The Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. It is only a little over three weekf until Christmas. Uriah Prosnill, of Ulah, wa here since qui last issue. Miss Jessie Birkhead ha returned from a visit to Statesville. B 1$ Burns and family have re moved to High Point. C S Morris, of Qreeusboro. visited his parents at this place last week Mrs M A Moflitt has moved into her new house on Sunset Avenue. Miss Fay Burns visited in Ran dleman last week. Mrs Joe Simmons, of Steeds, is visiting her sister, Mrs J M Rich. J II Hartman, of Salisbury, is visiting his daughter, Mrs E A Caudle. Mrs. W W Redding, of Randleman, visited her daughter, Mrs. W J Gregron, last week. Ernest Redding, of Smithiield, is spending some time here with his father, A 0 Redding. County Commissioners meet next Monday, at which time tho county officers will give bond. Miss Huttie Coe, of High Point, is acting as stenographer for Hammer & Spence this week. Joe D Ross, Seth W Laughliuaud Shu be Laughlin returned from St Louis last week. Randolph Superior Court con venegs next Tuesday morning, Jtu'go Cooke presiding. J II Spencer, of Why Hot, uud C L Spencei, of Greenville, Ala., gave us pleasant calls lost week. Oscar Coffin left last Thursday for Salisbury, where he has a position in the drug store of G M Purncll. W A 8aunders, of High Point, spent Saturday and Sunday in Aohe boro with his sister, Mrs James Rich. Mrs Amos Gregson, of Raudle man, visited her son, W J Gregson, on North Fayetteville street last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C Hammer, little Harriett Hammer and Miss Lula Steed left last Thursday after noou for St, Louis. Kd Millis, who was pay teller at the Bank of Randolph during the absence of Joe Ross, has returned to his home at High Point. The hardware dealers in Asheboro are calling cspe'iial attention to their large stock of steel ranges, cook stoves aud heaters. Rev J A Webster and wife, of Frankliuvillu, spent Thanksgiving day iu Asheboro with their son, W B Webster. Subscription paid: 0 W Huiovy, J L Snyder, Mrs Jas L Winuing luiui, TV n Bonkemeyer, J H Spen cer, C L Spencer, J N Pritchard. Mr and Mrs Ernest league, of near Greensboro, spent a few oay in Asheboro the first of the week visit ing Mr 'league's parents. The holiness people will being a meeting in their new church at this place tomorrow night. Rev Thomas Hodgin will assist in the meeting we understand. J C Hammer, of Staley, was here Saturday. Mr. Hammer offers his personal property for sale in auothcr column. See his notice. The Randleman Times says that Ernest Tucker, of that place, and Miss Florence Moflitt, of Millikan, were married Nor 19th, E P Hayes, J. P. officiated. C II and J A Spencer, two Ran delph boys residing at Hamlet, came up lust week aud went down to Me chanic to spead Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr and Mrs W W Sper.cer." Messrs Spencer gave us a pleaia:.t call on th'-ir return to Hamlet Saturday C L Spencei and wife, of Alabama, are visiting Mr Spencer's parents, Mr and Mrs J H Spencer, who live at Why Not. Mr Speneer is engaged in farming in Alabama and we are glad to Ivurn he is doing well in his new home. I'r C H Lewi and wife, of Far nipr, were here Tuesday. The docter j ii. forms ua that f m un bai been ruttiug his phone wire bet ween Car away and Farmer and he often a re ward for the 'person or persons com mitting the deed. See notice else where. i Greensboro Kword iiociStb: Deputy United Slates Marshal J, T MillikM and Mr John Myrick, of the