.. . j The Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. Chie' of Police Gray, of Point, m here Monday. Duke Robins hag a position with Standard Drag Co. Mr W J Annfleld, Jr., ipeut Sun. day in High Point. Mr J 0 Redding spent Sunday with hi parents at Maud. Miss Treva Bush is visiting at Belfast. Damson county. Mr A C Cox, of Moffitt, was here to basinets Monday. Mr B Frank Page, of Greensboro, spent Sunday in Asheboro. Mr and Mrs T D Harris spout Sunday at trinity. Mr J M Caveness, of Moffitt, was in town Monday on business. Mr James G Steed, of Steeds, was in town the first of the week. Mr N D Nauce, of I3ack Creek, was in to see us since our last issue. Mr D M Hollady made a business trip to Liberty the first of the wtek. Mr L D Birkhead, of Statesville, is visiting his parents here this week. Mrs M A Moffitt is having a nice residence erected on her lot on Sun set avenue. Mr R M Walker, of Caraway, was here Saturday and gave us a pleasant call. Miss Louise Slack, of ltandlsman, visited Miss Marian Moring lust week. Mrs Dell Hoover visited her brother Marshal Millikan at Greensboro last week. Mr A J Woodell is confined to his room with a severe attack of lit grippe. As usual a large number of Ashe boro people attended Farmer com mencement yesterday. Mr T 0 Spencer, of Sophia, was a pleasant caller at the CouuiER office Tuesday. Mr Cecil Macon, of Buffalo Ford, was in town Thursday and purchas ed a new bnggy. Miss Jessie Borough and Kiith Fox attended Liberty Normal com mencement Tuesday. Mr K II Maxwell spent Sunday in Asheboro returning to High Poiut Monday morning. Messrs W T Foushee. Rolit York and Wesley Frazier, of Colum bia Township, were here Monday. Miss Jessie Birkhead visited her brother, Mr L D Birkhead, at States ville the past week. Standard Drug Co. is having both the interior and exterior of its store improveLby papeiing, painting, etc. We are pleased to anuounce that Mr Clarence Bush, who has liven suffering with a sore leg, is improv ing. J T Wood, traveling salesmen for a Baltimore clothing house, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his family. Dr C C Hubbard and wife, of Worthville, spent Tuesday in Ashe boro the guests of Dr and Mrs Moore. Hon B K King, a prominent attor ney of Greensboro, and stcnogropher, Mr Tom Beall, spent several days here last week on business. Mrs Annie F Tomlinsion, of High Point, is visiting her daughter, Miss Annie Tomlinson, one of the teachers in the graded school here. Misses Pat McRae and Nettie Mc Aulay came up from Biscoe Monday and spent a few hours with friends, returning on the afternoon train. Onlv a few more days till the voting contest closes. Now is the time to pay your subscription and vote for yonr choice as the most popular lady. Mr 8 C Boroughs, who has been in school at Oak Kidge, stopped off at Asheboro and spent 'Sunday, on his return to his home in Hontgoin ery county to spend vacation. Mr M W Parrish has added to the appearance of his residence on South Fayetteville street by having blinds placed to the windows and a coat of paint applied. The Asheboro Drug Co. is the name of the new drng store opened up recently in the W D Stedman building next door to the Bank by Mr J 1 L naerwooa ana omers Mr and Mra R L Deaton returned Friday nitrht from their bridal tour to the St Lonis Exposition, and ares stopping with Mr W A Coffin for the present. Mrs Mollis Wimpie. of Indiana who is spending some time in the county visiting relatives, stopped - over in Asheboro with the family of Mr 0 H Bush on her return to lniii ana this week. ' The general conference of the Methodist Protestant church, in aion at Washington Citv this week, elected DrTTTagg editor of