tu w lii ai'ill'i r w hat j'Hi'1'i..-e it !:s cuii.-ti ueteil. Many peculiar facts are cui'iHeleil Willi its cull-.-Irlietnai ami it- eunli nl- as well a the in:il:iu i uf i el, -i in I iun indicate that the Imilik r v. as a man uf . unie iiitelil"cl)e . lii'liKnte i lluw little. i!ii in iiie.isiirin tii crate hinnan luu; human iile. TU w lli 'll (Hits tic c fuiv... the 1'UVI' n i .iniz". I . im Lj l.nliahv. A i: ll-.-rV Inllaliy. ild I" ,-leei, I- a f which v lids Hie -uiil u all n!'i di -i:i '' in i atnr.' ears far !-til all ul1 , r ! . . 't he s.tniii.yer' the I. rill I!, i l,:..le rulll)jietelv is he llla-1,-iv I l.y III in,,, wh.ri'i- the ll!l ale t.i-eulile tile I'l-He-s lliilirs uf airl rhildiiu H. I'u: ail ,.;i,''is. fur the ri ! uf ik-wmld. Ihe .-tivii-; mall iiin-l l e c i. -t. nit -ren- Sisle Mill: Hi mi lh"'' H. hurl! v in hi- u:i" v.iui I'lllMlluo. sin:; the ae mav Slillev to ,.,'Imi, l; id lie- ty had i lialiL'ili'.! I'liip'-' !.. h.'ii then (' He Wil- r In.-nils. i III !l alll'el Alii' eiler M. ,.lo'..;h, he S ea! rackeii. .I,r 11 lllilill. II," S.lid ,ue,l l: ;isho, S v, and Mi II .lie i'liey are thi-reiijh-t.-d and "-ili:ii's anijih I ro'.i a teehnieal r..imlui!ii. I'i'l'I'i 11! ,,!.!. :'! on m : ii- -o m i, Ii mure haii til!. It nuai s iiidi'. idiial i'.' - I ijiiin at, cniliire, chai ici.-r. In ..v walk uf life, t.i ai i',iindi.-h inir mi A , v,e inii.-t ktiuiv !; ai Iv at lie 'start whit we m "i I" do,' If uileire- Vnd ! I v.u'il 1 r, ad; ;ii-i-'-i d in till'iiin,: on I educated men ad we men ill tie' hi 'in si i-rn-e uf lie v.n-.!, lil.'.. iun! lil -I ilefille that l-i ii !o stand fur no.'.iini; more man in-'.nieuun n. iaei "i lllli'l' euic'.- ideas'; f i- it to linlesonl culture, iile liroa'leani:: Hid tine tleeleinieiil and ellicli'lii v ! I'u li'.v mind tnutiieis are hir.'elv re- I'ui, :l I ' fur a rlrid's (.--(leei.i:!-,- a af.kl.rV) i.hl.l.'..s hfe. 'I'h - s.! . . iio uf ala-! so many is that liair hiidreii sliall have u "'Hid time w lu;e thev !' xoan.u'. And tins is rii;ht enuiiL'li, lint: they (tliuul.l re- mlier tout the uou l tune ol the butte'-llv if nut nee, ssarily the pi id time ul tlie f:i:'!, and t'lat the true nl lini" and uruu lh ul charaeter not iueoiii)iatilie. -'I'rue v. "manliness siinnld he une of the i l.i' l elements m a ynuiiL.' wonmn'd education. The uuiiardun- alde find of womanhood ale haiitiiess and coarseness, deai'Mi u i-utlcinsd and any jjuisi" of seliiiunss. A vir tue that s'.iolild he lanastly culti vated liy the woniaii of t day is a rreator sinceiitv in the iiiauiiers; and custoins of soeietv. This is the enn- triliutimi all true vvumeii Bliould make to the society of their tinn s Sui ietv needs L'eiitle w r.iuen in tii true sue of that word. Only lli.it ediiealiuu is worth' v hile which stand -- for service to th" v.orhi Service 111 .Millie Ut'lll. Inatei'lal or Itll- materiiil. and th" latter is often the mure real of tlie two. In fact, th ideal, whatever it I.e. M the real - and ott-said savin'.', lull one as often fu,'ottell 111 tae llet.liU if il.lllv life. It it the itiilr,'e and no less th duty of every one who a-pin s to I calfe l an educate! to ever hold 11; this vision uf I !i -'ideal, ever fnllm the irleiini live the trreat icvelation in the details of daily life." N York Tribune. WASHINGTON LETTLR. C(;;n'cr.:ic; in Ront-jvcH anil llar.na -JikIj.o Parker and William Ran lii.l.ih Hears! (VL-rMeiilinl I'osi' bililics. Si I'i(r,'. I,',vi- r. Washington, 1). ('.. I i-. t ntln-r 11. 'I'h people here win) arc mi eunli il. nl i v I'U'ilii I ing (In1 coidii mat inns (if ( i.-'iii r.il Leonard Wood us Maim- ( leiier.il, cither n iv lilii.il parti .nnsof Ins anil ran S"e untiling del I inicutiil tn liim aii'l his iiiti rest..-, or reveal an n,:i n g rl'i unlit v in" else haven won- iliiiul knowledge nl' coining events. II' file Senate should eiinlirin this up- I poinlnioiil it w.iii lil mortgage I lie Am iv to injii.-lit e fur t lie ne 1 1 ncnl v i live Cars. ' ! Without hiking iu!n consideration the scandal concerning I lie .lal Alal frnm hiso and the eurliil;,hl i u i -:i 1 1 1 in Havana lur granite to a linn e..,n;mse.l i.f Wood s relative.-, con done tie.- attacks nia.le liy him iinni tiefn rals llr Hike ami Dudley, nvi r luuk entirely liis ciiiine.