The Asheboro Couiier. , 1 I'RICB ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. . oon Claw Matter. Democratic County Convention. The democratic cimveutinu for Randolph county to elect dcli-jiic to the State and C' conventions, and transact euch t lii i business as may properly conic 1 fore the convention is hereby cul l -1 tu meet in Asheboro on Saturday, Muy 11th, 1904, ut 11 o'clock a m. , ''he township primaries will meet at the voting precincts on Saturday, May 7th, 190-1, ut 3 o'clock p m to elect delegates tu the county convention. A full atten dance is desired. W. J. S' ARnoR". C'hnn. E. Moffitt, Sec. This April 13, 19.14. Stock in the Atlantic ami NitiIi Carolina Hail road has more 1 1 1 . j r iloubled in value under the Atrork administration. Warren C. Coleman, president I the Coleman Mfg. Co. tit ('oncoiil. N. C, died recently, lie was a ne gro who tried to elevate his race. A Springfield (Illinois i iwiit Inn decided that saloon keepeisare I i .-1 1 1 -for the death of their patrons w ho meet death while under the ii.lluence ef li(UOr sold to the deccned. It is claimed that Andrew t arnc gie, of the Steel tru.t, and John 1' Rockfeller, of the Standard Oil t om pany, have promised l.irjc sunn t help elect Roosevelt preside tit. Spenoer Blackburn in hi? peril at Wilkesboro recently when nomi Bated for Congress told the republi cans not to beliete a word about liiu that was published in a deiiioeniti, newspaper. The first article Mr. Blaekbnrn has published nomination was an articlt hi. K in c ratio newspaper, the Sali-!nn; Sun. Mr. Iilackbmu rote the ar tide and publish! it to try to -e himself straight with "titi" I r i . and his friends. It will be mimi; bered that Mr. Blackburn mute rious charges against theotlicial en duct of Mr. Price as assistant States district attorney. It ha ' .v suggested that some of tin ivpi,! , cans of Rowan are taki, Mr. Ulaek burn at his word and are n -fu.-in t. read the article. MOXEY IX COTTi.N I.imiT BARK. It is now claimed that giowets oi cotton could muke money by it h. i ing and selling the bark of the rem of the cottou stalk. The Xorth Carolina 1'epaitmeni of Agriculture has issued a cin ;i!.n by Mr. (ierald McCarthy of Raicigh which says: "It is very strange that i'ot:m growers with idle hands during tin winter months will permit this ino-i valuable part of the crop to waste i: the fields and remain as an cm-urn-berance to the succeeding crop. It is likely that in most cotton section the roets now in the tit-Ids are still salable and a very good thing can l made out of them w hile waiting fo: the soil to dry. Those who wish to gather the root-bark should first rem: to the undersigned u sample oi oiK pound of fresh root-bark in order ! have its quality tested. For all tie good bark offered, the undersigned will agree to find a sale. Rev. T. M. Baldwin Dead. Rev. T. M. Baldwin, of Fill this county, dim' on March .liter a short illness with pneumonia, aged nearly 67 years. Mr Baldwin was a good man and will be missed in ln communitv. Carthage Blade. Mr. Lacy at Raeford. The Kacford Chronicle, the nrw paper established by Mr James W F'agau at the growing town of Rae ford, has following interesting and sensible item in its last issue: "The speech of State Treasurer It R Lacy here lost Friday was a g ne and some portions of it were a revelation to our people especially that part of it in regard to w hat tin S resent State administruti in has one in the way of education. We believe, when we get further awav from the Aycock administration and