World's Fair,st Lo'8' May-November, 1904. ...Southern - Railway... Account tho ahove occasion, effective April !25, 1004, Southern Kail way placed on Bivlo ilaily, tickets at exUvejuly low rates, to St. I,ouis uml return. Following urn rates applying f mm principal points in Stat.! of North Carolina: Aahcboro, ... Charlotte, Qreenslioro, Hickory,. Mt. Airy, Salisbury, San ford, Wilkesboro, Southern Railway, effective April 2ii, Hm-t, inanjiuraleil Tlirouxh Pullmun Sleeping Cars between Greensboro, N. ('., and St. Louis, ilo., via Salisbury, Asheville, Kno.wille, Lexington uml Louisville; leaving Greens boro daily at 7:20 1'. M. For full information as to rates from all points, Skvpitig-Car rcsor Tations, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., address an y ahiint, or R. L. VEUXOX, T. 1'. A., J. 11. WOOD, D. I'. A. CHA KI.OTTK, X. ('. ASH KV I I.I.K, X. C. S. H. HARDWICK, Pass. Traffic M.nnr. W. fi. TWLOE, Genl. Passenger Aifenl. WASHINGTON. D. C. Edwin A E irdin Co ,WCOR.POi .V .ED.) Salesroom, ?S and so l'lai-litrco si.: Warehouse 71 and 73 X. liroad St.; Ground Floor Umldinir, Atlanta, da. Largest Dealers :inJ Bc"it Repuir.-rs Su:lli. !0,0t Satislied Customers 'iinloale ami Rilail Jlcai.-rs in Williams Typewriters. New Model No. 6 Now Out. All Kinds Typewriters Repaired. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SENiC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS, "MISSOURI. SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST ROUTE. Vestibuled, Electric-Lighted Trains with Fulkuan Sleepers and Diuing Oars. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct con nections. Special Rates for Season, Sixtj or Fifteen Day rickets. Fifteen day tickets from Ashebcro, Is. C, $23.00. Sleeping car accommodations engaged upon application. SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS oauth or ised dates, tickets gocU ten clays aiiu of $n 1 li Correspondingly low rates from other stations. Special accommodations arranged for parties. Stop overs permitted without limit nt C. & O. celebrated mountain resorts. USE THE C. & O. ROUTE aud. purchase your tickets ac cordingly. For coach excursion rates, resei vationsaud other infor mation, address W. O. WAR THEN, D. P. A., C. & O. Ry Richmond, Va. IT" The "FliANKI.l.N" leads them :!!. Typewrh-r operators have pronounced it king of all viscraidc writing machines. It's a time-saver, . -implieity it-elf, and for durability and speed it has no e,ti.i!. 1'rice .VOt'. c c AddreiA all coiinmti.ic bell Ave., Koaimke, 'a. Send us your r. -p:i;, in'. Dell phone 4',o.' i: I T! ali 'ti- to I.'o-n (k Type uritcis ( World : I'air: ;i;-towki: f., i- Southern Nurseru Comp'u. "Winchester, Tennessee. Oldest and Largest Nursery in the State. Nearly 2,Ot)0,0(HI l'each Tiees sold and shipped direct to plai.ters in fall of 1903 and spriug of 11104. We will have lor fall of I'M 4 and tpriug of 1905, our usual largo supply of Apple, 1'eai, l'each, LI.eiry, l'.uin, Peraoa, English Walnuts, in tact all kinds of trvet Ihnt are fucciisfully grown in our climate at reasonable pruts. HWrile for l'riee List and Catalogue. SOUTHERN NURSERY CO., Winchester. Tenn. la th Mcat (31 yeart)nd first Builnoa College in Va..f second in the South) to ova a building erected for its use one of the Anrot in r.t.Ji.iond. Endorsed by ita atodeata, baalne men and the press. J'hiliuldphia tiUnograptter tajri 11 is the laadinar Basinera Colleire couth of the Potomao River." "When I reached Richmond, I inquired of eereral buaineu men for the beat BMioeaa Uoiiege la tne city, and, wittiout execpnou, iney an reconnaeoooii mKlsdaaraaa the best." Wm. IS. Hum, Lam titawyrapiier, Kiehtnonii. Biogla, Doable Entry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commercial Aritnmetlo, Buaiuea Writing. Buaineu Practice. Shorthand. TTDewritine, Telegraphy, f oremerciaJ Law. Enpliah Department. nns. Ho vacationa. Numu enter at any tune, ay nan. ttootcawp tar, Shorthand, Penmanahip, at home, to tboee who cannot come to College. lndocementa to well educated younjr men, eipecially to teachera. Wriw Ijrcataicg aad full particular! to S. a. Saiithtfeal, Prea., Blckmoed, V I Mlwii 1 1 :s-etr$iliBCair,maiesItiiewtiiIn,restoreshcfreshQes. Just tst fm acej if your hsir is faded ortumine cray.forit alvays j r,.ftff.s t?ss cn'or. Sfrf! falHnf hair, lso." '"rt'F..TSCTaafjf Sounii W)-'hiy l.V.lny $35.33 f-ilUil) fi-l.'iO Hii.lo :tn.1o ii t.t."i as.