boro cou: COURIER T5ye COURIER Advertising Columns f Bring Results. i Leads iff Both News eyid I V1 rtii1silAn e Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year, VOL. XXX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1905. No 19 NEW RAILROAD COMPANY. NEWS ITEMS. BUILDING AND LOAN. MONTGOMERY NEWS. fl -JUL ILj J B. whl Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years It has been supposed that Catarrh ol the Stomach caused Indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion csuses catarrh. Re peated attacks ol Indigestion Inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus ing ths glands to secrete mucin Instead of , I oallsd Catarrh of ths Stomach. j Kcdal Dyspepsia Cera f relieves all Inflammation of ths mucous membranes lining the stomsch, protects ths nerves, and cures pad breath, sour risMifs, sense of fullness after sating, tndlgesttoa dyspepsia and all stomsch troubles. Kodot Digests What Yoa Ut Make ta St censer otoas. Bottle only. Rrulr u, $1.00, SoWine 2tt tlma the trial elz which Mill for 50 centa. Prepared by S. a OeWITT k 00., MIcago, W. Ask for the 1905 Kodol Almanac and 200 year Calendar. Standard Drug Company, Asheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Office over Spouu 4 Holding's oturo war ctauuaru Ifntg 1 o. - DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO, N. C. Offices FirsT Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. A C McALISTER & CO. : Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur - aace. The beat coup panics represented. Office, orer the Bank of Randolph. DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. ,,,,. f 0 am to 1 jm HOI KS. 1fm (oSpn, Will luuut nt tiiwn null! M lSlh. 1M after which time ran be found at office over trie Bunk Randolph. MILLINERY! I have a large and va ried stock of : : : : New - Millineru ! To select from and my .prices are right. Come to see me. :::::. (nisa) Nannie Bslllnger. OverMerr Scarera-Mefflrt Ce. $ Iryast, Presldesl J. I. Cole, Csihlcr . Da.ttk of R.andlema.n. . R&ndleman, N. C Capital $(2,000. Surplus, $2,000. Account received na favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hsrtsell, A N Bulla, 8 O Newlin, W T Bryant, 0 L Lindsay, N N Newlin, 8 Bryant, II 0 Barker and J H Cole. O COX, President. w JARMnZLO, v-fres W I ABM riKLD, Jr., Oaehler. Th$ Bank of Randolph .Vaia.atoro, ST. C. Capital and Surplus, $36,000.00 Total Asset, over: - $150,000.00 With .mnh Bfweta nnmiH and linrtctk)a. wj)llcll tlie hiwlnmol UwlMitkiiis public aud Im1 t(e lu Mrlns w. are smand and wllllna to extend to our rUMtorMn .vary facility and ao- ooamoaauao ouuuMMit wiw mi Dausinf . DIRECTOaSi Hush Parka, Sr., W J ArmfleM.W T Wood, T a MorrU, C 0 McAllrter, E M Arm Held o R Ooi, W f aeddlns, Ben Moftltt, Tbos J Redding, A W K Quel, A N Raukln,Tbal H Heddlus, lull AibuiT. C Oos. My Work Pleases! Wheo 70a m sa easy share Ae good as barber erar gave, Just call oa roe at saj saloon. At moraing, eve or noon, 1 nit and dreee ths hair wiUi Rrace, . To eait the contour of ths face. . . . M v room u neat sad towels clean, . Hciwora sharp and nooi keen, ' And everything 1 think wi ll find. To .nit the face and pteane the mint. And all stT art and kiU caa do, t . U jo rust mil I'll do fur jos. " TOM CARTER, SassdoorWtosttidtce. NOTES AND COMMENTS.' Good roads and good schools- go hand in hand. When a man loves a woman he looks np to her bnt that is before she becomes his cook. When our children ask for an ed- ncution we do not wunt to buy: 'Our poverty is too great to give it to you, It is said that a boy or girl who has character can withstand any temptation, and be victorious in any conflict.. With a little care where roads are worked regularly and the water is turned down a side ditch there is much improvement in roads. Almost every day you hear of some one who wants to move to Ashe boro. There is a hum and in ring in the air. Every body is busy. We have a large home market to supply with fruits and vegetable, and when the home market runs over other markets will be found Take stock in the Building and Loan Association and buy you a lot and build you a home in Asheboro. The town is now growing faster than any town in the State. If you don't believe, ;ome go with us round and lock for yourself. The mills in Anlieboio give steady employmen and good wages. The morals of he town are- good. The school is as good