: nr.".- Figures Juggled by the Administra tion Officials to Sustain It -. El. "" Policy' and Credit. ; i Ab an Illustration of bow ngurea may be Juggled to prove most anything that is desired, Carroll D. Wright, Com mlssloner of Labor, who prejared a : report on the cost of living, wUch re- port Is being used for campaign pur i poses by the Republican commlttoe, : gives a few comparisons to bear out ' bis contention that the Increase In food stuffs has been on the average in ' considerable. A comparison Is made between the cost of butter and vinegar. The for mer. It is shown, has Increased In price 112.9 por cent, and the claim Is set up that this Increase Is overcome ' by the decrease of 88 per cent, in vinegar. By comparing these two articles the cost of living remains stationary by setting a 12 per cent, increase in the price of butter against a 12 per cent, decrease in the price of vines!-, yet the butter bill of the aver, ie family must be fifty times as great as tho vinegar bill. t In Mr. 'Wright's table on fuel ami . lighting wo find that the average price has risen to 139.8. This table includes number of different kinds of coal, , candles and petroleum, also coke and matches. Coke and matches show a decrease in price, while all the others Bhow an increase: Increased in price: Anthracite coal, chestnut 137. 7 Decreased In price: Matches 85 4 Average for both nrtich's. . . 111.3 Which goes to show that the cost of fuel and lighting has not increased a great deal, although many men will think that the decrease In the price of matches is hardly a fair set-off against the increase in the price of coal. HOW PRICES HAVE INCREASED.. Concerning the alleged "statistics" furnished from the National Bureau of Labor and given circulation by the Re publican Campaign Committee with a .view to showing that the average wages earned in comparison with the coat of living is equal to, if not greater than under Democratic rule, a ftw figures may not be amiss. It seems to be an uncontroverted fact that wage3 have not increased within the past ten years to any per ceptible degree, and the "statistics," prepared under the direction of Hon. Carroll D. Wright, admit that the cost of food has increased approximately a little over 5 per cent. In his figures, Mr. Wright submits a table showing prices which have in creased and those which have de creased. In the column of increases the commodities most essential and there fore mofctly used appear, while In the . opposing column, many of the articles enumerated are by no means neces sities. The table follows: Increased in price: Flour 104.6 Butter "2.9 Codfish 118.6 Cheese 121. 8 Potatoes 126.2 Beans 130.2 Milk 127.5 Eggs 133. C Average price 12!.3 Decreased in price: Soda Crackers SO . 5 Vinegar 88.0 Dried Apples 72.8 Prunes G7.S Nutmegs 67.1 Soda 64.0 Rice 87.0 Corn Starch 93.6 Average price 78.92 ALMOST SELF PRAISE. Coming somewhat in the light of a man endorsing his own note, or felicl ' tating himself, is a letter published V.' i-fe"'' recently in Paris from the pen of ' : former Minister Bunau-VariUa, bus talnlng President Roosevelt's course in .the Panama coup. Inasmuch as Minister Bunau-Varilla .was Mr. Roosevelt's guide and ally In ... the snap Judgment taken upon the Re- ' public of Colombia, and Inasmuch also as he was one of the chief beneaciarle! under the whole transaction, he could hardly do less than applaud the act PRICK TO COLLECT FUNDi. A special telegram to the New York World, from Pittsburg, says: "Henry Clay Frlck has been ap pointed the financial head of the Re publican campaign in western Tenn sjrlvania, the object being to use him to secure financial aid from the manu facturers of this section." . The man who made this appoint ' ' ment. it anybody did, is George B. Oortelyou. who WAS Secretary of Com .meres (and presumably the chief Gov ' ' eminent hunter for trust secrets), and IB Chairman and chief fat-fryer for the Republican "Monad Commutes. ' v ' -' Tks Secret tf Success. Forty milliori poitles of Angust FIowr S0I4 in. the. United . States alone since its introdnction! And the demaad for it jr still growing. Isn't tk&t.A fias shoving o aoccessi Don't it prove that August Flowei ita had nrjWig tHCoets m the cure Of in0jiatiQj?n4ljspep'a tb two greatest enemies of health anil happiness? Does it not afford th best evidence" f hat' Adgnst