le Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. Mr W K Keurns, of Farmer, was jn wn Tuesday. 4r C E IJluir has returtii-il from ip through the west. ,Jr Frank l'aga of Greensboro tint tsu inlay here. Mr Unfits 'ow, of Central Valla. wa in town Monday. Miss Clnrn Spencer liaa returned from a visit to Trinity, this county. "rJnoK Wood, of Kaleigh, is adiiig a few days) with relatives town. Judge Cooke and Solicitor Haru iNr left Monday morning for fUiiU'svillo to hold court. Tiov J 1' Koileera, who has been f ill for the past week, is some i tr, vfo urn glad to suite. Master Wavne Miller is visiting Ms grand parents, Mr and Mrs J (J I sen, in Davidson county this week. Mrs A J Davis, of Choctaw Cor--Ala., and Mrs Wiley Henderson, lobile, Ala., are visiting at W J , tier's. !ir W D Steduiau left Tuesday on i bnsmess trip in the interest of the .helioro Bobiiiu Factory. Mr T O McAlister, of Spray, spent A few days here this week visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs A 0 11c Aliotex. Mr J II Webster, who has been 5 vjate ill for some time at his home i the southern part of town, does 1 not improve. !. Dr D K Lockhurt has received lug new automatic chair and is now prepared to do your dental work, j Ufliee over bank. ft Miss Sherrard, of High Point with I E hex friend Miss Griffith of Kortlisiinp- Sftotf county, visited the Misses Mor ning tins week. ! Wtr C S Morris, one of the employes f '&t the ollice of the Cone Export and ! Commission Company, is away on a II week's vacation, Greensboro Kecord i Mr l'orter Stedman, of Uroad.vay, f Mooro Countv, visited the family of Mr WD Stedman the tirst of the J Mrs James Sharpe and Mr .las jil'thop, of Alamance county were 1 Hfas guests of Uev and Mrs W E fciwun, the lirsl ot tile weeK. f 'j . Mr K F York, who is nw living $ BtCamden, S C, has been stopping o?et here for a few days while on his wal to his former home at liaiiiseur. ' -flreensljoro Kecord. , Dr W I Sumner, of ltiindletnun, Wal here Tuesday and gave us a call. lit eports that Walter lirown, who bad his arm broken recently, is re covering. Mr Walter II I'age, editor of Worlds Wolk who has been visiting 1 relatives in Moore aim Montgomery, ! returned to New York, says 'iSle Sanford Express. I The Randolph county republicans Will hold their convention in Asht-Vj.u-0 on Sat in day Sept 3rd. The loriilmries will be" held on Saturday Jkag 27th. Mrs J 1' Davis and daughter fnpnerly of this county who have -"n living in Iinlinnia for several ars are visiting at the home of Mr , J Miller. Mr C C Kime and son and daugh- ii fcr passed through Asheboro Tues 'r day returning to Mt Gilead after at- I b-nding the funeral and burial of Mm Kimo at Gray's Chapel last Friday Mr A J Yow, au aged and prom ! "t citizen of Hichlaiid township i; :i last week. Ilia wife and two t ' ildren Mr E H Yaw and Mrs iack survive him. His death is a gncit los to the conuimuity. ' Tim Aberdeen Telecram says the Aberdeen and Hocklish Kailroad 111 lie runnine trains through tc tyc Mills by tho latter part of s week. . -. Misses Iua Smithernian, of Troy I. u. 1 f Kf.lo Mri-tln Spur. horo, High Point, Ixmife Dicks, of f.andleman, auu air w ii:iinnun, of lyockhart, S C, were the guests of Wm C Hammer the past week V)r Tlnhlini'd and Sumner were I only physicians in the county to ',. Od the meeting oi mc itanuoipn i t 'Oty Medical society nere lues- 'J ;conseuently there was no meet Mr Carl Steed passed through Jt inboro Saturday returning from I ot Springs, where he has been for Toral weeks. We are glad to say i has fully recovered his health. Mr M L J Monro left Monday ' Mexico empowered with power of f from the other heira to settle the te of his brother, Uobt W Monroe i'i dejth we published lust week Monroe loaves an estate of some ,000. v J W Lee, the famous Irish -delist, died at his home in Ciuensboro August 7th. He had in