IEBO X5he COURIER JIB me COURIER Advertising: Column Bring Results. Leads in Doth News and I I Circulation. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tear, VOL. XXX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1905. No 16 nnri RO COURIER. arly Risers ' nt famous irrru nus. 1 Per e,lck rsltef from Biliousness, Sok Headache, Torpid Uver, Jaun dice, Dtulnesa, and all trouble arte Ing (rem an Inactive or alqggteh "ver, DeWltl'e Utile Early Risers are un equal led. ' They act promptly and never (ripe. They are ae dainty that itla a pleasure t take them. One to two aot aa a mild laxative ; two or four aot aa a pleasant and effective cathanlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harm lea. They tenlc the Hver. X. C OeWItt tc Co.,CalcaB'o Ass. for the 1H05 Kodgt Almanac and 200 vear Calendar. Standard Drug Company, Afiheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLLY. Phyalclan and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO, N. C. Office over Spoon A Bedding's store near clauuara Drug Lo. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO, N. C. Offices First Rooms Over the Bank -of Randolph. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. Tba best 'companies repvoeentod. Offices over the Hunk of Randolph. DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. will be eut of sown until Msv lit whtco time can be found at ofllce e of Randolph. ALEXANDER UNDERWOOD, DEALER IN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Produce, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Country Produce bonght and sold. COLD DRINKS. Call to see me next door to Ross' sale (tables. S Iryaat, PresMest J. 1. Cole, Cashier ea Bectik of Randlemecn. Randleman, N. C Capital $(1000. Surplus, &000. Accounts received on favorable terms. ' Interest paid on savings de posits. Direotors: WK-Hartaeli. A N Bulls, 8 Q Newlin, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, 8 Bryant, II 0 Barker and J H Cole. OS COX, President. W J ARM FIELD, V-Pree w t ARvrtRLD, Ir Osahter, The Bank of Randolph, A-etLete-oro, XT. C. Capital aud Snrplns, Total Assets, over $36,000,00 $150,000.00 With ampls aunts, npertiare and iwisertton, wi solicit the Ihiiiiims ol Hie nanktiuj vubltc and fH wle tu Mijrttic wa arc prepared and willing So satand to oar eassrjater. ewrjr fsatllty and ao ous.iaoo.ucxi Bmiswwsn wish saw osusins. Dl RECTO US, .Sr., W Armftekt.t W T aeddina, Seel MoSKt, Tb J exMInc A W a cri, Ki ai sia. raoe atsMiug, ix r t AatMrv.ClODt. r V- - My Work Pleases! When yoa wish an eaay ahave Aa good ae harber ever gave. Just nil ea ne at say saloon, ' At mors sag, are or noon, I eut and dress tbe hair with grace. To eait the contew of the face. My room is neat and toasW efeatt, ' Sciaaora aharp and raxors keen, And erervthm 1 think yoall find, To asrii the larS) and nhnm themiad. And all ray art and skill can do. If yoa just oall I'll do for you, TOM CARTER. Kext door to rostoffice. ' w "Do Your Beit, and Leave the Reel." "Do roar bent, and leave the rent," Tin cheerful maxim: Ho who works with happy eot Has no doubt to tai aim. Only honest slrolcru are ma (If, Not An hour ie wanted; (Had of heart and unafraid, Labor's joy he's tailed. "Do your best, and leave the rest " Cease your fret and worry. No one nska a surer teat, There's no need ol hurry; Do your beat, and never shirk, Patient be, end witling, That's tbo only way to work, Thn.i your niche you're filling! "Do your best, and leave the rest," Humble, though I lie duty; True endeavor mskeH it blent, Uilde it o'er with beauty; G renter work shall come to you, - Hich rewards elate you, Seize the present, nobly do Tasks that now nwsit you. By Antony E Anderson. II I But Knew. If I but knew that Homehow, somewhere, I llad dried a tenr or lessened sorrow's nigh, Had slaked the thirst of perching fenr't lips, Or led some soul throuith trial's dark eclipee, Than 1 should feel life's miMiiun had Is-en true, If I but knew! , ft I but knew some