mm I tr EBORO COURIER.! 56 COUMER J Advertising Columns 5 Bring Results. . X 6 COURIER Leads in.Both News and Circulation. I ess Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year; VOL. XXX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1905. No 40 i H M S' B-j A JL JLJ.JLJ JLO DeWitt DaWTtt'e witch Hazel Salve la ih erltlrul and only famine. In fict DaWltt'sIs tha only Witch Hual Salve that la mad (ram tha unadulterated Witch-Hazel AS others an counterfeit, bass Imi tation, cheapane wortalass evsn dancaran. DeWltrs Witch Hajal Sain m n to . Braises. Sprains, Lacerations, knt, Bolla, Carbuncle a. Ecu ma. '. Salt Rhsum, and all othar Sua SALVE FUP1IID er E.C. DeWitK Co., nice V - Ask for tho 1905 Kodol Almanac slid 200 rear Calendar. Standard Drug Company, Asheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician and Surgeon, I ASHEBORO. N. C. Office over Spoon A lledtling'i nclard Dntg Co. DR. D. K. LCTOKHART, f DENTIST, I Asheboro, N. O. office: VIW THIS BANK. X I La M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Often hut profeadoDal service to the f ciUaenaof;Ahtbor9ndurrui:ii'llng i. comrauiilfr. OOoea: At Residence- J. V. HUNTER, M. D.f Asheboro, N. O. Vay calls answer! faun either tm 1 Night cilia from renitleco in frunt of flunk Kos'n resulenra. ;ore. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Nitrous Oxi and Oxygen for pniuless Ex-.-vetions iffloes First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. fire, Life and Accident InBur 1 ance. :.The Wt eompanics represented. OfEcce 4rr ihe Iiunk of Randolph. ' Bryiot, President J. I. Cole, Cashier I 13he jtxiik of R.andlemo.n, I Randlerrian, N. C. itphal $IZ000. Surplus, $2,000. i AccounU received on favorable arm. Interest paid on savings de Mits. f Directors: W K Hartsell, A N folia, 8 O Newlin, W T Bryant, C h Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, I O Barker and J II Cole. COX. President. W 1 ARMFIELD. V-Prat I . W t ARIiriKLD. Jr., Cashier. lie Bank of Bandolph, 1 UlaaxsVboxo, IT. C pitsl and Surplus, Jbtal Assets, over 36,OO0.00 $150,000.00 wirt. imnk anfHanre slid nrotcctlon, jollctt tbe kunineaa tlie banking public and l sale In saTlni we are prepared and willing uxtend Ut our rutfmners everv facility aud ac- aaodatton eotuuknt witn aaie nansina;. DIRECTORS! ne Pares, Sr.. W J Armflelct.W P Wood, P 1 -T-f. I f. WoAllMjir. K If Armfleld. O K Col a.Ml Unimi Th J He ddlrur. A W ipeU AM Kan kin, Tnos H Deddluf, lull fblU7.C J Co. . My Work Pleases! 'htm joa wish an wj shave i Aa good aa barber ever gave, just call on me at mj aalooo, 1 At moraing, era or noon, I evt and dreaa the hair with grace, 1 To anit tlte ronton r of tbe face. fj room is seat and toweia clean, . riciaaora tliarp and raaora keen, knd eTerythtao I Uaiiik tou'11 find, r To suit the lace and tilcaae the mind, id U tnj art and aklll ean do, il fm Just cull I'll do for jroa. i: ; TOM CARTER.. Next door to Poatcfior. shcboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) Taeraaablr renoraled aud Rerurnianed ,ble supplied with tha beat the aiarket 'orda. Rates Beeaotubat, - B. f. HE WHY, Prop WASHINGTON LETTER. 1 holders of the company. You may remember that Roosevelt abolute- I ly refused to interfere anil Allowed Our Washington Correspondent things to take their course. Any WrUoe Intoi-octinnlu nf Mat.'renson for this? It looks to a man iii iiv iiiivi vgrniiji" v ters Before the Public Eye. 8pcclnl Correspondence ol thu Conner. Washington, I). C, Oot. 1905. I 1 don t like to do tbe "1 told vou ; so act," but the recent collection of $25,000 in tines from four representa tives of a big beef house in Chicago, for violation of the .hlkius liuw against railroad rebates, puts me in mind of the fact that in several of my lettcis I have said that there was law enough on the statute books at tbe present time to raise Uaiu witn both of tbe railroads tbat the ship pers who have been participating in these rebates if it were enforced This littk Chicago incident proves it. It is trne that the offence was committed some time ago when the paying of rebates was qmte the fashion, Since the railroad rate agitation has been on, the fashions have changed and railroad compan ies are not paying rebates as a rule. Uemacocues mav still tell you tney are but the facts are agin 'em. Yon tiuiv have noticed that the fellows who paid the Ones were em ployes and not members of the firm. The big fellows got away just us big fish Morton slipped off the hook af ter the President's investigators of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Ve case had him safely hooked and were ready to land bin. It strike s me that these little lish gave up a hopeless fight and were landed eufe ly in the government attorney's