Indued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year' VOL XXIX. ASHEBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MARCH Jlst, 1904. No.U. BEGINS cleansing cid. that produce RHEUMATISM, driving Out all the dangerous germi that infett the DOdy thjit u Other medicines treat symptoms; Rhtumatidt rtmtvts tbt fust, and, therefore, its CURES ARE PERMANENT. Helps the digestion, tones up the system. Sample bottle nee on application to Boibitt Chemical Co.. Pro prietors, 316 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. 54th ANNUAL STATEMENT ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. J. D. BOUSHALL, Manaeer, RALEIGH, N. C. JANUARY Aweta, Jaunary 1. 1904 n,lM.17tOI Premium m!4 In IMS, M U,rsS,a3 17 luienst rewipu m iuol... a Total receipt In 100J. H.MS.K74 M Payment to poller hoklen In Idol. S,A8S,IS0A Legal aencrrt-on rollick's mid nil ciiinu.... 10 Special Romitt In adSllioli to Ro aervc lnve alien n. IXS.ian 00 PAID POLICY HOLDERS ! SINCE ORGANIZATION, Great Gains In Buainesa H iring 1903 1 Increase In As.'ta Increase In Exceiw Guarantee Fund Increatie In Premium Income Increaie In Total Inoomo Increase In Life lmurancc Iuel . . f4,SSI.6as US lfll.4Iga l.Boa,gMM Energetic & Reliable Agents Wanted in Unoccupied Territory Spring is Here And you will want to paint your house. Let us figure with you a little before you Elace your orders for paint. We sell the ongman & Martinez Ready-mixed Paints and can save you money if you are con templating painting this Spring. : : : A New Where can you find a young lady that " does'nt admire the young man who sports a nice horse and buggy? You've got the horse, perhaps, and just need the buggy. We've got the buggy the ladies like, and you'll make a mistake if you buy before seeing our Hne of vehicles. Prices right Hollady-Pool Hdw. Co. GEORGE .-DEALER. IN.. HORSES. MULES AND REAL ESTATE. fl will .a r . :OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO0OO0O0CX)00000OOOOOOOO0OOOO Southern Railway . $VICK HOUTE-TO NORTH - SOUTH - .Trough Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts affSWWS WW CUSS AOS tSUTHM, E.CGANT HUMAN SLEEPING CASS ON All TRtOLGH TRAINS. PfNIXO. CM'BASn QlKKVATK.TOAR4. ; For Speai, Csmfort and Coarfeoas Enptoyes. travel via Seulbera Railway ; Katta, SHmlulee and other iwlormaUf fgrakhed kr aaeW'atna: the undmifmil. R. I VERNON, Try. Pais. Agt., Charlotte, N. O. J. II. WOOD, District Pass. Agent, Auheviile, N. O. W.AT UUK, Pass. Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. O. S. H. HARD WIGS, Gen. Paa. Agt. Washington, D. O. WORK with the first dose, the blood of all the the way cures are effected by Ul. 1904 1 standard...... ia.wn.m8 si Ottamntivd Fund In V.xivm of llcijuirt-immtA Life Insurance fmned and revived r,w,r.on u in S,0r,13l do Life Insurance In force Jan. I. laM, m.Titv.HOi oo Accident tm: in force Jan. I. IUH, SDS.ol7.SW 00 No. of Pulley hol,loni Jun. I, 1804. . S1S.SSS $138,946,127.01 Increase in Life Insurance lu Forr-u flSJKftias 00 Increase In Accident Insurance In Force i.OBoOWOO 1.7K.074 47 Inrnwe In Number of Policy .una holder! ia,Sta Buggy ! T. PENNY. sell, swap or buy. Don't tan to see me ir you want Stock or Real Estate. I sell for cash or on time. Every thing sold under a guarantee to be as represented. Office and stables on corner Main and Clay streets, High Point, N. C. 'Phone No. 51. Onaratlac m ?.00 Milci tt railway. ALL POINTS . . . EA8T - WE8T. Opportunity. Lille, and Held. I mlk. I neuetrat Peeit and ku remote, and. uulnir by Mnri'l and nmrt end pnlace, mkhi ur lalt, I knock unbidden, onee on every nine. If leeilns. wtike. if feattiiiir. rise before. Meek me lu vain and uselwwly implore, 1 anaiier not. and I return to more. JOHN J. INOALLS. Where the Barter lllllea blow. There Anita lone to go: They are kin to her. you know, Sayliif iweet, "We love her!" II. Where the bird, In blomonu lulRht, 81m the litany, of Light, There, If a love at tweet ftnt ulaht ' Forthoy ting, "We love hen" F. L. STANTON. PURELY LOCAL Several attended quarterly meet iog of the Friends church at Back Creek Sunday. The Argus moved lU outfit to Kandlemau last week where it will in the future conduct a nonpolitical paper. t The enterpiisine firm of Morris