The Asheboro Courier. AohcUro, N. C, Nov. : 1005, Arrival and Departure nl Trains. SOUTIiBOfNP. Train Xo. Ill, arriww ul 10:110 .1. in. Train No. lii, nnivoKut 3:10 p.m. Train No. 1 13, arrives ut 0:30 p. ui. XOIlTIiUOL'XD. Train No. !, arrive nt 8:25 a. ni Train No. 130, arrives lit 1 1 M a. in. Train No. 42, arrives nt 2:25 p. ni. XOllTHBOlSD. No. 1 ii, leave at 1:10 a. m. No. 1 30, leave at 1 1 :0.. a. in. No. 144, leaves at 4:30 p.m. SOUTH Hulls' P. No. 71, leaves ai 10:1) a.m. No. 107, leaves nt 3: 13 p. m. No. 41, leave at 3:.;il p m. Local and Personal. A Hew M 1 i hutch is to be built at the town of Julian. Mies Snllie Henley went 'o High 1 Otut luat Biturdty. Mr Charlie Smith, who has been tick fur Dome time is better. Mrs Annie Kobius went to Steeds Sttnrdny and returned Monday Mrs Anu Hutch has been visiting her daughter Mrs Thomas J Momti, Mr W I Mavnard spent a few days in Greensboro last week visiting mi lamily. Messrs W Cheek and C F Uuvis tf Coleridge were in town Monday on business. Mr Elmer Rich left Monday for Star where be goes to burn a kiln of brick for Mr .hrneat Jueacn. Mn N C English, of Trinity, visited her sister, Mrs Kobert Har din, in Greensboro last week. Miss Daisy Crowson has returned to Asheboro, to resume her position a dressmaker with Miss Bailinger. Mr Marvin Lovett, of Burling ton is spending some time with his grandfather Rev W C Hammer. Mr 0 W Smith, Fire Cluim Agent of the Southern Railway Co. was here Tiosday on business. Mr J M Millikan came down Satnrday, to attend the burial of Mr, Ja Free at Drawers on Sun day. W T Anderson is the K r? D carrier on route No 5 from High Point running into Randolph Coun tj. Mr and Mrs J C Bulla, Mr A N Bulla, Misses Nell and Una Bulla were here last week to attend the funeral of Mr H D Caudle. The many friends of Prof. Maun, of Uigh Point, will be sorry to learn of his illness; he had a stroke of paralysis on the 24th. Mr W C Bain, of Greensboro, formerally of Randolph, has com pleted the Agricultural business at the A & M College at Raleigh. Mr Sam Bradshaw, Jr., a sou of Mr Sam Bradshaw, of Greensboro, has gone to Newton Falls, Maes., to accept a position in a machine shop. Mrs Boling, wife of Copt M J Boling, formerly an engineer" on the Asheboro and Aberdeen ruilroad, died last week, at Shady Grove, Wake oonnty of Malarial fever. Mr J It Blair, of Troy was in town Monday on business. He told us, be had heard nothing of his diamond shirt stud that he lost in Charlotte. Rev C W Robiuson will return from Wilkes boro, the latter part of this week and will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning and at night. Dr S A Henley was called to Salisbury Tuesday by telegram to tea Mrs Jas Free who wan quite sick when her hus. and died and has grown worse since bis death. Mrs C "C McAlister, of Ashe boro, and Miss Antoinette Burwell, of New Orleans, La., ure guests cf Armistead Burwell, on North Tryou ttiect. Mr McAlister spent yester day here. Charlotte Observer. Miss Edith Moring, first grade teacher at the graded school, went to Greensboio Wednesday night to attend a conference of the primary teachers of the State, which con vened there yesterday. Statesville Landmark. Mrs J A right and Mr Fletcher Caudle, of Lexington, and Mr E A Caudle, of Liberty, and Mr Ruukin Caudle, of Greensboro, came to Asheboro last Friday to attend the funeral of their brother Mr II D Candle. Mrs Sam Kearus, who lives iienr Farmer informs the Courier, that she has June apple