MMMMmraoiMMi EEBOROC PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASHEBORO, N. C. rHURSDAY, APRIL 27th J905. "K6 COURIER Leads in Both News and Circulation. T5he COURIER Advertising Column Bring Results. Issued Weekly. $1.00 Per Tear, No IF VOL. XXX. i THE AS OUR ER.r Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember whan II was simple Indiges tion. It Is s soisntlilo fact that all eases of heart disease), not organic, are not only traceable 4o, but ere the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach which falls of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing It up against the heart. This interferes with the action of the heart, and in the course of time that delicate but tttal organ becomes diseased. ' Mr. D.KauMe.c I had atomach trouble aud l to a bad state is I had heart trouble with It I took Kodol DrepepsU Cure for about four aoootht and It eared me, Kodol Digests Wast Yon Cat and relieves the stomach of all nerve us strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottles oar, S 1 .00 She tioldtnt 5 n tines the trial Site, which aella tor 60c, Prepared by a. O. DeWiTT OO., 0HI0AQO. Ask for the 1905 Kodol Almanac Mid 200 Tear Calendar. Standard Drug Company, Asheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLLY, Physician - and - Surgeon. ASHEBORO. N. C. Oftiee over S moil A lltiMing'n uiuve near Standard Drug Co. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Offices First Booms Over the ,' . Bank of Randolph. A G McALISTER & CO. .,. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. tlhb .best companies represented, over the Rank of Randolph. DR D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. 0. (31M. Will be out of town until Htv l.Mh, IMS after which time can be found at ifflce over ihc Bank of Konuuli'h. ALEXANDER UNDERWOOD, DEALER IN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Produce, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Country Produce bonght and sold. v cold Brinks. Call to eee me next door to Roes' sale stables. S ryaal. President J, 1. Cole. Cashier 1 of Randlema.n, Randleman, N. C Capital $12,000, Surplus, $2m Accounts received "a favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bnlla, S G Newlin, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, 8 Bryant, H O Barker and J H Cole. O S COX, President W I AHIfKIKLD, V-Proa W J ABM riBLD, Jr., Caablcr. The Bank of Randolph, A-aOxeVbexo, IT'. C- - Capital and Surplus, Total, Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 l public nud ami ullliiut to eitend to oar etMuaten every (aeil It, aud a eOBUnodaUon wltli aafe banking. DWECTOUSi Hugh Parka, Sr.. W J Arm Held. W P Wood, P B MorrTa, C C McAllKter, E SI Ann field, o B Cox. W F Reddlne, Brnj Muffltt, Thi J Bedding, A W KCapeUA at Bankln, Thoa H Beddtac I W I Aaburr, C J Cox. My Work Ptaases! When yoo wish an easy shave . As good a, earlier ever (', Just call on me at my salouu, At morBTag, eve or soon, I nit and dreaa tlie bair with grace. To suit the ouoUMir. of tlie face, liy room is easel and towels clean, Srieaoni sharp and razors keen, . Aim) eTBiTthina I think tou'11 find. To suit the face and ruease Uie mind, And all toy art and skill ran do. If yon just call I'll do fur you. - TOM CARTER- . Nrit iluor to FostofEce. - . NOTES AND COMMENTS.- Advertising is a system of educa tion. Sunshine makes brain as well as brawn. . ' , The time is past when a mdir.iWtn do just like pa did and succeed!'' Education is a slow growth. It is gathered in small quantities and is acquired little by little. Intelligence coin mu tidu respeel, whether the person who possesses it wears broud cloth or overalls. The class of instruction is better where there is local taxation or a graded school for then only the best teachers are employed A tax of 25 cents on the 100 valuation of propel ty and 75 cents on the poll will cost three fourths of the people several limes less than puying tuition. The growlers have closed up f the present. We haven t heard any one in ten davs send up a wail of woe, but some people can only see the dark side. The merchant who expects to jump to success at one bound will accomplish but little. A sing! advertisement will not make you known permanently but you should make a campaign of publicity. Congressman Page tells the Raleigh Post he has found out how deep the Mooro county sand is. Recently a well was bored in Aberdeen and after boring 210 feet through the sand thcic was found a layer of slate. The spirit of progress is seen everywhere in this great Piedmont section. The biggest undertaking ever undertaken in this section is that of the Whitney Kediution in