Greensboro Lun and Trust Com puay, at special guard, left yesterday at neod for Washington, carrying with then Raymond Beutield, of Mitchell county, and Dan Peuland, of Hsywood eounty, who were re-1 cently sentenced to a Una of thir- t.n months in the Rpfortnitory for yonthfnl criminals on the charge of havi.g brki .t UwUd .State. Jpwwmce. Miss Mittie Lovett, of Burlington is visiting in Asheboro. Ferd Ingold and E P Hayes, of Randleman, were in town Tuesday. Clarence Rnsh is at home from Winston for a few days bird hunt ing. Mrs A C Cox spent several da) in High Point last week visiting rela tives. h C Lassiter and M F Skeen. ol Concord township, were in Ash boro .Tuesday. The High Point Weekly Lcdgei is one'ycar old. May it live mam more. R R Ross has returned from the West with a nico lot of horses and mules. The Courier is delayed again this week on account of its gasoline eu gino refusing to work. D Aumannnade a business trip to the southern part of the county the Jrst of the week. C B Russell, of Coleridge, has a position as bookkeeper for the Ashe boro Lnmber & Mfg Co. The many friends of E B Kearns rill be flail to know that he is re covering freui the stroke of paralysis received some time ago. Jas. Keriii i-and little daughter, Maud, of KeroersviIIe, spent Mon day in Asheboro, returning home Tuesday. The High Poiut Ledger says that the Metal ij bed factory destroyed by fire mouth or so ago. has again fct.irt- ed up. At th ewcert givrii by the music cluss at the Academy lutt week for the benefit of the iiimio fund 8.20 were taken in. C J Cox, who suffered u stiok of purulysis several mouths tigt, is very much improved. lie is now able to sit up a part of the time. There will lie uh important meet ing of the Randolph Ttcoher's Asso ciation in Asheboro on Saturday, Dec 10th. Kvery white teacher iu the county is urged to attend this meet ins. J. B. ttorncy Killed. Mr W J Miller received a telegram one day lust week announcing th accidental killing of Mr .1 B Horuey in Colminbus, Ga. by a rail road train. Mr Homey former!) lived in Concord township this couutv. House Burnet. The dwelling house of T H Tysor at Erect, Brower township, this county, was destroyedby fire on the night of Nov 19 to. There was only a small amonnt of his household property saved from the burning building. Distillery Captured. Deputy .Marshall J S Free uud others made u raid just over the line iu Davidson county one night last week and captured a blockade dis tillery, together with about 20 gal lons of whiskey. The distillery was of about 80 gallon capacity and was running at full blast. They also captured a man by the name of Franks at the distillery and brought him to Asheboro and placed him iu jail. Franks claims he had nothing to do with the distillery aud only "happened" to be there when the officers arrived. MarrM- Nov. 6th at Trinity, Miss Nuuuie Coltrane, daughter of Oliver 'olt- rane, to Mr John Hiutt, of High Point, T S Boulding, J P., officiat ing. On Nov 20th at the homo of Hiriam Shiptou at Trinity, Mis Salhe Shipton to Mr George Scar lett, of High Point, by T S Bould ing, J I'. At the home of the offici ating Justice of the Peace, uear Trinity, Nov 20th, Miss Coia English and Mr H O Lathom, T S Boulding officiating. Mosey la Ralilif Fewls. In the markets of the larger ci'ies and towns throughout the country turkeys sold for Thanksgiving at or uear 10 eeuta a pound. Not only was turkey at an altitude, but chick ens trjed to dust the skies. , Chick eus were 18 to 23 ceaU t pound iu the larger cities and towns. Lettuce, celery, cauliflower and cabbage soar ed also out of the popular reach, Chickens and all kinds of fowls have risen in price for seveial years until many goud b"iues men in different section are raising fowls for market and xnaklnr money. For one' who knows bow and can Invest a tioui land to three thousand dollars ir the business there is probably 'nothing' which so great returns as raising chickeat and eggs for market. ' Diet : - At her home in High Point last week, Mr J M Billiard,.'