A IE X5he COURIER Leads in Both News and Ve COURIER Advertising ColQmns i Circulation. Bring Results. I Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tear VOL XXIX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY JUNE 16th. 1904. No. 24. i THE ASHEBORO CO UR jHLj f 1 7 I FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION J PLEASE Heavy and Fancy Groceries Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Drugs, Glassware, Crockery Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise at our store Our prices are riht. Come to see us. ltring vim r produce, eggs chickens, etc., to exchange them for goods. We null vou good goods lit rcnsoti ablo prices and pay you cood prices for your pro duce. .... E. O. YORK STORE CO CENTRAL FALLS, N. C. Gents' And Little Gents' Clothing & Furnishings, Our Spring lines of Cloth ing for both men and boys are now ready for your in spection, lteforo buying your next suit call and see the latest and get our ju ices J They Will Fit Your Pocket! I Our Shirts, Underwear and Haiti urc the very best for tlio money. Our buyer's experience of more than 20 1 years with manufacturers "J is a guarantee of the best values. i THE MERRITT JOHNSON CO Clothiers and Gents' Furn ishers, 308 S. Elm St. Salesmen T A Walker, C C Tuek tt er, K K C'urtlnnd, C C Johnson, J V Merritt. Pianos and Organs Wholesale and Retail, A. D. Jones & Co. Southern Factory D.str.H!'. tfor lh World F&mouft KIMBALL WE loan you the money to buy them. WE give free trials. WE pay the freight. WE save you 25 per cent. ' WE add nothing to the prin cipal when sold on EASY PAYMENTS. Write for our latos Piano and Organ catalogue and for full par ticulars. A. D. Jones & Co., 208 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. "WE 'WISH Tn call tho attrntlim nt tlio io.lc "I Bnii.li.il ciiunlv to Hie fact that wo liavo a nmiplrtv ttnltllhmi'iit fur rcairniK all , klmla l Je-welrjr,'- "Watcts.es and. Cloclcs. We have only the bod workmen ami ran give In Uitt 111.1 K: ine neat aerviee. L.. Our Optical Department In coniU'te. We mn ilii.luul any lense or tin.ki'ii tart. Fine 1. cnei fiimclicrt te order in ill or I notice all Orders will recetre.iwlal attention. We carry a flue line of Jewelry. Wrtle in when you ncod auythlnR In our Hue. Very truly your, SliCla. Pelat, XT. C. NOTleKt Tlwt ,it-,t-.lma Iwinir tlulv Mlilllllcl llllill llralor. de hoiiiat noli of the is-ute ol Arcliil-tl-l K. Kuan, ilc-va-cl. notice Ii. herein; Riven to all leTMHu holillm clalnu. a-alnt mhl iUnle lo .re ant ine-it on nr liefore June . Ilata, or till notice vlll he .urte1 In bar ( their n-eovcrv. Thta Juiiai, 1WH. K MDFtrilT. A.tnr..l t) n Archibald t. Kil.1i, nova-en1 r'IIS'pm".!!. -Hu,.crlo,-..rt. W O Harrioand H. IL Killer VB, i.nh Reel. J T. Have. Jel.liini- Hal William Hm Keliecea Collmne, Morclica.1 Coll-anr. Jacob l oll rane, X T. Ward. Map- K. Ward. Mont Collranc. Sallle Cainplwll, Helwra Imuran; ifiiariliau '( Jo-e. Nutlian. Jainea and mllte CMinutr and Hi iintoi.a-B tunn-M-taw Jiawna Be. a-.-li-ivitscn NOTICK! The almve Mined defendant-, the unknown l&nd .Uu.Ut tn rmnkllnvllle loa nstllll. 111 eounty, ana In cancel and art aehle n certain deed liurimrtliHr tneonver "aid j-r.i-TIT tt!lic denm Uanl Jia aVek, which la allerol ! ! a .lect in eactuwt and the defendant hetn-nt liiw of Mm-fti IWk, who are a I. know a alll further lake n,.u,t- that they are required tnamawr hefcntie Clerk u) the Hii;.na-(airt of Kan hil4l cmully at the Oourt it.iiiap m Aaliehoeo, N. 0.. on till' Slrd day irf July lo4 and answer the ronilnuil In aald action, or Uie ataintlSii will apply Ki the raleigii i.rrrnR. The Woman's Annex at Trinity: Tiie Dukes Give $100,000: Trinity lias Si.00u.000 Endnwrncni The Race Inr (iovefnnr -The IKvokc law The A. & M. Col- lege. Lie. t'urieiicli iicrol TheCniirii r. liuleiL'li, N. C, June 13, 1!I0I The uiost iniiortaiit developiiient of tile last few tiiiyd of Male interest was the announcement liy I'le,-idciit Kilgo, on thy elosiiif,' ilay of 'I'linily College commencement, that the au thorities of that glial instil iition hail decided to add a large and mag niliceiit Woman'M Collige as an an nex to Trinity, for the higher educa tion of women, and that .fK'ii.OOl) had licen donated for the iiiimi'. Thai, therefore, the young women uf North Carolina are to lie gieu an eiiial chance with our young men to secure the belief! U of a collegiate ed ucation at the best complied institu tion of learning in the .Stale, and surpassed by none in the Smilh. Of this large subhcriptton s(i(i,()tn win donated by Messrs. lienj. N. and J li. 1 Mike, the trustees of the collegi subsciibing the lemaining