the 1 Methodist Protestant, of Baltimore, i Md. president of the general confer cue. DrTaggia known to many i ef oar reader-, having been a visitor 3 to Atbeboro on several occasions ana " preached to our people - Mr Geo Barker, who accepted ", position with th Virgiai Furniture ? Company, of Chase City, Vs., asma- i chineat, writes ns that be baa been t 1 promoted to snpermtendent't place. ' " Mr Barker ia well known in Ashe- kin been amttloved bv the i Asheboro Furniture Company at ' one time. We are glad to hear i U Mr Barker's snoowa. Mr JL Pounds and wife visited in Lexington last week. Mr E G Morris and children are visiting in Randleman this week Why Not commencement is to-day and frankliuviilc tomorrow. iluny of our people will attend. Mr atid Mis Mont Harris, of Bel fast, Davidson county, visited in Asheboro the first of the week. Old People's Day will be observed by the Wortliville Sunday school Sine dav, June 5th . An interesting iro- gramme is being arranged for the occasion. Misses Maty Ferrec and May Ingcld, of ltondltaiau, alluded commencement here and visited the family of Dr F A Henley the first of the week. Mrs .George Barker, who has been spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr and Mrs C II Hush, leaves Friday for Chase City, Va., to join her husband. Mr C V Bean has a position with the Southern Railway at this place made vacant by Mr S K Teagne go ing to TullahaisHee, Fla. A Mr Hur ley, of Wadeville, succeed Mr Bean as operator for the A & A at this place. Every subscriber who pays one dollar on subscription to the Courier whether renewal or new subscription before the 1st dav of June will have a chauce to vote for his choice as the most popular lady. After May Jlst this opportunity will no. oe anorueu you. Promnt treatment of a slight at tack of diarrhoa will often preveuta serious sickness. I he best known remedv is Dr Seth Arnold's Balsam Your apothecary the Standard Drug Co. warrants it 10 give suusiucuuii Mirror Factory. We learn from the last issue of the Enterprise that the Standard Mirror Works, of Pittsburg, Pa., will move its factory to High Point. A location has been purchased and work will becin at once. Good for High Point. Married by Rev Sam Jones. Dr Stephen W Caddcll, of Ram spur, anil Miss v.ora i oner, vi Entcrpnec, were united lu marriage last Thursday niirht at six o'clock in the parlor of "the Guilford Hotel, the Kev cam I .joucs, assisieu uy i - n. J Kirknian, officiating aie the only ones in this or any county in this state who have oeen married oy me renowned evangelist. After the marriace ceremony the hriday couple gave a dainty supper to their most intimate friends to celebrate the fTCiit. Greensboro Patriot. Mission-Day Service. Children's Mission-Day service al the Presbyterian chinch Sunday afternoon, May 20th. commencing at 2:30 o clock. Children ot all the Sabbath schools, their parents and friends are invited to attend this ser vice which it is hoped will deepen their interest in the cause of foreign missions. The collection will be con tributed to the building of a new boat for mission seivice on the Con go to replace the recently destroyed Uipslev. Died in (ireensboro. Mrs l-etilia Kirkman Freeman, of near Julian this county, died very suddenly in 'Greensboro Monday morning of heart disease. Mrs r ree nian was visiting her daughter, Mrs Dr J K Stockanl, and was in appar ent good health Sunday night and retired in good spirits. Mie was m vears old and w as a woman possessing many traits of strong character and meutal vigor. The remains were brought to this county Tuesday and interred in the family bunng ground near juiian. Asheboro Building Company. The Home Building and