developing power at the narrows on the Yadkin. Development and improvement is seen on every hand. The time has been in North Caio linahen the children had no friends in the geueral assembly not so now. Other interests were represented, but there was no one who saw the uplifted pleading hands and heard the suiull voices of the thousands of children. It is very different now, the children are not forgotten and their voices are heard and heeded. The fresh air fad is the most sen sible fad which has struck the country in a loug time. It is now held by almost everybody that Dr Ozone is the finest physician in the world. Fresh air is prescribed by physicians and everybody else as a cure for almost every ill. The fresh air cure is the most marvelous and consistently dependable of any of the fads which have prevailed. The History of the First North Carolina Reunion, at Greensboro, N C, October 11th, 12th and 13th, 1903, is the title of a beautiful and interesting volume compiled and and edited by O S Brudsbaw, Esq, of the Greensboro bar. Jos J Stone & Co are the printers, and the print ing and binding are done in the highest art. Mr Brudshaw has prepared with care and ability this beautiful souvenir volume. The commissioners of Wake coun ty are compelling the collection of the merchant's tax for 1904. The clerk of the board of county com mission bos furnished a list of them in schedule "B," and taken the sheriff's receipt for the same. The merchants, as yet, have not list ed their gross sales for 1904. The last Legislature abolished this tax. The trouble ii that merchants have not paid for last year. They have not paid in Randolph. The com missioners here would do well to take the same course that has been taken in Wake. Make the breath as sweet as a rose ' by coring Indigestion, aud Sour people in that city at the recent city Stomach wih Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, election, and in nearly every speech A pleasant, palatable, reconstructive ; made there was a ttibnte to lion tissue-building digestant. E L Bub- j William Randolph Hearst, and the cock, Amherst, Minn., says: I work ot his papets in that fight for have taken a great mauy remedies the people, though his name was not for indigestion bat have found no-, mentioned. thing equal to Kodol Dyspepsia The New York City railroads Care." Kodel diges I what you eat, have the most valuable traffic . f ran cures indigestroD, Dyspepsia, nr.chisef in the world, and make profits Stomach, Belching, Htertborn and ; so great that the shares of the latest all Stomach Trouble. Great care is one constructed have more- tliau used in the preparation of Kodol doubled in value in Wall Street in the greatest digestant ttut ha ever the first six months of operation, vet been discovered.. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and J T Underwood. 1 WASHINGTON LETTER. President Talks One Way and Writes Another. SPEAKS IN KENTUCKY ONE SENTIMENT. IN MASSACHUSETTS THE OPPOSITE. Tafl Sitting on tha Lid The Chicago Election. Hearst Wants New York to Follow Suit, Freight Rates Reduced. Rebates. Spcclnl Correspondence of the Cuuner. Washington, P. C, April 2-t. Everybody has been reading the President's speeches on his trip through the -great State of IVxhs, and the Southwest. Some of them have been good and some have been indifferent, but nearly all of them have lieen inconsistent. The only consistent thing he has done or sun is that he sticks to the text of war and the war spirit. In nearly every one of his sweeties helms apostro phized the war spirit as the only thing in this country worth wlnlt The "big stick" has been in evident; ever since he left Washington. II talks one way and writes another, toucan figure whether a man is honest or stating his honest opinions or not when he writes one way the quiet of his library with thought and conviction to swuv him, and talks another before an audience that he is attempting to please. For in stance, in Louisville, Ky., in his first speech after he left U asliingtoti, the I resident fair), pointing to u statue of Jefferson: "I am glad of the spirit that, nia'ies yon with to dedi- e slatiies like this or JetTeison i I ke l he great statue of Clay liii-nle that ronrt. House. I here one statue Unit I wiah member!) of the National Congress from Ken tucky to see put up by the National (iovernnii ut, and that is a national statu" of Andrew .Jackson and the victors of the battle of New Ot leans." Vet Mr lbiosevlt has written down in his historical essavs that Jefferson win "the most incitpubl- executive that ever It I led the execu tive chair," mid that his influence was "on the w hole, distinctly evil." And of Jackson s administration, be say 8 that "the publii! service then took its lirst and greatest step in that downward career of progiessive debasement and deterioration which has only been checked in our days." What does be find to admire in "the spiiit which dedicates monuments to men of whom he bolus such opin ions? This shows that he not only has been inconsistent, but his oratory has been of the bifurcated kind, He makes one sort of speech about the South when he is talking to South erners, aud another sort of apt eel. about the South wli.