r j ! me COURIER KlJiii. ! I r?A- erw td tiro f 1 H Leads in Both News and Advertising Columns Circulation. Bring Results. 1 Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASHEBORO, N. CM THURSDAY, - NOVEMBER 24. MR $1.00 Per Year, VOL XXIX. No 47. JUDGE PARKER TO DLWOCRATS. THE NARROWS. NEWS ITEMS. MONTGOMERY C01NTV NEWS. kl SUM OP ELECTION. (' A THE ASHEBORO GOC oVicv loud nice Is cordially invited from individuals, firms and corporations con templating tho opening of an account, or mak ing changes in existing arrangements, by THE WACHOVIA LOAN AND TRUST CO. High Point, N. C. Our officers give per sonal attention to the interests of correspon dents, and it is our earnest endeavor to meet all their requirements. Capital $600,000.00. Assets $3,530,156.22. O R COX, Prusiduut. W J AKMPIELD, V-Preo W J ARMKIELP, Jr., Caxhier. The Bank of Randolph, A.atia.etoxo, iT. C. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $30,000.00 $150,000.00 DIRECTORS! Hiiffh Park". Sr.. W J ArmfleM.W P Wnrnl, P H Morrlii, C C McAUstf r, K M Anuliolil. o K Cox. W F Reililhiir.HeliJ Moimt, Thiw J Koilitluir, A W K CaKl, A M Railklll, Thou H KadUluK, Ir F E Anbury, C J Cox. S. Srjrani, president J. H. Cole, tasnitr J5he Beuuk of R.andlemeLii, Randleman, N. C Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received n favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Ilartsell. A N Bulla. S G Newliu, W T Bryant, C RL Lindsay, N N Newliu, S Bryant, U O Barker and J ti uoie. i WE "WISH .1 Rcmrlolpll i cnmitlute estauliahment fur ri'pulrlnK all kiu.ln ol fewelrsr, - "Watclies and. Oloclzs. 1 ftve only Iho licjit workmen and can give Optical IDepartaaaent w cnmi'lou. We ran du.luuU' any li-utv brokon lrl. Flue L e n e h brulshed to order on nhurt notue 3all Orders 111 receive special nttontlon. We earn' a Hue lineoi jewelry. nie us wm-u juu ueed anything lit our line. Very truly your, . F. STALE? Sc BO Hig-li Point, 3T. C. A R f1 E R S, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! lleavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise at our store Our prices are right. Come to see us. Q Bring your produce, eggs 1 cnickens, etc, to exchange T ii j u'- ii yon good goods at reason able prices and pay you p-ood prices for yenr pro duce. - - - - ' , O. YORK STORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS, N. C. rINOIS CENTRAL nail a direct bouts to the T. T.nTTTR exposition. Two trains daily. h Cpnnoction with W. A A. R. R. & a. V, A St. I,- Ky irom AH wt, .T Atlanta .s a. m. Arm. toulr.OHa.m iiSllp. in, - ?:,.. Wita Through sleephif Can From GcorgU, Florida & Tennessee Houte of tl)e Famous "OIXIE FLYER" Varrrtnt't)iORl7 morulna; fleepinir car from io uow. l ne oar luavtai jauna daUy. IMp. m., AtlnulaS KS.. m.,nvli, hut omr in tit. lxnila to nt iocaU.-d. - hnm your city. Woldn Fair Guide anowtnj aliwu, aud Boardhic Houwa, fred p. miller. Traveling Pas. Agent. j I N. Pror St, ATLANTA. G A L. M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. Ota kk amJeaaloBa) asnrfc o the cltlwot oaAakebooa and lurrouodtnc OuKBiualty. osoaii Central Hoatl. The Party Still Has a Mission and It Should Begin At Once to Build a Broad and Effective Organization Ewipiw, N. Y., llitch, (Ith. Judg.- Parker to-night gave the press an open letter addressed "To rim Tlrm..r.r.v .if (tin W. finn " in v .... v..w which he thanked those in charge of his campaign woik and declared that the people will soon realize that the "tariff fed trusts are absorbing the wealth of the nation. lie said when that lime comes tho people will turn to the Democratic party for relief. In this letter Judge Parker says he shall never seek a nomination for public oflicc. The letter follows: "To the Democrats of the Nation: "Our thanks are due to tho mem bers of the national committee and I to the executive committees in charge of the campaign, for their unselfish, capable and brilliant party service, j All that it was possible for men to do, they did, but our difficulty was beyond the reach of party managers, "1 am most giatetul to tliem and wish in this genetnl way to extend j my thanks to the workers, as well us : the rank and tile, a I over the . country. I know how hard they ' struggled against overwhelming odds, ' and 1 only wish I could take each one by the hand and thank him. ' "Deeply us I regretted leaving the ; bench at the time, in the presence of j overwhelming defeat I do not lament , it. I thought it was my duty. In the light ot my present information I am MM nvon m.iri. .nn li,l..n H...I I 1 ... - .. ..... . , did right. I sha I never seek a uonii-! nation for public office, but I shall1 to the best of my ability serve uie i party that has honored me. audi through the party my country. j "The party has in the near fu-' tinea jreat mii-sion. Befoie long the people will realize that the tarill fed trials and illigul combinations are absorbing ihe wealth of the j nation. ' "Then they will wish to throw off these leeches, but the Keptiblican paity will not aid them to do it, for its leaders appreciate too well the uses to which the meney of the trusts can be put in political cam paigns. "When thai time comes, and come it will, the people will turn to the Democratic party for relief, and the party should be ready ready with at organization of patriotic citizens covering every election district who are willing to work for the love of the ciiuse-an organization support- ed by as many town, city, country I and State officers as we are able to j elect in the meantime. We entered ! this campaign with every Northern, Eastern and Western State, save one, in Republican control. This gave to the party a large army of office-holders, reaching into every hamlet, many of whom follow ed the examples set for them by the members of the President's cabinet ru devoting their time and services to Uie party. "To accomplish much in this di- rection, however, we must forget the i difficulties of the past. If anyone suspects his neighbor of treachery, If he knos he has deserted us, let hire not tell it. Our forces have , been weakened by divisions, wej hare quarreled at times over non- esentials. If we would help Un people, if we would furnish an orga nization through which they may be relieved of a party that has grown so corrupt that it will enter into part nership with trusts to secure moneys for election purposes, we must for get the differences of the past aud . b)?in this day to build up, wherever it may be needed, a broad and effective organization. And we must by constant teaching through the press and from the platform, ap prise the people of the way the vi cious tariff circles work. "We must bring home to them at other than election times, the fact that money contributed to the Re publican party by the trusts is not only dishonest, but it is given that the trusts may, withottt hindrances, take a much larger, sum from the peoule. t "In the presence of a defeat that would take sway all personal ambi tion, were it true that otherwise it possessed me I do not - hesitate to say that in my opinion the greatest moral question which now confronts ns, is: "snail toe trusts and cor porations be prevented from'contnb- u ting money to contiol or to aid is controlling elections?" "Such service m I can render in that direction will be gladly render ed. And I beg the no-operation as a fellow-worker of every Democrat is the country. Alton B. Parklr. The Work of Developing Is Beinif Pushed At a Great Expense. Over u million and half dollars! have bean expended in the work uf I developing t!H narrows of the Yad- '. kin bW In- the Whir..- (', ! R Ml- 11" , ' . nvc UHU1UU3 more win ue spent. ! When complete it is the purpose of the company to furnish motor now - ! er for the towns of Greensboro, J Salisbury, Charlotte. It is indeed a mammoth undertake ing The dam located several hun dred yards above tho narrows is to bo fifteen hundred feet long, forty feet wide at the bottom and twenty feet wide at the top and thirty-eight feet high. Tho erection of tlie pow er house has commenced and it is to be built of granite. The company will give factory sites after it is completed to those desiring to erect factories. : Poultry Show- I A premium 'list will be mailed to j any one for the asking of the Poul- trv Show to be held in Lexington Dec 13th to lGth. Gen. Julian S Cut will deliver the opening mUliess i,n Tuesday evenim;, Dec 13th. ... flit Man Instead of Bird. Gem ge Gould, a millionaire sport.". mun of New York, who owns n lodge near Jamestown, ac-idently Kht in the eve Kihvard Burn-, ol High Point w bile hunting Nov H;th. Mr Gould sent, (lie wounded mm. in I.: : I . .. v , la 0j, vaT ln i () i lo a lpi eiulists in an effort to save the eye. . . . . Globe Company CliartcrcJ. Articles of incorporation have been filed in the secretary of state's office for The Globe Publishing Com pnuy of Salisbury. 