Material Company, of Asheboro, with $25,000 authorized capital stock and $4,000 pail in was incorporated last wees in the Secretary of State's oflice. The incorporators are: N. J. Carter, D. Auman, J r oro"gtis ami a. i. Trogden. This company has bought the nlant of the Ashclwro Luniber & Mfg Co. in the northern part ol town and will manufacture doors, sash and blinds and finished luniber of all kinds. Further announce ments will be made later. Randolph dirt Wins Medal. Miss Linnie Shamburger, daughter of Mr. P. Shamburger, of Hill Store, was awarded the improvement prize, which was a copv of Tenny son's complete works and one of Longfellow's complete works, at Memorial Hall, Saturday, May 14, by the Philagorean Society of Guil ford College. This prize is given annually to the new member which makes the most improvement in this society, in debating during the year. Miss onamlmrgcr nan made marked improvement in the society and has duly won this honor by her faithfulness and Hard work tnrougn- out the year. School Closlnr. The closing exercises of Asheboro Graded School took place Monday night with a public entertainment by the smaller pupils ot tne school It had been announced that Hon B B Glenn would deliver an addrens on Tuesday night, but owing to his not being able to get here, l'rot Walker was forced to cancel the gagement. Consequently there was no programme for 1 uesday night. Ihe entertainment Monday night was, however, of a high order aud was greatly enjoyed by all present. This marks the close of one of the most successful schools ever taught here, and the school board ia to be congratulated in seen ring Prof Walker and bis able oorpae of teaebcrr. THE SAME LEADER. Miss Phillips Leads Again this Week Miss Smith a Close Second. The friends of the three leading contestants have been active the past week. Mis Phillips is s'.ill in the lead. Miss Smith gains 00 voles which makes her u close second. Miss Lvde Lt.vis makes the handsome gain of 655 votes and isstill a strong third in the contest. Only a few nunc days remain in which to vote fcr your choice and if you have been putting the matter off let us inform you that the time is now short and von ha '. better send in your subscription at once if you want vour choice in this contest to have the bciielit of vour vote. To the friends of each contestant let us sav that now is the time to ff"tive work, and if von lo mil exert yourself in the behalf of your friend vou will have no one except yourself to blame if she fails to win m this contest. To one and all our advice is to work, wiiiik, WORK, from now un til the contest closes, Mav :11st. Below we cive the vote us it standi only fin days before the contest closes: Mlsn Lima l'l.llll-. Full. r.. Ml L.-IUI Smith, riitnioMir,., Mim Lyilu l.cvn, Kurimr. . . . Mijt Nun llr.n Mi Ifcilsy o MIhh If. vU- l i Mi- i-W.mll.'ll. tiUII.II.' Mia N.lll.' 1 -m 1 Mlw Iir.i K.-iI'lMiL'. Il" I''. . MlwS.illii- Inivl-, Ni M:i.k. VV'illt.lmwtl VVitli.lmun Mis IViU'l Alumni. VVUy N-t Mlv H-Aiirnillhipl. Ilmil.il Wlllilniii Mm. .I.n-i-li 1'iiiklii, Tt in :i y. ttllli.lnmn Mm. W. H c .x. Kimt-M ; 1 1.-. Miv. llu I ..-. Ilull'li With. Iruwti Ramseur Coniinenceiiicnt. The coiimieniTiiieiit llaiiiseur Academy took 'L'ml and 2 1th. Sumlav evening at crcis place III! annual sermon was preached to a large and appreciative audience in the M 10 Church bv hVv Dr It A Long, of Cralium. Mondav evening the program con sisted of dcclummions recitations, Irills. etc.. and a pi;n bv She chil llVIl of Cle school. Tuesday thelMth was coiiiiin ni e- inent day proper and the prograiiiiue consisted of recitations, d-.r tarnations tc, bv the larger iiiipils of ihc chool. Al 'i o'clock in the after noon Prof, l'lato Durban), of I nr ham, delivered the addres-. Till: Coiliir.i; had ii.tcm!ed to attend this commencement, bin wu pre vented from doing so, i oiish iumiIIv our report is not what we ivotilu like for It to have been. He uiidcrxland the entire prograuniie w.i :i , eat ess ami refh U iT ihi iii'oii Cobb aud his able assistants. Farmer Cumiiicncciiicnt. Tuesday evening iheri- was a cou rt in the chape! which was pro nounced by those present u success. Wednesday w-as commencement ay and a large crowd was in ;tt t.