v: ORO COURIER. ! me COURIER Leads in Both News and j Circulation. " j Advci c Columrii Bnng Results. i Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tsar. VOL XXX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL IJth, 1905. Notf Sour Stomach No appetite, losj of strength, nervous- nets, headache. coiutiDatlon. bad breath general debility, aour risings, and catarrh o( the stomachers all due to indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist In a. healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and -dyspepsia, but tills famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. nr. a. s. Ball, of Rarenswcod. W. Vs.. : I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and wa are now using It In milk for baby," Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. SI. 00 Size hcldlm 2S times the trial size, which sells for SO cents. Prepared by E. O. OeWITT Oo., OHIOAOO. -" Ask far the 1905 Kodol Almanac and 200 vear Calendar. Standard Drug Company, Asheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLEY. Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Ollice mcr Sjmntl St uiularil Drug Cn. 1'rililin'). slure DR. F. A. HENLEY, ' . ASHEBORO, N. C. Offices First Rooms Over the Eank of Randolph. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. Till- best companies ivii over the Hank of, rt.imlolpli. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. OVKR THK BANK. Will be rait of trnrn Diitll Mnr IMIi, 11 iifKT which time can I Icnni'l at ifflee over the Hank of Randolph. . ALEXANDER UNDERWOOD, DEALER IN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Produce, Etc;, Etc. All kinds of Country Produce bought and sold." COLD DRINKS. Call to see me next door to Ross' sale stables. S Bryant, President J. H. Cole, Cashier Ue Ba.uk of R.andlema.n, Randleman, N. C Capital $1ZOOO. Surplus, $2,(XXX Accounts received "ti favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, 8 Q Newlin, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Brvant, II O Barker and J II Cole. O R COX, President. WJAKiiriKI.il. V-r-res W J ARMFIKLP, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, Asli'boio, XT. C. Capitul and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 feel Mia in aayliis we an proyauvd and willing fc extern! ui our euuin every uu:lmy auu e-Mauxrtiatloii on.ij.UUf lit with safe baitklng. DIRECTOR. Si w r RMkthia. Belli Moffitt. TIM J R, .idiua. A W K Cat-el. A U Kaiikia, Thoa H iLeddlng, UII AJtbury , i J vox. My Work Pleases! When yos wish aa eay shave As good aa barter ever gave. Just call sn pie at my saloon, At mora in pi, eve or noon, I cut and drees the hair with grac. To Bait the eonUmr of tbe Let-. Jfy mom is neat sad towels dean, Hrifmors aharp and razors keen. And everything I think you'll final. To suit the. lace and pleanetlieruind, And all my art and xkiU ran do, . If yoa just call I'll do tor yon. TOM CARTER.. "Next dour to roatufccei ; i HOW 10 RAISE A GOOD CROP OF CORN. I As success in life docs not rest on any one single act but a succession of many acts just so in order to raise 1 it good croji of corn we must not o- ly take heed to one menus of produc ing it crop but. must bring muny conditions in their relative order to make a good crop available. It would be useless to magnify any otic part of attention to labor as the neg lect of that which wo might think was not essential might be the voiy thing which would prove fatal to a crop, therefore it is ur purpose to delineate a system of labor in nun growing, bolloting that each one should have special attention if we arc expecting good results. A rlCtn tl K SKKll ltl:l is very necessary. Ci round will stored with humus, either by grow ing clover oi the appliealion of ta ble muiinre, will be su.--eeiilil.li- of retaining utoidttiie which in a dry season will demonstrate its value, (round should HE VYKI.i. IXniCUIilt.VlMM). No unit er what kind of a crop you uesire lo raise, unilerilinitiing is very important, nurt.iee tlnninn (In not let the water percolate which loosens, and lets the air i roil lute through the soil, but instead the ground bakes and becomes hard anil lifeless, having no reserve for mois ture. ' Having good ground and well prepared seed bed we should plant nothing but OOoll SKKK which wa selected carlv in the full and well dried out before fieezing sets in. Si-eil corn should be f strong gpniiinaHon. liecatue corn sprouts is no lv.i-: m it ;j fit to plant tuegerm may be detective, so it is not able to produce a stalk capable of producing a good ear, no mat ter how gootl care is given it. A. poor stand of corn means dollars lost, and this will surely be the result of planting poor seed corn. We hate resolved to plant no corn which has uot been selected and dried in the tall, choosing ears uniform in size und color. 