Scarboro-Moffitt Co. hare completed the front to their large new store, una erected a bandsonie awning. Mr. N. II. Slack and family are moving to Randleman this week. Mr. Slack has leased the Ingold Hotel ami will run the same in the future. The Coi KiKn reercta to Icarn of the illness of its gdod friend, Squire Alfred liulla, ot Dack Creek town- hip. Mr.. Inula hits dropsy and is in a precarious condition. Birch Morgan, a desnarado, of Montgomery county, was apprehend ed anil arrested in Union county last week. Morgan has killed two men and had made his escape. Mud containing petroleum hus been discovered by Mr Jas 1) right, of Liberty, on his farm. State Chemist Kilgore made the analysis, and Mr Wright will go to work de veloping what he thinks to be a val uablc tind. The Hirrh Point KnternrUe save that former county man, Mr A P Staley, has in his show window an odd clock that belonged to his grand father and is over 100 years old. The clock is in the shape of a man who bats his eyes every second. The closine exercises of Provi dence Rural Graded school will be held Friday April 15th, 1901. Gov ernor Chas. B. Aycock will deliver the address. An orchestra from Greensboro, led by Prof C II Brok- man, will furnish music for the oc casion. Prof G F Garner, principal of Why Not Academy and Business In stitute, was in Asheboro Saturday and informed us that his school is i flourishing condition. The commencement will be about May 3bth. Will make announcements later. A card from the Uandleman Band asks us to call attention to the fact that ther are prepared to receive calls to play for commencement en tertainments, etc. this season. This is a firet-class band and parties de siring music for public occasions of any kind will do well to write the captain of the Randleman Cornet Band, Randleman, a. C. Anions the mauv new subneribers we are adding to oar list we have one from Miss Mary Cooper, who left handolpn about 12 years ago with her mother and brother and went to Pullman, Washington. She is a decendent of Col J V Staley and a cousin of our townsman, Mr D M Hoi lady, an enterprising bard ware merchant. Her brother went to Washington thirty years ago and has accumulated an immense fortune. He recently visited in this county. The criminal docket of Ran-lolph Superior Court was disposed of in about three hours last week. Quite a large crowd was here, but never in the history of the county was theie as large a crowd at court with so little disturbance. 1 be "bone yard was not much in evidence. The ab sence of old John Barley corn at this term and also nt the last two terms of court as noticable. A quiet crowd, composed of people who bad business to attend to were in at tendance. Eveiv neraon who owna l.n.i should have his deeds registered at once, without delay especially so, since the Supreme Court decides that "a deed not. on record is not even a color of title-" We are glad that so many of onr Stanly people are waking up ia this matter and are having their unregistered deeds. old and newt 'put on record. Stanly sou is already varaavie and will be much more tovatcd those who neg lect this matter will regret it sooner or late'. Stanly Enterprise. There shonld be some work done on the streets this spring. Some sort of a bridge ia much needed across the small branch In the Salis bury road in the western part of the town. The mnd holes and bad place at all the other branches in town were fixed at considerable root. and bridges were built where neces sary nearly ten years ago. The con dition at the branch in the western part of the town was not bad then, and it is only in the last few years that it has become almost impassa ble. Attention has often been call ed to the importance and necessity i or wort to u uone as uiis place. Why the work is delayed we are not able to explain. RALEIQH LETTER. Judge Parker Grows in Favor With North Carolinians New Candidate for ., , . . - , ,. Lientensnt Governor-Trinity College Commencement Other Items. " Raleigh, March 28. The Hearst boom in some of the States is hav ing at least one good effect on the party: It is reusing the conserva tive element to "get together" mid practically agree on a candidate in advanco of the meeting of the Na tional convention. It