creel so us to call off attention from the big fish that the government was nominally after, but who so far it has failed to land. I5etween you and I, I don't think they will fish in that hole much longer. Tedily has managed to secure a little political capital for his HJiand Old Tarty," and as other members of the Beef Trust gave up $100,000 to help elect him, I am bettiug that they will be allowed to go Scott free, just ai Paul Morton whs after ex-Attorney-ueuer- al llinmon had him hooked. I wouldn't be surprised if Teddy should order his local representative there to help out Armour, Dawes, Swift, Morris, Cudahy and the rest of the bunch of big rebaters, just as be helped Paul Morton when the re bate business was fixed on him, and a big fine or a long term of imprison ment stared him in the face. Teddy is pretty good to his friends who come to the front with contributions as did the managers of the three big iNew York life insurance com mutes and the members of the Beef Trust. These fellows who were fined out in Chicago were not on the list ot campaign contributors though their principals were 1 think that the uepublicans are using this in cident for all it is worth to show what a mighty good and law obey- ng party they are. Along last summer I wrote that if Koosevelt was really in earnest in his desire to have the law against re bates enforced, he had all the law be needed on the statute books to pun ish the offenders. He got a little more of it than he wanted in the Morton case, and then decided that it was against corporations and not persons that he wished to act. 1 wonder if be thinks the public is going to be satisfied when he has the charters of tbe Atchison, Topeka & santa fe, of tbe Armour racking Company and of the Hutchinson Salt Company sent to states prison for as loug aa the parchment on which they are written lasts. That would seem to be .the only possible outcome of the position he takes that yon can t prosecute men who make political contributions &ni must confine yourself to non-cor poreal bodies. They don t amount to much more than the paper on which their charters are written. If he would get a hustle on and have i few of the men who own these char ters Gned as the law provides, I think he would make a greater hit with the common run of people aud prove his sincerity. The chances are, however, that men who might be punished, bat who made contri butions to the campaign fand, will be white-washed just as Morton was, while the Republican National Coin? mittee will continue to hold up the railroads and trusts for political con tributions and blackmail I wonder if it was because the bis railroad corporations refused to be held up by the Republican National Committee for contributions to the Roosevelt campaign fund at the last election, that our estimable President is so very hot after railroad rate regu lation by a political commission. Certain things that have happened lately wonld suggest that there is a good deal more than probability that this is a fact, and that bis posing as a friend of tbe "dear people is all Kooseveitian tlua. At the insurance investigations nw in progress in New York, it has already been brought out in swora testimony tbat the INew York Lafe Insurance Company paid $50,000 to his campaign fund, and in two years had paid similar amounts to the Re publican Kational Committee. This is aummeuij tne result oi merely scraping tbe lurfaoe. It is certain to be developed tbat the Mutual Life and Equitable life contributed at least as much and possibly more to the same fnnd front the savings of the policy holders for tho benefit of their widows and orphaus. Perhaps yon remember when t,.e Equitable scandal was first nneartb- ed an appeal was made so Mr. Rons - vcltto step in and protect tbe policy .up a tree as if there was u mighty good reasoir for it and that reason lay in the liberal contributions of money to the campaign managers that succeeded in electing Roosevelt. It has not been brought out in testimony yet, .but it is very well known, that the Uhicujo iseet 1 nut contributed $100,000 to that same Koosevelt campaign fund. You know they did not do it simply bo cause they loved Teddy. Think they did? How about that Ourtield report that white-washed the whole bunch and showed them to be tbe greatest philanthropists that ever existed, instead of a lot of blood suckers who were raising tbe price of meats to the poor and make every body cough up for the benefit of their own pockets. There may have been no connection between that $100,000 contribution and that Gar field white-washing report, but i Teddy did not have a hand in muk ing the white-wash, then some of the best informed men in the coun try are greatly mistaken. it was a