- At 8ur m jtHi Mr Kith, widow of John Kleh. Honor Roll. Following is the honor roll of the Athrboro Graded School for month -nding November 25, 1904: 1st Grade: Bessie Aunian. Lura Jones, Margaret Morris, Nettie New- by, Gerti.a Nance, EiHa Spoon, Kate Walker, George Uelta, Charles Betts, Simou Fox, Earl Free, Eugene Mor is Cortex Norman, Johu Piummer, Harvey Rodgers, Carl Rodgers, Wiley lush, Ernest Spencer. 2nd Grade: Wayne Miller, Grace t-Vrree, Marietta Berry, Wade Jones, Everett Newby. 3rd Grade: Elmer Cox, Mildred Birkhead, Willie Hughes, Lallan Sapp, Lillian Hendricks, Pearl Kivett, Myrtie Ridge. 4th Grade: Henry Joues, Alio Kline, Farla Spoon. 6th Grade: Clifford Cox, Isley Cox, Maggie Davis, Mamie Morris, Lncile Rush. 6th Grude: Lollio Jones, Blanche Spoon, Bessie Laughlin, Wayluud Hayes. 7th Grade: RoEcee Miller. 8th Grade: Marietta Betts, Geo Ross. 9th Grade: Aunie Moring.Massah Lambert. Central Falls Items. November 2D. The health of the town is very good now although Miss Jennie Allred'a condition remains critical. Joe Hamlin wus at home Sunday from Liberty where he and his sister, Fin Die, arc in school. Jas Howell also of Liberty was heiv laet week. Misses ijovella York uud Virginia Wiiiiiiuphum and W C Armstrong t to Franklin wile to the school enu-rraiiinieitt Friday night riie ChrittmiiH entertainment is prcgrrarttng nin-ly under tin man agement nt mr. .Miiises Meimi'ii'ks and Hill nul .Vi'rsrs Hamilton and Armstrong. Andrew Luck and Mis t?trah Allied w ere married at the home of the brid" last Sunday night. Only friend were invited. Rev Hopkins ollk-iuted. (Joiitial Falls, Nov. 2'J We want to thank ('apt. Kennedy and the road fori-e for om toads the nicest in the county. They are now work- ng on the road from Central to where it iutersects with the Cedar Falls and Asheboro road neat Daul Allred'o. The mill is running on full time. The people of Central Falls have just found out that the giay horse nas not beeu standing in a certain Oack lot for nothing, for Sunday uight Squire A J Luck and Mrs. darah Allied were happily muiried ly Rev. J II Hopkiub. Ramicur Locals. November 28. Miss Pearl Ferre has accepted the position as book Keeper for the Columbia Mfg Co. Mr aud Mrs W U Watkius spent f hauksgiviug day in Greensboro. Misses Pearl Leonard and Kate Kearns, of Cedar Falls, visited Mr uud Mrs E B Leonard l ist week. Dr Tate killed a 300 pound porker Monday and J C Reece a 310 pounder. Mrs Yancey Craven is visitiug her su, I F Craven. Prof and Mrs Cobb and pupils gave a delignuui entertainment the academy on last Thurs day night. A nice sum was realized for the impwement of the academy. Sam Reitzel, an excellent farmer and good citizen, raised an ear of corn with 1,406 grains on it by a caref ul Count. This is the champion ear so far by a number of grains. Mr Doc Duncau, of Julian, visit ed Mr and Mrs G M Kimery on Sunday. Rev C A Wood preached most ex cellent sermons in his pulpit last Sunday morning and evening. Our people aie much pleased to