is opening the eyes of those semi-blind lenders to the peril of longer postponing efforts to crvstalize popular sentiment in favor of one or two men who have a chance to w in, and who are fitted for the high and exulted office of the Presidency of the United States. It is convincing the party manngeis and leaders that it will not be safe to longer let matters drift along as they nave lor several months. In North Carolina the disposition to agree on a ''good man" at present seems to most largely tavor J nil'' Parker, of New York. He is gener ally conceded to be a "clean man," and he-is known to bean able lawyer and jurist. A new candidate for the nomina tion for Lieut-Governor hus entered the field, viz., Hon. Joseph A Brown, of Columbus countv one of the best men in North Carolina, and one who hits seryed this rilttle and party most ably and efficiently, in the Senate and elsewhere. He xua the president pro tern, of the senate at the lust session of that body, and made a most ex cellent presiding officer. Ho will make a strong rice and his friends (who have, after much persuasion, induced him to allow the use of his name) expect to see him nominated. lho voluntary appearance of K. S. Finch before Chief Justice Chirk last Friday and Saturday, to answer the bench warrant issued for him on March 15, resulted in the binding of him over to the Superior Court of this (Wake) county in the sum of '4,000 also, and it is now understood that he ami McBce will be seriously and actively prosecuted on the charge of conspiracy. It was attempted to prove at the healing that there had been a tacit "agreement" or "under standing" betweeen Governor Av- cock and counsel of McBce and Finch that the prosecution would be stopped when the latter abandoned tho receivership matter. 1 am in formed that if Mr. Finch had re mained awav the probabilities were are that the matters would have been allowed to die out, as the State was satisfied. Governer Aycock atatcd (as a wit ness) that he hud not made any "agreement;" that as the matter was in the courts he would not have been justified in making one. But that conferences had lieen held with Judge Robinson, of counsel for the defendants and "I told him I had no desire to dance on a corps;" that "if your clients get out of this Fed eral court proceeding, after the jieo- fie of IV or tli Carolina get in a good mnior again they will not care whether Finch and Mcliee go to the penitentiary or wear stripes or not." Ur. William DeWittt Hyde, presi dent of Bowdoin college will preich the commencement sermon at 1 rinitv college on Sunday morning, June 5. The baccalaureate address will be delivered by Ir Frank C. Woodward, of Richmond, Va., on the 7th. The annual address by Goodwin 1). Ells worth", ('82) of Washington, I). C. Chief marshal, Julian Blanchard and chief manager, Augicr Duke. Col .1 V Alspaugh, of Winston, N. C, is the oldest living graduate of Trinity college, and the Alumni Association (which will hold its reg ular meeting on Tuesday afternoon of commencement week) has decided in rri.A on "alnnini rliimor" in hi honor. Col Alspaugh is one of the honored trustees of the college. Ihe gubernatorial canvass appears to be "holding its own," with the friends of Messrs. Stead man. Turner aud Glenn actively at work for their favorite. Major Steaduiau's mana ger appears to be confident of suc cess. The same thing may be said of a number of the friend of Lieut- Governor Turner, both of these gentlemen continue to grow in favor and are stronger now than at any time since me canvess opened. Mr lurner s friends say tlicv ex pect the balloting to be prolonged in the convention, and that their man's chances are certainly as good us those of any one. Maj. Steadman's friends are hop ing and expecting to see him nomi nated on the second or third, if not on the first ballot, they say. Mr Glenn delivered another ad dress here last Sunday. This time he spoke at a labor meeting, called for the purpose, and as usual, spoke eloquently. . Llewsam. In his book, "The Russian Ad Senator Beveridgo shows vance. plainly that Manchuria is worth fighting for. Its territory is as large at that of Germany and Frame combined. It is twice as large as New York. New Jersey, P e n n sylvania