suffering for some time with tisiitnptioa and only last week was Might home from Philadelphia, in recarious condition. it the vearlv meeting of Friends 1 in High Point last week, the f ui it tee on the suppression of the aor traffic made a report urging trd innnort of the Watta Law increasing vigilance on behalf ie temperance cause. lention is called to the new ad e Wacovia Loan & Trust Co ! is issue. Mr 0 L Glenn is the : ierofthe High Point branch r Stewart, of Winston was in our last week and was very much tified to note the progress cboro has made within the last years. Mr Stewart it a genial Miss Mary Ferree, of Randleman, was in Asheboro Wednesday for a few hours between trains. Mrs E B K earns has returned from the bed side of her sick daughter, Mrs Dauthat, of Dan ville, leaving her very much improv ed. Miss Maud Keams and little brother, who have been visiting their grandparents, Mr and Mrs E It Reams, have returned to their home in Durham. Owing to rainy weather the tent meeting which was to have begun here the 12th will not begin until the 18th. There will be services at the Holiness church Sunday after noon and uL night. A note from Mr J M Varner, president Tabernacle Township S S convention, states ( hat owing to sick Hess the convention will not be held at Mt Gilead church next Sunday, The time for holding same will be an noil need later. Somr service and short talks on Second Coming of Christ ty Dr. Sinifj at Presbyterian church Fri day night at H o clock. rreaclung next Sabbath ut 11 A M and 8 P M with short song service. All are cordially invited. The school committeemen of Provi dence rural graded public school ure fortunate in securing the services of the teachers who conducted so sue cessfnl a school last year. Miss Jr. t til Stiuey is principal ami Miss l.ucilla Marvin is assistant teacher. Both are very popular. The Ituudulph County Sunday School Association will meet in the Baptist chinch at Randleman Wed nesday and Thursday August 17th and 18th. A representative from each school in the county is expect ed to attend. Those desiring free entertainment while in Handleman should address Mr L D Mendenhall of that place at once. Mr and Mrs Oscar Teague ot Jacksonville, Fla. were in Asheboro first of the week and after spending some time visiting relatives in Guilford will return to Jacksonville Flu., where Oscar is chief truin dis patcher. Ho is a son of our towns man Mr W J Teague and we are always glad to see him and his good wife. Wreck on Ramseur Branch. Wednesday afternoon the passen ger train on the branch road from Greensboro to Kitiiiseur was derailed .oar Franklinville, turning over the ngiiic and two box cars. Spreading f the rails, caused by tho recent leavv rains was the cause of it. No one sustained any injuries of any ouseiietice. Mr O J. Mewart phones us as we go to press t tint the recking crew has just iinisueu aring away the wreck. Change of Station Master. Cant CE McCulloch.who has been Atlantic Coast Line station master it Wilmington for several moiitln, has recttved promotion in appoint ment as a regular passenger con- uctor on the A lMvisiou, suc- L'ding Capt Bobt C Branch, who transferred to a freight run be eeii Wilmington and Sanford. 'apt Thomas J Pie, a clever young lilroad mail who has been running extra passenger conductor for veial months, succeeds Capt Mc- ulloch as station master and takes large to-day. Wilmington Star. Democratic County Contention Call. The democratic convention of Kaiidolnh county is hereby called to convene at ten o clock a m on Satur- av, 17th day of September 190-1 in the court house in Asheboro to nonv ite a candidate for the senate, and two candidates for the house of rep resentatives of the general assembly of North Carolina, and the different andidates for the various county otlices and to transact such other business as it may in its wisdom sec proper. The