-n-.l-n'ce. In the forenoon there wele recitations, declamation, etc., ny mo pupils. In the afternoon lion. W 1'. atoii mavor ol inion-.-'aieiii, tie- livered the address in place ol It..;i B tilenn who was unable to be present, on account ci iue .iu illness of his brother, tieii .lanu-sM Glenn, of Creensboro. Diidoiuas were awaided t Mis-es Maggie llornev and Hi'ssie .luim-on, rtiid I'ranU Mac Subscriptions Paid. The following subscriplions jrivc been received since our last l.-suc. .1 S Smoke, II (i Henley. I O Spencer, C eo Barker. M I. Allied. liev .1 li llutton. Col l .i Milium. W C Bain, das A Martin, : W Harmon, R K l'uck, C i I'oi.-. tt. II C Aldridge. .lu.lge .las K l.owl, .1 (. York. A C Brower, .1 K I i-ague. .1 M Caveticss. W W Mcintosh. I! I-' Kioe, D M llolladv, 1; A Suriail. Norman Lollin, W U Hughes. . I !' Delk, .1 B Delk. A I, Delk. I' 1! Hunt. It 11 lelk, I' K ScMon, 1! ' Charles, A O Itapcr, V J Clinch. .1 A Carpenter, .1 V lulbert, .Miss .len nie I'enningtoii. 1 J Thomas, .1 N Pierce, 1' A Wall. Death of Mrs. Leonard. Mrs Carrie Leonard, wil'i ..f th late A W Leonard, died on May 1 I, 11104, at the advanced age of 7:? years. In early life she professed faith in Christ, united with the Christian church at Pleasant Grove, lived a consecrated christian, and died the death of the righti-oiis. A husband and live children p'c cuded her to the spiiit world. Six children survive. Mav the Good Shepherd give the bereaved ones great comfort and peace, and a happy adinitliimo hit that better world. A large congregation attended tlie burial of the dear sister at Pleasant Grove on the Kith. . H A A Letter to Mo-ris, Scarboro, Mor titt Co, Asheboro N. C Dear Sim: U's u old savins: the bnt advertl-ement is a pleaded cus tomer. It happens to ns ciilinus 1 in this wav : A manbuys Detoe for hi house bs has pal .ted b c nee in ihn e y lor a d g saao, and lb i.ks ha knows wbat bo wam buy- 3u gatlona, ai.d haa 10 en. Me iw r glit-oT that 2d IH voe Is as muoh a 80 ot aJtbin( elsn. lie likea that; it ""me- quirk; t is a snrpri-e; and le tells ol it I be ti- at ailvrrtise- Du nt ia a !)' i customer. Tbn-e yenra roll round. There i-a't aiffn that bis bnuae nreds Piiut don't raint it. Next year be don't naint it. Tbi coiuea alow: it a snri.ris. hut ha bis got used to It Stilt the beat adertiM)uient is a plrasid custo mer. Yours truly, V. to . Dvvoa & Ca MoUrary-Knrtdiue Co- s onr paint- The Cockier andFarm Life both ouc year for only nondollar. Trinity High School Commencement. The closing exercises of Trinity High School began Sunday morning with the annual sermon by Dr T K Marr, of Charlotte, before u large and appreciative audience. llu lest of his sermon was from the two words, "Follow Me," in which he explained the different religions and their followers in a most forceful manner. The sermon, was followed bv a solo by Miss Nan Wood, of this place, on an offeratory. Services were held" Sunday night by lr T V Marr in which he preach ed another cvcellent, sermon. Miss Hessie Duiilap sang a solo ul this service, the subject of which was .1. .... . ''ili c." On Mondav night the grand con cert by the w hole school was held, in which there were plays, music, dialogues and recitations by Ihe younger pupils of the school. The literary address was delivered on Tuesday morning by Hon V K Kalon, mayor of Winston, lie came in the place of Hon K B Glenn who was to have delivered the addre.