Ge COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. Leads in Both News and J I Circulation. ' Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASHHBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, M. $1.00 Per Year VOL. XXIX. No 42. "A!:"SS2rT,,l ABOUT POLITIX. ! RECORDS OF THE REPUBLICAN The Bank of Bandolph, Capital find Surplus, Total Assets, over $30,000.00 $150,000.00 with nnml owi-tt, txpcrtenee nrt protection, w KTw cSth. banking PubHj. jiud Sat? con"llct with mffe banking. DIRECTOR-Si Hugh Parks. Sr.. W J ArmflcM.W P '(Kd, P II Morr". C C MeAlixtcr. EM ArmlVl.l. () R Cox, W F RnliHnc Belli MntlUt, T hw J, A VV KCA fKankl?.,ThUHcd,llnR.I)r V F. Anbury, C J Cox. F. II. Fries, President. C. L. llLENir, Cashier WACHOVIA Loan & Trust Company (High Toint, X. C. Branch.) PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Capital, - - - $000,000.00. Assets, - - - $3,415,351.19. Conduct, n (loniTHl IiankSns and Bunlncm. With the lMfltMeiol in bank I North Carolina we the bu " publle and oir. r every Bcwmodntlmi cnmH. .. with mlr lnltinir. .... IU,1 WWtoMiS Wnffi-i our method. HIGH POINT STOCK HOLDKRS. W. H. Rnimn. C. C. M.M, A. P. IJornoy. J.H.MUlis, A.J.Owen, 11. A. Mlllli. M. B. Smith, reo A. Mutton. WE WISH To call th attention of tho people nl Randolph county to tho laet that i hnvc a complete Mtabltahment lor repairing all kluda of and. Clocks- We haw only the bet workmen and can rive to the public the best acrvlee. O n r Optical Department in complete, rnf .luri-.iat any leiwc tw bmkin purM. !'" lurnlahed t order on ehort notice iklail OrcLers ffd carry a flue Write u when you neod Anything in our line. Very truly youm, .A.. E. STAtiET Sc BEO Silg-Ja. XIn.t, 1ST. C. Billingsgate, X. C. Oct. 13, '04. My Dear Put: Sum 'ime ago I rote you that the undertakers had covered up nil of Dorter Caddie's mistakes, but we found one tho other day that the undertakers missed. Our fellers is a tryin to cover it up, and its a goiu to take a hole lot of lvin to et the thins berid. I'll be consumed if I aintagettin tired of this Annanies bizness. I dont miude it when onr fellers act with any sence, but I despizo to help lie a green horn out of a hole. I thought the democrats hud been a lyin about Docter Caddie and Roe and Wiley and Tige the hole push, by Ned but I'm afraid 1 was fooled. It makes me mad to feel like a dunk?, bui. my ears feel like they was (10) ten inches long and I can just im ajen myself a switchin flize not ho.-s flize. but these here ones that blow, fill tired !" Tige and Wily 'a CANDIDATES. We Give the Records of the Three Re publican Candidates for the Leg islature. Read them. Messrs Tulley, Allen. Dr Citih'.ell and the balance of the crowd of i "ringtails" may congratulate the pcopl- upon I heir oinaioipiitioii from negro rule, vet they everr one voted and did all thev coiild against the amendment. They now come back and ask for those who supported the amendment to take a back scat ami giu? them the ollices. Mr Allen and others, who helped put 1,000 negroes in oflice, voted against the suffrage amendment and are now asking that the people vole to restore them to the tame offices and their associates to power . The improvements that have been made in the Stat were mad under Demociatie rule, the Republicans never have dou a tingle thing exoept ttart the penitentiary, which they did cot complete. It is trnti they did build an addition to the blind asylum and made Jim Youag, the negiy politician, one of the founders and directors of the institution, his name being engraved on the comer stone thereto until it was chiselled therefiout speekin. Thev remind me of old by n act or the. legislature in lhOO. it was troin the legislature ot which Spi.'leberger a shecrin his old sow: ! Allen was a member that Jim Young was appointed a director over awful noise; no wool. I belive they this institution for white children cooa ten suminm u niev uoeu i.nv- K0pullifans talk extravagant e rule under Democratic administration, Yes we found one of Dock's iiiir-'1""' .Tet' the present Roosevelt 'administration, is costing twice as much as takes that wasent boried, and there) ( levcland's administration. There is an increase in the cost of conduct aint dirt enulT in this conutry toj'ug the National .idiiM',isfrnti.i! of .