iO.OdO, It is proriosed to add S-U,(KH more to tins sum, making Hie new wo man's depart meld cost ITiO (100 in grounds, Imiluings and eijiiipinciit. Trinity College now has an endow ment of one million dollars. The attendance' at the session just closed was tiie largest in its history, more than 400 students in both depart ments, two of die large graduat- g class were young women. The Democratic fcUato convention meets on Thursday of next week and there is intense interest in the result. Nearly all the counties l ave held their conventions mid it is known that neither of the four candidates for governor will have a majority on tilts lirst ballot. The friends of both Mai. Stedman and .Mr. (ileiin are claiming that their fawuile will lead m that ballot. The Stedmau men seem to have the best claim to thai listinction, but the vote will proba bly be very close between them. Il is said that Mr. Turner will have over !!U0 votes at the start and Mr. Davidsou in the neighborhood of loo. it will reipiire tiS2 votes to nominate. It is not probable that idler candidate will pole over oOO votes on the lirst ballot. Hut the Stedman men are very sanguine of success and say that .Major iStedm.in is the second choice of a large ma jority of tiie Turner and Davidson gates, home sliiewd and exper ienced politicians here make this lietion today: 1 he eh uices are in t'.tednian's f.i .-.-. and it iooks like lie will be the nominee. Hut if he him 11 not win, then Turner would em to stand the next l'c.-t show." be candidate t'ir I .it-it t . (Ii.i.iunr ill be na I on tl.e lii! l.alli.l, i:u- s a new "Uichiiiuiiil" enter.; I lie .Id. The WiiiMnn iin i, claim that e a I ready h... a cl.-.ii- mnjnritv, and ie iiidiiiitiiiiis point 1. 1 l.i- m;'-.v.-. Wit (.'ol. .Morton will nv. uea larjjc te. and bis trienils do In., coi.e.-iie lis defeat, bv anv mean -, thev sav. It liKiks like Hoke and Hmwii for Supreme Court justices. 1 be nuke county 1'eiiiocralic con vention was held liere Saturday. Of the 3S votes to which this county is lititled in the State convention next week Major Stedmau receives 'J 7 ami Mr (ilenn 1 1. Winston for I.ieiit- iov., 3ti; Morton, Moke for Supreme Court Justice, 'i'i; Justice, Kogers for t orimvalion Loin.. 3S. Congressinan Kdw W I 'oil as uiianimouslyendoised for re-election. and Ed Chambers Smith as one of the delegates to the National Con vention from this district. It is said that Mr Turner is the second hoiec of most of the delegates for governor. 'I he indications point to the prob- ibilitv of another tight in the next legislature over the divorce law ipies- tion. 1 here is much dissatisfaction with the present law, especially that feature w hich provides I'm- titw.rec on the ground of abandonment for two years or longer. J he hpiscopal convention in cession lure la.-t week adopted strong resolutions on the subject. Ihere is pressing need fm enlarge ment aud an improved equipment of the A a il College, and it is hoped that the legislature will next winter make the necessary provision for both. For instance, the present capa city is really ade.piate fur too students, while .VJ0 , ii t-uroiled at the session jiist closeii. More doimi tory room is badly needed. Other SUttes make much men- liberal pro visions. South C.ir..!:' .villi only half as many white hoys I., educate. bus an A & M College with twice as large equipment and revenue. J he Jcaehern Assembly at More. head last week elected the following ollicers for the ensuing year: Presi dent, l'rof J 1 Fonst; vice-president, W T Whitsctt; secretary, W I) Car-micha-l. Tluiuas li Foust was lcetc'd piesideiit of the X C Assoeiu-1 lion of (.radeil Schools Siiperinteii- dents. The Association of Acade-1 mies elected l'rof M II Holt prcsi-1 dent and F S Aldridge secretary and treasurer. A iiiul-wintiT iini-ting of this association w-.ll be held in Kal-1 ,. ;,efii .1 its maximum and a fall may eigh, in February. . . ,A,e, ted nnb-sst there should 1h- it The annual meeting of the N C failmi -in the crop this year. Wal Itar Association nill W held it Chni -! laei-'s Fanner. lotte, beginning next Monday. It if understood here that the Democratic State convention will not ue.egiiM-. io ,ne auona. eve.u.OIu vom paimive.y lew smies haT- done so About thwe-fourths of the delegates at S Louis will la "fo-it-loose, mijlit is by no means certain that Judire l'urkcr will del a stronger man available, he will dou lit les lie the standard bearer of the parly in tliu approaching con- test. The announcement is made that the friends of Senator Joseph A. Hrown, of Columbus, will present Ins name to the State convention tor t Ik- nomination for Lieutenant Gov ernor. It is learned today that the four' delegates at large to the National Convention will most probably in clude Maj K J Male, of Favetteville, who was recently endorsed by the Sixth Cong, di.