look back on the results, we will find it to be one of the best the State has had since the war.'' Mr Bobt E Follin, a former Xorth Carolinian, but later of The Com mercial and Herald, of Xew York City, will succeed the late Mr I K Avery on the staff of the Charlotte Ooaerver. Mr. E. G.. Gilmer, of Statesville, baa brought suit against F. II. Mc Alpin & Cx, proprietors of the El wood Hotel at High Point for breach of contract. Mr. Gilmer says be leaed the hotel "fair aud square." Tbe bote! bis since passed into the bands of J. W. Cole & Co. Col W A Turk, general traffic ' agent of the Southern died at his home in Washington City Suw'ay morning of pneumonia after an ill Ma of three days. The remains l tn liUili tar interr. jeot, where he formerly lived and vaere he married, tie was born in J Virginia. Genius Peculiar to Evnlulico. Central Fulls, X. C. Vr. Editor: In last week's issue e bewail rt iel'iei of sketches ul) Ueu h:s to Evoiiuiou; and in so lioine. my rtcut.wt object wiil be to get Wi'.ir Ve.aiul a to lhillkill IllOle tci-iou.-iy for liieinsuhes instead of beiiii; led inclusively by the thoughts of others. If I accomplish my de sire, uo limit i some will be 1 cueliteil a!-o " thi liie'. mil! I "ill lie rep.iid t i- i pecuniary ti'ti navy, as issue, pot ; 1',. llliar to all v'ho are will lead think tiui- real. A le improve il tie-iiriesoi .-ee the Heed .vol eo- 1 hep, .k if we or l.,e -What I. like I.VI i iplun that i 1. of linv tin thai all 1.1- I ill II, -I to the f..l.l. tin I. , h he niighi iiat lie IS rep- i:,d a- to the ay tit.d said: i -1 1 1 v ,t little or soiin nod to it and uir ;t a fair .1 the ia-t r.i I: I Hill shll'l it ,: ,,f '- the fault ,-h, p 11; io 1 the pteru. i ill, il ton fa pa--,. ..- pre I ah-; -'-.! ontnar l sal', u. .-el ouU peot and fr-i,i- i ii willin. ,f right is- V.o .-peak of rt a in -o.nvh it- iiio-ncies leil 1 tlielll to h work their Hiu of 1 ami le , ..... . . t "c- l.lill.-- which .lie ti.elp i.Wll ii 'lillds. 1 need not ay t!..., i hi -f itui-.iig iiie." ageneies of salMllioll ate In,- life ami gl)SH- of .1, -u- ( nrisl. I lie ui-dom of his teiu hiug make- plain I ii" path of dulv. II, lukes i.s by !.V- hand and 1,-inls us along a p.itliil spiritual e.pciience, which liis own f.-et have alreadv traversed, unti' we reach a point of view whence we, like Him, mav behold the f ie of our Father. Sketch in next wwk's issue will contain other agencies. J. F. II vMti.rov. Notice to Physicians. There will bo a meeting of the county Medical Society ut ti.e court house on Tii'Tibiy, April PHh at 1U:30 a. in. All mcuiliers itf tin State Medical Society must be mrmliers of some county society. A dob-gale to the State Society must lie elected at this meeting. Come prepared t, pay vour annual dues. Dr. W. I. Sum ner wiil rcjiort sumo operations fur ap pendicitis and Hr r K .Mcriyeii ill reau p ,p, ron scleroderma ana exhibit a cum. Ihe se-retary will give a lirul report oi a coiigrin on tubeiculosis held in iiaititnore iur- ing the past inter. -S. A. II is lk v, Pre, j C. C. ill BBAKIi, Sec ,1 Neighborhood News Items. j Franklinvllle News. Mr Joseph Ausby has moved his family from a residence on Liberty Avenue to one of the new residences of the Randolph Mfg. Co. ou Aoad-' emv sireet. Mr Thus Brown, of Randlenian, mis in town one day last week solicit- itiL' -iibscriplions to the Randleiiian Times. A iiuet bur a happy home wed - ding was solemnized Wednesday eveninsr. tiev .1 r Allien uuiieii hi the holv bonds of matrimony Mr J W McPaiiiol and Miss Klla Hobson, the beautiful and accomplished; laii-hterof Mr and Mrs ill) : Hobson. of our town. Mav the! young couple have a long, happy and pro.