-io 23.30 3-1.1 ti S4l 43.3U 37.00 30.S5 25.10 34.10 SS,40 23.30 yr.tit) 31.110 2(1.25 40.00 33.40 25.10 Visible Writing. lVl-fect Align in. '.n. i'.-l' Ib-ariii". Strongest Man ifoMiug. Cr.-ate.-t Speed, Kxtivnie I't.rai.iiil ,. Inks from Pads, l'lvl iosi -.tuliv single slut'!. Sjcond-l !ar...i LVpartinont is well .dock-.! with e.oo.1 AVil'.iams. KeniingSons, Smiths, Y.wU IVns liioies, and other mil ch! ties ill Ho'i'l l-j-;iir. :ir li'lil llitkS and prices a."'1 the cheapest in the v.uil i. Send for samples of work, -latino prefeieitce as to make-, etc. Pikes for Repairs Reasonable. a I'.rat'.ch, l:'! t '.tin j - j all Kinds for rent. t li. I.!l.,ta! Arts. i II Tuxhnry, .Mgr. J Lad lee and gentlemen. Day aod niht HairRenewer 0i O 4 aaai Be a Man Among Men. Every limn ouht to consider him oelf capuhle of deciding how to vo'e and, should have conv'c'.Kns ui l principle enough to line-up soin.--ivhere. Men ouht to have more respect for themselves" than to tal.e to the tall timher on any ipiestion. A man oui;ht to lie manly and h ie rit enougli to toe the mark in a matter so important as an clcctii n. Here arc a tew timely remarks nni the Kaleigh Post for the considcia-, tion of those uho would prefer to I heat the busli instead id' eomiiij; out i into the open: j A weekly paper in the soul lien: tier of counties hears that some ct the people amoiii; whom it ciietilat. s talk of not voting at the rominj election. The reason is not fliven. I 'crimps it is due. to the impression that the 1'emocratio party is -o. linnlv lntrcncheil in Not th Carolina I that it has no need of votes. If this be the explanation it. denotes :M condition ns much to he deplored as the springing up of a factiona1 spirit! in other localities, which was the' subject of a few observations in u l'ost editorial one day la.-t week: j It is the duty of cv-tv oitbtu vote, because the public w. I fare de- j mands that every oiiucn tak.-a pel'-, sonal ami direct' interest in the po-i litical matters of his commiiuilv, his i Mate and the neneral u'oven it.! It is the duty of every parti; to I vote because tile united ' !e:: ,i;l who are of one way of mi; i thinking or belief are neees.-;.: v to 11111:11 tain the party organ i ution. I' is the dutv of the of iit j pendent views to vote l..a;:.-e I j lll:!epelldellt Vole:' i- li.e I''.. I wheel in our sv-teiu of popular i 'I'he duty of otii.' in l!h prima-j ries. is of the liiuhet m.por.anee. I for it is in tin primary that th.- voters set the w Heels of political j matters in motion. It is t h 1 h:.: the voter i.veivises the III-: l.oiee the selection of candidate- wh.i .11. j lobe preset. liil to the cilK'is : i large for their suffrages. W'i.-e - U- -! lions of candidates are :.--'irul when! all the voters of a party v'e neourd- , ing to their best judgment. It is ini-, possible t.i pack the primary or! jeenre an unfair result when a!li voters w ho : Tc entitled to pal iiei a! ! ' in it attend and vote. 1 It is hoped that in tile primaries 1 and the eleetion this year there w ill I he no ap..: hy 111 Norib t'arolina: ami j this may lie corsidei-e.! of 1 force as to ihiiul.lieans a- well e- ! ! democrat".--Vi!in;iij! 'e S'-ir. ; 1 Ccilar Falls Items. Cedar Kails. Aouu.-; :.' -'.Joseph Fry, who ii is lwv:i atP':;i!;:: ; I the Oistrie! Coufereiic at llol;'.- Chapel for the past !w day... :vt:i:: -led hotni' Moiidav. Mr ti l Co 'made a ht:Miie-. trip j to (. hailoM - hi.-t 'I'har-day ami n -I turned Satur.iav i::iru:ti'. Air John r.rad'.' ..' ti- i.v IV.illl slipper at K:-i:ik;!e.Slilli-j lav m'udit. Mr Ib.llie Thor m.) Mis-Mine . : (ioolsby made a 'mi-;1!-. trip to (ilYellsboto 'I'm .-.l.iv. I A series i f nu-i'tin-s ar-- bi-in.. held at ti; M V chrr. I. .!' r I ' place. Thodan-hter of K-v M r ( ar : n . I of High 1'oiiit. lias In. -n visit it 1 h.-' family of Mr iicorgc 1-e.imtrd fr :'e j past, few davs. Miss Lau'ra .Vestal, of Sil.r it v. is visiting the i'ainiiv of Mr M il llrady. Mr John i.i.iiij.-hy. w ho ha- len engaged with tile Spray MfgCo., has returned lioine. Mr liey nobis, of Trov. -p, nt Wed nesday wait Mr M U I'lrad'v. Thi- family 1 f Mr V.'r.'m.. fore man of the weaving rroin of tir Ciitar Walls Ml'g Co.. has moved ( town and and tiny are occupying tie liouse rei'intiy vacated b. Mr A I' Con. Mr A !' t'o n.ade a hii.-iin-.