r MiBMaOMMial ocou 156 COURIER me COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. wmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm I vo ri-. . l i v I Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tear, VOL. XXIX. ASHEB0R0, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. No 4. r"TTs "TrTr-lTv gM" 111 111111111 "If" 3 KLEjK. oWti lionclfncf Is cordially invited from individuals, firms uud corporations con templating the opening of an account, or mak ing changes in existing arrangements, by THE WACHOVIA LOAN AND TRUST CO. Our officers give per sonal attention to the interests of correspon dents, and it is our earnest endeavor to meet all their requirement. Capital $600,000.00. Assets $3,530,156.22. O R COX, PmMcn. W AHMHIRLD, V-Prw W J ARM FIELD, Jr., Cnshlor. The Bank of Randolph, J s5a.o 135 to. IT. O. Capital aud Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 i biiftlnpM of the banking imblic nylne we are prepared anil wlllinit to extend to our euntemcw every facility ain't ac commodation coroilstent with safe banking. DIRECTORS Hugh Park. Sr., W J ArmfleM.W P Wood, P H Morriii. C C McAUstcr, H M Amifleld. o K Cox, W r ReddiliK, Benj Moffltt. Thou J Keddln, A W K Opel, A M Kankin, Thos U Rf-ldlns, llr K E Aflbury, C J Cox. To eall tha attention of the people of Randolph I count? to the fact that ' kind of- 7e-welr3r, - "Watches and Cloclcs. Optical Department m complete. We can duplicate any. leiiHe or broken piirta. Fine Lench fnmtnhcd to order on abort notice IMall Orders will receive uneclnl atlcntlon. Wo carry a line line of Jewelry. Write n when you need anything In our line. Very truly youm, TP. STALEY Sc BEO Hifj-ls. Point, IT. C S. Bryant, President J. R.Cole. Cashier I5he BaLiik of R.andlema.n, Randleman, N. C. Capital $J2.000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received "n favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hart sell, A N Bulla, S G Newliu, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, II O Barker and J H Cole. FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise at ourstore Our prices are right. Come to see us. a Bring your produce, eggs chickens, etc., to exchange them for goods. We sell yon good goods at reason able prices and pay you pood prices for your pro duce. - - E. O. YORK STORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS. N. C. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD DIRECT ROUTE TO THE ST. LOUIS POSITION. Two trains daily. In Connection wltn W. A A. R. R. 4 N. C, A 8t. L. Ry from AU n'a. Lt Attentat. a. b. At St. Louts T;0H a. r. S.KOp. m, 7:,.m. With Through Sleeping Can Prom Georgia. Florida. & Tennessee flout e of ttje Farnou "DIXIE FLYER" ' Carrying the only morning alaeplng car from Atlanta ia St. Ln-ia. The car Iravun JackMm- Tlll. dally. S:0r. p. .. Atlanta S:W a. m elviug mi thM Mititv dnv In .Ht. lxiHi to gut l.Hiated. Kor rat from your city, Wold'e Fair Oulde Boo and acholule.. Weeping car re-ervatton. alo for bouk .bowing Hotel and Boarding neuatf, quouuf weir raiea, wnw w. FRED D. MILLER. Traveling Pas. Agent No I N.Pror St., ATLAM A. GA L. M. FOX, M D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Oflm hla prflaaaona aarrlce to tha fMwa aaataabon ac4 mrroundlug oiBliy. Mtn: Nam BMet. BLEW TOP OF HEAD OFF, After 36 Hours Vomiting a Member of a Prominent Family Blows his Head Off With a Shotgun. Dr Wilbur Lowe, a young dentist age about 37 years, committed sui cide last Friday morning at the home of his father, Esq. John T Lowe's, seven miles from Asheboro in Cedar Grove township. Fur thirty-six hours previous he hud been vomiting. Uis mother and sister had beeu with him duriug the night. Just before 5 o'clock bis mother having gone to her room for i rest he asked his sister to please go to the kitchen for some soda and in her absence he secured a shotgun aud placed the muzzle to his fore- head pushing the trigger (it is thought) with his foot. The load blew the top of his head entirely off. He whs skilled in his profession, but for some veim was the victim of thu drug adilieiiuii. His father is a sub- j She asserted that he said he was go staulial and prosperous farmer of the "g to tell around among people who '!0iintv, to whom and other members of the family we extend our syinpa thy. The deceased smsled in ins profession with hope and encour.ie- ment. He possessed a bright mind and what seemed t be a life of promise wi.s before him. After awhile the deadly fungs of the timid were so lixed that it become mee.