and New England put together. In other words, it is en empire within itself, and is exceed ingly rich iu natural resources. It is said that onoe the Russians obtained posses ion of a piece of ground, he never retreat. If this be the case, the gritty Jap, in undertaking to ex pel him, has assumed a task of no small proportions. On the other hand, if the Japs rneet victory, their glory will be all the greater. " At all events the conflict now going on promises to ue a long one. and Man eli n riii will bn ti ,,n. A- 1. ... i . c the belligerent, according to which p.jrjUg WASHINGTON LETTER. Happenings at Hie National Capitol as Told by Our Regular Cwres- pnndcllt. Wunhinyton, I). (.'., M iircli i'sth IThere is a dii-poMtiuii heiv on tin; part ol mauv Deinocratn- M-indors to light the appropriation linked for I y Secretary Cortelvoii, of the Depart ment of Comuren e anil Labor. They say l nut lie does not hesitate to as for money galore, but that he dot nothing and so far has nmuireutlv made no attempt to do anything to obtain lacts coreei iiing the opera tions ot the trusts in tins count! v with the view to the widest publicity ami the passage of legislation curb them when found to be in the criminal class and out of the reach of the legislation now on tlit. statute books. For that very reason there may be u spirited debate in the .Sen ate on f'li ther large appropriations tor .Mi. Ucrtelyoii s 'dcpartnimt. There is also talk of the resignation of Mr. ("ortelvoii. In tins coiiiieetioii there is much ta'k here aneiit the interview with the Attorney d'enera! of the V, S. immediately following the Northern Securities merger decision by the Supreme Court. There is ail un written law here that the President and the Cabinet olllcials cannot be interviewed, and i.o matter what they might say to any newspaper man here they would iiot be ipioted in the papers without tln ir full and free consent. So, the com -Iiimou is irresistible that the Attorney ( nl for the representative of the Associated Press in order Iomiv w hat he was ipioted as saying the very next morning after the merger de cision was rendered. That interview was clem ly a "sop" to the trusts, lu order to ullav the rankling feel ings of the trusts over the merger isioii, he gave it out in clear am unmistakable terms that this was to lie the hint light of the administra tion against the dusts mid they might rest easy the balance of the year, or, for that matter' the remain der of the time that liojisevelt occu pies the White House or that Knox is the Attorney General. In the language of the Attorney General, the administration "does not intend to run amm-k" with the business in terests ol the country. If that does not mean lu substance w hat 1 said above then I do not know the mean ing of the language of the average national politician and my work here has been in vain. I have main tained nil alonr that, this is exactly what the peopl.- of the country miglit expect from this administration. It has been . endeavoring with might and inait. to thi. jieup'.s-, to be lieve that it was "agin" the trusts, but the decision of the Supreme Court, by a hard majority vole against the merger, was as much a surprise to the Attorney General us it was to the Timitial combine in volved in the decision, hence he made haste to get to ilie trusts of the country with a disclaimer that they iiitcndtd to pur-iie the matter fur ther. It is very unlikely, then, that the resolution recently introduced by the lion. William Randolph Hearst citing the existence of crimi nal trusts all over the country and their oppressions of the people and asking tjat a committee of the House of Uepiesentatiyes be appoint ed by the Speaker to investigate the matter of these ti lists with power to send for persons and papers and ad minister oath? and report us soon as practicable, will ever be passed by a Republican House of licprescnta tives. Mr. Hearst probably knew it would not pass when he introdiictd it, hut he ai-o knew that if it did not it would put the Republicans in a hole on the trust question where the ui blic could go up aud view their real altitude on this matter. It is every day becoming more ap parent that the trust ipiestion. as Mr. Hears! said it would