-trict ennvt ntion. This is gratifying to Ins host, of friends all over North Carolina. Four years ago Maj Hale received more than loo votes more than the next highest, candidate for de'egate, and he will be sure to gel a rousing big vote this time. As "lien" Ay- cock said in tin' lith district conveii- '.ion last week, "Maj Hale has done more for the democratic, party of North Carolina uml received less re ward than any man in the Stale." It will also be gratifying to the press of the State the burdeu-beur ers of the parly to have the editor ial fraternity properly recognized bv the election of Maj ilale as one of the dclegates al-large to the national contention. Li.kw . M. Resentment and Jealously Moved Arthur In Threw Open Switch. Dunk Arthur, for many years liivman on the Southern road, is in jail for the low and dastaidly act of throwing open a switch uml destroy ing I he signal lights, causing the wreck of No 10 near Salisbury last week. Some time ago Arthur be came unruly and was given his dis charge. The statements of Arthur's wife brought about his arrest, and later his confession which was made after Sherill Julian arrested him. Arthur savs il was Jim Wat kins, the man ho succeeded him as fireman fm engineer ilavties I hat he set this Ic.uli t rap for. A IvneliiiiL' was averted only bv the greatest vigilance and care. X rlli ii r is in Mecklenburg jail for 'aff keeping. Suit Against Pylhians. man bv the name of John Cur tis in one of the western counties in North 'amlinti has instituted suit against Disl. Dept. I i land Chaneeloi too I. Hackney, toiecoveran initia tion fee of ilo', Curtis bad taken the lirst degree and was taking the second, when he would go no furth er, demanding his money back. The result is of inteie.-t to l'vtliiun.-. - Tlio Cost of Living. I'ilei'.' is no iplcxtinti that more ply iill'ccts the head of the family than Hi" (fi.-t of liti.ig. It affects the farmer least because llic cnt of In iug eoiues mainly o:V his farm, but it is a vital oucstioii to lb.- vae l!i. I tile eluplow-r the world Il li -.- at the bottom ol' all ll enlers into every-' tiling the fanner bins outside his 'arm, and il is iV, therefore, for ".i r- man to keep posted as well as iiissible on this subject. Few persons realize the vaiiatiolis n the cost of living in the last forty i hreo cars. In order lo determine this, Dun's hate piepaied what is all.-d Dun's Index Number, cover-; ng many hundred articles at their n hiilesale prices during the last forty years. The price of each one of these articles is separately multiplied by the annual per capita consump tion as determined bv census and other ollicial reports, statistics of imports, records of production, etc. lu l lie nature of things they cannot be exact, but bv using the same ratios for all dates it is possible to make the comparison. Dun's Index Number for lSiio was sf'.'l.liJ, which means that at that time if each inhabitant had purchas ed a year's supply of all the iieces sitiis of life the cost would have been RM.i;:J per capita. In lStfl, it would have required $312.73 to buy the same articles in the same ipianti ties. This, of course, was due to the Civil War. withdrawing millions of men from employment, laying waste vast an as of productive country, and the 'epreeiation of currency. The cost gradually decreased until it ap peared at aliout $95 in the early 90 s: that is, the same articles that would have cost $121.(13 in 1HH0 and s-'312.73 in 1M14 could have been bought in 1N1I0 or ls;H at about '.)".oo. Beginning with the panic of is.i3 vv hen, it is estimated by one of the labor lcaii-rs, that three million men Were thrown out of employ ment, the cost of the same articles in the same iiiantities fell in 1S1I7 to $7'.M'. There was that much less of purchasing power, hence the prices fell. When business revived the coct of living increased because there was more demand and bv May 1, 1UU2, it would have reoiiired 1122.21 to have purchased these Isanie articles ill the same uiiantitics. T,j3 ,,. to a L'reat extent to the advance in m ices of foodstuffs, the ,, ml of the di'nith of l'.tol. There 1MS he,-,, u slight fall during the ivst ve.tr and it would seem its tliou-rli the ensl. of living had about I Mr. Run Rray was the victim of a vi-rv painful accident at the Betid j,,,, t,,.,,.. A ,,uIU.v ,mk (f j,,,, hit , ;u , f ; Wli y yery bu(,Vi ,,, W1W tlr,,iswl by ,, Pvards. Mr. i Iav i,,,, to 1 at his post of ...... . ... '.. r i ' c:i.. City Kiiterpiiae. MONTGOMERY NEWS. j T'"' Kjnminer. Married at the home of the bride's ' parents, Mr and Mrs Osboru Cagle, i of upn-r Montgomery on June the 1 ','ml IHO-I, Mr Fetiel Lucas, of liandolpli, ami .Miss .uarriia J Cagle. Daniel McI.eod, J. r., ollicialing. Mr A 1' Leacfi, ore of Mont- gomery's oldest and best citizens, announces his candidacy for the l)emocratic nomination for Repre sentative in this issue. He Inn served the people of this county in many responsible, positions, and still Holds their highest respect and confidence. Mr W (i Swift, of Hiscoe, was seri ously iniiirid in a motor car and freight car collision at I liscoe Mon day evening. The freight car was standing on the track, and Mr Swift running Ins motor at a high sneed collided with the fieight, receiving a severe blow. II is hoped that he will recover, however it is doubtful. hlr (i V Morris has (discontinued work on his store house, and will build with brick instead of wood. We are iiiformcil that other brick buildings adjoining Mr Morris' will be erected at the same time, but the names of the parties are withheld at the present. This improvement will add much to the appearance of the old part of town, and it is hoped that still others may follow the ex ample of .Mr Morris. Mr d 1) h Key nobis went to Cross Roads Saturday afternoon to make a temperance talk, and while there was taken sick. Dr Thompson was call ed, and he pronounced it. a case of appendicitis. He say that Mr Rey nolds is getting on well, and that lie does not think an operation will be necessary. Mr Reynolds is al the home ol a relative, Mrs Ann Martin. 4 Mr klullz on the Candidates fur Gover nor. At the recent democratic conven tion in Rowan county, Hon Thco I- KlulU made the following speech in behalf of Mr Turner for liovernor: While I am not a candidate for ollice now, and nevr expect to be, I feel that I ought to sav a word about the candidate for the nomination for (iovi-rnor of Ninth Carolina. While I have nothing to say against Maj Stcdinan, I lie elegant gentleman, the allant cx-Coiil'cdc late, aud man ho in every way worthy of the couli ence of ins people: or in derogation of the claimsof Hon Hubert Ittileiin, who is perhaps the most cloiiiietit campaigner in North Carolina, and who in every campaign lias rendered veoiiian service lo the Democracy; till, us a cili.'.cii of the eighth dis trict, I am in favor of the nomina tion of lion W D Turner, of Iredell. for (lovenmr. He has rendered good service lo i no party and Mate, as Senator from Iredell and as Lieuten- mt (iovei'iior. lie is in direct line of promotion, and is sensible, level headed, aolcund patriotic. It nomi nal, il and elected as (ioveruor he can be depended upon to do no foolish thing. Iredell county is one of the trimmest Democratic counties of the State, and gave me a magnibceiit majority in the last campaign: it Hive Mr Overman, liou.au s camli l.tte fol the Senate, its solid vote of one Senator and twt Representatives, bile be didn't receive a -ingle vote from Mr Stedmaii's county of (iuil ford, nor Mr (1 loon's county of For- yth. "I want lo sav, however, that whoever is nominated for (ioveruor by the Democratic convention at (.reelisboro will - elected. The Democratic party this year is not mlv militant, but vv ill also lie tri umphant." Ccilar Falls Items. Mr Richard (ioolshy, who has been offering for some time with boMf, left hole Monday for Siiintuerlield to see if he can lind relief. Little Janus Campbell has return ed from Winston where he went nine tone ago to have his leg ampu tated. We are glad to see James back. The seiies of meetings which be gan at the M K church here the 5th JMindav m Mav, dosed I-inlay night with much success. M II Rru.lv has at this writing just received a lett. t stating that his mother is vetv low, inn we nope sue will soon recover. O R Stout went to Climax Tues liiy morning aud returned that after noon. Mr Robert Class has returned from Cumnock w here he went some time ago to relieve the agent for a few days. Mrs Martha Fry, who has been spiiuiing some lime here visiting friends and relatives, returned to her home at Carthage Thursday. Mrs Jennie Glass went to (irceii boio Wednesday to meet her little son who has been at the blind asy lum at Raleigh. A F Cox, vv ho was called to Rob erdo Monday to see Ids sick baby, re turned hone Wednesday and reports it much improved. We are glad lo tiolc that Mr Cow ard, who has been ill for Mime time, is much improved. A F Cox lias had a new coat of paint put on bis store which adds much to its looks. Mr Claud Rrady happened lo lie bu t luck of i-tickiug a nail nearly through Ids