Flowe is a sure specifio for all utomacp am intestinal disorders? that it bi T-roved iteolf the best of at) livei re:rnlatore? Aagtist Flower has, te: tchlfss" rwwd of oser' thirty-flvi tei.r in enrmr the ailing million: i'f te tisSietiig ' complaints t e , 1' ,t is tf-'oniintr wider in it f . tly ' 'si h ueand aroaj, t tli fatr.e .: AiifitH I lower -, Trkl VocjwbI - . i - - ' 3 KOTES BY THE WAY. The latest sign of "Republican pros perity" is the shutting down of the Secretary V. great Pullman car works, at Pullman, 111., everyone of whoso 7,000 employees has been thrown out of work. , Mr. Roosevelt's statement that "the Philippine Islands will be ncld for the benefit of the Filipinos," is merciless ly criticized by iiourke Cocl-.ian in a great speech delivered rec'iiJ at Tammany Hall. "How about tho action of Congress in exien V.ivi the coastwiso laws to the Philippine Ialnnds?" asks Mr. Cockr.ui. "This action weans that hereafter every pound of produce coming from tho Philippine Islands into the I'nilcd States must come in Ain' iM -ii t'.n'ia. There are only a tew ships nva!tjtile for tl.it traffic, heme the owners e j Ueta tardus together can take (rem: trie unf jrtunate Filipinos every penny that their produce is worth over ami; above sufficient to keep them ulivj." j An old lawyer in Pennsylvania vtw asked what he thought of t!:e Pi..-.l-dent's letter. "Heminds iv.c of a ;- fer.dant's mollou in arrest of judB'U''ut and sentence," was the qul-k reioi t. If the Llemoer.uic position In this campaign were not a shu; publicans would not he so persi tout in their efforts to mlsreprrsmt it. "Do they intend to abolish Rural Free Delivery?"- Roosevelt's loiter. Well, hardly. Having created thai ex cellent extension of t.ie ptK tal V. -tt, Democrats are not likely to nbc:i.-ii It. Very likely, however, they v.-ill overhaul it at the flr-st opportunity. Af.cr eight years et KopublL.ni t,.!o it 1-as become necessary 10 roo; out the gratters. It is one of the Pi"s 's ideas that "the voice of the Tinted !:aies would, count for nothi:)ij la tho Far East if we had abandoned the Philip- pines." He seems to think that the greatness of the American Republic be gan with the organization of his Rough Kidei.-i and will end with hid retirement from the White House. Mr. Roosevelt's attempt to inject the sectional issut into the ciinisUKa is rosented and antas'onUed by souie of tho heaviest 1011'. ri bi.lors to the He publican campaign t'l.nd. The men who have no :iyi;;pal'.iy with tius feature of the M. itu'ilican prosramme are Northern capitalists who have Urge investments in factories, rail road; and hanks, in the South. They are Republican:;, for one naton or an- other, but they will not support a policy which will unsettle political con ditions in Southern States, causing a shrinkage in their own incomes while serving no irood end whatever. It is just beginning to dawn many New York Rcpubiieans that 1 In) Woodruff has lost pr.oti:',e l.y Ins action in withdrawing Lis name from consideration by the Republican fta'C i'C ,o- S ,. , ,,. ,,e !' "C -'' Convention without a flr.ht. ilms lii. e ing his friends, and especially his sponsor, Thomas C. Plan, in an barrassing position. It wc .Sam senden who turned savagely upon Mauley at St. Louis, in 1 ;-.. after Maine bws had deserted Ti.ur.i.r Reed, and exclaimed, "Joe. Cod mighty hates a quitter!" Hon. D. H. Perry. National Cm.; mitteeman from Vtah, says: -it pretty nearly a certainty that the t:; t votes of the three Stales nf !' . Montana and Colorado will be cast fm Judge Tarker. In my State, since ti:. format; a of the American party iy Senate." Kearns, the prospm for tl.t Democratic party are grovir.s lionriy The new party Is made up almost ts clusively of Ilepublicans. so there arc now two Republican parties In tl.t' State. A triangular fight, tliere;ne must redound to Democratic chances." Hon. T. E. Ryan, National Com mitteeman from Wisconsin, says if thf Democrats do not carry his State ho will be a very much mistal.en man "The campaign out our way,'' said Mr Ryan, "is warming up on both Bidet and I look forward to the most ex' citing contest that Wisconsin has see? .in 10Q Th vntA will ha the lara? est ever cast and I honestly and si;i cerely believe that Judge Parker v.il win out. Conditions in Indiana ana Illinois are Improving right along ami I believe