OGOC I X5he COURIER Leads in' Both News and J Circulation. X5h COURIER Advertising Column Bring Results. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. Issued Weekly. f 1.00 Per Tear ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY MAY 12th, 1904. VOL XXIX. No. 19. MEN CAPABLE OF EARNING Sl,000 TO $5,000 A YEAR TRAVELING SALESMAN, C RK, MERCHANT NO MATTFR WHAT YOUR BUSINESS) o n-organUatlnn of the producing of The Millilill Life IiiMirniKO (Com r York In Ihla itlon lift.rrta a chance ,-l.irtiin-ii liny (if Ne ml moil; clgH ot character ami ahllttr. you can l out writing whether It will w-.rlli while for ymi to make arliangc, no prevlmw experience I licei-suiry. A course of professional Instruction given free. THK MfTUAL LI KB INm RANCK COMPANY OK NKW Yl'KK, ' "i 6J0 MILLION DOLLARS A.l.lrcs,KOK(IKT. PKXTKR, HunorllitcJl onl of DoiawMc Agenclaa, 8H Nannau St., H VRRIS R. WILLCOX. Manager (or North Carolina. The Mutual Life liuuranre Co. of N. Y. CHARI.OTTK, N.C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPOON, The Market Ma.n. Wants Your Trade. He buys and sells all kinds of country PRODUCE and keeps constantly on hand Fresh MeeUs at reasonable prices. Also a stock of Groceries. W. D. SPOON, Asheboro. Depot St. 00000330300000 Gents' And Little Gents1 Clothing & Furnishings. Our Spring linos of Cloth ing for both meii and boys ure now ready for jour in spection. Before buying jour next suit cull and see tho latest and get our prices They Will Fit Your Pocket! Our Shirts, Underwear and Huts ure the very best for tho money. Our buyer's experience of more than 20 years with inuunfarlurers is a guarantee of the best valued. THE MtRNITT JOHNSON CO Clothiers and Gents' Furn ishers, 303 S. Elm St. .Salesmen T A Walker, C C Tuck er, K E L'urtliiml, C C Johnson, J W Mcrritt. E I r t a. 8 I I Dfii"8 - I e1-1 53 -9 C II tpa 2 S 1 r? 'C 1 f .2. , 3 -a I v'Z'Z gfC i o 1 1 1 UJ -fill j 8 mSm M S 3 IL DJ j W lis 11 2 m p C ii-a s 5 Ix - h to S a 3 - u C 3 -a . -S I m S - a r I here like to be pilloned by the lead- 'iiKo Jilinir Rennblican of the House of Re i.i i. i iw m m Carter- Auman, Mfgrs. of Furniture, Sash, Doors, Brack' ets, Columns, Balusters, Mouldings, Wash boards, Etc. Send ns your orders. Will re ceive our prompt attention. CARrER or, ' AUMAN HiiowKiw Mills. N. C. &UNINYSIDE PLURAL NURSERY Jamoa M Lamb, Proprietor koeh Box SS rayattovllla. N. C OUR ANNUAL CATALOGUE of Trwe, Shrub. Greenhouse PlanU, Roses, Bulbs and Jledding and Or .namrntitl IMaats now ready. Yonr name on a postal will bring it free. FIKI STOCK in USrAl PRICES. i aa m1,i Ariwinr-rit. fnr Prayer lor (he Enrlaeers of the Night Express. Oort of ihc anlrnm night, ai the aunllt rtny, Bu with thcra aa they through tho darkneM ipceil their way. Oram the keen watch nil eye, the Judgment quick and clear, Th j brawn of arm, and brain, and hearta without a i ear. May they through all the night contlngenctee Uplift To Thee their p:ea for help, and do Thou auiwer ulve them utrong faith In Thee, and may Thy living Wor I He their wlae counsellor, and peace and ntreugth amim. Be with them and with thoee who In grim dan Entrust their precious llrotothaao mcu'a aktll and Dower. And comfort thoae, who wait at home, 0 Uod we Who tnroTi'gh king, anxious noun wearily wait lor uny i Ulve them the nuia strong faith In Thy protect. Whlch we have wlalied for Ulnae they hold no dear And whon life' a Jouriioy-e o'er, O Thou who art day I O. H. fx The observer. WASHINGTON LETTER. Rerwbllcus Badly Scared John Sharpc WlltlasM a Great Uarfer fUdcoc AdasiU KepaMca Defeat . The WarMt Fair ftsws- piper Mes la Lack. , Correnmidence to The Courier. Washington, D. C, May 9. The Republicans cot badly scared the last few days of the session of the lOneresg mat uaa nisi auiourueu and they insisted in hustling away as fast as they couiu get away, x lie Democrats poured the hot shot inte them, grane and canister, so hard and so fast that they became demor alized. Thev were ready and glad to quit and they hare left here with a scare thrown into them as big as an Iowa bain. They have flown to their respective home witn the con viction firmly fixed in their minds that they are gone coons in the tight that is coming on mis year anu tncy are plumb right. If we can nomi nate the right kind of a national ticket thev are gone both from the standpoint of the Executive and the National House ot representatives. They are picking out a soft placo to fall right now. The last two days of the life of this session made the Republicans look like thirty cents in Chinese money or live cenU