The Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. for Q A lilair id at homo uyS, Rev W K S'.vtiiu sjieut Monday in High Point. The Ladies Hook Club meets with Misa May McAlister Friday ut 4 J), in. Mrs Whitfield, of Linnberton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs V O Hammond. . Miss Ella Teiiguc, of Guilford county, visited in Asheboro tla fiint of the week. U lueli has ojifciu-a h grocery store iu the lietts building in south Asheboro. The family of J T Wood is spend injr, gome time ut Jack ion Hill Davidson county. Mr. BeddingOeld, representing the News and Observer, urw here the first of the week. Herbert Lotrry, n-preseutiug the Greensboro Christian Advocate, was iu town the first of the week W A Wati-on, Sr., a brick con tractor of Greensboro, visited the family of E B Kearns last week l'rof J M Way attended the meet iug of Oouuty Superintendents of Schools at Raleigh last week. In another column E Moilitt. ccunmissioDer, advertises some valu able timber and lauds for sale, M W l'arrish went to Greensboro Monday and has purchased a niie. piauo from K M Andrews, Don't forget the meeting of the County Teachers' Association ut the Academy next Saturday at 1 0 o'clock Hurt By a Horse. Mi Richard Graves, of New Hope i township, was badly injured one day last week from au accident caused by his horse falling down and falling on ew i Mr Graves and breaking his cehir I bone ami internally injuring him. Charles Ross went to Washington Tuesday morning, where he will be during the winter. Representative Page's secretary. Mr. Lon Vuncannon, of Triniiv township killed a hawk one uighl last week on the roost that measured 52 inches from tip to tip. Dr F A Henly, dentist, is titling up an office in one room of Dr Moore's office and invites his friends to call and see him. Mrs E W King, of Greensboro, came down Monday in response to a telegram from Mr Will Hamlin on account of illness in his family. Mr LoHiii, manager of the branch house of the Lexington Grocery Co. at this place, has moved his family iuto the house adjoining the store. Dr Lockhart, who has been iu Rii'hmnnil for some time tukliii' a U special course iu dentistry, is e.x- fi pecteu to return to Aslieuoro iiooul the 15th. To those of onr subscribers who called iu and paid us this wvek we are grateful, ami trust those wIm have not paid will do so hefoie loin iug town. Dr Moore, Superintendent of Health, informs us that there is not a case of small pox in the county, nor has there been since last spring. Miss Annie Tomlinsnn went to her home in High Point Tuesday to be present at the marriage of her brother, Mr Halstead Toiulinson to Miss Ethel DiiTee of High Point. Jim, the fourteen year old son of W R Hamlin, who lives four miles north of Asheboro, was operated on for appendicitis Monday. The boy is doing well and hopes are enter tained for his recovery. Rev W L Sherrill, the new pastor of the M E church at this place, at rived last Friday and is boarding i at v luiaiu ii. .uoring s. lie nneu l his drst appointment here Sunday 1.; 1 morning. ( We are requested to announce that quarterly conference will be -, held at old Union church Dec 17th and 18th. Preaching Saturday at 11 o'clock and also on Sunday at 11, followed by the sacrement of the Lord's snpper. Hoise traders are here this week in large numbers. There is quite a difference iu the class of stock handled here now and ten years ago. The plug trader is not in evidence as be once was; better stx:k is taking the place of plugs. The Dispatch of last week says that the Clerk of Davidson county Superior Court has issued -Sixteen liscense to non-resident bird hunt ers, which bring into the treasury 160.00. Subscriptions paid, R 1) Short, M N Brower, Ivy Luther, Rev H Y Rush, E W Pugh, Isaac Hinshaw, Rev W R Lowdermilk, R C Palmer, T D Hardin, L R Hughes, Ed Kanoy, S C Snyder, Mrs Annie Uoble, Mips Sue Brooks, John Kennedy. 