-o he is talking to Northerners. This is natural I v calculated to raise m the Southern mind a serious question as to the President's sincerity. The honored head of a nation should he of one mind, whether he is speaking to Un people of Massachusetts, or to the people of South Carolina. So far. his public deliverances have not squared with this very simple and obvious rule. The President announced before he left on his vacation be had left "Taft sitting on the lid." While the avoirdupois of the Secretnry of War would indicate his capacity for keeping the lid on quite successful ly, his career in the Philippines would not indicate that as an admin istrator his control of affairs is a thing to be desired. Of all men wh" have come prominently into the public eye in the lust eight yeais Mr iaft probably has fulled most signul- ly to live up to his advance notices. The country was given to under stand when we went to the Philip pines that be was a phenomenon in the way of executive ability and de votion in duty. Nevertheless, his administration of affairs in the islands developed nothing more im pressive than the urgent necessity foi a censorship that should keep the country in lgnorauce of what was reully being done, tie "sat on the lid" in the Philippines so succssful ly that to this day only those who have talked to returning soldiers and sailors who were there during his tegime have any idea of what was reully concealed under the lid. If the country generally nnuerstooil more thoroughly his l inlippiue record, the honored Secretary of War is about the last member of the cabi net that it would select to act as the understudy for' Mr Roosevelt while he is chasing coyotes aud jack rab bits. - The flood of Jefferson day oratory shows conclusively that the democ racy of Judge Alton B Parker aud William ,J Mryanis as far apart as ever it was and that there seems to be no chance of them ever getting together. The people will have to take their choice betweeu these two brands of democracy, aud it does not require a man possessed of second sight to tell which one will be chosen by the vast majority of the people I be Jelterson Day uuuiiuct at Chicago came nearest the ideas that Jefferson believed in as' voiced by the speakers there than any held in the country and was reully a iolli- fication over the victory won by the there is not one of them that giws anything approaching the service the people have a light to expect. I Moreover, any little game of the directors' of these street car com-' panics is of more consequence than the convenience or safety of the peo- If one of them has a block of sub urban property the line is extended in that direction, regaidless of the riSllts l'f ,m'r populous districts to improve service. The question of railway late regu lation is once ugain actively before the public because of the Senate committee hearing. W hat the out mn.ttee hearing. W hat the out - ne will be is too proble natical for v But I feel sure it will -neither come me, be the proposilion for Government ownership nor Senator New land's plan for national incororation, national taxation and national con trol, which is his idea of what the Democratic policy should be. liailioad men say they arc more than williUL', in fact, are anxious to have rebates done nwav wit1 : dis criminations by way of excessne al lowances to short terminal tracki that connect factories or warehouses with main lines wiped out; and the private cur lines, with their exorbi tant charges, eliminated forevei from the railroad problem. All these art- evils that have forced railroads to give up part of thei"- legitimate earnings, hy a system of mercantile hriiHiidae e and liu iitsu frames, that even the shrewdes railroad mana gers cannot beat. shippers will tell the committee that lliey do not ask for a reduction in rates; that rates are low enough now, as the interstate Commerce Commission has said u half dozen limes in their reports; that all they want is u uniform rate for every body, everywhere aud at nil times, and that the railroads would give l hem that now, if the Interstate