1 he tips and butts should be shelled oil so all thegrains will be as near ututoim m si.e us no planter can drop regular with grains varying in size. EAIil. 1'I.AXIIM. is more sure of maturing and will make better corn, both in quality and iiantily limn l:it planting. liHst spiuiL' we p'ntiteil one piece of corn early ami il iii.ule a gooj yieltl of well matured corn. On account f the wet weather we were delaved in planting auotln-r piece and the result was we had a poor yield. Kaily planting might get nipped with the frost, but it never hurls it us it will come on again. The next important step is ft rn ATION which serves two . very important purposes keeping the grouud clean ami breaking up capillary attraction which causes the ground to hold its moisturi. The best way to kill weeds is to never let them start to growing. Cultivation should be continued un til the corn is well nigh nmtuicd. I have mentioned several things to do in attempting to raise a crop of corn and unless we strictly comply with all of them a crop niuv not be expected, as the failure to adhere to any one part of labor may be the fatal step in preventing a good crop of corn. T llatTner. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Re lieved. The excruciating pains character istic of rheumatism and scialica are quickly relieved by applying Cham berlain s ram 15a l m l lie great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The tiuick relief from pain which it alTonls is ulone woith niunv times its cost. For . sale by Standard Drug Co. Asheboro Drug Co. Asheboro. V A Underwood Kandleman. This flcocratioa Must Build Roads. Every generation has its work be fore it. The problems our fathers settled are not here for us to wrestle with. They cleared the forests, es tablished Die schools, court bouses and churches. These were necessary and our fathers put their shoulders to the wheel and did their work. This generation is making roads for itself. All over North Carolina and all over the United States almost every neighborhood has its rock crusher and road roller, and all the loose rocks are being crushed and put on the roads. Alt Airy News. Won a Name of Fame. DeWitt's Little Early Hisers, the famous little pills, have been made famous by their certain yet harmless and gentle action upon the bowels and liver. They have do equal for biliousness, constipation, etc. Ihey do not weaken the stomach, gripe. or make yon feel sick. Once used always preferred. They strengthen. Sold'by Standard Drug Co., and J T Ludcrwootl. OUR RALEIGH LETTER. i . iRAtElfill TO TRy THE AUSTRALIAN BALLOT SVSin'.V j : Anaincr 1'ispensary tiecnon laiktj ul i Trinity and Enury Culh-ges lo Debate An LHort to ne iiade lo nave a Norllt Carolina Confederate Veteran , . , ., flpponucu to tunic ny i-resioem. . i.Frc-i-MHkHtt.,ih.ou,kr. Raleigh, N C, April 10,' l'JOS. Raleigh will, on Thursday of next week (,20th inst) try for" the first time the Australian secret ballot, in holding the biennial Democratic municipal primary fur nominating candidates lor me various elective citv olliccM to be voted for the lirsf Monday in Mav Including the mavor and aldermen. This w ill be the lirst election under the new .charter, as well as the lirsl secret ballot primary, and the result is awuited with unusual interest. Heretofore, for several years, the priniiii v plan of nominating candi dates Hi this city has been debauch ed openly by the purchase of votes by "ward heelers in the employ of aspnants tor ollice, and even bv th candidates themselves directly, on occasions. As the primaries then were not "legalized" the vole buyers wen! un hipt of punishment. I n- der the new citv dialler tie-primary is now a Ic'-uli.u! one ami a wulation of the law covering such mailers' will he punishable the same as at a regu lar election. (.'n-i-M ipieiitly there is not so much iloli.g Hi the .-ale nii'l purchase ot oks. tiiiL it i.iiisi In admitted that teal of the l.ivv is not so iiiueh the cause of the changed situation us s the fact that tin- candidates or their purchasing agents will this tiuu be unable to sec whi ther tin- gumls are delivered into Hie ballot afiei being paid for, the voter's wortl be ing the only guarantee. Of course a man w iw mil nil Ins volenti, not be and is not li u.-ied by one. ho it is not improbable that some of the ollice holders and seekers who have hitherto In en very strong ul the polls ( through tli" liberal use of cam paign money; may not show up in such gn-at shape next week. And they are at lips w ruing very much worried about i!. The overwhelming defe it of the proposition to establish a liipior dis pensary at Abbeville in lieu of the open saloon suipriscd the Anti- Saloon lA-agne ollicials here and has orrespondiiigly encouraged the anti- dispensary people of 1'aleigh, iiiclud- the prohibitionists. In Ashe- ville last l-'iiday the prohibitionists refused to vote, being opposed to both the saloon and the dispensary. ,uid now Ihedi.