tree that has bad a second crop ol apples that ma' tured. We hare never heard of the second crop maturing before this jmr. The Courier job office is equipped wttn macnrneiy ana material tor high grade printing and those who tie In ueed oi large or small orders of printing would do well to get samples and prices before placing tbvir orders. ' Mrs M J Ingram and children were on the passenger train Monday returning to their home iu High Pojul. They had been to Mt Gilead to visit Mr Ingram's father who Was stricken with paralysis some - time ago. Mr Ingram remained in Mt Gilead with his father- Are vou a Courer agent? We inake the best proposition ever made to canvassers. We want live agents In every neighborhood to work for the Courier nntil Dec. 25th, after that date no commission will be paid We want the nam of bright boy And a bright girl over 16 years of ; aft, in every public school. Dr liewis, of Fanner, was here Tuesday. Mr Tluirs Leach, of High IVii.l was in tuivu M-iiuliiy, Mr J A Silence a out to Uuatouiu Monday on legal tusi ticea. Mr J 1) Simpson is building two cottages on Nimii street. Mr I) S Lewis, of (Janitor was in town 1 tiesuny on bumes. Mr H (! (.'uviiiess H building two lent houses on bin i ill treel. Mr L R Barker spent Sunday in uundletuaii nun his mother. Mrs T T Ferree went to High Point Mutiduy to Welt retail vis. Mr J T Mufti it has begun build ing liia riauU nee on Sunset Ave Mr Wm Reitzcl, of Ramsenr, is here this week delivering fruit trees. MrsJM BctU has u chrysantbu' mum plant which measures ovei nine feet. Mrs E Fitch, of Rutherford Col lege, is visiting Mrs W L Sherrill on Salisbury street. Mr Z F Rush, Jr. sold a ear load of horses for Mr E 11 O Fields in High I'oiut last Saturday. "The Ramblers" meet with Miss Etta Blair, on Saturday afternoon They ure studying California. Mr W S Hayes eJitor, of the Kandolph .bulletin and little son Wayland are visiting lelutives iu West irgiuia. Mrs Henry Yow and Mrs Authonv Hohn were here yesterday. Mrs llonu came up to do some work in the cemetery. MrB Parthenu Miller, of Jones Mine, Davidson county is spending some time with her sou, Mr W J Mil ler. Mr P F Spoon and Miss Emeline Spoon, of this county have been risit iug their brother Mr W D Spoon. Rev S B Turreutine whs here Tursday and held the fourth quar terly meeting at the M E Church on Tuesday night. Messrs McCiary A Redding are building a magazine for powder and dvimmito on the McAdeu land be low Asheboro. Miss Annie Blair returned from High Point lust Saturday night. after a werks.visit to her sister, Mrs A fll nankin, John T Brittiun informs us that he is not expecting to attend the Health mid Oitarentitie convention at Knox yi lie Tenn. Mr and Mrs O M Wade and little daughter were here Saturday ou their way to Cedar Falls to visit Mrs Wade's father Mr O R Cox. I Mr Ira Free went to Spencer Mon day and returned yesterday. Ho in forms us that Mrs James frees con dition is a little improved. Mrs Louis Douthit and children left yesterday, for their home in Danville after a two weeks visit to Mrs Douthit's parents, Mr and Mrs E It K earns. Mrs W J Teatrao and Mrs J T Underwood will leave in a few days for Jacksonville and Apalachicola Honda where they go to visit Messrs O R and S E Tcagne. Rev W K Swain ureached in the M E Church last Stindar morning. TIik M l (hiirrh Imx hi-n tinrW- going repairs but will be ready for services dv next ouuuay. Mr Robt Ferree, who has a posi tion with the National Bank of Uieh