Commission would only enforce the laws against the favored shippers who have the luilwuys by the throats, instead ot howling for a power tlx future rates a rower tluv do not need to eliminate present trou bles, and one t'uey woulo not know how to exercise if they possessed it. Thev admit that neither the pro ducer nor consumer would beiielit u penny bv any rule reduction, this side of bankruptcy for the carrier, but that the broker anil middleman would get it all. -Suppose vou could ship hats from Danhury, Conn., to Louisville, for 3 cents less a hat, or shoes from Lynn to Ouiahu for 2 cents a pair less, or coffit; for a tenth of a cent u pound less from New York to ('bi ngo, said one of them to me In the ibbv of the New Willnrd Hotel here. "That would be a huge re duction in freight rates over 25 per cout. And would the consumer beiielit any by t'f Not on your life." As 1 in not a puzzle editor, 1 gave it up. orkiiigmen, labor unions, rail road employes are coming here to protest against rate reduction because they think it is going to hurt them. Perhaps if will. 1 can t tell just now, but the Democrats ought to have some one beie to answer these questions and take a front seat on the bund wagon. CIIAULKS A. EDWARDS. A Stench in the Nostrils o! Honest Men. The revenue business in North Carolina is u stench ' the nostrils of honest men, it has been made the corrupt agency of corrupt politics, it has embraced in its ranks men wnose hief business has been to steal from the government and in'imiJutc voteis. Of course there are honest men in the service but "they ccoupy a mighty lonesome position." The sessions of the Federal Court ut (ireensb uo hav shown to some de gree the wholtsulo violation ol the law bv otliciuls ami Uistilleig uml throws light upon the political and ollicial conspiracies that bait been employed to defraud the government and help the worst element in the pa-ty. News & Ubeer- " We have 110 schools and half are open all the year. All 19 town ships are organized and lb conven tions were held the past year. We have seven home departments with 200 members. Our pledge is paid up." Mr White said the good re port was because the women are in charge. Mrs C C Hubbard nt fetate o Is convention. Throat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; adeep breath irritates it; these are features of a throat cough. They're very de ceptive and a cough mix ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inflanted membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system .'. .. .'. .' Scoffs Emulsion is just such a remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new strength and vigor . . Stnd fyr f'K Uimfit :COTT 13 BOJVNE, cb,miu .yl)-4lS Prl Street, Nrw York jot. and fr.OO. Alt Jrmigtot i NORTH CAROLINA TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY Some ot those Who will Speak at the Next Annual Meeting, lune 13 to 16. Among the speakers at the Teachers' Assembly ut Greensboro June l.lth to Kith will be Dr Walter Page, Kditor of the Worlds Work: Dr .lames K Russell, of Columbia I'niversity; Prof L II Bailey, Kditor of ( ountry Life, ami Professor in Cornell University. Dr Stetson, Slate Superintendent of Public Instruction of Maine; Hon O If 1 Mur(ln state Superintendent of S C; Mr ,jpk j Crosb f Washing'.on, ) c. Migg A(,eIu MarilJ shlw of Hrnoklyn, whose recent educational articles in the Worlds Work have had wide spread attention over the country, ami Miss Puttie S Hill, Prineiiml of Louisville Kimlerirur. I ti'll 'I'l'ilillitlT Scll.ull A m.n.l ( tlu.i- litmo-nilioil o,!,,..!.,, i,,. ne,.n illvi(,,3 to be present. ThiB ill be a gret educational gathcin ahil will be continued fr three days. We would be glad to see every teacher in North Carolina attend. Judge Parker's Speech. Judge Parker's speech at the Jetf son day banquet of the New York Democratic club is full of good things. Not the least pleasing of his utterances are his remurks con cerning the Democracy of the south Hear his tribute: "Surprise is sometimes expressed that the south has remained solid. and yet, no student, whatever his , r -jiulices, could overlook the fact, that in polities there is a sense of gratitude, not for favors expected, out tor unsellish mid commandini.' services to humanity. Indeed, noth ing in ull the recorded history of mankind has lieen more patheLc, more heroic, more deserving of ad miration and sympathy than the ut- titude of I he south since 18H5. As lute would have it, their defeat war was the smallest of their woes because il could neither threaten ror brin' dishonor. But the new con test with lartisan rancor, with military power, with theft and