heart this side the toml; Had by mine act been rescued frum the 0100m: Or that one life had ffrowa in noble deede Because eomewhere I'd eown some worthy seeds. The thoucht wonld drive dark chmds from ont live's view 11 I but knew! Authsr t'nkuown Plasoa Heme, April 13. Farmers are all busy prejnr ing their lnnd for corn and cotton crops. Wheat and oils are looking fine. Ihc sjunuuv school trss reonrunica nt Dillslwro In-t'ttniidny with Mr C 11 Cran- ford and Mr CC TalVit. superintendents. tlr T C Hill and family visited at Mr K L Talhen'a last Sunday. Mr W D t'lodfelter, nf lilaine, visited his parents at Trov lnt Sumlay. Mr A A Hill nt Maine bus built a new store. Mr Harris ltussell sent his sow mill engine to liii Point latt Monday fur rewirs. Mr A U iirilhu and lauulv visitrU relatives at ThomnRvillc last week. Mrtt L, Kussell is building a new huusp. Mr A A Cranfortl has moved on the Wilson Hill farm. Sir I. G Russell went to Troy last week on business. Mr N F. Talbert does nut improve much at this writing. Mr tVillium A Hussell on the tick list this week. Cedar Fills Item. Artril 17.-Mr II T I.nok has a little girl l'shy eight months old with water head. Its Isxly will weigli ationt ten potiuds una its n l.i or I'O pouuda and measureH 2t inches around it forehead. It has suffered a grrst deal until of late. It is now enjoying very good nean n ami us neau coiuinnes io grow rapidly, Init its hody grows slowly. tinder the pliysiciun ulsn its parents have done all in Uiiir wer lo relieve its suffer ina and it looks liko now that it vroidd live to a much greater age than was at tirst ex- 1 tec ted. Anyone tnal na never seen sncn a igtit would never regret rjoymg a vtaii. Mr t) K Cex has bwsht aiid aims to put in this summer quite a number of "Humidiliers" for cooling the apiuniHg and weaving mills here. Mr Berry Davidson wae in town last -week. Special Rates Over 8eaboard Air Line Ry. &l VAN All. tA.-Accountof Fourth An imal Touninnent Golf Association, Savan- h. (is.. Miv Wth-13th. Seaboard, announces rate ol one fare plus ?5 oeMs from all points. Tickets old May lUi-eui ittb, anal limit May loth. KANSAS CITY, MO. Account of South ern Baptist Convention, Kansas City, Mo., May luili-litb. Seuboara announces rule nt one fare plus 50 cento in addition to l'r cents for validntingtickets. Tickets sold Mar 7th-1 1th, inclusive, final limit Mav 2.1nl. ATLANTA, A. - Account of Annual As sociation of Manufacturers, Atlanta, Us., May ltHh-lHth, Nea booed announces rnte of one fare plus 2S cents. Tieketasold May Hth l.ltli, final limit May 10th, with the privilege of extension. HA V AjNNAJl, UA. Aocount 01 Aumiat Travellers Proteetire Association sf America, Savannah, f4 Way 18th-K3rd, Hcsbord an nounces rate of one far phts 60 oents. Tieketasold May 13th-14U final limit May JfOtk, with the privilege ol extension. FOttT WOn3r,TEX.-Aotionnt of Uen eral AaastnUy of the Southern Prosliyleriau chnrcb. Fort Wenh, Tex, May 18th-26th, Seaboard announces rate of one fare plus 2.00. Tickets sold May 13ia-16th-17tli, final limit May Slat. bT L0ULS, M0 Acewrut of Annual Bap tist University, 8t Louis. Ho., May I0th-21th. Saabosurd snneunros rata of one tirst class fare plus 25 cents. Tickets said May 14th-loth-10th, final limit Mayi7tk. . ASHJViLLE, It. C Aceosnt of South nf ami furs rtlus 2a cents for round trio. Tickets sold May Hth-17lh, final limit May S3rd. Seaboard also arm ounces low second clasa colonist rate to Pacific Const points until Mav 1st, 1905. Seaboard aoaounoM the sale of one way second class colouieta ticketa from all points hi North Carolina to the Pacific Coast, com mencing March 5th and continuing on sale until May J 1st. Rate Raleigh In Saa r macaw is f 48 Sj. ! Wilmintrton Sen rinrraco is corresponding low ratos from other stations will apply to all principal points on ine ra cific Coast. - for fartlser infunnation ia regard to rates, aciiedailM and routes, apply to your nearest Agent or address, LU H. OATTia