1 TT7 A QTTT7Pim?ni (PrhTTfJITTW I I T5he COURIER Leads in'Both News and Circulation. me COURIER Advertising Coiumn Bring Results. i Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tear, VOL XXX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1905. No 12t 1 The Prosperous Farmer Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers, which bring, at harrest-tlme, large, exoeUent orope f or wbion the very highest prices are ob tained. They come op to end oftea exceed oor guaranteed analids. 11 jou ea't fertilise with theee popular brand, you tell to ob tain toe keat reenlta from the care and labor put on your crop, whether It be track or any one one of the cttlee named. Rlehmooa.fa. Atlanta, Oa Norfalk, Va. S..od.Ii, Oa Darham, If, O. Moatfoatar., . Cbaclwtoo, S.C M.mpbta, Tu When You Buy Spoons kolvcs, fork, tie., hoy reliable brand, even if they do root a little more. They are worth the difference. If "(847 ROGERS BROS" la the it amp It tMvrea irenultie Kogera quality, famoua for wear. MlJ by Icadiaf dealera ere ry where; For Catalogue "C-L," add re lb SEWING MACHINE. ROLLER BEARING. HIGH GRADE. ICSJVTr'Vl reliable, honest, STRONGEST GUARANTEE. Nitionat Sewing Machine Co. BELVIDF.RE, ILLINOIS. 0 H fc'UX. Prtntdont. W 1 AKMKIK LP, V ITte W J AKMKIKI.D, Jr., VarhltT. The Bank of Randolph, .Ajela.e'tooxo, IT. C Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $30,000.00 $150,000.00 DIRECTOR-Si Hugh Park. Br, W 1 Amtfteld.W V Wood, P H Miarui. C C M-AIIU.T. E M AraifWd. O K Cox. u r ul.ll,. U....I M.mit Tin J ki cl.lim.'. A W KCbikI. A M Raiikili.TlweHHciMlng. Ir K E Ajibury, : J cox. S Bryant. President J. I.Cole. Cashier Dtvnk of R.andlemtvn. Randleman, N. C Capital JlZOOa Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received "n favorable terms. Interest paid on saving de posits. Directors: W K HarUell, A N Hulla. S G N'ewlin, W T Bryant, C L Ltndaay, N N Newliu, S Bryant, II O Barker and J u coie. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family lirkaut Tin Best ta Currant Lltaratura 12 CoHPtcrc Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 91 .60 ft year ; 28 era. A copv NO CONTINUED STORIES VERY MUMRf R COMPLETE IN ITSELF rattrrn, it fMf, 9 0 wtt Dwelling; Burned. On last Sunday afternoon the dwollini! of Mr aud Mm Silas Lnth - er, ottnion township, was burned laud all the household and kitchen .... .....I. ..i: : i iui iiii.uic iiiuiiitiiij vrrariug appurei land everything in the hcuse were, destroyed by the lire, Mr and Mrs Luther had left in the forenoon for Asheboro court where they had gone, as witnesses against Israel Luther and John Luther. When the officer subpoeu ocd Mr aid Mrs Luther as witnesses they told the officer that their home would be burned down beeause these men have threatened to bnrn ont any one who appears as a witness against tbem. YYe obtained this in formation from the deputy sheriff wno served the papers, Both John and Israel Lnther re' cenHy escaped from the chain gang. It is reported that they both say that they will ku' all officials and wit nesses who aie in any way connected in any case against them. It is to be hoped that the officers and those living in that section will unite and never stop ur.til they are caught and placed wher? they will not escape. Closing F.xerrlses of Providence Rural Graded School. Prof J li Car! vie, of Wake Forest College, hits been secured -o deliver an add res at the closing exercises of Providence school on Friday, April 7th, 1!I05. Prof Carl vie is a very popu'ai speaker. The school is to be con gratulated on his coming. Ramseur Items. Miss Dona Jones, of Durham, is visiting her sister, Mrs O G White head. Messrs II It Carter and I I Craven left lust, week for the north ern market where they will pur chase the spring stock of goods for the Kamscnr More Co. The Johnson & Thomas Broom Works will soon be running on full time. They turn out an excellent quality of brooms. I.amsetir More t o have secured the services of Miss liculah Win ninghum, of Greensboro, to conduct their millinery depuituivnt this spring. A large number of our people as well as a large crowd from the stir roiindintr country, attended the clos ing excrci'cs rf Mr W A Allred's school at Patterson's Giovo last Sat urday. The occasion was a very pleasant one which was attested by the careful Attention given to the recrationsand dialognes. J he stu dents reflected much credit upen theaisclves and their teacher and howed most excellent training. 