-,7ha Asheboro Cou ier. PKICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAB Win, C- HAMMER, Editor. The elections return show that while Hoosevelt received a large nw jority jet he got . uo elttotiul vole south of the Potomac river. Mr. Z. 1. Walser succeeds Mr. R. B. Ridge ix editor of The North State, Mr. Itidye returning to J nek ton Hill as principal of the school at that pluen. All advancement is baaed on edu cational progress. The Sonth has not given proper att ntiou to public education but there ia improvement, and in tome parts of the South there ii tt great educational awakening. The Fayetteville Observer records that in the recent election in Cabin Branch Quewbiflle township, Cum berland oounty, that out of seventy, one votes cast in the recent election all of thein were cast for the (lunn. cratic ticket. Money in politics is an 11 1 arming and growing evil. A habit has grown of using money in elections for iiuptoper purposes, borne meu tell their votes on election day. Money is used in the primaries and now and then you find the eipeuseo of delegates paid to nominating con ventions. The use of money iu poli tics is wrong aud should be checked. Everything possible should be done to remedy the evil. The first people in this State to make changes of districts for the purpose of changing the political complexion of a district was by the fusion legislature. It is said that the democrats may make some chances in the next legislature. It may be that 1Vilke8 will be takeB out of the 8th congressional district and put in the 5th or 7th cougtess ional district and Union taken out of the 7th and put iu the Sth dis trict. These bright days should be used in completing the fall work. The boys and girls should hustle to get ready to enter the public schools which are beginning and will begin within the next few weeks. The public school enrollment last year was greatly iu excess of any preced ing year. Our people are realizing more and more each year the impor tance of education and that all ad vancement is dependent on the pro gress of education. Newspaper Deal. Salisbury, N. C, ov. 19. Special. A deal was consummated here tonight whereby the Salisbury Daily Sun becomes the property of the Globe 1'ublishing Company of this city. The Sun transferred its anbscription lists and good will to the new company, hich is under the management of Mr. H B Varner of Lexington and Mr. Carl Hammer, of New York. The paper will be continued nnder the name of the Salisbury Daily Sun The Globe fill also be continued as a weekly pnblication. Messrs. John M. Julian, formerly with the Sun, and W T Bost of the Globe will be em ployed on the staff of the new paper, .which will be modern in every res pect The Morning Post. Tbe True Christmas Spirit George Madden Martin interprets the real apiritof Christmas in a story in the December McC lure's, which he give the title "God Rest You, Merry Christians." It ia a wonder ful picture Mrs. Martin gives her readers, of a real home and real peo ple in it on tbe night before Chris-ma-, when most f the household have arrived at "the tears and tissue- paper stage." Theaituation iaonly aaved from bedlam by the calm sanity of her heroine, who, catching the true significance of the day, poors into it enough of good cheer, peace on carta and lofti to bring joy to all within her circle. Mrs. Martin makes a keen though kindly analysis of th true and the false Christmas (pint, which ia good reading for all at this aeaaon. Ta Improve Cemetery. Saturday, December 3rd. ia eet tpsrt to work on the cemetery at Gray ChapeL ,Thoe living at a distance who have relative boned them tre leqnMted to come and . 