-ometlung like JlO.tii per head to each cover it up. In IK98 he summoned i t..n, woman and child in tlu 1'nited Stiites. Tin" iinuiiint of this increase two magistrates and set a day to g.! ' an expense to the people of "i "Xortli Ci'iroliun of more than $i50,0oo; 1 1 io i ne increase lor tue pin-nc ciu.d j ;:iiu oilier monu purposes oy tne inucruiic iiiiiiininlr:itiii!i il": - nl ;.i, to 3o cents for each man, wo- hoy found it out, and left home and "inn and c!u d m th- &lale. ALLEN VOTED TO MAKE IT INDICTABLE NOT TO PAY POLL TAX. FARM FOR SALK Any one wishing to buy a good farm of 202 acres about 120 acres in cultivation balance in timber soil red and sandy. This farm is known by the name, Prof I L Wright place; no better location any where, dose to Fair Grove church, 2 miles south of Thomasville, ou public road. Free mail by the door every day. Any one wishing to buy would save mon ey to see. M. L. Kexdali., R. F. I. No 3 Thomasville, X. C. Get Your Glasses at Wholesale. Examine yonr own eves. We send free, a simple method of testing Jjonr eyes at home. Wo sell a single ' pair of glasses at wholesale prices. Write for onr method today. TnE Ham-out OrricAi. Co., Durham, J. C. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. tinrnu. ftel I II pmalblc mrke cngaiemenw a day or two ahead, (live mo a call whether yon need any work or not. FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise atourstore Our prices are right. Come to see us. Iiring your produce, eggs chickens, etc., tq exchange them for goods. We sell yon good goods at reason able prices and pay you rood prices for jonr pro E. O. YORK 8TORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS, N. C. ILL iiNOIS 'CENTRAL RAILROAD DIRKCT ItoCTB TO THB ' ST. LnTTTg "SITI0y. Two trains daily. In Connection wftn W. St A. R. B, N. V., A 8t. Ii. Ry fr iit Ail n . l,v Atlanta ma. m. Arm 7; a. m Mp.n. ?:J0,.m With Through Weeptnf Can rruia Georgia. Florida & Tennessee Rout of tre Farnous "OIXIE FLYER" lrrrtnit thtrmlf noralng tU-rpinj? car ftnra AtJntm to Ixiui. Thm emr lriv Jarknon- v fnr rmt trtm yoer flty, Wokr Fait Gold fenfe n4 rhlx). pfnie eut ff imtfa 1 qucUn Uftt rii wnw , FRED D. MILLER. Traveling Pas. Agnt. N 1 N.PrrSU ATLANTA. OA n.,,t if ,1 I.,,.- ,Ui.-n tl,... wliriv he lived wasent ciMzy. The! I lideiit couie back till nfier Dock had cum and gone. Dock, diilent. S'o the boy a tall, but he made out a report sayin tho boy was crazy as a bed bncr. Then lie made a account for $5 dollers aginst thecouuty, then he swore to it before a Xotery Pub lick down there at Kamsoor and our county coinmisheiiers let him have the money. You'll lind areckardof this iu the millet book of the county commisheners for that year, page 80- one, order number I (o4. 1 seed the account too. A man went over aud Rfked the buy's bmtlier if the boy was at Ini:ii'' when I'nck was there, and ti e old ninn s-nd the I nv wasent there and Dock ilident see him a tall. I woodent vote foi Dock to save him from the asvlum. I'm aboutt'one with Roe Allen too. I've got so I dont like niggers, and Roe voted for em like thunder and ightnin when he was in the leiis- lacher. He voted for Jeeines Yung aginst X B Braughtin. He also voted to give the government or .New- burn and Oreanvillo to the niggers. I'm not goin to vote vote for Roe if they take my post oflia away and give it to Wily Tally, I stood Roe's licker bizness fairly well, but I coodent swaller Jeeines Yung and M.e Middletm. I told you our fellers dident like Tige. He barks too much, and he s got such a nwfnl voice. One day when Tige v. as in a big sty he pa-s- il a resteraut and seed a Idler a limlin colly in one of them purty hr:is mills. 'I ijre thought it was a roller orgin, and he was dead shore thefellei nas a pinvin lanky Doo dle When the feller stopped grindeu Tige savs, "ood! old bov; here's a nickle now five ns Cindy," and I never heard such singin in my life as Tige done. He'd liked to a busted the gee string ot Ins gizzard, and when the people luffed he thought they was a cheerin him. Jow, if he was to he elected to con gress he'd be a cnttin up that way all over Washington Sity, and I dont aim to Tote for him. I'll get left on law makers if I dont vote for Wily Tally, but he changes his polyticks so often 1 dont no what ticket will hit him. 1 m a goin to waite till elccshun day to fix my ticket, and them J II get anont four strong men to hold him so he rant change his polyticks while I'm a votiu. I he's ever elected he'll have to be chained to the party thuts a ruunin him, or he'll get out of it before six men cau vote for him. lie reminds me of old Pat Mulligin's rabbit. Put