Point snent Sundav here and atteudedthe burial of Mr Jos Free at Browers Chtpel. Mi J V Cranford, of Staunton, Virginia, gave ns a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr C ran fold has been visiting fricnus and relatives in his old home county. He is un uncle of our townsman, Mr C C Cranford. Mr John Kearus, of Bombay, was here this week. Mr Kearns is a brother of Mr Whit Kearns who died in New Mexico and whose body arrived here last Saturday night and wus taken near Bombay for burial. Dr W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, N C, will be iu Asheboro at Central Hotel on Thursday, Nov 16th for one day only. His practice is limit ed to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and fitting U lasses. Ask your doe- tor about me. Hunting tsssoii. After November the 15th, the hunting season for quails opens in this county, except iu Frankllnville township where quails maybe killed only during the month of December and then only upon the written permission of land owners. in tnat part oi (JolumDia town' ship north of Franklinsville and Ramseur road and west of Ramseur and Liberty road, there can be hunt ing for ouails only by written per mission of land owners during the onen season from Nov. 15th to March 1Mb. A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What Is know as the "Blue" I. Midom occasioned by actual exist Inf external conditions, but la th great majority ot cases bj m ui. order UVER. THIS IS A FACT Which may be demonstra ted by trying course of WsPills They coatrolaad wgwtatetho UVER. They bring hope and boayaacy to the mind. They bring hoalUi a ad eUatir Ity to th body. . , . TANS NO tUBtTITUTE. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW Ai Asheboro This Week Fine Exhibits and Large Crowds Expected. i'riy i'.iiniiies aie being made foi the oi' clirvsiint !.i innm snow at th uiwlriuy in Aolielxno on Fritl is night, Satin day mid Sutnrday nigh of this week. An invitation is extended to all geutltnmn as well us ladies who are interested in tloweis. To much praise cannot be given the women who uie engaged in the work school improvement. The proceeds derived from the email en trance feci are to tie given to paying the balance due ou the piano for the Asheboro Graded School. When the piano is paid for th -n some other improvements, prooaoty tho mcreaseot tin library win of taken up by theie i:ood women. I ubiic ppiniea citizens or Asne- boro have ilona'eu prizes as follows 1. Best general collection of cut flowers Clock Standard Drug IO, 2. Second beet collection of cut flowers Sack of Hour Crown Roller Mill. 3. Largest bronze flower on potted plant Umbrella Wood A Moring. 4. .Uiruest pinK iiower on poiieu plant Handsome Table Asheboro I urniture Co. 5. Largest vellow flower on potted plant Set isilver loa bpoons mo Crarv-Reddiug Co. 6. Largest wnite nower ou potted plant iJhair Asneboro unair uo1 7. f meet plant one dozen Diooms, white Sofa Pillow Ladies Aid Society. 8. Finest plant oue dozen blooms, yellow Oak R o c k e r Randolph Chair Co. 9. Finest plaut one-half dozen blooms, pink All red Cedar bucket W D Slcdman & Co. 10. Finest plant one-half dozen blooms, red Rolling Pin aud Dough Board Asheboro Lumber Co. 11. Finest plant ostrich plume with six blooms or more, any color $5.00 gold piece Bank of Ran dolph. 12. Gcueial collection or potted plants Sack ot Flower Asheboro Roller Mill. 13. Second best genernl collection of potted plants WheelUrrow Asheboro Wheelbarrow Factory. 