precinct primaries are also tiled to meet at their respective oting places on Saturday, Septem ber 10th, at three o'clock p m. The said primaries ure called in accord- mice with the plau or organization f the democratic party. Done by the order of the Lountv Democratic Executive Committee held in Asheboro Saturday August (ith. W. J. Si'.viiiiouo, Ch in. E. Mupfit, Secretary. Died Miss Bivian Winslow died Tues day morning of this week at Worth- vi m. fti'ea in years. oi consu million Deceased was a daughter of Mr ami Mrs Sam Winslow and was a young lady of a bright and sunny disposi tion. We extend sympathies to thi bereaved family. Mrs Kime, wife of MrC C Kimc, formerly of Gray s Chapel, this county died ut her home at Mt. Gilead last Thursday of consumption aired 41 years. Tile remains were brought up to Asheboro iriuay morning and taken over tc Gray s Chapel for interment. Mrs Kime was a daughter ot the late James Pugh, of Gray's Chajiel, and was a consistent member of the M. P. church. Shu leaves a husband and live children to mourn her departure. From Upper Montgomery We are having splendid rains on our crops and the prospects of a big crop is promising. Mr .ftarl lhayer attended tne tournament lu Salisbury last week The protracted meeting begins at Zoar next Sunday. Chickens may roost high; aud sheep, too, if there are any. There will be a big picnic at the new steel bridge over Uwharne rive on the third Saturday in August Come one come all, and bring basket well filled with dinner, and we promise yon good time. W Uuusucker and Earl Thayer will Franklinville Items. Aug. 8. Rev Fergo Fnshidn, a Japanecso minister, preached an in teresting sermon to a very large crowd at the M E church Sunday morning. Wish we could all be as auxioiis every Sunday to hear preach ing. Messrs .lames Wrenn and Billey Jennings, of Worthville, spent Sun day with J II Fentress. The executive committee of the S O It's suggest that members of the church when going olT on preach ing day should go before day and come back after night. Mr Chas Cox has moved his prop erty to High Point where he expects to make his future home. Mr Luther Parks, who has been on the sick list is improving and is able to be on our streets again. Mrs A Hicks and Mrs J V Free visited relatives in Mooro county last week. Mr Walter Slack is having a new edition built to his residence on Flint Hill St. J K Tippett contemplates moving his family to the Bryles residence on corner of Flint Hill and Acad emy streets. Uobt. Maness, of Brewers Mills, is at his mothers, Mrs Bcttie Maness, and will proliahly spend the sum mer in this place. Mr Frank Wright, of Central Falls, has moved into the house recently vacated by John Jones on Stony st. Mr Wright, is one of the teachers in Franklinville High School. u arc glad to have him with us, Seteral of our people attended the protracted meeting at Pleasant Cross Sunday. Mrs T I Fox visited her parents at Staley last week. The Franklinville orchestra band is making some very good music, and with a little more practice we xpect to have one of the best bunds :i the county. One of our truck growers, while viewing his melon patch Sunday evening trout his resilience wniic n was ra.ning, became very uneasy when he -aw a man of unusual dress filing ton. :rd his patch, all at once the limn Mi.ldenlv disappeared and has not been -veil since. He still wonders whn; lias nccomc oi nie mini, and if he has a few melons less. Messrs E A l!oi:i!i and J H Fen- trissareall smili.