shot at it all dav, and every time he shot he hit it on the very same spot where he had just missed it People oughtent to talk about Wily's turnm so much. He's uste to stayin in his null and watch iu the wheels go round and he's got to be just like em. He makes a good whirligig. Say i'at, do you think J-.iwood Free '11 be elected? The people around Billingsgate dont nn him but its three miles from here to where El wood lives, and he coodent be ex pected to get this fur from borne. I heard a man any the other day that he seed him at meetin the other Sun dy. When the feller told what tort ol a meetin it was I just thought that Elwood dident no we bad any constitushual amendment or he woodent have been elecshuneerin there. I m not a tellin tales out of school, but it tickled me. Pat, I m a gettin sorty disgusted with this crowd, but I reckon I'll try to stand em a little while longer. Thy almost all ways give the ollises to Turn teller woo cams irom sum othei party because he coodent get oflia. and there's no chance for yonue republicans to work up in their party. Tbey promts in big things, but they dont do them. 1 eel just lika a fool for limn this crowd. Yea, I feel a rite smart like The Ri'pi:lil!cHii !'"iiiilnin nf poll tax provision of the Constitu tional AnieinliM, -ill, riiiiinng tin- p.iMiicnt of poll laxes as a qualification tor voting wnt'iii ii.fl I months after it is due. Iu other words, on or la fore the lirst day of .May in tne year after it is due the lirst of tfeptembei, Mr Allen and In-p.u ty cumplaiii that tliis is n hardship. Attention u called to tin- that Mr Allen while he was i member of the legislator voted for an act which provided that, anv person who did not. puv his taxes within sixiy d.iys idler they Here due, if o;her words alter Xov.-mber 1st. in each year, that, said delinquent wn.i liable to iinlici.:in m to i ho extent ,d wearing stripes and placing him i n the eimiu gaui: with ccniinon chicken thieves and otlur criminals. Juml; ttarbwk, at iikesboio court, in IjWK, construed the law and held that to l.e the cciisf ruction of the law enacted in 1897. It. i tine that the rMipremo court, whicii t':e Republicans call their own, held that the act did not mean what it. eaid. ALLEN VOTED TO RAISE TAXES. Further, the legislature of 18117 increased the said taxes from SMi cents to 22 tents, but did it. in such a way that their own Supreme court declared it to be unconstitutional. Mr Allen wa a member of that legislature, let it be remembered, and voteil to increase the taxes. Xo Democrat, since the war, from Randolph county has ever voted to raise the taxes in any way. Mr Alien and his associates in the gencril assembly in 1807 ure the only member? from this county in many years vho have voted to increase the taxes of the people. T ALLEY'S WILD, FALSE STATEMENTS. A circular is being distributed in Randolph eountv, and a statement has been made by ''Would-be Senator", Wilcv Tulley, that Gov Russell paid for legal services and expenses tor the year ItfOS 5,2011.71, and that Gov Aveoek expended during the tirst year of his administration for legal services and expenses .fl7,it'3. 94. The figures are taken from the Audi- toi e reports for tho respective vows. 1 he Auditor 8 icport and the re cords for 1901 show that it is a fact that Gov Ayeoek's administration did spend more money during that year, but the recoids further show that every dollar ol the $17,fiu3. 94 expended, saving and except .ol7.S4 was paid out on employment and litigation contracted for by Gov Russell. 1 he amount ot iM7,il,ro. 10 was paid in settlement of Gov Iiis?cll s eon- tracts, litigations aud contentions. The comparisons made in this republi can circular takes the year 1K98 and the second year of Gov Russell's ad ministration ami compares it with the lirst year of uov Aycock s. Uov Rutsell's administration paid out, neeording'to the Auditor's report, for the year ending Nov 30, 1900, for legal expenses $9,159.33, and for the yeai preceding that, 1899 $9,997.73, and for the year before that, ending JNov JOth, 1898, 5,270.71 and not Sij.2tHj.71. as stated in the republican circular. During the four years of Gov Rns-ieU's administration ex pended $43,419.1 for legal services. Aycock expended during his first year on bis own account, not including contracts for legal expenses which were made by tov Uussell, the small sum of .