14. Plant with most flowers of button varietv, any color Bottle Toilet Water Asheboro Drug Co. 15. aseof tweutv finest blooms of "Lillian Bird" variety Carving Set Hollatlay Tool Co. 16. ase of twenty, second nnest blooms, of "Lillian Bird" variety- Damask Table Cloth Morris, Mof- litt Co. 17. Vase of twenty linest blooms, cream colored One dozen choice Rose Bushes The Courier. J Lee Regan, son of J M Regan of Conrad Hill township of David son countv. Hlate of Ohio, City of Tnletlu, Frank J Cheuty mabt-fl oath that he Is senior partner of the Ann of 1 3 Cheney & Co, rtolnt Lunlnea In tho CltT of Toledo. County alul llate aforesaid, and that mid Orm will pay tht-.umnf INK HUNDRED HOLLAR for ean aufl evirr am of catarrh that cannot ba cured or ttia uw of Hall'a Catarrh Cora. FHANK JCBRNP.Y. Hwom to beforo me and Muhecr'bed In my pres ence, thin Sin itay of December. A I MM. I"1-' Notary Public, Hall Catarrh Cure in taken Internally, and i-u directly ou tlte blond and kucour .urfacea of theeyetera. Hend for testimonial free. Hold by all nrumrtiita, 7S. ' ' ' Take Hll, Family Fills for cnnntlpatlnn. Card ( Thinks. I want to thank the kind people of Asheboro for their many kind- nesfes during the illness and at the death of my husband. May Heav en's richest blessings rest on each aud eveiy one. MRS All?, MB tJAmLK. Horrible Dsath and a Fir it HumbUi Mill. Mr Causey Brown, who was miller at Humble's mill was caught by a licit yesterday and dashed against a post and then fell several feet below to the floor breaking several ribs and hurt so internally, that he died in two or three hours. Mr Brown was a son-in-law of Mr AUou Humble, who owns the mill. While Mr Humble's family were at the mill with Mr Brown their house was destroyed by lire. They left a Ore in an open tire place and it is thought that lire popped out and started in that way. '1 he home was almost half burned wheu it was found out that it was on fire, con sequently it was a complete loss. Chrysanthsmum Show it RimMtn-J The Ladies Aid Society will live a chrysanthemum show iu the Wat kins Leonard buildine, rrnlay night, Saturday and Saturday night, Nov 3rd and 4th. Oysters and other refreshments will be served. Public cordially invited. Letter to Asheboro Fnrallure Co, . Asheboro N C Dear tr: I ou are s maker: mi sro Vou know hat tcu tnaka: too know aJJ about it. Wo knew ouj point jon kaow ;our goods. .1 6 know . out it IB, BOW 11 at'F, wast it iom. how it In ss Slid bow louff ths coo ditions being farorahls or unfavorable. It is fair tout ere taka toe rik ei it ery wht; tout we ought not to rie-k anr uh almas of it. Csn't draw the lins. We ars dealing wito strangers. We are nt rangers to them as ihev are struiim'rs to ua. We want hi be truated by tlii'Ui. Wv tniat them firat: that's the war to set trust J We tniit thni to point with a fuir da uree iA rummon paint- inonlsJff sad taro We eiDsct to bv trusted to funneb paint m psint can b. and to last as long as paint can. - l( you do yuar business tLit wuy, jm are a fellow with ua and ne of a diouwiad. A few mean man in the ro'iraa ui a year will alwae our trust and put ua hi lnm; but VM in 1,000 will tell tbsir friends how true we ars, ai d our pain) is. Thut's hat has mads ss ths Urgast puint eonntra io Ova world. It l ony M adnrtiastiMut. Toors trule T W DEVtiEA CO P. S. JkCraty-Redding Hardviaps t'o ells our mini. Say Plainly to Your Grocer That you want LION COFFEE always, and he, being a square man, will not try to Bell