-tiiiii with the ex-ciuiiict "li. -Hairs," and sliil the in-i'ii iiii-iii.ii imiuius ii ii I . im-li.'vl. iiv I us :i i ; kji it 1 1 1 m 1 1 l'i tin.' regular .irinv (ieiicral Wnod already has been (iriiinuti d mi r - heads uf mindi't f de-rl'MIll' Illlicel'S. ! 'l.ll 1 il'al I V withilllt iield eu liellce, lie is senior to s-'eii lilitiic liim as li'amlall. Kulili, t'ail"! , lieil. liahhvin. Wn.l, I.--. , Wiv; and Sanger. 1 1 is miw i d tu advani'e liim fnrtiier at Mens,' uf (Iciicrals (ii'eeley, lilid.ue, Wade, I.mliiiutii!!. irih, lialr-. West on and Slim l'.tvek A in.- -.' ier. If lie is .-o (irnninted he would he lii.' lead uf the Army from limn to I'.ii'l, ;i in I would shut mil of tint honor every man named, and in ad diiiuii t ho-e eminent military seient-i.-'ts, ii ii r.ds Hillesjiie, Davis, fruit ier and t'l'. illv. (leiteial W.miI mav he a ;;uud iil (leddl. r. 11" Sluiwv.i some adminis trative aliildy in f nlia. Hut it.- a lield cm, im unlet' hi- ,v.i ri, nee is limited to a few days in a ..ii!i 'iai nate .! j -it y in f nha and to his re r.iii .i'.'.iiaiun" m.'.iin-t tne Morns, W !w Wrl'.- -illl-hed" defenceless tu lll !l '-ans like hirds at a l.alilr. aiiarent i111'' ! Iv that he nihil! make a ha.e" to : the Senate. If lie rined wlia I iussil,le Senator witinvr "ae' .-huiild eell.-'.' make l.e c. oal.l nlej The I'e.vlll Visit .1 ,- ,i liie While liun.e a! the linila t iun ui I ii" rie-ideui. and t he t wu hulll i olll'el elire I.etW cell I he t 11 0, iia-e,,u . I inm h cumui, nt here con- eel 'li'l..' i ie I , hit illllS eisin,Ur W't WlCll the two, am! tlie ..i. i l.ility of a l.i'e.ik in th" former ii!i(iai'eiil!y cor dial feelii;--. I i.m ill a position to -.'IV I I i:.e le.'.iel's ..1' (his l 'e.slil'- d.'m-e ti a' tla-ie will Iv no break in I iio.-e r, i u Otis u.i are,, nut ..f the ui-"'-iiou of ilaiina I i the eoiiiirina- i, n .,f C. n. Leonard Wood or for rev ,ele i rea-ou now apparent. The I'le.. id- lit is now in the umod to -!.,.;! . : i v t h i 1 1 u from llann.t if it i. l,o npeiilv liumilialini.'. Ml'luiu;e- V', !t J I ' II IW is t lliraired ill I lie delet.t- ahle u eiipaliou of lalimx hiitnl'le pie. lie .emu 1 1 an nil and he needs laiori. and lie is "Julie-- 1(, l.e. ji him if .-oil -,i ord-- and c.mciliatorv actions v.ii! pi, .;il. lions, eli does not ..'.k u:i li.iniia campai;:n aaiii-t i ii 1 1 as i,ni ihiai; direi 'd toward liie Whit 11 nise, an 1 rather:, li.iiivs !!.:nmi for sl.indini.' bv bis friend liathlio-ie. Tlie I're-'ident thinks Per, i I !, :.tn .should i-i'lire from the -veietai -liiji ul the lu'p'.ililie in Na tional I oiainiltee, ami he thinks Ii lima .-li..-.i!.l a-k ll"ath la i'eliiv, i'. r he weil knows that Heath i i.., Lt-'i'i-.' to r tire U1.1...-S he is a-ked .i do i i v ilanna. If i! I'.na lai'S ttl a-k Heath to retire, and he is not I i d i s, tii.-n tin- lYi.-iiietit will ajjain eat liui'iUo ,ie and nrike mi outcry, iiattua will v.iti nuain, jil.-t as 1 said ii,- would in thi-' I' ll' r last waek. ii:.- i're. idenl is iml trying to li'ht ',-, lih lla.'ii.i I . can.- he knows he c in unt an'ord to tijj'hi Willi llaiiiia. iiauna could nut pick a f u-s with Theu.e.re lloo.-i'Veil le.-.s if lie tried ev, r .-.i h..i !. Th.- edit"i-..l in the t in.'ionali ( 'oiuiieTcial-'i 1 ihline, one of i he .-, ronu'e.-t tvpnhlicaii organs in t'e' Si iteul i hie. and une if 11 a Una's pel'.ulrd urall, wlllrll nplieared 1:1s! S:iturdav, and which warned the faithful nt th-' republican jiaitvHiat 'uev I'niiltl not win with 1! insevelt a- lidale nel vear. has s, 1 tin nf bnth sets uf politician. here to wai.'u'iii luiioiisly. II ii is iscd soiuet hi ii' nf a mild sensation inn:; fi-iin the sniiree it did. a-ul many people etieel lo lielu-ie tnal 1! las in.-pn'cil liy Iiauna. I'eopie mi he inside, however, know that H.iu ia had nothiii.u' to do with il. It was imply th" out-cropping of l!o veil's giuwiii."; iinioiiu!aritv. and many le.t.lilisjdenioeral.s who belieied nine tune a-.ro luat !.onsi.ieii. was un man the lcpnblicans could ii-auiiia'e now are very much w m i ied b"caiise thev are afraid he wiil nut ho nomin- iteu. They need not be alalined. KouseM'it w ill be nominated all I i"jht .uu! Il.tnna knows it. There is nothiin; now beyond some miraculous political i ontineiicy that can head off the lived r.rov'raiii. And 11 niaa rtlll be in the baud myoli il tile i resmeiu n:is in him- u nai-k l'otH' and cinch him to the front seat, llieyiue scureil at Hie lute House searul and nervous - for fear Iiauna mav yet away, and he won't get away if there aie enough nets to hold iiim, or unless he us.