know that ho will be with us again. Mr and Mrs C B Smith entertaiu- ed a number of their friends on Thanksgiving day. The good things were too manv to mention and we enjoyed the occasion so much thHt we hope to be there next year. Rev C A Wood was given tin old fashioned poaudiug on Thanksgiv ing eve. Bro. Wood and family have greatly endeared themselves to our people and this was a slight j token of cheer, love and esteem, May they be blw-d io all the vicisi- tndes of lif. philogian Literary Society will giveanuysier supper ou Saturday night Dec 3rd at academy. As delicious as Supersedes old-fiahloned Cod Uver Oil aad Emulsion GnaraaUed to eon tain all th maditHnal learnta, actually takaa from genuine fnah ooda livers, with erganie iroa and otiar body-balliliDg ingredient, bat BO oil or grease, Baking tbe greatest strength and fleah creator knows to medicine. For old pcopU, puny children, weak, palo women, aaralng XX hers, chronic cold, faackmr cough, throat aad lung trawbtea, incipient consoenptioat- nothing oaaal VLaoL . fty aM( few eeal Ska we wB ream a Asheboro Drug Comnany. I Randleman Items. Randleman, Nov 30. Gents Lamb whose injury at the cotton gin was j reported in last week's ispub of the . Courier, is ranidlv recovering from j the sickness resulting from the acci- , dent. Miss Katherine Page, of the Salem Female Academy, returned to Wins ton -Salem ou Monday, after having spent a few days with her sister, Miss Daisy Stuart Page, Messrs J W and U C McAlis'er have been hunting neat here I diirini; the past week. As a cotise- quence, game is now scarce iu this vicinity. Mrs A L Mendeuhall, who has been visit ng her sou, Mr E E Men denhall, of High Point, returned homo on Monday. Mr John T Council spent Sunday in Asheboro. Franklinvllle Hems. W R Free, who has been in school here for sometime, is now studying telegraphy. Miss Anna Fields, of I'leasaut Garden, visited Mrs John Feemau last week. W C Burrow has gone to High Point where be has secured u good position. Lewis York was in town last week and informed us that one thousand bushels of corn, and over nine han dled bushels of wheat and oats were mised on their farm this year. II T Ryder, of Greensboro, visited his family hero last week while do ing some plumbing for Capt W D Lane at Ramseur. Among ihe mauy large porkers that have been killed in the last few days is J L Luther's which weighed 362 lbs. A huge crowd attended the play at the Academy Friday night and pronounced it success and are anx iously awaiting the Christmas enter tainment which will be much better. Misses Kate and Nannie Buie wishes to express their sincere tbunks for the terrible poundiug they reeei.ed last Wednesday uight. These two good ladies have been liv ing aloue siuce their brother died some some months ago, and owing to ill health have not been able to work, so the good people of our town irre spective of denomination, gathered at their home on the above night aud literally tilled their room with the best provisions that could be ob tained. Grant Pickups. Mr und Mrs J W Moore, of Man- dalia, have iecentlv moved to this neighborhood. Mr and Mrs Evans who recently moved to this community received nice pounding Saturday uight which they seemed to appreciate. Glasgow & Ragsdale will soon saw out and move their mill elsewhere. George and Lewis Brady, of Mof titt's, spent two or three days last week bird huntiug with W H Glus gow and A M Ragsdale. They kill ed CO birds and several rabbits and squirrels. Browera Sunday school is making