-pensarntesiireelaiiii- that their dci-ut was caused bv 'hat fact. But that is not true, as is shown by the statement that the total registered vote was I ,;!! and that l.lClT voles were polled. There tore only 3i'J voters of all cla.-ses failed to vote, which the majority igainst the dispensary was 5:10. Another election will undoubted ly tic held in Kaleigh next fall on the dispensary iiiestion, and the vote theu will prosablv Lea ttiree-liandeU contest, the prohibition proposition being included. A number ol pro minent men who supported the dis pensary ut the election in r.Mi;l, in cluding pastors and loading church men, ale now openly against that money making institution. as a municipal and county rcu iiuc raiser the lialeigh dispensary has unquestionably proved a gieat suc cess, and the receipts are increasing every motuh. But whether it has decreased liquor drinking to any ap preciable extent is very doubtful. That is why the prohibitionists may not vole for it again and if they fail to do bo the dispensary may be defeated at the election this "year, and either absolute prohibition or high-license may be adopted in its stead. I nder the new charter Kakigh can exact as much as S1,SU0 for a saloon license if the open saloon system is rcadoptcd at any time in the future, iielore the advent ol the dispensary a bar-room license cost only $:'Uii here (city taxi. So, in anv event, it is uot likely that the '-low dives' will ever again get a foot hold in lialeigh. The campaign committee for the niomotion of rublic education ia ISorth Carolina, ot wlucli Mate Mipl FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the gain b slower health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Stfri tor free Scott & Bowne, 409,41 Pearl Si ChMieta goceadSi.e-). New York Afl drag glste .Joyiier und ex-Gov Avcock and Dr M elver are menibers, Is now tntitur- t nig plui.8 for another active spring ud summer campaign. One of th-most interesting public debates between college- represonta- tives will take place iu Oruveu mom- 0ri:.l hull J runty c l!ogo, Durham April 21, between Trinity anC i-mho. .-u..m. urauura, it ...uld l,e the j.oli.-y of the I S to confine itself ti the govern- .,,, ownership of territory .eluded in North America and ad- ijueeut islands." Trinity stndents j K V Lec mid E 0 Cole will represent ' that institution. Dr Kilgo, the president t-f Trinity delivered magnificent address in lialeigh last Thursday night befee the state inter-deuouii national Sunday-school convention which met here. It was one of the ablest and most eloquent addresses ever delivered in this state. He is this week conducting a great religious revival meeting in the Main St Methodist church at Dur ham. Sunday night he delivered a iioweiful sermon to the business men. The report comes to this city from Washington that there will be an (IT rt made to induce President lioosevelt to appoint several l tinguisht-d Confederate soldiers to important ollices iu Ninth Caiolinu, following the plan adopted in Vir ginia (when- (ieu I'osser and "Jeb" .Stuart hau-been uppinted) and two names mentioned so far are Hon Cyrus B Watson for ' S Dist A th in the west and Gen Y I' Huberts for L S marshal in the east. The "organization lb-publicans" (who now monopolize all the good ollices) are said lo oppose the plan, of course. It is harned that I'resd't Harvev Jordan, of the Southern Cotton (I roivers' Association will probably make a tour of North Carolina soon. In a statement just issued by him be avs that if the farmers of the s'liith ale true lo themselves and live up to their promises they w ill be able to inlrol the loitou situation, through leiliiced acreage, etc, on June 1, the late when the cotton statistics ate prepiiied. I'resd't Jordan has al ready arranged to ti-it North Caro lina towns this week: Charlotte tilth), Concord (lCth), Salisbury (llJth), l-'ayetteville (Nth). A cablegram from liordeaux, l-'iatice, aiiiioiiuees that 1 S Consul Albion "V Toiirgre (formerly a resi dent, of North Carolina) is critically ill there ami is not expected to live many days. Ll.KWXAM. Make the breath as sweet ns n rose by curing Indigestion, and Sour Stomach wi'li Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. A pleasant, palatable, reconstructive tissue-building digestant. K L Bab- eock, Amherst, Minn., says: "I have taken a great many remedies ful indigestion but hnv found tin- thing equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." Kmlel