. I can satisfy DRI Willi Groceries, Etc. and at the lowest prices. I have never been belter prepared to meet the wants of the nor serve you with such low prices. FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT come to me; I'm selling the best. For anything to eat or wear come to my store. Yours to please, "W. J". IMLILLE. Marble " Marble Monuments, Granite Monuments, Marble Tombstones, Granite Markers, Italian Statuary, Iron Fencing, Marble and Granite Posts and Coping, Etc. We can furnish any ili'sijrii nf Moii'.ihn ul mut T iii I t in any of the American or foreirn marbles nr ir:-jiti s . ' s. i tu is ;nv the lowest. Our goods are the nicest obtainable. VV pli-u-i -vou. l all on us and give us your orders. Barbee Mar Je Works, Oppo. G. G.'Hendricks & Co. New Spring Goods! E. P. Hayes lia jul i'. ! where lie lioii'.'lil a full lino of Y. Racket. I'll.' - U Ivm.- lieadcUarter.s llirv will le ! . 1 market price. 1 1' you v.am 10 -per cent, on your Sprint; pur. h.. H-ayes N. Y. lacket, R.ar.dlemari. N. C. Chesapeake arid L WORLD'S FAIR SCS TO SAINT LOliSS, VI SHORTEST, QUICCEST an,'. B-Electric-Lighted Trains with Pui: Oars. Through tickets l'rom Ncrt .j nections. Special Rates for Sc:;sui i ickets. Fifteen day tickets from C-:'.v.:.r Sleeping car accommodations f SPECIAL CO ACE on authorized dates, tickets pood .V.. Special accommodations arranged i. USE THE C. & O. ROUTE and i cordingly. For coach excursion rates, rest : mation, address W. O. WAETi GEORGE T. PENNY, DEALER IN HORSES. MULES AND SEAL ESTATE. I wi!! aii to thine C 3$l . MM represented Oliie: and Clav Ti'mliJ I Continues to make READ THIS LETTER: ALMOST A MIRACLE. Iuixov. S. C, Aug. 18th, MM. weatlemen : In September, 1H, I toe He uinn.sm ti a very bad form, la a nooth after the disease thirtcd I I n ! t.. i-ei' 'y work nd to to baa. It continued to irrow worse unlil myurni nr. I lei.. ' r Iwjt.T tlrewn, ao aiuoh to that I eould not ue tliero. M.- Ic's me uiano bu. t untu mr touched mr hipe. I wat at kclpleM nt a hui J for na-ly welre m wthi. ttneclte of mr anna and leal were hard ami shriveled "p. 1 juOVred deata awtlaa arer. Wat treated bj m din. rent pn twmut Hi i M.;Cil, billon and EZrtiia, hut anne of tl.m could donx'unr iroo.1. until Ur. J. P. I.e-mii.ot Ullton. eaatoteea. He told me to try your-HnpmnciriL" II r't me one bottle er taaawdlelBaand I beaan to take It and bef..r- :hn flrst hottle wtned up I beaaa to at better. I need live and a hnlf b-.ttl and w:i rnnplotalr cured. Tea waa two yeara a-o. and mr health bat hi-cn rl. rllrnt n t r tlr.ee. Htre had Wlllaayforthw,tlatIririntowlklnarut1ri1aTtftprIbepototaka 7 "Eaacaioroa," with the aid of emtchet; In o..ut threw ianiht after I began I m aotKkela.laouUwalkaaaoodaaanTbDdr.aud went baoa to w.ira atnln. Will aar further, that I heran to walk BaaOHaorna," with the aid of emtchet; a tae M, 1 could walk aa good at anybody, Very All Draraiata. or tent rxnrru abMtt rimiiti al Co.. - 7 BwMttt Cnnilcal Co.. - Baltimore, fid. j gJKtwMtaXMsMtT.tT.tTi'-tri.tlg IT.Tnr ?r.l aTJaVaTy wewlewlwl(WaM. . w - a - .nWkWviin I1 Whether you air ui I kimih-s ut 1h- irfii,-.f.i-ins wU-iin-r t.r y,.u iure Ut a j? ttoaaiberal t;pet yi'iir k-ll.-ri; ,-!in 1 pot'ii u tini.lini;"- l.y urttiuic tliviu o ynurarU oa a O Titifuttoc beet lew aemey tq a "FRANKLIN - VWUe Writing. Peeled Allgnaieat. ekand and simplicity, rp hi quality down In In prlre. Low of good ate la awr Free Catalogue, CUTTER TOWER COMPANY. M DavaaeMra Straa. luSTnui, MAM Sawlkera Win gad Satetraoa. IJ Campbelle Are . tjnole, .. FlAfla l nKU.r. JHaoarrf. your wants in Granite. Asheboro, IN. C. .1,1 . w Yolk ..I- f..r Hayes' N. i'.:ri-ct from ..v.ay '.unlif the . from I") lo ,"0 io Railway ROUTE ?S3URf. . n :OuTE. Vestibuled, ! ' pers and Dining ::o with direct con . Sixty or Fifteen Day ,. .. C. $23.00. ::;.ucd "upon