preparations for a Christmas enter tainment. T c public school at Brow ers taught by Mr Glass is progressing nicely. The boys of this community who have been attending school at Frank linville have -returned home to at tend the public school. Why Net Locals Why Not, Nov 29. Charlie Spen cer and wife, of Alabama, are visit ing relatives at this place. Charlie left here nine years ago, married iu Alabama aud is doing well. Will Garner and family are mov ing to Randlemau. Dewey, the 6-year-old son of J B Slack, fell off a loaden wagon Satur day the wagon passing over his leg breaking it. J H Soeecer and son, Charlie, are visiting in Davidson county. Rev Martin Leach was bete Fri day to place his daughter, Miss Em ma, iu school. Miss Flossie McLean, of Caledo nia, spent a few days with the fami ly of T V Lawrence the past week. Wm Cugle is the happy father of a son. Henry Yow is erectiug a new resi dence. Dr W U Wakefield, of Charlotte, N C. will be in High Point at El- wood Hotel on Thursday, December 1L for one dav onlv. Ilia nractice . ; iiimWi to eye, ear, nose and throat, and fitting glasses. Tlie New Body Builder a Preah Orange ired It may to from overwork, but the chances are its from an in active LIVER. .. -With a well conducted LIVER cae can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kepi In healthful action by, and only by TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cray's Chapel. Nov 28. Leslie Coltrane, who is sick at his grand father's, I O Coble, is improving some now. Eugene Routh has returned home from below Ramseur, where he ha been attending a mill for some time- N B Curtis aud neighbors took t rabbit hunt last Saturday and bagg ed tweuty-eight rabbit's and two squirrels. Madison Smith, of Indianapolis, Ind., is visiting relatives iu thit, vicinity, ae went West thirty-seven years ago. Rody Swaini and Tom York, of the sandy (Jreek neighborhood, have each sown about one hundred acres wheat. Notice. North Carolina Day piogrammes will be sent out as sno'n as 1 leueive them. Teachers who desiie more than oue copy will please have some person who attends court next week to call for the number desired. Every school in the couuty ought to observe North Carolina Day. Teachers who Heed new register will please send for them, as mailing tbem is too expensive. J. M. WAY. Co. Snpt of Suhouk Card of Thanks. and the majiv mitHT nN nmwntx if rlutliluir and moiiev Kiven u in our recent lo, by lir. May Ural reward Uii-m and .tinwer rli-h blcwlngH upon tliein Mil iH our humble prayer, MKANOMKST H TYHOR. Krcct, S. C, Nov aril), IBOl. Slutcmciit of Condition ol THE BANK OF RANDOLPH, AHUEBORO, N.C., tion CounnlMU'i). LoHUHnnd UIm-ouMii I Ovenlmft,, Bank ux Uouw Kur. and Fixture.... Due from Bauk and bunker Check, and other uah IteniN Gold Coin Mlvercoln, IncludhiR all minor coin cunency National nauk notea and other 1' h 44fi OA 158,378 SO oo . ao.ouoit) 8. HI 4 , I1KM09HV ,tsac7 Capital Mora Surplu Kund riidlvidod HroMtt lk-pmtu lUbleet to cheek I ahlcr'a check outatandiiuv i,ns jlatc ol N. C, County of Randolph. .: !, W. J. Armfied. Jr.. Caahlcr ot the Bank o( ttandolph, do Kile., uly .wear that the above tuu.