-s an ae, and the President in his ne sent frame of min i will stand con-siderahh- J i ui ;c i i n liefoie he h ts ejo to the Warwick from flew land, Ohio. There is over an aitii onsiderable talk here .. i l .si st.,i.i,.,l:,v-s' New Yoik Sun to the effect thut'enun David H. Hill had came down tu tab PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASHEBORO," N. C., THURSDAY DECEMBER 17, 190. New Yin k from Albany ami hud sell llie ileuna raUe leaders, includ ing file leaili is of 'i'liinmuiiy Hall, Mr (buries 1'' Murphy, and had v entiling cut and dried fur tTie New Yuri; Slate delegation In support Judge Parker fur the I'.eimieralic presidential nullllliatlnll next Those people uli'i are nut uu snle, ami who iio not. !.n nv the 'a'i h-apm.' and houudini;. 1 told vmi nor Haw llill', tactic--, me incluied ( otton selling for I'M cents' to to heheve that tlie slurv is correct dav in farlersville, witii prn.--els and Dave 11,11 has caplnrcd Hie new ,)V-,sl (lf -j.1vll f .-, ,.,.,,. ( alll am! billiant l"ider nl 'i'aijimanv. ... iomh lh r, I ..nn I hose who do kitu.v the tilltll, ho - ever, know that liie w hole stnrv was manufactured out ol ho.e cloth Willi no fear nf tlie dewl. I hat the way Dave lliil plays-s-jiolijirs. '! l know whether in not he was in the f iiv of New 'link on last Salu'dav, hut I iio know M m-iliv win not jt here and iio.-sihl'v have seen .Mr 1! that Mr mi! - nut I I at I lie lime he was said lo have been in con ference with him. Mr .Murphy ..as on his way to the C ity uf Wadf: ; Inn. and airi-.ed In re Saturday afier lli'ou and was! the ;;'iie.-l nf a n.-vs. laprr man at the annual dimu r uf l he ( I i'idiron flub, w hieh lasted until k Saturdav ni"jhl, and Mr. Murphv could nut ios.-ihly have ar rived back in New York until S'l-t-day inornniv. when tlie inticleal o" llli'liliolli'd lli'll'ed i:i tile Sin. Mr Murphy, mi Us. r.-t urn to Now York the nexl dav, promptly a-ul hi 1 1 ! i . ly naile.l the lie most eiiiihali eailv. This shows how inurh uf truth then- is in tins aillele in Hie Sun so far as l'i la!."l to the partici pation nf Mr Murphy in this confer- liceilllelil the candidacy nf .lii'le 'arker, ami no man in Tainnianv Hall h.iS the power to make political ilraets that are biiulin, "eept Mr Murphy. This article reveals one timm, However, ami mat is niat Mr lliil owns and controls 1'arker, and is behind him in tin- clTott to make him Hie nominee of the demo. lalie party li"l Vear. That iiikius that Hill would, in tin- event nf lioininalion and eleeli ui. I the U'i inier i f the adiniiiislratiuii. and Hill isasaeceplal-letoth- Wall reel :;aue; as is f h'elaud. Hill's douiinal ion of I 'arker ins hurt his bi-.iui h, :e with liie leaders f tic di niociali. ( arlv. fur lliil is a lliuruuyuiy disi ivdiled man in hij.:h democrat lit cnvh --. Hill atiiiounees, '-I am a dein i it," leu bis record in the Senate nf the I'liil d Mal'-s di-nrovis the us 1,1 iiiie.iiiL- lietn I'arkei on Hi!i s .leeo'.iul. ami lur other r.-a-ons that wiil appear in tiiis ropvspui.- leuioc'iils here are t urn- iug to William Wulldidph Heaisuaud they hilicvc that Leader Murphv I Tainmanv Hall w ill .-!; 'k i-i linn as lie stuck to llieiu in the late elec tion, which will mike him I lu lu ire of tile New York d.-!e-;uti,in i the net liatioail cntlMotinu. That liieana iniieii. f IIAIM.KS A. I ID 'A AlfDS. A Historic liiklc. ile IS ill the iiisses.. A I f Mr ,1 D Thomas, of Hoi k till"- I. from ship, which wu tin Tune.- durimr the lievoliiiion. "ram liim I her. Mrs Kdah Th I'illUS. wife of .bihn Thomas. Wlei the Tories cam and broke Up tile h.-llle, lipjiillir Up tlie beds with bavoiiets ami making a ion r.il wreck of hoiiseiiold pioil-, Mr- J N!;, J, Thomas took theab.i-.e I. allied l',i!ie and i.m out into the woods thus s,u- in-; it. The I'.ilde was print 1 in 1 ; .:, Mr born .Inhn :'nl. in John Thomas, the owne in I ;.)