-s tnj to I i reeiisboro l-'riday. Ignite a number of young peopl, from Kranklinviile attended pretcle ing ilere ni::h;. VS alkcr's Hill Items. tjuiti- a number of our people m tended the sain tiled uieilingal l.cvvi Cross Sunday. The protract. d m-etiug at Kbeii began Sunday w it h n large an dience. llev Albert Sherrill preach ed a:i able and foreiful si 1111011 Sun day morning and Mr Will liobbills ill the evening. Sont- of mi - friends attemlnl High l'oint vearly meeting last week. .Mis Kva (tray, of Sophia, is visit ing Miss Alice 1'njjh at I'Mgnss. M ss Mamie Dicks, of Sophia, is visiting her uncle, Mr Joe ibek-. a: Level Cross. W L Adams and -on, A O Adams, went to (reenslioro Tuesdnv. The culls on Mr V O Johnson last Sunday eveuiug to tho delight of the One watermelons was mude bv Mr Frank Hayes, .Miss Lulu Cordelf, Miss Adams, Mr Thaddetis Adams, Mr John New by, Mr Tom Swuin and several other friends. Come again friends. Mrs Hubert iirown, of AshcWu. is visiting her father, Mr Hubert Colt rune, on Muddy creek. Mr Will Johnson and wife, of tophta, visited his father, Mr liunk Join. son, Suuday. What will happen neit? William Waldrof Astor's duughUT 1'aiiline is to be married. Dot to a debauchee da ke or a bedraggled earl, hut to a plain Englishman who is at once alecii'onato and decent She could have married into the nobility and hoat her good gense in refusing to do so. Henry ft Davis, acknowledging that he was a silver man iu the Sen ate, now ays Conditions are entirely rereraed. The country hiw changed the people have changed, financial methods have changed, and the reas ons I had for favoring silver have all been realized. He is to man-fa widow. of seventy-five tnmmers. Tho Bepnblicans seem to be run ning a throe-ring circus this year liabcock, Fairbanks, and es-iKb emeritus Piatt I W0HK OF CHILPHEN. NEW YORK'S JUVENILE LEAQUB A VALUABLE ORQANIZATIOI. Graft FtrvM6 on Ulnar Iiloffca to SMt the Strrrt unit nriklth !) psrtukrntu lu KecpInK the flty Clt-nn Fnn Par thy Mi'inhcra, New nrk bus a iiuliiuo oranliiitleu tbat aids lu kii'iilnu the Btreets ot tli ctty dean. It l knovvu as tlm Juvciit: City league or vvliat Is now eiUtvn knt to h juvenile street eleanlnj; lirl-fc-ade, ami Its object Is to Instil: In!) U'.o clilKlren s-:m' clvie pride. Olds have been runaeil on Mocks 111 many parts cl' New Turk, anil the iiieml" t aid the cty autlioiities ty picking n, Wnste paper ""J reiuivtliiK (lend nai mnls. Uf limine the ni'"t untural qiifSttnns for a stre.nuer to a-x ulioiit tills up-pnrenttj- utmdau : .n an-. What h ttie laeelltlve? What la.-llleH the ehil-c.i-n want to Ktvr up 1'i-lr play to pl.-k ruhhlsli oil' the pavement? Those vvlin have the matter In charm- bnvn net (ornotten that some feature, mure at tractive than the premlsu of cl. 101 Streets met t Ten. I to the .v.-it ' fa! pojni In lion, an.l tl-'.v have provMeJ Ui" ftiuiniiH. says tho New York llLim. T!"v en II it a Vlrenhimn iipm-liiur Kis."!" It'oraiy," Mini It Is le'tli In c'; than a (."""Hy supply of l aJ PhII hiils, t.sitiK Kl 'V.-s ami sueli "lh lot!., tmpi-i-ieiits. which a-..' taken out In laueli tli- rai'i- way as ti.;s are tnl-.eii fnv:i a puMle li'T-iry anil ttieu retiirnei! ::t the pinp.T Oil!.?. The 1 (luarter.i et at! the ehit.s are nt rrent u le va on !!i- corner of IMevenfti ave-1111- : a I :".n v tllllit stre. L Itt.-i-.MV. l.eM.!. tin- : tls leV.e v ? .".r-'n!.it!r.a "til.ray" I- th. n,:::t:irv i-ati:i- that ! lu.Vi'M'. U tho c.-i.!.!! :at:olt -t everj' on - ' t !t-II!':.- , ;,f as ev -;"..nly k-.v a w !;..-.. in-Ti ' U-i ! a-k to the '.; .... ..f hr..i , n-i.l for tec ami ;!.-; for nw-nK marchlMf eu-l 'rill I j l:-iv. an In e'UMe :itt r:..- ' : for h,e,v ,ni.l if l!-ev -.n -'t toue"). r. ' ive 1;,, an.l mar.-'- ar.l i!- i--i ' a v sole that tie v : hi P a 01 tie- e-et of en ;- - !: .: 'if. V.'. i). - a- h ee 'f tt- lu'- ' 1" " V it vr. ei.i he i en- miliary to .-..!: .eei i , "prlv. ;' t I r. h.-iu - I' j tl.: 11 v. .-. 11,,, i. I : l-rivM ' : a tm- -r.i I ry. !t w.. ! (o !::!rv!u r .ei oal !t ti an Ileal' ..I. I :. n al V' . ne- at llril. : "' : .,, r w- hi . -il .' I.- ... t tl. but l-'.v. I'.-:'. H e -vol'. b . , ... ... .. r-y y,. rr v. !.. I' In-' eale an, s rather tiem t-i'i" ' prt I n-'u: f tk a i' vc.i'.n- .h Is fr,.,a., . it.,.. --,vr from rirMsh. .v.4 ia:i. .!-:- t a:i and In'l'-i an utr-ot. And tie- ii.nt.--t i cai .-aeh si-.l- t.ving lo r-.ich flu- gn.i ! '.d."i i !. i:!nr u;i rilM.lsh off the -i : tl;. re l atioih-r VV ;.' ill whle'a - .-!;' . -:r- i- lp!-; the ... at'h 1-.-: it. I.i I' ! : ;t f New VorU near v- '..-': a". :.n 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 : 1 1 1 y lar: .