be, will be the burning issue of the campaign. Plans for the minting exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition were dis cussed here cstcrday i,v i.iuel t lerk Hills, of the Treasury Department, and Superintendent hurch of the 1'liiladelphia mint, ln will hate charge of the exhibit. The exhibit will lie on a greater scale and more complete than hus ever before been attempted. This is made possible only by the fact that It new mint is being equip ped at Penver. The machinery therefor, which is produced in the Fast, will be sent to St. Louis and exhibited there, and then sent to the Mountain City. The entire process of minting will Ik- shown, and in stead of tinning out money, medals will be minted, which wi'l be sold as souvenirs. In conversation the other day with one of the highest officials of the St. Ijuis Exposition, he gave me some in formal ion that every oi.e should know ho conteni- plates a visit to the World's Fair. "An i"'Pi'" I-reMiils " said he. inflations at reasonable prices for the attendance which promises to bnak all exposition pruedents. Not only will there be sufficient room foi all who come, but the rates will be more reasonable, 1 think, than at any previous exposition. Under con tract, the exposition controls the rates ol tho hotel of i'.JOO rooms within the grounds, known s the 'Inside Iuu.' "The exposition has furnished frie sites and other inducements to several additional betels under agree ments which regulate the rates of such hotels. The proprietors of the leading hotels Lsvc signed written guarantees that toeir rates will not be increased dunne the Woild's K,f, ?'1l;T A,ril 30 Dt' centner j, it'U4. MONTGOMERY NEWS. ! !,, lh, Kxmlnm ., i- , ,, , , ,, , , , Med 1 u'e died mi the liik' it of ,;,, h ? ,(l fr,Mll(; poison, ciiuseil by getting his Ugj hurt, lie leaviy it wife and four children, two of winch are nearly blind. Eldorado News. Ve are glad to know that W 1) Tiirm r is now an avowed cieiidali; for the gubernatorial nomination at the next State Democratic conven tion, iiis public record is clean and his prite life is pure. 11 liticiaii in the r.-t, semie uf the wold, aud we henhv pledge our selves to stand iiiial'erablv by him to the end of the contest. l.'wiiairU Items. Mr J 1! Williamson, of ford mid Mis Zulu Warner, of Troy, wen married early yesterday morning ul the home of the officiating clergy man. Rev K C Horntr. MrSV Blake, a prominent nt torney, of London, England, is hav ing some gold prospecting done on Mrs M A Smith's property nl Nulls, Mr Blnke came to Pin.-I in-'t 'v, t lie winter, hoping to iaipr.iv h !tb and learning of tl.- .'.'. in lion, he came to .oi,ig-on Huong m r crairgv Mils he is li ving his luck ut ininiii''. He is uicuiu- illiled by Ins wif". I hev will start back to London about the first of April. .Monday evening about two o'clock Mi W A Mill's nam boiler nt his saw null one mile east of town ex ploded, killing almost instantly en- uiccr Sam 1 at tei-smi. Several men were at work a short instance limn the engine but no one was right at it .'cept Patterson who enteud the ab just as the i xplo-'io.i nccurivd. He was rendered unco iicioii.s ami lied a few bonis latter without re viving. 1 he cause ol the explosion was cvideiily low water, however no one knows. The built r was thrown at least one bundle'! yards from the place of the occur.'' lice. Deputy Collet-tor W A McDonald and deputy marshal 1 I. Cox de stroyed an illicit distillery located about oic and one-half miles South west of Troy last Thursday muLt. No one was discovered nt the still, but evidence of recent operation were visible. The running supplies on hand consisted of about :'." gallons of "beer and a .small ipianti;v of malt. The surroundings showed that it had been located at that pla- e for sever al weeks. Lieut. Guv. Turner. Mr J A Harliiess, ina.oig.r of Lieutenant Governor Turner's cam paign said: "Our Iredell candidates will have the largest vote of any of the candi dates in the western congressional distiicts. And he has grer.t strength in the erst. 1 am of the opinion that bis vole on the first ballot will eoual that of any other candidate, and Ins known conservatism, sound cuniiuonsci'se and unsurpassed executive ability will