,.- n Cff COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. . X5f9 COUR.IER Leads in Both News and Circulation. I as i 1 MID j31lLJ3M.lJUIi. Issued Weekly. VOL. XXIX. XUmmuhnu la cordially invited from individuals, firms and corporations con templating the opening, of an aceonut, or hulk ing changes in existing arrangements, by THE WACHOVIA LOAN AND TRUST CO. Our officers give per sonal attention to the interests of correspon dents, and it is our earnest euileavor to meet all their requirements. Capital SQOO,000.00. Assets $3,630,156.22. O I. 60X. PrwMei't. W J ARMFIELD, V-Pre W J AKMK1KLI), Jr.. Cashier. The Bank of Kandolph. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 '$150,000.00 puiu-cd and willing k cverv IncllUr mud ac oomnxxlation eouslnwut with snfe (nuking. DIRECTOR-Si w v D.li..u hn1 Mnftltt. Thmt J Kpdillne. A w K Capel, A M Kanklll, Tlias H Redding, Dr F E Anbury, C J Cnx. "WE WISH To call the attention ol the ample of Randolph county to tne lact inai e nave a v'tiiyv Jewelry, - "Watch.es and. Cloclcs. Optical Department is complete. We can dupluat? an; lcnne or broken part. Fine Leneea furnished to order on ahort notice 2all Orders A. 3P. STAtiET Se BEO Hlg-to. Point, IT. C. "1847 ROGERS BROS." and yon will receive the Genuine and Original Rogers Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc Thar can be Darohaswd of laftdlrtf dealers. For aew eatav- itfit v-aU" Maraaa um maun INTERNATIONAL tILVCI CO., MafMaa. Cena. FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise at our store Our prices are right. Come to see us. Bring your produce, eggs chickens, etc., to exchange them for goods. We sell you good goods at reason able prices and pay you rood prices for jonr pro duce. .... E. O. YORK STORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS, N. C. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD DIRECT ROCTt TO THI ST. T nTTTR POSITION- Two trains daily. la Connection with W. & A. R. R, M. C, A S. L. Hy fr in Ail ma. Lt Atlanta I asa.m. Ar ft Ixola7;(M a. m " I, so p. w, 1;M,.m, ' Wltk Through sleeping Cars From Georgia. Florida tc Tennessee flout of the Famous 'DIXIE FLYER" Carrying the only naming sleeping car from - Atlasta to St. Lnua. TIM oar leaves Jackson ville daily. N OA n. IB A u.u u tfft . tn..lvuis you the entire day la m. Umim to eW loeated. Foe rale, frus your city. Wold's Fair OuMe Bona: and ruiea. mtmyt tig oar raesrvattana also lor book tlwwhig Unuta awl guarding houses, quotiM their rates, write to. FRED D. MILLER, Traveling Pas. Agent. No I N.Prr ATI.ANtA,OA Ask For I fl847 I I ROGERS M I BROS." W M If you want Make H Sllrer Plate mf 6ure of B That Wears. JM this J7S m W i ABOUT POLITICS. piop rty sixty per ceut. They have : not iL reused taxation, aud the lie- ,. ..... , , ., i publican politician who says so tells Mike Doog.nshleld Writes his Politics , fal8ehooll. Some men may bo pay Brother Another Letter. j jg lnore tax than formally, because Mr Michael Douganshield, they have more property; but I am Billincseate. N. C. : absolutely certain that others are MrD.-nr brother: Iu tny other , T . , , r uu . letter 1 told yon I would have some- thing to say of the record of the Democratic ud Kepubiioan parties in this county. I want you to in vestigate the records and see if what 1 have to say is true. I lay down the charge that the Ik-publican party in this count', while in office, was incompetent, reckless and extrava gant, and it i my purpose to prove the truth of this assertion. In 1898 sheriff Kidding was al lowed $1,9?3.A8 as insolvent taxes. Iu 1699 he was allowed $1,709.45 for the same pui pose. In 1898 the fusion board of comnii-'Hioiiers re leased 1004 polls, and in 1899 nine handled1 nun one polls were released. $1.50 of each (toll tax goes to the school fund. A simple calculation shows that the schools loitt $2,857.50 iu the years 1898 end If 99, because the Republican sheriff failed to do his duty. The HepublicRti sheriff and treao. urer had not ' settled in the thnc vea'S previous to the pri-sent Demo. t:ratic administration. The sheriff laid in his possession $U,167.8fj co 'in tv funds which t-houltl have been in the hands of the treasurer, but he did tip' pay it over unti forced to do so by a Democratic treasurer aud board of county coui niief iom rs. While Sheriff Ifedding v:is holding buck this money the (.unity va in debt and needed every cent of it. Comity orders were not worth their lane value, and reckless ness and extravagance were apparent everywhere. El wood Five was a iputy under Sheriff ludding. Do u i.-n supi'O.