that those two States will show up in the Parker culumn." , , . . .. "Protecting an industry as such U one thing; it means that Americanl shall be enabled to bold possession oi their market, provided they cbargi prices for their goods which yield 1 fair profit only. Protecting a monop oly in the Industry is another thing; i means that foreign competition is t be cut off, even when the American pro ducer charges unnatural prices. I means that the trust shall be enablei to sell a portion ot its goods abroaf at one price and tbe remainder a borne at a much higher pries." Prol John B. Work, of Columbia University i h- rntii art, 0,..rt.rl fa September, 1904. 4 4 ,1 I v i g ' - - ! ! 'i I i -. )--7:'&.--'-?Z' Edition Contain. 1 ' "'-V- lU'.iiShSSsTs.'siiT't, 9s nnn vt.. xi i - u;-iccl:::-but t: (FARMERS' tPERITY.; Hakes Ex ..ntnts. ;l f'OT FULL - -illy Work, - Have tit-..rvli-attar. -von tliuultl ageeritci THE rOOiZTic Pro.'crlio nr., I I'.:. l- of Leu: 'ihe 11 i-ul- i'nt Is sup- c tiio ueiie . iiere is no .rent service Indeed it rmtiou-t for inoreasliiK. "Oo.T.-'J wwi e.hi was l:i CAA. Have farmers in o tstiimtMit- grown like 1 a machine meal favor -r niinoynu .-.s Hi :: . -l;.- 1111 J .1 p.ii-Uy t-s , loji; after se.l 10 be run L ..f I he t':irii! ::i'l that it lia. Am rk'itu ". in:i!il l".'. for -. !(' li'.'p.UVlll'Ilt . ;r .!..' li.v.'.l it.' 1 by eo:.: ndvniil -- .1 i.uo i' ! in I p. rj.it U : (. yi r. Ki, a e tho . Wi: litil ;v ! i-titrp 111:1 0." M-hrt 10!. -.ry Wilson Pi was widely puhi: papers made wilt! s.il pro-v-nty of i! "1 hey ;ir" only ii. ti know 1 hat th- ..-.View V.ll.L'll ;:. in "iiy "news t the unlver- :.: IS. Ho Haid, i i!i the trusts :, .i is:".:i.'i 'o.v tiio t .!;- V;i;1. enl Jlr -uill lot ! us say i- . Ur,; tH.fc , ' '. oniy hint ' .iv. Jt the v, -st ... tli.-. Tt tiiey .1. lions to the - ...try will be ; t:-i'::.elldolls . .-. :! w.U proli . . ."-etary Wil e.dition of the ile may know l.rtiiers'' who " ... who lire in- ,-an !.::: 1.' cast for In v ;;, : ...p ,1 !.. boa.- pr. pei :ty, l ut r.:- ' ..." nldy have to mlm'. son s Unown-uv ... lariners is veiy iin-.n-... of u few "-'I nth farm f-r tlo- ph- II'!. ! tie-: -ire Ml ourl- lllVI . '....t that the in Tested In , i paying fanners' . ee of the . i repur:s a f.uiai in ;:.:.! Is, . ..tie cjui- by that :, -.il census - have left .. :..is i:i the : : they have 1 niiii the J born to ries nearer . i.aseondini; t ihe ban 'Mi.ni that ly iiboiu? . 1 ies of fa , ii;i them ..... war in ' , Spain and has in- In- surplus -. Increased . .." farJiers t: h prices ... and de- aveniKo furni'T tho hiL'h trrt would ho inure r. As an iii'iit"' t. pr.i-per:ty is i let - I:ie io P fi t it I:ii-r."i - , v.i tbe p pany shows that -'. Iowa 1:11 -tly t-. Canadian noril: li-tt ih.ir foiill" flai: under win. Iiu.ke to v.- lion: the imrili poll i" that 1 1! pp.-oierity of li e ort no-- n-ruulnire -- ' ,e.-i-.:.r;- W'.l- e There Is il.'.. vi ralile eu'i be C'niuo-.lnpae,' Sooth Africa, ti;. tbe pn:--nt war eroded ;be :"-.' pr i.!i.c: 'f the i tt-'iim il l i-oul.l le: very piv.-per.u--. w-ir; wi;. wins a: prived them f entl;l-d to. TlrM on. and the far:. ' soil talks iibnoi and even lie lu tbey were - st id go.ug e.etary V.'il- n rr.ra avis. ' for invcst- - l.y tl;e do-...ir-ses of se- e.-t aloii'- lms rs from ti;e : : by t'orcini; id bets and i and pi.rk to .. :: d of miik ef the pros . .: ur?e I'res , '. net to take .. . f trust inag injiinctieus, l.e would . . alary. Coa - - . to pruse ' 7 ir'.nient of i 2o.(..Jl lu a- leas not : ,n:st. The ... the trusts ;'. ;r pniducts . tid the Ue- lieiit lloose . iw.itance np iey and have ;o bold fast melds lias met i pre l.m of no: curit;. s ine i' Hlehe.1 millions -pfiiiits of Ihe ,. down the price of 1 rnisinu the price the coin-uiiitTx. If .xeeretary Wi!.--ins exa-:,'erate.i ? perity ef the farm.-, ldei.t li losevelt nr. 1 real notion nminsc nate.i instead of ter. wldi-h have had eonie nearer Ci'.rnie gross appropriated cute trusts, but Jui.iee has only ,.,.,. a sii,Lle '.. pr,','i.,.tive tariff :: un i;ows tlo in 1. cheaper abroad fu . ptildleiin platform .; velt in his speeo". ""' eland llieir lii'o to it. U a p,.- Ti,0 ,.w York I velt and r..irlai;'.o- ... polity Is the wai-l the greatest conne'- world-Itrondwny T ..p, of ,Ue cauu . ' nilH)K. dimension:--, pui,i(nn conterapnr.n declaration are peav it Is very near the 1. aid. -.