-s, but could not till the appointment on account of the serious illness of his brother. Hon W K Eaton :h introduced to the audience by Mr liruce Craven, of Charlotte, in a few glowing words. Mayor Katon spoke one hour on different subjects, the most important of which he lay ed down the principals of patriot ism. In the end he closed with a glowing tribute to Dr Braxton Craven. ln Tuesday night was the decla mations and essavs by eigh' of the voiing men from the Lycargian Lit erary Society, and five of the voting ladies of the Frances Williard Lit erary Society. Mr C C Frazier won the medal as the best ilvclaiinor, and Miss Covic Smith was awarded llu medal for the best essay. Both niedab were delivered by Dr F II Wood in an appropriate speech. Messrs'!' .1 Finch, liev .1 II Craven and Dr Dred Peacock acted as judges. On Wednesday night was i In- stu dent reception which was largely attended and enjoyed, especially bv the young people. This marked tin e of un eiiiovablc comineliceiil.'n I and a successful year of work by the cliool. Trinity Correspondent. Ramseur Items. Ramseur, May The series of meetings at the Uaptist Church clos- d Sunday morning. The Rev Mr Whife, of Creensboro, conducted the meeting, ami was uldv assisted lv s Carrick, Lussiter and Wood. Mr White is an earnest and untiring preacher of the Gospel. There were three additions to the church. ev I) A Long, D D, L L l, preached tlie annual sermon ol me bamseiir Academy commencement in the M V. Church Sunday night to i packed house. Long before the hour for preaching the house was filled to its utmost capacity, his sub- t was "'I he Coronation ot Forces." it was an able discourse and for an hour and a half he held hi: audience icll bound with his eloquence. He ;iid a glowing tribute to Prof Cobb and his assistants and was greatly surprised to lind Ramseur a town of I.ihmi inhabitants when he had ex pected to lind only about a dozen houses. Mr J C Watkins, of (ireciisbovo, is ill tow M last week. Messrs i M Kimery and A 11 York went to (ireensboro Friday. Mrs Carney Ilenson and sister, of ar Ashehom, visited Mrs .1 H Leo nard Sunday. Fr.inkli.il ille Locals. C F Stuart and K I! Parks the State Republican coii tl Creensboro last week, ise thev were prospecting. MefS,-: attteildei veil I ion e Slipi !r and Mrs Ailendo .leiiuiiii-s are visiting tiieir fathei, Mr T M .le:i iiiiigs this week. Mr Ross Tippctt is all smiles its a line bov. Supt W C Jones and Prof C 11 Julian are preimiing a nice pro tamine lor eiuliireiis uav ar ine .vi hureh which will be given Ihe I hint Sunday in June at mht. ery bod v invited. Mr. I I-' lirower, one of mir chvei ecervnieii, made a business trip to vciisboio one day last week. On last Monday another young man came to I'.1 Jionin s House aim aims the right to sUiy. which Kd cs not dispute and seems excecd igly proud of it. fey White, of (ireciisbovo. p reach -1 in the l'.ai!ist church Sunday nirbt. Mr Lewis York, of Saiidv Creek, nt Sunday ill town, to the de bt of some' i if our young ladies. The following officers for Hanks Lodge were unanimously elected Saturday night for the ensuing Masonic year- L F Feiitriss, WM, C C Russell. SW, Ilenrv Jones, .1 W . I) Maner, Tics. C H Julian, Sec, d ,1 C Man. r, Filer. New Market Items. New Market. May U. -Mrs Robt. iekoiy and family, of Thomusville, have been visiting Jas Spencer. W S Skeeii. of Asheboro, spent la.