well known fact and widely commented on during the campaign that the railroads had laid down on Mr. Cortelyou. and had re fused to contribute something like hall a million dollars that he n ant ed th m to cough up to help elect Teddy. I wonder if that bad any thing to do with Roosevelt's sudden ly aroused antagonism against the railroad managers, and his m-.irc to take the control of the railroads away from them imd put it in the hands of a political ccin mission which he liini- !elf appoints or controls. Was Roosevelt's refusal to interfere in the insurance candal due t the fact that they helped him ou'. at election time? lia bis suddenly t'.i'ouwd antagonism to the present system of railroad management been caused by the fact (hat the railroads refused to contribute. to his c.mipaign fund:" U1IAS. A. UrVARU3. Factory at Julian. A factory for the manufacture of chair stock is to be built nt Julian iu this coiintv.- Dwelllug Home Burned. On Monday of last week tbe dwelling house of Tabias Julian who lives between Milboro and Worth ville was burned, together with all of the household property. The cause of the fire is unknown. Family Influence Saved Him. J iidcS B-yd yesterday turned Lum Staley, a blockader, out of jail upon his payment of a fine of $100. This light sentence was caused largely bv respect for the feelings of a brother in High Point, who is a very.worthy citizen. Greensboro Telegram of Oct. 9th. Mr. Hatch Promoted. Mr. J. Leonard Hatch who bus been in the freight billing depart ment of the Southern railway located at Greensboro, was recently promot ed to law agent of tho southern with headquarters at Spencer. Ran dolph is in Mr. Hatch's territory, me enure territory hit. has is about 400 miles of railroad. Mr. J. S. Caldwll, who succeeded Gen. V. Glenn and had the territory including Randolph and Davidson and other counties continues with the company with headnuareers at Greensboro, having for his territory the roads east and north of Greens boro. Some Scasoaable Advice. It may be a piece of su perilous ad vice to urge people at this season of tbe year to lay m a Supply of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It is al most sure to be needed before winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is con tracted and before it has become set tled in the system, which can only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by Standard Drug Co., Asbcboro, JN U and Asheboro Drug Co., Asheboro, N C and W A Uu derwood, Randlemau, N C. We much regret to hear of the death of our old friend Anderson S. Fox, of Matthews township, who died on last Saturday, aged about 72 vears. :Deputy sheriff W. U. Gil- more, of Gulf township, captured an illicit whiskey still, on last Fridar. about four miles southwest of Gold- stoti. The persons who were oper ating it made their escape. It is said that there are several more "blockade" stills in Gulf township. After a long sickness Delaua Brewer died at thh place on last Snnday, aged 84 years. She was a daughter of Mr. Abncr Gunter, who for many years before tbe war was the register of deeds for so long a time tbat be was generally known as "Register Gunter," and was over ninety years old when she died. For nearly naif a century she had been a devont member of tbe Episcopal church at this place. Chatham ltecoru. There is talk of a ocw veuecring fatory at High Point, to make 'quartered oak veneer and other high ! grade veneering, This will be third veneer raciory lor ntgn roiur OUR RALEIGH LETTER. An Adverse Criticism of The Clansman. Raleigh Will En tertain at Fair. The Strenu ous Life of the Governor. Gorman News Bureau, Raleigh, N. C, October 9, 1905 Tom Dixon's stage production, Th Uiuiis nail, which was presented lie- in two performances before audiences limited only by the capacity of the theater within the last week, has provoked a great deal of discussion pro and con, and has fallen heir to more criticism, both favorable aud unfavorably than any play that has over been put upon t he theatrical boards in Kiileigh All this of course serves to more fully advertise tho production and increase the size of its audiences and therefore swell its financial income, The primary object of a playwright and the theatrical managers is to produce and present a play that will earn money for its creators and managers, and judged from this standpoint alone 1 lie Ulansmau has so far proved au unquestioned suc cess and all the indications point its continued financial success in the South at least. How it will be re ceived in other parts of the country is yet problematical. Jiut it ni.ty be suggested here that if "unci lonis (Jabin companies could come Nmth and make money (and they have been doing fo for twenty years