-pcruiis life, are the sentiments of iheir many friends. Me.-srs 'H A Russell and Hugh l'aiks, Jr. have set themselves up to! new buggies am! are now prepare,! to no on short notice. The people of our town are be coming very much interested in good mads. Tli-? Randolph Mfg. Co. shut dottii ils plant two days last week in order to put the entire force on the public road. Mr II A Ru.-sell spent Sunday at lJulf with his parents. ..-I W C Russell attended a in. t mg of the township supervisors at Cedar Kalis Saturday. Mrs MA ltaldwiii. who has been -peinliiig a few days with herdiiugh i er, Mrs W II Kree returned to her home in (li eensboro Saturday. M,.-srs W It Webster and R 1! liaiii. of Central Kalis, and C II Thomas, of Ramsenr, were in town Siturdav night. Mrs ' Kliza Moffl't visited li.-r I'mtlier, Thomas Russell at Coleridge Sunday. Mr ' and Mrs Jesse Jones, of Libi-rlv. spent Sunday with relatives ami friends. We are always glad to -e,- them. Mr lien l ippett, of High Point, via- on our streets again last week shaking hands with old :icUaiiit aiues. Mis Sarah Craven spent Suudav uith h, r daughter, Mrs Isaac Mc I'li r-oti. wholi'esiu lirant town ship. Mr and Mrs J M Pugh gave a iim-ica en let tailiment Saturday to ihe delight of some of our Mning peopi-,. W Mr Wright, of (ireeusboro, pleached ill the Baptist church Sun day. ('apt N Ilackett to build a walk lor Mr Hugh l'.irs. Sr., from his residence to Libert) Avenue, which he hopes to have completed before tin- bad weather set? Hiirthville Items. Mi- J I. Wrenn has been -. i- ral diivs. Her mothe Misi Stuart, ii itli her. Mi-- Ktta Johnston, who was foimerlva iirssiniiiiry in Palestine, i- ettiici in the church Friday night. fTe- -i i ii I iiiaiiy curios from tin Holy Laud, al.-o 'co-tiinies of Sr'..i. K.gvpl.ainl the neighboring de-ert. Mei-eoption iic(tircs of Jerusalem and i n inity iev sho n. Mi-s Nani-y Roviils is ipiile sn k. Sin i one oil I ..blest citizens. X I i ' Pearl Leonard, who has been a-t ideiitiit the Normal college in lire, n.-horo. i- iit home. She na ' I" of th il to h av school on account ultiiuei1 ill health of h-i ill"! her. i , r.ppe is pr, v ileni in our town, Mr l M M.-redith has Imi-ii suffer ing ft mi n for a few day.., also Mr A II All.n's little son Hubert. Seieia! otll. is liave been sick but Letter Mr J Weiborn will lecture in the V M C A ball on the night lUtn on "rvihianisni. hverv- bodv is invited. Sophia Items. I urn. ,-is are very busy now. We jire glad to fee Mr T A Sp, v out igain after a week's illn ith hi grippe. Mes.-rs .1 II Frei niiiii and Robert L l.lkins spent Sunilay in (Ireens Mr X C Johnson went to Higl I'oint oti business one day last week Tln-re will lie preaching at Old 1'uion, Sunday April Kth. at li o't lock in the evening and at T that night. Messrs K E Pngh, of ProgTOS L M Marsh, of High Point, were in tmvn on business Friday. Mrs t 'ora ' Smith, of Ashelioro, ii visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs W I. Xaiice this week. Miss Pearl Hicks visited friends in (ireeusboro the past week. Miss Dora Hill, of Randleman, visited Miss Hatiie Snider recently. Consumption The only kind of consump lion to fear is " neglecterl .instimption." Penplc arc learning that con im;)tion is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption .'ut is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of r uisumption get a bottle of . '.totl's Emulsion