$.)47.84; this amount liiclud- e.l $298.11 in full payment for legal services and expenses for defending the registrars who wete tried in the federal court, and tho whole power of the machinery of the republican party in the state was directed against them in an effort to send them to a federal penitentiary for doing enly their duty. With the increased appropriation for public 6chels, charitable and other institutions, wisely, honestly and economically expended, the pretent administration does not approach the enormous turns expended by the re publican partv during its lease ot power from 1808 to 1871. In the year 18(13 the total disbursements were $2,055,755. 42. Iu 1869 tho total dis bursements were $8,854,587.15; in ls7o the total disbursements were $3,- 657,025.11; the total disbn.seinentH in neither of tho years of Gov Ay cock's administration has approached anything like near the neighbor hood ol tne amount from any year of the lease of power from 1808 to 1871. Mr Talley says in his speech to tho people, and he ought to know bet ter and many people think he does know btvter, that something like .f 13 000 or more was expended to defend the registrars in the federal courts. The truth is he has got the amount about twenty times too much. His statements about that are no greater exaggeration than his statements about many other matters that he makes in his speeches. He makes the most reckless statements about county and Mate matters of any man who ever addressed a Randolph county audience. He Is not the most intelli gent man in the county by any means, but ha is too intelligent to make the statement vhich he does make. Xo man who wants to be fair will make such statements as be makes. He tells that the county was in debt w hen the republicans look charge in 1894, every w ird of which he ought to know and, no doubt, does know is untrue. The recoids show that (he county hsd more than $5,000 to its credit. Since Mr Talley has seen lit to go ino these matters, we will have something to say about it in another issue of the paper. The republican party at its lecent convention did not see proper to re nominate any of its ollicers except one, who cam.' so near bankiupting the county during his administration that there never was a time when a county order was worth par. We have neither timn nor space in this issue of the Courier to go into this matter and give the facta and figures, taken from the records of the county, but we will do so in a future issue. WE CHALLENGE MR. TALLEY TO PROVE HIS STATE MENTS TO BE TRUE. HE CANNOT DO IT, AND KNOWS EE CANNOT. In the meantime, we challenge Mr Talley, or any other man, to prove one word of the correctness of the statement which he has made on the stump, as relates to county matters. If Mr Talley will come to Asheboio, he will find a clever set of public ollicials who will show him anything he wants to see in the records and will assist him iu getting the truth about these matters. Tbey ca.ii show h i hi that the present sheriff of the couuty had something like 100 i'lsolveut poll taxes on his books last year, whereas, uuder republican rule it was not unii'ual to allow luOO insolvents. The State prison now pays a reveuue. Uuder Gov Russell's adminis tration there was an upprooriation out of the SLaU Treasury for the peui- r.wi;ui v..t'. . fin;., l;. u'nuarj iiua,,n.uT. in huuiuoii to ting, mere were issueu uouus lu. lue belfy with shacks that hog woodent P"r. ,ue f.tHtU, which sold for $120,202.50, making a total rf $225, eat, aodI'm almost read to start 01 b (,' ch i wa8 1"U,J ,ut ,l btal Injury for rnnning the penitcn- cat aud wear and folk that'll do we Ui,vf " V0?' "Pr W" "''"F" "I penitentiary, inter- hat tbey tell rjeople they'll do, taest ou ine uent, auu aiier naving pam on an inaeiiieaiiess, oonas paid on aese (Ullt and T" , T . . T "u" --""".""' "' v .""i ' wful here among these bang smellers. Yonrs affeeshuately, Mike Dooisoshikld, Pastnaster (I'm rtit th thw.) the hands of the Treasurer, belonging to the state penitentiary, more than ioO.M'O. This is the finest record that has ever been made by any administra tion in to management ot the penitentiary THE RECORDS SHOW THE TRUTH. The, republican platform chains the pivseut inliui int ration with ex travagance and attempts to creite the impression that the expenses of the State jiovrnment have been greatly increased. This charge is not true, ns tho following statement from the records of the ofiloe of the Treasurer will bhow. Amount paiil nut of the treasury in Ifn: for public schools, $200,000.00 Amount pan) out of the treasury in If-00, the la-t year of Rus-eli's administration, for p lllic fchools, ....... Xothin Amount paid out of the treasury for pensions to confederate soldier? in 1503 in excess of amount paid for like pur poses in Hit'O, last yfar of Russell's administration, 100,000.00 Amount nppropinted for maintenance of insane hospital at Morgiutton iu 1903 in excess of JOOO, 38,000.00 Amount apportioned for maintenance of deaf, dumb and blind institution at Raleigh in 1903 in etui'.