-t Friday night with D S Pavis. Miss Jessie laIS went to Ashe boro I i-t week to have some denial work done and to be present at the coniinelicenielit exercises ot the Aslu- Uiro (Jraded School. There will be a basket picnic at Col train's mills next Saturday. May 2Sth. KveryUalv is cordilly invited. !iss Mina Fallow has returned from (iuilford College on account of measles. Marlboro has the largest Sunday school in the township with Mr Henry liawkuis us superintendent and Hiss Ida liiUge as secretary. Mr Chas Snider, of t-reeusuoro, spent Sunday with his family. bvivester U.ivm mid tamily spent Sunday with Mr N C Johnsoii. , Mr Cene Spencer has a new buggy, but for some cause has failed to try it. Miss Nan Elder, who has lieen spendiug some time al Jamestown, has returned borne. Mr and Mrs A Woodell attended Liberty commencement Tuesday. Trinity Items. Trinity.'Mav 25. Trinity High School and ThouiHsvilln ball team crossed huts on the diamond here Monday which resulted in a victory for J runty iv a score ol 1 1 to J The features of the game were tin pitching of Jones, the catching of Little and (lie all-round batting of Trinity, and the catching ot Russell for Thoniasville. Miss Eva Ifeilman arrived home Saturday from Creensboro wlicivslu has had a position in the graded schools of that place. Rev J I! ( raven visited III town this week. Messrs Marvin and Maurice llrame, of Wiii.lon, spoiil Sunday in the citv. Misses Millie and Clara Harmon. of High I'oilll. Were the glli-sts ol Miss Melila I'iirkin lliis week. Mr Will Harris, of Lexington, spent Saturday and Sunday wild relatives heio. W S Weeks made a business to Crct iislioi'o Momluv. J H While, ,,f Cleelisliol'c. was here this cek. F S Lambeth and family, of Thonuisi ill.-, v.cre visitors here Sun day. Mis.- Ada Carpenter is visiting her uncle, .1 A C.ii uentcr. V C Mrad-haw, Id' High Point, attended i omiueucciiiciit. Sunday. Prof . I F llcitinaii spent Monday ill Crecll-boio UH business. Mr and Mrs liruce Craven, of ( 'liarlolte. are v isitors here tin's week. .1 li Mel'rarv. a prominent lawyer f Lexington, was in tow n Mondav. -Mrs llu.-sell. of Troy, alien, hd commencement ihis week. Mr and Mrs Ceo A Mat Ion. of High I'oinl. attended services here Sunday morning. .Mr and .Mrs T h Harris, of A-h,-boro, are I he giic-i s of Mr and Mrs I! Parker ihis weck. ltoli llallancc vi-ilcd his father. J W I'.allance llli Week. .1 I. Wclhorn. of l.exingion, al leiuled commencement this week. Hon W K F.ntoii was I he guest of I apt I ut'K 1 1 1 w In e in low n. All of the .-in. lints of Trini high school vv ill leave for I heir Inuu bv the lirst nf next week. ' Dr Met allies.-, of t hist.-rlield, 1 '. has been Vel'V ill il! I he home of I his mother. Mrs .1 W Met 'unless, j here' for the past wee!., but is now i very much improved. Ilis family j ha-' been aiMldilig hi.- b, dside. j Mr and Mr- Ceo F Kirbv are v i- I'laiiv. Scarbo (ill- Week. j A K lolue. ,-iit al u. lioiinr Rail. No honor roll piii.lMiei! In-t and second ur.i.les. Third glade: - Man Sp. ni l;. ii- Zel, I. I.v Farl !a!i Laiiirhlin. Jim lloov l.'ii-li. Fuller liolla.lv. Fou rih giad. : --l.in-ile l.'i He Swain. Mamie Morri is, Ha-il llrittaiii id Cranfonl, l'ai; lb. How, 'il. Nunc, grade: -Ma li Lottie .lull', s. lies , Clilf.it. i 1 llenl,-.. Cox. W I.anilieri. ill. Olive ie Laii'h-1 -ixlh grade: (iiadv Mill. Miller. Mona Uiish. Lura I dricKs, 1 h. Waller I llulaill. ! Mex W. vcli. Ol ,er 1 1. nr.. Fight li grade: A: Ma.-ah Lambert. Fen I'.uncii. Xinth "::'!. : Duk i M Nil ..bias. Mar Jim I ll! 1 1 1-Il liray's Cliaplo llcnu'. drav'-' Chapel. May vlti.-K.-v John i'uijii, of L'andleinaii. ts to jireav'1. at Cray's Chapel Academy on the thiid Suii. lav in June. Mi.