- sary for him to give up his pinciieis and return to bis fathers borne wi. tie he could have attention n lien needed, , . I Nine Die at Winston. A reservoir in Winston-Salem eon- ' fuini.xr uli.,i,t OIIII (Will ,i Until .it ... & ' b ter, blunted at the North end Novein ber 2nd uud nine people were drown ed. A n ti in ber of houses are located near the reservoir and as the water passed out in a deluge these houses were swept iiwav like straws. The I odies of the dead were found near the railrond 50 feet from the reser voir. Several others are missing. It is feared they were lost. Burglars at ThomasviHe. Burglars entered the stores of W O Burgin Co., Dry Goods, D C Mof titt, groceries, "nl C lt Thomas, driiL'uist, at ThomasviHe on the night of November 2nd and secured $150 worth of jewelry from Burgin Co., five dollar in cash and a lot of groceries f.'om Moflit' and two or three dollars in cash from drugstore. They have not yet been apprehended. Safe Crakers. Safe crakers got in their work at Gibson, a village near Laurinbuig the night of November 2nd. The pctorlice was blown open aud 100 in cash besides several dollars in stamps were taken. Each of the county convict foices were le-cuforced Monday by the ad dition of a dozen or more men con victed and sentenced in the Superior court last week to terms on the road. Among the prisoners taken to Mr Stanley's camp was It L McFarland, of High Point, a gray-haired man convicted of carnally knowing a girl uuder fourteen years of age. While the testimony was levolting there were circutnstuuees that caused the presiding judge to be lenient with the priscner and he was sen tenced to only two years. McCaftle, the forger, was given three years in the penitentiary. With the negro Donnell, convicted .d' arson, he was taken to Raleigh this morning. Greensboro Patriot. MOMTH'S MEDICINE ON TRIAL. Oenerous Offer to all with Weak Diges tion and Stomacb Troubles. 'Vith every box of Mi-o-na sold by the Standard Drug Co., give the fol lowing guarantee bond, assuring the purchaser that the moaey will be returned if after a month's use, the remedy has not given satisfatiou. GUARANTEE Asheboro Drug Co. hereby agie to refund the nioney paid for Mi-o-na on return of empty boxes if the purchaser tells it that it has failed to enre dyspepsia or stom ach troubles. This guarantee covers two 50c boxes, or a month's treatment. (Sigped) Anyone whose food does not digest as it ought, who has to take thought about when and what to eat, should take advantage of this generous offer of the Standard Drug Co. Mi-o-na is almost invariably suc cessful in curing stomach trouble of all kinds, from an acute attack of indigestion to a chronic case of dys pepsia. Bf its sue "aw rich blood is made, the reigbt increased and health restored. Dr. R A Shinpuck died at his home in Gold Hill the first of the week aged 70 years. He was a pro mineut man and well known iu Randolph. WOMAN SHOT NEQRO. She Overheard Him Boast that he was Ruining Her Reputation. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 3. Miss Minerva Boliu, employed in a restau- rant here, last night shot and per I haps fatally wounded George Gum bol, a waiter, who had insulted her. - When arrested she said: j "Gambol told me that things had changed now so that 'niggers' are as ' good as white folks, and that 1 must equalize with them. I couldu't help ' myself, he told me, and he was g'j- i nig to make me recognize him as my equal. I wouldn't do it; no negio is as good as a white person and I'll kill oue before I'll let one force himself upou mo. I shot to : kill, uud I hope he dies." Miss Bolin say she overheard , Gumbo! boasting to other waiters that be was circulating stories about her, and that she couldn't resent it, , knew her that he had ruined her, "I just couldu't stand it," ehe ' said, in lulling about it, "uud I guess it sent me crazy. It was enough to j drive any respectable white womn cnuy. and it was too much for me. I shot him as soon as he came around, and 1 m willing that they n:ng me mr u it l urn wrong.