-- road overseers this time. A H Burgess, one w our cleverest and most successful truck growers, presented C E Stuart a tomato the other dnv which viigl-cd three pounds. He also has tl. I. nest mel on patch that we have seen, and voiir correspondent expects the next blessing to be his. MrsJCManer and Miss Alice Slack left Saturday morning for High Point where they will spend a few duvs with relatives and friends. E A Booth went to Greensboro one day last week on business. ilrs Maggie rrnlcv, or i.napci: Hill, and master Haywood and little Mary Parks, (children of the late W II Parks) are visiting in the city his week. Your correspondent was glad to meet his old friend and schoolmate Mr Doss Gray while in Asheboro t week. We were close friends mil attended school together at .Stalkers hcIh ol house, now Cellar Siiuare, in New Market township more than thirty years ago. Mrs Martitia Julian and master barley Julian have gone to Pleas- tnt Garden to spend a few days in the country with friends. Ml hough the weather was very nfavorable Monday morning, yet Fraiiklinville High School opened ith a large number f students, mil .-evcral more have come from stance since, and while last year's school was very good the indications ire that this year will be much iict- Farmers News. Farmer Aug 8. 1U04 Since the ireat National Convention at St iouis and tho State Convention at ireensboro the country people -specially those who take the Courier are talking Parker and Glenn right siptare to the trout. An effort has been made to reduce our daily mail front Farmer to Denton to a tri-weekly but patrons tloiig the route strenuously object to this move and have petitioned ainst it. The obiect is to benetit a few Post Masters who do not want to be troubled with opening the mails so often. There's nothing "doing amongst our farmers now. Ihey have threshed wheat, laid by the corn, dug their "Ice-taters", and sown turnip seed and are now ready for the rain which we are having in abundance. Protracted services began at con cord church yesterday with a very good attendance. Key lOrilell, oi Kandlenian will assist uev ftvans in the meeting. A number of our young people are attending the yearly meeting in High Point this week. Mr Marvin Keams has been sick for the past two weeks, but since drinking Healing Springs water for a few days, he seems to be very much improved. Mr R Evans, of Murfresboro, is here and will spend the summer with his son. Rev Wallace Evans. Miss Anuio Johnson hs returned from an extended visit in High Point. Mrs Will Watson and children, of Greensboro, are visiting at Mr Marvin Keams, this week. Miss Nellie Gray, of Sophia, spent Sunday with Miss Lannie &nam berger. 1'rof and Mrs V Matt lompson aim son are visiung xneir reiaiives, MisBes ran nie and Addic nice. Card of Thanks- I desire to thank the good people of Mt Gilead and Gray's Chapel for their many kindnesses shown me and my family daring tho illness and deatn ot my witc, u u jvime. Randleman Items. Miss Exie aud Master Herbert Olive, of Worthville, ure visiting Mr and ir? I'mriU Olive. Mr Frank Bowdon", of New York, is at home on a ten days vacation Mrs W K Hartscll returned Sat urday from a visit to Greensboro, Miss Iconise Dicks is attending a house party at the home of Mrs W C Hammer m Asheboro. Dr W I Sumner spent Wednes day in Asheboro on business. Miss Margurettc Brazwell, who has been the guest of Miss Millie Beasley for several days, returned to her home in Urccnsuoro friduy. Mr Arch Millikan hus accepted a position with a Greensboro clothing tll'lll. SG Ncwlin spent Saturday in High I'oint. Mrs A C Collins and daughter, Miss Exie, are in High Point with Mrs Herbert Cox who is seriously ill with typhoid tevcr. Mr Robert Burns, of High Point, took charge or Hotel Ingold Mon duy; he w ill be assisted by Mrs F N Ingold. Mr Herbert Slack, of New York, is visiting his parents. Ramseur Items. Ramsenr, N C. Augtiht 8th, 1904. Mr and Mrs 11 B Carter ure spend' ng some time at Mt Vernon Springs. Miss Minnie Andrews, of Durham, formerly of this place, viBited friends here the past two weeks. Mrs Minnie liodgers, of Greens- boro, but formerly of this place, spent several days here last week; Mrs Caroline Whjtehcad accompan ied her on her return home