worth of dog meat. They were no match for the Democrats whe tackled them. Little Dalsell, of Pennsylvania, who reminds you of one of these little tetpr-hacked snine which runs up and down a sandy shore, was wiped oft the round earth once more by one V Bourke Cockrau. When Cockran got through with him the second time ho resembled piece of rained on edam or camembert cheese. He was llatler that a pumpkin pio that had fallen from the top of the Wush- ngton monument. The verv next dav the lion John Sharp Williams, the brilliant floor leader ot the Democracy, tne only leader we have had since the days of Sain ltamlall and Chiulie Crisp, who is today the Murat of debate in the House of Wcprcsentatives oi tne nation, took a fall out ot Littlctield of Maine, the verbal contract of the Kcpublicun side of the' House, that sounded like a bay mule taking a fall out tf stable door with both hind feet. He also paid his respects to the Hon John Dulzell, who had, in his speech, animadverted upon the foreigner in this country und who had said that the only hoodlums in this couutry were those who had left the country of their birth for their country's good. In other words, trior wpro no hoodlums in this country except foreign hoodlums. U, Williutne ninir h rWo-Wl on this charge and defied the gentleman from Pennsylvania to prove that all the foreign born citizens in this country were hoodlums, and he re minded him of the fact that the so called hoodlums of whom he spoke had saved the state of Pennsylvania from the invasion of the Confederate armies on the field of Gettysburg by the charge in that battle of the 79tb Pennsylvania Regiment called "Owon'a Own." an Irish rcciinent. thai saved the day for the Northern . M. Will;!. Wiaro,l l.in. for bis knownothinuisui and mtoler- auco 01 me loreigner wuo uim uumo to this country of his own free will and who bad fought tor tne pnuci- nles of Democracy ever since, now h Oertnana and the Irish of the country who have been voting Re- publican ticket ever since they got presentatives os hoodlums and no- goods, as the scum of the earth who came here for their country' good? Do they relish it? If so let them smoke the speech of Dalsell in their pipes and see bow it tastes. Another symptom of aUrm on the Hepuoiicans is ir'ji!ii;tuun wuu which the hit jet Ui invincible Bab- cock, the chairman of the Republe can Congressional Committee, enters this campaign fot the new House oi the Fifty-ninth Congress. He said ho hail warned tbem that there was a demand for tariff revision in many of the sections of this c nntry and that tney nau aiioweu me sue rrcstioa to go unheeded, lie luform ed them that it had cost him thous ands of dollars to be renominated in his district on account of the disaf fection of the LaFollette Ropubli cans of the state of Wisconsin, and that he doubted very much if he could be re-elected. Now, the tnith ia that Rabcock is bo more of tariff reformer than the verits trust beneficiary of the tariff schedules in this country, bnt he saw the gather ing storm for tariff reform and was qnick to get to cover and warn his colaborars ia the tariff vineyard that something waa doing in the country in the way of tariff revision. He did i not do this because he is a genuine I reformer and be'tevee in it, but be- something of the kind he would be left at home in his own district. He is simply a type of the Republican opportunist who veers with every wind and bends to every passing breeze has become a cyclone and he doubts his ability to stem the hur ricane of ballots that will fall his way in this next election. Another item of legislation which has been nsed to bolster up another Wisconsin statesman whose chances of succeeding himself are becoming a little shady, was the bill locating the four sites for the camps of mili tary instruction. It is well known that the Republican faction in Wis consin, headed by Gov. LaFollette, will oppose Senator Quarlos for ro election. It is also well known that the people of Wisconsin are very anxious for one of these camps of instruetion. During this session oq Congress the wary senator, who is a member of the Beuate Committee on Military Affairs, has apparently pushed with great energy this bill, thereby impressing hia guileless con stituency with the great necessity of keeping him in Congress if they are to finally capture oue of the much coveted camp sites. As a matter of fact, which is well known here, there never was a chauce for this bill to pass, but nevertheless it served its purpose as far as the smooth senator is concerned. Thus the people are