CULINERY CONCEITS. Too much baking powder In a cake Will make It "crumbly." Vegetables that will be done In twen ty minutes' boiling will requhv from thirty to forty minutes It steamed. Brush the bottom crust of pie with white of egg before putting lu the fruit to prevent the Juices being ab sorbed and the crust soggy. Lettuces that have grown stalky mi l are useless as salads are a dish lie fur a kingdom of kings If stcanu J nti'l served like cabbages with butter, pop per and salt A variation of fried potatoes Is ob tained by slicing as for I'roncli fried, soaking in cold water to extraet the starch overnight If possible and roil ing in fine corn sneal before pltiiixlng In deep fat. Rolls from the bakery should be led in the bag, the top tlphtly twisted be Ifcre putting In the oven to beat. Tor some reason the rolls come out crlsper and fresher than when removed from the paper before heating. When frying doughnuts have ft ket tle of boiling wntcr on the stove, mid as each doughnut Is taken from the fat plnnge it for a second In the water, then drain. The doughnuts are en tirely free from greasy taste or feeling When so treated. Tha Popular Ctrl. Ton have, of course, met (.-iris who, without your knowing nnythlng deti nue against them, have Impressed yon as persons to be avoided, but have you also met the girl whom you, as well as everybody else, instinctively likes? She Is the girl who appreciates the fact she cannot have the best of ev erything in the world and Is quite cheerful when her neighbor gets it. She is the girl whe never say thoughtless things which cause pain. She Is. the girl who, when you invite her out, takes care to please you by looking her best. She Is the girl who makes the world brighter to both young and old by b. tng so cheery herself. She Is the girl of whom you in-tin. -tively know that you may ask a fa vor and that she will giant it f-el:n-,' she has received one from yon. In fact, she Is the happy. tinsoliNh. sym pathetic girl who sees ( 1 i'l .- .ay one and Is quite willing to ln ' ond fiddle" whenever by so doiim s'-e can add to her neighbors- happiii"". Little Mm and lV.raini, ' Treat the children like little m'i a; 1 women. It will do much toward tuak Ing them men nnd women. IVrp-tu. I frowns, scoldings and fault tlnding much toward making them surly. ill tempered nnd story tellers. v:vt In every Instance. A mother slm.iM never be so busy that she I i: to her children. If they live to be i .. n and women they will all too sunn 1 a her. She should make the most . :' them while she has them. She sh-.aiM encourage outdoor exercise or '.' and she should not forp't b train ih ":, with proper regard for their per- iv appearance. She should never :i! v. them to form such habits as cnn, it : to the table In negligee, ncul I'lliis i l e r nails or their teeth or carryin.- so::- -I handkerchiefs about. She should nc.c: nag them or forget that they arc cr tures of reason, uot animals that re quire to lie driven, nor should she fad to Instill in them a distaste for ail that is vulgar. American Queen. I'tllUlBC an Old Iturrnu. Some genius recently made a pi f hall furniture out of an old main a. y bureau, one of those with handsome carved legs terminating in claw t. ci The top and Interior, with the exe. p tlon of the deep bottom drawer, bad been removed. This drawer was c.,v ered with a hinged lid and served for the seat. The inside of the bureau w as neatly finished with panels in winch the rejected drawers were utilized, and the whole carefully dressed over and polished. When new handles of colo nial design were added to the remain Ing drawer and the seat piled wita gay cushions, an exceedingly attract; , e settle with a convenient receptacle for wraps and parasols was the