application. C" t.SIONS i cluys at rate of $17. jum? your tickets ac- n,:id other infor . D. P. A., C. & O. Ry ond, Va. j;, 'wa;' or hiv. Don't ce ! ii a; w ant Slot.;. ( r Real Instate. H' s.iM -id i:;;. i o:i time. Everv a guarantee to be as il"!es on corner Main s. Midi Point, N. C. Si'aTva'TT'sSsN Miraculous Cures in about 1r ilart after I beaao to take In atir three inn"iha alter 1 negm aud went buca to w.ira stain. truly, JAMES WILKES. prepaid on receipt of fi.oo. Baltlnore, fid. tw u o a H G, HITS, SHOES J EARLY TIMES OUT WEST. How Horgce Greely Secured Quiet io a Colorado Town. In his reiiiiiiiscoiu'i'8 Henry Villinil tilUof Horace Uri-eley' visit to Colorado. He and u companion went ill of the express stages, and bad met with a singular aud peril ous accident. In driving through a herd of buffaloes the animals, prob ably maddened ut the sight of the red co'or of the coach, had attacked and upset it Greeley had received oevei cut Ulow his right kuoe. crippling him for several weeks. le- nig coutinea to lus room in tne noiei by liis wounds Greeley was greatly disturbed by the sound of revelry by night that rose unceasingly ironi tne barroom. Villard writes: "His wrath culminated on the third night of his tortures. I was fortunate enough to be with him, and thus be came an eve and ear witness of what happened. About ten o clock he got up and insisted on limping to the barroom. His appearance, though his presence in the building was gen erally known, created surprise and instant silence. Ho begged for a chair, and, 'Friends,' said he. ! have beeu in pain and without sleep lor almost a week, and I am well-nigh worn out. Now 1 uuiajjuest ot tins hotel, 1 pay a high price for y board mid "lodging and 1 am enti I to rest during the night, out I can I get it with all this noise i" ing on in this place?' Then he ad dressed one of the most pathetic ap peals I ever heard to those around him to abandon their virions ways and become sober and industri ous. He spoke for nearly an hour. and was listened to w ith rapt interest and the most pel feet respect. He succeeded, too, in his object. The gambling stopped and the bar was closed every night at 1 1 o'clock as lone as he remained." During this period of his life Vil lard got a glimpse of Western judici al machinery and gives this vivid picture of a term of court being held during a very hot spell in .lune: "The judge presided without his coat ami with unbuttoned shirt thiown wide open, lie sat thusdis arraved, tipped back in his arm chair with" his legs on the desk befoie him. The attorneys naturally followed his example aiid made themselves as cool as possible. One marked inci dent has remained lived in my mind. While one of the most loiu:ioioiis at torneys was making a lirvy argu ment' he was interrupted by lb' judge, who called out to him d:in. you had better keep cool in tlii hot "weather and give me a bite of your tobacco.' The pleader slopped, pull ed out his plug and carried it lo the judge who took a hasty bite where upon the proceedings were resumed." Of Ids arrival in Colorado Villard writes: "We brought a mail of scl eral hundred letters and newspapers, the announcement ot w hii li fact drew three cheers for the e.piv.--company. It was a gnat ln, the last new's from the Missouri ri'er be ing nearly live weeks old. Of com v 1 was the center of attraction aud overwhelmed with ticslions. Some one proosed that I should tell the news from the "States' to them all, and I was made to mount a log and entertain the audience for half an houi with what had happened din ing the four weeks before my de parture, for which 1 got a vote of thanks, and which secured lue at once the good will of all the set tlers." DREARY TIBET. Dr. Svrn ll.din in "Central Aia and Tibet" brings small comfort to those who would aspir to wrest the country from the