!. lo'i years it;:.., Thomas and tim broth, t hi- 1,'evidut ai Inline wi nth-rs wife atuiin-r. .:r. Hue w..:il I sttiv :h f, ill tie .-ta; the llv- Cisur.-l-c Smoki-r, A in gi traie In II. ir New York city, iittnvd a lii iceiit staleiuel.t, the ourl. j si 4- I when he .-aid: I -Yes;, rday 1 b id before me t hirty. ; live bov i.ri-.iiier.s. 1 liirtv-Hir,'" "I i llielll Wel'e colllirtll"! cigll'elle i rs. Today, ''mm a reliable s I have 111:140 Hie grewsome cis, that t'.vn nf the largest ci'. rtrelte manufacturers in this country their product in a weak solution of lir.L..l ....! ,.i.,bl b.eii-, in business th- court was" k-.-pl busy 1 . :,i. ,i,t 1. ... I ..rv., b.r.s :,11 Hie . lime and liitrtv-tiir v weie' cuiilirm- 1 rj cigarette sin'.ikers. i U bus been iiuderstund fur a emi- j siderable time that .some rigaietb s , 1 r,...,.l ,.f siinll' bad do:.e"i "' il'.: . ' '1 ....!.. i .j ih ii, !,,. 1 uaiiiies, i'i'ii"."-'- - H.eo- nnniibinlv with those who ell- joy tlie doped articles. "Opium is like w hisky, it ci atcs a growing appetite grows with what it feeds 11,1011. Tliecigan-tte smoker eniovs t!: dope .-en.-alion and aft-.-r , ii,,,.. lw is as craving for the sm.-.i- tinn as he is for the taste mid smell of tobacco. Never a day pa-ses that sonic iniiiiler, liomici'de 'or tioiible with police is not chronicled, lluw much is due lo duped tobacco w hich is used no one can tell, of course, but opium is a true ally of bad whisky, and its victims are generally addict ed to the other vice. The history of cigarette using by young buys would be a ;arlli.ig re velation to many of their mothers if they understood' the alarming pro iioi'tiniis tn lech it has grown in luntrv. It is a deadly m the mo-t" nf ca.-es, and when the cigarettes are ste.-ped 111 dope drug bi drown the senses of tin- user the diabolical. Atlanta .lour SAM JONES' LETTER. Alhlllfll .Intinuil. I have just returned Inline from a .slim t trip, w ith sviiipluhis nf yrij, and 'i ;;.'tieral i-oid ill the head. It!, me, like IIKi.st uf other people, a hud cold iilwavs s"llles in th i witkc.-t I'oinl. 1 ,.liie I, , el." mil t 1,1 Clltlllll IS ,(j n lizi , j,,, thi. . , , ,u,u-t M ,(., ,v ruMuj! I:,, ,.j;rlt j,., nl.t,.k(., ! 1 lUl. looked over t'ue col toll lields uvi-r uiaiiv snulli"rii states the lirst ! f (,L,t, 1;iV,. ,,,, convinced Hen. tii. ,,. .. . i.i i. ., in.iiliii.- 0H0 Uile cro(i this year, and I mil still of the opinion' I hat the liist of j .March will see the (nice of cotton : going up t j la cents. 1 see they l Were miking about '!' cent cotton yeslc.-day in New Orlean--, but that ine.iiii tiic factories will boycott the fthole biisiiicsa al that price. lain willing to take l'i ecu's for my whule'crop. .Maybe I wnald sell n't. Ili. In any event, cotton is kinj,' in I ho linaiicial wm Id today. f htistmas will soon be lu re iijjiiu. My, how the days and wicks and nioullwi liy by us. The la.-t fifteen days of December me the hanlest davs. of the- year to gel throiili. They brill,.' us intuthe new year with leceij is in hand fioin creditors, di ie .'ssiiig demands from credilois to come iimnediiitely and settle, 'faxes, insurance' lire and life the ".meet, Ii" hardware men-hauls, the dry " ids- houses, the blltehei', the doelur. The truth of the business . the whole thiii"; cniius at you for head end collision the latter part the year. Happy is tin- man who eaii get" out of December into Jan uary with creditors sati.-'.ied. and the fa .ure bright. 1 don't propose to pay a 1 owe between now and January l-l.but my creditors know 1 am l.'ildtiig cotton, and tlley are willing to wail. What would I do hut lor my cotUm crop'; They would he mi' In nn- liken duck onto a June hug. Among a great many other things to lie thankful for, I am thankful that I am a fanner,, and can point with pride to my bales ul cull-ail ilnwu under the shed ill the barn hit, and meet my creditors, Willi a courage almost cpuil lo theii nrtitiiiie. Woe unt') the man thai Is in debt, and ha.-n't gol his cotton to show bis creditors. A fellow I hat whoops and yells iiinl ho-.veis over a wall on Ins nose, or i i-orii mi his toe. won't get many people to listen lo his wails when l'eaf.,1 ..t'el'jlig COMICS to llilll. ' leave tomorrow night for a two weeks' trip into I'eiin.