hoodwinked. The ceremonies attendant upon the " " . ... w,ta, Z7tU . istimThL So! line were conducted in the White Fair the House without a break at one o'clock on the afternoou April 30th, the President of the United States pressed the key of a 1 i. . ;.., ..i :.. iu. i East room of the White House and j through direct wire connection which had been arranged by the Postal Telegraph Company, conveyed in. sUtnUueouslyto the great ceutral I switchboard on the World's Fair grounds, the electric energy which -i ..nL.inmini ,,X.. i quired to operate the Cascades, the ' exhibited as sn i evidence l of the suc great engines in the machinery li.tll , cess of tlie States Prison manage Snd other mechanism of the great 1 1'-. "1'"'!f exposition. It may be interesting not only.to," " .. f -v' thp nlV8(,Ilt newspaiH.'r men tiirougnotit nie country, but to the ..cople generally i to know that the Worlds Press Par liament, which will be in session at St. Louis May 16 to 21, will lie the. greatest gathering of newspaper men j ever brought together. It is estimat- j ed that between three and fmu thousand representative newspaper men. from every state in the Federal j Liuon aim ever; uuiuiujr m vmo the districts was in Morenead town world, will be present. In the num- ghj()( jtlljt .C8t 0f tue citV) aIKi the ber will be some of the most distin-, n.pr waa in FripndHhin tnwnshin. guished foreign journalists from the . various capitals ot Europe. ! Othr-r anotkera already on the ' programme will be Lhiu ies JMuory , Smith, Col. Henry Watterson and Edward Bok. During the session ' receptions will be given by the Kan-. sas, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin. Anizoim, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, town, neat, t iiituuu nuu iuuuu missions, the Federation of Women si Clubs..and the Exposition itself, j Ihe entertuiument will conclude with a trip down the Mississippi ( river on a palatial steamer. For once the newspaper nieu will bo strictly in it. UHAKl.KS A. JS.PWARIM, DAVIDSON COUNTY NEWS. Th Mtrati'tl Mr D F Ridge, of the People's House Furnishing Co., went to the they had just such mniesas ne want bedside of his mother, Mrs Mary ed. When at a safe distance from Ridge, who is seriously ill at her home at Farmer, yesterday. I shoriff iwrr inrVirnm ns that about 225 persons in Davidson conn- ty failed to pay their poll tax before the first day Mav. j Mr N A Peebles died at his home ; in Davie conutv yesterday at noon, after three niouths illiiess. Con- sumption is said to have caused his death. Deceased was about r.5 vears j of age. He was for several years chairman of the Board of County Connnissiesioners of Davie county, cation until a tew months prior to ' hia death and filled many positions of honor and public trust. Mrs G II Graham, formeily of Farmington, Davie county, left her husband last week and 'run away with Frank-C Warden, an old sweet heart. Mrs Graham carried her lit tle 2-year-old daughter with her in her flight. A policeman accompanied Mr James, father of the ernug wo man, to Iowa, and Mrs Graham and j Warden were brought back Monday night. Mrs Graham is now at the home of ber father at i-armington. Warner will be tried at the next terra of Davie court on the charge of ab ducting and eloping with Mrs Gra ham. The penalty is ten years in prison. Saturday afternoon several of the small boys of town were out in the edge of the city trying their marks manship with a Fobert rifle, when suddenly a scream waa heard, upon examination it was found that the fnOfc, had accidentally discharged itng Sumner Lambeth, son of Mayor J vv Lambeth, on tne leit leg just above the knee. The wound is not or a serious nature. lnomas ville Items. - "The friends of WK. Holt, Jr., will urge him to accept t he Demo cratic nomination for tho Legisla ture, believing him to be the strong est man for the place in the county. He and Emery E. Raner, F-sii., whose name has been mentioned for State Senator, would make a strong team for Davidson county in the next Legislature." Lexington cor, Charlotte Chronicle PROUD OF STATE'S PRISON MANAGE MENT. Sunested That State Fir Bends Recently Bought la be Eiblfclicd st the Democratic Conveetloa hi Orceatboro. Messrs J G Hackett, J Kerr and W Grassland of the board of direc tors of the state prison, will leave this morning for the state farm for the purpose of making preparation for the remodelling of the buildings on the farm and putting up water tanks for fire protection. This work has just been ordered to be done by the directors who were in session at the prison