untutored natives who have so long possessed it in gloomy isolation. He declares that he would rather cross the dread des ert of lobi a dffzen times than cross Tibet once. Tbere is about it a sense of utter desolation. At one time he exclaims: "1 can hardly conceive a more dreary country to be alone in than northern Tdx t. The desert could not be worse. One might get through the, days but the nights! When the cold freezes, you to the marrow and the dark mountain range shut you in and menace you with all sorts of imag inable eiils!I was surrounded by everything I needed servants, a bodyguard of Cossacks, night watch men and watchdogs and yet when the snowstorms raged around, my yurt and the wolves howled in the mountains 1 often felt a sense of utter loneliness steal over me." Wild Animate. Custom house officers are ofti it confronted with a serious proposi tion when it conies to classifying ex traordinary poods shipped from abroad. lr. Lester Cox of l'bila dclphin, who spends much of his time in biological collecting, had a rase of rare snails sent to him from Italy recently. The case waa stored away for a long time in the custom house liecause the officers could not determine what duty to charge on this unusual casgo. Snails are not posted on the list of import goods, and it seemed unreasonable to let them in free of charge. Finally one of the officers lit on a bright idea. He suggested that the molbisks be pa-sd km wild animals, and the doc tor was (riven the case without fur ther difficulty. Philadelphia Tele graph. Civiliaaw Ml Owuty. The Indian are getting thor oughly civilized. General Pleasant Porter, the laat chief of the Creek Indian r.-tion, ia sufferer from that highlv civilized disease known aa front. "If I bad stuck to the life of my youth," he aays, "I should not be a sufferer from any such trouble. I used to live out of doors, sleep on the ground and eat plain iood. Then I was healthy. Oh, but this goat hurts! It just compels you to swear. A religious friend told me I ought to pray for relief. Maybe so, but it' easier to swear and wemi to be more natural." Chief Porter, who ia over seventy years old, ha been leader of hit nation for over half a eenturj. THE WOMAN WHO PROMISES Altrajra Chnroilao;. bt Agnraeatlag; and Irveaponalble. In erery social circle, every clnb, cry association ot women, tbere are tliose who ilPliBlit the novice by their oblii;inj reiiilluess to help, but nre shunned by the experienced. "I.ct me do llint for you," "I will attend to It," "Leave it to me," they cry and straight way (io oft nuil forftet all about It. Who that has been unhappy enoiiRh to have them on a committee will aoou forset the anguish of finding at the Inst moment that their part of the tvurk is untouched aud must be done iiy oneself lntauterV The asgravation of it Is that the ir responsible woman is ofteo so charm ins and to endowed with other good Uiiallties. The rel'jible sister Is often miileniably dull. We can have Ucr and depend upon her, and her price Is be yond rubies, but she does not sparkle, nhis: The woman who promisee. If she would keep her word, Is the Wom an we want. Vet her exasperating fault makes her iuiiKWtslble to worB with and unpopular In spite of her liood iNiinls. As for those who have to live with her, tlie less said of their RufTeriiitfs the better. 