1 his is nor.' ; weekly newspaper owned by Mr II B Ynrnei, state commissioner of labor and printing. The Globe Publishing Company is capitalized at $15,000 and the principal incorporators are II rner and Carl Hammer. To Establish Houses of Correction. In the issue of Nov 17th the Salis bury Sun c lues nut in an editorial strongly endorsing the action of the commissioners of Forsyth county in establishing a house of correction in Forsyth. The Sun urges the citi zens of liowan to take some steps in the smile direction. It remarks that in the mayor's and magistrates' court if? eek the necessity for such an ""'"' h seen, xue courier "M " - " J1 0,1 0,,e or more different occa- slolls' "Checkers." . A preparation known us "Check ers" manufactured by the Checkers Mtdicino Company, in other words the Casper Whiskey Company, of Winston-Salem, is the latest prepara tion of low grade liquor sold us a medicine in some sections. An an alysis by the State Chemist made from a bottle purchased from a deal er in Mooresville, Iiedell county. sj0W8 tm4t tm, preparation contains 33-6o per cent alcohol. As whiskey coutains from 40 to 45 per cent al cohol it will be seen that "Checkers" cuntuins almost as much uleohol as whiskev. MRS. CARLTON'S WONDERFUL STORY, Maine Woman's Thrilling Experience Du plicated in Asheborn. There are scores of families in Asheboro and near by towns who will read with interest the wonder ful experience of Mrs A L Carlton, one of the best known wonieu in llockland, Me. Mrs Carlton says: "1 suffered with stomach trouble for eigb t years, growing worse all the time. Three of the best docters in Maine diag nosed my case as cancer of the stom ach and declared I could not live two months. Utterly discouraged with their treatment, I began using Mi-o-na and commenced to gain at once. At this time, I was reduced to almost skin and bones, as I had lost nearly 100 pounds during mv sickness, but when I began to take Mi-o-na, my flesh was built up und I gained 22 J lbs. the first month. I have taken only six packages of these wonderful tablets, but my health is about re stored and I firmly believe that Mi o-ns saved my life." The Asheboro Drug Co. is local agent for Mi-o-na, which sells for 50 cents s box, and offer it under personal guarantee that if it does not care the worst ferm of stomach trouble and resulting disorders, the meney will be refunded. We noticed E W Jordon, of FranklinviHe, on our streets one day last week. Many Items Gathered from Diifercnt Sources. Lexington is having mm ,. u , , l1 I Soulliein Car Company. High Point, liaS recently bllllt t.WO i t i j m' ' :ir tor l"B i (' 1111 ! Judge A 15 Purkci, recen demo- i cratic candidate for president ln:s opened a law office in New York City. The pay car of the Sells-Foie-paugh circus was robbed Saturday morning of $30,000 at Tarboro, N. C. There is no clue to the identity of tho robbers. Dr J A Turner, of High Point, was kicked by a horse last Satunluy. He was kicked on the leg just above the knee, splitting the leg bone. A little child of Benson Dorsett, of High Point, was seriously burned one day last week while playing around a fire kindled in the yard. At a meeting of the beard of hI dennen of the city of Greensboro lust Saturday an ordinance was pass ed i'('iiiiring all telegraph and tele phone wires to be placed nnder ground. Conductor W B Caldwell, in charge of train in wreck near New Market. Tenu., some months ago ha.