rob. Iiery, with poverty and the inforced domination of u race lately in slave ry foiced us it was without time for recovery and that, too, in their own homes, required a courage little lees than superhuman. ".Maintaining the struggle with the one great and almost insoluble problem of our time, working nnder the most serious difficulties, coura geous in the face of many dis couragements, thcs people have manfully represented the hopes, the ideals and the tiuditious of their country and the logic as well as tlie heroism, of our national history. If any man is so foolish us to usit why llie Democratic party has been true to the south, in its tune of trial, and why this attachment has been re quited, it must be because ho knows little of history and less of human nature." High Point Graded School Commencement. The Cornier acknowledges receipt if invitation to the commencement ixerciscs of High Pcint (iraded .School, the program being us fol lows: Sunday, April 30th, 11:00 a. m. Annual sermon by Dr II W Battle, (iivenslioro, X. C. Monday, May 1st, 10:30 a. in. Class day exercises. Monday evening, May 1st, :00 p. m. Graduate speaking. Tuesday, May 2nd, 10:00 a. in. (ir.uluate speaking and graduation. luesday, -May 2nd, 11:00 a. in. Literary address, by Dr C Alphonso Smith, Chapel Hill, N. C. Graduating Class Maud Acker Anneiitiout, William li Bridges, Dee Currick, Christine Lenoru Clin- aid, Curtis II Dunn, Edith Floy Uauoitli, Ola Harris Homey, Anil ine Kearns, Lucy White liirknian, Thtirmun Mann, Vincent M Mot- :er. Ruanda Buffington Richard son, Deborah Iwis Sherrod, Esthei Smith, alley Alice Smith, Allie Gray Strickland. Marshals Edward S King, Chief, High Point, N. C. Assistants K Ernest Fallow, James llilliard, Pen a Pickett. Leroy llriggs, Walter M Cliuard, Lyndon Hums, Hubert Suchrest, John Dyre, Julius lloruev. Won A Name ol Fame. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills, have been made famous by their certain yet harmless and gentle action upon the bowels and liver. They have no equal for iiiliousness, constipation, etc. Thev do not. weaken the stomach, gripe, or make you feel sick. Once used ilways preferred. They strengthen, vild by Standard Drug Co., and J T Underwood. The May School for Women Teachers. Tin- May school for women te.w h ers will open nt the Stab' Xormul College in (ireeiisboto May 3rd This school will be conducted by train 'd and experienced teachers. A marlri- ctilution fee of ij will be charged. Tl'ia will entitle each niemVrof the school to the use of ull necessary text lmoks, and privileges of the Col lege Library. Board will cost three dollars per week. Randolph ought to send fifty of her teachers to this May school. Nothing will improve them so much in "o short a time. For information address Dr Mclver, Greensboro. No Gloss Carrlar Paint Made will wear as loug as Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, because uevoes weigBdio Bounces mors to tha pint Sold by McGrary-Redding Hardware Company MONTGOMERY NEWS. The News of Our Neighboring County. l-r- llie MoiiU'nmriun. Cotton was worth T 1-2 cents pe pound in I rov yesterday Kev .liimes Jordan, of Franklin ville, is with his brut he", Col Allen Joiuau t'i;s week Messrs J I! lilair and .1 W Pickb r are now m iv nearly ready to begin the manufacture of brick. Th-ir plant is localcd near Neediiior Jlr W 15 Cochran has resigned the piiiicip.-ilship of Troy 11 School, the same to take effect at Un close of the present term. .Messrs Miaw and t aineron, of Kandolph county, are here this week with some very hue stock Linn liussell, of Simp, Ky., is visiting friends and relatives in and neat Trov. Mr Mussel I left thi county about 3i years ago, and hi long stay trom his native county will make his visit a great pleasure to Imii and his people. Col and Mrs Allen Jordan a still very sick but signs of imiirov meiit in the condition of both can be seen. We hope to announce a mark ed improvement in our next issue. However, owing to their extreme ages, thev are still in a critical con dition Miss Murhiira Batten, whose home until recently was near Candor, died at Pee Dee one day last week. She had been a sufferer from paralysis tor i-ome tune und her death came not unexpectedly. Mr Miles Henley, of near MtOur- mel, died last Ninday ot heart disease. Mr Henley was eighty four years of age. Burial sen ices were conducted by Kev James Jor dan at Carmel church. Mr J A Euing, of Mississippi, better known in tins county us "Big Bud" Ewiug, and his young bride spent the lirst of this week with his father, Mr D I Ewing ut Sulphur Springs. Mr and Mrs Kwing were returning from a bridal tour to Falls ami other