yesterday. Regarding the session of the board yesterday members told Post writer that there was only the routine work of auditing and approving accounts. The most notable thing, he said, and one that waa a source of much grati fication to the board was the. aUk, ment by Superintendent Mann that the total receipts from the sale of the last year'a crop of cotton, the last of which has just been sold amounts to about $8,000 more than it was esti mated in the very creditable showing made in the report of the board to the governor submitted last month. The showing made by the board as to the condition of the prison is a most creditable one, they having with tho profits of the prison pnrchased the $61,000 state bonds issued for I the 861,000 state bonds issued for the Purchase of the state farm and on ht 8ei"n Promptly !" lue ur lUD rnoou of I the remainder of the year. A direc !V nf !. 1 tor said last night that the bonds ?r a u ha already I teen purchased and are now uenouueu iu : the Citizens Rsnk city. nd, "ino'; f.v'de.ce, f th.e trnl",ll"08Au,!th'e "' .w,u8 """ '"J tors of their management. ""r "J" lu,n"K fl1 u y? h "LS; U"I1UB "s,,v l" ,,. ,,, the Democratic state convention und I ,., i .:.:. , ., :"T'. .L..i... uoru 8 not rree.veu iron t .CBu, 8n.v appropriation of any kind. I e nun pnpn cnnivTV NFWS. me patriot. j, tlkx election were curried in no m(lre (imiford school districts yesterday by a good vote. One of Mr N II Slaughter, of Lexington, purchitsed the McAdoo House leMel'or"cu,.,!',,u, , It u. im... a T.,t. i-.t h r Governor Aycock states that he took charge of the hotel Sunday mon,igi the 1st. The popularity 0f tlle h0U8e wjii uot diminish under j,rr slaughter's nianagement. Mr Tucker has made no definite plans for t10 future, but hopes to remain , lirecnsboro. i i Kirkman. of Pleasant GHr- known as "Big Bob," reported to thL. poiice that he had been robbed 0; i;o Warnersville" Thursday ;,,,. i, rwn white men. Ho came to tlc city to by a team of moles but lingered too long at a oar room before starting out to make his pur chase, and two men who had seen him Mashing a roll of greenbacks, taking advantage of his condition, induced him to go to the outskirts of the city under tne preiex , mat tno uusiness uisinct, woo cimuu mey asked him to show his money, in order to convice them that he really meant to luy some stock, when one of them grabbed the wallet and skip Iu, the other taKing an opposite direction. The matter was reported to the police at once, but they have no clue to work on that promises any comforting results to Bob. A peculiarly sad incident occurred near here last week. On Wedne day afternoon Mr Laidler, an Eng lishman, by birth, who had lived where he owned a small farm, start ed to the Pleasant Garden cemetery with Mr W D Palmer, with whom he boarded, to assist in burying an infant of Mr and Mrs Palmer's. While driving along the public road near Center church Mr Laidler was suddenly taken ill with some nnusn al malady, and it was with difficulty that he wai carried to the residence of Mr J S Murrow nearby. Within fifteen minutes after reaching Mr Morrow's house he was a corpse. His svmptons were quite unusual and there are varying opinions as to the cause of his death. Mr Laidler was nearly fifty years old and was rated a very fciever gentleman. He was married some years ago in Iowa to a woman of North Carolina parantage. For some years she has made her home in eastern north Carolina. Ceuter Items. Rads WW Make Desperate Effort ts Carry Chatham. It was a busy time here last Sat urday with some of the Republican leaders paying the poll-tax of Re publicans who had failed to pay. They paid many a dollar, for they are making desperate efforts tocairy Chatham at the tiext election and do not seem to mind spending a lot of money in their efforts. At their re quest Sheriff Milliken remained in his office until night in order to give them a chance to 'pay for all they oou'd, aud even after be had gone bon.it (three miles from here) they telephoned him to give receipts for others, which he obliging' V, V - Chatham Rccoid. RALEIQH LETTER. Cefljrresslonal Centest Col Morion, ol Wilmington, for Lieut-Governor A. ft N. C. Railroad and -Other News. Special Cor. to the Courier. Raleigh, May 9. It seems to be settled that there will lie wurm contest for the Congressional nomi nation in the sixth district, there are several aspirants for the honor, including Senator Urown, of Colum bus, and Mr Mear?s, of JNew llan over, (and probably others), besides the present incumbent, Air falter son. Several gentlemen from the