and begin "Citlar doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of ;;scs, turned the balance in i .i.r of health. Neglected consumption does n t exist where Scott's Emul s'on is. - Prompt use of Scott's Emul ' m chicks the disease while it in be checked. SOITT WlWXE, IVaha fat and $t inffm. Trinity Notes. Miss Kate Ingram, of High Point, spent several days in town lust week tlie guest of Miss Kan Wood. Mrs 1 read l'eacook arrived here !a?t week from Sun Antonio, Texas, here she has been spending some time tor the benefit of her health, I -Miss Ada Carpenter, of Anson county, is in town visiting the family of J A Carpenter. I -Mis Stic Whitehead, who lias ! b, en spending some time here with ! ! latins left Satuiday for her home 1 n Vo -oo ( itv, Miss., to the regret uf nor mam menus. M:- lie 'tgiu. Connelly, of I mi ne' 'u pi!nes, N. I'., is the guest of Mr ami Mrs W V. Lowe on North Mam slivet. M s K.,jeis. of (ilass, X. C. is t toiuiin!; tin- ludside of her daughter. Mrs Albert Sheirill, who has been eouiim-d to her room with a severe attack of la uripiie but who is slou- Iv i, .-ovei ing at this writing. Mi- II Sliemwell, of Winston- ip.nt Sunday here with rela- Mr V. F Pepper is at home again from Niiuti-r, is. ( ., where he was c.-il! d to accept a position, but on iirrual there found thutanothel man had beell gilell till' plilCI". Tin Trimly High School ball team w ill play Oak Ridge Iustitui on I'ml.iv of this week ut thai place :if, r which a reception will be given them l tiiuOuk Ridge team. Me.-sVs .1 J Karris and John II Tate, of High Point, were visiton to T'ihitv Sunday. Fuller Locals. !- are ,inte a number of cases a-le- in this community, hut uhs. s Annie Kearns, of Salem Ii. has been visiting her sister - teaching at Pleasant Hill. l'h, of Hie no de, Mi t'buu iv In, i Mi (i T Cochran, representing a Charlotte drug house, spent two or three dais last week in the neighbor hood. There was a huge congregational I'lea-iint Hill church on last Suii ihn. Rev ' II Cavincss preached a ic.i iu-tiucliie sermon. 'ii.,- wheat crop is I'romising in tin . i-.iitiiunity, more so than for -, . : i! ear. Mi- i .1 Fuller is on a visit to her da -j r, Mrs Kearns, of Concord -"!!' M: Flo Hoovi daughter of Jo.iii (' Hoover, Ksi.. of Fullers, di-.d fit ia-t Tuesday night. S, , ral I loin this place n'teiided Poplar Ridge exhibition on Saturday tin-'.'lit. I'liis school was success fullv taught by Miss Herla Royals. There wa a large crowd. Prof J T llenrv. of Trinity, made the address, which was entertaining and instriic tni I'm i: l ' ! i:i l it is rapidly increas : in circulation in this section. It i ... I paper ami merits richlv the - nii nil citizens of the county. dray little i Chapel Items. orn has been planted M I'nderwood, who has nacbiiig in 1 1 ui Hold the past , i- in tin-community for a few Madi-oii Jones has purchased ol gall. , in, lay school started up last im a fair altcn, lance. Mi.-.- i'litiis t-superintendent and P itn. I.-,. assistant. John ., Piiniel has gone the I tie- world ami took untohiui- iv if, . -e l il .1 list. h, Ks,. is on the sick I'insnn Locals, li L Talbert and wife visited M r Mr T C Hill Sunday. Mr and Mrs J C Russell are visit ing relatives in I'harlotte. Mr Ma, k Flam has moved t" Jon, -' mine in Montgomery. Mr Hurley, of I lurham, preached an iM.