you any thing else. You may not care for our opinion, but What About (he United Judgment of Millions of housekeepers who have used LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is there nny ttronger proof of merit, than the Lion-head on every package. Save these Lion-heads for valuablo premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON BPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. James S Free Diss ot Pneumonia at Hit Homo in Spencer. United States Dcmitv Marshal Jam:8 S Free died at his home io Spencer in Iiowan county on Friday night of last week after a ton days, illness of pneumonia need 47 years.' Tl... . I .. . . e . ,7 i -. . ! .me uniwu una a suu oi tne late Hcbeii M Free who was for one or more terms one of the comoiie'sioii ers of HanJolph countv in the years mat lolloneu rccoiistructiou days. . He was born in what is now Ashe boro township two miles from Ashe boro on Iiichlnnd creek near I5row- er' Chiipel and lietl in the town- j ship all his life until last spring i when he moved to Spencer. He has for mauv cnl8 been a United States Deputy Marshal. Of recent; years there being little to do in his capacity as a public official in Han-, dolpli, his field of operation 1ms been i confined to counties farther west, i He moved to Spencer where his sons' have been employed in the railroad , ihi'ps, wllile Ins held operation wrs n the main farther west. For many years Mr Free was en gaged in the wagon tra'le, dealing in hides, leather etc, in tin upper line of comities iu South Carolina and in Richmond, Kohcsoii and other ' counties in this state. Several years ago the railroads with their "quick j e.heaper" transportation put the most of this class of trader out of : bnsinesH. Mr Free married a Miss Noiiiinn, of South Carolina, a sister of Mr J ; Ij Norman, one of Asheboro s young-: er merchants. Ilia wife and an in teresting family of bright childreu survive him. lie was well known and has in ir.v relatives and friends in this and Hd-. joining counties. For many years he has been active and prominent! as a republican politician. He was a kind hearted and generous, and public spirited man a good neighbor aud a loyal friend. Ilia lather died fifteen or more, years ago. His mother still lives , near Asheboro. Mr A M Free, of Asheboro township, is a brother, ' e has brother Samuel in Indiana or some western state, a brother Os-: car in Seuth Carolina, another broth er, George, in Florida. Mrs E 1' Trogilon, of Providence lowuship and Mrs W B Cooper, of Ashebnrc, are sisters. The remains were brought to Ashe boro Saturday afternoon. The fu neral was at Brewer's where a large number of friends and relatives as sembled to honor and reverence. He was buiied with the funeral itcs of the order of Knights of Pythias by the members of the Ashe boro Lodge No 45, of which he was a member. Stir Notes. We hutn'i hud much ruin 1 though it 1 it mu.ii like I is IkkIIv needed. It beomi it wonld sunw, We ure sorry to Irani of .Mi'Siimlr Lemons in ttrick(n witli paratyMM, lint wo liarp 4 i if him improving and Impp ha will rrn Ik out uuin. Min W H (1hiih, who hiM lx't'ii confined to lir rix'iu for some time, in ntill ill. We a iv hid to lt-uni that .Mrn C'uglo, ho has U't'ii confined to her monitor sever- hI nionthrt i-i improving, also Mm J M Owen a tuw Iwen aick for a lew dav. rc how the ick of our rotruuuuitr will xm Imi well gain. ru HtiuckniuM un common m our com tnunity theso d;iv. Pcoplo ftre haviuir fiup wmtlier for their h lickings. 