'jjb Bring wheellMiiTOwa, ahotcl, wsilucks, f to., wilh ome additional work thi ca fetr bmmU o? of the HEWS ITEMS. Many Items Gathered from Different Sources. Six inches of anow fell in Watauga county November 13th. The annual Conference of tlieM. P. church is in session at Burlington. A man named Cline in Catawba county raised live and a half bales of cotton off five acres of land. Col W C P Beckinridge died at his homo in Lexiugtou, Kentucky, November 19tb, of a stroke of apoplexy. Fourteen miners were killed Nov. 18th at the Carbonado mines near Morrisey, B C, by an explosion of gas iu the mine. Fire at Ashevi He Saturday night destroyed property valued at between $75,000 and $100,000. The loss is partially covered by insurance. A pistol was accidentally dis charged by a clerk in a Charlotte hardware store last Saturday, while showing it to a prospective buyer. The man was shot through the arm. A dispatch from Waynesville says that a woman by the name of Mrs Justice, pssed a forged check for $i00 iH Waynesville and then made her escape before it was discovered to be a forgery. Six negroes and a white boy con fined in the county jail at Lumber ton made their escape last Saturday morning by sawing the bars in to. Three were recaptured. In the Federal court at Asheville last week R J Picklesimer, "a promi nent business man of Brevard," was convicted of aiding and abettiug in the operation of 11:1 illicit distillery, lie was lined $300. The news conies from Washington that Marion Butler will haveasayso with the president in the distribu tion of patronage iu this state. ti"tler made campaign speeches for Roosevelt ia the recent campaign. Both the University aud the town of Chapel Hill are temporarily with out water on account of a fire Sun day morning which destroyed tne water works station. Th loss is estimated at about $800. Origin of lire is unknown. Kobbera raided the jewelry store of S L Swicegood at Salisbury early Saturday morning. They secured a diamond brooch and five solid gold watches, valued at about $400. The robbery was committed in the full glare of an electric light, the store being only a half block from the public square. North Wilkesboro Hustler: At a corn husking at Poors Knob Wed nesday eveuing Pete Lane fell out with Marsh Fletcher aud used a shot gun on him. His wife was standing near by and received a portion of the load in the face. Fletcher's body got the most of the load and both he and his wife are in a pretty bad condition. Western Randolph. Wheat sowing is a thing of the past in this section. Mrs Minnie Hestor, of Greensboro, is visiting her father, A C Reddick. Ran Proctor moved to his farm from High Point last week. Mr and Mrs J R Jordan visited B S Lambeth last week. Mr and Mrs James Kennedy, of Davidson, visited in this section Sunday. T F Harris, of Thomasville, spent Sunday in Trinity. C W Wilson spent Sunday with Dr F C Frazier. The Sunday school, of Frazier'a school houEe, is preparing for a Christmas tree. Rev C A Cecil filled his last ap pointment for this year at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Ernest Reddick, of Lexington, spent Sunday with his father. Win Hayes is vey ill of fever. Mrs Kesiah Johnson aged 73 years, is very low with grippe. Biet for Coossaiptives. You have to eat at sanatorium for consumptives, hungry or not. There are no big gorges to overwork the stomach, but there are nix meals a day in moderate size. Some patients can eat full meals and then swallow thirty-six raw eggs a day. The aim of tbe treatment in these sanitariums ia to get the aiek man to drink three quarta of milk und eat a dozen raw eggs day in audition to hit regular meals of aimple food. And yon must cat meat and plenty of it. Don't cut the fat off. The cow got the moat of tbe good out of the lean in her lifetime. The fat ia what will do you good. All that then ia to codliver oil that makes) it worth while ia that' it ia a fat easy to assimilate. Bacan fat is nearly as easy to digest and abeut flvt hun dred times as easy to take. Fruit and a bids yon may eat, merely to amuse yourself and paas the time. But yon are wasting stomach room on them. Milk, eggs, meat acd hard breads for yoo if yon are to set well. Not a great dal a a tins, hot often. Everybody' Ma- COURT CMFND4R. Cases Calendared for Trial at December , Term of Randolph Superior Court. j Calendar of civil cases for trial at ) December Term, 1904, of Randolph ! Superior Court. Hon Chas M j judge presiding: THfkSDAY, PKCF.MHKIi Mil. No. i Ang-line Trogdon vs E Fj esUl. 23 I T Johnson vs Clay Dorsett. j ; I J ImiII. i ei a!s. vs A 15 ! Gruv et itls. ' i i tS Fill HAY. S.i K Ii Henley vs Plant Lumber Co. . ','''''.,, c t V? Win Mollitt udmr. vs Crown r, , IZQ S cmU'SIOrt IS a fSivsJHKearnJr, a great 2!i M J Conner vs May Connor. ! SJXntrt IVCr. sati-khay. fnosc who have lost flesh 30 A A Ridge vs Allen Nance. ! r, to inCFCaSC oil body iUSe.Hil8Sjrtle V9 Polly Ami 1 t:sf:j?: nof on,y fa- Scott's 7 sum. i'Kt. wary iowe i Uraut Lowe. 10 Sum. Dkt. Sarah K Cran ford vs W Dumas Orauford. 