result. Glove Chfi. Glove cases are very useful indeed, serving to keen gloves separate from other things, and If well embroider d they are ornamental as well. paea or cases for gloves are preferable boxes, especially to tltoso who m. about a good deal, as they take much less room In packing. A glove ease can be made of art linen. Roman satin, silk, etc., and should be long enough to take ordinary four bnttou gloves easi y and if you put a division in it the re sult will be good. A division Is made lengthwise and consists of a doubled piece of silk used for lining. This per mtta of the separation of white from colored gloves. Hiss Alio C. Fletcher, Mia Alice O. Fletcher, now cornice ed with the bureuu of cthnoloc president of the Anthropologic ty of WTmhlngton. It 'f1fnr!, , 1 years ago aevisai ..... loaning small sums of biod.?-1.. ; ; Indiana to boy land and build houses for themselves. A lifelong student of : aboriginal languages, poetry, music' tod easterns, her latest work on Indian ' nnslc and poetry will outlive the In diana themselves and give future gen-, I tranons an Idea or wnai ineir music and poetry were like. Washington Post. Bstoteat Houekeepera Rise Fnrlr "It often surprises me." said the good housekeeper, "to have a woman say that It doesn't matter If she rises late in the morning because she has plenty of servants to look after thlngn. As If late mistress did not make n late household! The woman with plen ty of servants Is Just the one who ought to rise sarly to look after them." Good for Children. Tlia pleaetnt to take and harmless OM llwix Coord Ce.r-g:a imnie i, iats rfclisf eases of ouih, C' -. u antt LaOrippa nwaoi it doea n-t pus issasediatal; into the stomach, but lakes (foot ri.t at the seat f the iroaale. It draw oat the Inflsmuis tloa, healt and eoothei and cures p-r-snentiy by rnsUnir the Iubks io c ii tnbnta earn life ffirinz Hf-sutainmp 7ns to Ih blood and tissues l)r Arsttttraoffef DUa, Tel., prescribes It diny nd aaya tbare i eo heite wmh rrtoedr mada, Sold by W A I norood, Bmdlemaa and S'.md.iri lrg Co-, A'beboro. One lluadrti OoIUn a Box. !i t'-i tdiia B A Tlsdal', I.nmmrion, ft. 0. ptmimm on DaWltt's Wit ih Jim I t i safe: 4 I hid the pil-a f t 4- TTT-I..-S. Z tried aasnjr doctor' it, bnt ail f illed exo p' h H itnl Halve It cured . a ...ntioi n' tha h. si ... .; v it-t, Hasel al'b i r .'! nrt; rcljeif". ! : ? e ' s e.iiid, Mnei.llt' r. v ii pi'a-, S'.re- WAS IT LUCK? rafi)rtimlt. Fiici'1ciiccm i:uit Trv Any 1IM I'ulieiiee. Theie ii i... siMi lliin:-; as lack, is the Ia:-..v man's c.n Siico peiid.s on ;.ill. on itir, -.yli! and ileus are i.iul lo duly. I waml.-i-. .-ays a cut rc-iniiil Aim rivaii I n -.llry Journal. To:-.i lilian wli.nn there lueiv a li.iav'.le f. l.ue in Ai ;!....; .Ut be 1 .mil a luieise ill ll.. the i.a!l hears of fa in ihc roil:::; H.ial'le pu.iM i i.;u , T..::i ...1 II. e v Ci i iv biu iae ,;,:..!-. As , !.,!U. it, lU I'. ..! Iwl'l an d t-. eie-e i ,-.i:::.i,y lo Hie hia i:v i ii,- , .;.:! v.m - la;- . bin lb- iv ;-,!.., l He- M.iuiiy .f Ihc iv . : U ,.- orai: .!. Thrr- v, three -:,:;i':- I v.: ,- .:v, ; I-.:- , -s - , , ; , .... ;, r i:.-:.:t,..s in ti." ".Mr. but Mr. : - ., : ;!- : s ., u , .',-.:- i'e- b.- ' n- '. 1 :.;':,, - . rail- :;:-. .-s. , , , i:.,.... u '. .!,-;.:re i-.v.oa tl.c.i.erl. I L i 1 Hi 1 , , , I,,,, V;;iV: a '..e . , ; .. v. ' aia.cxeept the .a.ese ' ' '. , ;.' " .v " " ',' ' ' ' v Vi o.s re v ea',:-, vHr-ver ' hi ,w ''', T- V;Tu!;'lv'u fir !:e; ".'i:'. .v : .' ''".'l . . , ' - ' V V.,;t. .v'y li-.-y Ji:--l l.:i!'i- i.kI l j ;v. , . , . .1 ... el I. a- . ' ' '.' . , ', ,. j'',' .'. 7 I. .'t,!v:. .:.,!!: w..,ivr . iv:., , .' i', ' i-l-V v,:'' . ; ; -.' . - ,; . i "t'.''i-e t'.i"ih-,:..--.: .-a-ioi- d.-.-;.