- Mi" Buliu npent the night in the n'iiee station, but ou the news of j the oncum-nce getting abroad this morning, comity oliictrs went her bj,l1 f'"' -i-.oO''. and a f nrseof $1"0 for ,u'1' Wils quickly raised about the court In. use. rormer Attorneys General, Robert Vaughn und Andrew Oililueil and former OriminalJudge J M Anderson have volunteered to defend her. Public indignation against the uero, who is at a negro infirm ary, in a critical condition, is intense, and there is much talk of lynching him. New Hope Academy Revived. If we are o judge by the in terest which is being manifested by the parents and patrons, especially in some sections, we should rejoice that the educational feature of our country is soon to be the most pro minent one. Especially is this true in New Hope community. Away hack in the sixties, New Hope was the centre of educational interest, and young men came from adjoining counties, and many are the older residents of Uandolpn as well as other counties who tirst received an impetus for higher education at New Hops Academy. Then as most of the older people died or moved away the school closed for several years. It again revived and ran successfully for some time when the doors were again shut, ut the jlose of Rev. M D liix s second year, omce Mr. llix left aud until the close of the past summer the educatioual interest has been at a very low ebb. But the people are again awakening to an appreciation of higher and better education. They 'ave repaired the old Academy, put in new lights, re covered, eniarged the black board and put in some new seats. The school opened on the 12tb of Sept. uuder the management of S T Lassiter, who has had several vears of expenonje and who taught last year at Bombay. lt is the intention of the people to build up as good a school as can be found anywhere iu the country. The principal has the solid co-operation of the parents a condition uecessary for the upbuilding of any school. Considering the busy season, as some of our people have from eight to twlre acres in cotton, the attend ance is more than au average, while the prospects for the spring term are very flattering. The interest seems to be greater than for many years, and we trust the patrons will UBe their utmost influence in helping make the school one of the best country school to be found. Cedar Falls Items. November 4. Misses Dena aud Annie Brady, who have been engaged with the Frauklimille Mfg Co., for some time, have returned borne and have resumed work with the Cedar Falls Mfg Co. Mr Char'es Ross, of Asheboro. made an interesting speech here last Wednesday night ou the political issues of the day. The uew machinery for the spin ning department of the Cedar Falls Mfg Co., has arrived and is being put in operation. The new water tank for the Cedar Falls Mf? Co is almost complete and when finished will add much to the looks of our town. Mrs John Campbell, who has re sided here for some years, left on the noon tram Tuesday for Greensboro, where she joined her husband. Misses Montie Jennings and Ettie Laughlin made a pleasure trip to Franklinville Monday evening. Do not forget that Dr. Seth Ar nold s balsam is the best knovn Remedy for all Bowel Complaints. , Warranted by The As bubo ro Drug Company. THE WAY TO HAPPINESS. Peace Peace With Yourself is the j Only Real Happiness. - All human beings are trying to be happy. From the beenar to the - millionaire every one of us knows - the meaning of the poet's line: "O, happiness! our being's end and aim," But what is happiness? There are several ainwers to the question, but when put to the final test but one of them is able to stand, and here it 18 happiness is peace with one's own self. You may be at war with your neighbors aud still be happy, but happy you cannot be if you are at war with yourself. Peace peace with yourself is the only real happiness. And how is this great thing to be reached? Wishing to be happy, how are we to make the wish a re ality? It is an important question, the most important in the world and, because this is so, it hus been studied from many augles aud answered in many ways, Sonie have tried to find mippiuess along the way of ambition. In pow - er, dominion and