-iletit .ennon last Tuesday nighl at HillUiro. Mr A C Crillin and family visited liis daughter in Thomosvillo last week. A Sunday school has been organ ized at Hilliboro with Messrs f C I'albert and Charlie Cranford anper iiiteiMlniH and Mr A R Hill secre- tiii . Mrs Kli.a Innax died a few days au" "f consumption. She ways thin 1 1 lirn- vears of age. Mr F. W Havis has gone to Can dor tins week. 11 Cheeks Items. Our Sunday school at Pleasant Grove is progressing fine. A gooi average attendance with J A Hick as si, pel intenileiit and L Rradv as assistant. We al e glad to note that the bridge 'o-s llrusli creek is Hearing com pletion. beat is looking well in tins sec Hon -it present. Mr ami .Mm V P .Mollitt visited Mis Mollitt's father, Mr J R Peace and w ife vundav. Mr leunis hidil and family have moved in our community and brought their traction engine for the purpose of sawing spokes. 1 terns are scarce and 1 will close with best wishes for the Cockier and It's many readers. Hoping Miss Luna Phillips to stay in tbe lead. Flower ililL Mrs Kettv Cole and ion visited at Mr (ieorire Parks Sunday. Mr Kussell Williams and wife visited their old home Saturday and returned Sundav. Mr Frank Dawson spent Sunday at borne. Messrs Williams & Dawson had iint a lot of lumber stacked last week. Farmers in this section have plaot- ed some corn, but tne ground, u colli vet. Mr Carl King, who haa been bant ing for Williams & I'awaon, tat borne sick last week. Mr Frank Dawson was oat on a not or limb" the other night and I guess it must have broken he didn't get home till morning. . . Rtnutur Local. E Mayuard, of Hamlet, one of the S A L's popular conductors, mad us a pleasuut visit several days ago. Miss Sallie Fomt, ,wbo Ja bteo visitiug iu Oreensboro and Burling tou, returned home (hie week. A a Covington wunt to Oiaaaa- boio Moudav. "Mother Goosa's Jubilee" waa gi eu Saturday night by The Kamseur High School ut the academy. A large crow d was preseut and were highly entertained by "the little folks.'' This play surpasses any play that bus beeu given iu our town. The children deserve ninch praise for the manner in which they acqit ted themselves, and tlio untiring ef forts of Prof, and Mr. Coble in training them is appreciated by the parents of the children and goes to show that all pupils entrusted to them will receive the proper train ing. Stand by your teachers and you will have one of the best schools in the State. The Ramseur. Cornet Hand furnished excellent music for the occasion. The people of Ramsenr and sur loundiug country are rejoicing over the schedule that will go iuto effect on the Southern Railway Monday 18. Following is the schedule: Passen ger leaves Kamseur 5 a m, arrive tirieuslioro ti:30 a nij passeuger leave 3:30 p m, arrive Ramseur 5 p m: mixed train leave Oreensboro s a m. arrive Ramseur 10:30 a m; mixed leave Rumseur 11:45 a m, arrive (ireeusboro 2:30 p m. C C Randleman, of Randlemaa, was in town last week. Mr Henson, of neai Cedar Falls, visited J D Leonard last week. Mts.V 1 Phillips is visiting in San ford and Lougshanki is doing "nil own cooking. Mrs S W Trogdon is visitiug in Ceihr Falls. Mrs Hugh Parks, of Franklin ville, was iu town last week shop ping. Buffalo Forrt Items. Wheat is looking very well. Farmers are preparing rapidly for planting corn. Some have already planted some. We think there is some prospects for a light fruit crop yet. A number of our young people spent Faster Sunday at Pilot Moun tain. It seems that there must lie something leiy amusing that draws their attention there every year. Mi-s Rosa Stuart, who has been in school at the Liberty Normal school ever since last Angust, spent a week visiting her home F.aster, has now returned to stay the remainder of the