dige s what you eat, tires indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Miiniach, llelching, Heartburn and Stomach Troubles. Great care is I in the preparation of Kodol the greatest digestant that has ever been discovered. Sold by Standard Drug Co. :fud J T Underwood. Tennessee Oratory. There was a time w hen our com merce was tallied iu American ships manned by American seamen. There was a lime when the Hug lloated over American cargoes, and mil when it. bright, beautiful stars in d emblematic stripes enlivened every sea and port where commerce was known. Ihc American, look-in-; out on tin- broad ocean, beheld il in the Orient and iu the Occident. Whither he went To the Northern waters of snow, Or swaved where tbe soft magnolias blow it was then there to remind him of his own native land, whose sons risi-iiibled in their strength the gnai led oak of her deepest forests, and whose daughters rivalled iu their beauty and loveliness the or ango bloscoiii-t of In r most flagrant or tnge grovi s. From a speech by llentoii MeMillin. Hands that once st ived the tide of ruin and defea' at liueiia Vista are held out towards ns, all withered and cniph ; arms that wielded the swotd and musket nt Cherobtisco and Cerro (undo and hurled th thunderbolts of battle nt the gates of the Mevican capital are uplifted to us, unnerved and uncovered; In d ies that felt the wrath and tempest of Molina (hi Key are clad in tatters and rags; feet 'hat once scaled with impetuous tread the heights of Mon terev, of Chapttltepec, are all shoelcs. aiid bare. From a speech bv "ISoL" Taylor. The Durhsm-Pillsboro Line. Durham N C, April 1. The thirty-two mile New Hope Valley railroad, from Pittsboro te Durham, has now seventeen miles giaded, aud it is learned that the isame of the road was changed at a meeting of the stock holders at Pittsboro today to the Durham and Sout h Carolina." News & Observer. Forget About Your Stomach. If your digestion is bad the vital organ of your body are not fed and and nourished as they should be. They grow weak and invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, cures indigestion and all stomach troubles. Vos forget you a stomach from the very day you Iie gin taking taking it. This is be cause it gets a rest recuperates and gradually grows so strong and healthy that it troubles you no more. S.-ld by Standard Drug Co., and J T Underwood. MONTliOMtRV COIWTV NEWS. From Mf.ntKo. iriuii. Last week the stock law fence in Ilollingsworth township for a thotis aud yards was burned by the tinnnal lo'est lire of that section. This is the third time this same fence has b"en burned wire has now been substituted for rails and the fence will doubtless stand the next tire without damage. Fred Wade killed "Pug" Tuesday morning. "Pug" was a bright little dog and had many friends. He was bitten sometime ago bv another dog supposed to be mad. Tuesday morning "Pug' did not look natural. Something was the matter. Fred did the right thing. "Pug" was buried Tuesday. A mortgage trust deed was filed iu the office of Register of Deeds of Montgomery County Tuesday made by the Whitney Company of North Carolina to the Bunkers Trust Com pany of New York, to secure a loan of $50110000. The Whitney Com pany evidently intends to push its work to completion as soon as possi ble. We learn through the Stanly I'.ntcrpiise that smallpox has broken out among the hands employed by the Whitney Company. This is to be regretted vcrv much since it means thai work on this gigantic enterprise may necessarily lie delayed. How ever, it is hoped that the epidemic may be checked before it has taken tleep root. I here is a eonsiderabl lorce of hands now employed in lilting the canal and in building tenant houses. I'lic residence of Dr M P Blair on Fast Main street narrowly escai 1 destruction by lire about noon last Sunday. I he mantel ol an unused room on tho second floor of th milling was discovered burning at 1 rapid rate, I ur fortunately in t init io be checked. Had the Haines gained a little more headway, it would have been impossible to save th-- building. The fire is thought to have originated from u match be tween the boards ignited by a rat or mouse, as there had been no lire the room in some time. Don't Get The Habit. A noted criminal was asked the other day what started him on the way to crime, and his auswei was that the tirst thing crooked he ever did was to beat a coup try editor out of a year's subscription. After that the devil had In in at his command. Kx. , won erul spring tonic. Drives out all winter impurities, gives you strength, health and happiness. That's what llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. cents, Tea or Tablets, Asheboio Drug Co. (H-rythinjj About a Wedding. The New Idea Woman's Magazine for Mav contains nuniberof articles iipropos (o the over recurrent spring wedding. Charlotte Millward writes on wedding-gowns, and gives it as her opinion that, although sentiment still inclines many girls to the tradi tional white satin lor their bridal drosses, this material is not nearly to much in accord with the fashions and la.