'I'ii keep one's word is the very es sence of personal honor. To make promises liirhtly and hold them cheap lias been held dishonorable nlwnys, and It makes no difference where our word Is Riven or how Inconvenient It may be to redeem the promise. The inconvenience to which our broken promises will put other people Is what the mind must dwell tiKn. Pittsburg Dispatch. TALK FRANKLY. .1 Ward HlMcernment aad Tret ta- ftilneHe In t'onverautloa. What a poil thins it would lie if women would be true to themselves and converse Intellicenlly when In the society ot gentlemen. There is nnthinR that holiest linn desire more thau to understand that mysterious race that is so like themselves and yet so unlike, who share their homes, but not their thoughts: who are so shrewd, so prac tical and so irrational. The poor men yearn to break down the Invisible har rier and see Into the real life of these they love so well. Hut the loved ones smile mid chatter and say pretty things mid ingenious tlilucs. thlim's they have bonoweil from men and Improved In the borrow-In::, but never a word of the really true and. In many instances, vital thoii'.'liis that nre working in their busy brains, says the ltnslness Wo man's Magazine. So the men Hatter and lie because they think women like It. and the wo-, men a -. .;it it all because they think it is man'- r une. And the men think women are dear, empty headed angels, and the women think men are line, in telligent brutes, and the two elapses go on loving and despising one nnoiher ne c'diugiy. and all for the want of a lit tle discernment and truthfulness In conversation LAUNDRY LINES. Never put table linen that is fruit : stained into hot soapsuds. This sets j ;i':d li'.es tin, stains. KintiroMlcivl linens should no! lie washed in tin or wooden lutis. All i risk of nisi or stain may be avoided by i Using an earlheii liowl. 1 l.-ii. r.. ii liniders. If lined with a lay i er i t iM. suit leather, like the top of a ls it. will protect your hand from hent ' ru belter limn if made in the ordinary ' w: y. Win ..I. -n laundry tuba should be w ashed nut und drli-il. If they are kept in a very dry place they should tie turned upside down and the bot toms covered with a little water. To prevent bine spotting the clothes put some out on a pieiv of white cloth, gather up the corners and tie together. 1 ; I . tliis Lag in the water and squeeze it until the water is blue enough. In Ihis way the clothes will never become spotbil. serving: Bread. lirc.id looks better served on an oval or long ihsli w ith square corners than on a round plate. Keep the bread knife sharp, and the slices will not only be tin .tv even, but will be less hnggled In to crumbs and wasted. There Is a fash iun in culling bread as well as In shap ing a garment, and if you. wish to beed it cut the slices of medium thickness, and if large cut them in halves. Tills is for breakfast. I'or luncheon or tea cut it as thin as a wafer, and for din ner you may cut it in cubes, measuring two inches, placing a piece on the fresh napkin at ach plate. Hut for ne at the family table, especially where there are children, it is well to serve It in not loo thick slices, bivause hotter will generally be eaten with it. rtetlrnom Hangtlngre. Nothing Is prettier or more dainty fur IndriKini decoration than the up holstery 11111111114 in the old Kngllsb style They can be got In many pat terns and launder beautifully, so are more durable than n flimsy fabric. They may be used In the entire decora tion of the room for bedspread, canopy. window- hangings and dressing table covers. At the windows it Is prettiest to hang the curtains straight down each side, with a full valnnee across the top. Cushions for chairs and cor ner seats can lie made to mateh tort. Toultry Feaeee. liming the last year we have com pleted iMrmanent fences around our main poultry building and from our experience offer a few suggestion. Some sTtnunent form of fencing Is de sirable and necessary about all poultry buildings and essential where pure bred stock is kept and pens are kept sepa rate during the breeding season. I'oul- try netting, well galvanised and seventy-two inches wide, is the only satis factory fencing material, and In order to stretch it properly a scantling should be mortised on edge la the top of the posts for a top rnll. 1'osts are liest set eight