Traveling rasaenger AgeaeC' Raieigk, N. C, for Sal. fn iS,mA f'fit-J oeftiBmnnn tvnhihitinxr keeping tmars witbia Um earporate limits, We have dispose . of three grandly bred T&y ina frTi to iTpTKeT. "if ma wsat la imnrovw vour mivrk ef koas here la aa opportunity. OEO.TLCHATOIJ, NEW DIVORCE LAW. Regulating Divorces In This State. Tho new divorce law k .is follows:' Mrrixe may be di.lve.l and parties thereto divorced f ont thi Lands of mutriumnv, on application of tbe part injured, made tie by law nenci.tJ.. tvL t.Lr a.n. -(1) If they shall commit adultery. "(2) If they shall commit foroica- tinn and adnllery. it ..i.k. ;.. ... t. i,, . , l nmrria2e was and .till is nnturally "ipH"" nlone at The Dispatch imnotent .ofneeon Monday f the week amount- Vlf the' wife at the time of the',10 $58 50. Advertisers might murrntge he pregnunt, and the hus b,...d be ignoiani of the fuct of .neb rn.ncy an.l l not the Mher of pregnancy tbe child with which the wife was pregnant at the time of the mar riage." All former laws are repealed. There remains in fore Section 1286 of the Code providing fur leintl separation front bed and board, the causes being abandonment, mitlu:iniii turning out of doors, endangering lite by cruel and barbarous treat nient, or becoming an habitual urunkaid. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. A Large Number of Remittances Sums Old, Some New - All Gratefully Received. C W black, M J Ilniihes, Jno A Dean, J B Lamb, C A liughed, J T Steed, K W Pugb, H P Hill, J K Hill, R L Uolioou, JS n Johnson, J b Hamilton, I O Thomas, , 1) Dor sett, W S Pope, V L KelineUy, U L Walker, Mrs It (J rerree, J LIBrame, Miss lici-1 a Kovals, Orabam taule, Sarah Yow. L W Cagle, W li Yow, W L Mollitt, U .! Jones, JN r' llin- shaw, Or VV 1 Sumner, S W Kearns, K W I'ligh, Mias Alice Kime, i Aumuu, Z A Craufoid, Levi 'lacker, R L Green, A II Kearus, J W Kearns, Juu C Skei'ii, 11 Bundy, Alex 1'iesuell, J H Stuith, 8 S Coble, J C Hidge, Mrs K S Craven, 'A A all, W U Uozier, S Uunn, W M Foster, Zeb Nixon, J F Hockett J P Al arable, Mrs U Deuuy R li Sunth, J A Stone, C A 1'ugli, A J Uhnm- uess, L A lyson, J 1 Iktrougbs, J M Pounds, Kit Pntchard, K W Jor- dau, J L Phillips, S T Allred, E tlarrif. v liarker, Tncw Drown, U 1 Dickens, W 11 Redding, U S Hed- ding, A V Nixon. John W Laiigl), U Newliu, K Campbell, S t Williams, E A Wiles, K L York Z M Hiiisha ,Tli Parks, Mrs M U Smith, M E Martin, J T Ledbettcr, W J (iregson, L)r J U bhamberger, W Q Barker, J O Arnold, a K Barker, C J Cox, J R Wall, M 1) ti Hitler, Joe Hoover, Mrs M L Ann tield, C C Muse, D J Watkiue, Jumrs Lowe, W It New by, It C Chtti lcs, Mrs E T Kearus, Lt J M Rotbrock, AC Eui;libli, Miss Sou la Yottnts, Doak Wulboni, Mrs Alice M Stout, A J Lamar, 8 M Underwood, Q 1 Chandler, J 11 MoGehee. Rhenmstic Palis Quickly Relelved. The excruciatius pains character istic of rheumatism aud sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Cham berlaius Pain Balm ine great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of honaands of sufferers, itie qmck relief from tiaiu whieb it affords is alone wotth uianv times its cost. For sale by Standard Drug Co Asheboro Urns Uo, Asheboro. W A Underwood Raudlemau. GROW PECAN TREES. Ten Tears ago Sheriff J B Mili- kan planted rivo pecan-Dut seeds, and three of them grew into trees which bore last year for tbe first time. One of the tints he brought to the Record last week. It is strange that our farmers do not all have pecan trees ws learn mat Mr L L Wreun, of Siler City, suf- feied a very painful accident last Saturday by tbe explosiou of some quicksilver and nunc aciu wnicn ne was mixing in a bottle, inflicting sevots burns about ine lace anu eyes. We hope that he will boou recover irotn nis injuries. it, is saiu that work on tbe Durham & South ern railroad, from Apex to Durham, will begin some time in May and will be completed in eight months. W R Bonsai & Co, of Hamlet, have the contract for building this road. Chatham Record. The Rlfht Name is DeWllt DeWitt's Wih Hazel Salve cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, bruises, piles and all skio diseases. K Zickefoose. Adolph, W Vasavs: uu- i:..i.. .t.,1,. 