glory these would be supremely blest. Caesar tried that wav. aud. in the pride of his maohood, ran up against an assas - 6iu s dagger, nun m foal tried it, and wuuuu up oy committing suiciue. Napoleon tried it, and died broken hearted and miserable on a lonely rock iu the pea, And there is the way of beauty a way that was tried by Cleopatra aud Nell Gwyune, by Alcibiudes and Abelard, as a host of otheis of le-s fame, but history tt-lls us that to all of tliem it was iu the end the way of bitter disappointment. A very noble way would seem to be that of self-culture the develop ment of the instinct, the acquisition of knowledge, the gratification of ; he ai t sense, and yet the most illus- trious individual of all taose who have tried this way the great ! Goethe declared, near tho close of I his long life, that during all bis I eighty odd years, he had not had "six weeks" of happiness. i Then here is the way of wealth the broad, straight way, which from j the earliest times has been crowded, But from old King Croesus down to Andrew Carnegie the verdict is the same, "Wealth does not satisfy." Croesus' millions c uld not save him from a troubled life and a mis-' erable death; and the iron master's acquired "a champagne appetite wealth seems to be pressing down ou with a beer income." It is the com him a terrible weight, and be is un-1 panion piece. Rutland, Vt., News. loading himself of it, as fast as he can. Fame, beauty, knowledge, riches! , They all fail us. Sooner or later we learn that the happiness we seek is , not to be found in them. We grasp j the imagined prize and it turns to ashes in our grasp. Fame? The mora you have of it : the greater becomes your loneliness. , lieautyr It is a "rainbows loim, . vanishing amid the storm." Kuow- j ledge? "Behold, we know not auy- ! thing." Wealth? Go see the pam- j pered favorites in their splendid uu- i re8t' i Distressing Accident Near Center. Where then, shall happiness be j Word reache(j the citv la8t night! found? There is but one answer: ; thut Ueattie Hodgin, the ninetoeu lu the eternal sacrifice of self. year-old son of Mr. Jos. G. Hodgin, This does not mean that one " ho lives south of the city near the should deliberately go about it t0 . lh'dolph liue, had been killed by a . . . ,, . ,, ,. , . team he was driving. He was draw make himself miserable. It does , . wneat aftelnoon and not mean that one is bound to inn- i not returning at the usual hour tate the authorities of old and dedi- 1 members of his family set out to cate himself to the idea so well set ' look for him, finding him cold in fort: in Byron's couplet: , UU l 0Iue evideD' th?1 . ,T . ' he had been kicked by cue of the "Deep in yon cave Hononus long horge9 aIthough th, wag C0Q. did dwell, : sidered gentle and safe. His sister, And hoped to merit Heaven by Miss Aileen Hodgin, who is a stu making earth a hell." j i cut at a business college here, and other friends living in the citv, Hononus was foolish. Self-sscn- leirlled of ,he diitreS9illg affair wil'h fice does not mean that we shall take great sorrow. Greensboro Patriot, ourselves away from the world and 9 b- wretched, but that we shall stay with the world and try to make it happy. Hyomei, the Only Guaranteed Care for To stay iu the world a man Catarrh, among men and to work for the No one should confound Hyomei world's betterment, regardless of the with the patent medicines that are consequences to one's p ivate inter- advertised to cure catarrh. It is as ests, to fling all thought of self, like far superior to them all as the dia a rock, into the deep sea of forget- moud is more valuable than cheap fulness, to be willing like the sol-' glass. Their composition is secret, dier in the battle line, like Father bnt Hyomei gives its formula to all Damien among the lepers, like Paul ' reputable physicians aud is presciib t Rome, like the Nazarene on the ed by them generally, cross to die for others, this it the The only way to cure catarrh and true self-srcrifice and the true hap j all other diseases of the respiratory piness. : organs is to breath Hyomei. The happiest man in the world i This treatment has been so sue today is the man who has the most oessful in curing 99 per cent of all of this spirit, who to the fullest ex. who have used it, that Hoymei is teat of hia power ia joyfully giving now sold by the Asheboro Drug Co., himself, body, mind, soul, to the under an absolute guarantee to re came of humanity to mother, fath. 1 f 1 the money in cae it does not er. wife, children, neighbors, every- : benefit Yon run no risk whatever body; who thinks of self last, if at in buying Hyomei. If it did not all, and who finds hia happiness in possess unasnal powers to cure, it the happiness he is aoie to matte tor theae aronad him. WHERE THE TROUBLE COMES. Supporting a "Sealskin Wife" on Muskrat Income. tl 1.. ... . L . .1.