-e that the people will ho afraid to ti '.ft lit i)t r Will he ask or big insolvent lists as Sheriff Red- ug did? Will he hold back the county mouey as Sheriff Redding id? Sheriff Redding was his in structor, and we have reason to be- ieve he will follow the teachings of his nuuter. On the big insolv 'nt list of 1898 some names appear twice. In Frank- uvillo Township there are two names on the lift twice; in Triuity 'ownship, one; aud in Tabernacle Township, three. On the insolvent list of 1898 you will find a woman s name charged with $3,56 tax (Frank- nville Township) and released as nsolvfiit. By referenc to the minu tes of the bonrd of county commis sioners May 7, 1900, you will find that Sheriff Redding was refunded taxes to the amount of $270.90. By examining the occounto allowed at that meeting you will find the above Oman's name and the same amount of tax $3.56. Before you again in vite me to join the Republican party please explain how your county com missioners ever managed to refund insolvent tax, that is, tax that had never been collected. When a board if Democratic county commissioners came into power Sheriff Redding was forced to collect the taxes, and to settle with the county Treasurer very thirty days, as the law says the sheriff shall do. Sheriff Finch collected the taxes more closely than any sheriff has ever done in this county. He has paid over the money promptly to the Treasurer. Why not re-elect him? If Sheriff Finch doesn't beat Elwood Free by a thousand majority this writer will be very muoh disappoint ed, for scores of good Republicans who are not blinded by prejudice and led by revenue officers nve an nounced their intention of voting for him. Your candidates say they are in favor of public educatl"n. There is nothing iu the record of the Repub lican party which encourages as to believe it. When tbey were in power in the state directly after the war they closed the University, almost all the public schools, ana toon $158,000 of the school find to pay themselves as legislator, at the rate of $7.00 a day. During fusion they spent $442,280.82 more iu four years for schools than the previous demo cratic administration spent foi the same purpose iu the same length of time, jet they increased tne average school term only one day. In 1903 the Democrats spent $364,699.37 mora for schools than the f usionisU spent in 1898, yet the ayerage school term Wat 2.01 weeks longer. Uo yoa any encouragement in that for those who have been toting the Republican ticket? Your party ran the schools of this county 14.14 weeks in 1899 at an average salary of $23.00 per month. Tn 1904 under the Democrat the ohuols have ran 17.il per; month. In four years the Democrat nave in crawd lh Talus of public SfUool ' P7inK le88 tllIin th'7 used t0 PH-V' ' : because tney own less property than um J,, '.hiuk , wil Jimi gonu, Rq)llblicau politici ins and wire pullers m this latter class. Do you see in this any encourage ment to vote the Republican ticket? I further make the assertion that the Republican party is the party of high tuxes. Last yeBr the people of Randolph county were taxed $46, out) for state, county, roads and schools. The expenses of the national Republican adniinintrution amount to $7.10 forevry man wo man and chiid in the United States. There are about 30.000 people in Kiindolph county. 30,000 times $7.10 is f;! 13,1)00, Randolph's part of the expenses of the national lie- publican administration. During last four vears of Ulevelanu s auminiHtra- tion tin1 total expenses of the nation-. al government amounted to $1 758, 699,216.43. Roosevelt's four years has cost $2,641,724,019.18, or $883 024,802.75 more than Cleveland's four Tears. Roosevelt's increase ahmc amount. to $18,696,350 per mouth, $623,211 a day, $25,967 an hour, oi $43 a minute. When the IVinoerats came into power directly after the Carpet-Bag- KepuWii'Hii ictiriiMistratioii thev found the rate of ti'.vttioii fur State pnrpmeit ' 1" 31 2-3cenia on every $lliii Mirtli of i iiiiiertv. I his rate liat In "ii ,Tuuii illv ilet reaseil ur.iler Ueuiooriitit: rule l 21 cents. During fusion the rate wi'i i.used, Imt it was Joue in such a tiluudersunie way tliut the Ciiipreiiii-Coui t uoulamt it un coustitut'uiml. Tw i mv.ih ago the Uepublicam hargeil lhl the Democrats would raie the MseMmptiT,. Of course as iienv increases in the coii"ly the total amount of unstable, property liicrfaHcs, una this is cm leu tne uatuial increase. If vou will take the hiirhe.it assessment of the Demo crats immediately preceding fusion, the highest assessment during fusion, and the highest assessment of the present Democratic administration, and compare them you will find again that the Republican party is the party of high taxes and high as- eifinents, too. 1 he fusioiiists in- reused the assessment more than the Democrats have ever increased it. You can verify this statement by an examination of the abstracts on file in the office of the Register of Deeds, aud I challenge any Republican to isprove it. The Kepublicau party is the partv of high