-il!. -: "Pvoose ....iiiaeil prus ..1 .Mna across . i .v.ivt in the c jiidenses the t :'ilic proverblnl '!ui our Re-,a.-an thnt such -'itii-sV If so, 1 . L'oston Hot- The coal trustR. ' are ralslnjr price" tbla In the gnn t do with us when 1 leef appears? c:ino"t sA evldr-:r bc.-y. though 1:0 ". co.-il trust Is come.-i pi: eonhole nt the ti. filled with wr -" uvT,l nnd soft I E . If tUey -AO ' I -.'... . it or jus- , I i .D ... - erUenee that ! I I B M,Hteo,l,. im . ' .l-l J f'y-.- -S'-TTT I NiwCuetlen ef t World I ! i, r.- A AreYouVVHHns To p: ..ilt by thw oiperlauoo of , .. thy;",.. V ".'.'jif t:tki:i!.' vo'.il foil, M.di'il ll-.il. lUi'l Ahiill- U'.;;or iiivsell', ,'tinl uii.i 1; . l:yHV i'ain'e-. with iiue ro- !' 1 i.f le! i r.- -n- V. ie-l !i.e..i:--iues !u :i,- : .e ... V, e tl-olC i; a '''b'J'. trouble ami ivo.u.i jt j.s iti Vi;!n;iMo." J. .1. I.AWSOV, Cashier Bank of South liosto'i, iSpula Jiostuti, V11. "it i.uis me plooso:-.. ;.i state 1 !':il J liiue used mi-: Ckiuvii'mIi i! W.iN."" and 'iilil it one uf th" Iiest totii"S on tbe market, mt ti hieiili iiroiiiiiiei.tl it loiit.y one 1;. .-Il iof il giHrl li.(V- file, ......! luultll mid yooil f. , I. .1. i'. r.K."is, rii.it. .t-.je. -. .Vi)iu,iis::i, X. ' . Kveii n" ..in ; lt-.)tii.!c is ( 'lir.. 1110, it will cuft viy l.l t.e in niiii..- .1 ei'in jilete tlirr, -o dn not f.lil to ','ot .1 .:i.l ot .nu-e. S..; botlles "1" . is., IS. 17. 'i.Htlea SlX.:- l-'o:- -;,le le: S--. u-' trd 1 )ri!:r Co., Anh-lmro, I I. M. H-'HOLS COMPANY,' i. Miii'.rin;. v.s. 1 1 .(Vol! V Ihe Sicst L;tt:iitlry ." nd Vomi I OMilklrv It-Ihe C.i' V -l.a'oli Charlotte Steam Lcundry. 'i'liev .in- lulli-r .ti-iiuvd to do nit- Morli rii;!.Mli:t!i :;ny Laundry in the Stitto; and do it fi jlit, too. Leave yoiir luitiules ni Wood & Mofinj;'.-; store. Hn.-kets leiives I'oes.litys and returns Kridttys. W. A COFFI N. Agent. IT-VIM'!) IV A h. ! f i:i-.;t... v.il! he sol t; -, 1 1 j-v r. ;e!. : of -.his pnju-i ' !:.i i-.-:;!l'erin..' w :;!i ;.,, kind oil -M;i t'.if.M-c or 1 r.i M ini is. any fnrin .i Ki-.. -ina, Uliinl ..r r.l.vdin'"; I'iles, -'. n i'-.il.i. Iteh. i'lll. ,', !!arhcl- Itelt, :.'iiie u.irni, I'.loiul l'oisun, ri .-r ;-oiv ul any name or nature. .'m r, 1. iitii will In- paid for any 1 f lie .elliil I llilt U Mill ll'OIIIU- lvitir.,1 with Kr-.;iii.. l-.i-zine will ,: ,;l ;ii.y suv r flirt' tht- wor.-t skit 1 111. I lllime il I.Hlli like olvet. lietV-j .....re lli.le lias been 110 Hjn-i-i ti. .-.iu-t.il In.ii iiotlid i-litv hivellla .ml L i 1: . ! 1 it 1! i -:. s uiiti! lif-;:im :: ilixineivd and now thmisatid. !tv fined daily. Never mind ivheit you hiwe tried: forget lie liiilmvs made liv other renieilies mil .-end I'm- KILi: SAMPLL if l-ii-;:iiie, w liifli nhvnys pte.-- n- t.-i mi. I :i Ju l ni.iiii'lit fii iv- l.;c.inc 5Kin "oap the lfi ititi. .-to, i.- i.i!i iiiiidf. It will leane itiuliiiiu' ttill destroy microlii'S of landrulT, falling liair, sore head, Italtds iliid feet, Jiitnjili'S illld I'liifk- iuN mi fai-i1 iiml make Ihe skin 1.10th. Tiio onlv aiitisiiitif shut- if.' soaji Hindi', e;iiiinilltecd In f tll'e eriu lii-.'ii-es ."o if it don't. 2a .tuts n cake. Write today to LJOYIJ ChEHICAL COflPANY, "l!8 kand-McNally Bldg., 1 hloxo. III. Tin 1 111 1 1 1 slit-r of this paper knows of t lit- relii l'ility of Ef-zine and nf tiio I'.ovd ( iii'tiiieal Co. Wood's Seeds. 1 VIRGINIA GRAY I Winter Oats, i Sew Early For Beat Results. I Our Trade Mark Brand is the H bent ami clearest quality that it is possinif to procure. Hairy, cr sVinter Vetch, :;. v n with Winter Oat, makes lie Urges! po-ible yield of the le-st and most nutritions hay. Write for prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE Fill CATALOS Tells all about seeds for fall nowimr. It in the most valua ble and helpful publication of the kind issued in America. Mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seisins!!. Piclimond, Ya. NtwCsteHeer ef t World with nun tlian 2t.nja tlUee, Uised nuit laiestoensusrouinw Now Biographical Dictlonorr eontslnlnv tue Bnwioe ot over 11MU) noted penoua, tUle of Unb, deutla, ete. MtlbWUB Needed InRveryHome Alao WekoUr's CsllostaU tHtlury will. inSrssee. 