as any in the State. It is a healthy place. That is enough. These things are like mag nates they attract. Yes, the Australian ballot will come but not until the public schools have paved the way. When every voter, like Scotchmen claim to be, can read and write, then we can and ought to have the Australian ballot. The burning of the barn and wind- will on the Holt farm, iu Davidson county, the loss being several thous and dollars, calls to mind the fact that this is probably the best farm in Slate. It is in what is known as the Jersey settlement. When you Bee a young man loaf ing and idling away his time, you wonder whtt their well-to-do and respectable parents mean. Could conditions not be improved by im pressing on th- public- mind the sin of idleness and the 'dignity of labor. District Attorney Jerome calls Jefferson a faker, lie forgets that Jefferson abolished the law of piimo geniture, put into the laws of Vir ginia the right of any man to wor ship God as he liked, founded Vir ginia's great University, to say noth ing of his Louisiana purchase out of which fourteen great States and some half dozen territories ltave been carved. The money now nsed on the pub lic roads in this county would pay the interest on $100,000 for bonds to build good roads. It would take several years to use $100,000 in building good roads, and before that much money was used in building good roads, property would be so enhanced in value and sojnuch new capital would be invested that the county wonld be more than re paid for the outlay. Somewhere we have read or heard, probably in one of the large biogra phies of Napoleon, of the horrible Passage of Beresina when the wreck of the grand army of Napoleon was madly crowding the bridge to escape the Russian and Cossack horses, camp followers and demoralized soldiers are desperately struggling for footing on the bridge, a mother was seen crowded off the bridge, sjnkiug into' the freezing waters of the river. In her arms held on high was her babe, nd after she could no longer speak, those motherly arms, holding aloft her infant to the last, made mute appeal, "Save my child!" "Let me die if I must, hat save my child." Noble humanity,' every where in the language. The wreck age and pilfering of the school funds and the poverty of a utstresed people 'made conditions such that the.. .State could not rescue many poor mothers from ignorance. So it is we caogot la every instance rescue koth meihar.and child and ever true hearted mother would do as the dying mother at Bereslna did hold op her babe in her sinking ' arms and make j the heart thrill at her ary, "Save my cniiu. Will Operate Through Several Western Counties. The Charleston, Virginia and Ohio, Kiver Kui 1 way was cnartered jester- any by tne oecrc'ary of btule. The road is to ue constructed from Charleston, S C, to Norton, Vu, and to have branches iu this State. The length of the road in North Carolina will be approximately 140 miles, and the entire length of the road including a branch in Tennessee, will be 440 milee. In this State the road will operate through the coun ties of Gaston, Cleveland, Lincoln, Catawba, Burke, Caldwell, Mitchell and Watauga. 1 he Atal authorized capital stock of the company is $2,200,000, ami this may be increased to $16,000,000. the company will commence bust ness with $500,000. The capital stock will be divided into 22,000 shares of the par value of $100 each, with the privilege of increasing the s me from time to time to 150,000 shares of a like par value, but the railway company may commence business when 5,000 shares shall have been subscribed. The names and places of residence of the directors of this company, who shall manage its affairs for the first year are as follows: W C Etwin, H L Milliieraud F P late, all of Morgan- ton, JN U; and Wui 1 Hunter, Joseph f MuUowau and Kobert Kigney, all of Mew York city. WOMAN'S STRANGE HISTORY. Born In s Hovel and Raited Is Extreme Pov rty She Founded s Million. The remains of Nannie Rich, t destitute white woman, aged about 30 years, wan buried at the public ceme tery at this place friuay. ihe fun eral Bervicts were held at the M E chureit, conducted by Kev W L Shernll. The subject of this sketch was born of the moot humble parentage 11 a hovel and grew up to woman hood iu extreme novel tv. Iu some manner she learned to read and write and the Bible was the book of books to her