lower end of the district, who were here last week, stated that, if Mr Patterson does not seocure a renomi nation, the honor is most likely to be conferred on Uon Joseph A Brown, of Columbus, who is well known all over Easteru North Caro lina as one of the best and safest men in the State Congressman Patterson appears to occupy an anomalous Kisition in this contest. Although be has served only one term, the statement made that he will not be ajl to secure the vote of his own county (Kobeson) in the coming convex tion; that at the most he would be able to secure only a minority of the votes of the delegates from Kobeson county. If this prediction proves to oe inie, ii is possiuic inoi to say prou able) that Mr Patterson's name may not be presented to the convention at all. 1 am not personally acuuited with the exact cause of this dissatis faction, but am led to believe that it is, to a large extent, personal m its character. In order to throw some light on the subject the following ex tracts are taken from an editorial iu the Lumberton Argus of May C: "Mr Patterson, while having dis pleased no one during his teun, yet will go into the convcutioH under peculiar circumstances, so bitterly assailed, will hesitate to press his claims, while it is doubtful whether those who opposed him two rears ago nave sunicieni interest in ma rvLiuu to take the initiative in securing Robeson's rote for Mr Patterson. But wc doubt the issue, much as we are personally auacneu 10 air Patterson. But shall Robeson see her son led to the laughter-house? If unity demands it, of course Mr Pat terson vill not push his candidacy, just here we would hope that he will not allow his name presented, unless be his confident of ut least a majority of Robeson's vole." Col Ueorge L Morton will receive solid support of his home county (Aew Hanover mid win get a ma jority of this votes in most of. the other counties named, it is reported, for Lieut-Governor, expects to receive another proposi tion this week for the lease ot tno a &. N 0 RR. He already has two such proposals in hand, which still remain good one trom rmiaueipuia people and the other from the N C syndicate represented by Finlayson & Mills. But the application for a receiver, brought last week before L S Judge Purnell by a private stock holders residing in New Jersey, named Cityler, lies the lease otters up till after the hearing, wincn is set for May 21. In the meantime the report of the Governor's investi gating committee is expected to be made. It has already oeen ueiayeu much longer than the public expect ed, for some unexplained reasons. Advices received trom rayette ville. where Judge Peebles is holding a 2-wecks term of Cumberland coun ty Superior court, state that all ef forts made during the past week by mutual friends to "adjust the differ ences" between Judge Peebles and the Robeson county lawyers were a failure. It is now stated that Judge Peebles will nt once have a rule ser ved on the lawyers requiring them to appear before him the last of this week and show cause why they iihall uot be punished for contempt of court. As the presiding judge is re garded as the "court," it looks like the conduct of the attorneys at Lumberton was a pretty plan of noiitemnt." What the 'punish ment'' will be remains to lie seen. It is very generally agreed that Judge Peebles can not atlonl to auow mat ters to rest longer iw they now are. Preparations arc iu progress at Trinity College for one of the great est commencement in the history of that great institution oi learning. To the many one of the most ples ant features will be the annual alumni dinner. The executive com mittee of the Alumni Association has arranged for this, to be held this year in the banquet hall of the new dormitory building, at one o'clock on Wednesday. June 8. uue oi tne best caters of Raleigh has been mired for the occasion. The largest number of physicians that eve' visited Raleigh at one time is expected here two weeks hence, the occasion being the annual meet ing of tho N C State Medical Society The address ot welcome win oe de livered by Gov Aycock. Maj C M Steadman has been invit ed to deliver the address at the an nual meeting and banquet of the North Carolina tsociety oi iucu mand. to be held Mav 20. Five young children were orphan ed and left in destitute circurastam by the death of their mother lost week in the Rex hospital. She re cently came to Raleigh from the country. Homes are wauted for them, and this notice is printed in charity's name, in the hope that ii rr.ay aasit in procuring me aw mc Person's who feel interested in the subiect should address the city missionary, Key R S Stephenson, or Vr N li Bronghtou, Kaleigh, A U, LLfcWXAH. WASHINGTON LETTER. Congress Closes with a Heavy Volley from the Democratic Side of the Houe. 