--. : :..? ::.:;:::: re 'i. dog- and -a' ' ::n: ; .:!. i-i iitdmriN will I-. d !' !r i -d!-i often remain on tin a:r": i :,ei:- provlnilty b'-nin- e. I'ef'-i!.:- to til" ! ..:,.- ::. ;!. Il.-lil. It ti -. . i' :' .: i!'--. -f li e em:- . noiifr Loa':'- '1- i-.i ;-' no-lit linmediuti'!:-' -ir-.t. :! w'.l t reinovsl me! w::' i --e!t. Ill s.-vra! In -.!:-. !' :.:r-.idy I'i'i l--i '-u worked a:-! pr"v. -n .1 n, -i, h V -. euifort, rr-l-.-i-i -irl;:i, -s tlve-y w...-if i.. .:.--!-r i f the cliil-i eet eet a i rial -.! e.-;.l of illreetlen- f,--r i! e r;!.. A lepte l Se!-;e.i fcr V. - v ' . .-o. 1 ;! ;.r!! mattT , - : r: . .-. -i::n;r the p..-.: C il - . nv.o.lei what l dr ill rrrtahi .-i-v ALL TOOK A HAND. nn Ituii.-iiiii I...... U na I Irnni-il lr Its ( llliens. !' -11 'a I ; l.l ..1 tr.-l .e.-s cleaned re-.- at v ry Ittlie exj.enso and In r a n-ivel i; -inner nnd now InoVi ns if gill).' I i nnny of "v M!o lugs" hud .-r It. The itieiuliers of III" vi? he.-,- hi prov.-iiienr s.-eiety ih e'.d.-d that the ! evil ii n general clcn:ilii up, and i-.oii.-e tr. Cut . ;r.--t v. is puhllsh.-.l In tl- I - al new paper. The i..-l.-ly i".a ry mi-- t-i al-1 't, pnrtietil.irly the school children, and lumotiiiti.! that after the work was over ioo CT.-aui mnl cake would he servd. 'I he .lay s.-t for the -leai:lng wan on ti.' ure-.r. and f!io a'ork was Ih-jiiii in fh- luornlnst nnrl l,qd up until lute In the evening. Mm, women nnd chil dren, armed with rnken, bac and ln-ary brimurp. took hold wlih a will, nn.l pa per, leave-, atlcka and othor mutter were rnked Into heaps and nrtod awny. Home poltrre nulsnnii-s were ch-nnisl up which xn would bnvn re quired the attention of tlx; board of health. The town's enterprising Improvement association has been la existence only two years, but durlnij that time It has accomplished a grout deal. Through Its efforts two new school houses have been bnllt, a lino library secured, ninny shade trees planted nnd the residential streets Improved 100 per cent. Its pne aim and object Is to make the town a better phi eo to lire tn. Battalia CalMrwa'a IU The pioneer In civic improvement work, an association In Storkbridge, klass., long ago saw the necessity of Interesting; children In town improve ment, and la another town where the boys and girls were trying to maintain beautiful snrroundlngs a disinterested man offered Pi to any boy or girl w0 eoukl cultivate the best flower bed. Sev eral towns In Missouri, among than Carthage and Oetbany, offer prise er 7 summer and urge children to ex hlhlt at their county fairs. In some In stances boy woo are . pkiyrd as newsboys carry water long distance efrr school hoars that the little patch vtside their forlorn home may be sal ivated. Sfln soother phase ot the wY ts sera In Honeedole, Pa, where tii children pfa-k up papers cn the street and-deposit tbemtin tin caos pt ifcd f or tiurposa. j PAPER DOLL HOUSE. Certain little glrja 1 know lire keenl; j Interested In making n pnpt-r iloll , I house, anil on a rnlny tiny, when outdoor , , HHirtM are imposslhle, even their hrotli. 1 1 era do not feel It beneath tlielv tllcnlly I to look tliroiiKli okl magnalm ami cut lout the furniture wlilch appears In the ; mlvcrllKiiig pages. SelcsorH, a pot of 1 paste ami 11 serapbook of thick pain-r, I tin- lawr the lu-tter, are the materials i ri-.iulreil. Kaeli two pam-s nuistllute n ! room. If there an- some reimmntK of vviill papers in the storeiwm the walls are papereil, ns this makes tho puses thicker and insures Ioniser wear ns well I lis a prettier effect. . If no wall papers can be had 11 pond i n-ult can be ohlaimil by leaving the : mil... . icsa p-jr.-s vvlilie ami putl! : at the tup n fri, . of soft color Iwu or thn-e Im-hen d. e;. of the fancy pa-rs tn tie hou;:!it lor a few e, ats a slm-l. The tliM two P are I'.iric-hiil in a ha!!, the net two as a p: rl--r; Iheu a library, .lining n- :u a:..'. : nnlry. an.l so on throii.'h kltehen. h -Iro.iin .-Hid uuinery, the iiumber of ! I . In- Ilia!! only by the r.e-:ie , :' :h llt:!e mala 1'" and the fi:;.- of tf.- 1 . i" r family. A play r-i:i full of toys. 11 Hewtntt ryol'l. yeti, ,.;pma,. eill-le f. ..111. 1-o'IServ- nb ry mid t wl.11 will extend th- worn nl.i--t !n.. anilely. A-l-eriisliia pa-s fro:a uia--:i",ni-:. funillure eala!oi:u. s mid adv. liMns ealalo-nes finei the il pur! cent -' .'. sent rr: dlly on re nin - v '.ll j lot I ampl - material, ami pletun s. . raaiaents, lamps and viiseg of ilovv f. .