-- : 1 : ;: '; I : -.v;. -.' s::;;::. .i ":,.!.:,.-. i :i..t . . . ; 1 .. ; --v . 'j had i .1 a-y:..::t i. -e t'.-y : -e: - ' . .' , , . ,. . , . - . I w, . j '. .' . , . j , ,-, r I -' ' ' . 1 i'','v, ' . j a d iv will. 1 ! . : .V: .1 w il l"..:l ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' - .. ' " " . " ".' ,'!'. . ell ll:.h solid .................. 1 ; ' ' ' ' ' ,...,i; ; u'. , : : ;'. :ii. j :' :'.-. 'v. : e.i'w.ut 01.. .e.t ;.; . ,,;y. : ' , . i - !i". ... :.i;i'il-'iii'-o.un;rv ; ' ' .-;"!- ; - -' ' :' ' .'::". "y 'ii in iV .. "TT" j ':. i vii!.,i': i'i.iii : ii i '' : " ii'rt- .'. 'i' .- .;. i lo h,-g,:v j : i. i -'.: Iliil r:.:r:. b , . ' f " -. ; 1. 1 -; ' ' 1 . ;,' . :"'..y,-'.. .'' ' '. ' " v " ' ::V' ' : ,! f : iv -...-'ifi-cido ', uar-'c.'r i pi: . .! a v-' y I..,!!, a:. I. t ai-as a ."C ; '. .'.,,1 ',,. ;t, ' - , : :. e;,,l.-"l -. ,.! -a-nom: I I I ad I c cv,;. .1 .;:.!, ,!,., I . ' L ; ;..,, a t T; -hp- vU- "" -v is laninn-g in .. .1 H.-:rk lo take t::e in. V. e , . . , -,. , , ... v -, . . . ,,- k-ap" '. ''-- I :.v .o--n and ,:, n M. : . :.f ff ' ' " '' " A' i. to start : ( :!:.::!-. 'I ! -n a lean :.:,. ; ' ( ; r .y (. , . , . . : to I ; bl .tvii.,: r. i-slati pe.w biek. -t'-i tin- ut or p-it-II la a box or !:e-; nnd da t. There npv-e.irs f ovrrdoin? the Job and lihken sneeze Itself tj m-.kin? the ch il- ath or stilUns Ko dJi Dyspepsia Cure Cqcats "11 c'aaaeaof food, tones ar d truisiKi st'ie stomach and diseftive ovmn Ones l)yspepi, pe-tlon. mn- eh Tro. bles. suit malt- s lien n-d Mo i heabli ami rentf h. Kodol Dvsp-p i f 'tt e telih Ids wnr. out lis- ilea, p i' il s, iti-enr'ie'ia and - wpetens h '(in ell- r ll 'f Atk nunn. ol ', V1 s ' I Hny i uJ a mim'er ol b it 'le ' f K d c l'rp i sia due n. I hnv- tenrd it. In he a "ry eff-o ir nd Inioel ad erlu reely f r stomach lilmcils I 'fsfonimen-l it to nij fifed" Sold by W A tJnderwood, l.'A i.l'e ,ian and standard l'rn(T Co , ,sU, Horn. Tli- freckles M pas o tlie Sim 'hesi tin; col'l weather comes. S r. r you are i i c, ,1 ;. '. T'- '.-as ti e bru"1 I , -:dV: i ' r:r,--t!'ri-T.-v'TBrMiWrf--f t.1-rw:i -. : lug : dii-lng ihe after- Sluri. .!.. i rni I'ri,a o. t -.. or.i:4i..;t''L'I.,J.i;i'elnT.:,'iU-,'v.7!i ! ..v. :! v! W'l'h he M") I TI I f '' ;: ' ' '' :'' ' :r' 1 '''''''' '' " 1 flenn. th i, vo:i ,::-:.t .. ,it Men-job nnd b-.: - . f ' .braieies. l.U wif -. 1" , f' -o itive Brcao Qvtxb. n I -ifS o!J in J .i. 1 3 e W'm the ! hnki I LLU0I..1IM: ' lu rev. . n cc-UNTnsr 3 making a uig " ," PKOFIT i-'ROM GOCt) ROADS, ceiiliu- rranl, and I con-It: I. d to spend our ta,): ,:. I.i V,:.-'.i.,g:,n. V.ev.itit- .,.,..,.., , A:11,.,.1(,l t,,.,ltl,K ''" of ed to i:. -: et that b. aiuilul ci.y -tud ,. ,(. :,;;., u, ,,:;11i-Imiu-o . see and I. a.- the p'o:.:a: lit t:i -:i a.S- , ;. . ,.,.,-.,;,:, iciuUn is "" scud !. 1 ll- , ,.; - e ,.,,t :,,l !,- :l. ' cei I. it ,, , t ; : , i; .. . i -or ;.:;d , ; io .; , ; : ..r: : ,1 t. :;.. .-. ":.::'',, p.'.V. -,': v." , .;. r-'iia,.,.,; . , v"-'V- :,v.:;: , - ; i,... ! fo !'..., . r i. : i : -ti ; - - --" ' ",;,iju'ji'.' win . .'ad n-'.ally 03 a i iliirki.- ll." nfternocn. J At the first wotil l'rauk and 1 looked I nt each other. Then I'm'.: burst out And ilnr'.n; the r,-.;t cf the vontnloipi-t's wo hid our faces in cur hindkerel.; - fs t ) cen.-.