indeed. It was her constant companion, and by studying its pre cepts became a convert to the Christ ian religion, and her life was devoted to the service of her Master. It was her custom to visit families in her neighborhood, read and discuss the principles of morality with them, in her simple way and in so doing wielded an influence for good throughout her community. Some years (.go she held a number of Sun day evening prayer meetings at a place now known as West Chapel. The people in that section,' were illiterate, and as a rule without moral training, bnt through her efforts a substantial church has been built and has a membership of some thing less than 100, and is in a pros perous condition. The superinten dent of the Sunday school at this place is an excellent farmer and well-to-do in the world, and until recently would have much preferred to attend a prize fight than to visit any church. About every family in the community is represented by membership in this congregation, and its establishment has worked wonders in bringing about a great moral reformation in the community as a result of the faithfulness and persistent labors of this poor girl. There is a regular pastor assigned to this charge and the church is the property of the M E Church, South. Asheboro cor. Charlotte Observer. The inereaee of about $36,000,000. in current expenditures of the gov ernment during the first ten months of the current fiscal year was due chiefly to the large disbursements for the naval establishment, and in a lesser degree to disbursements for civil and miscellaneous objects and for Indians. The nvy has cost $15,000,000 more during the lat ten months than it did in tne same months of the fiscal vear 1904: the expenditures for civil and miscella neous purposes were nearly SfB.UUO, 000 greater, and the disbursements on acconut of Indians between $3,- 000,000 and $4,000,000 greater. The total expenditures for the navy in the last ten months have been $99,413,990, as against $84,400,187 in the first ten months of the fiscal year 1904. FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is Bcrofulu; in adults, consumption. Both have poor blood; both net'ti more inc. Theuo disMisi'H thrive on lenn- ikx. Fnt in the lfnt nicnns of ovt'i-couiiiiK tliem; tod liver oil .tiHkcs the best uud healthiest hit 11 ud SCOTT'S EMULSION the ensiest and most cfferlive tn in of cod liver oil. Hem's a ti.ttuiul order 67 things that diows why Scott's Emulsion in I so much value in oil cuws of HTofnlu ami consumption. Aloix nt. more weight, moie nourwh-iM-iit, that's why. . Send far. fit Humph. SCOTT it BOTOE, Chemist. 40 4IMW Street, New York fete, aai 11.00 n a II II Many Items that Are Sure to I Interest You. The High Point Daily Enterprise nun been enlarged to a live column papr. Joseph Addison Worth, of Fayette- vine, died in llarnsburg, Penn nylvania, last week. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows is holding its annual meeting at Kaleigh tuis week The Southern Railway employees ;.t the bpencer shops, about 2,000 number, picnicked at Winston-Salem Saturday. While surf bathing at Wrights- ville Beach Sunday, Mr W A Little, aged 24 years, was swept beyond his deptn aud drowned. The Lillian Knitting Mills Co., of Albemarle, btunly county, with $50,000 capital stock, $25,000 of which is paid in has been chartered. It is estimated that the truckers in eastern Carolina have lost over $600,000 because, they could not get refrigeratr cars in which to ship the berries harvostwl. -The Mt Gilead Telephone aud Electric Light Company is a new corporation foi Montgomery couutv with J R Blair, A II Ragan and K M Harris as the principal stock holders. W A Bailey, the big distiller, of Advance, Davie county, has pur chased a large distillery in Salisbury and will remove his distillery now at Advance to Salisbury and consoli date it with the one just purchased. Melvin Garner, a printer, died at Winston last week while under the. inliuence of a drug. Garner came near dvinr in ChaHotte a few weeks ago from the same cause and was only rescued by the heroic efforts of Charlotte physicians. Laredo, Texas, is a storm swept section. On the morning of April 29th more than 150 persons were killed and tuanv more injured. Twenty-live in one hotel were killed; 50 railroad coaches were blown away. The damage was not confin ed to Laredo, but there was much damage across