foot, but no serious damage was done we are glad M say, Mr John Sheffield went to Frank linvillc Thursday to gee the doctor who has been treating him for I heli um I ism. M II llradv and w ife, who were ,tl...l M. .11; n W.t. n , 'f ,, .,.;. ;ii0. ni ir ' Rwdy'a mother, returned home Fri-! day and rert her as no U tier. 1 DAVIDSON COUNTY NEWS. Lextlmlull lllMlrll. Dr J M li'othrock, our efficient dentist, has recently rein, j.U led and beautifully pninteil his residence and now it is one of the pretty bonus uf our town. Tiie brick work on the block of store houses being built by Finch Uros. has been begun and will be pushed to completion. Dr thus II 1'hillips, of Fullers, spent a day last week in the city cur ing the sick and shaking bauds with the well. All are glad to see lion. More lumber and building mater ihl for the extension of the depot here has arrived and we hear that very soon the work will begin. Of course we are all anxious to see it completed. Mr Jack Ferryman, who lives near the graded school, sends us word he can beat the Rain citizen who claims to have a six legged sheep. Mr Fer ryman has a chicken with four legs, all perfectly formed, 'with three toes on each foot. Mr W S Weeks, of irinilv, has accepted a position here with the 1 Frank May was hound over to Snpe Southern railway Co. lie takes the ' rior court on the charge of stealing place of Mr L l! lleilii:. who resi - 'ii - ed. Mr Weeks will play ball with the Lexington team this season. On Sunday, June l'.'lh, at Fair fi rove church, near Thnmasville, i'iedniont Camp No. 1)2. Woodmen of the Woi Id, will unveil i mono- ment over the grave of Mr Samuel I J Ileplcr, a member of this fritter-' uity, who died in a Itultimore hospi- taMast August. An interesting pro- ' gram for the unveiling exercises bus I lieen prepared. 1 lie exercises 0e'rin . at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, public is cordially invited. Th(. ! I The Strength of the Japanese is their ; Simplicity. By T. V. O'Connor. Mi-inl. r Hiai-li IMtlnin.v I The Japanese have no bread, no ; beds, no fires, no boots and .shoes, no : trouseis for the men, no l'ett:eoiis . for the women. Roth sexes wear in- , stead several dressing gowns, one over the other. In their houses they have no windows, no doors, no walls. no ceilings, no chests of drawers, not , even a washing stand, aud the ward- cie robf is only a lol of boxes piled one : i'n, on toil of aiiotiier. lu the kitchen ill,- they have no range, no p its, no pans, ' no Hour bins, no kitchen tables. Rut, then they have no tables or chaiis in ! the drawing room, and in the n-al native house the drawing room itself j is only a lot of bedrooms with their j walls taken dow n. Tlieie is no l'ea- son why you should find anything in a Japanese house except mats and a 1 charcoal stove for wanning your lingers and the teapot for commit- j ting suicide. These and a cushion , or two and a ipiilt to sleep on, with an elaborate conventional politeness,! constitute the furniture of a .lap;:-1 nose house except the guest chamber, tlie articles ill the ynest her consist of a screen, a kakemoiie and a llowcr vase. The Jai-anese have no forks or spoons or table cloths; they have no sheets, no w ine glasses, no t uiiiblers. And see one of the results of this niaeiiilic -nl want of wants, if I mav I use the phrase. It is an essential source of military strength lo Ja pan's cmperoi; it enables his armies lo march preternaturally light, and in a case of blockade or a national disaster it would be almost impossi ble to starve him into surrender. In Japan, with all the inbred po liteness and good feeling, woman still holds a place far from satisfac tory in the ethics and life of the country. "In houses," sums up an author mi this side of Japanese life, "iv hich are iincorrupted by foreign . inlhu nces a woman of whatever class is only a servant unless her husb.nid chooses otherwise." 'I'ln-re ,-ue two exceptions to this rule -among the upper aud among the lowest classes. If a woman be longs to an ARISTOCRATIC fam ily, and especially to one vv hich has adopted some Flll'opeaii methods and ideas, she is treated with something of the reverence given to women in Kurope. She not only dresses like an F.iiropean woman, but she is allowed to walk by her husband's side, and even she is allowed to pass through a door before him. Progress News. Progress, June it. Harvest is here. Corn is looking line in this sec tion. Mr (i C Floyd had the misfortune of losing a good horse, sonic few days ago. Mr and Mrs Rush and daughter, of High Point, were the guests of Mr (i C Flovd Saturday and Sun day. Rev Mr Slierrill pii.icln d an . x- cellciit sermon at Ml Vcinou Sm. day. A large congreatici. was pre.