'rof 1) M Weatherly and Supt Way made very appropriate addresses for e occasion. Rev J H Richardson D D, of High Point, Tilled his pulpit in the Baptist church last Sunday, preach ing vi ry line sermons. Mr Willie Campbell is coniined to is bed with an attack of pneumo nia. We tiust he may soon recover. Hev J W Little, the evangelist, II assist Dr Kichardson in the piotracted meeting to bo held in the aptist church beginning on atur- lay before the 3rd Sunday in April. A good meeting is anticipated. A Dinner Invitation. After a hearty nuid a dose of Kodol Dvsncusia due will prevent an attick of indigestion. Kodol is a thorough uigestaut and a guaranteed cure for indigestion, dyspepsia, gas on the stomach, sour risings, bad breath and all stomach troubles. M Watkius, Lcsbus, Ky., says: "1 can testify to the eflicacv of Kodol in the cure of stomach trouble. I was afflicted with stonmch trouble for fteen years and have taken six bot tles of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre, Inch has entirely cured me. l lie six bottles were worth $1,000 to inc." Sold by the Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug l.o. , Franklinsville Heme. Mrs Carolina Craven, who spent the winter at Knmsenr with her daughter, has returned home to su perintend ner tarm ror me coming season. Mrs John Craven, of Cedar tails, visited Mrs M W Free one day last week. Mr W S Cox is making consider able improvement on bis yard. He ha a force of workmen grading aud leveling it up and expects to make a line lawn the coming summer. MrAce Pool, of Kandolpu Mt g Co., contemplates moving his family to Colendce in the near loturc. Mrs Sarah A 11 is, of Kandlemun, is visiting Mrs T A Slack this week Mrs Pearce Cox is preparing to build a nice residence ou Prosperity street as soon as the weather will permit. Mr uuruey iox nas resigneu nis position with the Franklinsville Mlg (Jo and naa gone io mga Point. Mr John II free has purchased a lot on Pine Ridge street and will erect a handsome residence in the near future. The Sunshine of Spring. The salve that cures without scar it DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Cuts, burns, boilg, bruises and piles disappear before the nse of this salve as snow before the sunshine of spring. Miss II M Middleton, Thebes, 111. says: "I was set ion afflicted with a fever sore that wus very painful. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in Its than a week." Get the genuine. Sold by the Stand Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Recent Deaths. Mr Gaorge Wagoner, aged Ht ! years, died na bis home in Lexington township t nilav. Mr William By- erlv, living about 2 niiles south of t..'.: c. i... ; i-n-Aintuii, uivu rimav, t;am:ei ue- ing t he cause. Mr J no L Work- man, a well known and highly respeet.td citizen of Kmmoiis town - ship, died Thursday of last week after un illnest of several months duration. Deceased was C'i years of age. The burial took place at Jerusalem on Friday. Mrs Fannie Lamb died Tuesday evening of last week at her home in Jtoon towuslnp. Airs LaniD formerly lived in Lexing ton, for a number of years residing in the old residence adjoining the Baptist church. She was about 81 years of age and is survived by two children C M Lamb, of Swift, and Jno M Lamb, of Salisbury. On the dtli Miss Anna Taylor geullv fell asleep. She was buried at Clear Springs cemetery. Mrs Joyce Var ner died at the home of her sou, N P arncr, on the 7th, and was buried at Allcghanev on the 9th. She was the mother of Mr Allison Vurner, of Texas; Messrs Matthew, Stokes, Jonas and Dock Varncr, of eisailles. and N P arner, of Chandlers, all of whom survive her. She was about 71 years old. She leaves, besides her children, a hont of friends to mourn their loss. Al so Mrs Sallie Kimball, of Versailles, died on the 9 h. She was returning home from the funeral of Mrs ar- ner with her daughter in the bnggy, when she suddenly fell over and ex- Hired from heart failure. Davidson hispatch. The Courier published the recent death of Mr P licdumc and wifi near Healing Splines in Da idton county. The Dispatch of Unt week says that Miss .Muriith liedwine, aged yt'Nis, a sUter of Mrs Hed- itie, tiled within a nick af the dealli nf Mr and Mrs Uedwiuo, be- ng a ictim of pneumonia. At her home in C'edm Grove town ship, Mrs John Kemp, of pneumonia. Mrs Kemp