-l-.-of the present (lay as the ftei and newer creations inchiuon, lace, net, supple silks, crepe de China or crepe de runs. An article by Frances W clsli-l'iitton lakes up the etiquette ol weddings, and details the proper tonus, from the invitations to the rice shower. Wedding break fast menus and recipes for home made wedding-cakes are given in the cooking columns: and lOsperane Uoodlove contributes an article on marrii-ge as it appeals to the busi ness woman, in w hich she concludes that "l he girl who has bad her liberty, who has fought her own but tles alnl lit ut til y enjoyed the light ing, in'iie the less enjoys more deeply than slie will, perhaps, admit, the womanly occupation of depending on a man. Pepsi-Cola is not injurious to the nerves; docs not impair the appetite or keep one awuke, but it is the most healthful and delicious of all the soda water drinks. Try it. ;V nl all sotht fountains. Violets for the Easter Girl. Of course, every vear, with per ennial regularity, the Faster girl shows her fondness for violets, but oilier years she has always worn them pinned to her frock or coat. This year she will cinphasi.e heroiiginal iiy by hii"ine her violets swing from her arm. The fnuigrant llotters are massed to look like a ball. The steins are tied w ith ribbons some times violet, sometimes green, and then again shimmciing cloth of gold. After tying tbe stems, the ribbons 111 e arranged iu a wide loop, and then formed again in a iow with many loops and ends. It it through the loop that the smart girl puts her daintily gloved baud, and in this way carries her violets swinging from her arm. The bunch of violets may be made up with an orchid in the" center, or a gardenia. Though the purple violets will be those most carried, yet a number of ultra-fa-hionable girls will have their Mower ball made of white violets, with just one shaded green orchid in the center. April Woman's Home Companion. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made w ill wear as lone as Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, becanse I Devoe's weigh 3 to ft ounces more to the pint. Sold by McCrary-Reddiug lldw. Co. WASHINGTON LETTER. THO WAV THE PRESIDENT THINGS. DOES Roosevelt collects Debts Whether or No Railroad Rate Legislation Savings Banks--Something Effective Soon to ' Be Done for the habitation of the American Merchant Marine. Washington, D. C. April lo. The principal topic of political conversa tion in the national capital at the present time is the way that I tesi dent Roosevelt doe thiugi when his desires are thwarted bv the Senate He was stuck on having thnt Santo Domingo treaty fixed up before the S-nate adjourned its extra session but the Senate retnsed to do so, be cause the Democrats stood togethe for once in the great flood of years and balked the scheme to nmke U nide Sam the collecting ageut for the debts of all the countries and grafters on the face of the globe But, as the two polecats said to ouv anntucr as tlu- automobile passed them and they got a whiff of that breeze that follows the bentnc bit gy, "What's the use?" Nowadays when '.lie Congress of the nation does not do all tin- J'resiilcnt wants be just goes ahead anil does things to suit himself. They would not give him the Panama (.anal routs, so he went to work and got tip a revolu tion down there, stole a piece of ter ritory of the Republic of Columbia and 1 1. veil up a cove nnient with which he could entei into a treaty Now, when the Senate refuses to give 111 111 a treaty with Santo Do mingo so he can collect the debts of 1 lot of his political friends, he wait until the Senate adjourns and then lixi-s the thing bis owm way and will send down his ow n collectors, if Un people do not like it what are they oing to do about it. As the late lamented Tim Campbell, of New 1 ork, once said to a member of Con gress who refused to vote for a incus- use because it was unconstitutional. What's the Constitution between friends''" Such things as constitution in- obsolete so far as our strenuous Pres ident is concern, d. He simply kicks it out of the way and goes ahead. Such things iu this c-itntry are growing more frequent and will con tinue to do o, because of the niter ndill'erenci of the people. Some .lav the republican oligarchy will pull the w hole dadgiinimed fabric of their liberties from uiid- r their feet. and then maybe they will sit up and be 