yester day. M C Ferree purchased a very hand some piano last week. Mr and Mrs W X McL.eod, oi Sanford, are visiting relatives here this week. Mr and Mrs A A Hurley, of Con cord, are spending some time with relatives near town. Ramseur High School will open on the 32nd inst and the outlook is cry encouraging for a full school. ft r l or!', of Candor, S U is rest- tig up this week with his father. Mrs ft J Steed spent last week ith her brother at, Sanford. ilr E C Watkins, formerly supt of Columbia Mfg Co, recently re ceived a very handsome check from the vacuum Dye Machine Co., Chat tanooga, for a recent very excellent nipiovemeiit on their machinery. This speaks very highly of the in ventive genius of Mr Wut kins. Mr Fushida, of Japan, preached a cry interesting sermon on Japan last Sunday, lie showed somo very striking urticles of idolatry. A M staley, of Stnley, a very pop lar fonner liainseiirite, spent sev eral days with friends ii town this cek. West Ramseur Items. Mr and Mrs W T McLeod and Mrs L Gun tor aud children, of San- ml, are visiting their father, Mr N B Giintcr and sister, Mrs C A Blair u West Ramseur. Misses Hattie and Kate Smith, of Sanford, uro visiting Mr and Mrs Kuleigh Cagle. Miss Juice Aldridge. of .Nmtord, is visiting her father and family, Mr M Aldridge. Miss Agnes McLeod has returned to Greensboro accompanied by her sister, Miss Ester. Mrs Cora Mcleod and daughter, Miss Kate have moved out in the country to her son's, Mr George Mc Leod s. Mrs Melton, of High Point, is isiting her daughter, Mrs B F Scott. Rumor very reliably informs us that our old friend, Mr N B Gunter as gone to Asheboro today to get a rscnption tilled out to make mm and a young widow one next Sun day evening. Work which has been suspended for the past two weeks on account of the inclemency of the weather to make biick for the Watkins, Leon ard & Co.'s brick building will be rerumed at once. The Columbia Mfg Co purchased one hundred and thrity bales of cot ton from Col J R Lane, of Chatham, ist week. We imagine Colonel al most cried again to sell at the pres- nt prices when such a short tune ago he could have gotten 10 cents. We suppose irom tne regular visus that Mr West Cockman. of Moore countv. is making to our town and the company he is keeping that he has heart trouble. Mr T II Ellis, who got foundeicd ast Saturday evening on watermelons lias recuperated so as to be at his post of duty. Messrs J W Kivctt and C A Blair are doing a line business in their can ning factory. Gray's Chapel Items. G ray's Chapel, August 8. The heaviest rain fell here last Saturday evening that we have had since July 1901. It is with sorrow that we chronicle the death of Mrs Mary J Kime, of Mt Gilead, which occurred on last Tursday; Mrs Kime was the daugh ter of the late James Pugh, a most excellent citizen. Sho was born and raised in this neighborhood aud liv ed here all her life except the last eighteen months. Mrs Kime was wan about 42 years oia anu leaves husbaud and five children to mourn their loss. Her remains were brought here for interment, and laid beside those of little Annie who died some five years ago. Mt. Olivet News. August 8. An abundance of rain and corn is doing fine. The protracted meeting at Mt Olivet will begin the third Sunday. Tom Davis has sold bia saw mill to T S Bean. G W Teague has a new boy at his house. No wonder be amuea. S R Richardson and L 0 Sugg at tended the district conference near Greensboro last week. The health of this community is good at present. Trinity New. Aug. 9. Revival services opened in the church here Sunday morning with a very forcitul sermon by Jiev G F Kirby of High Point, who will ussist Rev Sherrill in his meeting which will last only through tins week. Services will be held in the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and at niilit ut 8. Mr and Mrs James Carr, of Ken- ansville, are the guests of Prof O V Carr. Mrs Lizzie King and daughter, of Chapel Hill, are visiting Mrs King's sister, Mrs J F Ileitmun. Prof li II Peagram and family, of Trinity Park, Durham, are at the home of Mrs Irene Craven, where tliev will spend some time. . iT J A Uarpenter ami Miss inuic Young took a business trip to Kan dleman one day last week. Mrs .Lula Carr, of Ureensboro, is visiting ut the home of rrof O W Carr. Mr E F Pepper, who has been confined to his room for quite awhile with typhoid fever, is able to be out again. Jiis many menus rejoice in his recovery. 