the Rio Grande river Mexico. J C Liuney, who left Statesville last November taking with him his baby, which was at that time only ten months old, was arrested in Spartanbuig, S. C, last Saturday on a charge of assault upon his wife with intent to kill. Liinney was for a short time editor of the Carolina Mascott. There were differences be tween him and his wife which was street talk. These differences cul minated in Linney seizing his child from its mother and made off with it. A writ of habeas corpus was ob tained for the possession of the child but Linney could not be found and nothing was heard of him until ar rested in Spartanburg Saturday. He will be brongbt back to fetatesville for trial. Says Ho Helped To Burn Mr Stanley i Bern. Fred Ozment, one of the men, who is charged with setting fire to the barn of Mr Isaac Stanley " few weeks ago, has made a confession, implica ting a number nf men, whose names are withheld until tbey are appre hended. It will be remembered that he, together with Farriugton and son, were given a hearing before Squire Collins a few days ago aud bound over to court, defendants giv ing bond in the 111111 of $1,000 each Ozment made a clean breast of the affai" to Sheriff Jordan and says he was hired to help do the job. Greensboro Telegram. Trsstury Deficit. The deficit in the treasury of the United States is becoming a Berious question. The expenditures for the month of April exceeded tne income more than $9,000,000, and the treas ury deficit for the first ten months of the fiscal year is upward of $34, 000,000. Secretary Shaw has found it necessary to withdraw from the banks $20,000,000. The cash bal ance in the treasury has fallen below the point of safety. Cesklns Wrtaeut Fire. Consular Clerk Murphy, of Frank fort, Germany, reports that the "bay- box has solved in Germany the problem of a fireless stove, iood is brought to a boiling heat for several minutes in covered vessels and these covered vessels are then placed in a box filled with hay, a pillow is placed over them and the box lid is made tight. The hay keeps the pots warm for many bonis, during which lime the cooking process continues, with the result that nine-tentht of the fuel is saved, The pillow has to be dried, of conrs, after each use and the hay must be kept diy and re newed when it becomes moldy, i ood can thus be cooked with short, sharp fire before breakfast and will remain hot all day. The saving of trouble for the housewife is groat. Baltimore Bun. Time Tries' and Merit frovea. One Minnte Congh Cure is right on time when it comes to curing coughs, croup, whooping cough, etc, It is perfectly harmless, pleasant to take and is th children's favwrite congh syrup. Standard Drag Ckk, and Asheboro urug jo. How the Association Helps You Secure a Home By I'. A. 'J'oiiikiuii, of Clmrlnlte. For working people, the difference between proejwrity aud poverty may depend upon slight differences in the systems of education, labor or savings wnicn nave been afforded tnem. The object of this writiue is to discuss the bst system of savings institutions which has been devised and to show how to use it. The most successful and most advantageous system for working peo ple is that of co-operative institu tions, whereby working people may neip tueuiselves and make their own way to prosperity The most imoortant conditions which-1 conceive to be necessary for the maintenance of a successful co operative savings institution are these: (1). The development of a high respect for Christian principles. This work is naturally, to a large extent, in the hands of the ministers of the different Christian denominations, (2). The development of intelli gence and skill by education and training. The development of 111 telligenco rests upon the system of education provided by the State. The execution of the system is in the hands of the teachers. The develop ment of skill rests upon the system of industry or labor fostered by the State. The execution of the system rests, in industrial pursuits, with the employer and the workman; in agri cultural pursuits, with the farmer. These preliminary conditions are fairly well fulfilled in almost all communities in the United States Wherever they are well fulfilled human labor, when aggregated, is a most excellent basis of credit. At tome time in the past some- body discovered that human life, wlen taken in the aggregate, is a