taxes in the couutv, in the state, and in the nation. If I were to think of loiniug the Republican party, a you invite me to do. 1 could not for thinking of your presidents record for war; for abusing southern people, for appoint ing negroes to ofuce ana eating witn them. I would think of the one thousand negroesy our party put in office during fusion, and bow J M Allen voted to help do it. I would think of your party's opposition to the constitutional amendment and its present offiliation with the State Liquor .ueaiers Association ro ugiu the Watts Law an ' bung back the saloon and distilleries. I would think about Sheriff Redding s big nsolveut hsU, the negligence oi your county commissioners that put ine couniy in ueut, juur iraura inability to balance his books, and bis failure to seme witn tne sncrin for a period of hree years. I would also remember your short chools, and the little attention your party has ever given education. very truly, Patrick Dooganshield. Back Creek Locals Miss Mattie Bulla, of Spero, who has been on an extended visit to her sister Mrs O I Davis of Liberty re tained home last Sunday. M W F Red-line and wife of Asheboro visited at Mr B F Bulla's last Saturday night and Sunday. Mr F C Robbins. of Spero, died of fever last Sunday morning. Mr T F Bulla visited his parent last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Robert Millikan who have been sick for some time with typhoid fever are improving. Mr Arch Bulla who has been in school at Why Not has returned home. Miss Mollie Clark, of Sawyers ville returned home from Kansa a few days ago. Messrs Calvin McCain and Will Bulla attended the fair at Greens boro last week. Miss Maltha Redding begun her school at Lena's Grove last Monday. Mis Dora Morris, of Greensboro, is visiting her Aunt, Mrs R I Pocle of Caraway. Wiley Talley's political convictions cTnK0 t'W"! -d everybody was wel, often Uftuit the shifting time. In pleased, both speakers and aadience. one campaign he waa a member of three different political conventions nd wa secretary of two of tneui. He baa felt compelled to improvise bis convictions, and it is ne wonder he has forgotten bis convictions overnight Married. Mr E E Jordan, of Liberty, and Miss Mary Ephraim, of Missouri, en Baited in marrisee last week Tbey returned to his home Uat Thursday. Their manv friend tntBI , l0sg sad bsppy Hf . PRINCIPLES, ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1904. Object Lesson in The above shows what actually took place at the Republican convention which nominated Roose velt and Fairbanks at Chicavro. lican party a littlo negro boy, the son of a nepio delegate from Alabama, stepped out upon the plat form, escorting a little white girl. Standing there together these two children waved United States flags in honor cf Mr. Roosevelt's nomination. A traveling man from North Carolina was there and saw this disgusting spectacle. A few Southern Republicans are denying that this took place, but there are hundreds of men who were present and saw it, and it is useless to deny the truth. This is in line wilh the President's policy. He dined with the negro Booker Washington, he appointed the neirro Crum Collector of the Port at Charleston, he had a negro Harry Smythe Cummings, of Balti more, to second his nomination; thu little white girl should have been placed upon a platform side by side as an evidence of Mr. Roosevelt's sentiment respecting social equality. No doubt this was done to catch the negro vote in the doubtful states of the North. If Mr. Roosevelt must have the negro vote in the doubtful states, let Southern men answer the insult by refusing to give him a single white vote in the South. Smith field Herald. JOINT DISCUSSION AT STAR. A Correspondent Tells How Mr. Brlttain Handled Mr. Talley. Mr. Editor: We had a joint polit ical discussion in our town last Mon day night, the 17th, by Messrs Men- denball, Brittain and Talley. Miss Minnie Stewart and Captain : Siler, previous to the speaking cn- J tertained the audience with selections ! of music on the piano forte. Mr I Long, of Biscoe, introduced Mr Mendenhall and was very careful o ! tell as something that we all knew, i viz: that Mr Meudeuhall was not a Railroad Magnate. Mr Meudeuhall ! commenced his speech of one hour by stating that he was in favor of joint j discussions and of discussing the present issues only, and then jumped right straight to Cleveland's second term, aud gave us a long tirade on the bond issues, soup kitchen aud hard times of that time. lie forgot to tell us of the prosperity of Cleve land's first term and that wages were higher then than they have ever been since. His memory was also so short that he actually couldn't re member to tell that the cotton fac tories iu his own town had been shut down most of this year. I guess he did