session. We understand there have been some new organs purchased recently. I think we ought to get music on both sides. We also have learned that Mr W A Rains Co. arc putting np an other saw mill in this neighborhood. Calling for more timber bovs. I will close with best wishes to X Ralph Items. Mr 1! F. Cox, of Why Not, spent Saturday ami Sunday at his home. Mr F. II Cox spent Sunday at the home of Mr A C Cox. Mr H F Ridge, who is manufactur ing splits at Mr M II Moflitt.s visit ed his home on last Sunday. Mr J M Allen and others Went tishiiig one day last week, making a big haul. M r John Brow n visited his best girl at Randlemun lost week. Mr and Mis M II Moffitt spent last Sunday uight with friends at rranklinville. Miss Fmima Brown is recovering from an attack of roseola. Mrs Morgan Henry is the guest of Mr W F Hughes at" Asheboro this week. Mr C L Winningham has return ed to his work at High Point. Farmers in this section are busy prpuriiigt heir ground for sjarn. Mr and. Mrs K L Winningham and little daughter Kate spent Sun day with the family of Mr A C Cox. Vheut is very good in this sec tion. A Inr go crowd attended the bnrial of Mr Jacob Chrisco last Wednes day at Brower's Chapel. Mr C L Winningham has recently purchased another tine voting mnle. Miss Susa Jane Hamilton who has been sick for some time does not seem to improve. Mr Thomas ISrown has purchased a tine young mnle. Mr J N Winningham has been in rather ill health for a few days. Many counties are holding con ventions this month to send delegates to the State convention which meets in Greeiisboio on June 23rd. Marble Marble Monuments, Marble Tombstones. Italian Statuary, Marble and Granite We can furnish any design of Monnnitiits and Tombstones in any of the American or foreign marbles or Our goods are the nicest obtainable. give ns your order. Barbec Marble Works, Oppo. O. O Hendrioks A Oo. Lots of Desirable boilding lota for sale or trade oa the well-known li. 3. Fisher estate in West Aabeboro on Sunset ATenne and other streets desirably loca ted for good residences and bouses to rent When interested in any resd estate in Ajbeboro and vicin ity call on or writ ; 0 Armfidld . LavidHlin, JTeal Et.t Drvlsrs. EALTH 8URAKCE Tb roan who Irstire.i hit life t. wiMforhlsfiirl'y It man who t, is . rtisliealt Il Wtaa both In- .,u family ae biaself. Ywmay Iti.-un heai.' guar log it. It I? wor:r. viardlnjf. At the flr.sf ;.- of dines ' which jri.e'aiiy approach through fie i. ER and m-.e feats Itself In innumerable w.- , TAKE. Vd save your rtoaith. Tribute to the Late B. L. Lincbcrry. Mr H L lii'ieberry was bum in Randolph county. ( 18:i- and died nt Johns llopkin's Hospi tal, Haltimore, Mil. March Ti, V.Wi. Mr Linebeiry united himself vviih the Methodist Kpiscopal church. South, in early life, and lived a con sistent Christian life. As a busiuiiss man he was emi nently successful, using good judg ment iu his investments, very syste matic in business, and so honest that his word was us good as his bond. He was devoted to the Democratic party, believing that it was the best friend of the people, and made b's influence fell with that organization. And happy was the aspirant for place or power who could enlist Mr. Linebsrry's sympathy aud inllueiice in his behalf. Mr. Linebeiry had snlTeioJ for some time with indigestion, nut ins case was not considered serious until the past winter, when it became ne cessary for him to seek the best skill obtainable, and on Feb. 1C, l'.n -1, be left his home near Pomona, N. C, (where he had recently