--ent. Mr J A Rlair, who has bun very ill, is impioviiio. Mr Joel A Rlair. fornn ily of this place, is toV married I" Mi.-s (Iraee Webster, of Penn.-ilviiii.i, on June the'J.lrd. Mi Roiieil L M Rlair our ellieient postmaster looks very shvpy of Mon day mornings. Wonder if he is out late on Sunday nights' Messrs Crimson ami Walker hae shipped an immense ipiauity of lum ber from their saw mill at this place. Mr T Addison Hill and family, who recently went to his father's, will likely return homo in a few days. Miss (iray, of Sophia, was the guest of Miss Alice Pugh last week. . Au old colored woman oeur here was found dead in a wheat field Saturday last. . Mr ,w !' "!' J- returned from "'H1 bol,th Caro" (il'II.I ORU COUNTY NEWS. li.-or-j-e M'-i,"i.l, a br.ikcmai. on the SoMherii. had his right foot in.'islied a'. ( Umax last Wednesday, lie was Iii-oii.'bl here for surgical I real men I. In order that time mav be uiven for the rompli'tinu of the new dormi tory, l iv-id-iii Mclver savs the Stifle Noimal and Industrial College will not open until September 20th. 1 lie new dorniilory is expected lo In completed about N'pteillbei 15th. K N Stout, ol' this city, bus bought a controlling interest, in the liumlleinnn Times and has already taken charge of il. Mr Stout i . a good man and has many fii.-ials whose Ih.-i viit-hi-s go with him in hi i, . work. Limbic Wagoner, an excelleiil young man livim: le-ar Rrown Suni mil, ui.l '.villi a .in:.:i aeciueli: re cently, losing (lie index iinu'' t' and tililnili ol Ins rielii liuad in the cog wheels of a feed cutter uhi'-h in- was operating. i In the mayor's ccurt Wednesday ! an elu tric dvm.i in. from Mr I I- Thomas, the ' pri I occupied the ba.- itT. Mr Thou men i of the K dynamo was rem. on t he occasion , building and t hi- ! ed from his uiliee the biirnini' of this I u ilil i n ir. j .. , ,. . The Uiimry Newspaper. VW' have h id oeca.-inn several time- llf hile to lef.-r to the increase in the ion. ib'-r of n.u couniry news.-.; rs aiiu ine improvements on tiie ones already estai.l I. U always gi j us gn at pleasure ! i'. ii..te tin- pro- gl'e.-S. It IS . V 1 ! II of education in :i ml, ., .,,.,..,.,. conn try peopl.- .'. outside world. Ti thi iine connti:.. .-. note. Ni u u .,!,!, Jt.,.., ;, in:,,.. ' lu-it-t . "t. .i,- rr, i,.. a Week i.ou tin ih. ii' Mil-eriU i.- ;i 'l'j , :.( ,e:ia i,,. I advaiii i ment n.ia! disl ride uanl among the i'.l.ih Willi the h advance along . we are glad to . paj-eis a,- con i; .in.i inaev that . ' i I - iii-i 1 oniv one. i way to giving . o issues a V. eek. g and a soiine ,,l so who are inter im! education of H...I districts and 'I general know I- gratitieaMon .i iho: ..pie ,.,je aiuoiiii '1'1,,-r,. is 5uirdv das, i-ieanl v, ell . .. making ;: i as i; v ;'.,. 1 1 1 - - ii is an worldly eoe ediicatnio i; territory of paper. ' No U aide to uhethei a .! fun of ii." iianer alb at io !i,.;t, i educator of tliis ol' ..;;r population than iited -ii nt iv jiapi-rs. .-al -I..- such papers ei e - yuii call Set down ideal proposition that ii.pi..'.. aieiil in hnl h the I and in tile matter of in.- peopie within the tin- eircuiation of that mnn in Norlli Carolina piil.iisli a neiisjiiij.il'. :ily or weekly, 'for tin- In order lo" keep his he must have the linan-i.- i he tu. .i a I support of in which his paper cir--ii.eih! circulate. And e .1:1 . 'iitor w i. Idling out ... . idler in increase of . !' r -adiug mallei or ill of j.-iles p,.- week you wu a- a fact that 'his !::!.; v. i! li t he appr. cia ....'. and that he is ,- .-1 . 1 -f . 1 1 1 s i ;l 5 Mlppol'l. paper should go imo il. I he ,-phele of i II ll !1 ell . l . Tlf le is llo better ed . l-it.,1. It is as good as -eh..o in the country .'any a man has made North Carolina who .si 'nt dilligeiit study of weekly newspaper. It I thai l he schoolmaster i the land. The editor ial I the tet rit .i i filiates ,,, ' ; w In n yiea in his 'in-ii I the ..',i, inn, I t he 11 u in s ! ma work is t!... I lion of hi p ceivim: thou Tiie i eVelV home ! of tin-paper iieator :n I h the conun .1 aeadcinv. ? his mark in learned ! i. his imiiiit has been is a .. of a , .p-t dale country news more i n tl ii. ni . and education .." the han can the .nrn! paper can v, .. do more j..; conn try pe-.p common sdn editor in.-tru. tiie young, and in-ti'.a-ti family "M i I them'w i' ii d. teach tsucll :. ' w.