1,,1 l,;io oi none wokou uui oi uci trg. ur Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." It is the most wonderful beating salve in the world. Beware of conntetfeits. Sold by - Standard Drag Co., and ) T Undei wood. Our Booth Randleman correspond ent writes that Mr IV. t Stevens will win the manufacture of brick ' J .1... k i ' h... n,nAyt their saw mill from Mr . Pritchard's to Mr L P Foust's. Wsa A Km mt Fsss. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills, Lave been made famous by their certain yet harmless and penile afltioa nrton the boweli and liver, l rief nave H3 equal IOT biliousness, constipation, etc. They i ot w.kea the stomach, gripe, or make TOO feel SIC a. UnCS wsed alwavi preferred. They strengthen fjold'by S'0 Drug Co, and JT DAVIDSON COUNTY NEWS. New8y ,tems cliPPed The Dispatch. A '""K m" "M (o Mayt.r Mover otie (Uy l3t week on a smBU.WngnUB isisRittiwy. ,r.he ma" 18 77'. ',n.' hM fa""'rV' IIe '""Mully to to i work Bttti help support his wife and to help support his wife and !c,hiJ('ren' " " 'n'8 M children, and on condition that he oucu was released from custody i i tic ( i run i:aa receipis i'r BUD- inuae a noie ui una in inetr auvani- 1 M-""- , S nc Wl 'T t u.',lm,ol, ,, P"!!!r' ",,d: W nt a receui iiitnuin oi tup pariiea interested tu the establishment of plant for the manufacture of iron bedsteads here, an "iganization was effected and the following olliueis elected: W M KoonU, piesidni; C M Thompson, vice president; T M Hull, seeretary and tr.asurer. Ap plication for a charter was mudeund it ia expected to be received in a few day. Mr V C Olive, of Randlemun, son of our townsman Mr A J Olive, has accepted it position as assistant uent at the depot. We are glad to have him with ns. Thomasville Cor. Mr Ambrose Ileek, of L'ubt, died Sunday night at his his home aliont 5 miles south of here in his 8a ml year. He was buried at Emmanuels Church Tuesday. He leaven a wife and seven children to niouru bis death. Mr Beck was one of our oldest and best as well as one of our most substantial citizens Thomas- villo Cor, THE VAGRANCY LAW. Full Text of the Meature Which has Caused So Much Dlicuealon. The following is the full text of the new vagrancy law about which there is now so much discussion in Greensboro, Raleigh and other towns in the state: The section 3S34 of the Code of North Curoliua be and the same is hereby repeuled. That all persons wno may come itbin either of the classes herein after named shall be deemed a ra gant. l'ernons wandering or strolling about in idleness who tire ulile to work Hiul have nu propel ty to sup port them. Persons leading nil idle immoral or profligate life, who have no prop erty to support them mid who are able to work, and do not wotk. All persons able to work haviny no property to support them, ami who have not some vibible.and known means of a fu'r, honerit at'd reputable livelihood, Persons having a fixed abode, who have no visible property to support them and who live by stealing, or by trading in, bartering foi, or buying tolen property. I'lofessmnal gamblers, liviug in idleness. All able-bodied men w ho have no other visible means of support, who shall live in idleui-ss npon the wages or earnings of their mother, wife, or minor child or children except male child or children over eighteen years i age. That the punishment for vagrancy as d fined in this act shall not exceed lifty dollars fine or thirty days im prisonment. Matqueraded In Men't Clothing. Miss Lillian Alma Furguson, of Evans, Chatham county, is the name of a vouug lady about tweuty years old, well known in Asheboro, having visited here a number of times, wno niustUertideu as a yottug man having dressed in men's cloth ing, at Moorearille. She went to Mooresville several weeks sgo