feet apart. using '2 by l sixteen Oft long for tops. In onler to make the fence as lasting us possible we charred the btrtta of the posts and tilled in the holes with rock aud cinders: also put about six Inches of rock under each post Tha posts should be til wed off Cre feet and a half from the ground and the netting burled six inches. This prevents fowl scratching and getting onder the fear and also does awiy with a bottom rati or baseboard. In putting on the net ting one eud should be made fast with a double row ot staples and the other end ( lumped between the t by 4's with bolts and, wltb a small wire stretchs attached to the middle, stretched n? tight The -top wire nhoukl be stapled wa securely, and tht.i by pressing dowa the bottom wire at each post sad sta pling to the post the netting is deeply snd tightly secured. Ia making gates time and labor ran be tared by stmcB tng the wire on the fence and then art ting the frame fur the gate against the netting, whew It eaa be stt :cd to the ggta without farther stretcbrsf. Mootana Experiment etatM. Ao Aflrrral Story Por Uttiw PoIKj A Tale With a Moral Oh, Clarenea, dear." cried Mrs. Rat, "What have you found o eatT I'm sura It must ba aogiethtng nice. And know It must ba tweet." But Mr. Rat jutt gruffly aald, "You're right; It enn't ba beat!" And never offered sfra. Rat A mouthful of tha treat. Ha ate away tha Unions day And far Into the night. Ills better halt the wept and begcad For Jutt a Utile bite. But Mr. Rat ata on until The bag waa empty quite. Now cornea the aequel, and I think It really eorvtt him right "WT BAT! TOO F0DSH ,0 EAT?" The next day ha commenced to grow And got both tall and fat By noon ba waa at leatt tht tlie Of any ordinary cat At dinner time poor Clarence lay Quite slok upon the mtt. Hit site more Ilka aa elephaqf Than that of any rat Now, tweet, forgiving Mrs. Rat. 80 worried did ahe feel, Bhe Bought the paper bag from which lie ate hit hearty meal. "The Mngle Fertiliser!" ahe Saw printed on the teal And put her little brain to work With courage and with teal. ght found a bag of alum, and A lot ahe did apply. And toon waa well rewarded, for Whllo watrhing by and by Bhe Raw him enrluk to-aormal site. And. with a little Ugh. Bhu gantly murmured In his ear, "I'm glad you didn't die." UORAL. tf tome neu food you ehnnra to find. Flrtt try It mi your neighbor; III apt to save you suffering And others 1 bought and labor. I'itltburg Blapatrh. An Animal Slory Por Little Polks The Cow s Revenge There was once a cow with a brass ring In her nose that lived alone In the big pasture of Farmer Clark. One day an artist came Into the pasture to paint a picture, and the cow thought It was 1 very flue that she said: "Wou't you paint me one?" 'Yes," gam the artist, and he daubed a big daub of green paint right In tbe TOSHIU MM Vr AOAIM. center of the cow's forehead. When she reproached him for this he laughed at her and climbed the fence and went home. Not long after that he came beck, though, and began to paint another pic ture of tbe trees and grass and the sky. "Oh. the lieautlful sky!" he cried aloud. "The beautiful sky! How I could live In the sky, wltb Its wonder ful bluer Now, the cow had crept up behind him. and when she beard him say that the lowered her besd and tossed blin up as high as sbe could. "How do you like tbe sky now?" she cried as be came down. Before be bad time to reply sbe toss ed him again. "Why don't you stay up tbere In tbe beautiful sky when I send you there 7" ssked tbe cow as he came down tbe Second time. And then she tossed him up again. When he struck tbe ground the third time, the artist took to bis heels and ran home without waiting for his pic ture or his paints. Atlanta Constitu tion. True. Mrs. Greene I hope yon trust your boa band implicitly lira Brawn Ob. res. Indeed, but I mnMn't hen him