not know any better, but thought Cleveland was still the cause of it, lie was either ashamed of his candidate for President or maybe he forgot who he was for. He only mentioned Roose veil's name one time. He talksd foi full hour. He then introduced Mr John T Brittain. John made a tine talk as the' representative of our old and admired citizen, Mr W 11 Watkms and next State Senator.judg ing from the applause given to John after some of his hard licks. Demo cracy may be considered safe as far as Star is concerned. Mr Talley was the next speaker and spoke of his op poueut, Mr Watkins as being a high toned gentleman. I guess some ot the Star people had told him they bad kuown Mr Watkins low these mauy years. The principle point of his speech, was the stealing of votes in Randolph county by the Demo crats. If ai party (by the by Mr Editor which is his party) never did Steal any vote. Well, Wiley did the best bo knew how. We had a large j aa. iTrss.t. IDHDV iHllieJl belDl? Mr J' M Allen, republican candi date for the House, baa taken back his false statements and declared that he had been misinformed. What' perplexing some of the rennblicaa nohticians In this county is whether L D Mendenhall with his newly acquired title of "Grand Duke of Randleman" will, allow "Little Boss" georae to remain at the head of the republican party in thi oenaty. NOT MEN. Social Equality at Republican National Convention. When President Roosevelt was declared the nominee of the Repub and it 13 not surprising, therefore, TIGE ASSUMES ANOTHER TITLE In Davie County He Delcsres that He it Descendant of Kings sad Queens. According to his own testimony Tiue Men ienhall republican candi date for Congress in this district is a direct descendant of Kings and Queens of England. We have known him all his life as "Tige." We did not, however, know that the modest, unassuming and scholarly Mr Robert N Page, was opposed by one in whose veins flowed the blood of royalty Mr L D Mendenhall, of Randle man, the fourth candidate of the Republican party in the 7th district spoke in the court house here last week. He is a great blower aud like all of his kind makes mauy mistatements. For instance, he said tliut no man who had faced bullets had ever been defeated for the Pre- si'lency." 'Vc all remember with out reference to history, that Gener als McClelland, Haucock aud Benj. Harrison were defeated. Well he! boasted of his blue blood, stating that he had the royal blood of England in his veins. However, he failed to state whether be was a des cendant from the Stewarts, the Plan- f'gtnets or Guelphs. We would like for him to inform us on this in his next delivery. Such rot as this makes any de cent man sick. In free America a man is not measured by what bis grandfathers did, but by his own accomplishments. Every tub stands on its own bottom. "Honor and fame from no condition rise, act well your part, thereiu all the honor lies." We suppose if he should happen to be elected (which, thank God, there is not the remotest chance of) he would hunt up his title Well, so long, the Duke of Fandleman will never set the world on fire Davie Times. Died. Mr W D Carter, died at Ore Hill, recently, at the advanced age of seventy three years. At Steeds, Mrs Minnie Wouible of typhoid fever, at the age of twenty eight years. Rilor fit (Jrif Ttirhard Lee. col. was shot by an nnknown party re - eontly while returning to his home from this place. At Randleman recently Mr Wm Johnson of cancer. Mr R L Snrratt at his home iu Spencer, He wae 83 years old. Go to St Louis by C 0. Route. Now is the time to see the great World's Fair. Delightful weather and the Exposition complete in all ita beantv. An opportunity not to be missed and never to be forgotten. See that yonr ticket reads via the L, & O. and Big Four Railways.' Short 'eat, quickest, and best route with fast vest baled train service. that the little negro boy and MONTGOMERY NEWS. Miss Maie Wado left Tuesday to attend the Fair at Raleigh. Messrs Manly Luck, of Biscoe, and G N Scaiboro, of Star, left last Sat urday for St Louis. W J Thompson has bought out B L Henderson's stock of goods in the store near the depot. Mr Thompson will continue the business at the same stand. Mr Eugene Bostick, of Onvil, who has been sick of fever fever for some time, died Tuesday night. Mr Bostick leave? a wife and three children to whom we extend our sympathy in the hour of their be reavement. Saturday the local freight car on the afternoon train caught on fire and before any thing could be done toward extinguishing the flames, the fire was raging. The car was cut loose aud allowed to burn down near the river bridge. The passengers were brought on to Troy on the engine. Ex-Attorney General Walser ei "The White Letter." Six years ago, during the cam paign the Republicans said that they