3 Christmas Goods. The Asheboro merchants aie gi t- in carloads of Christmas goods. Those in need of Christmas goodi hould tee the new stocks coming in. The holiday trade in Asheboro will be lively th) largest iu years. Burr iu Boy's Tbrnat. Mr. George Sauggs, a prominent citizen of Alonlgomery county and Dr. Ingram, aUo of Moutgomery, came to Salisbury last night, accom panying Mr. Snuggs' I'i year old son John. The boy was singularly afflicted Tuesday. While running through a lield a cockle burr lodged in his wiudi'tpe and up to last nig In he breathed with the greatest diffi culty. Dr. R. Vance Brawley local ed the burr and immediately remov ed it. The boy returned home with his father this morning. Sahabun Sun of 1st. Teachers' Meeting. The following is the program of the Teachers' meeting to be held in Asheboro, Saturday, Dec ID, l'.MU, 10:30 u. m. at the Academy: I. Discussion of "A Course of Sludv for the Elemental'' Public Schools" ivi-enllv sent out by tin State Superintendent. Mr (i D M House Burned- Thi! dwelling house of Irwin Look abill, of Ddiaiice, was destroyed by fire Nov. 38th. itr Luokabill was not at home and his wife was at the spiin-- getting wa ter when she heard a child who had luvn left at the house, scream ami unpiin looking in that direction caw tin- hour was on fire. She 'ried to put it out but it bad too gnat a. -Mart ami burned completely down. Noth ing whatever was saved. The loss was about $100 with no insurance. The Enterprise Mfj. Co. Chartered. The iintvrniisi: Manufactu'ing Company of Coleridge, Randolph county, was chartered Dec. 3rd, wilh an authorized capita! ttock of 1 00, 000. The principal incorporators are: Daniel 11. Lambert. Coles' Store; John M. Caveness. Moffitt: Robert L. Cavem-si, Coleridge. The objects for which the corporation is formed are to do a general textile manufac turing business; to buy, sell and otherwise deal in merchaudise of all kinds; to manufacture furniture and fixtures; to manufacture and deal iu timber and timber lands; to deal in real estate; to elect und operate hotels; in t'st.-thlishj-ud maintain schools and to build and operate telephone and telegraph lilies, etc. Randleman Items. Dec. tith.-Mr. and Mrs. T O I'owdon returned home on Saturday after spending two weeks in New York City. Miss l4inrii Stimson, of Asheboro, "pent ii few hours here on Saturday. J V Huydcu, of High Point, bus in town Wednesday of left week. K II Mom, of Asheboro, stopped here between i rains, oi," day last week. Itev. J H Milliard, of limb Point, filled til!' piilr.itof the Haplitt churci. at both services on Sunday. liev. W If Kll.-r. of Gieensbom, hm been called to the Iapt:st chinch here. liev. Thomas Carnck, whoso .'eiigiiati'iu as Pastor was accepted sometime ago, will preach his fare well sermon on Mon-iiiv night. Dec. l'.tth. The Rundlem.m High Point me talic circilit copper telephone line has been completed and is giving good service. Advice to the Aged. Age brines Infirmities, such as eluf glsh bowels, weak kidney and blad der and TOKPID LIVfcK. $10 Reward. Garni r. Mr limit h. and .Mr Wcatherly. If. Brief Review ol the I!c Meeting ot the htale Assncialion of Superintendents of Public In struct ion. J M Way. III. Should the next Legislature Pass a Mild Compulsory School Uw? Prof .1 M Weatherly, Prof Henry, of Trinity, Prof Cobb, of Ramseur, Capt .Frank Siler, Star. Robbers Gel $2,649.14 at Liberty. On Thursday night of last week the Bu'iK of Liberty, at Liberty in this county, .is lairglarijied by pro fession il sale lacker.