17 Sum. Dkt. Ellen Cavcuess vs Jas Caveness. Sum. Dkt. Jas Scetton vs Del phuia Scot ten. momiay, DEC. 12. 32 N C Jarrnll vs E R Robbins 33 State esRel Chas Dorsett vsjijfe f00Jf nc 3 natural it o XHU.isiiitw eb ma. i . " 39 J R Wall vs II C Causey and Allen Fogleman. " 4.S W G Smith et uls vs John Robbins. TlKrtllAY. ' 40 T D Harris vs W D Burgas.. 47 J O Liueberry vs E P Hayes. ' 50 Jas Fesmire vs Robt W Cox. 51 C M McDowell vs Union Furni'ure Co. WEDNESDAY. " 21 C P Smith vs J W Longest. " 52 J M. Caveness admr. vs J K Cole et als. " 53 Jas W Barker vs S K Coble. 57 Tillman C Crantord vs Ash boro Copper Mining Company. " 58 Thos C Staley vs Aehebom Copper Mining Company. " Chas A Stern berger vs Mor-lis-Searboro-Moflitt Co. Witnesses aud parties need not at tend before the day for w hich theii cases are calendared for trial, as wit netse" will uot be allowed to prove before tht day. Motiwnn before th. judge can be heard at anv time. This Nov 22ud, HK4. ' M. S. Ruins, Chairman Calendar Committee. A Medical Director. "How are you getting on?" nked Johnson of young Tomkins, whom he met in the street the other dav. "Fir.t rate," was the man's icply "What arc you doui, further . quened Johnson. ''I'm a medical director in an in stitution." "A medical director?" "Yes. You see, I direct envelopes in a patent medicine house." Trouble Drawing. "What in the world's the matter, ma?" asked Arabella, a her mother turned from the telephone and ask ed for her bonnet and wraps. I m going down town, said Mrs. Highrocks, and there was a cold glitter in her eves as she spoke "I just tried to call your father up, and I heard him tell the boy to say he wasn't in." Wanta Modern Man. "Excuse me, madam," said tha book canvasser as a spinster who was beginning to carry weight for 82e opened the front door, ''but are I you interested in the study of pre historic man ?" "I should sav not." replied the giddy old girl. "1 am too busy try ing to get n man of today interested in me. Mobile Jtegister. Not Up to Data. "Mamma," said the pretty, fluffy I haired girl, "I think I ought to gojtrona are not very easy to stop, to cooking school, don't you?" I however, and a fair proportion of "It isn t necessarv. mv dear." plied the mother. '"l can tench you to cook." "But that would never do, mam- ma, protested the fair daughter. "You only know how to cook the ordmary things that people reallr eat." Cincinnati Enquirer. Autumn is Here Magnified!' Autuin! He comes not like u pilgnni, clad in russet weeds. He comes not like a hermit cld in gray. Hut he comes like a warrior, with the stain of blood upon his mail. His crimson scarf is rent. His scarlet bar.uer drips with gore. His step is like a flail upon the threshing floor. Longfellow. Notice Tax Payers. The taxes for tbe year 1904 are now due for the town of Asheboro and most be collected at once in or der to pay the school vouchers now due. Please call and pay yonr taxes without delay. Nov. 9th, 1904. H. D. Cacdle, Town Tax Collector, Hones Waited. If you have any horses yon dont want to winter bring them to me aud get the cash for them and buy another oue in the spring, it will pay yon. 1 E. G. Morkis, Manager Morria Livery Stable, Asheboro. Dayton, Ohio, Mr. Mary Simp son "Everything disagreed with ma and baby until I used Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea. Now baby l4p and grow like a weed." 35 cwt. Tea or l.vbit. , SS Of riesl! Lu When you can't cat break :t, take Scott's Emulsion. you can't cat bread d Gutter, take Scott's jiton. When you have : r.irs on a milk diet and i something a little more '.cixbiiing, take Scott's emulsion. 'fr. rt'-f trA vmn mitct MT Ltv.uision increases inem an, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's j Emulsion is n rich and com ionic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a fn'o s..u:i 1c. Be ture th.-.t this picturt In the torn cf label Is on the wrjppcr ct evf ry bottlt cf Lmuhion yea buy. scon & BOWNE, CIlCMIsiS, 409 Pear! SL.N.Y. 50c. and $1 1 all druggist. WHAT IS ELECTRICITY7 An Enigma Whoso Solution la a Putsla to tha Scientiata. W hat is electricity? First we must sk what is positive electricity? and the iiiifwor is wo do not know. For myself 1 do not even guess, beyond suppiiMiig it to be n mode of mani festation or a differentiated portion of th.' continuous und all pervading elii.r. It seem.