cause him to be a steady gainer on the snbseipieiit ballots. His friends are very hopeful of bis ulti mate nomination. They feci t lint be would give the partv an able and courageous standard bearer and the State a wise, piudeiit. conservative, business Governor, should the party, in its wisdoii nominate him Salis bury Sun. Mill Family Makes SI.OOO a tear. An official in one of the lo. al varu mills yesterday said that this talk about people being nimble to make a decent living in cotton mills wss all rnt. "There is a family at niv mill," said the manufacturer which clears .fl.900 a, over house rents. Of course this is rather in exception but it shows what may lie done. The father and live or six hildreli, from 1:1 to 'JO years old H.nk and mine of tbein is a boss or k-inumts a very high price. They are simple spinners and ci rd. is, but they are ludiistnoiu am! work all the time and save tln ir money. The reason so many mill people wear poor and dirty clothes and seem to live hard is that they don't Know how to handle mom v."--Charlotte Obseiver. i-t lata Trouble by Esvesdarppini. A very interesting ca-e was con liitled Saturday that ausul some Lsurprise to the pro- -cntiii witness es. A man and woman were being tried for an infraction of the law and it came out in the examination of the witnesses that tlnir information was obtained by eavesdropping, wh'ch is in itself a crime. As .nn as the jury had ti tired, chttTge Shs.t order ed Luther Green u:ni the Padgett bos. State witnesses, in custody, with the privilege of giii:, g a hiu bond for their appearance at the next term of court. The ilef ndants nboved named were no.ptiitcl by the jury, and it is believed by many that the prosecution was inuUeioiis. Rutherford ton I lispatch. Ignorlincc. "There is too much ignorance up on legal subjects. '" says Representa tive ieorge Gilbert of Kentucky "and it would be well if some jnstiniun would codify our laws. Nucleoli's great victories wevo poi ,1ena uu Austreliz, but the Coue :,aiHiin. Caligula was execrated lor writing the Roman laws tipon s ich a high column that they could i.ot be read, and nevertheless exprctiLg the jeo ple to oIk-v them; jet this country is in much the same position toduy.''-r-Ex. LOG-KINO BACKWARD. .loci Clmll'llcr Harris ill Atlanta l'.inti'euon. When a man has reached middle age, or has passed beyond it. it be comes impossible for "him to rid him self of the glamour of old linn s. The phrase itself has a grip upon him which he cannot escape, for it holds in solution a thousand .-ngg.-. -tions of poetry and romance ap peal to him in the faile of lei maud common sense. The voiiiil'. the giddy and the irresponsible may argue uboitl it to their bcai Is' con tent, but they will have their lain r for their pains; their energy mid their enthusiasm will be iliii.un away. They may employ logic t!,;,t would be irii'si.-iible in other mat ters to show him that he is now liv ing and moving in the best tiniest In world ever saw, and that h" Ini- more of the comforts and delight of life than ever. Thov inav show him I-- vond the possibility of dispui everything is better now than e thai ;it any period of the world's liist.'iy. anil they may place the solid pmol right under his nose. lie w ill smile v.nh lho air of one u ho know.- h::!i;e know s, ami dismiss the wii le -n1-ject almost contcmptuousl;, . On the other hunt!, lie mav ion elude to argue the matter w ith ton, and he will fall into a reminiscent vein, ami astonish yon br his mem ory for details. There was .mold: negro woman who used tos.-ll "ii::;er! cakes and chicken pies under a ' spreading China tree. II. r frock j was scrupulously clean, and her j blue-iind-red head handkerchief was i artistically . illgs, howeier, as he will tell m.. were nothing. It is hue that ; mockingbird swung on the topmost limb that a Hock of while and el low pigeons were in i-n .-smii oi - In blue sky above, and that a colom i chattering mat tins -ei- holding,, convent ion under t he e.ives of ihe old court house; but these thin-s did uot count, or they weie only tnil, .-. I'lidei the snow v linen over which. the old negro woman was waMii 'ai I ecu blanch were the yi infer cakes I and the chicken pies, and these were everything. I In nil this I road bind today - the : middle-aged man will as', yon -.