know It foT th world. It be waa aware ot my perfect trust In him be mignt do letnpiea ra take advantage sf It, yea kaowavi change. Wial to rfe WUh Drsakea Hatsaaei. "If your husband is a drunkard it would be good thing to keep liquor from him if you cold. Howerer, it he wants it he will probably r?et it in spite of you and under such cir cumstance the best thing would be to let hint dunk himself to death as fast as possible anil get tbe agony orer." That's what airs. Corinne Down said to the Neighborhood Ilooat Woman 'a Clnb recently, but aha qualified the generalization by add ing: UI course, my own rate, u my hnaband ever took to drink, I'd probahlr do everything I could to ewva him. Rot in the abstract I guess the better way would je to let the drunkard go his own gait and be rM of bimaa soon at poasiwe. - Chicago Chromioh. . 3 W Jenaini brseds of 8 C W Leghorns, 8 8 Bambnrga, B P Kocks, W Wjandott. and Belgiaa Uarca. Wrritt for pricea. J.W.JKNSISS, -. Wocihulk, M. C. There Is a Reason Why Echols' Piedmont Con centrated ron and Alum Water Cures Indigestion, Rheu matism, Catarrh, Female Complaints, Kidney und Bladder Troubles, Stomach und Bowol Disorders, Nerv ousness, Malaria, Scrofula and other Blood and Skin Discuses. It is not a patent medicine, but a natural jirotluct containing nearly everv mineral found in u healthy human bod v. When these minerals escape from the system sickness is tne result, anu mere is not mug known to science which replaces them so quickly tis our Mineral Water Remedy. If we can't give vou value receiv ed for vottr nionev, we will refund it. Vou have all to gain and uotli- to lose. Physicians all over Ihis country presenile it, and you lind people everywhere who have lieeii cured with it. Remember the Waler is reduced 1'iO times and a tcaspoonful is a dose. For sale by Standard Drug Co.. and all good druggists: 80. bottles 50 cents, lSiz bottles ijl.tHl. M. ECHOLS COMPANY, LYNCH HU1H5, Va. wanted: 1,(KI0 Bushels w hite corn wanted at TO cts. Asheboro Roller Mills. "I dent think wa eontd keen beaee without Tbedford't Bleok Draught. We hart need It in the ttmlr forerer two rear with the hot e reealtt. I here not htd a doctor In the house for tlitt length oltloie. It it a doctor In itlf and a! ware ready to make a pert'-n err 11 aad Sappy." JAMES HALL, Jack- HewAtiia this great medietas relieTrei stomach paini. frees the eonttipated bowei and invigor gtet the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys Ho Doctor it necevirr in the home where Tliedfnr.lV Hlack-Hrai.glit it kept. Cuniliei lit nig in Ihe country, miles from any t livti eian, have lawn, kept in health for years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford't Black - i irgught caret bilious neu, dyepiis, colds. chill and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhcea, constipation, colio andaluiot every otli-r ailment because tlie tom:uh, Kuweit liver and kidneys so nearly con trol tha health. THtEDFOBD'S BLACK- DSIAU THE COURIER VOTING COUPON. This Coupon is (iood for One Vote for As the Most Popular Lady licadcr of The Courier. MAY 2Gth, 1904. Cut out und depostit in the ballot box ut Courier ollicc. This coupon is void unless voted within ten days. Edwin A Hardin Co JNCOIC PORATED.) Salesroom, TK und 8(1 IVachtrif st.; Warehouse Tl and M X. Uroad si.; ft round Floor Kng-American Itui nr, Allanla, (ia. Largest Dealers and Best Repairers South. 