goou collateral an excellent basis of credit. Upon this theory, with proiier regaid for surroundings of industry and economy, life insurance companies have teen formed, and from very small beginnings have ac cumulated vast wealth. Nothing is more uncertain than the life of one individual. Nothing in human affairs is more certain than the aver age life of 5000 men having normal surroundings. bo also an agreement with one workingman is an uncertain basis of credit. One workingman might be dishonest, might lose his job, might get sick, or might die. Five hundred or a thousand workingmen together, however, have a certiau average con dition of continued work and pay. If one drops out, another can take his place. This makes the very best basis of credit, superior to all other forms of security. All accumulated property, except laud, is the result of past labor. Even land would have no value ex cept for labor. Buildings depreciate. 1 hey become eld aud obsolete. Cor porate securities are uucertain and hazardous. Even land itself depre ciates under changed conditions. But the labor of a country is always in the most modern form and of the fullest value. Current labor the labor ot today labor in the aggre gate when its uncertainties are eliminated, ranks, as a basis of credit, above the very best of other forms of collateral. A building aud loan Association is an institution for aggregatiug aud averaging the net tvsults of labor aud establishing it as a basis of credit. To illustrate its operations, assume that 500 people form an as sociation. They may be machinists, bricklayers, merchants, clerks, tele graph operators, etc., all working people, and all having lair prospects of regular employ mint for wages or salaries. If each member pays in $1 a month, these 500 people will save an aggregate of $500 a month. In two months the association will have $1000. This may bo used to build house for one of the members. The house, is deeded to the member for wheni it is built. The associa tion retains a mortgage on it to in sure favment of dues and interest until each other member, in turn, :s a house. This usually reou res regular payment for about six and one-half years. The member moves into bis new house. The rent formerly paid i now saved, to be applied as part of the dues and interest payable to the building and loan association, in some cases, when rent is high, the reut alone will pay dues and inter est. In such case rent money literally buys home. In all cases the rent money pays a large ortion of the instalments. At the worst, a very small additional outlay is required for a home of comparatively high value. Where houses are routed, in half the cases the rent money will pay half the oost oi the house in about six and one-half years. In a quarter of th cases the rent money will pay three-quarters of the cost. In a quarter of the coses the rent money will pay all the cost These differ ences depend on the cost of building the rate of reut and th discretion and taste of the member who builds. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles shonld be careful at this season of the year, Hot weather and drinking water contribute to tho conditions which make piles more painful and danger ous. UeWitt's Witch llaael Salve stops the pain, draws out the sore ness and cures. Get the genuine, bearing the name of K O DeWitt & 1 Co. Standard Drug Ce, and Ashe boro Pnyt, Cs. The News of Our Neighboring County. N Fruin lite Monlgomriun. Mining machinery for the Lassi ter mine on the Elisba Moore land near Queen was unloaded here, Sat urday. Miss Monnie Mclntyre has been elected a teacher in Mt Gilead In stitute to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Prof R H Skeen. She took charee of the work Mondav. Recent reports from the Elisa Moore cold mine, six miles north of Troy leads us to believe that it is one of the richest mines in this country. Some pantuls nf the pure eartn, snowing more than a peuny woignt of gold, 'there are now about 900 rural de livery routes in North Caaolina and Montgomery county has only one of tnese- wim another from out of the county running into it. Onr repub lican irieuds should not let us get leit. We failed to anuouuee in our last weeks issue, the death of Mrs J Cornelison which occurred on April the 22nd. She was an excellent lady and was held in high esteem by all those who knew her. Besides a husband