and more) the "Clansman" ought to be able to draw houses in the Jorth and West. At any rate it seems to be clear that Mr. Dixon is certain to reap a fortune from the play, realiz- ng a net prolit which will probably be larger than that secured fiom the publication and sales of the two novels upon which it is based. lint, aside from tbe pecuniary in tcrests of those interested in placing it upon the stage, this writei fail to see the lit cessity of featuring such a production as the '-Clansman" in this dav and generation, notwith standing the fact that Mr. Dixon has stated that he regards the play as his greatest work. As the reader knows, the play deals with political events and social conditions in the South during the dark days of the "reconstruction" period, in the latter sixties, and it features the secret or- .,,ni-,at;,m L-. K.k-l,,v- llan which tbe native white people resorted to in order to protect their homes and families from the incen diarism aud ravages and rapine of the worst element of negroes who were largely instigated and led on by worse white men, who had or ganized ihem into a secret order known as tho Lniou League. ihe best purpose which hc plav serves is that it shows that theKlan was not the criminal organization which it has been described to be and generally believed to be by the people from other sections of the country; tha; its existence was born of a high and holy purpose, although it is an historical fact that later on some unworthy men secured mem bership in the ixlan and debauched it and used it to unworthy and at times cruel ends. As to the rendition of the play and the personnel of the actors car ried by the company which appear ed here, it is faulty in several re spects. In the Jrst place, the strong est actor and the best stage presence, the tinest physical specimen ot man hood in the cast, is given tbe charac ter of Sila Lynch the lieut-governor of South Carolina to portray, who i depicted as an insolent ambitious mulatto who thorougly hates the Southern white people, who becomes governor pro tern, aud arrest) and humiliates lien Cameron, the Clans man's leader, and whose ambition and attempt to court and uvtrry a white woman (the leautiful daugh ter of the Yankee Stoneman who had preached social equality to the negroes, and Ben Cameron's aflianced bride) is flouted in the face of the audience in a too realistic manner, while the defeat of the negro's plans by Stoneman and Cameron and the Klan, through the timely warning of a girl member of the Klan, is hurriedly depicted in a much less effective manner. The audience leayes the theatre with a bad taste in the mouth, distressed-or disgust ed with the impression tbat the ne gro lieut-gov. was made the strong est character, which they all know to be historically aud actually un true and impossible. . lialcirh is putting on gala attire. in honor of the State Fair and the coming of President Roosevelt next To be sure, you are growing old. But why let evtrybody see it, in our grty hair? Keep your hair dirk and rich and postpone age. If you will Hair Vigor only use Ayer'a Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all -the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. Mas. U. H. Buavia. Uacrta, Ulna. Si at s kottie. f . Tan rn. i for White Hair wesk, and the greatest crowd that ever assembled in the capital city win ne nere. i win again remit intending visilois that Ihe prtsi ueutial party will be here unti one o clock Thursday and that the I resident s speech will be deln'ere at the fatrgounils ubout noon that day. All tho excuisiou trains are scheduled to arrive here before noon and there will be given all a opportunity to eee and hear th I'resideut. HOMES FOIt KAMI V1SITOHK. Many of your readers will probu bly learn with pleasure that arrange ment has been perfected for provid ing temporary homes not merely sleeping accommodations, but pleas and comfortable stopping places tor a large number of visitors to the State Fair in private families of residents of Raleigh, many of them with the best people in the citv. The citizens have responded to th appeal made to them through the purely patriotic Sjiint and the price vnien visitors will be charged, in stead of being exorbitant (as is the case usually in such cases) will be only nominal. In this way it is ex pected tnat about 5,000 will be cared for in private homes as many days in the week as necessary. I know that this will be grateful news to the ladies of the State, so many of whom wish to remain at the Fair longer than one day. Of course the hotels and regular boarding houses and several temporary hotels that are being fitted up will be able to care for several thousand others at night. Nevertheless, the ladies who can do so had best make ar- angementffor stopping places early s possible. J. nose having ac- iuaintance8 here can get them to re serve places for them before they 'art. ur any one can address the liairman of the committee in charge of this feature, to wit, Charles J. Parker, Capital Club Bldg., Raleigh, and rese; ve accommodations. W hlft you get here stop and inquire at the n formation bureau Capital Club building, M.