1 lit (.budrvuii aiv ut J oplur nuriMuti Saturday trtw verr mneU onioywl. The .peectiM ere all very verTffiMi. Krr.Foini ; Jordan made verr good talk and they had long table tun ot everything iiicm to eat. Mnv ttixl blpHfl them in th'ir work mid in training the children for U' work. m We werr glad to hare if' v ArroWiHiii to preach for u iSunday. Hiolhar Arrowood preaciieu ai tne m r cnurcii. lie nan a (nrue and attentire crowd. His wnnon wan very much enjoyed. Uur pumir schcol will brum .uononr .Nov. the Oih. Mrs A II Scarlwo will as-.ii Yr-i Simile- torv in the I'ublir school. Frankllntvllls Itsmt. Tha tadia's XidSoeislv will a- an nrs t. annivr af tno Aradomv nair Sjnirnav ' night, Kot tb, (pr th Nn?Gt tha M fc rhureh. Mr W F rr ha son ta Poafrs t efni pie's hi r iur in trifgraphr. and ens ri our ladles i now looking err lonely. i anu Mrs -Toliu II rw. of rroiunitT. Sint onif timo in iho cut lat wnck. alls Kunm-ii. oi uuii, frni u inn dava laat ttrpk with her son, Mr II A Kun-ell. Another young roa came to town Inn! a i-t-k and ti ill tnaka hia home with lr T I fr ox 'hu ih rary prund u( hia yomig 1-uX. Airoe of llw sluilcnts ol the Fr.tikliiiville Sbhnol wont to Ashoboro laat FriJaT evening , lrhere thev pave a play in tbo Avaueniy en titled Voller Farm. lira Belfuur Allred, vt Orivn)lrci, will spend several day in lotm siting UcY J V Alln-d and uther reliilivm. Mewn. Thoa Amnldpf Im!iuiiuoliM, led. and William Arnold, ol Thomas ille, hav, len riaitit g relatires and friend- in tin city for a le daya. Mr Arnold movei frmn fhi. place to Tnd. nvr .15 yean ago. Confidence of the People and ever Increasing popalaiiry? LION COFFEE Is caurefnUy se leeted at the plantation, shipped direct to owr various factories, where It Is sklllrally roasted and ear tolly packed In sealed pack ages unlike loose, which la exposed to germs, dnst. In sects, etc LION COFFEE reaches you as pare and clean as when ft left the factory. Sold only In 1 lb. packages. Raph Hems. Our im.rle witp slm-keil wer tl tleath of .Mr J;nm-s Frrrrr-. U'hirh rH-cunvl in KH-iK-er last Friilnv. Mr Fprreo uinrl from ni-iir hor.. amir' sit mi-nth ag nn-l was ItroMsht back Inn S,ini..iV f,.r lairial. He wu.1 Imricl at llmwers Cliaiv-l Snndav. Jhei Jl.iry Ana llriilm. v-nt last neck rtitli Mrs V k IImIhs, in Ahohor... Mi I 'ni Henley is siwinlinfr .1 fen- days in Asliolsm, this neck. t'lirii slmckins hit all nver aivl the poo p'e aro ll-arlv throil-Ii Min-in-T wheat around here. Girls, if you want red lips, laugh ing eyes, s'Atet breath aud good l"oks use Ilollister's Kocky Mountain Tea. The greatest bcautilir known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co. Business Locals. Notices Inserted unclor itls Ksad at one ,.n.wordchir,.er,.0. .. - Pair Fine Horses For Sale. Kui! T11K n,-M :.n ,!.,ys u.- iil make iecial prices ,,1; ltu,u(ies. I.KWISA WIXSI.11V. IlliW.rO. Wanted. Chickens, eggs ami turkeys and ISL WtZSJtiL"1 T 11 M(TlIKKK0.. Asheboro X C. 1IAHB WII1K at !. .ii sr K i:rKivi:i -(, i-w Km up sliitmlw. Will rll at l..".n 1-1 nJ. 1'1,'tiWX Mll.l.INt t SK STAi i I'aiet. Winslow ll.lw. ( .. It is thr- l-st 1 CKuWX Milling ' "ill pay 1 01 ts p-r linsliel fur 3W1 Imsheis xtv-fivn SKSAfiorT vour -rtoi lwis A Winnlow'lMwCo. r"H SAI.K- On pnoil milk cow. un phi in AU.r", Honvor sfrfPt. H W ulnint your gun? Th 1.1th of Nov. . ill Hfton 1 here. I a K WIS & WISSl.OW HPW ("'(. Farm for Sale. The valmihln lands known a the K S Kra nrrfurni I 1-t milM from Trinitr, 