aud conducted a photograph gallery. She claims to have donned men s clothing lat December. When it was discovered in Mooivaville that she was a girl she was advised to leave. She left weai ing men's cloth ing because she had no money, and was without friends. She had done uo moral wrosg that anyone knew anvthinz about. Her doom is ' seal ed; ber life is ruined! She pitifully pleaded with those lowborn she con fessed not to let her mother and father known that she was pretend ing to be a man. li a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion butter put in shape for diges tion. Cod liver on is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emuisitieo before we can digest it. Scott's Emulsion combines the best oil vith the valuable hypo hosphites so that it Is asy to digest and does r more sood than the -. alone could. That ikes Scott's Emulsion a most strengthening, urishing food -mediae In the world. Sand for ttmm aampla. . SCOTT BOWNC. Chemists .Ot-41 S Pearl Straat New York NEWS ITEMS. Interesting Items Gathered from Various Sources. At the recent terra of Federal Court in Oreetisboro $20,000 was col lecteu in Hues. Of the 400 republican voters in Ashevillc, 400 voted to keep the satootis in operation. A snow storm two feet deep in Colorado caused the President to change tbe course of his western trip On Monday of this week the Southron Railway began the doubl tracking from Greensboro' to Higli 1'oint. The Tyson & Jones Co tit Carthage sold 2K2 buggies lust month. This Arm is constantly enlarging its capacity. Prof M C 8 Noble has obtained leave of absence fiom the University mm win travel a year or tw Europe. A cigarette in the hands of a oareless boy is said to hve caused the burning of the Urphanuge burn at 1 horoasville recently. JuiIl'b Boyd recently lined a totiiii Kee.iersville mail $250.00 for sellinc i 0111111011 citi'S for $20 to $00, having adveitiscd them aa dugs of superior ped igree. New Hampshire has demanded of the State' of South Carolina $30,000 of idconstructioii bonds, and it said that New Hampshire may bring suit on the bonus it not paid. A colored limn named Frunk Young, while walking on the track was instantly killed by a freight train on last Sunday near Spencer in Rowan county. Tho three coses against N, Glenn Williams in the federal court at Greensboro was continued last week owing to illness of Mr Williams which compelled his absence in Baltl inotc to see a specialist, I.)r Osier. Mies Jennie Rankin, daughter of Judge W L Rankin, of Salisbnry, will be married to Mr John Stoddard of Savannah, Ga, i.i April. Miss Rankin is a belle and a bcnii'.v, known and loved throughout the State. Hon A M Waddull was nominated by the primaries for mayor in Wil mington last week, over Springer, tilt present inayoi , bv 4U votes Two years ago Col Waddell, who had been mayor for tour years, was ueteatea by M: Springer. The residence of Clarence Smith, occupied by Mr Hall in High Point, cauitlit tire on Friday of last week from a small hoy striking matches and letting them fall among some ciotlnng .n a closet. The house was almost ruiued by tire and water. Thomasville has pledged $50,000 to ( apt Milt Jones' railroad, and High 1'oitil pledges IrbU,uiR in bonds. Election will be held at tin early date. It is said that the rail road is to be extended to Wadesboro in event that the aid is received from Thomasville and High Point, A ease was arcned iu the Supreme' Court lust week wherein the State of New Jersey claims $B,000 as a fran chise tax against the Gold Hill Cop per .Mining Co. The claim was tiled w ith the receiver, but it "vas not admitted as a preferred claim. and an appeal was taken to the tipretne Court. Junius Shore, a storekeeper und gaitger of Yadkin county, was tried n the federal cturt at breensnoro last week and was found guilty. He was imprisoned six months and lined $1,000. The case aguinst Ace Dinkms from ladkin was compro mised by authority of Commissioner Yerkes by forfeitnre