northern points of interest. An elegant re ception at the home of his father was given them Monday evening. Mr Kwing was formerly a citizen of this count v, but for the past several years he has been engaged in naval stores in Georgia. Alabama and Mississippi. Since leaving North Carolina he has accumulated unite a handsome fortune. The littl- son of Mr Janii-s Parks, of Emlicotl, on lust Sunday was tli- v'ctim of a bite from one of their Jogs that was claimed to be mad. The bite, is not considered serious being merely a bruise from the dog's teeth not breaking the skin. Merchants Purchase Tax. The returns of merchants pur chase tax in this county shows that the Mauiseur Store Co. has by far the largest in the county. The purchase tux us returned lust yeur by the manager of the Kamseur Store Co is 43,-U0.OO. The next largest in the county is the Liberty Mercantile Store, which is $-..'5,000. The third is the Naomi bulls Store Co, which is .Wl, WW. The next is the Mc- Crary -Melding Hardware Co, $20, 000, 'the Kaiidlfiimn Store Co $10, 000, Morris-Scu'-boro-Mollitt Co $18,500, Wood & Moring $18,250, Holludv-Puol Hardware Co lS.OOO. Next comes other stores on the river ind in Asheboro, but one who studies the liuures of the merchants returns in tlie county, then compares the sales claimed by some, it is as tonishing indeed how so many good.-. can lie sold, when the purchases amount to so little. Written by a Davidson County tad v. St., The Guide, a handsome little ma gazine for Kportsmen and tourists, published its Atlanta, in its lasl number, presents a number of most interesting fishing stories, writcu by II known vnu reliable anglers. The front cover page beurs u splendid picture of .Mrs II E Ilarniaii tisbing in the Kverghtdes of Florida. This number coutains a story of a day with Uie black buss, by Mr llarman, and a story ot, Mountain trout tisbing in North Carolina, by Dr Floyd M loutig of Atlanta, one of the truest sportsmen who ever shouldered a gun or jointed a rod. Haleigh l'osl. Mrs llarman was Jliss t.lla Walser, ufPuvidson county, a cousin of K-Attorney Oeuwal 7, X Walser und is a lady of brilliant attainments. She has written much for the press. Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralRia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, ' )-s of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. Rminiiiij fr..m .r c nl.nn .ir. I . KrC..,t n.. Jl I.I.....I .... In.iI.iu4 mr :lth ..-. li. Hnt ifow InMUaol Aver'a k. Kcranton. I'. i for Impure Blood Aid the fraraaparilla by keeping bowels reKular with Ayer'a y0B monev Md gKt beUer k t The job , ' Ayers THE GEUUIU Sun Cured Tobacco aroma and taste is guaranteed by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company der this tag: Learn the Genuine Sun Cured Flavor Cut out this advertisement and send, to gether with 2ft stamp, to R. J. Reynolds if Tobaci I will m Tobacco Co.,Winston will mail free a 5f Wriie four nam IS DOING A GREAT WORK. Randolph County Sunday School Association Its Aims and Its Needs. We lind that l.hero is much inis- uuderstandm in some sections of the county about the organized Sun- tluv school movement. It is not an undenominational or. ganization, but is iiiterdenoininatioii- il, all denominations working to gether for the betterment of every Sunday school in tho county. The woik which it does is ititcudcd in no wise to take the place of, or interfere with t hat done by the dciiotni nations, but merely to supplement. Its only purpose is to help. It. stands for in terdenominational co-operation aud not lor organic union It is it branch of the Slate A .-so- uition which was organized tweiitv- to i ars ago. 1 he county associa tion was oiuuied ill lsis'.l and the annual convention to be held this year m Liberty will be the sixteenth held in the countv. What arc ils aiiiis!' 1. A Sunday school within reach of every home in the county. All the members of the .iiiirch in the Sunday sell ol, all the mem bers of tin- Sunday school (who are old enough i 111 the church. :l. A Sunday School Convention nt 'eastotic-e a year, within easy reach of evciy Sunday school worker. I. A Sunday School Association in every township in tho county. A home department, a cradle roll, a normal class, and a teachers' meeting in every school. li. Uelter trained leiu-lur- in very school. 