-.- I-'!..-;.- Allied, of Funklin- ville, i-i.'d her iiaivnts last u:i- dav. M. -.- rs M I'n .ii and John Mc-Dani.-I i ! a living trip to (ireens boro l.ct Fri.hiv aud ret arte d Sal ur- lav. Miss Ma ot I oiisl, of I.Vmlleman. is visitinu ! . r parents 'hi- week. Mis J, I'. h, of Ml (iilead. i.- visiting r.-lat!' liev ii r i;. s in this section, th is to preach al in the lift li Sunday !..ck p. m. ;.,!', t Walker, Salile ; I . ::k ..f Cray's Kmiuaaad Ola Ward, (irav'a ( haivl in Mav at i o Miss's Ma Curtis at..! !'. Chapel. M f Whit I hapei ,-s Clar ltv. and Lenor ( Flossi, inanv ot telld'.'d vvedilin. Martha. p!i-he,: Madisot ill-, ol Miss - .vain, of Malaiicht ho her friends and r, '.a!i a b autifiil and .piit-' at the bride's home. Mi.-s the hi autiful aud .ici.iiu .laagbter of Mr and Mrs Jon .-, v.a- in niied l Mr John Cunis, last .Sunday nt T o clock p. m., Kev J II nt ton. of Climax, of ficiating. After the cciemony was pelloiiued the bride and groom ami friend- and relatives retired to the I i ! 1 1 1 : 1 1 room, vv beie t : .- tal le was With deli.-i -us f.sn!. The per vvaj much enjoyed by all. vv Mi Ihis couple a long, happy and many rays of sunshine ever , ia their pathway through this and may they hi- piep.ived to h the blissful "shote. vvh. iv llu ir i. " n ill wait lo welcome iln-in in I'laise for i vcr n. re. life Th. OIV Iltg conui' 1 'mirier is a iav ,t's force alt'-iidii ncemcnts. illlsvve, k un.' ol Uie Asheboro Market hVpnrl. Changed every Wednesday) ci.: k. iis ur lb hickelis - -. . lo to '.'He 10 cl-s. nets. 11 cts. 50 ct. ... l.w . . . 75 els. ... l.oo Turkeys per lb Hutter Sweet potatoes. - Irish potatoes .. Onions While poa C'lav peas Wheat Corn .... Veal Calves, live. Pork dressed Beef cattle 90 cts. ... 1.10 70 ct . . . 2 to 3 cts. . . . 6 to 7 cts. ... 2 to 3 cts.t Business Locals. Noticaa lnartt afnder this head al one jftnt a word each In sort ion. BUKJK. Rich Hros. have opened up a Kiln of me lirii k. All who are in need of brick will do well to call on I hem at their yards in South Ash, 'born. WANTF.D. To correspond with inei't'baiii.s who handle eggs a"i chickens. Will pay vou 5 per cent iie'iv !, an i- i;'il price in Asheboro shipped at my expense, ceipt ol .Ki.ls. Addr, Casil on rc- , l!ox WAN'TKK- I jigging and lumber b ams, near K!i.-e, Mome county, -N. ('. A plv to Thus K Cox, Hemp N. ('., or C. C. MeAHsier, Asheboro. N.C. A-hehor.i Lumber Mfg. Co. l-'i-r curi!:: am! bunions, and oll'eii sive f '.t try a b"X of Kleclric Corn ( iue or a box nf Champion Foot Powd.-r only .'.' edits each. I'sed 1'' years ami m v.-r a .-initio failure. I.i it K l'.. NO. '-.'. l-n ho L'amseiii. N. ('. WANTKlM'ol! CASH Ash and eel uni. Ash timber 5 or in ft. long, 1 pi r Ion ft Sweet gum :i, li, 1 1 or U li. long. So ceiils per idll It. 1 1,-lenvil mi our yard. A-iii i''ii:n Vn'i:t.l.i!.viiUi)vy Co. Asheboro. X. C. CANAAN I'oi'LTUV YAIJDS, Won i in t i.i t:, N. t'. 'I Ins is tin place to buy pure St Mi I.K-i o VI I Win i ;: I.i:i.tiiit:s and Wiiiik Wv VMm'I ii. e-e at :: I lr setting of l"i. All orders !;i!ei promptly with fr J. II. Ciili, Cashier Ba.uk of R.andlcma.n. RiindlorriAn, N. C. I AvAiUfi SCHOOL tr.-.ilv ci North Carolina. l-'!th Saiunlay, :, r.'Ol. Piar-o-i Organs VViiocsaic md Retail, A. Vs. Jones Co. Vy lo: .. you the niom-y to buy Jir.ii. WjD o i'roe trials. VK pny the freight. WE suvo yot. 25 per cent. WE i.dd r.'ithingtothe prin cipal when sold on EASY PAYMENTS. ia-.- r; in .1 for fail par- i), Jones & Co., i-.iS Sooth 1:1m St., (j :'; 'u-'rioro, N. C. Summer School For Teachers! A SuKii- ler School for teocb- PisvA-ie I h.'l.l in the Graded Scho.i! bu Kihier at Asheboro, bCu-'inr.lv ; ; July 18th, 1904. and .1:-: 'or four weeks. il I 1 .' a general review of ill.' t.'' i '".i.s u ul III the public Ni. -'.hods and school m m- vvill receive special iitten- t on. No i Icirire lor tuition to any e.n'l,.