- of 11)00, 10,000.00 Amount apportioned for maintenance of iinifjisity in 1908 in excess of 1900. . . . . 13.i00.00 Amoant apportioned for maintenance of deaf and diimU tchool at Morganton in 1903 in excess uf 19U0, . . ,000.00 Amount apportioned for iriainteuaii of intao boiuital at at Ooldtboro in 1903 in sice uf II HO 11,000.00 Amount apportioned ia 1908 fur daiferom intake, which were uot proridtd for at all under JSuMeU't adaiQlttratlva, ,00.0tf Amount apportion 'd for maintenance of S ddier's Home in 1903 iu excess of 1900, . .. 3,000.00 Amount apportioned for normal and k'du tiiul collezti in 1903 in excess of 1900, 15,000.00 Amount apportioned for insane hospital at Ri.h'igh in 1903 in excess of 1900, 10,500.00 Amount paid out of treasury i i 19"i1 for repairs and new buildings at state colleges a, id ::-.''.-,iiis in excess of that ; ., id out in 1900, ... .. 91,180.00 Thin sum includes some'liing over $8C,00) for replacing bu rued buildings nt the A. & M. Collect'. Amount paid iu 1903 on loan of l!)02, made necessary by unsettled contracts and mismanagement of Russell's administration, 200,000.00 Amount disbursed in 1903 on account of educational fund, 120,999.83 ( if this anioum $81,000 was loaned to counties and dis tricts for building school houses Amount disbursed in 1!'00 on accoui. ; of educational fund, 1,628.00 Amount disbursed in 1903 for educational fund in excess of 190', ... 119,371.7 Total amount appropriated for schools and asylums in 1903 in excess of amount appropriated during last year of Russell's iii .'ministration for sumo purpose and amount disbursed in payment of loan made necessary by nnsct iled contim ii. and mismaiiageiiieiit bv Russell's admin istration, ! 831,557.7 Total disbursed in 19ti3, . - ... 2,322,404.24 Total disbursed in I9 i0. last year of Russell's administration 1,648,012.74 Tims it Till be seen that, e'iroinatinst rfta 1 631,557.77 disbursed by the present administration in 19o.. lor i '' '. and hospitals, and for new school and hospital buildings, an 1 rep sirs aivl equipment, in excess of the amount paid during the last ye-ir of 1!;;' t'lininirrt.inn for the same purposes, and the $200,000 psi.i m 13. ia ttleinent of loan made neces sary hy the Russell administrati in. the disbursements of tho present ad ministration in 1903 were $157,DiO.C7 less than those of tho Russell ad ministration in 1900. The disbursements in 1000, the lust, year of Russell's administration, were more than three times as great as the total unourseinonts in 1 j80, th last year of the ance-Jarvis administration, and ,'lusscl! spent i. rio? the last year of his administration for schools, asylums and pe-i.-io.v-, o federate wltliers $631,557.77 less than the democrats spent in 1903 for the same pnrpoa. ALLEN'S RECORD INT E HOUSE. Cnpt John 15 Kates, ei-C'hi.irmaii of the republican state committee, and a republican cf prominence whos party loyalty was never questioned. said, that the t to fu-ion legislature" of iJ- and 197 a disgrace l a heathen nation. Mr lintlor often s:ate-.l in the "Caut-lan" that the; were a ''damnable disgrace to the staie." The Raleigh Tribune, a republi can daily paper, published at l.'aleigh, deel.ireii time and again thai tin laws enacted, the conduct and the scenes, public brawls and drunken rev- elerr, of the legislature of 1897 was n disgrae- to our civilization. It is true that the amendment has been settled in .North Carolina, it isalso true that, no mm wl: . ever participated or took pan n enacting the laws of the legislature of I s7 will ever again hold a public oflice by the votes of the people of t hi- stale. The public acts and otVi ial conduct of Mr J M Al len are public matters aad they are referred to in this connection without any reference to his personal or private life. Those who desire to investi gate for themselves are referred to the House Journal of 1897; it is not a democratic docuineii, bnt a book provided under ami by