-al . from the audience a mli'tii it could not .:.;.:- :-!.l "It di -u't do." Ri!U I-'rntik as we walk d I 1; to the betel, "to jmlgft by appearances. Perhaps innny of our leirislators ar." ftccd men after nil." ! MAHCr. PLIZ.VHETH IIOXET. Hew to Prevent Croup. It w- 'l I e rood i e-.vs to tlio ri ' it, i fs r, il . U Id', a o learu fbaf c?oni. an bti pJcvrote-l. Tlio firt s gn of er . p 's borfen . A day or to b -to e the att-ek th child I ecoines hearse. This is soon f 11 --il;bv n f:eer:liar r ti:li ccugli. Rive hnuiberlaln's Cotlg'i Remedy fif. ly s s-i -n sm t!:c chil 1 beonica honr-e. i r tv :i ahm I ronsh coujh appt-ais, and it wiil .'i - pel lib SV L.IIOiliS of cr.ep, III tblS wTr:!l da Kir sod anxhtr mi bo i vo d d. I bis r me u is used I v nmu thou'nnd" ef in th-n find In a n v r be oi known lo t ll. It s, lu fact, tb only r"inedy tb-.t enn i ly be de l , ed n on Bid that 1 v'' t end snii" to tils". For fb' bv 'xn ard Drill Co , Anlieli' uml W A Ih d.-r-w-oij-1 .. -.. i ,i'f m j, at ,t i ii Ma; i to in - n.-ar--: it.:; i.r To Cure a Cold in On n s. at i, S I, I a v si-fioti Is plvon as f'.nr- '.i.o"i . The aver.i-;e haul to the neae- e t sliippins eint Is twelve miles, the average cost cents per ton pi r mile, or a ton for the iwelve mil-". I-Vw farmers Ink- into c-..ns!,ler:,f.,n this i . i i of expense. The most imimrt.iM factor In rcduc'.ns the cost Is pwd roads, for i::'.t'-h larger loads can be Jiau'.ed. much less time taken, nnd u great F.ivinp 111 horseflesh and In the wear nnd tear on vehicles effected. An other important factor In favor of good ro .i.-. id In being able to pet produce to uiarkc. dutlps the time of high pricesV A Tiniely Suggestion. Tin- e t sr s .ri oi ti e year when th ti-'-r! el ru ' careful eons- K re td - i ! Ii r fop- Iv oi Chimb-1 Iain's ('ch l: n td .-. It 1 certain to be neeiln! beft re ih nl-t r is r, and rc'til'e nr. innc'i lucre p'cmiit a'd B't f:j, 'i t' W" n It i kept st bard a ii ( : en : s s -or the ccid is i d re' re it Ins becon.o set'Ud :n ,l e y-:!( i:i In n m si every In-i-i cb a c ( ie c Id - y bo arded ofl b. is'.ieir tl-is r-medy freely us arwt as h st, I r ation of ILu '1 1 appears. 11, ,,, !t pn i merer ni giving- it to - In . : for It eonlnlns no hurmfal snl ever. It is i Hi nt to take hi;:, n'l It- cMidrtn I ke it. Buy rf a d y w;H g t 'h-bcs. It always rnr-n, fc-r s-d- bt Stnndnrd Drug Co., .1.. lu si d W A I nderwood, Bao-dl'man. o Day A ea every 1 V. ' jrznrt0 box. Mo. DUCKS FOR THE MARKET. The Heat Are Those Hint llnve Sever Seen 11 I) noli I'miil, "The little ducks that come to mar ket nowadays," said a wholesale dealer in New York, and even the Utile din ks that slay ut home are as diiVcreiit from the ducks we used to sell four or five years ago as dried figs are as din. rent from the fruit fresh from the vines. It seems an almost unnatural thing to think (if a duck without a (luck pond, but the fattest ami best ducks we sell now never saw a duck ond. -Dae'; farming is still a comparative ly recent thii-;, but It is developing along new lines till llie time. Kxp.-ri-emo lias tiuuht that dm Us iill.n'.nl only sntlicieut water to nin'tidi the liilrsi and not a dirty, muddy pond lo wallow and -.wim ill are more tooth some for the table ami bring higher prices in the market. Whore there Is a pond there are Ihli of some sort, and the ducks will eat the lisli. That gives their meat a llshy flavor, of which huii-'.-w ii es complain. There is as much If not more mon ey in raising ducks than in raising chickens: but. as it talc s more capital to s;ari a dn-k farm than it does to build a hencoop, tin-re are fewer per sons In the I. u lilies, ati'l d'tc!:-. unless th.y have a p.iuj and are allowed to roam at their own sweet will, are more tiouMcsomo to take care of than chick, cn. Th -re is not Much variation in ih- r 1 cf a duck fattening for th in irk. !. Il is fed regularly three tines .". u 'v. and it gets mash lor every re. al. No"itj cln agrees with a healthy duck like mash. About once a week a little cracked n Is thrown In by way of variety, but the dm l;s do not seem to care w bother it Is there or not. "111-. ..i.