had a letter written by Hon. Francis D Winston to the negro George White. Judge Winston hearing of the claim, called for the letter. The Republicans suddenly ceased talking about it, and nobody is alive wbo will assert he ever saw the letter that is being circulated. The Republi cans never permitted anybody to se the letter and in that campaign the Republicans never alluded to it again after Judge Winston's demand for its production. This was very strange when the Radicals were so sorely pressed on the race question in that year. The reason why the Republicans have never shown the alleged letter is now apparent. THERE WAS NO SUCH LETTER, It was miserable campaign fraud as the fol lowing statement from ex-Attorney General Z V Walser, quoted by the Lexington Dispatch shows: "The slanderous cartoons circulate ed on the eve of Judge Winston's speech failed of their purpose. It was done to prejudice people and ' keen them from the speakinsr. But 1 the latge crowd present showed that the people in the community are not u oe innuenceu oy sucn meinour. The entire lfiiie is simply a part of the Republican plan to falsify the situation, to becloud the issues, They have falsified and changed their own platform on the Watt's bill. In this connection the editor of the Dispatch will remark that Hon Z V Walser, late republican Attorney General, within a few weeks told him that the "WHITE LETTER" WAS A MERE FIC TION. GOTTEN UP BY THE REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE STATE COMMITTER AND 1 TH AT TH ': COMMITTER Din j NOT HAVE AND NEVER HADjjumped Irons t'IeveUii sgoid stand; ANY feVJWU Ut.t ii.fti" AN INQUIRY ANSWERED. Thirteen Reasons Given Why Yon Should Vote the Democratic Ticket. The Republicans are distributing throughout this county (and proba bly all over the State) a circular giv ing thirteen reasons," Why yoa should not the vote the Democratic ticket," which we will answer seriatim, as follows: 1. "It is the party of aristocrat and boa tons." This is not true, but it is the writs man's party, and a large ma jority of tne men net only in north Carolina but in the United States are Democrats. More white wage- earners and laborers are Democrat than are Republicans. 2. "It creates offices for the Dent' ocratic politicians." This is not true, but it is true that tie lusion Legislatures of 1895 and 1897 created more offiees than any Democratic Legislature ha ever done since them. And not only did these fusion Legislatures create so mauy offices, but they filled many of them with negroes; 3. "It has burdened the farmei by raising taxes and increasing the valuation of his lands. (Proof compare your tax receipts of 1903 with those of previous years.) This is not true. The rate of tax ation for State purposes is less now than it was under Fusion rule, aud the rate in this county (including the road tax) is less now tbaa it was the last year of Fusion rule. If there is a farmer in Randolph whose land is valued higher than be would take fvr it, mime aim: wow, "put up or shut up." 4. "It has taxed the merchants of the State until they cau hardly ranain in business." This is not ti ue. The last Legis lature reduced the license tax on merchants, especially on small mer chants, and we defy any man to name any merchant who has failed to "re main in business on account of the increasn in taxes on merchants. "It increased the number of Superior Court Judges and Solicitors from twelve to sixteen, when twevle could easily have done the work." It is not true that "twelve couia easily have done the work," for on the account of the increase in busi ness and population sixteen are kept as busy now as twelve used to be. Mo doubt, there are many Kepubii- uns who wish there were no Judges or solicitors: "It increased Governor Ay- cock's salary 'ram $3,000 to $4,000, and furnished him a mansion to liv Yes, and the last Republican Gov ernor (Russell) strongly urged it in his last message. Aycock s salary is not as large as the salary of a ma jority of the Republican Governors in me unuea amies, sou u ivussuu got $3,000 a year surely Aycock is wetl worth $4,000 and cheap at that! 7. "Its present btate administra tion cost the taxpayers of the State the enormous sum of $2,201,604.31 during the year 1903, or nearly as much as the entire four years of Govemer Vance's administration." Vance was elected Governor near ly thirty years ago when the ordinary expenses of the tate were much less than now, and his administration was net called on to pay anv of the extra expenditures that are now deemed necessary and demanded by tne State Republican platform. If we com pare the expenditures of last year with the expenditures of the last year under Russell we will find the former were $157,166.67 less than the latter, after deducting the in creased expenditures for schools, pensions and charitable institutions. The disbursements in 1900, the last year of Russell's administration,were more than tnree times as great as tne total disbursements in 1880, the last year of the Vance-Jarvis administra tion, auu Kusseii spent aunng me last year of his administration for school, asylums and pensions to con federate soldiers fbdl,oo7.77 less than ,he Democrats spent in 1903 for the same purposes. 