111 to t ike notice w hen it is too late. The question of lailroad rate leg islation is one of the biggest that has confronted the people of the country for many years, and too omen cannot be said about it. ISe fore it is settled the peopie might i ihoroughly familiar with eveiv phase of it, and there are always two sides to every question. Every good Democrat is in favor of some sort of legislation that will safe- tiard the interests of the piopleand prevent extortion on the purl of the railroads, without impoverishing the roads. I was in favor of the Hearst bill, which did this thing, but I am not in favor of the Fsch-Townseiid bill or anything like it that gives to the Interstate Commerce Commission ubilrary powers without providing for men on the commission w ho have use enough to know w hat rates are. Simply to ascertain how many peo ple iu this count; v are directly inter ested in this rate question that more ess will oiled the condition ot the roads, 1 went to the Interstate Commerce Commission aud gathered some interesting figures. Insurance companies hold ot rail iiul investments, S45.SS'.l,o:l8; sav ings banks, J"i's,,"i")3,lOT,.indodnca tionul in-dilutions, $4T.4iS,327. There are 5,2!f!,052 savings bank leposilors and l,NT,0l)O insurance policyholders, a total of 2:U47,O0O people interested in the prosperity of the lailrouds or the L lilted Matt Thirty per cent of the holdings of these institutions are in railroad se curities, which is one-sixth in value of all the railroad securities of this eounti v. There are :J2T,(Oo individ ual railroad stockholders in this country and l,:'4!i,000 men at work on the railroads, and at least (i,.i(ui, ti()0 people dependent for their in come upon the railroads. I also as certained then- that the rate ot trans portation lias been increased less than 5 per cent., taken as a whole, in the past four years.and that railroad rates have dropped 40 per cent since de coration of the Commission. These When tlie nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, ?nd irritable. Your checks arc Sarsaparilla pale and your blood is tain. Your doctor says you nre threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. - for tn-,rr tliart mn I Imv iwd A.rr'a ar.-rlll In mr fa'milT. It hi a irraml 11.11I0 x all lima, anit wonderful maitti-hi for me pure blood "-D. C. llm,T. Wait llaii. I ,-mi. ai no a t.rtttl. J. r. atei: en.. " for Weak Nerves Keep the bowels Pills, lust one regular with Aver s pill each night. ome Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine ond tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, r 'tidings, the frosted layer J cal IV ciho cooit'.es, figures are interesting because they nre facts taken from the statistics. and everybody is interested in know ing the truth. At last there is some hope that be fore long something effective will be done tor the rehabilitation of the Aiuii'icuii merchant murine. Some tinie ago a nninber of leading busi ness men of the country became con vinced that in order to obtain aetiou by Congress on this subject, which they considered so vital to the future Welfare of the eolintry, it must be removed as far as possible from the sphere of politics. 1 hey therefore busied them0elves with organizing the business men of the country to the end that the general subject of building up the American merchant marine should be made a leading topic in commercial organizations, at dinners, in trade papers, magazines ind other publications. As the out- ome ot this movement the Ameri can Maritime League has been form ed and headquarters have been cs tablished in this city. It cannot bt doubted that the advent of this organization will add enormou. strength to the demand for legisla tion, us the movement in behalf ol the meichant marine has never be fore h id behind it such a large and inllueiitial organization of such prominent men. r nrmer Senator John M lliurston, is the president and leading spirit ol while on the Advisory Hoard are such distinguished men as x-Secretarv Klihti Root, Benjamin 1 racy, tornu-r Secretary of the . - '--i .1 (j V-"-.