and several children she leaves a host of relatives and friends who mourn her loss. Mr R M Bruton, of Wadeville. had the misfortune to lose his smoke house aud another outhouse used for tools, by fire Tuesdny nieht April 25th. The smokehouse was first robbed of about 700 lbs of meat and was then set on fire bv the robber or robbers. No clue as to who the in cendiary was. There is a story of late that a man who recently married not a thousand miles fr"m Troy was -expected at two places on the day of the event and that the two young brides were waiting in readiness. However, as the story goes, only one the lucky or the unlucky one was led to the bymenial altar, while the other retains her maiden cog nomen. J R Blair left yesterday for Rock ingham on business. From there he ill go to Ihomasville where he will join Capt M L Jones and they will go over and personally inspect the two routes under contemplation for the Southbound railroad. One of the routes under contemplation is down this side of the Pee Dee by ay of Eldorado and Mt Gilead and then across to Wadesboro. The other route, is to cross the Yadkin somewhere above or about Whitney, and from there out to Mt Pleasant, and on to Monroe. In the election held here Tuesday the following ticket was electel: Mayor I K Saunders, republican. Marshal U B Jordan, democrat. Commissioners CA Armstrong, R W Frazier, Barua Allen, J C Bruton and C C Wade. There being two democratic candidates for mayor made the condition such that I E Saunders the republican candidate was elected by about 20 majority. Mr Saunders bos been mayor before and we are satisfied that he will make as good one as any man of his party. Ihe following named persons were drawn as jurors for July term 1905: B L Allen, J Hall, Spain Harris, W S Yates, G S Beaman, H C Mason, J W Gieen, J S Moore, James Hicks, W S Dennis, B J Leach, G W Morris. L L Ross, C C Calicutt, Wiley N Harris, E W Saunders, Matcom McMillan, U M .ovington, James Livingston, M L Hurley, Alfred C Cagle, A L Staley, W 11 Carpenter, J N Park, R N utrel, T A Graham, W D Pool, Alex McCaskill, W C Robinson, S E oe, Elkanah Moore, Sam frazier, J C.Atkins, W F McMaster, W M Bostick, Malcoiu McCaskill. Captain Hobten to Wed. The engagement of Miss Grizelda Houston Hull, daughter of Mr and Mrs George H Hull, of Tuxedo Park, N. x., to Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson, has been announc ed. On account of the recent death of Captain Hobsoa's father, the wedding which has been set for May 35tb, will be very quietly celebrated without formal invitations or an nouncements, at the home of the bride's parents in Tuxedo. Only relatives and a few intimate friends will 1 present. ' Miss Hull i grandniece of .former Governor Houston, who appointed Captain Hobson's father, Judge James M Hobson, then a young lawyer, t till a vacancy on the beach of Alabama. Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil dren become sirce and well by taking Ayer's -jrsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla The change is ;iy prompt nd very mark j. Ask your doctor why it s. He has our formula and will explain. "WIm!! II whim tri. ...rmanv itnthf no BolhMCht I roitHt hv of IbtoMoeS. r)l. In a row wok. Avor KtrMparllla com. leloW wtnrA iim- lit li-ilth" til B. Hi reaie-sa,VlaaUn. W.. SIS) a Settl. r. aysr ftf).. A'll'iiw lot The Children ltiliuense,ro. Ayers rlftiitlort s)rsirit r to evith Aysr's fun. vary. Cuis trie I TOBACCO Ml is the largest seller, cut out this advertisement . and send, together with 2c stamp, to R. J. Rey- nolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C, and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your name and address plainly. r NOTES AND COMMENTS. No county ever amounted to much without good roads. Good roads will make the poor more rich and the rich man richer. Good roads induce desirable citi zens to locate in the neighborhood. Learning is oue kind of crop which once sown, is certain of a bar vest. Good roads like good schools help town and country, rich and poor alike. Good roads insure goed attend ance at church, therefore good roads promote Christianity and good morals. In climbing the ladder which leads to success it is persperation and not pull which makes the best kind of motive power. The causes for less drinking is due iu a large measure to the disfavor which both the social and business would both