4 I J niiV-s from ThomavilM, on Thomnnvillo rond adi-iining the home of Or K t' Kraier, situ ated un ruharric. Fann contains uhtut Ml? ofrvf. h.ilf timlTrcil uith nnm good Uiilnn land, and sine g,v. 1-uiMin-.. t'nn U- bought prifltely. l-'or iutonnaiion apply to pa i: V HMIRR1-. aXents, High Point N AGENTS WANTED IRON FKKCIi An except toi.ul op portunity i" oiUrd to ft iiiimtKr rt liv.i agent to reprewnl uh In ill I mru ot tlio country sollcitlnff orders for Iron t ine wlii h hchfiiperthan wikm! un.t w it lasta lifetime. It 9 proiit.nldottiiJ iiennanrnt v.rk. We ltnu nuno thtiiK tlmtcannot bMCMjualul n hirtncy risii. r. With our iunT tl'(i(;nfl and low prictn yon en lTjilnfe every old wood lenry in yourcti atn r.pp i TH1! STEWART IRON WORKS COMPANY. Dept. Nn. I. Cincinnati, O.. U. S. A. Rich & Moffitt, t (New Store) i Dealers in ! Groceries,' Notions. . . I . . .and Country Produc . Soutli Fayetteville Street. DR. W. P. REAVES New McAdo Building, Gree; 'iboro, N. C. Tractice limned 10 -c; ef ths Kre, Kar. N..m- i.n.l lloiirs I :. In .'i p. i i At 1 1 i k1' I'1""1 U1"'' "' Store, llomlav. Wo.lnemlnv Hours - 7 An t.. II ."'.i" N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer,: Asheboro, N. C TO JW. R. TEDMAN CO ! Dealers Iff , Heavy ard fncy Groceries i Pi'pot St. West Side Kailmtd. ; Ray Erfmundson i Has refitted an-:! refurnished i his BARBER SHOP land now ha-; -ne of the nicest, ! cleanest un I hrst fitted shops in i the county. (Opposite Wood & ! Morin'h. i New Store We have in a nice line of goods at Jarrett's old stand, near the old rock fence and still keep a general line at Davis' shop. Come one find all and bring your trndc. We will give you market prices and sell you goods at a reasonable price. Davis Si Canoy. Sophia,. N. C. New Cotton Gin. My rcitoti in i nm 1 1 ""' H1,1 J" s,v ' "'" l,u. for 1 anal ': '"h"'' '"" i 1 Hrin, yr i ..ll.'.n Mills. A. N. Routh, Raiidlcman, R, P. O. No. 7. Firriture. We have just received a large stock of Pictures and Frames, Furniture, Kockers and Dining inairs, liureaus. Wash stands Recl Steads, Bed Springs and Mattrcsacs at prices that will pleape Also, vc have a full line of un dertakers goods. Any one in need of such will do well to call Kearns & Fox. FALL MILLINERY We now have in stock an as sortment of the NEWEST AND MOST STYLISH MILLINERY. i ". Will be ulad to have all our old customers as well as new- ones call in. You will find that it will be greatly to your interest to buy your Millinery from us. Mrs. E T. Blair. Farmers, Orchardists and all Fruit Growers I in search of money pro d u c i n k commodities, shouM stock their or chards with our new Prince Hi" ark ap p 1 e trees. Thrifty, Btocky, of immense pro duction and succeeding in any soil. The finest 1 apple in the market to day, receiving first prem iums at all fairs and ex positions where exhibit ed. The apple that will make money for you, be cause of its un-equalled quality, superiority and proved reliability. Five acres of these trees will net you more money than 20 acres of wheat or potatooH. Tliev arc c.tld tliri-ith ui iiih ut ..i.-ll.' We ran -ell to y.-u ilinvt. cut liili uiit llie .ieiil- i-i-iiiiuiMinn. ne piiyillg tlx- (relglil nn nil nrdeni lor KMI li'ii-- mid up a- fi-llowi' 1L' treaa :il AS . I'.'i .it l.'i . .".II ut :'"., Kl at I". . .' M ,,t l'iKI. l.iHnl at j;i;.v, .'..(Mill nl SlINHl, .'.IKKl ut ?l.;il, I- a.-i-.-.ii...MV all onler. 3 .M-ai-.l. and to 7 ft. Iiii-li. So iriN-- hIhiiiM In- h.