-,. All loss is fully covered by burglar insurance. It was a bold robbery, made by ex pert cracksmen. A near-by black smith shop was broken open and u it h the sledge hammer secured, the knob of the safe was broken olT. Nitro glycerine was used, and there were even or eight explosions before the "afe was blown open. Occupunts ol building just across the street could distinctly see the confederate of the inside robbers on the outside, standing guard, but having no weap ons, made no attempt to capture the robbers. The explosions were heard by a great many. There is. as yet no ice of the thieves. It was only a few months ago that i attempt was mile to rob the Bank of It m.lleiiim. The outer door f the saf-.i -i-" blown oiien but the irgUrs did not succeed in getting the inner door ooen. Mrs- Oilman Injured by a Cow. uvn-lllc Shi I:iI, New m. m t'hurlmtv Ols The wife of Rev I) I Offman, a ennesscc Lutheran preacher, who has a charge near Laudis, in Rowan county, was severely injured several days ago by a vicious cow. She was hanging the cow from a certain stake when the animal became arous- J and made a lunge at her. Mrs Offman caught the animal by the horns and held on until a man near by came to her rescue. She was in such a weak condition that death was thought probable, being uncon scious until Monday. Her eyesight badly impaired oh account of the prostration, and it is now feared that she will lose her sight. A telephone message from Enochville this after noon states that Mrs Offman 's con dition is quite critical. Rev Mr Offman formerly lived at berty, this county, and was one of the Representatives in the last Legis lature, from Randolph. Married- At the home of A M McCollum November 17th, Miss Mary McCol-j I ii tn to Mr Isaac Spencer, 1' J Steele ilhciatvd. A i the home of the olliciating Justice of the Peace, near Level Cross Nov 17'h, Miss Millie Line k't-rv to Mr J L Lassitei.T J Steel J P uflii.-ialed. At the bride's home in High Poilif on Wcilne-ulny at 0 p. in., Ml S l-.lliel .litleelo .Mr llalslea 1J otnlii New County Olhcers. The board of county commission crs iiini con lit v oiticer- w ere sw orn in Moil, I. iv mid a large amount of im porta lit hii-iecss trans ictcd. Clerk of the Court Hammond ad ministered ' he out h of ollice to the board of eiiiii!iiissi..iii. which js follows: ll l ( aveness. oiiainiinn, II G,i ei ami A N Uulla. The bond of T J Pinch, sheriff, for Sfni.ui' va I'vamuc'il by the boa I'i I an I -iceeptcd. The bond of W .1 Miller, treas urer, was tor Jt.OOd which was also ecptod. Regi.-ter of Deeds, J P Boroughs, gave a hon.l ot 1 ',l(l(i. Pile total disbursements of th. coil" iv minis lor the veil I' eiiiiine Nov. :l(i, 1 were !jli;,l!l5.5!l, and the c.-i.-h receipts for the same year fl!,:J.!iS.45. Poll. .wing is a list, the expendi ve of countv funds for war end ; Nov. :ld. 1904: DI.-lll.ltHKMKXTS. Books and stationery, $ :123 (J4 Liri.lg.-s. ' 5,'S4ii SO Burial expenses of pau pers. ;!