140d lUuttf MMOfl. lnaiioii.tii. A RfMetal Ttite Pm E4itloo Oe Luk , bintnMri jtrwHiMm ptm m nfuitr Miua, li billwyMrKlrM;-4-.w-ir. Hi a : t 'i3l . u I j. t iLfcS. iwitMBtum," liKinaa- Uvs and rofrtAiniFiir. G. & C MERRIAU CO., jPnbltshorOt Sortosftotd. Matt. iintl yellow -1 Vltrr: GET TOE BEST I j Thousands Have hidnejr ! Trouble and Never Snspect it. Fill a bottle or common i:la:a wil'i your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; tlin;i-.iilicatesati uiilieallliy con dition of the l:id ncya; if il stains voiir linen it is e ideui e of kid ney troul.de ; too frequent desire to puss it or pain I,, ihe hack is also convincing proof that tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in cut-in;? rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder iiivl everv part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water mid seuldiie; pain iu r.sin;; it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, ami overcomes that unpleasant nc ceniitv of lieinj? compelled to go often during the day, and to get up tr.mv times during Hie night. The mild and the cxtraorditi'irvcffc-ct of Swamp-Root is soon realty 1. It stands the highest for iu wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine vo-.i should have the lest. Sold by drug-i-!tsiii iiftv-ccnt and one-dollar sizes. " Yen mav'have a sample bottle and a book tliat tells all IR-. about it Initli sent f roe raLjTV-vJ'-j5 l.v mail. Address Pr. lf-,.i;!T&gfa Kilmer & Co., l'.iug- Wb3 b:111t011, N. Y. When B.f no-t. writing mention this paper and don . mukc nnv mistake, but roriicm'oer t.i ; mime, Dr. Kilmer's Swonij" Uoot, .m.l Mu Address, ninghomton, N. Y. p3 rr.:.Tr iS3S2S3ri I STOCH POULTRY! iMEDfCtNEi Sti -'.c tnl I mltry hive few f trouliie which are not bowel and 1 liver irreffularitieii. Uli-ck- Draiitjht Stock and roultry J.i-Ii- i; ii a bowel nd liver remedy g for ?.! x-k. It patf the orpins of dirrtun in a pcrlrct condition. . prvmeirnf. nieriean breeiicrs and t fr'i.i"r-i Iwp 'heir built and flocks E hra I ; " bv -!tiV!i &n .K-.ra- 1 ,-.''. ;.,.!, ,';.!tanL'lit Stock I. ! i"i.,..i,,v l...i 11.. in t!:ir I f.Ml. AivV..vk rai.u'r natv buy :,i,-.it t-u'.f-poiind air-'U.-i:' tan jf t-iis nieilieine from his dealer nl k'"'P his itock in vi(torous hoaitb for week. Dealers pener sllvkxV iliack-Kraupiit htocksnd I'ouilrv Medicine. U yours does not. tend L'.r cnts for a sample en to th man ifactnrrrs, The Cbattanooca Medicine Co., Cht tanojja, fc:i:i. dl.. i - (li.. Ja. 30. 1907. BlM.lr-Dr.iKLl Btook nl Poultry ...j... .h- h.t 1 AVsrtrted. Our iltry M Our CJ sent 13 stock wm lckios d len yon sent .u. ..rfir and now theT are (uttlnx so fl-ie. Thoy are look:n I nor eoafc. better. I ' 3. P. BBOCKIMOTON. They are Coming! 'A lino of now Outings mid Reitdt to we:ir lliititfur Lailies, Mii-sts mid Clhililretis fall and winter, wear have arrived. We thank our customers r.nd f i ii-nds for past favors and invite them to examine our stork. Come to see mc. No trouble to show goods. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. VV. W. JONES, Dealer in GKOCEMES, PROVISION'S AXH I'KODUCE, Se-.ving Machines, Parts uiul Attach iiifiits. Also have a lot of gooti clothing that will be closed 0111 cheap. Produce bought and sold. Yotu patronage solicited. Give me a cub aud I'll tieat you right. W. W JONES, Allen stand. Mepot St. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be divrived by tliwe vho ad verting a ?K).(iu Hewlii) Jilni liine for tL'O.iK). This kind of b, machine can be luinirht from imoranv of our dealers from $15.00 to $13.00. WC MARC A VARIETY. THE KEW HOHE IS THE BEST. Tho I'Ved detTTiinea the strength or -weakntist "f rVvvhiK Miu'hlntit. The Ionlile J-V-fal eiiinliiiitii w ith other Btroiiit'xilr.'M lii'iki the ?Nw Home the iMt t :ti;n(; Mauhiue to buy. r.T? nFaifsbiM pjLdHiBK a 5er.t. mass ' ' li.ir V. .,tiiinaa,lltvAtlsnta,Oa uu, .ia i;. :-i',?ii.,ll m trwieioo,al r.tr ?.!. f ''.' W. W. JOXSS, ....' -i. hiffi-u-- ion B " H06RI5-BCARnOROMoWTT ASHEBRO, If, 0. W3 v,3n l'?I,Tf f!0MTfl 1 Legal Advertisements HNI18ALK. otatiunUTi-'Ire-iile ruDU'd by the uriui Kumiolili t ..t..o' uu lliu l-oli . iiiiy.i, A.lu. r ul t. A. t..u.-lA;iry k'.a.ii- lli-ollint. u.iU luibKuiit J. K. lit 11). t i.h,ulL,l m liubile NUCtioa 1 U.ilu Kautlit-'iuan a.u nun day iu lullimiug a toivtihhtp, XV II Wlu iiie Milllll 1 .V !.'."w.'i'lir,riil'''l" .. itcscril.l imt-i-of I.111. i.iy. In Wiiiiiiiii,'liaiii It...