-. he w arrai; ad :e( to make the ll'flo rooini really ehi'.rmlmt and c!vi e.e-irlenlty for the di-phi.v of niueli avii- ..' tale.-Ceo.! I'.oiiseUeep- In.-' SPOIl "D HIS PICTUflE. l-it- Kl..r .1 en Vrllsl ntitl I ii- . lie. I l-:lrihniit. Tle-i- v. , , a I'l'-iier In f-.trl.-ivho ' I to p ;!..( a piellt.v ef nil I. pha-d. .' w vveal to lie- Jardln des rinnles- In ih-if e'.iy alone ::!. .". Uiy nnd a h'g i -j of appl.-s. it. onh r that the animal :. !!! as-aimo a strlMPi: a! Iltiale th-.- I.i. I was to threw- It an rippi.-now- and then, so Hull II t:ifirtit ImM it trunk iilof. I'nt to pr-vont lie- siip;.ly cf fruit frora being iw 1 i p too the l.ey v-ei t..t 1 So .-. ! !)"V- to tl.'-w nn r: 'I!y. The elcfl .: nt said ;:..::ii.:- . I he tilll". Vv'iiee -..W ev r. il... i; : V were all - -i the r-i ti'.re w:il'.-sl :.. Hie t.-m'i n .f t - one.,,-:. , ir- wi.: . r -ti!' M.-l and .l--!ie."d the paint r .: -i 'V - I ! lure, w:i.-M:ig i-i:': ne riy n'l Hi- .'.- it wal'..-1 round th- tie lo-ur- il v is plain t! "t It had de ll i. rateiy phimicd t'-is r.-venv- S.iMIe nf (! lie 1 : .tie :;! u! in an:i'e-i and luive ollhvrs and a V". end r-ar guard. I'a.-li army Is al-i 1 o-. Willi cunts an I i. i.n-. Wh.-n dai-.-i-r threatens fiuia a!'-.--.-. t!ie up- r scouts phm-a- down If ! - r Is f -mi below . and the lower s . a--, dart an 1 thus warn the a--.- With th- regularity of dlscl-pVi..-d -hliery llie gimnl Is relieved r Wo er three flues an hour. The I'lall. ?'a:.:n has pia.v.d -.vondmus p'sia'.;' w!'h eyes in her own world. A llsh lias b- 1 caught a mire de-p In the south !i nil. ..l ean that had no eyes at all. w- are m-custeni'sl to lldr.k of tin-in. !r".-d It bud two burn! hod convex lei:' mi- like 1 uses sunk dee" In Its head. Tie y w-ro golden In color and n-tlccl sl the d-iyliuht with wonderful brilliance, in th- Antarctic oeinn llsh have ben dr-d.-.-d up from ev-11 gr-atcr depths tticlr i-yi-s far aw-:ry from t! :" b.-ads en long stems. They lire 'r-e flower eyes, grooving on stalks, as f.o th- bloson;s on pl-mts. flui iniiat! 'i'-l'-mie. ll- llniaiineil Well. .i,.all Klmer had b. -i 11 pri-sviiti-d with a t -y tr-iin of cars and insisted 011 tek ii : em tn Is-d with lilm when he re-l'r-d. "i'.ut that Isn't the place for curs." prnt.-t-d his mother. "i 'onrse- It Is." replied Klmer, 'cause they ar- ! sliw-'itng ears." .-Ir HlRl-rs nevr t-- Wtnti donkeys lrn to alnir an ilajusa, Whn plirs tulk politics. 1ii I.o-nlon Is a town In Prsncs. Wh"n ln-o nnrl two mnh nr. Whin drops of rain are rit pmrls. Wh.-n cml Is clenr nnd wl-.a.-. Th?n lltt'1 Nijrs nnd lllllo clrls Mut alt np lal- nl r.leht. O. Clltt-m ninirhnm In Kxchsnac A a'onl on TllHP(.rnnir4 Bod Treh tulnis In ConvcTBiitloa. What a good thing it would lie If wwnen would lie true to themselves nd converse Intelligently when In th society of gen ili-men. There Is nothing that honest men desire more than to understand that mysterious that Is SO like themselves and yet so unlike, who share their homes, but not their thoughts; who are so shrewd, so prac tical aod so lrrationnL The poor men yearn to break down the Invisible bar rier and see Into the real life of these ihey love so well. Rut the loved ones smll and chatter nnd say pretty things and Ingenious things, things they have borrowed from men and Improved In. the borrowing, but never a word of tho really true and. In many Instanci-i, vital thought that are working In their busy bralus. says the ' Biuineaa Wo man's Magazine. So the men flatter end lie because Chry. think women like It, and th wo fcien accept It all became they think It Is man's nature. And the men think women are dear, empty hea .'ed angola, and the women think men ar fine. In telligent brute, and the two classes go on loving and despising one another ac cordlogry, and all for th want of a lit tle discernment and. truth fa I nai la anrarsaUoo. THE HOG AND ITS PR0DVCTS In Denmark they look upon bnrley as , die best feed for good bacon. Excrcln j ts conducive to 0ra bacon, and If identy i i i ,1,, ,w.l lliliikll tliero is nny duer of soft bacon, says I rrofesBor O. H. Iy. After a pig retiehes 70 or 100. pounds nlinost nny thing etui be given It in the way of feed. Sonic of our packers have been advocating keeping the hugs until they are eight or ten months old 11 n help to produce the llruu bacon, but If fed rlglit a hog mny be put on the market at six m nths old. l' think In many in Ktnnces the value of roots lins been underestimated, but they certainly help to loi-p the lings In good condition and prevent them from becoming too fat when young. Without roots our dllll culty has lieen to get them to grow rapidly without getting fat. It Is a little dllllcult to explain the reawii. The ipiesllou of wheat feeding has never been taken up by our Institution. In billing It I should mix Bona-lldng bulkv wlih It or It might be gummy mid indlgiMitMo. I would much pn-rer fulling noun- roots with It. 1'i.r young plgi we found o;tts U-ttcr than most f.nls. We grind tli- m as tlnely ns wfl can and mix with middlings. Com .