-I In llin acre. We are i;mr Imokinft fur next Kpriivj nhipment n .-1 ha soon a- tin- --, W,,V!; ,. ari.,W M..-V is wild nut, no rui iu-,t tiii'" nn lil l:iU7. This fs the Greatest Oommcr cidl of To-day We warrant them and will replace any tree that J dies, i tree of Clwqp. , mi l r i, e Hi. h- eer .il! Pi Muter Iu I. jJM..IlllI i Jt-f.1, linen. Vn-.'K 'l lHt N. B. CHASE Nl'RSLKY COMPANY. Newark, New York. Solid ami Inaerted Tooib tory pnertv ! Wood m. o o 0 Big Shoe Sae. () We linir iiiilt-(fI i - bos; and f; ri-t Mnf fvrr shown SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN DAYS, COME BEfORE THE 10 per tent ADVANCE (I (I which will rtirrl' i-omr before M following makes: Hamilton I'rown's Ameriran fientU man, to 5.nii. ( " " Lady. . .1.00; one of th hcut on 0 earth. Try 11 pair. Al full line other .sUk-.s. a. J? inei-n' Quality for ladies at $:i.50, ':j.00 and 3.50. You J? 19 ,-H,i't f'lil ti. lie 1. ritli sK-ln n,.,l m ...lili- ,,1'!. 1 Full line of (Jodnian Shoes. F.verv pair warranted to have solid rounters and soles. New line of King Hee Slioes in vici ami patent finish, $;U0 (4 to $-1.00. Full line F.lkin Shoes, Kulibei-.s, (.to., will be shown. Come nt once anil get well shod for winter. J? O WOOD X: MORING. O O ( 0S.cs ssvssSASessvassjfavsavasvsSNaSV assN4Aa Safya va's(fsaavayaVasxasalasS ' a-VL7 IF ailTirrsaTBaH'lalllll lIHIII New Goods Arriving On Every Train. DONT MISS SEEING HEADQUARTERS. We have purchased an immense amount of goods and our stock is fast assuming the appearance of a full and complete fall stock. A few of our recent arrivals: 52 in. Cravanette for Coat Suits and Rain Coats $1.25 per yard. 38 in Plaid Suitings fur girls school dresses 50ct8 per yard. 52 in. Broadcloth, all colors, $1.00 per yard. New colored Plaids for waists, 25cts per yard. New 27 in. Silk for Shirt Waist Suits, 75c. to $1.00 per yard. 36 in. INack Tafl'eta Silk, guaranteed. $1.00 per yard. New line Flannelettes for Kimonas and dressing Sac'iues just the thing for these cold mornings. We carry the celebrated John B. Stetson Hats. f.lorris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. tN(aS 4MasMSVSSsf4SV4SS4SSS4sS 4.4VSa, 'a5r taWaf'ssyaWSasiaas'ta'9 9S9 Last Last chance tb buy a BICKFORD & HUFF MAN ( SUPERIOR grain drill before seeding time, os now is the time to use them. We have a lot of them on hand and can fur nish you anything in this line that you may need at a low price. H McCrary-R.edding Hardware Company. Va.4V 4SaK4S4SSvsr4aaVS4ISvSSS4K4V vv4Va'Si Sa- 9SssSaSarsk90 Three T'mes the Vtvlue of Any Other One Third Easier One Third Faster The only Sewing Machine that does not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Hall Bearings make it the light est running machine in the world. Agents wanted in un ocupied territory. Send for circulars and terms. WHEELER 4 WILSON MfG CO. Atlanta. Georgia. For sale by McCrary-Reddinjjr J Serviceable Fall Vov yiftir )icv Dree Good, Outiug!, Flunuelj, Pno- tor; riaids, Wait Goods, Fwcinaton, Shjtwli, Union build, Ladie Undervcatii, Gent IIiTy rtidorwsur, Hutt, Shoes. IIoAf, Children's Ruiid, Mi.-ns Puntl and u large quantity of the best quality of Kubbc-r Sboat st tb verv lowest priced and Notioui, ta. For low prtceti go to . Ridge, Fox i Company. Mori iii - line of Shoes anil will show the 41 by us. (it th? verv lowrst price". O lont. Our lini r-oni.ts ef the o Chance o o 8 o o o o o Hardware Co.. i.shebro, N. C and Winter Goods. j o o o o

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