'orrertin'k-nt of The Courier. Washington, I). C, May G, 1904. The long session of the Fifty eighth Congress came to a close last Thursday. From the beginning it has been evident that no general leg islation would be enacted. It seems that, the President und his advisers if there be anybedy so bold as to dare to advise him have been ner vously anxious lest Congress might do something that would militate against his reelection. The idea seems to be that congress is a sort of necessary evil with which the con stitution hits burdened the executive, and that the sooner he can get ad journed and out of town the better. Nothing hits been allowed to obstruct this plan. It was thought by some that money which congress had ap propriated for the Isthmian canal under one treaty and subject to cer tain conditions could uot be expend ed under another treaty and other conditions without further legisla tion; but the present executive is afflicted with no such limitations. Some thought that when it was an nounced in the president's message Unit so many branches of the public service were rotten with bribery and stealings and consiiiiacies, that con gress, in whose hands tho constitu tion places tho purse strings, should look into the expenditure of former appropriations before making new ones; but such impel tiuence was severely rebuked, and congress was told that the President bad a monop oly on the examining business. The federal veterans were urging some new pension law, and the time was when no one would have questioned that congress must ut least make the laws by which money is spent: but this would not do for congress might have discussed the matter, and call ed the attention of the country to the fact that we are already spcud- ug mine tor pensions than is (rcat Britain, France, or Germany for its! funding army, so one of the presi dent's appointees lixed the whole tiling with nil "executive interpreta tion." I called at the- pension office the other day to know if a pension claim tiled some time ago could get the lienetit ot the new "interpreta tion," but was told that the "inter pretation" w-is not "reti'o-activc," and therefore a new claim would have to be tiled. The law that is being "interpreted" was passed four teen years ago, and I don't under stand by what magic wand it has been touched to make it mean some thing now that it didn't mean the day ufter it was passed. Ihe idea thut money cannot In- appropriated except upon legislative warrant is the very corner stone of anglo-saxon liberty. With this sin gle lever the English people have undermine 1 the uutocracy of the English throne, and built up through the centuries their present liberal form of government, which is a re public cumbered only with the form of monarchy. Yet so terribly afraid of anv legislation has the atl ninis- tration been, and so consumed with the desire for the adjournment of congress, lest something might hap pen, they have pushed aside such legislation as political exigencies would permit, aud have disregarded the most fundamental conception of constitutional government in order to provide, in so far as their omcml power can be stretched to do it, for the reelection of Air. Koosevelt. Congress has done little bciides authorizing the routine appropria tions, but that is a bigger task than most people think. Within the last eight years the expenses of the Na tional government have increased fifty pe1- cent. Today we are spinni ng about 700,000,000 a year. Over half of this goes to the expenses of war the army, navy and pensions. None of us have any conception of what seven hundred million dollars means, but if we will figure a little we can undeistand it better. North Carolina's proportion of this is alMiut 1 7,5(Mi,tMHl that is ut least tour times v hat it costs us to run our State and county government, our free schools, our asvlums, and all other state institutions. To come still closer home, Randolph county contributes to the annual budget of the National government alxuit $175,000. If every article we buy in the store was labeled so hs to in- licate just ho much was for goods and just how much was for tariff for mark you only a part ot tne lann goes into the public revenue, the urger part of its exactions going to the protected manufacturer, now generally a trust I say if such a label were aliixed to the goods wc buy, there