-nn-m-1- In lrrinir l"H". Iieiuiis II. Slovall .r. sealed the sic tonipanyliic plenire'nnd il.-Jeri;'tion of a hog slaughter house to the l'.pito mist: A one room building. H by Is amply large enough, la one end Is for healing lh a- side of and m ar this Is head, Into the ground i bet.-nil tin- It-ior and at an niigl 1. 1 ... il,.. 1. eil-'O of IIS lllllllill IS even vvltl; th- lloor. The hou-hend mu-t he lirnily plautol. A sloping I rl-'-eway runs ie. fnun lie- iik.ii t ti of the hoL-sla-a l to mi ei.vat.-d platform built n i'e-s t!'.- oth i- end of the room. A wl:i.!?-ss. with wheel nUive. Is ur- rnnced on tin- platform I opposite the liiig-h.ead -,v!th which tin- hous can be i-asilv hauled out nf'-r scalding on log and later he cross pole This nrraiiL'e of break ml bimg t r clianini.' incut .1 ek l.'liiv. Iinmll. i w i h-..i:sl.ead the larg-st hogs can so. lieu net ill Use old 1- I. it full or partly full from I'aliii lo k. p the staves mhler house ... Is- put lo OOSt and inouey of this Kin lozea .1 ellt US'- aavi-r. The ho-s i n- lolled In on tn the phitforui through the door sliovvr. The brldiievviiy from fie month of the hogshead lo the pi.itfo.-ui Is movable. Lurui-sl lloit l-nrui In -v I'.nuliiiKl. Over -.0.10 bugs arc ;.-pt by '.V. W. linv. s,,n, the w ell known seedsman and lnari.ot gardciii-r of M.i-e.eiii'.sei is. on 1 :;-ii acre farm, which I- purchased In .lh- spring of ln-.'J. i ! n.rm. w hich lies nl.sit s, mil.s fr-..,i 11 iverhill, l-i I'lirlly In Massachiisciis ami partly In Nevv'llainpshir id consisted original ly of si s.i.araie parcels of land. It was bought with the 1 hief purpose of milking a I eg farm of It and ts admi rably adapt -1 1 for this line of work. The loca lion of the pinery hi on a high piis-e of ground siop-ig in two directions iin.l a 1 oiisiderable distance from nny nelglibo-s. The laud is of a sandy nature, which iilfunls cxc-lli-nt natural drainage. American Agrieui turlst. The Farnii-r's lork lliirrrl. The farim-r who raises 11 few pigs for bis pork barrel may count the cost and .ulli-i 1, lie, I do llut ll.'IV. hilt VV here 11 few 1. his are raised tln-y will consume ! a large niimutit of material that would lie id no value except for their use. When the pork barrel is roll the fiinner Is nt least fort tiled for the winter with meat, and 111 many eases where no pigs tire kept there is a wnste of material that could b.- iitllin-il with the aid of lit least one or two porkers. Whey, skim milk mid buttermilk are i.f great viilue ns part of the ration for fattening swine, according to l.l.Mideii .vt.iel; There is pneti.-ally no differ. euce 11 the feeding value of skim milk .,1 buttermilk when I. isfed inprlme condition. They produce rapid and -co- nniiilciil gains and n line imility of bacon. The nverago uf iiutiiy exiieri- tncjits shows that -!T."i poiimls of skim milk are e.iual in feisllng value to 100 pounds of corumeal. I-Igs will oialntain their weight n pasture without inahln;: any appr.cht- ble gain If a half rat.on of cram Is fisl. This gain will I... u-ih.-d entlr. ly In lacivaslng weight. The best pasture plant for pigs is alfalfa where It will grow, while red cloveri while clover, blue grass and rape are good posture in about the order named. A pasture to lie satisfactory for swine must bo short and tender. Experi ments show that sn acre of rne or other pasture Is equivalent to li.GCO pounds of grain when fed the pigs. BUY THE SE WINS MACHINE ' Do not lie deceived by thoo who adV j vertlse a "HI.I0 Sewing; Muebljie for f This kind of a machine ran be bought from us or any of our dealers from Slo-OOto fl&UO. wc siaac a vsbictv THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines tho strength or weukm-ss of rk'iii Mackim-a. The Itoiiltlo FM-1 ciidiini-l wilh other strong Miiiita niaki-s the Kew Ifonie tlie hewing Machine to buy. Write far CIRCULARS w nutiiuCcturuiil priea bviuiu purtbkiug THS HEW HOME SEWIRg IUBIRE (6. Union Rq. X. V, t:hlo, 1 II., Atlanta, Oak, Mb tools, Mo tnilM,Tx.,SAa ifaoeMoo, Cat roa . - W. W. JONES', Afheboro, K. C WPllftl U.HI MI.AIOllTiat'hK. built the fiiniae." of brick or stone, on which set the kcllh I water. 