- -j; i euuie ceieuraw me uiseovery OI a npw frr in nature- their m elu new raci in nature, mey grow elo - nnenr nter the in jantinn nf u i.uur piece of machinery; they heap riches j in the lap of the man who puts on the market a uew breakfast food. j Why should they not pay some , slight tribute to the author of a new . epigram? A really great epigum rarer than the ruby. The jewel may be crushed, but the verbal gem lives forever aud defies all the forges of decay. Its sparkle may never be dimmed If the saying expresses a great truth iu few words, if it shines with the glint of homely humor, if its ap peal be broad and general, so may it be decided whether the epigramic offering be genuine or only a clever imitation Apply these standards to the rough and uncut yet precious phrase which lies imbedded iu the speech of a plum Methodist minister from the up-State counties of New York and Vermont delivered the other day be- fore the Conference of his brethren j in his district. He was telling of the haru work and small pay which arc the lot of himself and his fellows ! in the doow districts of the countrv. 1 Aud be closed with this tremendous question: "How shall a man sup i port a seuisKiu wire on a muskrat i income?" The epigram may pro' j voke a smile, perhaps; that same question, uever before so well pat, has exed many other men iu aud out of the ministry. Attempts to answer it have ended before now in the penitentiary. It is that ques tion, if authorities are to be believed which is responsible for the increas ing number of bachelors, particular ly iu the cities, and for the corres ponding increase in the number of middle aged spinisters. It is a ques tion which might possibly be prolit- ably debated by some of the women's clubs. Are too many girls of the present day beiug reared in a way which fit them only to be "seal skin wives?" And where shall the yonng man with a "muskrat income." look for a proper helpmate? At any rate, the new epigram cuts deep aud raises serious questions. It deserves a permanent pluce iu the archives of the English language, alongside that other classic, but still sparkling, saying which describes the plight of the unfortunate who Woman Kills an Out-law. William Morrow, a noted despera- d0) wi10 had been wanted for murder alia other crimes was shot and killed ju Buncombe countv by Mrs John Phillips, a respected white woman. MrH Phillips drove him from her norae ttj he started to return when she rari aud got a double-baneled gim ami toiu him not t cross the fonce. He cave her a contemptuous anii Parted over when ehe fired twice both shots taking effect. DO NOT DOSE THE STOMACH. conld not be sold npou this plan, ANNOUNCEMENT TO N. C. TEACHERS i Reading Course for Teachers Outline of )ne Course and Its Advantages, . i (E,i0rP.I ,T the Wa County Association for I "'' lN,"'rnioiit of public nchool hoiim ami 1 p,,,,,,!, ttllrt tnouirurati by tiiem (twins tiie """'' " " . LOliejc jiuy, im, The following announcement on the part of the committee to prepar a reading course for North Carolina teachers will be read with interest throughout the Stat. The great good to be deriverd from aucb course and te remarkable cheap uess of the books and papers should insure the patronage of every rural school teacher in the State. Follow ing is the committee's announce' ment: I'hs idea of a Reading Course for teachers was explained at the July summer school at Raleigh, and at a number of county institutes, course has been very carefully plan ned. It hus the hearty approval of Superintendent J Y Joyner, Secre tary E f! Brooks, Mr W J Peele, and other leaders in the work of educa tion. Mr Joyner and Mr Brooks