- to exist in lump? the -i.:c of the atoms of mutter, and no p.wrtion of it ,.5-f in bulk Ihan an alum h:.s ever been isolated or upi.-iir likely to lit; isolated. Hut, ;i'i!io;;:.'li il may hiive bulk, it ap-pe..r- n if it had no appreciable tna.-; the iua.-si.iiess or inertia of tlie atom is probably due to some thing else, i:i fact to the possession of ncL'.'itive charges in equal amount. This part of the doctrine is not yet certain. .More investigation is urg ently needed into the meaning and properties of positive electricity. .Meanwhile we shall only be follow ing the lead of Professor J. J.Thom eoii if ie asunio that a unit of posi tive eh-.-! rieity has a massivencss (or what is often inaccurately called 'wci;!it") either zero or very small, most probably very small; perhaps about 1 per cent of the mass of soriio atoms of matter may he due to the positive electricity which (hoy contain. Hut concerning negative elec tricity we know a great deal more. This exists in excessively minute particles, sometimes called electrons nn.l sometimes called corpuscles; these are thrown oil the negatively charged terminal in a vacuum tube, and they fly with tremendous speed till they strike something. When they strike they can propel us well ns heat the target, and they can likew ise make it emit a phosphores cent glow, especially if it be made of glass or precious stones. If the target is a very massive metal like platinum, the sudden stoppage of the flying electrons which encounter Iu cau.-es the production of the ethe- rci'l pulses known ns X rays. Elec- lb re-Ulicm can penetrate not only wood "'"I puper, but sheets of such metals las aluminium and other moderately thin obstacles. That is because they are extremely small, mucn smaller than the atoms of matter. Sir Oli- ,vr wxige in Harper's Magazine. Persovaranca Rewarded. "She has promised to marry you, has she? Did she accept you right ou?" "Oh, no. 1 had to propose to her four times." "Four times! Gracious, but you were persevering! What did she say the fir-t time?" "She sai l if there wasn't another man in il.o world but me she wouldn't marry me." "That was pretty strong. What did she sav tiie second time?" "She said she liked me pretty well, but she couldn't think of mar rying me, for sho might see some one she liked better." "Humph! And the third time?" "The third time she asked me if I wanted ti ti?o the life out of her." "Ha! ha! Im! And the. fourth time?" "Oh. the fourth time she said if I insisted upon it she supposed she would have to say yes." A Reminder. New Father-in-law Well, air, the ceremony is over, and now that you arc the husband of my daugh ter I want to give you a little ad vice. What would you do if you should wake up some night and find burglars in the house? Bridegroom I should tall them that my father-in-law forgot to give my wife a wedding dowry, and they'd go away. London Punch. W D SPOON, 'phone No. 53, dealer in fresh meats, groceries and produce. Corn or 'phone me for anything in my line. I will pay highest prices for all kinds of coun araseur is Get Ready for Christmas! The best place to go before you make your preparations is to see the immense stock now being shown and sold by the Ramseur Store Co. They have a large corpse of sales men who are always busy, but will give you polite and prompt attention. We sell more goods than any store in Ran dolph. We are now Thousand Dollars worth per month. Our line is complete. Come and us and we will treat Cotton gin in fine shape; bring your cotton. H. B. Carter, Manager. The Watkins Prices are Rattling Down ! See our Buggies, Wagons, Stoves, Guns, and Everything in Hardware. New Store-New and Low Don't fail to see elsewhere. The Watkins-Leonard Co. E. B. Leonard, and Managers. E. C. Watkins,) Call Lid See Before buying elsewhere our large stock of Watches. Clocks, Jewelery and Spectacles, c-m vtnrf t.hRt is kerjt in m Y. n.fnrniA a nan varmsneo, oiowx cuverou, uiu Ramseur, N. O. DO YOU WANT TO RIDE? If M. let J A WARD k COMPANY furnish joo s turnout We can pleaae the tolling saletman, we can please the courting ninn, we can pleeee jo. Beet ferrice tod polite attention J. A. Boom selling over Seven you right. Ramseur Store Co. - Leonard Co. display of Harness, Robes, Goods! Prices! us before buying Furniture . a firBt-class furniture store fiiminh von fl.t anv time, dav mtiw J. O. FORRESTER & CO. at U tanwa. WARD, Mangr. Vanstoru Clothing Compu. mm 'IP m TAX NOTICE. 