the authority of the legislature of which Mr Allen was a member, printed by appropriations made by Ihe republicans and by republican printers and Mr Allen was a member of the printing committee that authorized and caused this book to bepiiiitcd. The records contained in it therefore cannot be disputed bv him. On pane 718 of said Honee Journal will be found where Mr Allen voted to amend the charter of Xewbcrn which negroized that city. Under that charter which he voted for, there were three negro alderman a num ber of policemen, a necro citr at'orncr and other neero officers. On page 490 will be found where Mr Allen together with his associates Tot ed to remove Mr Swinson from the office of Enrolling Clerk, Mr Swinton being pnpnbst an! harlaf th ppi-f roent of a n a raker ef clerks. Siak Quick, a negro politician from Richmond county wanted a job; the ner ro senator from Vance county wanted a negro bv the name of Young also appointed to a position in the ollice cf Unrolling Clerk. Mr Swinson de clined to do this saying that there were a number of white ladies employed in ins oiiiee. t pun an iiiiesugauo.i, u was uiiegeii 1.11m Vinson was ex travagant. The sworn testimony, however, being t at the only extrava gance which could be proven against him was the purchase of three small locks which were placed upon desks to make more secure his papers. The records snow that Eniolling Clerk's ollice was costing $50 per day when Mr swinson w.19 discharged. 1 lie next dav after he was turned out and for several days threafter the expenses were $55 a day. On the Wednes day folloiviiig tho negroes who refused were put in increasing the cost to $05 a da w iu 1 few days the costs were increased to $70 a day. VOTED TO NEGROIZE CITIES AND TOWNS. Mr Allen also voted to ncgroize the town of Greenville, the legislature of 1895 having divided that town into four wards, making two of the wards a bite and two ot the wards bla?k, and give to the two white wards one aldei man each and to the black wards two alderman each. The ma jority of tho people of Greenville are white and there is not a finer citizen ship iu the ttale. The House in 1897, not being content with the humili ation and disgrace which they brought to this city voted to place it under a police power consisting of an old, infirm and decrepit democrat, a negro burlier, a man of bad charac'.er, and a negro who often bad long drunken sprers. This bill was passed and Mr Allen Toted for it as recorded on oage 874 of the House Journal. On two ballots of the Wilmington bill as recorded on pages 703 and 805 of the House Journal Mr Allen did not vole. He dodged. K will lie found on page 905 that he also d.idged the bill to ncgroize ( 'harlotte. Xever at any time so fr as the iceords show, did he stand up and vote against any of the infamous measures to uegroize the cities and towns of North Carolina. VOTED FOP. A NEGRO POLITICIAN IN PREFERENCE TO HON. N. 3. BROUQHTON. hit!- trptiblican convention in Ban died bv tlie IVdenJ officer, cciiMly. h i- n streaked tmd striped S'aie N-mii" is ,-i man who has often ptili-: and I'nsioM ii'ke. but never be reitieiiib.r correciiv. Then.- is mich tb" v hlie man is set up as a candidate seeking the votes of white men. Th.- vole is recorded 1:1 the Journal of the House of Representatives of 197, page 90ii. It v ill be remembered that Jim Young is the notorious Wake county negro who ,vas put, on the board of directors for the school for the deaf, dumb an I blind white children at Raleigh by this same legis lature of which Mr Allen was a member and carved his name on the cor ner stone a? one of the directors of the institution. This fact was denied by the revenue ollicers and others in this county, and the editor of the Courier took a doubtii g republican to Raleigh and with Mr B R Lacy and others took him to 1 In- institution and he saw for himself the name of Jim Young carved on the corner stone of the building erected to ba used foe the instruction of tho white deaf, dumb and blind children. The repak lijan wrote a letter declaring his intention to Tote the democ ratio ticket. We refer to this nutter becausa it is a part of Mr Allen's public fi cial record, and the white voters of this county should know absit tats matters bafore they cast their votes. DID HE EXAMINE THIS MAN? In tiie year 1898 there lived in Columbia township, Randolph county, a tnan by the name of Enos L. York, who waa said to hay been of an unbalanced mind. Some of