1'rof Dougaii Johnson is receiving the congratulations of his many friends A young lady arrived at his house last week and is so well pleased with her surroundings she ms decided to make that her home. Mrs Benson Parker has as her guest her daughter-in-law, Mrs Bill iard. Mrs Herbert Ballance, of Greens boro, is spending several duvs with her fattier, Mr J W Bitl lance. Rev J B Craven, of Cooleemee, i in town shaking hands with his ninny friends. Miss Lulu Kearus, formerly of Trinity, but now of in.-ton, amy I in town lust week on a visit to her grandmother, Mrs Kmily Heit mnn. A surprise marriage took place in Trinity last week, the contracting parties being Mr Ed Lolir, our pop ular mail currier, and Mrs ftmma Collet. They went at once to the new dwelling Mr Lohr has just erect- 1 on the edge of town, where tliev will make their home in the future. May a long and happy life be theirs! Mrs J J Harris, ot High J'oint. isited her parents here one day this week, Dr and Mrs F II Wood. rrmt and melons are very plenti ful ou the market this week. The building fever has struck the town at last. Citpt J Parkin will hortly erect a house on his lot on North Main st for the purpose of iiting, us will also 1'rof C ftn- lish, who will build one on the dge of town. Mr J D Brume will rect a handsome and commodious 'sidetice in the northern part of the city, work on which will begin it once. Mr Pearl Reddick, an employee of the Dixie Chair Co., received a ry painful injury of his arm ami a"d caused by 'his sleeve being aught in a part of the machinery was operatmg on Monday utter- noon. Mr Show Dines, of Faison, is vis iting his sister, Mrs J Parkin this eek. DavVs tent show failed to exhibit ;tt this place on Thursday night last according as they were booked, owe. ing to an inability of their advaiuc agent to get them a lot on w hich to low. It is said that tliev did nol reflect very highly upon the charac ter of the tow n of Trinity owing to this cause, aud this correspondent I can testify that Davis's tent show as not held in very high esteem by number of people who had come to the exhibit but were disappoint- d. Such is the way of the world. "Aunt" Nancy Leach has been mite ill at her home in this town for the past week. We wish for her a speedy recovery and many years more of living ainong us iu comfort and pleasure. We are sure that mere are neiicr ilays in store for Trinity, and that u boom will soon be on in the good old town. With one of the best preparatory high schools in the state that, will "fit any student for col lege or business just as he would prefer, with its efficient headmaster and able corps of teachers. With the building that is now being done and that which will shortly be done; with prospects for a roller null tor the place and possibly a car line that will connect us with High Point. Thomasville and other sur rounding towns, and above all the healthfulness of the climate ami moral condition of the citizens of the place, all this can only verify the statement made above, and why hould it not ." Men of money, brain and brown, we advise you to locate in Trinity. Western Randolph News. August 8. The corn crop is look- ng fine. David Kennedy anu wire nave gone to St Louis. Edward Lohr and Mrs ftntmu Col lett were married last Thursday at Trinity. Mrs ISanne