was horn February Hth, .lied February 5th, 1!0S making hei stay on earth e4 years 1 liioulhs and i days. She whs married to John Kemp January 4th, Ip4. hhe will be greatly missed in the vicinity for none knew her but to love her. She was it loviuir wife. a kind, loving mothei and a good neighbor. Little children would gather around her to hear her tell of days past and gone. She leaves a husband and one child, Mis r.li Welch and three grand children and a host of relatives and friends. Whiie we mourn our loss it is her eternal gam, Mav we all be ready to meet bof in Heaven where there is no parting. Dearest grandmother thou hast left us all alone, and wc know not how soon, but we'll meet thee on life's river, then there will be a happy throug. A Destructive Five. To draw the fire out of a bum, or heal a cut without leaving a scar, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine. J L Tucker, editor of the Harmon izer, Centie, Ala., writes: '! have used DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve in my family for piles, cuts and burns. It is the best salve ou the market. Every family should keep it on hand." Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Diirg Co. Mr Blair On Mootf ornery. Mr J R Blair, of Montgomery, made a characteristic speech at the railroad meeting at I'nston-Salem last week. He spoke in piaise of Montgomery in part as reported as follows: He said that no county in the State could offer more than his county for a railroad. He spoke of the unde Teloped water powers along the Pee Dee river, and promised that if the road be built there, Montgomery would soon show a city lying for fifteen miles along the Pec Deo with more factories than Winston-Subm and High Point put together. The timber and other resources of the county were pointed ont. He be lieved his county could furnish more freight than all the others on the proposed line in the State. Mont gomery could not boast much of taxable property, but sue would do as much in proportion as any of them, and it the road wanted bnst- nesss it must go through Montgom ery. New York, November 7, l'.Hit. Mess. Goble & Cerf. General Agents, Mutual Benelit Life Ins. Co., New York City. Gentlemen. I have just received the check of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company for $2, 580.17, and I desire to express to you and to the Company my appre ciatiou ot tue results. I tiud that I have paid you au an nual premium of $02.05 upon an Ordinary Life policy of $2,500 for 29 years, making a total payment ot $1,825.55. The Company has given Die aud my "estate the protection of tbi $2,500 Life Insurance for 29 years, and now return me my entire premiums and $760.62 in addition. I cannot understand just how this is done, but it demonstrates to me that the name "Mutual Benefit" is not in words only, but in deed also. Wishing for your Company a con tiu nance of the prosperity that they are enjoying, I am, Very truly yonrs, William L. Kinoman-. E. A. Wiles, District Agent, Greensboro, N. C. Creditable to Patriotism. Tlie appropriations made by the legislature are larger than those made by any previous legislature. and yet strange to say, they were l. i : uiaue uy u uriitiiitiiuiis MHe in noin the house and senate, This i un I precedented, so far as our inforuia- 1 tion extends, and we confidentially j venture the assertion that no other legislature in this state (and we IdouUt if any other 1 has ever before passed a bill for increased approp nations by a unauimsus vote of both branches. This is as it should be aud is creditable to the patriotism of our legislators, who do not allow paity differences to divide them in making necessary and proper appropriations for the state's chaiitable and educa tional institutions. Indeed the state platforms of both political par ties demanded that these appropria tions bo made. So, thejmrtisan who will attempt to make political capi tal out of these appropriations will be without a following. The tax-payers will be pleased to know that these appropriations will not increase their taxes, and that the rate of taxation will be the same for the next two years that it has been for the past two years. -Chatham Record. Louisville, Ky., N'ov 1, 1004. Mess W Dennis & Co., State Agt. Mutual Benelit Life Ins. Co., Gentlemen. In November, Ihko, wheii I was 'M years old, I took out $3000on the Ten Payment Life plan in the good old company