-yliania, Illi nois, Wisconsin and Kansas. I hope dcli'.oB n'nd creditor will have an easy pull to January 1st, ami that we shall all ban- a time rejoicing the coining f o-istiiias. Y mil's truly. S .1 I'. Jus l. l'i actual Education. 'Ye are among the hl to insist on th" value of tic hiitiiamlie- in education, ami we believe that colic-;, mav m rv well deiule much liim- to sucii siin'iies. lint we arc are ju-t as certain that ti'.e practical -ide' ui' e i, ilUinn-Sellse living Vt-'''..v nl'l II II. !e led lint Hill) ill V, lint is taii'.i in the school. ' but in the m-i'-ial attitude of our people toward ' It Mvais that we grow more and in uv r.-liicl itit to admit that, lirst and 1..-1 on this earth, men and wotll.-u have ! w. rk In .-,.! -lie- tile "min i, m- its eoliiva'.elit -and teat II Is our lir.it btisiliess nut In be cal- u rod, tun to maintain ourselves in bodilv heil.'ii and cnuilnrt, to hold an Ii'iioimI.!,- and helpful 1'osiliou m our leai.iiut.it i , and lo laise up cllihli-, II who will fellow ill our fnnt- teps. V, iih thi - erv piactical end in view, ("., . v child should be taught liie mipeiatilc duly of loukinu' alter the plivsical side uf.Jiis being. II"- imiiid' an ierst titd his body, and II.IW I" for it, in order that le ill that high siate oi illlV nieh no know ledge mav mam. a '" " "' is woit.i Willie. He .-limini lliell icain imh I., Mice-.-.-.-tiiilv earn his own 1 1 v ii, , bv ..oioe trade- or iirnfessinii: and il' b") tim latter, he bliould still have some in.structioii as to wink wllli ins hands. Slill faitlicr, he wit need to uiide.stand his duty as :, ,e, iii.er uf ,-ni ietv, which fur man v. ill mean recognition of hi i.iivile"ei us the brad of a house Puld, and an active an I c iriicsl in I national af- i ai e.-t 111 municipal in lairs, and w inch mr a be comprehensively st: -,iv as a home liiaKei . woman mav led to be abil i'iirse are the 1 si',,, i.l. mailers i f living which -.,(-- : . .. neghft lo instil 111 hildreii o e'iibil- Wumaii's Home Coinpaii- Why the Lord MsJc Sn Mail-, iin l iiiei.in',., Uiu. t!ie words that often cam.-. were th. sc. -The cum ,.,on neonle." To those who iivn with him mid talked with him fsjieeialiy during the Civil 'A ar. seemed a's if he could never c thinking of those who -'''? hiiuian beings, utilcttcied, imkliown in.diii-ioiis. A congressman twin western disttict npproaehed him iluiing his term as president, am iiiiolnl-bted for nrcsentn g a petit iot ti-oni Ins tontitiienU. because they w. re vcrv common people. "Well'" said Lincoln, pleasantly "Hod must love the common peo IK's made so many of V111J" Diii-im' six weeks this fall 2T.00U I ! "I ,.,.;,..,,. roliiriu-d to their! - ' Fatherland. This is not an argu- merit fur prosperity 111 America. Mosrou.-.RV NEWS. I r and Mi T Hl'ow II, of Abel - i spending S'-Veral the Inline nf e- days v '.-iting ui sln-iiiT Sampler.-, Allonicvs 1'uo ran aii ucl a ( is Smith and ( 'm li- bcfnlvJllilgeAlle i lit Asllelmlu Tlle.-day. Mr Mai (in MeA'ilay.whn has been living l eal fly. h- s liiuight a farm near Oi.vil, and h:-.s mnVid lu re. K II H itull, r Ashelimn, ell mule for l-'ninia. so nl Sunday in (own, resiitmii:' ii- joui'ii", aloiuliiV. Mi le Shailkl" left fur Miill . . v. l:,-r,' sin- will spend me Jo soiin i r I a marne 1 sister. Mi -. J r.,ofThick--: i-'ridav, and et, : the result was tin ic horse broke a leg. The dnm al l .H it- light plant on Little Hii. r, .-i ra iga leak Suu dny which K'i'.' d. I iy ii i lights fnra short w bile. Mr I! W L.aviit, of Soul hern I'ines, is patting in 'plumes for the Troy Telephone and K tec trie Light Company. Col P, i' Simmons left for Florida Monday. !1" expects to spend the wintei breulhiiig lii balmy air ol that delightful climate. ii.--es Jessie Smithei'iiian and Stciia l.'icki i..-, -pent Monday night wtih Miss Aiice Si, ,ii luTinati, who is teaching near Star. Mr Mai tin Mel! now in New York friends and iviati for some tune. II , w hose home is as been visiting al Mt. filcad left Monday for his home. Tin-re will b" a "play" given th? ae.e'einy by tin- taigei pupils of j Trnv High S !i' 'il. mi the nigni ui iJrd. A'lteaitv n.-lcome i evlelided to all. Mr D Seoit Poole has moved his family to iloekiiiuhain. whole they will make their future home. We are sorry to give up these social peo ple, ami earnestly trii.