-l! ; il'oriiiala ids of ;! d i---i" gives i the !.. matiini as to t! teacher young ; farm. A gr the ed: 1 Wide i nai li o -inplov-eil .:n. I t II lie is local gos-i. , an cihii-atoi the young, i a luoulde:' SUV. I'eljli- .. purvevnr "1 t!u I! ef tile old leader , :' opinioi as Weil as thought i aiiio;." .1. lie, a: w .1 k ii. .la. Rut t.. Ins i i'r gr -,;t hoin r ,.l th- i our state. i' Iv ill!' -re.. led i: iilel. Th, citii s have the i niii'i p .j T.ieenOols ncogni.e th-ii ! I':'' ''"': II re gl.ei I . V . Of I hose who-. oflic. IVIOg.,.. in . -t per 1 1 1 1 - r d' the pipers e!i m t'ii 'I tile latter .-I usiiiiliiy t t up lo it. We e fact that most I pels to this uislbililv and er ;.. in. ir mi th, .. tl.l ir Stlbst-rib- iiiuiuiiitics. 'i'lie county new ipaj i. Norlli Carolina s doing a gi. . and resp.-ci ii. course and . Wiliningto:: .; l work aul we honor n w ho shape their I tin ir policy. Hut Spriniis, Arkansas, Our I .ire I'll s H fur i lie KounJ frip. I ickets on sale every t due-day and Saturday, return limit sixty days. t he Frisco System in connection with the Rock Island System from Memphis offers the vgt mute. Write for literal ure and full par ticulars, ts. Jj. 1 AKKOTT, District Passenger AgeuL Atlanta, Ga. COUNTRY I'liOl'LE AND WHISKEY. The DetitajrngHes Can't Fool the People hy Their 'alse Cry. Tii.-c li-lln.i .-nil. A bunt I lie most puny and piliful plea we have Vet li'-ard uootit tiie Watts liuitor law in this State is that it dots not give the country people the same rights and priv ileges save the mark that it gives city people, ('nine to, now. That old cry will. we fancy, not alarm any one very greatly. There are a great many things' call them rights and priv ileges if vou wish city people have that cotiuliy people do not want and would not have if they could. And we have an idea that the open bar room and tl:e abominable whiskey still stand proiiiiueiilly among the 1 1 ii i u I h i-. To make a short story of it. it conies aliout in this wise. The Watts law simply abolished ull whis key .ie!',ii," aud 'whiskey making ill rural distriCui where there were no police surveillance and prison pro tection against the rowdy, drunk and down; but the same law allows cit ies to vote on the ipieslioti and say whether they will have saloons or not have them. And now the ob jection is raised that, this is treating tiie country folks unfair that, they ought to have the same privilege to id" out saloons that city folks have. Rut tiie lidieiilous part of the tinny plea is that, it all comes, so lar us we have yet heard, not from the dear country folks who are robbed of heaven born right tri but from city p-ojde themselves who are not so robbed, lb ivy very solicitous city people do become about country peo ple sometimes. Do notour anti-Walts law people know that l lie most sober people in ull this land, and I lie very staunches! and boldest and most tearless are in the country. And do they not know if they wanted wiskey made and ;'o!d in their midst they tllelu- .c! ves would :iv sn in very straight forward and delinite terms? Fact is until the country people themselves coin;. lain that their rights and privileges have been taken, our city friends of strong breath and loud spieeh proclivities need not be so much alarmed about them. The country p.. .pie are not complaining so far as we have learned yet about being shorn of (loil-givcti rights, ex cept where whiskey-makers and wiskey deilers have been laboring i!1) So raise itnot her cry, brethren. We have an idea this one will not fool as inaiiv as vou need to help vou out in the present dilemma. We also have an idea that there is truth m I lie lol- lo'.ving Sanford correspondence . to he Raleigh News and Observer: "1 have heard three of four men, il good mechanics and business men. sav m tiie past lew (lavs, who rank to excess, and have reformed iiu-L- prohibition prevailed in our -unity, that thev would vol" for no man for the Legislature or Congress who favored saloons, dispeiiseiies or lislilleries. The "red nose" that omes out for ollice aud favors inter fering with the Watts oi niiy other i.rohii.ilion l-iw will wisli that he had gone lishing instead of hunting i '-pit" through u still worm. The moral portion of our population are irousnl and "red noses" had better keep out of the way. The masses with us. iliauk (iod. The Stanly Knterprise has this to iv of Mrs Kmeliiie Lollin. of Rom- bay, liandolpli county, who died en Monday of last Week: "She was a sister of Mrs .1 M liivms, of this piace, and Mrs JW Picklcr, of the inity 4 nines cast ol Allieiiialle. ! was a sufferer for years with uiiialisin. A great many friends 1 in- iiiaiiitanccs in this coiintv who knew her will regret to hear of her death. She was about 7-1 years f age. and was always a lady of val.le and cheerful disposition." Confederate eterans Reunion Nashville, leiin., June H lo;h.HHW. For above occasion the Southern Railroad will sell tickets to Nash ville, 'lei. a. and return at rat naiiiei! In low; (loldsboro 15.55, S. ima .