-ne! there to iie found cakes and pies with ! just the llavor that was the charac- eristic feature ol those.- . If yon an eai n a good deal of iiini.i-v by I bowing w here IlleV ale. lie will give you almost any sum in reason for just such pies aii.l jnst such gin ger cakes, and he w ill tcil you s i. At the same time, he knows pcrfi oi ly well that nil I he i., :iey hoarded or ill circulation cannoi Iniy pies and cukes that w ill have the .-uuie fin- grant odor and the same delicious te. And the reason is plain: they belong to the good old times that will never conic ugai. And then there were the ifirl-1 It is a thousand pities the luiddle- ged man will tell yon that you in never know the girls w hose gnu e and beauty were the talk of all. Such manners tlfcy had such a way they had of playing the lady long before they were out of pinafores! l'liey were reserved and prim, but not to much so, for you could ieil by their spai kling eye-, by tin-laughter that played hide and seek in their limples, and by their rcsllc-s (cel. that they were not too prim for a frolic. Old Anno Domini ha.- 1 them somewhat. Of some he has made stately ilann s, some he h.-t.-iinule lean, and some mi fat tin v waddle us they walk hut you -lioiild have seen them w In n tiny wviv Voting enough to be children and oh! nougli to mimic the manner- of their mothers ! And there were the cuk.-, and I lu pines, und the popla'-s trees that had their beginning about tne time hat Paul was warning the Gall.i- tians to put an end to tln-ii- squab bling. But the trees arc goiienou. having been masticated and di.-cst.-d iy a little saw mill run by a donkey engine. Imi will have to go to tin- primeval woods, wherever they are. to see sm ii tries now, I he man ot middle age, or older, will tell You a 1 many things about tin in thai will be hard to believe. Moivovir he will ask von what our boa.-tid progress has done to picscivc tin- chestnut trees. They arc all cither lead or dying, ami what i- youth worth without the experience gained from efforts to open the chestnut burrs 't If he observes that oll ate in a sympathetic mood he will grow cou- hdential enough to tell you that while there has been some improve ment in the watermelon, s far as size und n umbers go, the flavor is not the same; and, indeed, all other con siderations apart, how on bl it be, Wlleti people have become so hnickv and dainty, that tiny refuse to cat melons us they should be eat n. ( If course, you know nothing about it for vou arc too voting or vou have been raised iu it different, way. It is all very well, the middle- aged man will tell you, to buy a watermelon, or to be pri-selncl with one; but vou know nothing about the fruit ut all if you have never tasted a stolen oi.e. It has been do ciiled in I lie courts that it is no Clinic to uppropi lute tin umbrella that is found iu the possession of another; und if the mutter could be brought before a judge with the righl kind of raising, tin-re would be no difficulty in .-i curing a decision that, after a watermelon has absorb ed its necessary supply of sun. and soil, it ceases to be the propel ty of the man w ho planted the seed until he can get it into wagon and crate, and have it Well on the way to uur ket. in other words, there is an interim ln-tweeu ripeuiug und mar keting during which the watermelon is common property, us uny wise and 1 1 uly dignified judge will tell you. It .should be allowed a whole night in which to coiil, and then it should be appropriated before the sun be gins loi-hineon it again. No knife i iiiccssai y to tin- enjoyment of the iiesii!,,,i must shuiily follow. A .-will blow of the list is sufficient to expose the exquisitely colored meat, and if the rind be somewhat jagged mill irregular, what of it? The band should be inserted into the juicy center and the delicacy con . eyed to the mouth in the way that n it tire provide?:. The nectar will ! -nicaicd on your face und trickle down your .-Iceve, but the hour, the tliod, and the risk for it must ! e eaten not tiioiv than 10 feet from w here it givw give it a delicious piquancy and a wild sweetness that civ I'm vigii to all melons that have been mi the market or have become the victims of traffic. Nl i rtlieh ,--s. the youngest of us , h ue one consolation, und that is that the times iii which they are liv ing, the times that are so new aud . .