() ;s County Home expenses, l.oljT 4G Court House expenses, 44 02 Conveying prisoners to jail, li:)i;5 Convict force expenses, '.'i'.lf 94 Court expenses (inci dentals!, tltOSti Clerk of 11.1. of Corns., HH 00 Committees. :il HO Conveviii" pauiurs to Co. Home, BiK Mininj Compiay for Asheboro. The Secretary of State issued a chatter Dec. 2nd. tor the Asheboro Copper Mining Co. with $100,000 authorized capital stock, $75,000 of which is subscribed by II D Saun ders, of Tutney, N. Y., S M Bradley, of Morehead, Ky., W L Thurber, A J Thurber, D M Ilollady and M W Parrtsn, of Asheboro. The property to be developed is what is known as the Scarlett Mine, located two miles north of town, and on irhich considerable work has al ready been done. The shaft has been sunk to a depth of 72 feet Fifty-nine feet from the surface a vein was struck, which was followed with another shaft for 65 feet until it hu lev.,lnned intn The newly-elected offieeis of the Teio 71 , feet th(ck ,( bag M mXffm High Point, Randleman, Asheboro a?e VB!0e in copper of $18 nor ton. & Southern Railway u Jlwood There have also been found several COX, W O Bradsh.., B F Dalton of u o w h de Q u. High Toint; W r Wood. P H wor" assays reaching as high as $25 and risandJE Walker, of Asheboro; O ,,;. The company ,s well Bn.nced W Cut, of Tnn'ty; B Brya.t, of ftd propo,, to de;eop the Endlemn, and Jamr MoAlwter, boding(, on , jMrge r.lectioii expense.-. Jail exiieiisi-. 11 r expell.-."-, List takers. Lunatics, Miscellaiieoiis, ( utsidc noor. Public roads. Smallpox, utal IIKCKI ITS. County taxes for 1004. Marriage lisi:en-e. Road funds, 10 no 1 no iti'J 25 1,01)5 75 3S0 00 2i:i 20 1,:I05 ,'!7 1 ,Oli!i 50 271 Hit 1 !I2 HH f 1 ;.i .-. 50 jj:,Kl2 !)3 214 00 5,3.11 52 10,35K 45 Died. At the home of her son, W J Mo Bride, in the northern part of town Saturday night, Mrs Me Bride, aged about so years. Mrs McBride was in her usual health up till Saturday night ubout dark w heu she was stricken with paralysis, death result ing a few hours later. At hishome in Trinity township Dec 2, 1904, Ililliard Gaddis, aged 74 years. He was a faithful mem ber of the M P church at Mt Zion for many years. Talking to a friend a few days before his death of his future prospects he said "all is well whether I live or die." At her home near Flag Springs church Dec. 3id of heart disease after an illness of several months, Mrs Pool, wife of Solomon Pool.- At her home at Ulah, Dec. 5th, Mrs Moffitt, wife of M R Moffitt, of hcait disease. Her remains were intered iu the cemetery at this place yesterday. Deceased leaves a husband and three daughters. One da lighter, Mrs. Nixon Lucas, lives iu Alabama; the other two daughters are at home. Mrs. Moffitt was a thioughlv pood Christian Ionian and has set an example that we would all well to follow. Franklinvllte Items. Dec oth. J V Free spent a few days iu the depot at Mulboio last week. alter Bundo is spending a few days at the Freeman liouse to Hie de light of llbs liicZ. Mrs P M Julian, ot Cedar Falls, visited the home of C 11 Julian last week. The Fraukliuville Mfg Co. will close its cotton gin the 31st. O T Leonard and family, of liaui seur, spent Sunday with Mrs J W Craven. Mr and Mrs Harvey Maness have gone to Big I' nils, Alamance oouuty, where they will spend a few aus with relatives and friends. Thus llobsou and family, of i'rox iniiiy, visited W J llobsou Sunday. Mrs C G Pepper and son, of Cur iiii, were in the city iSaliirday- Cii'Vech and Master Fvcrett, of Ikuudlcmau, spent Saturday niglit with his son, 5 ti Welch. .Mrs Mutou Cox has moved her family to her farm in Providence township. Mis Lou Carter was called to last week to the bed side of her sister, Mrs Washington Jobe, who is suffering iroin a stroke ol paralysis. 