you represent. My annual premium was only $1U0.53, and the ten premiums amounted to only Jl.li05.UO. I am pleased to learn from you that this "Thatikfgiving" the Mutual Benelit will mature my policy on the "Ac eelerative Endowment plan" and that I am to receive $.),0iiii.3H. This is highly gratifying to me, as I have been insured for 4 years, and if 1 had died my family would have re ceived $:l,0()(i; ami this protection hus been secured at a cost of only $l,i:0o.:i(i, ami I will receive iff, I'll.Oi! more than I have paid tlix Company. I consider this better than if f had deposited the amount of my premiums each year in a Savings Bank at 4 per cent, interest. because iu case of death during the first year only $100.5:1, and at the of ten years only ;',li(l4.3s would have been realized, as against $3,000 in the Mutual Benelit. As I have not been in good health for a number of years, the advantages of Life InsnraiiL-e over Savings Banks have been veiy pronounced in my case. If 1 had drawn mv annual dividends, as I had the privilege of lining, 1 would have only a p;iid-up life policy, while bv simply paving my full premiums for ten years, I have changed mv life policy "into an endowment, and now get the full face of the policy, plus $C(!.:lfi. As I have been out of business for some time, I now see that the changing of my life policy into un endowment, by simply leaving the dividends, has proven to be one of the best things that I could have done. Lamukkt Goi.iiMinH. . A. Wilms, District Ggent, I Greensboro, N. ('. OYAL aking Menkes CleoLiA Breacd With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Coolc" book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROVAL BK.NQ POWPIR (O ...Farmers WIilmi the March winds dry our Oliver Plow, Superior or Disc Harrow. Cultivators, rertilizers. &c. We carry every thing in the line and will sell cheap. Call to see us. Very truly yours. McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co DO YOU AVANT A DRESS OR WAIST? Or Any Other Article for Spring Wear. We are receiving onr spring goods. Fancy Lawns, White and Colored Waist and Dress Goods; Special price on India Liaen, Ladies Fancy Collars, Table Linen, Percales, Colored Lawns, Children's Clothing, Children's White and Tan Hose, men aud boy's Shirts, ladies', misses' and child's Slippers: in fact most anything you want at the very best prices; Come and see before buying; we can please you Your truly, RIDGE, FOX COMPANY. The Homestake Company. Tbo Homestake Mine in Taber nacle township, which shut down for several weeks has started up again There is said to be at this mine one of the best and highest priced aud best equipped mining machinery in the Kou thorn states. The Memo stake Co. has begun work o" the Empire mine near the Uoaiestake: and it H said that there is a splendi sboRing there. New Letters. We want more nwsv letters and will gladly furnish stamps aud stationery for thoss who will send news that is uews and send while it is fresh. We do not want trifling jokes or mere neighborhood personals without interest. JNewsy letters will be appreciated and will help the community from which they are sent. Proa The Davie Times. If P Blalock, of Settle, N. C, was in to see ns Monday and told us that one of his hens laid au egg 8 inches one way by b JI-4 inches in circum ference the other: that when the egg was broken he found another well leveloped common sized egg in the inside. The outside (hell having no yolk, only white. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 11, 1!I04 Messrs Brown Tillinghast, Mutual Benelit Life Ins. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Gentlemen: I was insured under Policy No 03,507, Decembers, 178, on the Fifteen Payment Life Accel- erativc Kndownieut plan, for 1,000, at the semi-annual premium of ir I sum. I now learu that my policy will mature December 2, 1904, as an en dowment for $1,010.70, or $440.70 in excess of tbo premiums paid (SS70I. I have enjoyed l!0 years' insurance of . 