-im-nt lit true to the he.t of uiy kuuuleCftc and belief. W. I. AKMK1KLU. Jr., Cuihlcr. Bwor to and aubbcrlbed before me thin 9th duy of Nov 1WI. J. t K1UUE, i. I . $10 Reward. will el ard for any Information that -taiid conviction of the per- rill lead to m who cut the 'phone wire between Caaruuav and Farmer, UK. V. H. LKWIH. Thl- Nov 30, 1904. Notice! I will attend at Kanueur ilurlni: the das and at Kranlillnvllle at nnut on Friday. December .fcnh, 1W4, Im-lcad of Kamseur at uli;ht an ha. been aimounee!. et the people meet me pmmptly at theae an- polutiienui anil pay tbelr tuxc for the year 1H04. T. J. UNCH. (iherltt; Thif Nov Wh. IMM. For Sale. fl.100.u4 will buy ray home In A-hi-bom if wld prouiotly. It ipeaka lor Itself. See it. and If in tereated write D. M. PETTY, Box B3 Oreensboro, N. C- For Sale! I will Dell at publio auction to the liliihe! Ud der at my home near Staley on Patunlay. Decem ber l?th. 1X. a lot of corn, two cow. 10 head of Poland Chiua hoxa. bugry, waxnn, harucM. farm Ing tonU household ana kitchen furniture and many other artlcloa too tedious to mention here. Title Nov. St. 1904. J.C. HAMMKK. , Will Pay Cash For a. 000 birds and rabhita, wanted at once and will pay blgheat caab priooa. Alan hide, and fur wanted and all kitidaof country produce and a ill pay highest cash price. I. B. M-PHERHON. Depot Htreet, Ashebiim, N. C. Asheboro Real Estate For Sale! Kcven.num dwelling milieu, blackamitll "hop. rKl well ami lour acrm d laud ut the liiler-ei-tiou nf Houth Fayetteville and the 1'wharrie nmd. rour-rnom aweiang. gooii wen ana dwelllne-. pttahles and well on three-quarter acre hit adjoining AKheboro Kuni ture t'o. on the railroad and church and Kted- iin trwt. Two half acre lota on Salisbury street wet and adjoining Demp-ey Auman, fronting mllr,ad. Mi acna aajoiitmg ianuoi en tta umer. jRu.e Free and othen. known as the Lindsay Mi Unwell Dhu-e. (lood anrina-and lott bouse under repair on tlte premises. Aoeonrmoiatina- terms tm an. .vppiv ki A. O. M' ALIHTKIt, .At Rank Building, anooud suirv. rear oriioe. November wh, 1904. Having Qualified aa administrator on theestate ol ueorge taidler deed., befara w. c. Buiomond. Clark of the Superior Court nf Randolph onunt . so the let day of tveerabar 1904, thla ii to noil fy all pen-oos aavlna claima tald estate an noefied n nreaanitiiam to tne undersigned, dul arldad. on ar before the 1st day of Dec. ivoa. Ill UaJOaAUF. By virtue of the power vested In me by Judg ment ol the Superior Court of Randolph County in a aDMaal nfoevedlna: vutitled l.llla'ldmau vt ales Srry Spicer et al, 1 will Oder t-w sale at IV oVIock aa. 4i January aud. Its at the court bouse a ur in Aiaeboeu. t;., toe romwiug oesenomi tratol lam whk-h isaituated In Trinity towu- shlp and described as hdlowv Adjoining the lauua ol Jtm Undsay. ttai-nei jacaaon ami otm beeinnln at a stake Rachel Jack-sin's cm Umuos auuib with jackson line to a take, thetH-e aaat ta a stone Jim Liuilaay'a comer, thence north oa Undsay line to a stone lu nsul. thence wear to VeiaUray's line k the beginning onmer. eontaiDlag ooa arra more or less, i -nn- m muc cask w. N r.l.DER. 1 nis auk ay of for. 1904. riimmieslooer. NOTICII n the eats ta derk of the Superior Court of Randolph comity, j d,svl . before Vt . I' Hammond. t uits is to nutlly ail pepsins rating ciaiiiisnaa-'s , said estate an notified to present them to the un dersigned on or before tbe 90 d.iy of Oc.b r 1 a, ar this will ae pleaded in bar nf their rov.iy , aad all paraona owing said eetai will ooua tor ' ward and awda Immeduue wtUaenans. So Tiittsn s Business Local. Notless Inserted under thla hu4 at an cent word each Inaertlon. LOST! Three houud pupies, two dons and one bitch, about 4 monlbs old. One dollar reward foi their return to M F Skeen ticur Farmer, N. C, . LOST Brown Setter bird dog Blind in light eye. Suital a re ward for mini illation as lu Hit