-, been ur rested on the charge ot crimi nal negligence. Howard and Hawley, two gold brick men arrested in Greensboro some mon tint ago, while delivering gold brick and w ho were sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years, are through ai torueys tryin;j to grt pardon by Governor Ayeock. U K Havnes, white, was convicted at humbertou Nov lsth of a crimi nal assault upon the person of Mis Mary Ionian, a highly respected white girl, of Ashepole, and sentenc ed to be hanged January 18th. The assault was committed last June. I) K Peuiberlon, Chrm Board of Election in Montgomery county, was here since our last issue. Ho savs Mr Watkins led his ticket in Montgomery and received 101 ma jority and Col Wade was elected to the House by a majority of 120 voles. Chatham Record: A colored mail, named James Spruill, was accident ally killed last week in the coal mine nt Cumnock. He was at work in the shaft cf the mine when a piece of iron piping an inch and a half in diameter fell from near tin top of tho shaft and wont entiivlv through his body and then through a plank two iii.then thick. A stranger could have told Tues lay night that the wiskey crowd had won in Pavie county. 1 lie court house 6qure was filled with a drunken howling mob, which became so bois terous that Election Judge Thornac N Challin had to order quiet, li was a disgrace to a civilized com munity, but no one need expec' any thing better with that crowd in the saddle. Davie Times. , Nothing has been heaid since tin election from Dr Mott, 11 Z Linney, S E Maishall and the other big Ue publicans w ho were going to defeai Blackburn. A private letter from Alexander county says: "Mr Lin ney did not vote for Blackburn, bin urged all to vote for Newland. lb said if this district elected Black burn and he was seated then he (Liu-, ney) would never vote, a Republican ticket again. While working one of the hip j traveliug cranes at the Speneei shops Nov lKth, K D Kelher, an em ployee of the shops, was run over In the huge machine which cut o.T out of his feet and otherwise bruisen him. When the accident happeneo he was at the top of the crane, a distance of 40 feet from the floor, liut Biiauge to say he did not fa! and was helped dowu by, his fellow workmen. The young man in the story of "A n unsuccessful Scoundrel, which Fanny Kemb'.e Johnson con tributes to The Youth's Companion for November 17th, wished to many but could not afford to. He was persuaded as a means of making money ijuickly to buy in the pioperty of a number of delinquent taxpayers. But when he called on the delin quents to give notice of eviction, and saw what wretcheduess he was caus ing, his conscience smote him, and he abandoned that method of making a fortune. hverv bottle warranted, but not one returned, is the report regarding Dr Seth Arnold's Balsam (the best summer remedy) f-om a large nmn b-i of druggists in the South. This Balsam is warranted to yon br the Standard imig Vo. ,tems ' tcrea from our Neijthbor County. Fmm KxamiM. i. Mr K G Morgan, of Nixon, Flu., brother of otu townsman 1) F Mor gan, is i on a visit this week. Mr Moig. ii !ih not been in this part of the t ouiiti'v l.i mm ear-s. J R Biair is Inning his house re painted and furnished There is ;.ns'der.ible talk in town 1 a marriage or iimi'i'ia;es, that e:e likely to taK- puce we are expect ing a gar Christmas. Last Sa'.mday night, November 13lh, nt Yestal, Mr Robert K LiU and Miss Alice Haithcock ware happily married nt the home of Mr W M Russell. It was a very quiet marriage but the contracting parties seemed very happy und cheerful; may they live long and happy lives to gether. Rev K C Horner officiated. The following is the official count of the election as given out by the Hoard of County Canvassers, who met last Tursduy: Allen Majority I!':-'. ' IvMiett. Unstick I : 121 Mi I Til 1 13 151 Glenn I'a'e Wat kins I'rei Hlecto Other State The Right ul Children. "Y tiiiisl interpret the laws for the protection of the young against cruelly, opprcrsnm, and injustice." says Henry .'ii Pykein F.vcn body's Magazine lor December, "as evidence of the world's growing sense of jus- lice. Beginning with the Factory Ai I of lh:i.'l and the Mines und Col lieries Act of lS- in England, there has been u steadily increasing effort to iliinini.