a resident oi minnow n was gored bv a cow last Friday and three ribs were broken and other in juries inllicted. Miss isertna I'orseu nas ieiurueu from a visit to Thomasville. C W Davis will close his singing at Pleasaut Grove the second bun in August. Rev C A Cecil is holding his special meeting at Pleasant Grove this week with good results. Miss Eosv Woollen, of Randl man, spent a few days last week with ner aunr, mra in riiuiei. Miss Mary Frazier has returned from an extended visit to Davidson countv. C W Wilson and family visited in Davidson county Sunday. J W Kennedy is recovering from his recent illness. Ernest Reddick, of Lexington, is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs J S Reddick. Blanks. Blank deads and real mate mort crAtrM 2ft r.ta & dozen! chattle mort mim 10 r.tj a dozen. AU kinus of magistrates blanks at 10 cU a dozen. 1 ThbCourieb, Asheboro .v Women u Well as ITTen Are Rade Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys u)ou Hie mind, tliscouragesandlessensatutiition; henuty. vigor and cueertul ncsi soon disappear v hen the kidneys are o.it of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has lwcome so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to tie born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too oftcu, if the urine scalds the flesh, or If, when the child reaches nil age when It should lie able to control the passage, It Is yet amicieu witu neu-wei-ting, depend apon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should ba towards the treatment ot these imjiortant organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased coucfition of the kidneys and bladder and i" t to a habit as most peopla suppose. Women as well as men urc made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggist, In fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail frca, also a Horn of flwamp-iloo. paniphlat tilling all about Swamp-Koot, iiicludlaf ofltft of the thousands of testi monial ( received from sufferers cured, A luting Dr. Kilmer & Co., HiinJniUTi V., be sure aud mention this pp. Can't make nny mistake, but rtnwaafMr (be name, Swamp-Koot Dr. KUmar wauip-Root, and the ad dress, Blaghsuitou, N. V., on every bottle. Business Locals. Notlcei Inasrted under this head at cent word each tnsortlon. DrW II Wakelield w;ll l in Asheboro at Central hotel on Tues day. September l.ith, tor tho pur pose of treating diseases of eye, eur, nose and throat and titting glasses. WANTED! To corr-siiond with a miller who cun nuiki- lirst class nu-ul and keep mill in good repair. Ashe boro Holler Mill. A 102 ACIJK FAHM situated 5 miles west of Liberty for sale, known as the Kli Ward farm. 1'iieo $ 1750. 00. Terms easy. AppIv to A K Waud, Liberty, N (J.. Kring your maple and sourwood to the Asheboro Hobliin Co. WAN I LP -A HK.tSITKljf.lltnV. Wiihi.-I. i.i-..i.-!tv (nnuiinmrct.u.iti- mi- lili" n quniTjr. Ulrv Im-utlciii.inli.r c.f rui-l; in.. I ..Hut Inlnnmaimi. M.iil mi .- - null n-iilr Oi l'. II. Itwl. Ill till, mi I'lilU-Mplim, Ft) It SALK A throe year old inv maru. A 1 Kaiii.ow, Kdgar, N C. FINK COWS For sale two 2- year old Jersey bulls and four 4- montliB old thoroughbred Jersey bulls and seven fresh thoroughbred Jersey eows. W. L. lioui.niN, Arehdale. DE. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. C. VKIi 1 llrt HANK If ."Mlilt' umkf .'iiKaKi-i F. II. Fuiss, C. L. (il.ENN, Cashier. President. WACHOVIA ,oan & Trust Company (IIioii Point. N. C. I'.uam it.) PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. C.VI'lTAl., $i;iii,(iii.titi. - :?. i ir,:r.i.l'.. Assets, roii'luct!" fi (ttiiTiil llankm al sIiicm. WtUi Uiu huik'.-Ht .