--nd of the Panama Canal Commis sion; t,overnor vt L, uougius, oi Massachusetts; August Belnion, M E igalls, president of the Iiig Four "ilroiid: Thomas Dolan, of Phila- ielphia; President K Harper, of the 1'iiiversity of Chicago: Henry Mitchell MacCracken, Chancellor of York I niversitv; Charles M S 'hwab and many others. In form ulating the plans for the organiza tion it was determined that politics should be absolutely eliminated, and members of the Advisory Hoaid have bet n selected regardless of their political alliliations. The object of the league is to mouse throughout the country the Democrats. Republicans and Inde pendents to a sense of the shameful decadence of t he American Merchant Marine, due to the shilly-shalling of the Republican party. No plan has been adopted, nor is any particularly favored, but after a thorough discus sion of the subject, it is hoped the non-partisan advisory board can draft one that will be supported by all business men of the country. This seems to be assured by the high character und at tan men ts of the niembeis of the board, and as the matter now promises to be taken from the politicians and handled by business men on a business basis the country can look forward to some thing being speeuiiy accompusneu and the American merchant marine la-iii .W 8011H- dav restored to the proud fosit ion it occupied under old-time lemocratic administrations. A little incident occurred here iu this week that shows the value of newspaper advertising, and I mention it only for that purpose. Fvery bodv either has seen or henid of Lew Dockstander, the best negro minstrel in the country. Well, lx;w has his show here this week and on last Fri day he inserted a little want "ad" in one of the local papers to the effect that school girls and boys w ho can write distinctly were invited to call at the box office of the National Theatre on Saturday morning, They lined up for blocks and were handed a little slip of paper which read that it was to encourage rapid and distinct penmanship and offsred a private box to the boy or girl who would wnte distinctly "1. ijock stander is my idea comedian" the greatest nnmU-r of limes aud gave thorn until Monday aftorrloon to re-1 turn the manuscript. Well, he got j two bushels of them and the line had been written from 100 to 4,000 times It came near breaking up the public schools, as the teachers could get nothing out of the pnpils, who wanted to write all day Mon day. The teachers are swearing vengeance on Lew DockBtanor, but. Lew just laughs and savs he has j well as burnt cork. CHARLKS A. EDWARDS. Made ii i crullers, crusts and Ui vnich ihe ready-made food -c bakc-sLop of grocery does 'eaieot or r.'r.':"-!r.7 lie! lps. DO YOU GET TJP WITH A 1VAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the new?" papers is sure to knew of the wonderful cures mane ny nr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver and blad der remedy. It ia the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmar, tht eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly caring lame back, dric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Briht's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is uot ree. omniended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you nead. It baa been tested in so many ways, in hospital wotk ami in private practice, and haa proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, wha have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writine mention reading tbts generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. KMmer FTf'-i a fttnghamton, a" 4 5 V. The regular L I fifty-cent and dollar size bottle9 are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, SwaniP'Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingbamton, N, Y., on every liottle. ? Wood's Seed. I SEED CORN. Inerease your oropa by planting our improved and Mfcetad Seed Corns. All of our Sm4 Corns are Sotitharn-arown, acclimatised and give muoti better erop results than North ern or Western-grown seed. We are also headquarters for Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, Teosinte, Cow Peas, Sofa and Velvet Beans, and all Southern Forage crops. Writ for seanonable Price IJat and Descriptive Catalog. Mailed free. c T.W.Wood & Sons, SeelsminA ICNROiD, VIMIIift. -0 L. M. FOX, M D. ASHEBORO, N.C. nrl-rs liin profuaaional aervlee tt thu i-itizcus ot.AfthciViro and surrounding ootiimarjity. officrs: At Re-lilcncu' Are You Willing To profit by the experience of others ? After taking your Con centrated Iron and Alum Water myself, and using it in my family with fine re sults, 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as one of the best medicines to be found. We use it as a tonic, for Dyspepsia, and Bladder trouble and regard it as in valuable." J. J. LAWSON, Cashier Bank of South Boston, South Boston, Va. '-It gives me pleasure to state that I have used your Concentrated Water and find it one of the best tonic on the market, and cad highly recommend it to any one desiring good appe tite, good health and good feeling." J. P. lJ:WIS,PhotogTapbr, Pilot Mountain, K. C. Even if yoctr trouble ia Chronic. it will cost Terr little to make a com plete cure, to de not fail to gck t supply at once. 80s bottle (0 cttv. lttoi bottles ll.O". For sale by Standard Drug Co. and As he bo ro Drug Co, Ashe . boro, N. C. N M. ECHOLS COMPANY. LYNCHBURG, Vi.