-li and prevent the degrada tion of the race by the enslavement f childhood to labor. Faci! the parent's right of control, says the modern world, must be held in har mony with the child's light to life and growth, mental, and physical. The law itself must recognize the in justice of dealing with young delin quents as if they were old and hard ened criminals. No more herding of children ten and twelve years old in the common jail! Juvenile courts and probation officers, asylums and reformatories, an intelligent and sys tematic effort to reclaim the young life before it 1ms fallen into hopeless Iionduge to crime: this is the spirit if civilized legislation today. In 1003 no less than ten of the Ameri iin States ei. acted special statutes with this end in view." From Fair View Park. Mr. Editor, Dear Sir: Rev Zebe e Rush, of Mt Gilead, will preach at Fair View new ehurch on the foutli Sunday in this month at eleven o'clock. He weuld be pleased to see his old friends present. He rode the Kaudolph circuit for a number of years. He does not have any special work now, but has been assisting in protracted meetings this fall. He nas been in the ministry for more han half a century and has been in truiiient;.l in tho hands of God of leading hundreds of souls to the lamb if God that taketh away the sins of the world. Now at the advanced ige of eighty-three years is in fairly good health'and as pert as many nen of sixty. He can sec to read ,'ood print without glasses. His life ins been a lienediction to the world did may he live tos-e his hundredth nile post is the wish of this writer. Teach Ihe Younf to Work. Now. that is what the public .ebiMils ought to teach the children ihe dignity and manliness of hon M, enteiligeut work, however hard, lowtver humble. Teach them that dtieution is for the purpose of mak ng us better und more capable vorkers. not to kelp lisescape work. Monroe Inquirer. We know what all cood doc tors think of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc tor and find out. He ill fell Cherry Pectoral you how It quiets the tickling throat, heals the Inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. - ArrrH t'herrr r.rtrtfal ! woU ann-n la ur iiuniiy. In Uk rl4 la,, It t. tl,. If .1 at Kitia r-aTauoa.r-Malami f'W.r for. Hard Coughs Om of Aer'e Wile t bedtime will hasten recover, centii iaauivak Ayers , Hon. John II. Raxan Sums up the Result. j llon.lolui II Rugaii, of Texas, ex- j pivssi-s broad views in summing up the result of theelect'on ill the fol lowing line-: The .National Democratic conven tion was composed of able, earnest, patriotic men. It adopted a plat form m harmony with tho Declara tion of In j. pendente and the con stitution of tin United States, and with the failitinus of the father for the first three-iiuar'ers of a cen tury of the history of the great re public. It nominated for president one of th.i ablest statesmen, one of the purest men, and one of the most earnest Dumocrats in the tmon His letter of acceptance and cam paign siieeclus proved him to bf wise, patriotic and true to the prin eiplcs of the .Democratic party ' bile lie and the Democracy have been defeated in the election they have made a record in favor of snniid principles and tidi-nty to the nest interests ol the American peo pie, of which he and they may he justly proud. "In this contest the Demociats sought to re-establish and maintain a government which would perpetu ate the liberties of the people, and rest upon the equal and political rights of all, and which would be supported bv the wisdom und virtue of the American people. While the liepublieati party relied on money (untie .'uailatile thiough the agency of clas inlei ests, the trusts and the monopolies and the poweiful agency ot the different departments of the federal government, in disregard of the constitution, ihe traditions of the cuiiutry and of right and com "Whatever the future may bring to view, we should nil feel proud of the heave und splendid effort of the Democrat ic. purty for the preserva tion of eonstitutioual government and popular liberty. Let every Democrat read the above. The recent overwhelming defeat Democracy has suffered will serve to solidify and bring together democrats with a determination to win. The same impulsds control the li.ind