-. Ikvu.ioiii;. uiiiuuiii.ii. ii.' In l w.ui W.n-ui-.s iVijii cli". hi ti.e k'-louruis vi 1111 uure 1, unit tirr-iu Clupli'i. line, nnunitx lliiiio tv. lU iUi'lmlnn 111 u I.UHU-. J01111 KiuriiK S. H0 llllllllM l.l tt l-tlllll' 111 tin it. K rnd.lul wiiy. thi.-111-u lu u nurllit-iv-t ilin-i'l'.eu niiii inc It. K.rliilitiit ivuv -Jl.ii-liiiiiuiiiitiiiif in Ji.tiii 1 U. .'s mill s. ti. Hi'i.tey st.ni 1 Jon ctml 1 am 1 i.mn Vullllll.il', linuttil 111 the 11 ui Uiiii.ili'tii.oi, .ill'i Ol.l lhi, one-lklr.l In - tliir-1 In livi'lvi- nionti.H. .il until Hie lull iyuii 111 ul me I'ur v. furi'lia .1 r-1. i-xiiailL- mile lur 1111 c Uue, Kii.l wi.li' U. liiur li.u ri-t fn.iu -1 .Vivuli.ili. K H. HAYKH, iiiUi, CoiumiMiioiiur. llet. l.i CEIt'l IFl'JATK 1K WSMllXTION. o nil to it: in:! tin- f O.i'-'-iili. aniy come timet- Win 1.1-. li a:.inr- 1 1 iu-.- ntlsfai ilnn, by duly lu-.ltnl il' nH iiiltniTii lur file III- Iht' IIIIUllllUOUK ..'.li'..i ile l lu my C-.u.ii.,v. it r.irHi- n.-iMl ,u:iie fit itu ., I' liony i-t llun- :i. il'. J C-ix IviiiB 11:1. lur. .Iik-.i-i-i'iii .. 'ili II. I. -.'. Unit tlllt I-. II, 11 llf till ll it .11 I','.. rnvil !.h. SL.tent .ii.i i.-. 1, i-.i - ,'"r,!"" cr'O'-i ,'c' iv'ij. "..''tin' ' u 1 i.r K 'UP uf llil'H'lll.'i.f N.ull. O.I .. r:ny H ut Hu" id e .rim.tt..i .l .v ..!sl ;il....l!i.-'r. IIHH. III.' in , xivlilt-l .Old alt. -lid iiuiHlit i tliivitiu iiiiiilillixi in. ttilmiliMmuir oil lii''.t;.tf I n.ii. It: i.'r.ivin .1 1., Ihl.irt IV. O. Ilieiin..-..i. n'lk nl ttH' -Ulvrii.r f.nirt.if Kiili.l. .1 .l. i-. iiii.-.. in it..- 111. luy ..i ih-lelH-r nml, thiH i- ui iiullty ill ih n-ni- l.."iOin ''Inililii NKHlili-t suid eMul. ure ; ...lined l.i iir. -t'iil llii-in K Hie umlon-lKmil, 'Inly ) -.-mini mi or lieu ne tlii'lim uuy 01 net. n ir Una lmlU e mil lie .ICH.Ied In hiirotlli. ir re-iiv.-ri-' itii'l all jxTMiiui owilifi hold eHtiite will iiim-'li.rwiinl 10..I niuke Immciliute settlement. Thin lllli day iilliOKilx-rltlut NOTICE. Hiivtng qunli(ici nn wtmfiifytnttor on tbe v-tate of Wm. Jtiuvs lHi'itwl, iM-fure W. ('. lUm iiuMKl, C S. i if Randolph ci unity. Thix in U ..I iti ft mII ttt-rMiti liuvinu lutmji ouuin.t Mild t- inu- n n ihitiliiHt U rvu Iht m to ihu umien-iL-n . ,l thiiv wnhi'.l.i.r.m Ufin Iht-luth 1m ! net. nrlhl' tttiv uill !t nlrrtfVii ill biirof ttu-ir Vini'U ! -I- f tui raulW Will uu. (,..-. . r . ' 'iiiiKi' uni VflittU: suUlctnunt. iiiiNiAi. : t iu4. r. N. JNKS, AiJrnr. of Wm. Jniifs. (U-ceaited. irtui- tif an orlr r of Mile granted by tbe iitu.ullul iwu.Uuil'U Luuiil uu tuc I. l miuii m'U ul -Ue courl uuOMi ti.njt in . iii-ixjin. N. C, ul i'4 ouiuck ii Miii mt ui Mi;t.UT iwi, me luiluulitM reU e-luU', lo-Ail; A ll Miii in iHiiu euuuij "iMaHiiini.: ut red utik Truy's corner, then. iiH-uev . i ixvk-. v- b cub. ttuu 6u U. to a btiuuli ul umi Uivuun m itiv uiutuuH, Utewco b. u uv. . i, elm. and V u fctuiiu iu H.mu i l.ue, UtLlttX' .N. 41 elift. UltU Iktt. U It 4riUlliiOULoi' ut-r, i i M ..Mumi'ul K.-.i, Ueiu i cuiliuiiv. fUbjei'l liOMuefUi itt lituk c.iiruue, and o iMjrcMHjlU iu ietiniM .ineaauu Jouu auuiti,k'ttV- L-uiud cunh thu remaiuing two edit ul uiuliUiM, Uisi pureUiiamr uu ai.itui-UM-t;uriiy uiuwut, tuiu di tne lurUiur uruei liy mi lu eufuu uider ul ule Kranted by (lie u(vroi cuari ul uuauuiu vuuu.y uu Hie witvii, .m ., ueoua. usKuiUBt jum twdKr. Claudia ie cm uiiU ui..cr, i Miuil m-jI ai tue cuun nutue iiRir iu laiicburu, a. C, ui la u cioek il. .uiiUtiyuj ueuiber mu.. uie luliuHiug n-al uu-. iiiwtt: tuur ii.te ul lainl tit miu cuuiuy. s-iiiirucb in Kuuult-iiuu uiwiuiiip aujuiuiuif lie laii'iMti nt. ti .ii i di una uutern, uuu uuunu nl uo iutHw: iHK.uiiiLil ul a clone ilaruiu uiliet, i Liming u.eueeo. oluea i. clittiua it tt !uiik llurtuastvri.tr.tiieiiA. yyiicg!. fc. IM inks lu a swjue eurucl, Uiet.ee .S. W lUfch. rt . 