-i i ; I i TMiii piiparim; to tench. lakes plac:1 of Coitntv Institute. Cei toil-ait's i t attendance, gnoi! in any coi.ntv in the State, given thosi aim alien. 1 reirulai'lv. Hriui vour Ut b.H.ks. For furl her information addreai: J. M. WAY, County. Supt. of Schools. N. W. WALK Kit, Conductor. BUGGIES! When in town we will make it to your interest to look through our large line of buggies, har ness and robes. We have many pleased custo mers who have dealt with us in the past and we expect to continue pleasing them. We know a pleased customer is a living, breathing adver tisement that nothing on earth can down. We will sell you on a warranty that can't do other wise than satisfy the most skeptical buyer. Barbour Buggy Company! A Better. Buggy for the The Same Our line is complete, ranging in price from .$28.00 to $75.00; and while we have some low priced vehicles, we wish to impress upon your the fact that we have not sacrificed quality for price, but have kept up that standard of quality characteristic of honest workmanship. Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are Yours to serve, Hollady-Pool Hardware Co. ASHEBORO, N. O. Southern Nurseru Comp'u. Winchester, Tennessee. Oldest and Largest Nursery in the State. Nearly i'.onn.OdO Peach Trees sold and shipped direst to planters in fall of 1 '."):: and spring of 1004. We will have for fall of 1904 and spring of lin l.'i, onr usual large supply of Apple, Pent, Peach, Cherry, Plum, Pecans, laifrlish Walnuts', in fact nil kinds of trees that arc successfully rown in our climate at rcasnnahle priens. J-S?"Write for Price List and Catalogue. SOUTHERN NURSERY CO., Winchester, Tenn. Our Sale of illinery Goods For Spring and Summer wear is now in progress and the styles We have a splendid select from and we can values for the money this class of goods for much less money than you would have to pay in larger towns. Come and try till have Ladies" Hats in and patterns' and can trimmings you want. Morris-Scarboro Moffitt Co Asheboro, N. C. World's FairalkMsii; May-November, 1904. ...Southern - Railway... mil tin- above occasion, effective April 25, 1904, Southern Rail d on sale daily, tickets at cxtreemlv low rates, to St. Louia and way 1'eliii'ii. I N'ol'lli Car dlovvinji ilina: are rates applying Si'iisou tttiiluy I.Vday : Ashelioio sSSft-ftS S'W.GO $24.20 Cliarlolte, . Hii.llt :i0.1O 24.65 lireeiisLoro 34.10 2S.40 23.30 ; Hickory. . 34.10 2K.40 23.30 f Ml. Airy, ... 37.00 30.K5 25.10 Salisbury,.; 34.10 28,40 23.30 ; Sanford,' 37.(iO 31.90 26.25 Wilk.sbi.ro, 40.00 33.40 25.10 Southern Uailway, effective April 20, 1004. inaugurated Through l'til.nian Slei piiii; Cars between (ireensboro, N. C, and St. Louis, Mo., yia Salisbury, Aslieville, KnowiUc, Lexington and Louisville; leaving Greens boro daily at 7:20 P. M. For full information as to rates from all points, Sleeping-Car reser vaiions, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., addreM ASV AGKST, or 15. L. VK15XON. T. P. A., J. II. MOOD, 1). P. A. ( H.Wil.llTTK, N. ( . ASI1KVI1.LK, N. C. ' S. H. IIAKOWICK, Pass. Traffic Mangr. W. M. TAYL0E, fleal. Pisstnjcr Afnt WA5HINUTON, D. C. PURE Everything In Drugs Standard Drug Co., Depot Street. Asheboro, N. C. Drugs. BUGGIES! Same Money ! Buggy for Less Money! are correct. assortment for you to give you some good in fact we sell you you are suited. We all the latest shapes furnish any kind of from principal points iu State of PURE Pruss.

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