1'... II I n lar.e hog-'l j SUMMER SCHOOL 'university of North Carolina. Monday. June 13th Saturday, July Oth, 1904. .:..iiiii.iiu.i-i-. e-i llfl. ITlilll. il to I. .vi.l . I'.mr.l in.'l I.-Il-ii.. i'H' A: a You Willing To profit by the experience of others ? "After taking your Con cent rated Iron ami Alum Water myself, and using it in inv family with line re units 1 ilo not hesitate to recommcml it as one of the best medicines to he found. We use it us a tonic, for Dyspepsia, and Madder trouble and regard it us in valuable." .1. J. LA W.SOX, Cashier Hank of South liostou, South Hoston, Va. "It gives me ileusure to state that I have used your I'onceiiMi.teil Water and t'uul it one of the hest tonics on the market, nnd can highly iccomnicnd it to any one desiring a good ajiiie tite, good health and good feeling." .1. I'. I.IAVIS. Photographer, Pilot Mountain, X. I". Kveii if your trouble is ;hrotii it will cost very lillleto make acoin llcte cure, so do nut fail to get. a supple at once. So, bottles oil cts., I.-. , bottles if 1. tm. Km' sale by t-taiHlaril Ilrug Co., Ashchoni, X. C. J. M. ECHOLS COMPANY, -YXClll!L'KG, Va. 'inndTh.lf..rrl' a r.n.. ,nfS!.-lns t. r'a-lt-DrsoirW r ii-r rl - a, -r In. t 1 sp-nt PluallUerS- 1-ir.f 1 lake." -VIWS. ( Ai MARTIN. Prki-r. Snr, W I.INft If voitr liver .lees li" act reg ularly go to v-nr ilrag'-it and .s-ure a pa.ka-e of Tr.fdf. Ml f:'!.n-k-Irinik'ht mi l tak" .1 dnsp tonlglit. This gr-at family medicine frees the const :pated IkiwcIs. stira up tin- larpi-t liver and cause a h.-iillhy jecretion ef hil". Thedford'. Illaek- I'raupht will cleans" the bowels of ira piiritiean;l slr.-nc'.lu-n th.- kid neyn. A torpi-l liver invito rohls. bilioii'nrij, ihills and fever and ail rr.anner nf sirk ni .n and contagion. Weak kid tmi result in liright's iii.ea wliii-h r!aiin ws li'ainy victima as iinaiimptinn. A 2"-cent paekag- of Thedford's Black lrangiit should alwayt to kept in the home. -U unad Thulfnre't IC--PrAQsrit for livar an.l Ir .ino.'- v. in- fi'.nlnl- and n-l hlnff M- Ci. dl l-'-WlLMAM C'Oi-'i-JIA.N. Mr blahaaJ. 111. THEBFORD'3 LACK" California Knixlit Templars lldd fel lowsThe Last Opportunity of the Year. l'egliiuiiig August lath and con tinuing ilaily to September !Hh round trip tickets will he sold on ac count of the ahovc conventions from all points in the southeast to cither Los Angeles or Sail I'laiicisco at ex tremely hoi talcs, wilh tinul return ! i: limit tictobcr (rd. Tickets will permit of ten days ;slo., OVl.r llt s;- Louis uud allow lollv, ..rivelege of going one route , , - thl.r withm,t .j,.;. I" . " . , . ,-,,.(j , , twiml cost, except Hat tickets le- I turning via Port am! mi idilitioiml j charge of $'11 will he niiule. i The Frisco-liock' Islaml Systems J offer excellent unites in cither liKec I tolu j W' rite for rates, descriptive litcru- tllR. nm f, i f rmt ion, and Ictus . j. j pA ,,,.,. I t .. lh-Uwt Passenger Agent. Atlanta, via. OPERATES Double Daily Trains CurylMir rullmn Ms-wrl, Ctlm Vtn ( U eart) u4 Chair CariimOCrM). Electric Lighted Throughout BMngtuua, MsaisMs and Kit City NO TO All POINTS IN Texia, cy.Jioma and IwHsaTsfrltorlss ANO THS Far Wsst and Northwest THHOUGtl StfCPI'l Ul ttHVICE FIOM TBE J JliiEASt TO MEMfKIS MS tUM CITf. ONE-WAY tm ROUND TRIP SwnMa tWeta tnm llluU. N., am4 airailwkui. Ala., to imtnla la Suatliireal va tale fh-at aa4 Uilrd TaaaOan al aark Baata. passriptlTO lileratura. Ilckta arrmnjrM a:m tr.euga raianralioiia maua usoa apali- L. PARROTT, RICT F-AasiNGCH AQENT, ATLANTA, OA. 0,1 AUG ml Lepl Advertisements LAND 8AI.K. fc- Trtut-of ainir-li-r nf Milv Kr"u'.t ''X M1 SinHTior Conn uf Hiiii.loli.ii county m tljy M-tlilon nl W. K. Hamlin, ainiflta Jiirrell, O. H. K-aixm vial, exiurt. 1 lia!l 11 al lKil.lle iiiu-tl.-ii unlit; hlKhest tit.liler utUicaiurt n..ue I Aslie-bem. N. C.nli Snlur.lar Miku- -". met 1" u'cloek M, the. loll.miiilt real iwhim., vw; a tnu't Ol liwi.i O'i'K i-iiii: 111 Hie Cmmtv of KAntulltl. t-uitu liC.inilltlu 111 AKheboru ttiwiullUp ill On l l.M'aliil mi ttiu wet of tliv i.liuik r.hi.1 an.l ii'ljoliinmoii llie north and wi-iit tne lima. ..I A l . Mi All-u r uiol. alao ailliilmiig llie l.nt.l. el Kni-m- ll.i.iili-l, liiwlon Huiuttu-kfr VV.I iin.l Inm l (.. wmara mat. .illli ti.ljollilliK OH- lan.lnni hukii . Munis, uml c.iiitiianiii! nUiut mxty nvrm una Ti-riiw uf sale .