-trtin street, two blocks from tho Union depot as you go in to me city. Gov. Glenn is iu Washington to day (Monday') where he went to ex tend formal invitation of the city of uaieigh aud the otate to the i'resi- nt to visit us next week. Tomor row the governor will be in Greensboro for the purpose of form ally opening the Central Carolina Fair which is be ne; held there this week. Thurs- lay he will perform the same courte sy at the Murfreesboro Fair. When he gets back to Raleigh Friday he will consider the petition for the pardon of W. R. Murray, of Durham, ! sentenced to two years oa tbe reads for killing a kinsman of the same name in a fight last fall. I be new editors of the Archive, the college magazine Trinity College are to be congratulated upon the excellence of the current number of that interesting publication. The editors this scholastic year are: B. Underwood, editor; C.J. llar- rell, asst. ed.; W. M. Smith, bus. mgr.; T. N, Wrcnn, asst. mgr. In the law department of Trinity the College Court was organized last week. I his is not the ordinary "moot court" but a court of appeals and only matters of law will come before it. A nisi prius court will be organized soon. Prof, Minis' new book, the Life of Sidney Lanier, is being extolled by the magazines in the highest terms. Governor Glenn spoke at Warren- ton last Saturday to the biggest turnout of farmers that ever assem bled there on a like occasion. He received a regular olden-tim" "Zeb Vance welcome" and in his speech he dwelt upon the necessity of or ganization ameng the farmers ia or der to secure the best prices for the products ot the farms. The slump in the price of raw ootton during the past week is be lieved to be only temporary and the officers of the State and National Colten Growers Association are urg ing the co (ten growers not to inai ketany cotton at the present piioe which is below ten cents, if all tbe farmers, or even the majority of them will give heed to this advice it is believed that the price of cotton will very soon again rise to figures above ten cents. The greatest dis advantage that the southern farmers have to contend with id the past has been lack of organization and conse- itient lack of concert of action. Now that they seem to be in a fair way to secure an effective organiza tion through the Cotton Growers Association they should all go into the organization, for in no other way can they adequately protect themselves from the speculative sharks who have for forty vears reaped the bulk of the profit made on each years cotton crop. LLEWXAM Mr C L Cotton, of Albemarle. formerly of Montgomery county, and a son of the late Col John Cot ton, aud Miss J Howell, of Salis bury, were married in Slah-sville on Oct 4th. Mr and Mis Cotton will make their future home in Okla homa. W B Lucas, known as "Boy" Ln cas of Montgomery county, during bis tnai and just before tbe iury in the federal court at Greensboro last week returned a verdict against him for irregularities iu the liqnor business, left for parts unknown and baa not been seen siuce. Lucas failed to appear at the last term of tbe federal court before this when John Skinner Allen a well kuown oitizen of Montgomery was on his bond. SKILLED LABOR. Labor Organizations are Here to Stay. Foreign Labor Has Shown its Worth in Rhode Island and Minnesota. r-roni Nous. observer. Mr. Thomas M. Robertson. for. uierly member of the House of Representatives from Randolph mii iite svlin h.L lw.1,1 ,., innin.i( and responsible position for twelve years with the Department of Labor and now with the Department of Commerce, is in the city on business nonnoPtn.1 with fhi. mvo.t.o.itlno f th. l.,nri,,.,,t n;0 7 w . Wade Robertson, 'is a senior in the!?!,D.u i8,n?'p greatest State in the A.