hereabouts. F. C. RlCHAKDSOH, Asheboro, N C. I WILL PAY CASH for beef cattle, or I will butcher aud sell out beef reasonable. . Beef stall opposite postotUoe. J H STIHD. W D vPOON, 'phone No. 53, dealer iu fresh meats, crrooerios and produee. Come or 'phone me for anything in my line. 1 will pa; highest prices for all kinds of coun try produce. WANTSD! Tbe people of Ashe boro to know that I keep ooiisUnth on hand fresh meats, groceries au produce. Will sell as cheap as th cheapest und deliver any where it towu. Call or 'phone 63 for wha you need. I pay highest prices, cash or trade, for hides, furs and all kinds of produce. W. D. Spoon. Horses Wanted. If vou have any horses you dont want to winter bring them to me and get the cash for tbem and Inn another one in the spring, it w:l! pas you. E. G. Morris, Manager Morris Livery Stable, Asheboro. LOW RATES. On Tnesduy, November 22nd, and again on Ducmber 13th aud 27th tiiu Frisco System will sell one waj excursion tickets from Atlanta U all points in Indian Territory and Oklahoma at the extremely low rat of $16.00. On same dates one-wai reduced ratp tickets will be also In sold to points in Eastern and Cen tral Texas. Writ for full particu lar. S. L. Parrott, District Passenger Agent. 6 N. Pryer St., Atlanta, Qa. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. Will be nut of town until December 15th, alt' which time can he found at oflloe over tbe Bank nf Randolph. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. They are Coming! A line of new Outings and Readj to wear Hats for Ladies, Misses anil t'hildrens fall and winter wear havt arrived. We thank onr customers and fiienils for past favors and inviti them to examine onr stock. Come to see me. No trouble t show goods. MRS. E. T. DLAIR. WANTED' Y.'ill pay pot cash f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds Of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, Wool(washed or un-washed) I also carry a full line of Fruits and Vegetables, Ba nanas, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts at market price. Write foi pricee, FORSYTH fc WATKINS, 112 Lewis Street. Greensboro, N. C. LAND BALK. Bv virtue of ail order of the Superior Court ol luudolph county lu a siecial pnieeodiug entitled nenhai'ox Luther vr. omver C t oa and others I will M-tl at the pist nillce in rUm-eur, N. C, puullc Ik'hcst biduer at 19 oh k XatunlHV, the iluv i,I Dei-ember 1904. he folluwlinf (lccntel lots iu the U i of Kam -ur buuuded a l, 11 t-t: Uegiuulng at aatake in tbe Lttier- A and ibvt fi04 feet to a slake v North Sli 1-sl feet Mi a stake, theace wesi ,-t to a stake in said liberty road, theue Mild riatil nouth fa, l-S feet to the bealuntLg litin one ai re inure or !. and being loi n the John VV btaley survey of August ?th tvixm I mot: HentnulniT at Uk lu Mtd tiin rtv nnui ihc iiDiinwpit curner o( Lurm Mnr n l't ami riuir. tliencu Kt with her lint boi Uvt Ui Ktrlkt. UKMllMi .Norttl W 141 fttj to (ttUla. in ,hu old Hurxn Imr, mnc M ItxH V id LLUMtv roA'l, llin with laid nmU M t-. i.-vt ui ihc UK ixMitiuiuitf on aero mon rift. uml iniKlutNo 18 ol mU4 J W fliaJti) une of AuKti" .to ibpi. John JiiiieV wnin aud ruu Nurtu Ku IhirJ rind. ikKiiuiiiaffu aurasji Diuinn south Wdgi Kum ens and w Uitka ro a stont. Uivnou rttiutu wiifiTiffntuwi ivnu, .nnoc Nortli W iJks Wt t ch and W U" to tba btflu .tevkt in tbe Liberty road and run a ikm on a brancrt orv.ita4 a aodar tna on J M sun.