-rs have an odd way of get ting around the natural craving of ducks for animal food. It takes a l-n -tiiiio to cure Hi" birds r.f this. ti.l they in'" very Irritable during the process. Hree.lers m ike a stew of ani mal flesh and ground bones ihIm.I and strain off the water. This is tnlv.l with the water given the ducks to drink and n No to ii.-i-t-'ti tln-lr bran The compound gives to their mash a mealy flavor that era 1 1 ties Heir apo--tite ami adds to it a substance th.:t makes them Mivng. "In fattening ibnks brooders try to make th.-ni eat r nun h as tl.-y can. And it is a-tonihing bow mu.-h a iiine due if four pounds of fo t hnitu.' inalerial to su-iain - loim-borcinati. If a dtt in. ire than ciioiiuh to s: lite the breeder tbinUs "en a farm the diiel.s are not allow ed to t.iiv t will. 'I'liey are kept in pens in i!o i.s c,f flfly or seventy, ae cordinii to lla-ir conili:loii for inaiKct l:is. 'I I.- i.-t'. .-,t. -I ,a:c mn-t be ta'a. n witii ih.::- beddins. I'tc-h hay and straw cve.y , !her niuht. and at certain F.-as.itis nf il.c year every niL-ht. is tin perative Id- heallhy du. ks. b,-y do not sleep in houses like i hick lis nnd turkeys do. 1 nicks prefer to huddle to-'-:kor aa.l !., . in the ep-u. Hut their feet must 'n- hi pi warm. A du U with .-old feet i. v -i: illy a dead dink. "The I r ortieiiate returns from bat. bliii; di: k -' e: us, in compared wi ll h. tiV kls. t ai'eal.cisly small. About niie half ll e . i-s s. nt to I a . h are sheer w a-:e. la faet. it does n- t p.ay the Ire. i!.,i-s ii :,, -w York and New .1. i-s y to i. ,- , from cvus they can buy In rca'l-ont. It Is cle-aper for tin-in to lay and t .i-e yoiuu' ducks shipped from the west. This industry lias be come t-o l :r::e tic I cars are built .spe cially f. r '.I.- duel; trade and men sent nlnpa v. h i know- Low to feed nnd take care cf tie-iii." ( are nf Tiiruej-". I l.nve I'.. ;ii:.l that lurkeys cm be raised with v.-ry Utile care. The cold Wc'iln-r in early t-prln.: lias been the hard -t ti.!!!-.- to contend with, one piow-i r losing from ehjlity dow n to twenty-live, but she went to estrciucs in In r care of them, keepini; tbcin cnepe.l ten closely nt lirst and. I thitill, feidhi:.' loo henvily. After they com inencod to die she turtnsl them out lind let them take ca.-o of theniselves. 1 coop mine only three or four days before 1 turn tliciu nut to run In ti e daytime If it Is not too wet. and coop tli-iii n's'lits. always p-tlini; tbctn In about 5 o'clock, or they will find some t-ocd place to h!.b aw ay from you and run !u the wel jrrn. In the imirnaur, and the chances are that yon will lose a larae pt r cent, if they arc cooped nlfhis r.nd until iifn-r tlie dew Is off In the i.ioriiitii and not overfill I think they are ns etedly rals.-.l as chickens, ami a turkey's i.iark-t value is three tin es v. hM : chicken's is, r-esel.-s after the turkeys jet old ennitu-li to run In the fl.-ld they p-t their ilrinr until mid weather. 1 have one turkey runuini: In the carden that lias never been cooped at nli. but tiiere Is no wet crass fur (he turkeys to pet drabbled In. She has not lost a p. nil yet, mid they are full feathered. She goes back to the same place to roo t every tn-dtt. and I know Just where to find her If It happens to lie late when I fi.ed her.