6.ft i.uiti- l a .llie uu .ue al aiue ul luu U. r. k. tutu . taiiiuuu Jo lev I Hum eeiutf ul track ui aid ruUiuud, Uteiiuu cmiu lu Hie u.'t;uimiig hceutitl Uuel iyui lit IWm Market towiuliip lual uictUput ut txfl'liiu, S. C.i and buuuuvd a utmM.t: aWKllililHK 4. m siuke iU Uie tine ut Uie iefl Jut l uuulitg at 1 im an it let. lu oaid iiue one (final tine, t ik nee Meat v.ui naia Uue 4 eiittin u buikwenuiei ut ut'iRj. lot, incut Ueuul tol ciuuus ui utilainiiiti ulte iuul Uie UiKiuutiiK. i acre muiv ur le.. kimw n uMe jjtiiufjon c. Immilci tut atijwmng iitciuuaui Utiver tjarner aim uiiten, auu euu uiiuiiiK uue uue umie ur le.. 1-uuiu. imci lit uie Iuhu ut ataley, N. C, ooit' Utntt:iK ulte acte uiuiu ul its, tutu kuuwu as Uie iern.fl, Oi'U-Uiird cueti, tbe tvnialuiug tHo- itnnsrtima eieati ul riX luuiillt the iniicliaoel huium iuu una ufbruwu reeurny iuietur,uud u.. i.We n ei ven tut lite lufinr uiavr ui u cunrt. KlVa.1 1 , Jr., Adnir. of a. rt . kiveu, tc, uce'd. I liU 'Jbth Uu ui beullilU:t, if. LAND SALE I Bv vlrtuuoi a judifiueiil of the i-uter.or Court Dl Kamit'tuii tjuiii, ruuuereua. mjr utui iw lit tnu aetiuu cutllied raumei ariiuld el aiii. uiaiu ml . ilurj it. Caisie et aifc deieuoauto, Uie uu- n. r.a'ii,'!! uill-L-UilL Uiu cuufl UOUwJ Ouuf IU AM.euru ut uuuiit: uue mm u ihe in hunt bidder latu oi A. A. KiOe and ouiera aud bounded as follows, vii ' beuiiiiuuK uia u lute oak on theaouth aide of the Home tract, J. H. Konnw' comer aud ruiiniog N M dt-w. h. 4 eha. to a ruck, Uumue IS. iM digs. E 4M eii. biarut k, Uieuee fc. l.'Jb b. to uie initiUieof JaukhOtt'avRwk, Uienoe N. 4&deKN. K. 4.K7 etu. to a kiaiu; of Uie boutti bank ot tbe creek. uieuee luirui S.-tt clin. to uie comer ui me mi.tuii.ur Uu nee N. Kb dew. W . ii W etna, to a rock, Uienw N. JD deic. W. lu cun. to a ouie, teuce N. aK chit, to u.e big road, tnei'ce up halU rued sajcIk. u tne lueetiiitc-houite iui, uieuee along i tie mad s.om ei. ii a iumvr thciuie K. KM chf. to a rock H. a. Ty-uger'n cor ...r iHii.tiuuinii K. uLflu ctu. to a ruck Ui ILcaiTa.' line, Uienuett. lILMeita. U a iix't lu Use public mart, ttiviteft . 1? dwi. K cba. to a utaJte la Kx-uruit line, thence den. W. IBMb eii. toe .tuL.. ii. iiiu mi.iiiut i JaukMin'a enwk. Uieuoe d ti luu vaEkou oourfett of uaid crack lu a wmlh-wehUruuiM-Uou ia.6U che. to a ktak.- in lite nihidleut Ute creek, theuue b. i den. wetto u nu-kiu Kctmw' line thence N. 7U de W. M vi lo Ue buKiitntttst oouUung acre mora or le J. A. PPENCK, H.M. KuBlNri, Coram itaiDcni. fiK-SALE OF LAND, B virtue of mi otxler of le frrenled by tbe lupcror Court t lUtndoipn oouury on tne pen tiou of i. a. Oil, eduiluMratt of Matlia'tn Lfe-ki'y, (h cittfkt. eiraliitt Unnit Krooanduiiiers 1 Ahull wll ut piiMtcam-U-Hi to the blubi-Ht bid der at UnVUl M. m the Motttlny. titer Ji, 1MM. tt the oourt bouMi door, tite lolluwiug real enlate to-wit. A tract of iaod In Providence tnwitkhlp, fetid county, bounded oa the wm by the la tide of W. C. V.ot-1 avo'l w. U. Ltw-key: on tbe mirth by the tetrtM of Catfirtrlire York ; on tbt louth by Thomns Nixon; on thtt eat by Tltomah Wviney and Catmntie York, aid Known M the MadlMNt lackey plaoe tunt conuiiiitiif B0 acres, mora or le. - Term- fn-half eahh. the remainlnfr one-half on acrrdlt of tax montti. the (itirei-iv-er K'rhig reervl pli ate lurcher arUr of Uie court. I - J. A. srBNCR, Conuar. HAVE V0U INO'OESTION. BoyiM CaronAIbumen Tsb- ta rore Xarnon ot Aiuumen a! positive cui for uidigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, headache or soar stomach from over euUug of drink ing 450 H they don't, him a p'3ge. z.,Q.i ts.i ; . If vour droeeist dosen'i have them sedd direcf t . pQYD CHJIMlCAt, COMPANY, 708 Rand McNally DW.. UileayK HL LIBSST 2XOTZA.1a COLLEGE. A wtv mill. i.' M'tinol (.11 ynuns- men and young women. Faculty of experienced teaoken. Owl lllirury, reiidlnK nmm, unit exponM rauonable. Boiuxl and tuition for s limited number ot i tu luiiu ul ss.50 s nv-inh. Kor enhiloirutf an.) lurllior Infnnnnuon writ ui Pres. Thoiias C. Amick, A. M., Ph. D., or Sec. and Trkas. J. A. Hornaday. Liberty, N. C. role and Marble Monuments. Marble Tombstones, Italian Statuary, Mart ie and Granite ft' ii:ii fui'iiidh uuy design of I tho Auii'i iciin or foreign mnrlilca or Our gooils ure the nicest obt:dnuhle. We can please you. Call on us and give us vottr onki. Oarbeo rlarble Works, Oppo. G. G. Hendricks & Co' Aheboro, IN. C. Hamlin Hiuiilin IleighU is the nt vl seotimi of Asliehoro which we propose to throw llliotl the market and Sell t'.il- u lint, it will Virinrr in hnilrllnn Int. r,t 1 size to suit. This property cousisU of ulmut forty acres which lies to the, ! North of the Sonthern Jiailwuy m-ar the factory Uistiict on "Y" etreetj liifli street and a continuation of Sinith street, and is the most elevated' in town, shady and healthful. In a good neighborhood, ' CY.1111! home seeker and investor aud g'-t what you want before the best ; ion are sold. Armfield (& Laxighlin, Real Esttvte Dealers. SIIOJ2S! We