and actions of Democrats everywhere. The personal triumph of Mr Rouicvelt can be but tempor ary. The great principles of demo cracy must win, aud while in the re cent election the democratic party went down in defeat we have won a victory in harmonizing the factions of the party. Failed to Kide Into Office On a Whiskey Barrul. The white men of North Carolina by a large majority are in favor of temperance and are opposed to bar rooms and a hiskey still. This was fully pioved at last week's election. The Democratic party is entitled to the thanks of every friend of tem perance for its passage of the Watts law, and is defense during the re cent campaign. Many Democrats feared that the passage of that law would almost wieck the paity, and that arg'iiuent against its passage was strongly urged when the bill was pending in the last Legislature. When the State convention met last June at Greensboro many Democrats thought that an endorsement of the Watts law would b bad policy and probably defeat our candidates in mauv counties. The result of the election has proved how groundless were those fears, and has sadly disappointei those Republicans who had hoped to ride into office on a whiskey barrel. Chatham Record. l etter te Negro Csuses Trouble. Hunter A ruold has been relieved of his duties as inspector of rural free delivery by the authorities at Washington says the Washington correspondent of Charlotte Ob-erver for w riting a letter to the wife of a negro minister in Ashevilie. The minister in some way secured the letter and has given Arnold trouble. Arnold is well known in western North Carolina and was prominent there as a republican politician. The Cigarette Smoker. I tear Boys: Do leave off the ci garettes, for they are ruiuing more boys than any other one thing. They effect the mind and body, take away your rest a'id sleep. I smoked cigar ettes once nivself until I could not sleep at night and was afraid to stay alone, and as for uiy nerves, 1 hardly had any. 1 haveacotism who told me that he lay helpless for five , davs and he eays he never took opium iu itis life only what tie got from using cigarettes. Boys, if yon will smoke, do use a pipe or cigars, though thev are injurious to the body, Don t say you can't quit; I did. Cigatettes are ruining as many boys as whiskey. v ,i,. u;i.i.. ...... a u.,..ir i,. imrm T viuv fif.,1 ;ii hniil ns accountable for the things that we do against our body. C F Weight. ROYAL. Baking Powder Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. At Night. One more day of school is num bered with the past. I have fixed my lamp, made a lire in the heater, and seated myself to think over the day. It has not been a very long day, and that is one thing I have to be thankful for. I have talked a good deal, und made some lasting impressions possibly upon the youn nun!. My clas in History studyiug the adventures of the civil war. 1 take great interest in this, and tell them many things, in as interest i ng h manner as possible, always trving of couise in it to make my lulks'too vivid, or heart rending; nor to leave the impression that I could possibly remember any of the ippeiiings. For the (Hi's are a great ninny yearn past and gone. As I said 1 have prepared myself for a long evening; or us we say in this country night, for the sun is long since down 1 have pulled off my Parker and Glenn badge. 1 am thankful we got our governor if not our president. We all turned out here to hear Kitchin; (and we list ened to Reynolds for manners) we also went of course to hear Bob Glenn. He spoke, about one hour and a half. We hud a free lnnch, then all went and spoke to the Gov ernor, borne ot them 1 think bad cut und dried speeches for him. I had neither, so I just waived a large buscuit I had in my hand and said I'itosPKitiTY. I thought possibly this would do as well us any thing under the circumstances. I took rather more interest in politics this fall than usual. I wanted the pres- u r incumbent of the White House to vacate, and go back to his foimer vocation l he had one. But 1 guess is in for another term, and Book er can get auother square meal. Per haps ho will take Mrs Booker next time he