-15. 15. Raleigh .',T2.ii0, Dur ham .-12.05. Henderson 15.00, (.r.'iiisl.oro 10.05, Salisbury $0115, Win-ton Salem s-10.55, Hickory rS.so, (.'harlot Iv 10.10, (Jai " -:I.H5, Shelby '.i.lo. Approximate Iv low rates from otln r points. Tickets s.. id .Ima- lothlo loth loot inclus ive willi tinal limit to leave Nash- v i lie June 1Mb I '.'01: provided tickets are official. v slumped lev Joseph Richardson, Special Agent. i'iekits can be extended until .lull loth, liml, if deposited by original purchaser with Joseph Rich ards Special Agent al Nashville In-lived! hours of S.tni P. M., June lo to 1Mb inclusive, and upon pay inciit of a fee of 50 cents per ticket. (ieiier.il J S Carr has selected the Soul hern Railway via Asheville, Kuoxvillc, aud Chattanooga as the ollicial route for his. Annual "Con federate eleraii8 Special", which will cotisi.-is of first class day coaches and Standard Pullman cars to be bandied t brought to Nashville, T'. nii. w ithout charge. I Ins sieciiil train will leave Raleigh, N. C. nt 3.2 5 P. M.. Sunday .Iiiih-12lh. p.104. Perth rati- from Raleigh 4.50, Durham 4. .So, (treenshoio 3.50. Salisbury tf.1.r, Asheville s.2.50, Two persons can occupy a berth without additional cost. Kxcell ser vice on regular trains in both direc tion. Ask your Agent for intcs from your station, tor further lmforma tion aud sleeping car reservations, write It L Vernon, T. P. A. ' Charlotte, N. C. DO YOU GET UP WITH A IiAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, Almost evcrylMnly who reads tile newspaper.- ir. sure to know of tin-wmnlerful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, fiver and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the -nineteenth century J discovered after years of scicutiOc research by Dr. Kilmer, the emiucut kidney and Madder socialist, aud is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and llrichl's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by w hich all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a Ixxik tell ing more almut Swamp-Root, and how to find on t if you have k iduey or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this pcr and send your address to Dr. Kilmer ,V Co.. Itinelianiton. i V V. Tim rcimtiirl -.w itfc!1 fiftv-cent and one- g---flojri t J dollar size lsottles are Hotoa at Swamn-Boot. sold by all good druggists. Don't make nuv mistake, nut remember tiie name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bmghaintou, N. Y., on every bottle. 0 R ci IX, I'nsii.lciit. VV J AHMKIELP, V-Pna W J AKMKIKt.ll, Jr., Cusllicr. The Bank of Randolph, .A-slie'tosro, IT. C Capital and Surplus, Total Asscls, over !;3(i,000.00 $150,000.00 With iminl . solicit til sets, cxi-Tii-iH-c uml nmtoctinn. sine;, of tin- Ininkin- tillic ami iRiicnn- .rcmml anil willini-i-ilstnincrs every fiicllily nml tut-lsist-iit wllli Mifc iHinkii.;. r.-. wife In DIRECTORS: nrli I'.irks. Sr., VV .1 AnnfleM.W P Wn.nl, H H i". C C McVli'lcr. KM ArmM,.,l ..HO.,. W K K.-.t'liliir. lien- Mi.mit, Tlnm J Redding, A VV' K ' '11. A M Kiinkin, Tliua U Ueddiln:, llr K K New Blacksmith Shop. - have opened up a new shop in South Asheboro for general repairing and black smithing. e make a specialty uf lnuk- liinber heels. Give us your work. e guarantee promptness and durability. A. M. Presneil. Furniture, Carpets, pugs, Etc. Asheboro, N. C. 4 If You Want The Best Laundry Send Your Laundry to th Old Reliable Charlotte Steam Laundry. They are better prepared to do your work right than any Laundry in i ne .nine; ami do it right, too. Ix'ave your bundles nt Wood & Moring's store, llaskets leaves Tuesdays and returns Fridays. W. A COFFI N. Agent. : SUMMER SCHOOL University of North Carolina. Monday, June 13th Saturday, July 9th, 1904. .in-, i kin.) vl ini Incfdctiui! Ice t5-(iu. f!i:r.m.l rule". Write fur istnUnvtif. HlANI IS P. VK.NAHl.K. 1'ns.Mcllt. Chill":! Hill, N. ('. Summer School For Teachers! A Summer School for teach ers will be held in the Graded School building at Asheboro, beginning July 18th, 1904, and continuing for four weeks. There will be a general review of the text books used in the public schools. Methods and school th m agement will receive special atten tion. No charge for tuition to any teacher or person preparing to tench. Takes place of County Institnt. Certificates of attendance, good in any county in the State, given those who attend regularly. Bring your text books. For farther information ad lire?: 3. IL WAY, County SttpL of bchoo!, . : N.W. AVALKKli, Conductor. liy 7'