1) M Wtalheily -vent tu buiisbury last Week on business. Mi and Mrs W C York, of High Point, visited relatives ll. town last Week. Clark Julian and siater, Mi.-s Flnletice, visited relatives and Irieiidsi iu town last nueK. j Mr and Mrs Wi.i AJlr.d. of Cedar Falls, and Mr and Mrs Jas CiieeU, of Mill Creek, spent Sunday at the home of Jas Mai tiudale. Geo Phillips, of Ida. !; Diamond, u, in last week looking after work in Bush Creek district. Sunn- ot the members had a reunion a few- days ago and report business iu good) condition. The F'ranklinviile Sunday school, ot the M K church, will give their members a nice treat Christinas. Biscoe Items. C K Kauov is moving into his new dwelling, which he has recently built in the southern part of town. Capt. C C Martin is building handsome new dwelling on Church St., and will goon hve it completed C t Crocker, uiiimtgcr of the Biscoe Foundry .c Machine Co., went on a business trip to MclWe and Patrick, S. C, Monday. Caot. M L Jones, of toe Iola Mining Company, is rebuilding the Hotel, which was destroyed bv hie at the mine some Weeks ago. W A Cochran, Esq., of Troy, spent 1 ticsday night iu town on business. Last Sunday was Rally Dav with the Minday school here. A nice program had been arranged, and the exercise by the children were very ;ood. Mr. Cha- Ross, of Asheboro, delivered an excellent address, his subject being Teaidior's Helpers. 1 H ilcox, of Aew lork, has accepted a position as Foreman of the Aberdeen and Asheboro l.ailwav .Machine Shops, in, place of F K Siurdivant who resigued some time havea specific effect on theseorfrnns, stimulating the bowels, causlnj; thim to perform their natural functions a 'n you.h and IMPARTING VIGOR to ttic k'llneys, bladder and LIVIiR. Tbcy ore adapted to old and young. Superior Court. The li.i-.-m1i. I l-i-ai nf i:,1M..,) M",M-i..r r Christmas Gifts Motice! ..I H.M'll. .-Lull:. ('.!.-! ,.,v-e.-.l i J ll-. t; it- i-an.l jurn: lead, r.,r-inan. Hoek.-iu'V..,-. .', .i 'i.i,;-m. A I T.l, n:-l.i iw. Til-' W T IJ i! Ciutis, A , 1! i; M K,-r I W 1'iiali. A !.-,, n, -I M V..-,v, -! T 'nin(..r.!. I.uen-.. W I! Myers, V If i',i!e it 1: n-orlli. Then- o siaall eiauiaai u -l :i oaes vvnv mostly H,is(1euii'nii(irs anil : iiuu'Ii iainoi't:!-,..-.'. Tho riiinii-a! .loek o:l .Iinli;-- C. has alway, K-.-n i-,.-.lar iu U.I HtfdjU, ;n well II- here and il held in ihe Iiih--! ,-.-u.-m r.,r l,U i.biUiy and I'ar hi- in-t fait- rulirgs. Veiling attorneys in aih'iiihir.ef. are: i.',.1 Mor-b-a.! and (i "s Ibinblnnv, Green-'...; .1 I! Ill .ir.nid I,' T I'.,, Try; 'wi ;.,U s..ii andW II Hasan. Ilii I'-im; .Min Q ll...,... Viall.invil!-. RESOLUTIONS. Hull ,il t;ni,-l.' Spring llco X.. i',1. 1. O it. K., III WliiTu.n..olli..r link hie u-en -ni..X-.l snmlcr in tin- home Mr.M:,-i, M.-lhMml.l. rh. ureal Kul-rol Hi- niilifP.,- on Tlmi -.1 niislit tin-mill of Nov. HUM. 111- h.iru fneii.l Allen M,-i,ii.i. iill.-r u short - ekn fr. on laUii's tor-Aai-.l: aii,l uh, reus O.I.I K. II.. lr i. -i.-lirMiH i,, u-.H'i. wall 111. H-tlia' u -p ,i m , .in ulth Ci, in A-ll.-lnr. t Ii it a I. m. l'i:i i or 1 ivil! . -II at pill, ,.-rnt m 'hmm i. .t Itt'i I'm. Kl"'. I-..I I " l.eia ii, u n,.i.l kii, !i, n :ur..Hnl4 u L-.ln.ii.- lu infntloii ln-r .1 .'. HAMM1-.U. -lul,--. X. C Vi!l fay Cash r-,irCMJ.lli.l.Kai,.l ral.Nl-, v. u'lt.-l ill .ni.-.-a! ..Ill lor lil'h.M ,ali A..v Innv- .nil In i,aiil.-o'in, I ull kanl. ol ..jim'.rv prhln.