of 18 barrels of w hii-key of a lot of d'l seized, and 14 barrels returned. Dinkins pitying the costs of $100. The Governor of Maryland lu published a statement in the news papers th't he wants it iimler-Uood that con it-ts who employ counsel with a view to the influence which they will exert over his excellency are making a mistake. While the Governor recognizes the right to employ counsel to secure a pardon, yet be" feels that no one should be employed with a view to tbe influence which they will have over the execu tive. The uew Railroad of Capt Milt Jones runuing south from Thomas ville toward Denton aud Jackson Hill has developed wonderfully iu the last few days. It is to be built 'o Wadesboro. Mr Fnrgttson of New York represents the syudic.ite which is to take fonr milliou dollars of bonds on the new road. Tho road is to be extended to High Pointfrom Tbomaawllc, and later to inston Salem. Cant Jones says tho road will be completed to Wadeslmro within a year. Cattle Industry. TJnnsual exertions are being pnt forward to Increase the production of beef cattle in this State. The indnitry is glowing more profitable to tbe tanner and more vaiuaoie w the State each year. Through . nt the country there has been within three years decrease of eight million beef cattle, while foreign immigration is amounting to almost one million annually. Population is gaining over the beef snoot, and it is predicted tbst the price of beef will riss every year. I Farmers are taking more interest in the raising of rattle. MONTGOMERY NEWS. The News of Cur Neighboring1 County. I'Vim the uiit'.tiiiriim. ! Mr Fred II Wade left Tuesday for Tiftoii, Ua, where he expects to KO into the orris arm business. Miss Claudia Dickens has accepted a position with the Troy Supply Company. Mrs iley Rogers und little sou Wiley of Raleigh have been visiting her sim-in-lntv and daughter, Mr and Mr li T Wade. .. There is no improvement in the condition of Mr A II Saunders, who is lyitu cnLK'i'lv ill at his home nt Eldorado. MrSJ Sni't ItiTiiiiiu continues to mprove. While lie h able to be up most of the tune lie is not yet well enough to be out. Several lomls uf corn from lower Randolph an I lower Davidson were sold in town Friday and Saturday. There are two rural flee delivery routes notv 'o.i.linu out from Mt Uilead ami elToits are being made to established otltei routes in the county. Application has been made for a route leadiiijc out from Tiov to t'npelsie, Ouvil, Thickety, Alco, mid Eiidieotl. Some much needed repairs have been iti.ide ,ii our rutin ly home, but it is still I.h kmjj in many respect.! as a comfortable home for our ttn foriiimiteH. Mr J B Eu inc is having a hand some dwelling erected on Iiruton Street. The mixture of sand und gravel recently placed on sitne of our side walks has added considerably to tho comfort of travelling in wet weather. Mr Charlie Miller of near Iroy died Suuday evening of Typhoid fever. Mr Miller was reared near Ashelioro and hadiuiched his thirty- fifth year, lie leavos a wife and three children. Troy is expecting lights to be turned on about the last of the week. It is to be remembered that a break n the dam at the power plant on Little river several months ago threw us in tbe dark. The iitimeious friends of Mr J A Kirk, who for several ycurs had charge of Pekin Academy, will be delighted to learn that he has moved fiom Palmerville, Stanly county, to hldoratlo in this county, where he xpects to make his future home. Mr Jn II McNeil, who lias been n the saw mill business in tins county for the lust liio years left Monday for Album, (t'i. when; lie goes to continue his work at that place. Mr McNeil bus his plant incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000.00. l rot Eugene Mains of Mt fuli-ad ustitute has aerecd to run a sum mer school for teachers, beginning the latter pirt of July and eoiitimi- ng six or eight weeks, provided he cun get a sullicielil inimoer ot teachers interested to justify it. The