1 will attend at the following timed und places far the purpose of col lecting the Uxea for the yeur 1904: Trinity, Trinity township, Triniiy township, Tabrriiuele township, Tabernai lo township, Concord townsliip, New Hope township, Union township, Cedar Grove townshifi, Back Creek towimbip, Hack Cleek towuahip, New Market township, New Market township, Haiidlemau township, Providence township, Liberty township, Columbia township, Franklinv ille township, Grant township, Coleridge township, 1'leasant Grove township, 1'leasant Grove township, Krower township H rower township, Uichland township, F'ranklinvillu ton n-hip, Kandleman township, Archdale, A W Fuller', N H Skeeu's, Farmer, (' (J .Shaw V, Lulmu Slack 8, Willow Kinney's ('oiuity Home, Flint Hill, Kd-ar, twplli:', Kami email More to., Widow Cbuintiefs', l.ileity, Fl'IIIIMI'lll, i-Htiu-l ( Iwrcl', "i-m M.isje, il T CiveiK-ss', J A lirown's, L O Sugg's, T IS Tysor's, Yow's Mills, Central Falls, Worthville, The taxes are past duo and everybody ia requested to meet me prompt ly at the foregoing ti nes and places and pay their taxes. This November lltth, 1904- T. J. Finch, Sheriff. If You Dress Goods Men's, Youth's and Boy's Cloth- Sf) ing, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes. Dry Goods, Notions, etc. You can do no better either in QUALITY or PRICE than to invest your money in such goods from my stock. No misrepre sentation. My reputation is back of my stock. W. J. MILLER. Hamlin Heights ! 0 Hamlin Heights is the ne.t section of Asheboro which we propose to throw upon the market and sell for what it will bring in building lots of size to suit. This property consists of about forty acres which lies to the North of the Southern ltailwiiy m .;r the factory uistiict on "Y" street. High street and a continiiii! '"! ..' Smith street, and is the most elevated in town, shady and healthful, i.i a good neighborhood. Come .home seeker and investor and get what you want before the best lots are sold. Armfield (EL Laighlin, Real Estate Dealers, SHOJBS! SHOES! We have the Klkin homemade shoe in nirn. boss, womeus, misses and childreus; and school shoes manufactured by the George De Witt Shoe Company. We have just received a nice line of Dress and Waist "fJoods, Shirts, Hats, Notions, Ladies, Youths and Childreus Union Suits, F'acinators, Hoods. Outings, Canton Flannels, Etc. These goods were bought at old prices and we can save you money by getting your goods of us. We have over 100 pairs of Kos.3 aud 4 nidies shoes which we will close out at aud below cost. Thanking yon for past favors we hope for a continuance of same. Yours truly, RIDGE, FOX & COMPANY. f0in'iHliKjl(iiil!lhl'' tiiMlH j wirpirYc . I Article! not alone txmtiful, but useful inddanblt. together with moderate price, nuke the famine ft Cc4uaiUa POONS, KNIVBS, FORKS, ETC an Ideal Holiday gift, Hey are made ia great variety of shapes, sisal and designs, handsomely packed ia lined cases, and vary in price from 25c to $3. 50. Yonr dealer can supply too. Write as for oar asnrisnme catalogs C-L" to aid joa ia making selections. reek The Courier . advertising columns bring results. If to sell an ad here Greensboro, N. C, Have the largest, finest and cheapest stock of MEN'H AND B JTo CLOTHING, HATS AND 'FURNISHINGS in North Caro lina. They fit 11 sizes and shapes. Sells wholesale and retail. Mail ordars promptly filled. Samples sent free. Sells cheaper than others because they tell at. "One price and cash to all." Dec. 17th. " 17th, at night " 19th, a. m. " 19 th, p. m. " 20th. " 21at. " 22ud. " 23rd. ' 24th, a. m. " 24tb, p. m. " 26th, n. nt. ' 26th, p. ni. " 27th. " 28th. ' Oth, " 30th, nt night 31st, a. m. Jan. 2nd. 3rd. 3rd, at night 4th, ut night 5 th, a. m. Stb, p. m. 6 th. 7th, a. in. 7th, p. m. Weat of all kinds, you have anything disposes of it. 1 !Cduaiksa Seiad Saejeej u ' '; try pwlnaav

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