- Mrs. Charles Jones in Poul try Keeper. Out Vei-mlti. A writer In the Scientific An:eri n says he has clean 1 his promises of ver min by making whitewash yellow with copperas and covering the stones and rafters In the cellar with it. In every crevice In which a rat mlnlit go he put the copperas nnd scattered it In the cor ners of the floor. The result was a com plete disappearance of rats and mice. Since that time not a rat or mouse has been seen Dear the house. Every spring the cellar Is coated with the yellow whitewash as a purifier and a rut ex terminator, and no typhoid, dysentery cr fever attacks the family. Cures Blood Poisod, Cancer, Ulcers. Eczema, Carbuncles, Etc Medi cine Free. Bol ert W.ird, M.iiey'e, G., Ssys: I a iffered from blood poison, my heal, fa eanc -h n blurs wco one mass rf corruption. a:hi In hones an t joints, burnitif. itching, scabb skin, was nil run down and discouraged, but Botan io Blool Balm cored me perfect!., hf. ilod all tha sore and gav my skin the rich (rlow of health. Bl'od Balm put new life into my blood and nrw ambition lnt my brain." Geo A Williams, R.'iboty, face covered with piir-rles, cronieore on bsek of he-id, soppfcrutiDK awrilibg on nfck, eating nicer on h-s, bone pains, jichmfr skiu ura l perfectly by ftotnoio Bluod Balm rii all bra ed. B tanie illood B dm, car' a 3 II mall!(iiant Llood troubles such ax eczema, scabs and f cab a, pimples, rant ing ear-, scrofula ate E-wriallv aiivised for all obstinate ra- thnl have reached the iertud and thud stag.-. Drnf X'-t, 11- To prove it ear s sampl of Blood Bslia sent i free lejd prepuld k writing Blcwd Blm o , Atlaiit i, Os. Hew ril e tronlde and trm moaical advice sett la so led m-iier. i J I.C!";iI AJvcrtiscmnls.. i Administrator's Notice. I Hhuiii: .pi hil il a. ii.!m;i-:e..!"i el M mini , Vli... . . .... U i.a lr-0. I el llliv . -I: il. - lerilllM i-lnle ir, ii r.l.. not Hi,, t t, ,-.- :i;..n.ii , ..r 1 1. foe -in. III. .1 is .1 ..v. : l. i. l-i.l-oi -llils 1 1,.- p'e i :. .i ti Ail p. .not r al.i e int. i.i.: .. i ,e i,,...,:r,l j Not;cf. U. I- VAi;l;. .If .!!.!. I and Siiel WHAT IT MEANS. One of ll.e 'leu W li.i l iill.nv the Sf -I c 111 lie, i l l lip Line lirt'citiiiK. 'n'hal is in . nit l.j line bred birds or line breeding:" is a iiiesti,,n ::- ,. .1 tue ei-y oi'tcn iiiite ic.enilj. n i.nt Is meant by line bn eilae; is w . ..- I he sane' sii-.iin or I'uiniij- i f fmiii i.. bred (iiiiiinuall.v for j.-ars uiihoui injiry to the i.or .1- -iaaena of liie thick or ludiw.ii:..! spoil.,-,;-. icidcis will pardon n .- i. t tal.itu - an IH'e--tra'.ion my own strain of i .!. the I'i-hel White I'lj moiiili l;, but 1 feci 1 cm belter csph.ill ll.e lll.lll, r by doinu (I. is than by I ',,-.- s -,i: ;her lin b.e-I snain Willi which 1 am not well ncijUnintod. Several .eat I'dvantau. a are i.,!ined by I.iijIiik I'.ue 1.-...1 buds lor foundation for a t-." k of f,.-K aiiiung these beiie-. first, j. u can expect t!.. ,.i to, c bi iter o i'-pi iii-i than the parent stock: second. Jou wiil ji' t ex cciicut lav. is In biie bred birds, for i:o breeder Mould tbhik of breed,:.- h,-:is that were not :;,iod, 1 will s. y i so p liotially j:ood. layers. Mid another :.o..-l re. on lor buying line l-r-d birds Is liiai the i-csiiiis i f n ii...;,:i :...- ca-a r cmirollcd than in spi.. hm n , red in the old haphazard way. To start bi'ccii.iu: in biic. or. l.ciler. to start n hue bred fo. k. J -u must s.-ciire the best v. I.i. ii jn;i tan possibly iiltor.l, and If : . so. lire for Tout- I'o'in.l itioli M.k birds that you know arc Hue bred. I'm- example, we wld say j oil biive UuV.t a bn .1 lug pen of l.-n females ii-id n:io male for your f.iuinlalion s.o. I. t' Mr. A.. Who lr.fs practiced line breeding lor years. Von rear this s-.;, :i from this pen several hundred very cl.oi o pul lets and c !; ids. Aft. r ti e I, .ids have matured and j. a arc te.!y to make t:p .v.e:r yiinls ..r ih- ...::iing season s. !, , t fr.u.i ti c lot jour very best loci., id atid i: him to Jour bena. Sole, t j.oir , ry I. .. pullels and mate (. the c, k I .id. K. serve some of the reinuiiiiiig o. kerels and pullets for f. ar of y.,ur losln.: s-unc of jour brccb is; al.-n I'm- f.- .r the fo , 'ow ing season yo.i v, ill v.ant s -i t'.ii yard-. In that c.i-e you will lie d lao re. to males than jotl le.w have in jour yards. :,s nl-.i a few male ler.:-. In seleelln.: jour l-i d.