-l-ui.,! pay liUla I i-a.h l..l'-.' T H. M I'llKllS.iN. I1-1..I sic t. Ah.-I)..n. N..:. Asheboro Real Estate Sale ! Tor -. I.Saellsuilth lio i,ii, ai Hie inler-e, i tia- I'w iiarri.. r.-ad Ah- .nr. I .lly I i Int.. in. l.l.'.i he. I' III I, el I- la I- K-.,M,lvo.l 1-1: 'I hill as w it U-v.111,1 the i;niv,. thai . eli iii'... of fruit .Morlalllv i ua'lli.'r in 111- li.T of t. l-i Ke-olved -.'ml. I hal we ,1 ,V 1,11,1 rlil .Ir.'H O.l! ii this time of iH.n-aveni.'S. I'-sny wi ll llir Servant of t Xl,'ll,t to his I,. from thy 1 . ih- Uc Ml 1 411 I.-It i '"alaplil tnnl.l ion Ii i. ,011,1 l.l.n .. , ili'ii. ulh Ins r-.l- A I lln. hi, I . M Al.isl l l;, Sal J ef Valuable Tlmbor tind Land ! i.. Hand l:.-.,' Illa.l, . tfllllv -1 1-1. i,:v..siui i. M. M. Sl I'l I S, T. M. I.AMil.KV, Ramseur Locals. Pto Miss Stella dross, of Cumnock, visited Miss Sallie Thom as the past week. tine of 11 Walking houses oc cupied by J 1 Leonard was destroy U by tire last week. All ol his property was saved but the lions. was a complete loss as there was no insurancj on it. It was a peculiar ly sad accident as Mrs Leonard was very ill at the time and had to Ik- carried on her bed to a neighbor's house. H U Free and sou, Paul, of San- ford, spent Saturday and iSunday with relatives in town. W H Watkius, Jr., of dreenshoro. was ou our etleets last week. Charlie l'arks, son of Mr and Mrs Thos B Parks, died on the 4th iust after a lingering illness. He was a most excellent young man and his hosts ct friends are grieved tu learti of his death. May Ood ctmifoitj and sustain the bereaved family. Rev J W Pat ton, of Elon College, bo has been chosen to preach for the congregation of the Christian church rilled his first appointment last Sunday. Nothing but praise was heard on every hand for both of his sennous. This church is verv do i fortunate iu securing the services of to able and consecrated a minister. lrat hoxb or Tnrox To Thin People Let us advise you to take Vinol. The reason it is the best strength and flesh creator is because it actually contains all the medicinal elements taken from genuine fresh Cods' Livers, without oil or grease. These combined with organic iron and other body building ingredients create the greatest flesh, strength and tissue builder known to medicine. Try It on our guarantee. Respectfully, Asheboro Drug Company. Mr-. Mara 11 H'lllllU". 1 ,.1-l.n, N ll. .way .putao Obituary. -In Hi. h No Inirhic: hi I..J-I M-ry i emilil l- of lliltl-t ehor. h. nil pr'..f f Ii.t lu.pp.. si,- . all. , I i i i . 1 for t. ,in,l lli,' ,r 1,1 . .t!i. .-tolnlmiij. lit -riinitl it:l in- fall li ...'KITT. :OF- Every Description! At Wood & Moring's Big Department Stores. In addition to our large and varied stock of Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Dress Goods, Jackets, Trimmed Hats, Groceries, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, General Mer chandise, etc., we also have a large and assorted line of dolls, toys, etc., for the little folks. When contemplating purchasing gifts, whether great or small, come to our efrse and let us help you make your selections. No charge for showing goods. Very truly, WOOD & MORING, ASHEliOKO. X. C. WHY PAY MORE FOR liouse Turnishings When you can buy them of us for almost Factory Prices? We can supply your wants and guarantee you satisfac tion in any ot the following lines: Furniture, Chairs, Side Boards, Go-Carts, Pictures, Tables, Stoves, Ranges and Gen eral House Furnishings. Give us a trial. PEOPLES HOUSE FURNISHING COMPANY, High Point, N. C. th-v ill v h:s A liL-l. ,l-lllll-,'fol 1 hi- l.or.1 i. r in ll-av,.ii A HIIKNIi. Obituary. .I incliu-i-i.l Ira .lr.a.1,.1 .!is-n. all(',t li-r lallu . I I.I I -,M M'lKI I I I . sle-ptli. insplrati ,lay yon l.