his friends and neighbor! decided to have him examined and placed in an asylum and accord ingly went to Dr. S. W. Caddell to get him to examine the said York according to Law. Dr. Caddell made an appointment with tw magistral to meet him at the home of Mr. York on a certain day in March, 1828, for the purpoie of making said examination;, but in some way Mr York got word they were coming and left home early in the morning on the day in question and remained til! Ir.te in the afternoon. Dr. Caddell and the magistrates met at the home r.f Mr. York and sat around a few hours waiting for Mr. York to icturn, but as he did not return they left and Dr. Caddell made out his report adjudging the said York insane without having seen him and sent in his bill for said examination to the fusion board of county commissioners duly sworn to before T. L. Chis holm, Notary Public, and was allowed $5.00 for examining a man he did not see, let alone examine. Citizens of Randolph, this is the kind of man tne Republicans ask you to support for the Legislature this year. What do you think of him? Can you support him? NORTH CAROLINA -Randolph County. Personally appeared before me this 12th dav of October. 1904. R. W. York, who beincr duly sworn deposes and savs that he is a son of the late Enos L. York and that he is familiar with the facta concerning the supposed examination of the said Enos L. York by Dr. S. W. Caddell, for which he drew pay from the Board of Coun ty Commissioners in June, 1898, that his father was not at home oa the day that Dr. S. W. Caddell came to make the examination, while the said Dr. S. W. Caddell was there, and that the said Enos L. York was not seen nor examined bv Dr. S. W. Caddell on said day and NEVER WAS EXAMINED BY HIM. Said R. W. York further deposes and says that the said Dr. S. W. Caddell had not seen hi" falher for about one month before the supposed examina tion. (Signed) K. W. iUKK. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 12th dav of Octo ber, 1904. C. B. Russell, Notary Public. Home Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL EAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Public Speaking. The Hemocratic candidate for the General Assembly and for the v at ions county ollices will address the people on the political issues of the lav at t!'f lollovving times and places: Thursday night Oct. 20th. Friday night Oct. 21st. Saturday night, Oct. 22nd. Mondav night, Oct. 24th. Tuesday night, Oct 25th. Wednesday night, Oct. 26th. Friday night, Oct 28th. Tuesday night, Nov. 1st Wednesday night Nov, 2nd. Thursday night, Nov. 3rd. Democratic Clubs will be orgauized at the foregoing appointments. Everybody is invited to attend and hear the discussion of the issues. W. J. ScARiiOBO, Chm. County Executive Committee, This Oct. 1, 1904. Mi lunch." lion Lee! Cross Wortbv lie , Oak (iiu.e school house Whv Not Ruck Spring school house Spcro Shiloah Academy Pleasant Grove school house Parks Cross Roads W0 MAN IS GOOD ENOUGH TO MWlTTfcfHml MAN WITHOUT THAT MAN. lOtSCT , It i pretty kettle of Ii-!- '. dolph on Sep. 3d, bus-eii and i S"ts before the people ot R..i.d i pii ttllair. Th" head of the ticket tor run for ollice on the prohibition, p. fore on toe republican Uv'M'1, " uissatisiaotion ovt r Hie nominations, ull toiign taune ti nie iiorir.ves are fairly good men. It has turned out that there ia not n divnay and disappointment about the streaked and political striped career of tho nomi nee for the Senate, for it has leaked out that one of the nominees tor the House has voted for a negro iu the place of a white man. The records have lieen examined and it is found that the leport is conect and that Mr J M Allen once upon a time vvted for a negro in preference to a white man in the General AsseJihly of 1897 the legally e'ected member of the House from Wake county was Hon N B Hrougliton, oue of the best men in the State; but the fusionist and republicans then in control gave the seat to the contestant Jim Young. There was a contest for the seat, and it was nlnin that. UrmirMrm sua nWtr-,1 an. I ha h.ul tho rvrlitinuta nf yet when the 'report was submittal in the Legislature Mr Allen voted for' the negro against the white man. This intra, who pi efwreH tbc negro to J IW? f T7 Y7 VEGETABLE. "fciCj'uArJ HALISSHairRenr. :. ' Uittrueyou want to look old? Then keep your gray! .v. J then use Hall's Hair Rcnewer, and have ail ths, t ' of early li f eresr o red o your hilr. "'"V""' - -