-rs ahvys 1, ,..!; well to sliindard l '.u;re:ii. ms. ... , un to I.e. p iiapr.e. ;,,g jour il, k as you pi-o'.rcsi. The er a g s .-.son I w.-i.hl -i .-e-st as a ch, ap j t" i:n'i:-e n ,v bin not from v. Ii nil y.-'i -. your las'. 1 1 u. The chicks from ti. "- : h -ing bred In line witii the birds ji-ii already have, will predate both male and female which yni can i:-o the f 11, .wing sea son in refre.-'.i'.l'g your foe', or bcilding up ceriain d I' via v, hl, I, y, : lc.ay wish Improved, if Jolt fi , 1 J.e.i n-ed no help from the par. in : t oh of y. '.r 11 h-'; do not get the cgs, hot lake the progeny from the two pens and luai.' them, the cock bird to the offspring of the cock- ircl nnd bens and the tv, .. year oid -i to the pro.;e!,y cf the leek :ind pilliels while the yn-tng I, 'ids can be i. . . 1 i:;i as the ..e. i.H.s :a as n ti;- foo'. vlng year. The progeny of ihe old cock bird, this being the last mmsui ou can ti-e the old bird owing to it;..'. v.-i!l mate nhely with anything you have In th -flock. Ity foilo.ving v,i lids sj .--. ,.f Hn lirccdlr.g and mating jou ,-an e;i ',. i.e your birds under perfect !'., 1. si tlmt In .t:e s -a oil j n i c.n lire 1 lew combs or any nth, r special poltit you desire. Never luiiodin-i' erareme for eiirn blood In a line br, ,1 .. V If you feel yuli must have r..'i !'-:-. Ign bioo I In the tlo.-k ihi'i I ani Mire ynu w,il not Und re If you follow the sys tem Of lino breeding ns la! I d iwn berei buy n mule bird nnd mate hii.i to a few very select liens, s. lei ting n male the coming s v..ii from this mating for another special mating, and the third year the off-prlng will contain enough pure line bred blood in him not to tear down any nor!; you have nceonitulsbi d In building up your flock. V. ll. I- label In Poultry Keeper. Weed Oat the Droues. In every Hoel; of hens there Is a cer tain number of drones, hens which are healthy looking nnd which cut every thing one will feed them. Kven the natural season for laying these bens give one but n few eggs, but eat ns ravenously ns possible. It Is this class of fowls that cut down the profit from the poultry yard. It Is estimated that a pullet, one hatched early, will not pay for herself until she Is eighteen mouths old. If this Is the case then it naturally follows that nhe should le carried through another winter in order to make n profit for her owner. Tue longer we are In the poultry work the Armor la our belief that too much im portance Is given to the pullet aud not enough to the two-year-old hen. As irrrnrni that an April hatched pullet will begin laying In November and lay through nntll molting time the follow ing August. It Is plain tl it her next period of laying will be at a time when eggs are high In price nnd the hen In the best possible condition as to age to produce ibem. Take good care of the ben that Is getting through her first molting season after ahe has begun to lay, for ahe Is the valuable bet) of the flock. Commercial roultry. Bcalr Bcaly legs In fowls Is caused by microscopic Insect or parasite. Dip ping In kerosene oil will kill them nod cure the malady, but cure ainnild I taken to do it early In the day, so the fowl may exercise In the open air until It evii porn ten. U will then 3i lite fowl Ho harm. Weak Hearts Ars due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of sveiy jas hundred people who have heart trouble .an remember when II was simple Indlgej- on. Il is a scientific fact that all cases of "irt disease, not organic, are not only :r:i -cable to, but are the direct result of Indi-;-.;!ion. All food taken Into Ihe stomach .viuch (alls of perfect digestion ferments and :xol.j the stomach, puffin; It up agalnsl the .