10,000 Satisfied Customers Wholesale and Kctail Dealers in Williams Typewriters. New Model No. 6 Now Out. Viaibbi WritiiiL'. Perfect Align -.T ' J All Kinds Typewriters Repaired. Dyer's seem aw vase mm sswaeai -saw m you wtat taa ctjotceat titiltwia ec ssttt eeawuw weraraiatadnw BUrtSCC'S FARM ANNUAL fOH t90,-tawtJI aaowi ttwt-Leadln Aetwtrea seed Calaleirae." It It waited FRCC all.e Benertead eoat adeVeea TO-Dtr. . W. AT1XB BVWrwX CO, ptmADEI.iHlA. la tiim ahSttt (31 Tears) and first Baslseaa Ollcsia lu Va., (second In tbe South) IO own tmildlnc erected for Its e out ol tbe fkrest In Ri. tiuotid. Kndorsed by it sttxlenia, butioewa Bien and tha press. thiltuitlfJua 6lnorrapher a 'It la tha toadtaf Basin Colleaw south of Vha Potomac River. " "Whao I rwached Richmond, I Inquired of several bustnaM meo for th best BmItmm Oolleura ta ths city, aad, without exoeptioo, tlx all rjcoenatja-ljr' taiitaisara aa tha waat." H'm. g. Hum, Lett kkenogrwpKer, Klchroonu. Sinfl, Dfrable Eotry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Otrnroerclal AriVnmeAk!, Tloslaeaa Wriua(, Hutinaat Practice, Shorthaua, TypewHUngr, Telegraphv, Commwelal Lw. Enyliaa Ipartmot. Ltuliea and (fentlemen. Day and night llesloss. No vacations. Stodeuts enter a any time. By iUII. Boofcktwp k'f , Shorthand, Peatnanshlri. a borne), to those who cannot eoma to Collet. ImcM ircdneemsovs tn well eduoaW younf men, espeetially to tea.-ies. V rii forewUlof atid lull parUcuiart to . , f Bltksaal, Prts., fikad, V4 FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen e'ral Merchandise at our store Our prices are right. Come to see us. Bring your produce, eggs chickens, etc., to exchange them for goods. We Sell vou good goods ut reason able prices and pay you "ood prices for your pro duce. - -" - E. O. YORK STORE QO. CENTRAL FALLS, N. C. OPERATES Double Daily Trains Fjrrrlag rallnta Kleeaen, Cafe t'trl ft It etrte) tart i'htlr ft (nettlfree). Electric Lighted Throughout atTWECN Birmingham, Memphis and Kansas City Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territorie AN O T M C Far Wist and Northwest. THROUGH SLEEPIKfl UR SERVICE FROM THE SOUTHEAST TO MEMPHIS MO itRSts cirr. ONE-WAY OR ROUND TRIP Kirartlea tlrkett treat atlaata. Da., aa Utnaltafctm, Ala., to aulntt la Dejcriptire literature, ticket! arranged and through reservation! made upon appli cation to r. I. CLANK, Taav. aaee'a aot.. Atlanta, aa. S. L. PARROTT, DISTRICT FASSENCER AOCNT, ATLPNTA, GA. FOK ISA LK One valuable farm miles from Asheboro on Little Itiver of lot! acres 1 00 acres in timber ood bhl;s, orchard and well water, ed. Apply to Hammer & Spence. ! --4--5 S ! ment, Bull lkaring, Strongest llan ifoldinir, Greatest Speed, Extreme durability, Inks from Pads, Pret iest work single shift. Second-Hand Department la wen stocieu witu goim n iinauie, Kemingtons, Smiths, Yosts, Dena- mores, Caligraphs and other ma chines in good repair. Our machines and prices are the cheapest in the world. Send for samples of, work, stating preference as to make, etc. Price for Repair Reasonable. ARC'THC BEST THAT CAN BE CROWN THE I I M vtdlatfotntsni, 4I 1 sCHTI fSE2S1 Legal Advertisements ADMINISTRATORS' orR'E. The underalgrool, hnvlim qunlllM a ii.linlnif tratort ol J. II. stout. uVrciisi.,1, hitt er lliiii.lnli Ii county. North Ciimlltiu. this Is to iietifv nil l i mins having rlnlius against the etlv ut ihe tuM dci-niMHl uiohthit tlitw to IhiMiliflersliriicI mi or before the KOlli iluynl April, InkVir tl.in il ilii e will Is- tilciidisl In Iwruf tlielr recmvry All (n-i-Milis lu.lrliU-l to tin' siilil nulo will pliwc lunkc I hl. the Kid !' nt April, A. p.. lln JKSSK K. DIVINKY. 1.VA Lt'NOKA STOUT, .tiliimu.-tr.itiirs i.U. K. btoul, ilwciucd. W. N. Elder. A1I1111. Nuiicy Johiuaiti, I Chirk JeluiMiti, cl it). I r iletenoHTtw cmvpn nmriii, t riMiu .ieiiu Miiry Ann Wihi.iiiikImii, if Ihi v 1- In iue, If tllt'V lu lie 1,1 In their il l!. lien nr uiiktion ii lu-lrs nt luvv, will takr n.ituv thut mi u tloll etilKl.sl its the lil.ivr hiu. lurnccminc ci'il in llicsiiiuruir court ut H:iiiii..!.h county to tell vrlnlll ImiiMli Ne- Market lmvnshii in Run- lollih COUIItV til niaku UMet to itfiv ill.la ,lm, t,v the date of Nancy Johnson, uml tin) salil de fctululite will luriber tj,L iiii,. t:i.,t tlu.v m,.l each of lliein nre rcmlreil to apucar ut tlie otliis. ! Hie Clerk of the Sus rlor Court of liiimlnlph L-ounlyoli May 14th. 1WM. In un-v.T ur demur to the eomiiiaiiil in sni.l n,.ti,ti. r tlx. ,.t.ti,i iit snll apply lur the n-llef ili-iiiai-.il u, sail! ei.liielaliit. n. V. UAMMONII. 