show to men who have become slaves to liquor. The local editor of the Union Re publican recently writes of "hiring" lawyer. This evidently escaped the "vigilant" eye of the editor who is himself a lawyer. Those who know successful men best soon learn their genius is not heaven-born, but simply the result of the very closest, application of the hardest and most conscientious tudy. The Civic Association is the name under which the Standard Oil Com pany is seudiug out much literature justification of Standard Oil methods, especially referring 'o the trouble with Kansas, and in reply to Miss Ida M Tarbell's strictures. A Russian method of curing warts is to take a sua glass and focus the rays of the snn on the wart 30 seconds. Do this two or three times a day, aud the wart will disappear in a week or twj. The same treat ment is also good for lupus growths. The North Carolina Regimental History of the Civil War is s most valuable publication. It is publish ed in five volumes. A complete set is to be given to each rural library n the State. These books are of great value and should be read widely. In the days agone the farmer was. we might says, independent not so now, for the poorest and most frugal must purchase many thing. In primitive days the clothes of all members of the family were often made from cloth woven in the farm house. People drink less liquor now than formerly and have less patience with habitual drunkards. The Atlanta Journal says there is not so much liquor drunk iu Atlanta as formerly; The Richmond Times Dispatch says there is net so much drinking in Richmond, and it is so in all Virginia and so it is elsewhere. The Wilkeeboro Chronicle is anthority for the statement that the Commissioners of Wilkes county have released Spencer Blackburn of all taxes charged against him be cause he is not s citizen of .Wilkes. boro, and yet Spencer grew red in the face during the last campaign when it was charged against him that he was not resident of "de ate" but lived in GresBsboro. He actually moved np U Wilkeabora for short pell during the campaign. Cften The Kidneys Are Weakened by 0?er-Work.- Unnealtby Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only, urinary aud bladder troubles were to -be' traceu 10 ine moneys, bnt now , jnsdem; science proves that -nearly nil diseases bave their. beginning in the disorder ot these most important organs. Wl lli r TUe nuer iXT "nd r"fy the blood- that is tbeir work. Therefore, when your kidneys are west or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected snd -how every organ scents to fail to do its duty. . . If you are sick or ' feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If vou are sick vou cau mate no mis take by 6rst doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koor., tne great kidnev remedy, is soon realized. H stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing esses, and is sold . an its merits by all syvy druggists in fifty-cent II' and one-dollar size I , -f : ttfu' 3 . bottles. You mnv -fajiifti7 jjr fc3 nave a sample bottle naM ot swap. Root, by mail f rre, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing- . hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root,' Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the sd iress, Binghamton,,N.Y.,on every bottle. . Jersey Male Calves at a Great Bargain with such breeding as Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Pan-American 1901; General Merrigold sire of twenty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Address, JOHN A. VQUNG, Greeri-dioro, N. C. W. D. 8TEDMAN & CO. i Dealer la Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Depot St. West Side Railroad. Moved 5 5 ,.3pavingr bought out the grocery business of Jos. Norman I have moved i to the building formerly occupied by Morris & Scarboro , NEXT DOOR TO HOLLAOY. POOL HARDWARE CO. . on Depot street, where I will be glad to see all my old customers and new ones, two. W. W. JOffES. - i Carolina, . .4 Stock, and Poultry Frm; O. U. Hinshw Frpp., RMts Ne. I. CSaMS.f6. Simile t'nmb Brawn leAium kni Kir rod Prrmoadi Roes Chickens. . . . , . r Iran regtstsfed sts. Fonr flret Trtnniras Horn Ml ( Vtttnit I 'mm lins Fair, also 10 tnts, a second nad Ume ' taird puinia ost Chiosna. - ii npe 4ur 1.00. Writ for prices oa piga sad fualtry. , ro v! i.JI 1 1

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