dines at the big house. I was so glad to know my adopUd county went democratic, I hope dear old Randolph did also, aud I guess she did. Well I have about talked out on politics, for my knowledge does not xtend very far. I always thought it best to let things alone over which I nad no control or voice. While we can't help but be a little out of heal t over the result of the great contest we have a great deal to be thankful for. For such glorious fall weather. The sun rise us clear and bright as May time, only a hint now aud then of a cooler time after awhile. The Chrysanthemums are in full bloom, my desk each morning is lit erally covered in the yellow, white, red und all the other colors; aud while I hear them read aud spell, and see them make figures, I cau look at tho bright side of life, and moralize on all the "ins and outs" of this checkeied existence. I am getting out of the way of talking as 1 practice but little so you will excuse this letter which ap pears to me stilted and forced, as if 1 were not exactly sure of what 1 want to say. I see The Courier now and then. It is the same paper, I am glad to say. Hoping I may be more alive to my subject another time, I am very truly, "Ar.NT An Kit." Former Randelphiaa Tells of the Mink. P II Henley, who formerly lived I , !at Id.odlcmau, but now a resident of . iu M interview wUh rel,ortr of the Salisbury Sun ex- " ...u.,,s. i mc uiiw tet611 D,inlt nd weasel catching j chickens: Mr Henley, "that the mink always catches a chicken on the back of the i necK ana retains its enn until it neck and retains its grip nntil it ' has sucked the blood from the bodv. A weasel gets a grip nndtsr the wing never at any otner place and sees the finish of its victim." If You Want The Best Laundry Sen4 Your Laundry to the Old (tollable Charlotte Steam Laundry They ure better prepared to do your work right than any Laundry in the State; and do it right, too. Leave your bundles at Wood & Moring's store. Baskets leaves Tuesdays and returns Fridays. W. A COFFI N. Agent. Are You Willing To profit by the experience of others ? "After taking your Con centrated Iron aud Alum Water myself, and using it . in my family with fine re sults, I do not hesitate to recommend it as one of the best medicines to be found. We use it as a tonic, for Dyspepsia, aud Bladder trouble aud regard it as in valuable." J. J. LAWSON, Cashier Bank of South Boston, South Boston, Va. "It gives me pleasure to state that I have used your Concentrated Water and find it one of tke best tonics on the market, and can highly recommend it to any one desiring a good appe tite, good health and good feeling." J. P. LEWIS, Photographer, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Even if your trouble is Chronic, it will cost very little to make a com plete cure, so do not fail to get a supply at once. 8oz bottles 60 cts., 18oz bottles $1.00. For sale by Standard Drug Co.," Asheboro, N.C. J. M. ECHOLS COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, Va. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION. Boyd's Carbon Albumen Tab lets Pure Carbon of Albumen a positive cure for indigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, headache or sour stomach from over eating or drink ing 50 if they don't. 25 cents a package. If your druggist doseii's have them send direct to BOYD CHEMICAL COMPANY, 708 Rand McNally Bldg., Chlcaio. III. Pianos and Organs .Wholesale and Retail, A. D. Jones It Co. Southern rectory Dlatrlkutere Ifor the World Favmoue KIMBALL WE loan you the money to buy them. WE give free trials. WE pay the freight. WE save yeu 25 per cent. WE add nothing to the prin cipal when sold on EASY PAYMENTS. Writef for our lates Piano and Organ catalogue and for fall par ticulars. A. D. Jones & Co i 20S South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. , Ttimr nt-a. rnmlrlrrl WT Ma a waaaaaaa A linn at new Outinci and UeadT to wear Hate for Ladies, Misses and I cll!ld,'en fal1 nd wintor We thank our customers and 1 friends for past favors and invite ! them to examine onr stoclt. ! Come to see me. No trouble to show goods. a-fiji mITTi i I f. i

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