-t that ihey will inert ii!i a warm friendship at the hands of their m w nr.juaiiilaiiecs. .Mr Wiil famiibell, niter several daw ,1 i tf- me fieri us with (iliell- umnia. :i Ilnl.v 1 1 i Ii IT, at tin home nf '! : lil'oliier-iii-'ia'.v reliiaili- v,, i Moor. ( . 1 1 v was a nieiii'u r Audi w i.e.liirtter. a of the ,':--. -a-d. lh. allied, in Peiisaleiu in I'.'' i'l!el'lll,'ll!. ile of the Junior lodge at I w-.- buried by ineiu- (irrei. 1 1, uf 111" (liven b-i : I man abou' t hir John K.-S-V .Mi Iv insane white ill old, son ..f . 'el lives a few was placed in or twelve davs ..d-re-1 a subject miles v., . f j'lil hel- -.' ,ie ago, having b, unlit to ran :i large. Some tunc after bei-,g pi, i d in jail In- told a elb;e slnl'V colll-i-l n- .-. im suddenly dis ,1 months ago. lb fl.i, slmt by Whit falh'i-. John I Is-1 peculiar bin r. .: iug .Male,. m li aiieal'ed se'.il said that !!a'. Morris and 1 i I orris, ii-id thai tin y buried him in the gr.iie -! a le gr-i w Im Had ju.-t been b; t s, Hoik Creek. tile We Ha..-. IvfllSe. dug in f Ha search little r hai held tin- light for ou. The ..Hirers -etie uf the burial lh y r.-arlird it. be ,i liie grave. I'liey i-1-..-s but no trae." . e.llld. .Vtlllth. I , l-osvever bat . .-. :i tiv.' stnrv. an abstract vpoi-t. th. lit ii- record, from Pivsi g. 111 ral col li nd in tin l., iieial i :..'. 1 ntiti? hf. ae. ::; npplr meM' J bv e nt Koossvelt, : ! riij'tion whi'h Uti. olf titne.- I r- ' at's ami - . I 1 ' tlatin::-. II' 1 e e ivesti.-aiions. !''ni -,-,'it for several 1 li.-an admin-lo- result of tin ,:r Ulcers of tin resigned and reiiioved. liirty-,.v- In en found. Dciiariui'-ttts li'ive liii-!, ;-n l::if Ii Millie in, nl 111T01? ng 1 III)-' V-OII" (ii'oi-iim persons, ten of whom wefi -eivi.-e. ., mtal aim ai it in tlie postal v estimates Hr nt obtained from the gov rnnn n! le ii'dl. rs at lib, a ; Iiki.i , ,', j that this sum is siniil! 111 m with the Ins: iil'cliase, at el less and unnei s invol'.id in lh.- pi ii'liitant rales, uf psel ssiiry siii-j'iles. In h" rei-i-rt, 1 he Pre. 1. his review nf nl praises th llmru'ighi!--the invest"., vice to e-.t linns for a uf lia- iierk done bv e-s. ... with the lid i' ;- : ;. tilde of limila- ' ' '.' ,ive M-ars for ollicers who r, . la- t'.ioiis nf t r ii i ver.im. nt, ami ends with a in.- itaima o 11 t Ii e evils nf corrupt ion in public life, th. itriil "a;!l of bribe -.v.t and lirine Inker and similar idasitmles. II tl,,H all iilieiiders sliall in liunished but. makes no comment nn the iiise ul Perrv S. it.-rt ii. CiBiri! FJis Items. We i.ie glad b. it-port that the iek IHip our villa an- itoing via nnl line," they will L able t.i alien ill,, ox. ivl . is'it the 1 'hi istmas In. and have :k gon.l time; during tin holidays here The Hev. James Jordan. of Frank linville. was with us !a-t Sunday ul the Hantist meeting. Wo alway wclc e biotl. i J-mlan in our midst nml t niov his vi.-.ts. We learn that the church here hag called brother Flier back t scrte again this year. Kvorvbodv is looking afk-r Christ- mas presetiu and getting ready for the old man santu clans to come on his yearly munus regiuu.ess 01 weatner. ITDIS OP NEWS Il is lopnrted that Tamiuany will s, :;d I'uiir!.'.' Cochii n to f mit'ivsH to succeed Mayor-elect Mcflellan The wlleleabnllts nf K L Wetitz, the millionaire, who disappeared weeks ic'o in the nn intains of Tcim- "Ssee is yet shl'iillded ill mystery. Ii'ev Thus Dixmi is drainatizing Ins bonk The Leopard Nputs and it will be (mt on the Southern sta ihis v inter. Mr Dixon is writing iirw book "The Klaiisiiien" taki from the Noi I h f at-olimi lu Klux. Prof Alfred Palmer, a talented Mnglisli 1 1 1 u -u i:i 1 1 , has located it; (ireelisboro to berolile ur"auisf at. St liarmilius chiircli. tie wiil "ive in struction in piano, pipe organ, the theoiv of mi ti -K-, haiiniiiiv. etc. lb has held various important positions abroad and being a graduate of two of the leading London colic iiuililied for the work In- has under taken. ( 1 1 fi-n shorn Pat riot. ' 'iiiigressinan W. W. Kitchen has ilitrudiieed bills ill the House pro viding fot the construction of a i.iiti, imhi public building in High Point and the purchase of the l-'orsyth iiiiinty ciiuii house at a cost of Jl Jo,- imii,. an additional sum of s -.'