-1'n lao'l. theni1 duwn th braocb to a vtakt id tht line of trie Columbia Mff Co, thtnoa mlth trio Una of liif -aid Company to a ataka in art Llhrrtv mad, ttieuc wltbhuid ru4 ntwly sen r.u.rTl.. A.llolatnj tli landa of J W Ail J M Muualttwi aitti oitient, bit.nliif at Utck'tiitimLT. tni niiin with hU line to J M Alln-I' line, thvuee with Atlrctl'a liuu to Uirka ixtnicr. t.iciuv utih Hn k Hih abtmt North fy tht uu!i- rutul, thvnt-v aim Kald tvad tn tba k ctnui v rvrtitatuinj atutott fuurtu nl an actv. -'Ui Trm-tt ttricinuluf at J A' Allravt'amnr on ib Ulf tba jKiliUa rvmi. aoi niaa Uicnoa vtith uld nit'l i ki.civti'owQ onroer, tbeuot wiih auokvu llw t. Aiirvsl sl.iw.thrDrv wiib Ailnsl't lit to a atakr Allr.tNetmr, thruM with tbe All red hnetuth bPtrinuiiiK niaioliif 1-4 arir mora or ivm. Ma-vt-aUi Tract bec.un.tia' at Ct.Ithulia Nf- tiar lu Uw KayetteTlile raa4 and nun ta dage Meat ol Houth 8 rode to a bkhw ChUbolB Uta, t)t'uce 4H daa tiuuib ol KaM roAm to a ivona. Ui Fayi-wtavllle mad, ttwnra tt d Weai of North u the betr-nnlutf euuialntiiK M ocre more fjnaiu'w ftu (.an, EAsi of Norm root to a atona ur 1m. uu fucu ul aaia Mm irmme awtfiuny hMiaen bavu bean arvciea, ana ovaer iiaprova- vtl i loti will be artld one ml a tine, aad thee) all Oafrntl tmcetbtr. and the eoDimiaWtooer wUl tannrt the Uluhot ht-1 (IT btflK. Vorm-.-f Httle: OnMbird cah balane on a etvdltof aix nKMitha, purona-ar to fivw anrroTea nty fur uei-'r"! uyniua, aua uiMretarvea irWiwwiwwaii They Have Come. The nicest line of Ladies Pattern Hats ever displayed in Asheboro. Come early and make your selections. We have a large and varied line to select from. Prices range any where from 50c. to $).0O. Dress Goods! We bought a nicer line than usual of Ladies Winter Dress Goods, and the prices are right, too. We also laid in a nice assortment of Ladles Jackets, Capes, Gloves, Etc. Don't fail to sec them, Olothlngl Then you hit us. Wa bought heavy in Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Overcoats, Etc.,' and can save you money on your next suit if you will come this way r-e-iore making your purchases. Wood (SJL Moring. WHY PAY MORE FOR House rurnihing When you can buy them of us for almost Ractory Prices? We can supply your wants and guarantee you SAT1SFAC riON in any of the following lines: Furniture, Chairs, Side- Boards, Go-Carts, Pictures, eral House Fnrnishings. Give us a trial. PEOPLES HOUSE FIRNISHIN6.C0MPANY. High Point, N.C. J . jltaasaatiwaa. w.SaasttiJartteiaasisf.; Iflorris-Scarboro-ltloffitt Co Wholesale We invite you to call at our store and inspect our new fall stock of Dress Goods, Milli nery, Ladies Skirts, Jackets, Capes, Etc., Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Over coats, Shoes, Hats, Etc. Our stock is full and com plete and you are invited to call and see our goods before making your purchases. Morris-Scarboro-moffitt Co Wholesale and Retell tr. 4 t i1 aa aw kw a I, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES AND RANGES, Qo To McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co. Frisco System, Chicago ZL Caatern Illlnote R, R. Double Dally Trains BETWEEN- St. Louis and Chicago! Frem LaSallt Street Station, Chleafo, 90 a m 9:10 p m From Union Station, St Louis, ' 9:80 a 10-0:44 p m Morning or evening aonaaotiaa al aolb taraaiai wilk kaea a&Ttrjiag. Eqaipaaant anura'.jr naar and aaodara ilsraugaaut. - A Mctxc-Tiiaes R.iLWtT. Equipped with prariifaj and aypraraJ aataty appliimai. , Mateuatially oooalnattad. Tables, Stoves, Ranges and Gen 1L J and Retail pLWillariiajis, mMWiaiJ , t(ifriWUaaaf i

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