-t In ,n I. r i. .hall COG C3 o o o ('.) o o a o d D O 0 O Q O ( ) O 6 o o 0 o n O o a o n o o o asm Pwlorris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co Wholesale and Retail Reduction in Call Millinery For Holiday Trade ! From now until January 1st we will sell millinery at greatly reduced prices. Our goods are new and of the 'ate ;t styles, having been bought the past fall. Don't fail to see us when in need of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Groce ries. Etc. We handle almost any thing you want. A Card of Thinks. liul- in . Mav tl Mm. Ill, .S .. ui-al 1'nlh n boinuinillv mt! l.-n.i.-r i siioun ih d.iriin: t.t. ii Cburlit. '.' nr- unahle it to.'Xlvi the Hs-ling ol unit. uh aisii...' .T.'i-s. in,! Mrs. To. Business Local . Notices Inserted under this head t one cent word each Insertion. LOST! Three hound liupit'g, two tlois und one hitch, about 4 months old. One dollar reward foi their return to M F Skeeii near farmer, X. C. W. N F I.I IKK. I WILL PAY CASH for beef cattle, or I will biitvlier and sell out beef i.-iksouable. Heef stall opiiositi post.ifl'uv. 1! Stkkp. S 'TJAYKD! From my 1'" I o-. 7th. two pigs, one black and one gaudy. Suitable reward leuiln.j: to their recovery. J. . rtrower, Asheboro, X. C LOW KATES. On Tuesday, Xovember Jind, and ajraiii on Ueo-mber 13th aud 2T;h the Fnsco Ssetem will sell one-way Itxcurniun ticket.) from Atlanta to nil mints in Indian Territory mid (Iklahoum at. the extremely low late , off 16.00. On BHine tlated om-way i reduced r,if ticket will be al-o be 1 geld to points iu and Cen j tnil Texas. Writn for full parrten j lars. f. L. I'ABiiorr, i District PasBeiiijer Aj;eut, fi N. Ti-yer St, Atlanta. G. . 111. Ijn. ,. i.n,l b.-ii, , i Auiisl i.illl W l: Ka 1,-1,,.' is anil 1. ..nil Se.I.s . N..UI. -J i links istnliy ,-k run. U ll:,- U.,n 1,-s. ... lau ls nf S M i r. iirarl)- nrUi Alln-J , tu tile .-KUiniln: .',iiluit,: Seventh lnwt- Iv-viniilnv at CIiMkiIi,, . . ..r u.Tln the FsTrtlevllU- rue.l n,l runs S.i tlrf W.t '! ssmth h nsls l, t,.im l'liikli,,hn'9 Iniv. 1t'ait- 4.H ,!o .tttli ,.l Kftl f r,s. to s tiit-u.-e IM .Iks l--t . Norlll t nsls t.. ft stone nt the rayetunill mini. twi-c 4a dt3 West f Vorth to the IvEinuins rsmwlnhii: l-4-re more enel. .4 himiav, hHVe U'n crt Tab. Nuvriubsr Ultu 1:' .,1 ,si.h rmlanrv m ft Im t.' rive H'iiv,-1 ,-i,(-'. i,,l inter, w-rved u n Q fslorris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co Wholesale and Retail ! s- A Womfrv Hung ! Her arms around her husband's neck and begged him to go to McCrary-Reddinjf Hardware Co. and buy her a set of those Handsome Silver Knives and Forks for a Chistmas Present. We have many useful as well as handsome articles suitable for Chritmas presents and will take great pleasure in showing you our goods. Come see us. McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co. Frisco System, Chicago CI Eastern Illinois R. R. Double Daily Trains BETWEEN - St. Louis and Chicago! From LaSalle Street Station, Chicago. From Union Station, St. Louis, 9:60 a m 9:10 p m 9:30 a m-9:45 p m Mceiin or evening counerlioa ftt botli tortumi if ilk UlUa divrgutg. -uiitncnt sutirely new rikI modem titmugtwui. A ISII ILE-TIK It S41Lr. Eqnipiirtl wi;h r-nu-tica! and spprowj asTvlf tppiuace. 8ulMUtutinil coastrucwd. WftAtJK m " s warn ii