would be such a revolt al the polls as this country has never witnessed. Cha.ri.es Boss. A Suit Against the Southera by Captain i Dlair's Estate. j The etato of the late Cupt. J. T. l?lui i- has instituted suit fgainst the Southern Railway Company for 10, 000, through Messrs. Overman and Gregory. k opt. Ulair, it will be remember ed, was conductor on the ill fatal fast mail No. 97, which went through a bridge near Danville hist Septem ber. '1 he suit bos been brought in a Virginia court. Salisbury Sun. Ne Gloss Carriage Palat Made will wear as long as Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, because Devoe's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint Sold by McCrary Redding Udw. Co. WHISKEY FRAUD CASES. Four Men Sentenced to Imprisonment and Fines. Writs of Error Taken Out and Prisoners Released on Ball. Greensboro, N. C, May 4. Spec ial. The jury at 10 o'clock this morning returned a verdict of guilty as to all of the defendants in tb whiskey fraud case in the United States court and Jm'ge Boyd pro nounced sentence us follows: ii. if . Sprinkle, two years imprisonment in the penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., and lined $5,000: T. At. Angle, oue year and one day in the penitentiary and lined $1,000; William ii. Young, six months in jail and lined $1,000. Judge Boyd also pronounced sen tence this morning upon A. J. Davis, the revenue ganger, convicted in court here three weeks ago of bein implicated iu this f rami by whic the government lost over $100,000 in taxes in the conduct of the Oak Grove Lniuor Company, the Milton Distilling Company, the Reidsville Laiiuor Company and other concerns, Davis was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment iu the pent teiitiary and lined fl.O'K). Judge Boyd also gave judgement "gainst Davis for ,20,000, enabling suit to be brought against his sureties. The attorneys for the defendants took out a writ of error and defend ants ure out on bail, '''lie case will go up to the circuit court of appeals. Great interest has been shown in the triul of this case, because of the prominence of the defendants and because of the magnitude of the charges. The triul began Tuesday morning of last week and a large number of witnesses from Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana aud other states were examined. The defense did not put any witnesses on the stand. The jury took the case yes terday uf ternoon at 6 o'clock and reached un agreement this morning shortly after 9 o'clock. Raleigh Port. MONTGOMERY NEWS. A Republican convention is said to have been in evidence, Monday, but we ure unable to give the pro ceedings. We regret to slate that Miss Lizzie Tomlinson has an attack of fever. Rev J P Rodgers, of Asheboro, preached in the Methodist church Monday night und Rev Mr Rowland, of Pilot Mountain, Tuesday night. We are informed thut Mr Tom White roceutly caught, a sixteen pound turtle among the Little River hills, but after cutting his throat and preparing him cooking he allow ed his valued prize to escape. He now offers a liberal reward for the apprehension of the escaped prisoner. Mr T B Burt has resigned his position us storekeeper for the A ft A Ify here, and has gone to St Louis to take in the Exposition, and will go from there to Oklahoma, where he takes a position with it Ry C" there. Fun Ahead for Republicans ia State Politics. Mr Thus J Pence, Washington correspondent of the Morning Post, gives some information und makes some forecasts in the following: The question of what to do with the negro ut the Republican state convention, which meets this mouth in ( i reeusboro, is one that has given no little concei n to Chairman Rollins and tlms in control of the organiza tion. The mistake of shutting the negro out of the convention came near be ing suicidal two years ago, and such a policy is fai from the thoughts of those w ho hold n distribute oince oy grace of Mr Uosevelt. That the negro is thorn in the side of the state organisation the leaders admit, and thev have been considering how- far they could go towards repressing the brother in black wituout giving offense to the administration. The negro politician in the state, encouraged by reason of Lee Person's stand iu favor of their recognition aspired to have a member of the race elected delegate at largo to the na tional convention. Ex-Congress man Cheatham. John Dancy, the recorder of deeds in the District, and Jim Young wanted this recognition Failure to "agree upon one of their mi in ber has brought them to realiza tion of the fact that they will have small