& M. College, and by invitation an. itobertson ("the old man") de liveied an nddrr-s. In thn hova in fho A . M I'M!,, nV,noi ;..ijnn iiinriiino Ho rrnio i,om 'Lo o J sel and his speech made a great hit. "Thiq iiisHintimi hua nlwap. Lan ....., ,.i... i i.: l" " : u-ase H do something. From thu time that men in this ; State did nothing but plough and noo until tile present, when men must be trained to use the best farm! machinery to put the raw cotton in-! to the finished product, to convert 1 the timber into the best furniture,! to run the machinery of everv: -sci iption, we bave had to deal ' with labor. Labor is the most vital : roblcm that confionts us today.,1 it has not been a problem but is now I problem and a serious problem, i he day has passed when skilled ; men can be picked up at any time, i We have been consoling ourselves of the false notion that we had the best. labor, but we can t console ourselves any longer. The great reason for' our slow progress in agriculture is ; the poor quality of millstone about, thp iippIc i.f own iminntrv nf South and the time has come when,?' the rBCei,ve, The Ryder-Cramer the tope must be cut. Wagon Works at Ihomasville at the 1 he next question is what kind of labor must the industries have.-' i) v kind of white laborers are bet- than the negroes. Take the Italian, French, or any kind if von . i ant j i' st so it is not the negro, ant you, young gentlemen, to stndy the inlhieucc of the foreigners. Rhode Island has more than 00 per cen(. ot its population foreigners ho were born outside that State ; and there you see every industry de-1 p nlioil tn lta hlftllaaf. flprrl'oo. Mm- i nesota is a great agriculture State and mare than 50 per cent, of its population is foreign. Some people I ho do not know what thev talk about sav that all big strikes and ! iota rise irom foreigners, but this Hot so and it can tbe proven. Rockingham Headlight says that ritoiti.KMS that confront us. ' Mr J C Fox of Randleman has ac "Ijibor organization. It in prow- cepted a position in the store at that ng stronger and stronger each year lid WC UlUSl llltorm OtirSelyeS OI ItS: principles and tieai witn it accord- It is here to stay and it ought to stay. I am not an altruist: utnue hi uiaiiig evui uuiij, nuui one man and giving it to another-, bot I do lelieve iu giving the labor-1 ng man a fair show. Laborers have the right to organize to protect themselves from their superiors in ' ealth aud intelligence. Labor or- ganizations have done more to edn- j cate themselves than everything elseialysis lust week combined. Reforn theio were nnv i labor organizations men did not have; ti me to improve their intellects. Work from sun to sun makes a man au animal. Labor L nions say tnat men shall not work more than eight or nine hours per day, and by this lystem men have some time to read nd study, i he best educated work- ng men arc those where labor or ganizations exist. The Hon. t . L, Douglas, now the Governor of Massa- husetts, wits ene among the tirst, it not the first man in the United Statesi R. B. Ritchie resigned his oosi to adopt a nine-hour system of labor tion with the Albemarle Furniture on the proposition that his laborers (Jo. a few davs ago, and will join his were to organize themselves for social brother C. V. Richie, of New Lon and other"benetits. And it was his ion, in the lnmbcr business at some eeliugs for the laboring class that I responsible for his election as Governor. Labor organizations do; not always do right and theie is of ten turmoil and strife but these can be controlled bv a board of arbitra tion. Labor is more profitable at the North than in the South bt cause it is more intelligent. It costs more to spin a pound ot yarn in isoriu Carolina than it does in New Eng- The season's first cold mav be slight may ueld to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer; n win uc muic troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Kmulsion is a preventive as well as a cure, laice in'8 EJIIE81 vhen colds abound and . ott'll have no cold. Take it v hen th cold is contracted iid it checks inflamma 'on, heals the membranes f the throat and lungs .nd drives the cold out. Stnd for free tAmpU. SCOTT & BOVINE. Chemists 40-41i Pearfelreet, lew Vara land, while the latter gets more for its product because he has ellicient labor. Out labor is not skilled and never will be until we have labor or ganized. A bale of cotton manu factured in North Carolina in 1900 brought $75 and a like sized bale I manufactured in New England at j tne same lime orougni $1U0 lor tile , ''"'Shed product. We have a great ' lnany """-'fate people here and yon I J0""" ? to see that this I state oi anaus is CflangPd. unit ex- 'f,".81,lg y?u,r-''vw for "ot doing V" "fB "nu 1,,cc lnpm s'l,arf y I V-iif'o , , , ' lle ,So'lth has lmd. tt,. rc,,t " we cannot nve on me S'ory oi our uncestors. JNortn uar , , , m,al .ue 11 J'011 Jg uu.t' u " ri -T ! nru lts timber "t furniture, manu- lacture us cotto into the nnest fabrics, till the soil to best advantage ! TV"6 7''8 proV''. "It0 i ' butterand meat. These are , ie occupations mat win make vou lim:.t ;KooM ;,1 . . """(, mon?7 anu " fver.v om 01 wcuraiions we devemped to . v.w. u..iuo f greatest otale , lne Ln,on NEWS ITEMS. Many Items that Are Sure to Interest