curses ot instruction will cover ine work of the public school teacher, aud will be tsiiceially beneficial to those teachers who are. not familiar with the present public school text books. The expense in the ay of beard and tui'ion will be made as light us possible. Full information an be bad bv writing to riot Harris at Mt Uilead. Paint Vnnr Buggy for 75c. to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Caniage Paint. It weighs 3 to tS ozs. more to the pint than others, wears louger and gives a gloss iiial to new work. Sold by MeCr .ry-Kedding Ulw Co. The Art ol Keeping Young. The art keeping voting, we un told bv Prof (ioldshncid, of Berlin, consits in kecptnsr. sound the blood viesels, for we are only as old as the lienrt ami tho urtenes. Ixmg lite is best assured by early attention to the heart, though care begun iu old age will often accomplish much. A great danger lies lit abnormal de mands on the organ, and little in juries acciiiiitilate, so that serious harm must come from frequent repe titions of the use of heart poison like alcohol tr tobacco, of eating too much, of too great muscular tffoit. or even of menial oterwork. Moder ation in all things is required. Ex ercise should not be violent nor too little iu amount, elasticity of the blood vessels should lie promoted by fremient exposure of tite skin to an and water, and work, food and sleep should be thoughtfully fcd justed. Old people need constant movement, with not too much sleep. ajers You know t!ie medicine that makes pure, rich blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, crai' imotiier, all your folks, used it. trusted Sarsapai'illa It. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust It yourself. There is health r.iui strength in it. f ,iiff,,vT terrnii. frmw InrttreMton sue" tain i ' I i "" ' "' s.i.-, r-r,.'.. P"" boUt pemis for. Rich Blood Aver s Poll ara sently laxative, Ttwy great ly aid the Sarsapartna. IF YOU WANT TO .(NOW WHY sc TOBACCO is the largest seller, cut out this advertisement and send, together with 2c stamp, to R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C, and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your name and address plainly. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Material progress and intellectual development go hand ill hand. Public schools w ere tirst establish in Scotland through the influence of John Knox. It is said that you cannot lind a Scotchman above the age cf 21 years who cannot road and write. In this day of ken close competi tion too much attention cannot be paid to the education of all the peo- e. age when it should he able to control the I passage, it is yet afflicted with hed-wet-Wo boast of tbe great wealth of tinir.ik'pendupotiit.thecauscofthedifli- onr national resources, but the great- . est wealth of this or any other state is its children upon whom the ie-, ponsiliility of the future depends. The last issue of the Moore County News contained u loua; and interest- write tip of the History of Pivs- hyterianism in Moore eoun'y. The ai lit le contains illustrations of churches ami the present pastor of the church nt Curtilage. We are too poor not to educate our children. We cannot ull'ord to oppose any tnenure which proviihs for the welfare of our cliildieli. There is only otic thing that can put our children on tonal terms with the rich man's child. A good education is a priceless heritage to leave ut.r children. Education may not make your children millionaires but it will free them from grinding pruerty; it may not build t In 111 tine houses, but it will secure for thein a liviug not a mere hand to mouth effort for dailv bread. It is the duty of each com munity to provide a good school system that each child may be 1'ivul from the bondage of ignorance. lesson can he drawn from the history of the German Empire. Prus sia had been humiliated and almost lestroyed by Napoleon. A great philosopher proclaimed that the salvation of Prussia was