chance of success. As a re sult it is said that Cheatham has given up his ambition to go to the national convention as a delegate at large and has gone to work to secure election as delegate irom nis uts- trict. The necioes expect to be well rep resented from the eastern counties at the state convention. They declare that no phvnotic influence, as was was exerted over Dave Lave two vears ago, cau be used to keep them in the background in the year of our Lord 1904, with Theodore Roosevelt in supreme command. Strawberries and Cucumbers. Nearly 400 crates of strawberries were brought in here Monday. This is abont twice as many as were ship ped from this place any one day last year, w hich shows that this indnsiry has grown poii.iiderab'v. The J H Heinz Company have contracted for about one hundred acres of cucumbers at this place and will not move their plant away, as it was feared awhile they would do. Mr M Vandpeven, of Pittsburg, Pa., is the manager her. (J lark ton ,s press. DO YOU GET tTP ' WITH A LAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Hakes Ton Miserable. Almuat everybody wut reaua tue newit papers is sure to know of the wonderful core made by. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and ia wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright' Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if yon have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy yon need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and baa proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have . not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findont if yon have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, Y. The regular! fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamn-Root. aud tbe address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. WANTED A good second hand stationary boiler 40 or 60 h. p. Asheuoko Limber &Mfo. Co. Asheboro, N. C. O R'COX, President. W J AKMPIELD. V-PrcS W J AKMPIELD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, -A.:h.l3oro, IT. C, Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $3G,000.00 $150,000.00 iHUlncm of the Imnlt'.ii. luiMir .nil feel nfo In raying we are prepared and willing -ery laeinty aau ao- e oauauig. DIRECTOUSt Hnisli Parks nr.. W J ArmfleM.W P Wooi, r B K Kediiini;",' Hen) Moflitt, Tho. J Heading, A W Cnjiel, A M Kan kin, Tlwa H Keddlug, Or t K New Blacksmith Shnp. We have opened up a new shop in South Asheboro for general repairiug and black smithing. k We make a specialty of nutk- liniber Wheels. Give us your work. We guarantee promptness and durability. A. M. Presnell. WE WISH To ttill the nUmtlm of the people of Ranlo1ih y to int; iaei mac we nau ooropicw otu l IIh1i illicit for repairing ill klmlfl of Jewelry, - "'Watclies and. Cloclcs. t worl the Optical IDepartxxiexrt Ik complete. We fan ihiplicute any ltc bmkcti iiria. Fine Leoiei fiiniiclKil ta order on short notice. 2wall Orders ttentlon. Write i nceil anything In our line. Very truly youra, A.. X9. STALET te BltO, If You Want The Best Laundry Sand Yaur Laundry ta ttte Old Rallabla Charlotte Steam Laundry. Thev are better prepared to do your work right than any Laundry 111 lilt! DIUK', anu uu it. ngui, IW. Leave vour bundles at Wood & Moring's store. Baskets leaves Tuesdays uud returns rndays. W. A COFFI N. Agent. ATTENTION! Poultry and Stock Raisers rgK ROYAL STOCK FOOD. World's gfeatei wlleated Htnek fond. A veterinary pmpaatwm. ,im .ltd nvvrntt iIImm fn tinrua. Cattle. sheep, His, Galvta, Onlta. Lamha and Fura, Snven graiu by caajring perfect aimllatlon A itltute lor paM'ire. our agent will reiuww r money if It falls to do as recommended. Use Royal Poultry Mixture ' A Hire cure for Cholera and Roup and toe greet- ROYAI. LIClfVlIXKR. The greatest mace ilmtmycr known. Will kill the Mx an old and . yranig chickens wlinou injury o ne cim-aon.. It will aim remove tno lice from all klnda ol atocj. It la a pnnitlve and certain remedy 'or Hltes, I.lce, Ciiurrea, Bed Boga, Aula, MM Bugis Rtc. Kto. TRY A PACK AO K (IF KACH AHDSSOOKVllrO- Kl OF THKUl M&M1TH. Our art-Tit will refund vour money If they faff to do a. recommended, aa Royal Poultry Hiamra and Royal Uce Killer are mid under aa ahaauM guarantee of mtWaruoa ar money retaadad. THK ROYAL CO-OP MANl'r ACf CRIrtO CO. Indtanopotbi. hid, U. a. A, Sold by T. D. l'H iTTw. General A rent, Doyle,. IP Come And Geo! Our spring and sum mer allowing of ! : Dress Goods, Notions, Embroidery, Laces, Ribbons, Underwear, Hosiery, Cor?tv Etc . P. Hcltincn jj Trinity, N. G. $1.50, ga uanae iw aw mm lauivaw ire