1,000, and am now m receipt of a sum nearly doubling my invest ment. I am very much pleaded with my experience and heartily recommend "The Mutual Benelit Life Insur ance Company" to the insuring pnb- Very truly yours, (. ASCII S L. SfHVKSS. Steveus Chair Co., 141 Seventh St. E. A. Wn.Ki District Ageat, Greensboro, N. C Mr Charlie Brown, of Brown's, was a visitor to Randleman on Wed nesday, having stopped off on his way to High Point. He reports an accident to his mother, Mrs Senith Brown, in which she had a narrow escape from serious consequeuces. On Sunday morning, before anybody else was astir, the old lady was mov ing Jabotil the house, when she stumbled and fell upon a chair, the end of one of the short chair posts landing almost right in the eye. Great swelling and discoloration are the apparent results, bnt it was a narrow escape from death, Mr Reu ben Brown, hsr husband, has been a great sufferer from rheumatism for the last three months. Randleman Times. Powder M ST., NLvV VORK. up the mud you w ill need Farmers Friend Corn Planter, a Liberv News Letter. Walter L Smith, of Clio, H C, spent a week with his father and mo'.her, Mr and Mrs Loais II Smith, but retnrnd last Monday to the regret of his many friends here aud elsewhere. To make himself feel at home in his new adopted state he took with him two fine srpherd dogs that were raised in thi town. We hope these two companioi s, Shep and Pearl as they arc call'!, will prove a blessing to their nev ivnrt and all that part of Sot th ' irohna. Miss Josie Lovr, one . l iberty 's belles, returned from t't-eths'n C'o last Monday where she ;.aj i --n .: a few days visit to h-r r.ntt. M. Lou Jones. She was ti. pru de' looking mortal ever -ouie home. She had been far R -ny from tier father's house and 1 1 whistles or school bells to awakei, her fretn her l loag aid lonesome si. - p. Aliont all the fruit '.r-e ni'i from this place and in til (to ui,lv lmve goue. Mr (J P trr.'th .fr and brother, R A Smith, have gone 'o Mississippi and Loni ' ia win i.nne 10 or 12 men. Even iow am.' then yon can see little .;(! of h ii leaving but not mo fli.m 3 u- a iu a bunch, so you k.u-i tliv getting thin in thes naits. , Mr Lacy McPhen i.i mvi fam'H, have moved here n. Alania !. i Mr MePherson has cr1 t an itn.;'-1 ost iu the store of V. Ho'mau Co, and will stay in the store and make this place his future home. Misses Gertrude an I Kate Eulis are visiting their brother-in-law, Dr r Stalev of High Point, this week. J Rom Smith has init the saw mill bneiuess, for the present, and is stayiug at home entertaining a oung man that arrived at his home one day last week. He is (paite young in days but weighs 112 lbs and its father is afraid they mtv ttrop the youngster, so he will have full charge of him for the present. Ihe Liberty Mercantile Co is tearing down and building greater. Some say it will be hard to tell if on are in the Nw i ork Store at ndianapolis, Indiana, or John Wan- amakere of Philadelphia, when ou get in this store. Mrs M J Keitzell is spending the holidays down at Coleridge, vis- ting her ttanghter, Mis 4 hd Cole. Mr Jierens h Kimry, who lives in Colorado, arrived here on the 13th, with the remains of his Irother Shellev, who died ia that state more hail t no years ago. He was buried at Greeley, Colo, but his good old mother never had bean satisfied to leave her baby boy in that far off land where there were none but strangers to drop a tear of love or put (lowers on his grave. So his brother, who lives in some other rt of that state, was anxious to isit his good old father and mother, Mr and Mrs J J Kimery, once more liefore they died came to 6pend month with them aad see his only brother living, Prof B S Kimry, aud a see his old schoolmates. Quite a number of them were present and to lp lav his dead brothel in his last esting place in the cemetery at this plaee. Mrs George froost died here on last Sunday night. Mrs Foust was quite an old lady. She had been married in her vonng davs to a Mr Owen and leaves a family of chil dren by her first husband. Mr W. B Owen, of this place, is her son. She was a good. Christian woman and was a member of the M K Church. Her remain were taken, ou the 14th, te Concord, near Enter prise factory, for burial. Dayton, Ohio. Nov. 2, l'.'U4. Mr Hamilton Kerr, Disttict Agent, .Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co., City. Dear Sir. On Nov" is, 1S75, I took Policy No 3,719 in the Mutual Benefit Life Insuraucc Company of Newark, N. J., said policy being ou the 2o-paymont life plan, with a itiarterlT pivsnent of Io.if, 1 !e- l li g 28 years of age at that time, lu- ;ead of regularly taking the divi dends to reduce the cash payment, or to purchase additional insurance, I left all but three of them on your "accclcrative endowment" plan, by which the policy was gradually con verted into an endowment. The policy matures on Nov is, instant, for 2,(47, plus the dividend ot 1004, $13.00, total $2,00i00. The premiums for tentv years amount ed to $1,158.10. There is, there fore, a net prolit to me of $002.50, and the iiisuiancc for twenty-nine years has cost me nothing. This record speaks for itself, and I deem it unnecessary to say that I am pleased with the results. ishing for you, and your most excellent Company, continued pros perity, I am, Yours very truly, jA"on Haa. E. A. Wii.ks, District Ggent, Greensboro. Tried le Bur Bare. Some one attempted to burn the baru of Mr Huhhtird Warner on Wednesday night of last week liwng just across the Davidson county line iu Tbomasville township. Mr War ner has had two barns burned within th last few years. The burning is said to be the work of an incendiary. Pa)t Veay Buggy for 75c. to $1.00 witk Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint, It weighs 3 to 8 oni, more to the pint than others, wears longer and give a gloss equal to new work. Sold by Mci.rary-Redding Hdw. Co. West Kamseur Doings. Rev J B Kichardson, of High Point, pastor of the baptist church tilled his monthly appointment Sat urday night, Sunday and at night, preaching three able sermons to large attentive and refilled congregations. He will commence a aeries of meet ings the :trrl Sunday in April assist- I ed by !:, Mr I. :iU . g.t . letter! evangelist. Mrs Cynitia I'iit wtt--. u: Urn1 fishing eribli'-r il vi!! U for the pt !fc : n.ca.r.f- retur n1 las', rtr a ar.d s ti ppu ( ov ioih am! fc.i!f Mr ; A Kcv W W Lawr:i(-. f br;.c o' Air w.k , " h.s !: Mm V.tv -.t. .. of B'-iul .i I :. L. ' an .Mc sermon S r.lay niht st thi HoI.uims hu;ch to ;ag iid att"tr i ;e congregation. M' S.f Dan an.-1 New'.i ii JSru.'ih are vieitmg re!atit' , d f:iei.d in Chatham. L' Bz Shaikh hae t! 1 .r . .-.rep of mn'i.tpi nj.; a -ir s :n Si. rufl 'l'. eitir uot ' J- u Mlnlir jtetp ti:,l of h E i'i- is it has l.jf.'oi"e m.j . 1 1 )'.l!-, .vid . . i rig whicii town. The ..i. .. .1. I. have their gasonnu -s , other machinery being put up; every thing will be in operation iu a few days. The Furniture Co. have their big building now completed aud are putting in machinery ami mil start up during A prill G W Teague, of Erect, visited his sister Mrs. Lucy 1 earce Ihtusday night. He speaks highly of onr town and may move to it in the near lutnre. Ed Craven the champion who has been very successful iu catching a good number of hornv-head tisn in a dip net. Takes some advantage of them by setting baited hooks in the net. Mr.) B Dixou has made great improvements oa his premises by renovating his poultry vard and building an up to data peultry bouse with laying, setting, nursing and sleeping departments all nicely paint edwith glass windows he has about forty thouronghbred Buff Cochin bens averaging him 30 eggs a cay. Lee Reoce who is tunning thor oughbred endian game poultry yard is using much economy in order to save time and labor in carrying wa ter or leading his chickens to drink has very conveniently arranged one corner of his yard to extend over the gable end of a spring. those Iittle:big boys who are al lowed to play ball etc. ever Snndav should study the Sunday school les son that says remember the sabbath and keep it holy, and to ask their parents to train them up in the way they should go and when they get old they will not depart from it. hvangliat Conipton, of Ashville, will coniuicu.ee a series of meetings at the Hollines church J uesdav night. Towr Improvement Asseciatiee. While we are building whv not beautify the town. Much can e done at small cost. The Courier has t different times suggested that the ladies organize a town improvement society. In the west and in many other "states town improvement so cieties have changed and improved conditions greatly. These societies are usually conducted by ladies. 