1. Finally, b-tlcr Sunday schools und belter woik done in them. What are its needs!' Its needs may he summed up in two words- workers and money. Men and women are needed to attend township conventions and help to make tliein more helpful by the in troduction of better methods. I'lof J M Way the county president won Id be jlu.l to know all who are willing to help in this way. If you can help in some of vonr Hfiglihorirg town- hips please send your name to I'rof Way at Aslieboro, at once. The expenses of the Association ;ire paid by friends and bv schools which hae seen and felt the good results of the work. It levies no as sessment on any school, and none are asked to give unless they feel dis- sed to do SO. Money is needed to carry on the work, and ccry school is asked to contribute, having the money ready by their township con vention. Kandolpli pavs yliiii.iiii a year to the State- Association, and money is needed to push llie work in the county ulso. Let schools and in- lividim!-1 contribute liberally, and we will lune the best ear in the history of the association. HAS" 1 1'. Ill IlKAUIi. Speaking of "Idealism ill lillsi ii"ss," at a bauiiiet in New York the other night District Attorney Travel's Jerome said: "The joy of iloing should be the goAcrning thought of business ami not the making of money. Many young men hesitate about going into public life because of the corruption of polities. 1 want to tell you that politicians are the biggest pack of Cowards in the world, and you can take them by the neck and shake them until their teeth rattle if you only have the neivc." Mr W E (iallimoie, of Lexington, pats up and stops. It's his privilege and beats all holler the way seme subscribers do. F'or instance we run across one every now and then who has the postmaster send us a card notifying us that a paper is "refused." A reference to oar books generally shows the man indebted for from one to three years' subscrip tion. There's a collection agency on this earth, and a berth somewhere else bemg prepared for such folks. If you don't want this paper, don't take it, but pay up and stop like a man. Lexington Dispatch. only un - Salem, N.C., and they sample of this tobacco. and adrfreaa plainly a ! I Thousands Have Kidney Tl,l U.,,., a?on.t It i IIUUUIG Oil" HCtGI. iMIiUGbl IU How To Find Oat. I-ill a bottle or common lai;s with j our wuter and let it stand twenty-four hours ; n setlunentorset tliiiKindicatesan unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too ficjuellt desire to p.iss it or pain in the back is also c.inviiieini; proof Unit the kidneys und bladder are out nf order. What To Do. There i comfort in tlie knowledge so olieii expressed, that Dr. Kilmers Kw:imn.koot. the pruaL kidney reniedv. ! fulfill overv wish in curiae rheumatism. ' pain i.i tlie buck, kidneys, liver, bladder and tverv purl of the urinary passage. il eorreels inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ue cessitv of being compelled to go ofteu dining the tlav, and to fict up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If vou need a medicine vou should have the liest. Sold by drug gists in filtv-ccnt and one-dollar sizes. Vou may have a sample Dome ana a book that tells all about it.liothsentfreci by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer S: Co., Hing- hainUui, N. Y. When Homaof Bwamp-Booe. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, aud the address. Iliughamloii, N. Y. 1 1 "Wood's Seeds. SEED CORN. Increase your crops by planting our Improved and selected Seed Corns. All of our Seed Corns are Southern-grown, acclimatized and aive much better crop results than North ern or Western-grown seed. We are also headquarters for Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, Teosintc, Cov Peas, Soja and Velvet Beans, and all Southern Forage eropa. W'ri'e lor seasonable Price List and Descriptive Catalog. Mailed free. Are You Willing To profit by the experience of otners t "After Inking your Cou ceulrated Iron und Alum Water myself, and using It in my family with line re sults, 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as cue of the best medicines to be found. We use it us a tonic, for Ihspepsia, and Bladder trouble and regard it as in valuable." .J. J. LAWSOX, Cashier Hank of South Boston, South iioston, Va. "It gives me pleasure to state that I have weed your Concentrated Water and lind it one of the best tonics on the market, and can highly recommend it to any one desiring a good appe tite, good bealtb and good feeling." J. P. LEWIS,' Photographer, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Even if your trouble is Chronic, it will cost very little to make a com plete cure, so do not fail to get a supply at once. 8oz bottles SO cU., lHoz bottles $1.00. For sule by Standard Drug Cof and Ashe boro Prog Co., Ashe- boro, N. C. J. M. ECHOLS COMPANY, LYNCHBUBO, Va, i T.W. Woods. Sons, Seedsmen,! RICIIM0NO, VIRGINIA.

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