bought prop erty and erected a beautiful housed for Johns Hopkins Hospital, for treatment. At tiist it was decided that he was suffering from partial paralysis of the stomach, but after a more thorough examinatmii it was found to be tumor of the Btoinach. By this time he had grown so weak that it was deemed imprudent to hazard an operation none was per formed. A letter stating that he was grow ing worse was delayed iu the mails did not reach his wife in time for her to go to him, for as she was inak- lmr haste to co. the sad news was flashed by wire that he was dead. His only" child, Miss Fdna, was teaching at Hie time iu the eastern putt of this state. The sad neivs was telegraphed to her, and she has tened home prostrated by the unex pected shock. The funeral was conducted from West Market M. V.. churNi. tirecus- boro, N. C, by Drs. Tiirrentine and Crawford, unit his body laid to ivst in Green Hill cemetery, to await the resurrection morn. This was a peculiarly sad death among strangers his loving wife and devoted daughter hot being per mitted to Ik with him during his lust days, but it does not rcpiire a great stretch of the imagination to see bright angels taking their places and hovering around Ins cot iu that distant hospital waul, awaiting the command of the Heavenly Father lo escoit bis released soul to the iialnis of everlasting day. We cannot call him back, hut wv can so live that we can go to him when we are called to "puss over the river" and with him "rest under the shade of the trees" on the banks of eternal deliverance. A Fin END. Tie Rural Telephone. To the ensrgj of Mr. J no. F. Jar rell the western part of this counh is terj much indebted for its splend id telephone semce. This svstem, known as the Caraway system, con nects ths people of Western Kau dolph with Asheboro, Randleman, Hifh Point, Greensboro, Thomas- rills and Lexineton. This euablrM the farmer who hare telephones to keep posted on tbe prices of their prwdnce-, and to get ths Istest news wails it is nrw. Mr. Jrrell is it Tears old, has been merchandising 28 Tears, uoUri nnblic 1 Tears, was denutT sheriff li fears. Thres Tears ago he put a telephone wire from Asheboro to tan way, and later va put n switch-board. Ha uow has nine wires leading out from Caraway and between twenty and thirty subscrib er who cat connection with the huu drsds of telephones in the towns and countrr around him. Mr. Jarrel! deserves jreat credit for this work A Sl'RSCIIHER. Granite. Granite Monuments, Granite Markers, Iron Fencing, Posts and Cooing, Etc." . granites. Our pncea are the lowest. We can please yon. Call on ns and Aehoboro, IN. C, Lots ! fitls rili The Man in F"" -J .-' oil O 1 - FOR CCfSL'S '.V. ' " . f rt- I CO!?LjVs, : Helmet Brarvd Collars and Cuffs represents Neatness, Style and Durability. These goods are built to stand the severe test of modern laundries. If you want to be correctly attired, we give special attention to "Correct Dress" in all its details. Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. Paint What about painting your house this spriiif,' ? You can buy a good paint of us cheap. We handle B. & P. and Ce x oes, and you paint your house with either of them it stays painted. Call and investigate for yourself.' Edwin A Hardin Co INCORPORATED.) Siih sin.iiii, S anil SO lVachtree st.; Warehouse "1 and 73 N. Hroad St.; (iivund 1-liKir Knjr-American Building. Atlanta, Gu. Largest Dealers and Best Repairers South. 