-vsH-tv of ;i rtli raroltn Vi ttjluit lliu Uimi Mil-awl UV oi-i-"liiiliili"" II ti.il BlfW.UouMc.iiii-r, nn ;1iii. Uioklet M-I HKVlttM BTlH-KHi'l.liKRS. II. MII1U, A.J. (HV M H. Hmltt, Why Not Academy and Business Institute. Mathematical, Classical, Commercial. Priiiiiitv liova ami sivh furcolk-gr mil fur business. fii-ci:ii mivan iiL'os in IViiiuaiiimip. Last m-ssim Ik- lu-st in lt.t Inorv. llcaltlitul ical ion; highly moral cimiiiiuiuty, Kxpi-nwd tva'ioiialilt'. Next stsxion oii'ii- An;;. N mil. For rt;tloL'ue atul further infor mation, .-idiiri'fs (J. F. ( AKM'.K, I'liniipal, Why Not, N. C. If You Want The Best Laundry Sand Your Laundry to tha Old RelUble Charlotte Steam Laundry. Tliev im lii-tter lireiiaivil to tlo your work right than uny Lauiniry in the Statv; ana do it right, too, Leave your bundles ut Wood it Morinir'a store, baskets leaves Tuesdays ntul returns t ruiays. W. A COFFI N. Aent. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION. RaviI'i CarbonAlbumen Tab lets l'u re Carbon of Allntnuu a positive cure for nidigeslum, dytiH-p bin, constipation, headache or aottr stomach from ou-r earing or ilrmk- iiii? $50 if they don't. 25 cents a If your druggist dosen's have them send direct to BOYD CHEMICAL COMPANY, 70S Rand McNally Bldg., Calcaia. UL BUGGIES! When in town we will make it to your interest to look through our large line of buggies, har ness and robes. We have many pleased custo mers who have dealt with us in the past and we expect to continue pleasing them. We know a pleased customer is a living, breathing adver ticment that nothins on earth can down. We will sell you on a warranty that can't do other wisp than satisfy the most skeptical buyer. Barbour Buggy Company ! A Better Buggy for the The Same Our line ft complete, ranging in price from $23.00 to $75.00; and while we have some low priced vehicles, we wish to impress upon your the fact that we have not sacrificed quality for price, but have kept up that standard of quality characteristic of hone. t workmanship. Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same, wo are Your3 to serve, Holladu-Pool ASHEBORO, N. O. Gigantic Mid-Season CLEARANCE SALE! On All Summer Goods, Laces and Embroideries Owing to our heavy Spring and Summer trade we have a large lot of Pieces, Rem nants and Odds and Ends of Dress Goods, Laces and Embroid cries that we will sell al a great will be given on Lace Curtains, Underwear, Ribbons Etc. We enumerating the articles. We anything you want and give you It Will Pay You to Come to this is- Asheboro, N. C. LADIES! Do you want an up-to-date pair of shoes? If so buy the Dixie Girl or Roxie Ward Shoe! We have them in all styles for men, women and children. Also dry goods, notions, etc. Don't forget to call for these shoes for they are just what you want. RIDGE, FOX & COMPANY. I can satisfy Groceries, Etc. and at the lowest prices. I h?.ve never been better prepared to meet the wants of the trade nor sorve you with such low prices. FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT come to me; I'm selling the best. For anything to eat or wear come to my store. Yours to please, "W. J. MILLEE. LIBEETT ,.( ttuhiibt al Jli.M tt I Pkes. Thomas C. Amick, A. M., Ph. D., or Sec. and Treas. J. A. Hornaday, Liberty, N. C. WE NEVER HAVE Sent out a single article from our COM PLETE LINE of Furniture. Chairs, Stoves. Ranges, and General House Furnishing G-oods, therefore We Never Have A We give special attention to all mail orders. PEOPLES HOUSE FURNISHING COMPANY. High Point, N. C. v BUGGIES! Same Money! Buggy for Less Money! Hardware Co. BEGINNING SATUR DAY, JULY 9th... Continuing UNTIL SOLD purchase forV ,., ,., discount. The same discount Rugs, Window Shades, Skirts will not take up your time in. want to show you the goods, prices. SoJe. your wants in COLLEGE. n i nn ami i n . WDoroioniiiio ntul yiiutm wonu-n. Fiu-ulty at exjuTk-iiceil teachera. lii, r,.u.ii;,u,-. It. nr. I nml tuition lor a limited Fur r.iui tiKe unit furtlii-r information write to Dissatisfied Customer. furnish retresnmenta. A,

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