."i.tMHi to be used in making alterations and illlptovelllellts to the building. Congressman Klutt.asks I'm-Tn,mK fur a public building at Salisbury. (ireensbiiro Patriol. Uev. 1!. II. Mi lore moved to Ore Hill vestcrdav. w here he lakes charge of iijline farm belonging to'hiswife's mot her. rhe farm lies near the famous Ml. Ycriioii mineral springs and is well adapted to I rucking and raising, which .Mr. .Moore will follow. His in-ill i-rt v here nn Walker ivetiuc is leased to Mr. W. I'. Humicr, who canie to (ireelisboro from Mt. Airy recently to engage in the man ufacture of brick. (iiveusboru Pat- it. Dr. S. W. Stalev, of Aurora, was lure last week with his bride, who s Miss Janey (Irillin, visiting his h r, Mrs. S. F. Cue, wlm lives just until ol Itieritv. nr. Matey tonil- rlv lived at. Liberty and he is now in liamlolph and ('halinim visiting lalius and friends. He located in nrora la.-t vear and has built, up u pleudid practice His marriage oc- l last moiiih, his wedding tour mbra-.-iii.r a visit, tnscwral Northern -( 1 lei'iisboro Patriot. ,g.'.im. What You Need Is To Read Your Bible More." mi" years ago a lady, who tells -tore herself, went to consult a uu ins New York physician about l.cl ileal ill. She. as a woman of nerviius temperament, whose troubles she laid many 1 had worried xcitcd her to such a pilch that train threatened her physical ii. iigth and even her reason. She the dneliii a list, of her SVinp- iis, and un-Wi'iMi 111s niiesuons 0 be a-t mishi il nt his brief picseriptinii al Hie end: .Madam, wnat vou need is to nail oar Hible more!" Hut doctor," began the bewilder- .1 patitlil - (,o home am! read your iutile an ur 11 day." the great mail rc-iterat-v. till kindly authority, then come ek to me in a mouth from to day. And he bowed her out without a scibiiiiy nf further prule.-!. A I lirst iii- patient was inclined o be angrv. Then sue recollected t least th-- (u-esei iptinii was nut. 1111 Xprllsive une. Hesides, it ci-ftaiiil) id bei-ii 1: long time since she nail :ul the i'.tide regularly she re itedvvit'aa puis: uf conscience. Wnrb'.h c.n.s had crowded out Hible study for years, md, though she would have resclit- 1 briti.-, called an irreligious woman, h" had become a liin-t careless i-iian. Sin- went home and set If Mm, ientioasly to try the ii iaii's reiueih. In month she went back to Vv ell," he said smiling, s he looked at lu r face, -1 see you re nn obedient patient, and have .ken in v luvscriplion faithfully. DiMoit fielas thou.gll VOU lieede inv other medicine now';' No. doctor. I don't." she said es.-lv. -I feel like another tier son. 1.11! now did vou Know nun s iti-t what I needed';" For answer the famous physician turiieil to Ins desK. 1 here, worn nnl marked, lay an open Hible. -.Madam, said he, with deep arnest ness, -if 1 were to omit inv daily reading of this Hook 1 should my greatest source of slrengtl: skill. I never uo to an opera. lion w i t htm t reading my Hible. I never attend a distressing case with out liiidiug hell on its pages. Your ilk'd. mil fur medicine, but for sources of peace and st relish outside vour own mint! and 1 shuwed you my .v 11 prescription, unit 1 Knew n wo'ibi cure." Yes, 1 confess, doctoi," 8aid Ins patient, "that 1 enme very near not taking it. V t rv few are w illiug to try it I'm I," said the physician smiling again. "Hut there are many, many cases 111 inv practice where it would work wonders, if they would only take it. This is a true Btorv. The. doctor .lied onlv a little w hile ago, bnt his prescription is still good. Exchange. During the uext campaign the lb publican cry to the laliorers will he "dinner nt the w lute iiouse in stead of "fuH dinner pail.' $1.00 Per Tear' .INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Liberality 'of our Laws In Inviting Men Here and Elsewhere to Deveiop the Vast Resources ol the North State. Kai,-i.'li I ones. The very great increase of work in the ollice of the secretary of State is a fair index to the iiiorvelous pro gress that the Stateof North Caro lina is now making in an industrial nay. That ollice for the year ending November 30, 1903, issued 423 grants for which it paid to the treasurer I,.r4t.v5 'as against $3,8C7.92in lima, 1,3,043.01) in 1901. The grants now being issued are generally for entries