education. He said education was tbe onlv thing that could deliver ihe people from the miseries that so overwhelm- 1 t lioin. The impression be made was so great that the educational system was remodelled and today Germany has the finest system of schools in the world. Historians tell us that -'00 years ago England was tbe best governed country in the world and that Scot land was probably the rudest ami poorest of any that could lay claim to civilization. An act was passed to establish schools in Scotland and then followed intellectual develop ment the like of which bad never been seen before. A uiot'xl and in dustrial life followed which Ua I uever Urn seen in the history of the world. Inspiteof the rigor of cli mate and sterility of the land Scot land became one of the fairest lands upon w hich the sun shed its rays. This great t evolution was brought almiit by education by education of all tbe people at public expense. The Scotch air was just as cold and the Scotch rocks us barren, w hile the natural qualities of the Scotch man were tbe same as before; he hud been improved by education. Tbe people of Scotland bad been educat- ed and this. Macauley teils us, did bottles $1.0f. mor.fortheb.eak.nddre.ry.hore.l ;KK, . of the lorth and the Clyde that tho j - boro Drug Co Aabo- -richest of soils and most genial of. boro, N. C. climates had done for Capua aud J ECHOLS COMPANY, Terentnm. LYNCHBURG, V. , . I as Men Are Rade by KJttney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the niiud, tliscouragcsand lessensambition ; beauty, tn .., j. vigor ana cueerrui- nebs soon disappear when the kidneys are ont of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble lias become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the '.hVor if wSS rech.llre.che..n sl(,p sll'ould be towards the treatment of the"-important organs. Thia unpleasant tl,e kidnevs and Madder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women ns well as men arc muue miser. able with kidney and bladder trouble, nml Imtli need the same ereat remedv. The mil 1 and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold bv druggists, iu fiftv- rcut and utie-dollars size bottles. Yon may J have .1 sample bottle t)- mail tree. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi. letters' received from sufferers cured. In vrilino; Dr. Kilmer & Co., BiiiRliamton, X. Y., be sure and mention tins' pnper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Pvvatnp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koot, and the ad dress, liiughauiton, N. Y.. on everv bottle. c 0 I "Wood's Seeds. SEED CORN. Increase your crops by planting our Improved and selected Seed Corns. All ef our Seed Corns are Southern-grown, acclimatized and give much better crop results than North ern or Western-grown seed. We are also headquarters for Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, Teosinte, Cow Peas, Soja and Velvet Beaos, and all Southern Forage crops. Write for seasonable Price List and Descriptive CaUilog. Mailed free. .W.Wood i Sons, SeedsmsnA RICHMOND, VIRIIIIa. (- V Ate You Willing To profit by the experience of others ? "After taking your Con centrated Iron aud Alum Water myself, and using it 111 my family with tine re sults, 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as one of the best medicines to lie found. We use it as a tonic, for Dyspepsia, and Bladder trouble and regard it as in valuable." J. J. LAW SOX, Cashier Hank of Sonth Boston, Sonth Boston, Va. "It gives me pleasure to state that I have used your Concentrated Water and find it one of the best tonics on the market, and can highly recommend it to any one desiring a good appe tite, good health and good feeling." J. P. LEWIS, Photographer, . Pilot Mountain, N. C. Even if your trouble is Chronic it will cost very little to make a com plete cure, so do not fail to fjft ' supply t once. 80s bottles 50 oU Boms ot txmm Msal Hig roini, N. C, Underwood. Oo. evnd l.OO. All druaajleta