8. "It conceals from the voter its plans and purposes until it has se cured his vote, and then it passe drastic measures depiiving the honest farmers of privileges which it bestows upon the inhabitants of cities and towns. This, of course, is intended as an attack on the Watts law, but hardly think that the "honest farm ers" feel aggrieved or deprived of any "privileges by abolishing bar rooms and whiskey stills throughout the country I 9. "It has increased our Mate debt over five hundred thousand dol lars." And it should be added that i arge part of it was on account of contract made by Kussell s adminis tration! 10. "It tried to impeach three honorable Jndges of the Snpieme Court for purely partisan purposes." The only partisanship displayed in the impeachment matter was by the Republican members of the Legisla ture. Every one of them voted against impeachment, whereas Demo crats divided, some voting xor ana others sinunst impeachment. 11. "It so grossly mismanaged the Atlantic & Aorth Carolina rail road that the people of the State rose in their might and demanded it lease. Thi is not true. That road wa far better managed under it tatt administration than it wa endav Fusion rale, aad it wm chiefly through Aycock's efforts that a satis factory lease wae aecared. 12. "Xhe Democratic party u . professional acrobat on tluarcs. ri"7 ,a r,oa $1.00 Per Tear. No 4?. free silver in 1896 and 1900, aad leaped back to that "gold-telegram plank and that is "irrevocably estab lished" in 1904." But that does not begin to com pare with the jump made by those men wbo left the Democratic party because Cleveland was "a gold bug" and are now hurrahing for Roosevelt and the gold standard! 13. "It has forever turned Its back on the old Confederate soldier. Proof (a) His pension has been re duced; (b) Julian S Carr and Cy Watson, both generous and patriotio Confederate soldiers, were defeated for the United States Senate by ma chine leaders who neversmelt powder; (c) Charles M Stedman and Theo dore F Davidson, two old Confeder ate soldiers, were defeated by the professional politicians for the nomi nation for Uovernor. The idea of Republicans pretend ing to post, as the friends of the Con federate soldiers! Did yon ever know such "cheek"? The firt legislation enacted in this State to pay pensions to our Con federate soldiers was nassed bv Dem ocrats over the votes of Republican opposing it. Not only that bat the Democratic Legislature of 1901 passed the bill witten by this writer increasing the amount appropriated by the Fusion Legislature! Kepubhcans cannot complain that the Democrats did not nominate an ex-Confedevate for Governor, when tbey have nominated as their candi date a Connecticut Yankee! Nor can they complain of the Democrats not electing an ex-Con federate to the Senate, when they never did elect one themselves. The first United States Senator they ever lected in this State was Yankee General (Abbot) and the last was Pritchard. who advocated the pen sioning of Confederate deserters! Chatham Record. Shylock was the man who wanted a pound ot numan flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales- nt, the consumptive, the xkly child, the pale young oman, all want human flesh id they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh ;id blood, bone and muscle. : feeds the nerves, strengthens 'ic digestive organs and they cl the whole body. Tor nearly thirty years Scott's En!si'"i ha3 been the great giver human flesh. ".Ve will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT A BOWS, Chamlste, 09-l5 Pei-1 St- it. NewYortt. $oe. and i oo ; all druggists. Bryant, President J. I. Cole, Cashier Ght Ba.uk of Randlemtvn. Randleman, N. C Capital $12,000. Surplus, $200. Accounts received nn favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S G Newlin, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, 8 Bryant, II O Barker and J H Cole. Pianos and Organs Wholesale and Retail, A. D. Jones tc Co. Southern Factory Diatrlbatan for Use) World rsxmoue KIMBALL WE loan you the money to buy them. WE give free trials. WE pay the freight. WE save you 25 per cent. WE add nothing to the prin cipal when sold on EAST PAYMENTS. Write for our late Piano and Organ catalogue aud for fall par ticular. A. D. Jones & Co., 208 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. - ASHE30RC. M.

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