made uner'the old law and for land sold by the State at 122 infll 15 cents per acre. All land entered since March 9, 1903, verv few grants for which have yet been issued, willbe sold at mi cents or more an acre, wnion dioiild considerably increaselthe? re venues from that source. The increased values of liiud'from the general business improvement, rise in values of agricultural pro ducts and lumber and mining de velopment in Western riorth Caroli na, lias caused a jjreat movement of land sales and the time of Mr Nor wood, the chief clerk, is almost en tirely consumed in "searches" for old grants, etc. The sales of supreme court reports have increased the amount received from them for the vear ending De cember 1, 1903, being ; $5,071 .31; sales tor 1902, $2,648.25; 1901, jt3.37H.C4; 1900, $3,219.55. I lure have been 554 certificates for domestic corporations filed in t ho ollice of the secretary of State for the past year, on which an organi zation tax of over $17,000 has been aid into the treasury. Inese csr- porations represented $48,790,150 luthorized capital stock, ana $lo-, 71,490 subscribed to commence iiisiness on. The business men of the State and lsewhcre recognize the liberality of our laws, and realize that North Carolina is fostering every legitimate ministry anil is niviiing enpiuii w help develop its resources, assuring it protection and fair treatment. i 1113 is suown vy me ginning num ber of corporations in North Caro lina. The following tulle shows the cor porations organized in North Caro lina which were chartered uy wis jfltce: 'or the vear ending Nov. 30, 93, 21 For the year ending Nov. 30, '94, 115 ror the year ending Nov. 30, '95, Hi For the year ending NT3v. 30, '96, 151 01 the year ending Jov. 30, a , li l or the year ending Nov. 30, '98, 156 For the year ending Nov. 30, '99, 207 l or the year ending JNov. 30, OU, duo the vear ending JNov. 3U, ui, &ll For the year ending Nov. 30, '02, 395 For the year ending Nov. 30, '03, 554 The capitalization tor two years, 197 and 1898 was $5,964,250, or for each vear 1897, $2,982,125; 1S9S. $2,982,125. For two veins, 1899 and 1900, si 7,085,000, or for each year 1899, $S,537,500; 1900, $8,537,500. Capital authorized: ior 19U1, $2ti:52G,50; for 1902, 425,025,050; for 1903, $48,790,150. Subscribed to commence business on: For 1901, $5,002,790; for 1902, $3,946,407; for 1903, $15,771,490. The following comparison shows the increase in organization taxes on carpnrutionsror tnree years: ror raud over $1 7,000; for 1902, $10,528; for 9ol, $4,970. Hi-ports for above years do not how amounts corporations commenc ed business on. The last Legislature passed an act authrizing the secretary of State to harater banks and under that act 24 banks have been incorporated. The same Legislature fixed a tax liiioti foreign corporations coming into the State to do business, which is now yielding considerable revenue to the State. Five railroads have filed charters with the secretary of State during the iast year as follows: Kinston. and Carolina Railroad Compay, Holly Shelter Hailroad Company, South- port, Atlantic and Western Kail road Company, North State Railway Com pany and Atlantic itaiiway iom- pnny. This does not represent the num ber of new railroads for the State this vear, as the Legislature charter ed a number. The Legislature of 1903 passed an t to provide for registration of labels, train marks and designs. Under this law quite a number of trade marks have been registered. Tho proprietors of trade marks are just beginning to learn of the exist ence of this law and business con cerns desiring to protect their labels, marks, etc., are registering tna same and the year 1904 promises to show a large increase in the number of registrations in tins department. Judge Robinson Declines Wlik Thanks. Judge Wra. 8. O'B Bobinson wh attended the rep. national committee meeting in Washington Unt week after having attired himself in even ing dress for the banquet gif en bT Mr. Hanna at the Arlington HoW declined to attend because of the presence of Georgia negro, Uin act met with the approval of many notwithstanding be drank at the soda fountain in Ooldiboro with one during the w.v'te supremacy cam paign of 1900. 1

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