1 hey look after the planting of trees and shrubs. They encourage the improvement of lawns by sowiug grasses, planting flowers etc. These are small mutters but appearances have much to do with life. Every spring for half dozen or more years the Courier has urged the organization of an association of this kind and will continue to do so until th organization is made. It is not a diflicult or arduous duty to pur form the dnties of such an assoe'a tion. The ladies iu many towns much smaller than Asheboro have practically transformed them into a garden of Eden. Sopbis Items. March 20. Mrs Lester Davis, of Trinity, and Miss Ida Spencer, of Greensboro, spent Wednesday with their sister, Mrs It S llankins. Mr E A Spencer, of Benaja, Fpent Sunday with hi father, Mr T (l Ppencer. Mr 11 MlanKius and lain.lv spent Sunday with relatives near Greens boro. MiBS Ilattie Snider spent Wednes day night with her grandmother, Mrs Snider, of Pleasant Garden. Mr 0 T Chandler made a business trip to High Point Friday. Messrs E B Walker and J M Far low made a business trip to Ran dleman Friday. Miss Cordia Wall aud brother, Don, are visiting relatives at Prog ress. Mr L W Fentress, of High Point, is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Misses Nona and Vivien Dick and Bertha Pugh, of Randleman, spent Sunday with Misses Pearl and Mamie l'icks. Mr and Mr Bennie Millikan, of Randleman, spent Saturday night at Mr S C Snider'. Miss May Dickens, of Heyle, spent Monday in town with friends. Tbe telephone line from Lexing. ton to Fairmont haa recently been extended to Jackson Hill, a distance of 24 mile from town, and is now ie;ly for sc. Davidson Dispatch Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble and Kctw Sijpjtt ft. low To find Oat. Fill a bottle or common kUss wltb yonr water aud let it stand ttrruty-iottx bourt : asrdimentoratt tlingiudicatetan uniifaitny con s' (Xayt YMm,mofthekil. i K'.y j ..; . Jf'T i'Z-'", ' .. jfji ' t r.' e' ' " Tv '""' f i "-v.- T. ' ' - -tains tn it is -ill'; . too ' ti.'ire ' rtutn V is klfTS JO so tutr't ' f V "' "."re.' y- bit 'Tfij, ! t .'-llttV'." .V sl Wr--. littr. ibtBI, ,,:v - li.r t.f . , .U'Llei ..l. !. ml: . iu , -it 'hty i.) not3 v.-.ei iir.. rtl.i nig iHMi .0 jtai.-.int; it . f 'e efterls toliuv p," if li',j't.. - o: l.- nitd ovt t-'.ire that r-pleeei.. ' . eesstty ol ttiv ci.u.,ie rfti . a f .iitr.ni; the 'lay . ' ' r-t ,.r naay t:tir ibtlinij thr i , '.. . ..11' t'ai exwau: :tiinaryeilet.i l tmr,v S is -o'.i tc.tliimi. " titan.-.- i'-if .tit foi :ts wotiderfiil curptt ol 1. moy J.t-Vi-s!!!), rax j. If yon iiei-' - .Nile, oe . i sit'iuMl li.i iV.f lit. Si!. I -dnn-i .' . t'.n j-i r i oil.! onc-rfolla.- .A'. . - . .. t.ttt- an-1 a 5 $3 A I.F the address, BinghamUm, J. Y. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. often la. prutcalonal kiuic to tin' iilaa oTAtbcboroaud surrounding community. Omct: Central Hotel. DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Aeheboro, N. O. nm riiK bank. Will lio out ol t wlilell time ca: of Randolph. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Offices First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. ll,e i .,niiitiif r.'I-r. !'. .!. Ollirt-s m.t t!i" Ro.k of Randf.!,,),. Wood's Seeds. Weed's Selectid Seed Potatoes are speciully grown for seed pur poses, ami are very much superior to ordinary potatoes. We carry the largest stock in the Mouth, and can supply larpe buyers to tbe verv best advantage, both as re gards quality and price. Wood's Tta-enty-fifty Anni versary Seed Book, which la mailed free on request, tell all about tbe heat nt-w and standard varieties of Potatoes, as well aa about nil Oarden and Perns Seed. Write for Seed Book and ecial price list of farm seeds. T.W.Wood & Sons. Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VldtlllA. 'WOOD'S SEEDS GRilO PRIZE "SI. LOUIS, 1104. EOLO MEDAL PARIS. 1900. Are You Willing To profit by the experience of others ? "After taking yonr Con centrated Iron aud Alum Water myself, ami using it in my family w ith line re mits, 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as one of the liest medicines to 1 found. Wc use it as a tonic, for 4 Dyspepsia, aud Bladder trouble and regard it as in valuable." J. J. LAW80N, Cashier Bank of South Boston, Ronth Boston, V. "It gives mc pleasure to state that 1 have used your Concentrated Water and find it one of the best tonic on the market, and can highly recommend it to any one desiring a good appe tite, good health and good feeling." J. P. LEWI8,Photographer, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Even if your trouble i Chronic, it will cost very little to make a com plete cnre, so do not fail to get a supply at once. 8oz bottle 50 cts., 18o bottle $1.00. For sale by Standard Drug Co. and Ashe boro Drug Co., Ashe boro, N. C. J. M. ECHOLS COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, V.

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