-art. Tins Interferes with the action of 'ai heart, and in tns course of time that iekcate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kaub. ol Npvj Ja. O.. Mrs: I tlid ftomtctl rouble ani wa In a tu.t lUts as 1 had tieart trouble villi n. iron K,tll riyafcpsla Cure lor afcolll lour n.-nthj and II cured ms. Kodol Digests What You Eat nd relieves the s::rr.ach ot all nervous itraln and the heart '.t all preisure. Bottl!3 0n.r. il.CO Sim h.ldl-j 24 times Ihe trill size, wluch -viisfr Sue. rtpar.d by E. O. DeWITT 00 , CHIOAOa I'o n e bvV A nvaj w . . . QUICK R0;; ( k cionrn - soti,. "i'roiiijii Trains Bjuuvn i ( UtllUHMi l's .., ii.n;.r i'U.i.'t w ?i.i.i.iiMi ciiis ai i. tiiroluii trains. I' i;:-i- hvatkix cahh 1 ' l,tfcJ- Cnmtort .tud C.-nfietiu-; i ..:pieyo. iratvl via Sotilhcrn Railway - .. L. VERNON, Trav. Paso. Ai't,, Charlotte, N. C. f . v,COD' 's'ict Paes. Atrent, Asheville, N. C. W . A. TUKK. Pass. Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. 0. H. H ARDV1CK', Gen. Pus. Agt. Washington, U. 0 Hi:RE IS MONEY'S "-'ill is i:a!l ::.,,c atnl v.e li.ive a (il:tlililv of lifukcli lnls ill suits i.i .s;..".o in -.ii.i ii t,i ch Hi. ('an jjiu- jou any size fiom Nil. I' , an ! ull tiiake jmi :i !i n-r n'iiv. . ii. ,l.- .:.v In. in Id-.-t i lii-s mall ri:il, w cll-ii::n!e ami littin-r. ..I' t :.i! !:c:i'.s -uiis, s t,i 1 .:, I.i I v c!i.s..l with Ihe :iln.e. . u'l i hi, ie lu s,e us, tti-ilc uml we will .ship gi,otU oil )hislic!m, Stroud, iiUiXi'tl ili.-.a Si. Jaj" i'l. .is.' 111. Iltillll tlllll VOtt .s-iH t,j. .v.-.---J'M..-r.-:C.0'.3C-". . ThotiScxns say thtvt McLUHE' MAGAZINE is tiic het jniMislieJ : t ;'iiy price. Yet it is only 10 cents a c'tij'y. !.(H) a ' . .;. ', ; r:; n'i mh r ,;!( '.'a n't there are ArtieI.-3 of : iri:oi-.-.-t on bubjeots cl' tii9 greatest na tional Importance. In UeCiure'e v.-iil more interesting, important and en t taif.hig thtm ev&r. ' Every year better than the last or it would not bb McClure'e." C, DDC Si-hwrihr ,rr I idL the .i,rrml,(r Tin: S. S. Mi (111:1; Co. sees sXcocccooeoc ; : .:! m (Z -s ! J 1 ; 1 iXFH A rjr, Ck"1 -It- u 1 "i' ;.iievit Write today. fclanikaikriEj 'aTLnaapeaiio flssscialion nn,l. A tl roaCaray, Maw Tarh City THE 1 r Will sell daily, September 15th to November 30th. 1903, Colonist sne-way tickets to points in CALIFORNIA AND THE KGHTHWEST. BlrmiBgham to points la California $33.8 ! Birmingham to Portland, Ore., Tucoma and Senttla, Wash. a)44.SU Kamphia to points la Galiiornia $30,03 jCaaaphia to Portland, Oro., Tacomi and Seattln, Wsdi, $37.V0 HoleMvaly low rates to intemiodiats points. Short line, quick time, no bus transfers, tree reclining chair cars. For rates, schedule, maps and full information, write to F. E. CLARK, os W. T. SAUNDERS,' Vaavtuaia) Msaimu aonrr, c-tai. .it. HxcHiii.ii n: iTmT, ATLANTA, C. . - J. r Moitman Has just received a large stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS," UNDERWEAR. SHIMS, . IIOSlfKY.SUSPnN DERS, GLOVES, ETC. An J will eil them to you at iivi-cY-savini;- prices. See hun before buying. x). r. Hloitman rrinity, IN. C. RAY HD.ViONDSON, BARBER, ''iiisite i- ilnliifil Ili'iio Co ami la, ii, ;u, x. i'. n.lks nf ralluay. l O ALL POINTS . . - east - west. rmcipal Cities and Resorts 1:s UCll(lllAIIOS YOUR WORTH. Crawford & Rees, Grcensbro, N. C. il" in 'I'lli: Col itSKU. C.- .'.3?5533-33CO!3SOOOOC3OC0 .. '..i yood ehort stories, humorous storl.-". stories ol' life and actis,ii- and al ways good. 2904 r . 7r'.v MO. and art ( ), ,-. numbers 1'JOS jr.rt. I.cxiMiioN lli.iMi., t. Yuik, X. V. CC0C-;r.&0O2CCCCCKCr0CKK0CC00C nn n w l;'if e ' 3 u fca 3 f?-"sra EfahSts rt:-. !::vrs; no cravinff s j !.. : ! syEtrms to . i. A boxs remedy 1 Ji-M. TREATMENT S'