litive the Elkin homemade ami cniiurens; aim gcnooi Biioea manuiactnrea oj the ueorge Ue Witt noc t oinpany. Ve have just received a nice line or JJress and Waist Goods, Shirts, Hats, Notions, Ladies, Youths and Childrens Union Suits, Facinators, Hoods, Outings, Canton Flannels, Etc. These goods were bought at old prices and we can save you money by getting your goods of us. We have over 100 pairs of Nos. 3 and 4 ladies shoes which we will close out at and lelow cost. Thanking you for pnst favors we hope for a continuance of same. Yours truly, RIDGE, FOX fc COMPANY. Southern Nurseru Comp'u. ' Win hester, Tennessee. Oldest and Largest Nursery in the State. Nearly 2,000,000 Peach Trees sold aud shipped direjt to planters'! in fall of 1S03 and spring of 1904. We will have for fall of 1904 and spring of 1905, our usual large supply of Apple, Peat, Peach, Cheiry, Pium, Pecans, English Walnuts, in fart nil kinds of trees that are successfully grown in our climate at reasonable prices. f Write for Price List and Catalogue. SOUTHERN NURSERY CO., Winchester, Tenn World's May-November, 1904. ...Southern - Railway... Account the above occu i.i'i, effective April 25, 1904, Southern Bail way placed on sale daily, tickets at extreenily low rates, to St. Louis and return. Following are rates applyiug from principal points in State of North Carolina: ' SeiiMiti SO-ilar 16-day ' Asheboro, $35.55 $29.60 $24.20 Charlotte 36.10 30.10 24.65 Greensboro, 34.10 28.40 23.30 Hickory, 31.10 28 40 43.30 Mt.Airy, 37.00 30.85 25.10 Salisbury, 34.10 28,40 23.30 Sanford 37.00 31.90 26.25 Wilkeaboro, 40.00 33.40 25.10 Southern Railway, effective April 26, 1904, inaugurated Throhgh Pullman Sleeping Cars between Greentboro, N. C, and St. Louis, Mo., via Salisbury, Asheville, Knoxville, Lexington and Louisville; leaving Greens boro daily at 7:20 P. M. For full information as to rates from all points, Sleeping-Car reser vations, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., address axy agknt, or K. lu VERNON, T. P. A., J. H. WOOD, D. P. A. CHARLOTTE, K. 0. ASHEVILLE, N. C. S. H. HAR0WICK, Pass. Traffic Manr. W. H. TAYL0E. Oral. Passeorsr Atent. WASHINGTON. D. C. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS,' P.1IS80URI. SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST ROUTE. Veetibuled, Electrio-Lighted Train with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Care. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct con nections. Special Rates for Season, Sixtj or Fifteen Day tickets. Fifteen day tickets from Aeheboro, N. 0., $23.00. Sleeping car accommodations engaged upon application. SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS oauthorised dates, tickets good ten days atte of $ra 13 Correspondingly low rates from other stations. Special accommodations arranged for parties. Stop overs permitted without limit at O. & O. celebrated mountain resorts. a USE THE O. & O. ROUTE and purchase your tickets accordingly. BForjcoach eicurBionatesreBervations and other ?lnfor- ITTIi " . j j. trr rt ifr a n T ti-c-ta r it "i-" "VA UJL l tK. .u.ii in aariuit flrat IhIhii Call, as la Va..(socond In tho South to oim a building eroded for its uu osa of tbe 6 nest In EU -mond. Endorsed by Ita studenta, business men aad tbe press, thiladtlfkia Stenographer aaya "It Js the leadatf Business College south of the Potomac R1tot. "When I reacted Klohmood, I inquired of enteral bustness men for the best Baatoeaa College tn toe city aad, aitboot tseeptiou, they lit rjcoinm jn V' SniiMeal'e aa the bMt-"-rr Wm.iM. Jiom. Vem. Bimnjmur, JRiohmoBU. Slog le, Double Entry and J.n-Sioo Bookkeeping, Commercial Artuupetle, Bosiaeaa Writtoa;, Buloe.a Praetioe, filhortbauO, TypewHUnf, TelejTa?h, Coaaaeratal Law. togrUso PwrarBneai. Lad lee aad geotleuksa. Day and night Batons. K vaeaoinis.i umi ener at any time. By JlaB. BoekkeeB. lot', Shorthand. FtcmansMp, at home. IA thoae vboeaanot nomats) College. KtccUI tndurw.ii-ni.i to rm.l MiiwaMMl ymirg nwn, especially to faohers. Trite orcati 4 till jparucuiart to (.At. SsrUaaal, rTi., gtcltaiewl, V Granite Monuments, Granite Markers, Iron Fencing, Posts and Coping, Etc. Monuments mid Tusiibatone iu uny of granites. Our jirices are the lowest Heights! SHOES! (0) shoe in mens, boVs. wotuens. misses FaiskLoj Riohmond.Va.

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