You. Gieensboro is to vote on saloons 00 November 14th. ,i. . . . Orphai Mr J P Redding is to build a block of stores in liieh Point. . , , , Stewart W Cramer has purchased r,"'CU4 -i,uvu. Ex-Sheriff Frank Williams, of , Davie county, either lost oi had sto len from lum $370.00 on the last day of the Winston- Salem fair last i. ' week. Winston's oldest Druggist, Dr V O Thompson, died Oct. 5th. He served through the Civil war Captain of Co C and Sergeant in the fifth Regiment. An ""nburg Exchange says ".at Mr K r. Lice has chestnuts that B'e,gu as mucn as two. aml a Hr uuu "u KU u"-llra lu cumtcrenee. The Cordova corrcpondeut of the i"y Tli a nir iinrf fllunn TA'illinmi. whi(,h wag g0, for trill at (Jieeus- unrn r,w! r.m.rt Wt. u-ook- una contmueii owing to the illness of his wjje anj t w, fcc liCar(l at gpecial term bcgiuniu2 Oc1, J4th. Mr Alfred Bmith, living near Jackson Hill in Davidson county and father of G F Smith, piesiding elder of Warrcnton district, is criti cally ill. He wits stricken with par Mr W R Udell, of Loncord, has gone to Nashville, Tenn. to take up his duties as president of a cotton mill says the Textile Exchange. Mr C F Tomlinson of the Tom linsou Manufactory Company, was recently elected president of the High Point Manufacturers Club and Mr A E Tate, of the Tate Furni ture Company,was elected secietary and treasurer. point in Montgomery county. Mr Richie is a flue young man of good business qualifications nd he iscoi dially liked iu Albemarle. Stanly Enterprise. The Grand Jury of the Federal court at Greensboro last week found bills of indictment against the aher iff and jailor of Forsyth county and the sheiiff of Davidson county for an escape. The charge being grant ing privileges to the prisoners con fined in the jails uuder sentence of the L nited States court. D L Arey who began his sentence under the fedeial court for three months iu Rowau county ,jail last week is worth more than a quarter of a million dollars. He also paid I the cost ef the case $1600, a fine of ent mfiQ0 B,eged to ha taken by Arey for refilling packages etc. Three policy holders in New Tork Life Ins. Co. have brought suit to recover the $150,000 paid bv John A McCall and George.W Per kins, vice president of the Hew York Life Insurance Company of Mew York, paid by said officers out of trust funds and without authority to republican campaign funds. It is also said that suit wili be institut ed to recover $ 235,000, which Mc Call testified bad been plaoed with lawyer Andrew Hamilton. This money is said to bave been used to debauch ana buy up legislators. Girls if you want red lips,' laugh ing eyes, sweet Vreath and good looks me llollister's Rocky MoVfclajo Tea. Tie greatest beantilier VntWD.- ?5 cents, Test or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co. Jersey Male Calves at a Great Bargain with such breeding; aa Gold en Lad first srize winner over all Jerseys le'JO; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Fan-American 1901; General Merrigold sire of twenty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144 each. The breeding- ef these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Address, JOHN A. vOUNG. Green -dioro, N. C. .eaWsaVAM'WtfevJ H. C. MORRIS, Watchmaker, V v Jeweler, Deales? in Watches. Jewelry Specta cles, Bepairing my specialty. Wsrk Guaranteed. Randleman, N. C. :rir.ivicc:i ii aWIIIK.iaV I I We Better Than Ever! "THE STAR THAT EADS THEM ALL" Thufmmrm Kllher l,oi'k or Chum l.r i-lrvnlnr ami prices. T Domestic Sewing Ma- T chine Company, f Newark. N. J. W. D. Spoon's is the place to buy your Heavy and Fancy Groceries Candias, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. ALSO UP-TO-DATE MEAT MARKET. Phone 53 Asheboro, N. C. Moved 5 5 .Having- bought out the grocery business of Jos. Norman I have moved to the building formerly occupied by Morris & Scarboro NEXT DOOR TO HOLLADY POOL HARDWARE CO. on Depot street, where I will be glad to see all my old customers and new ones, two. W. W. JONES. Your Photograph Opportunity! Send any Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. 6 Photo Buttons 25cts. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only $2.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to $3. a dozen. W. R. NEAL, fcotoerapher, Kanaiemariyj. c Go to J. L. Normain for fair Bargains and fair treatment Dealer In Groceries and Notions, Jones' old Stand, Depot Street, Asheboro 90 4t. New Millinery Cpming inland we are ready to fit you up in the -' Latest Styles. Watch next week for annouj merit of our opening. ' Mrs. E T.K la 1.-. he Sewing Mni'liinc for tho homo; 1 n,l l.v wifi'. mother. tlitllKhUT. T .i;illr. e i Sliu h. Write SOc sa il.M s a

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