10,000 Satisfied Customers. Wholesale and Ketaii Dealers in Williams Typewriters. New Model No. 6 Now Out. AH Kinds Typewriters Repaired. Some of IVlow we n'ive some prices that will be of interest to all. Ladies will enjoy sirintr styles and appreciate our prices. Our buyer spent considerable time in New York this season and had the advantage of visiting the most fashion able stores in the city. KverythinfT in our line is new and the very latest styles. Men's Clotliinjr, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Etc. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers. Carpets, Mattinjrs, Gocarts, Baby Carriages-New Line. All-Leather Suit Cases from - - - $4.50 to $7.50 WOOD & Leading Clothiers. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING To Look at Our 8P,nS and Summer Stock ! Ijm n B 1-4 to H 1-,'n'i. i-r ynr ClmiBls 15 in .Vl.x-nls rr yiU'l I NovclCH iu ll'ik-1 4 t.etil BvHs 15c L:sle-tlm-ud snt fancy flivc tor lA'lle, utd I I.UI-tiitiifiOrelits H-r Mfr. ! . B imI Klu r brau.l- Cor t Wr In I K. c.mlt-. c ..!. & u. 4 .l Liii.nO.llore ueuch or l" for V"-. 1,.Ih mi.l tieiils Pliiln nnil Fanry wm Kw. -Trill.j " Hint " i'-r braiMln r. ll ul Htraw Hiu I :r M, n an,l H. ' IV- to i uo I lilhetl,li4l.-iMylt-6U)IWr. ! F..n h It., k.-r- iih.i iK 1 flu Hi 11 00. l iim'iun ii ami ihil rl rwm IS ; M-rrri. chiurs and liumrm 110 to SO, i-hrart'l nhi ljuu tnlM. 1 Childn-n s-li)i-r-and Khura 4&- tt 1.00. Mm Snon l.uu lo S.a). I NAOMI FALLS STORB, Inc. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF Barbour We have Wn hunilliuir this bnesrr for four 'yean and we have found it gives ENTIRE SATISFACTION to buy a buggy will do well to cull Clothing and We hate jtiei rifcived a beautiful GimkI, Lie. tbe laust patttfTS. Call Liberty, N. C the Collar Talk. McCRARY-REDDING HOW. CO. Visible Writing, Perfect Align ment, Hall Hearing, Strongest Slun ifolding, Greatest Speed, Extreme Durability, Inks from Puds, Pret tiest work single shift. Second-Hand Department is well stoi ith goiMl Williams, Ifemingtiins, Smiths, Vtwts, Dens niiires, Caligrajihs and other ma chines in good re air. Our machines and prices are t he cheapest in the world. Send for samples of work, slating preference as to make, etc. Prices for Repairs Reasonable Our Prices! Spring aud Summer Dresa Goods. 200 Indies Street Hats, 50c. to f 2. :too Trimmed Hats (New York styles! $ 1 to .'). Itim't buy until you see our stylee. - bite brocade Shirt-waists, 20 to ?5c. Champaign Madras Shirt-waists, CO to 75c Voil Dress Goods (all colors) 20 to 30c. Hlack Voils, 50c., 75c. and $1. Black Albatros, 50c. to 1. Fancy I.idies' Suitings, 50c., 75c. and $1. Crepe ! China, in colors, 35c; ltluck 50c. to $1. Dotted Silk Muslin, in colors, 30c. White Dress Linen, 20 and 25c. Full line of Lawns, 5, 10, 15 and 20c. MO RING, Asheboro, N. Car. -.Ki-ery buf ! Hamilton A tmn S IS) Hhor, IwIkii or RpnUnseits, ttt eitttla to t ruem hi llio twelve dollar iriwMiliiv oimtwt. TwtJv, Imllani ; In Cnh given WMtteti mouth durtii, IWI4.) SliUh, Ml-us KllIU 4.U0 tD 1K.00. Youti S.W lo SW, Ho-1 1 m lo 8.75. Complete line of Hwdwure, Farm ImiilenMliti, Furnttuis. brum, Olivia and Tin Wnrc. Home-matte W t-ll Bwlteta St) uenla. Omnertea ala.yoi! hand. Burr M'-al and the tine Boiler Flour oa aarUi, made rty Naomi RtiUer Milla. KatiiiK and ived Powlon 1.40 to I aj per binhel Five ol the leading umnib of rertllbjn l.4 to H per bait. All in exchange tor Country Produce at amrte prtoea. Cotue to re, tat hen la Randlfan. Bxiggies. to oor ctutomefs. All ho txytt-t nd se ns. : Dress Goods! liar of ready-made Clot bin i. Drtss and see ns. LIBERTY MERCANTILE CO.