-! langc, w ill, iii I heir turn, become i tiie "Id times, and take on the gla iin ur of pin-' ry an ! romance; and ii ill' a century hence men will be sighing over them, just us men are now sighing our the old times that are past and gone. So that, iu this 1 ic.v of the case, the old times are really the best times. Iicatli of Mr. Dodson. Mr Fred Dodson died at the home of Mr Thus Finch, in this city, Wed nesday morning. The body was " : i-i-i for b-rial 1 ni.-ihiy mciniiig. The funerul wus coiidiic'c'l ly lic MrCordell. Mr Dodson was a member of Guil ford Vr.uncil No. I! Jr O U A M., of this eily. l b.- following members of the Guilford Council accompanied the main- to Rundlcmun: .1 G Baibee, . ' Kellani. II .1 Wood D C Al ii, c, .1 W Secbresl, ECMclntyre, l.'an i t e-ioui. An il Sink, CLGruv, .1 I. I rv. i:.-v I) E Bowers and W M Bull.. '!. High Point Herald. lint lallli Is. I .nth is the -ardstick which we use to measure i: land of our habi tation. It is tin. :igh faith thut we i-i reive i f God, and only according loom- faith. Faith in God saves us from .-iu. sanctifies ns wholly, leads ii. mi towards tin- Hebron of Canaan laud, l'einovcs mountains of difficul ties, opens eas of opposition, slays multitudes of foes, overcomes the power the , tieiny, and, best of all, l!Ii our le arts with joy and peace of Go d. vv hieh piissetb all understand ing. II is faith in God. Through'' faith the walls of Ji-rico fell, after liny were compassed about seven days; through faith the God of 1-li jub an.-w. n d by tire, consuming tin- sacrifice, ami so all the works of t.od through nu n have been brought uhout by laiih in Ilim. It is t his simple, child-like trust that i an its n- all ulong life's rug g d road. Ofiimcs God allows sutun to tost iis through long tunnels, and it is by faith in God that we leach the end, where we can again see the bright sunlight shin ing from the face of the Sun of Righteousness. Often trials make the pathway so daik that we cannot see either way, and so we trust in our God, and lie Li iiigs us nut. Oh, my friend, if y mi are passing t tiroiigh a dark place, trust in (ohI anil believe 111 m, for lie will surely ciirry you through, having given to us this promise; Fear not. foi 1 am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy Cod: I will slicngthon thee; yea, I will help th' i : via I will liphofd thee with the light hand of mv righteousness." Sib-clod. The liiri-stry Problems of the United StaUs. In tin April Pearson's is a valuable i ; i r on The I'oiestrv Problems of ih. I ni;ed . '.nil- by Professor B. E. I eiiiov,. form : Chief of the Division of Kin. slry, and later head of the New Yoik State College of F'orestry at Ci'inell. I'rof. ssor Fernow's life has been 'b votid to these interesting problems, and he sums up most in terestingly many of the results of his iiitcsiigattons into the cause of our threatened timber famine. He dis courages the sentimental view of the ca-e the "Woodman, spare thut tree" idea and discusses the question from a sound business standpoint. No amount of care in nursing the growth of tries will avail, he says unless some effective means are a opted to prevent disastrous forest I ires, No Uluss Carriage Paint Made . iill wear as long as- Uevoe's. No others aie as heavy bodied, because Deo. 's weigh :$ to K ounces more to the pint. tdd bv McCrBry-Rcddiug Hdw. Co. ' . The fanners tell ns they have no time to read; wheu the truth ia they have more time, and do reatl. mora thun most people in town. Time spent in reading is not lost. Keep ing posted upon current events ii possible, and none have a better op portunity than country people.- Rockingham Anglo-Saxon. The people of this couutiy know nothing of economy. In the matter of timber, fuel, in the old conntrios, a tree is cut for firewood, every littlo brunch, chip, the stump and eien the roots are saved. The sawdust made in cutting it tip is pressed into cakes aud burned! We do not know how to nave. Ruckiughatn Aiigiu-Saxon.

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