-lie llnr.1 inli. imiMliinl on a rixlil of six months an.l'-UO'.l In lui-lve neiilli-. ink- n-M-rveil mail iln- full ymviil if tin-i.iiie:iiisviii..m y. .lir. Iijmt Ut give ne for .l-.-fv! I.I III.- Ill- of COIIIll llils Iiui.l i-Ml.1 l.ii-caliiiii nuin-nil Itit.-i luu.l nn.l iiiiiii-iiil inti r.-si mil nv i m-i- srnl. ly an.l llii-n u.ivllicr. The liinln-i.1 inn will lie iic.'i'.l.-.l iin.l n-irivn. il i- in..-t i.f l.tii.l nn.l fur l.u.1.tiiiKl..tx. 1I.I.IAH MliKKITT, I 111- Will UUV OI July 1UI. i .iimuisiiiuiiur. MITICK! IIuvililI.iiHlillisl bs lulinne-lial.Tof Mm. b. T. AI.IIKK1' JOKI'AN, KK-SAI.K UK VAI.l'AHLK TIMUKK 1.ANII. riiliriiiitli..r:ty ii.tiniliu-.t in tin-liit will ami l.-Mum.-iilof II. Ia-uiiII.ii. ilt-t- il. I will m-II for t nsli nl tin- i-eiirl Mouse ilnor at liul.liv um-tlun ui II a- li.k-ll.-.l lil.l li-ron Meii.lay Aim. 15, HUM al IV o'clock i.iik ilu- I1.II.WI11U n-iil i-niu-i .iii.-traet liil'.slurlin.vt. b.wnslilp ailjofiifug .f laiiil-iiy Cmiifonl vl al, kium u 11s ihv I-iiii- Hill triu 1. ('..iituliiiiiKTAacrvMiiorv or WE HAVE A line of Fresh (iroccrics uml Country Produce Ion hand all the time. We want your Jtrndc uml if living prices ami fair treatment will get it. we arc going to Imvc it. For anything to cut come to us. SPOON & REDDING, Grocerymen. C, C. WOODELL, Hlucksmithing and General . REPAIR SHOP. Do all kinds of work from horseshoing to making wa gons. I have for sale now a dozen good second hand buggies thoroughly rebuilt and sold at low prices. - Call to see me near Depot, c. c. WoopKI.L. ILLINOIS CENTRAL' RAILROAD IUKKCT Hol'TK TO Tit K ST. T.OTTTS kxposition. Two trains daily. In Cciinec ti. n with V. & A. It. 11. N. (.', iV Hi. L. Ky fn m AUmlu. . Louis With ILmivIi suv.ns Cnn- rrimi Georgia, Florid & Tennessee Route of the Famous "DIXIE FLYER" irr 't;t. thr only mnrnlui; .rejihnr . AtlaiitH H:v.' ntiiv ilny in M, ( llMUttll. !- fnun yuiir i it I M'll.tll)-.iiTll FRED D. MILLER. Traveling Pas. Agent. No I N. PrtvorSi.. aATLANTA.GA AllliKT IT-t.iO.00 liKttAHl). A bottle of Kc-zinc will lie i-ent' fin- 'o cvei v retuli-r of this micr ho is .-iilferinj,' w ith liny kiml of skin tlisciise or eriiitiom, au.v form of Kczciini, llliml or Iilceilinir I'ilcii, Sciiiflihi, Itch, Tetter, Hurhera Itch, Hine; vvoriii, Hi ii le, IIIckm! l'oisiin, Kcver Sores of anr iianic or nature. $50 l'cvviii'il will he puiil for la i V ca.-e of Kczeiiin that in not prompt ly cuivil vi il ii Kc-zine. Kt zinc will hciil any sore or cure the worst skin anil iiiuke it look like velvet. Here loforc then- hits been no Siict-ilic iliscovorcil that would cure Eczema uml kindred iliseuscs until Kc-zine was iliscovcreil uml now tlioiisiinils arc ciircil duilv. Never mind w hat you have tried: forget the failures imiilc hv oilier remedies ami .send for FREE SAMPLE of Kc-zine, which always gives re lief nnd nJiH-rmaneiitciire, . EEc-zlne Skin iSoap is tho best uiiticcpticsoup made. It will cleanse anything will destroy microbes of dandruff, falling luur, sore "head, hands and fii-t, pimples and black heads on face and make the skin smooth. The only antiseptic sliuv in' stmp made, guarttiitceu to cure Xcriii discaucs $50 if it don't. 2o cents a t-ako. Write today to BOYD CHEfllCAL COflPANV, 708 Rand-McNaily Bldtf., CSkajo. III. The jiuhlishcr of this paper knows of the reliability of Kc-zine. ami of the JUiyil t'hemical Co. Healthy Mothers. Mother should always keep In goon bodily health I hef oar is to iboir children. Ye- it ) no ansa, al siiiht to ps a mother, with b"e in arms, cough ing violently anil exhib t all th symp toms i f a i-o-'SuupbTe tenilenir. Aad br should this dargarou oondinon exrst, tlanceron alike to mother and o -ihl, when Dr. Botchte's (ienuan Hvrup would put a stop to it at tine? Nn mother aboald be withoot this old aad tried remedr in tba nones for its lmel use will promptlr cure an lane 1 tnroa ir isronolnal trouble in herself J or her ch lrlreu. The worst confc-b or o- l.l - he speedily cared by Uermasi 8- no; -icao bOH'sen- and eoaav--i -.i ... bronchial tobea. H makes eip.. Miration easy, aod gite Instant relict and refreshing rrst to the -oonah-racked eonsuniptlyr. New trial bottiea, " '; In rue ti-. 74o. For sale by HUa- Idard Drof Co.