are especially pleased that the books supplement so well the course of study for public schools, which is just being completed. Tho-w who have had au opportun ity to meet teachers during the past summer report a wide spread desire on the part of the teachers to make the best of their opportunities, to do intelligent work, to deserve and com mand a decent living. And this course is intended to help those who are too busy to find out just the means wherewith .o help themselves. It will embrace (1) Nature Study; (2) Civics; (3) Biography aud History; (4) Literature; (5) Hygiene; (6) School Government; (7) Art. NATUKB 8TCDT. The Nature Study help will be based upou "Agriculture for Begin ners" and will be conducted through the N.iture Study Department of The Progressive Farmer by Prof F L Stevens and Mrs Stevens. civics. In the discussion of Civics, the books now iu use in the public schools will be made the basis of the work. Mr W J Peele has promised to help with this subject. HISTOKY. The work jn history will treat of two periods: 1. The Period of Discovery. Wash ington Irving's account of the dis covery of America will be used as a text. 2. The Revolutionary Period in two of its phases Foreign Aid und the War in the South. In this connection, the Btory of Lafayette's visit to North Carolina ill be told, and a careful study of Prof D II Hill's account of Greene's Retreat will be made. Through the study of the biogra phy of Thomas Jefferson, his part in Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con sumption, "bat plenty or pork," was tne advice to the consumptive 50 and 10c years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionisthemod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is tot rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the mos refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in thi way, which is often the only way, is half t!; : battle, bu .icott's Emulsion does more han that. There is some hing about the combinatior of cod liver oil ?iid hypophos ohites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request Ba ar that tMa ftaar la tha tarn H a label b w lU EbXm to bay. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl SW N. Y. fac ea i aB iroRtata Consumption ( the formation, government, and ex tension of the United States will be discussed. LITEIIATUBB, Evangeline ia to be studied and en joyed as a piece of literature; its his tory setting, however, will be fully explained. The treatment of the other books of the course will be elaborated later, THE LIST OP BOOKS, The following book and booklets constitute this year's coarse. Alfred Williams & Co., will supply them through us at the following rates, postage prepaid: School Hygiene $JS9 How to Keep Order .16 Discovery of America .14 Thomas Jefferson .18 Greene's Retreat .12 LaFayette .06 Audubon .06 Evangeline .06 liunhn-l .06 Album of Authors and Memory uems .05 By sending the Secretary $ 1 for the ten aud you save postage and the trouble of ordering, besides getting the books cheaper the ten for one dollar. THE COST OF TUB BEADING COTJB3E. The entire cost of the Reading Course, including subscription to The Progressive Farmer, is two dol lars, as follows: Membership fee Ijl .25 Subscription to The Progres sive Farmer (at special rate by raising club of 100 or more) .75 Ten books (papor) delivered free of charge 1.00 Total 2.00 If the books are bonght separately, each will cost more than when bought in the set. The money must sent to the Secretary, Miss Ada Womble. Raleigh. These books will be sent at these rates only to those ho have paid the membership fee. This fee will barely cover the ac tual cost of conducting the reading course, in return for it, as cacn hook is finished, questions will be printed iu The Progressive Farmer hi'jh members may answer if they ish. If desired, these papers will be graded and returned by the Sec retary. An each book in the course is studied, beside other helps in The Progressive Farmer column, the names of reference books will be given with price and publisher. Correspondence with the Secretary is invited. The Progressive Farmer. Resolutions of Respect Whereas, God in his providence has removed from our midst onr be loved friend and brother, Pearlie C Sugg, Kesolved 1st. That the Metho dist cbtuch at Mt Olivet has lost one of its young and promising members. 