1 Ills April inih, mil. t krk siisTlnr Court. NOTK'K! Havillk- Ull'llllifl 1LS iiiliiiiiii.!rt,.r ,,n ll. . latent I'cler P Freeman. .,,v:i-w Ik Inle IV C tlainmiiliil. clerk of llic Smierlnr Curl ,,r k, ,,. Ii.lli rouutr, 1 shall m-11 at pulille llluhest litililer f, etliu tlicJCliil day of April llsu. the MIouiiiKiH-rsluuil in.ieriy, ui-wii: one t.rin inaehiiie. one hur rw, tov:.mm, a inuul. r ,.l .,,ns and mln r funulliK l.sils, one inor.lce niaclniie. a lot of cjr- tooU eulliu chine, iiiIkt III lallll, il her household und kiteln to IIH'tlll. All 't S IllOilll inl loto ierslitued. isl lo .l I the the illy ventted. i ol A.ru !.. or tin. notice ill l. pleaded ln ir ( i,.r isnvery; und all is-osnw ouIiik said estutac will oine forward and make hiiuiednitc setlleinenL I his linn, ,,, ar,., ,1H A . I-'. .KINKS. Admr. of Met H. rrrcuiun, iKed. lih enmity, N. r. tin. u i i,tnv iliilf elanns ni;itfij -t tin- e.t.ile nf toexllll'tt Ihem Inth,. und f-ntinsl r Is'fn "I April l:..i, or ihis nill l elm. I I nl III- ;n l. I.1..1 ill .,is,. inuktf ustiilte ijllilclit. iiis ;in !,!) ( April, inn. I'. M- KKItltKK. K. IKNMi; IKUUKIi, K A Inutiit iwncn In t'islur (ln, " 'vr"'J"i","-',!''1"1""1' ,ill. rMilMf luiiiiitiiit mill ethers f.r W. K. Mel which null (mm thls.l, liiisl utihhi lliirtyiluv This 3.1th (!!) of April I0U4. Notice. Ilmhm 'imilifkl us ii,liiiiuisinil,it mi the r-tiitc il M.ir- A. I'lke. .l.sv.iM-,1. Is fe.vW. ( Hum. muni. Clerk .1 Ihe Sui. rl.ir I'.mrl of Kiiu.leli.h ..(.Inn,. IMil, th,. f. .11,. Mill: iiii. e..!,. .,ii. t.u el hl.C!l,. ... .,... '.; fiirtiltiirc, farm I.Hisill mill ether iini, le All - rsens htivmir i-lulni- u-.-iii lletltlisl In 4t,-til tliem Ui Hie veritlisl.iui or l l.,ri' the l-l ,1;, this notice will h,-.en,h. In I. cry: uinl nil is rs.,,,. nn-s:,i, lap! iitlil tiinke iiiiin, liHte - For Sale! II , . .1 1 1 1 ..- . a;, ti p ny i.iriHs -Is. N.i'. W. K. MiHMAS. St. A1.KS.U.K. Hy yiniirolthc f Mil- r: reruilii iiinrl:Ti.ii nf Ainni-t llr.' I -. it l l li. III. I . Hie cayii ,..-..ls"l, l nl lii Hi.- Moiiilii)-, tin - ilnl il l)- of Mil) , the lollonllll iLiMrllasI n ill .-sl-le , nihI inorticuuc, vix: Iviuir nml l.-iuu i nml M link north II elm talnitin 1(1 it. the nn, tin.' I SI links l,, Hi. mere or l.. , . lliisl-anu Iilvollhehlli.l Icsi-nlasl in mm! inorli ji:.. ,1 uillllli the description therel llle-Cash. Till" April 1i. O. L. Sai,, Attv. A. W. FULLER General Merchandise, n t scat Triiiin 01 Flour, Meal and Feed iSuifT, Fullers, N. C. W. W. JONES, Dealer in GK0CKH1KS, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE, Sewing Machines, Parts and Attach ments. Also have a lot of irood clothine that will be closed out cheap. Produce bought ami sola. 1 our patronage solicited. Give nie a call and I'll treat you right. W. W JONES, Allen stand. Depot St. .aJtv4o BO YEARS' D Tradc Maiws DCflUQNtt CotVftiGHTm Ae. JIllfdMtwMHllnf m ntMrh mn4 rt-rTtTt kn mmj falRklr aswerfin our opiinon frtM whwiwar tvn namten Drnhahl DaMfttf iihli. foniniunlta. ronnBilHiliaJ. HiiiiifuUlir ran IMta stent fret. Oiawat mmrnvj Ur '-umf asAaMii. Fstvma ttun tbrtniajri aaMTiaat MsUcaL wlthofU chanrav tm tiaai iDrtinsin nuna at co. noMii Scientific J:rjlce A iwiatamaelr flhrsrmttar wMrf.it If. Unrajt tr twUUon nf mnf w(nifl kiuroai. Ttrrrii 3 Briiii osua, SB i atw Waaauamaa, lit 1 r.vl, k, u h or pboea ol iuTeu lie f I frMWifO) m nstentatJlitr. Fer fret boot, f eatemtatJIiw. Fer trr T8-PE-1HRW wniai saBai'.v 35 mm lwejarjini rorcTrn! rtet tmA

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