2nd. That the Sunday School has been called upon to give np one of its true and faithful scholars. 3rd. That we tender our earnest and heartfelt sympathy to his dear parents and brothers and sisters, and implore God's special favor and benediction upon them all. 1th. That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of our Sun day school; that a copy be sent to X C Christian Advocate, and the Jourier for publication, and a copy eut to family of deceased brother. S R RicHAiinsox, G W Teague, Mrs T 11 Tysor. Committee. Mr. Chisholm Elected. T L Chisholm, a large cotton mill man, and a former resident of tiandolph county, was lust week elected President of the Bank of Sanford. Raleigh News & Observer Nov. 3: B. W. Hatcher, of Liberty N. C. Grand Lecturer of North Carolina Lodge of Masons, is in the city aud iddressed the members of the lodge) it a meeting last night. Mrs. W. T. White, who shot S. II. Buckhannan, a prominent business man of Jonesboro in Danville, Va. last week, had some months ago gained noteriety through the courts in Greensboro in which proceeding she was deprived of the companion sbip of two children, the court hold ing that she was not a fit person to have the care and custody of child ren. The children were seni to their father in Georgia. Cotton root bark is fast becoming an article of profit It is said to be worth forty cent per pound in New York. If this be true, and we be lieve it is, many fortunes are lost to cotton growing States annually by dewy. News and Observer. f "Silver Plate that Wears." Your Spoons Fork,, etc.. will ba parlaclioa ia danbMtr, beautr of dtn aad bnllUacy of aaUa. K paiuraa waaiaia IS47 ROGERS DUOS. Tali so niihitlnm tfnit ar MasT koffr, Wi iik 1 IMMUIOM. immy itvcs If You Want The Best Laundry Sand Yaur Laundry ta tha Old RallabL Charlotte Steam Laundry. They are better prepared to do yonr work right than any Laundry in the State; and do it right, too. Leave your bundles at Wood A Moring's store. Baskets leaves Tuesdays and returns Fridays. W. A COFFI N. Agent. Are You Willing To profit by the experience of others ? "After taking your Con centrated Iron and Alum Water myself, and using it in my family with tine re sults, I do not hesitate to recommend it as one of the best medicines to be found. We use it as a tonic, for Dyspepsia, and Bladder trouble and regard it as in valuable." J. J. LAWSON, Cashier Bank of South Boston, South Boston, Va. "It gives me pleasure to state that I have used your Concentrated Water and find it one of the best tonics on the market, aud can highly recommend it to any one desiring a good appe tite, good health and good feeling." J. P. LEWIS, Photographer, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Even if your trouble is Chronic, it w ill cost very little to make a com plete cure, so do not fail to get a supply at once. 8oz bottles 50 eta., ISoz bottles $1.00. I1 or sale by Standard Drug Co.," Asheboro, N. C. J. IV 1. ECHOLS COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, Va. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION. Boyd's Carbon Albumen Tab lets Pure Carbon of Albumen a positive cure for indigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, neadacne or sour stomach from over eating or drink ing $50 if they don't. 25 cents a package. If vonr druggist dosen s have them send direct to BOYD CHEMICAL COMPANY, 703 Rand McNally Bids;., Chicago, 111. Pianos and Organs Wholesale and Retail, A. D. Jones lit Co. Southern Factory Distributor (for ihm World Famous KIMBALL WE loan you the money to buy them. WE give free trials. WE pay the freight. WE save you 25 per cent. WE add nothing to the prin cipal when sold on EAST PAYMENTS. Write for our latee Piano and Orcran catalogue and for full par ticulars. A. D. Jones & Co., 208 South Elm St., Greensbore, N. C. They are Coming! A line of new On tings and Ready to wear Hate for Ladies, Misses anil Children fall aad winter wear have arrived. We thank onr customers and friends for past favors and invite them to examine onr stock. Come to see me. No trouble to show goods. aajaaaaajaiaiaaiiiriM" ia 2. T. Cl-A.rr. ' 0 1 mes H k aaaftoaiaa.