k E ASHEBORO G I ! me COUKIER Leads in Both News and J ! Circulation. " ! Vhe COURIER Advertising Column Bring Results. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tsar, VOL XXX. ASHEBORQ, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 190J. No 46 TH OUR JQJCL.t iarlv Risers H m CI For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all trouble aria Ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DoWltl's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never frlp. They are so dainty that 1 1 Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act aa a mild laxative: two or four act aa a pleasant and effective cathartic They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tenlc the liver. FRRPARHD ONLY IT B. C. DattVitt & Co., Ckicatat Ask for the l'J05 Kodol Almanac and 200 veiir Calendar. Standard Drug Company, Asheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and .- Surgeon, ASHEBORO, N. C. Office over Spoon & Itedding's store nesr standard Unig t o. DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Aeheboro, N. C. OVKB TIIK BANK. ul 11 Ks- 3 pm 10 pm L. M. FOX, M D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Offers his professional service to the citizens of;Anlioboro;ttud surroundinf onmmunlty. oftU-Cft: At K wide nee J. V. HUNTER, M. D., Aeheboro, N. 0. Day calls uium-en'd fn ui cither Drug 1 8tore. Kiahtrall from rendice in front of Bunk Fox's residence. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Nitron Oxi mill Oxypeu for painless Ex-rastions fOffloea First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. 'A C McALISTER & CO. H Asheboro, N. C. ITire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The bent couiaiiied represented. OfEcee iTor the Blink of Itundolph. ;S Bryant, President J. II. Cole, Cashier T5he DaLiik of R.andlemvn, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $200. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S O Newliu, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Mewltn, & Bryant, H O Barker and J II Cole. OECOX.Prciliilrat. W J AHMKIKLO, V-rres W J ARM riKI.il, Jr.. Cashier. Tb.8 Bank of Randolph, Oatrital and Surplus, $36,000.00 $150,000.00 r Total Assets, over With an tanking publtc and iMnil anil willing leal sate Inlaying we to extend tn xir curtnnwr. every laclllw and ao snmodntloo consistent with safe banklm. DIRECTORS! Bngh Paris, Sr., W J Armfk-lil.W P Wood, P B atorrfm c c HcAlLt-r. K M AnnnoM, R Cox W F Reddliur, Hnij M.iftm. Tlnw J Kcilillng, A W Capet, A U Rankin, Thou H Keddlng, l)r r I Asburj. C J Cox. My Work Pleases! When you wUh ah easy shave Aa (pod as barber ever gave. Just call on me at my saloon, At morniiiK, eve or noon, t cot and dress tire lmir with grace, To auit the contour of the fare. My room is .neat and towels clean, 8cisor sharp and razor keen. And everything 1 think you'll find, To auit the taw and please the mind, And all myrt ami kill can do, II jroo juat call I'll do f"r you. TOM CARTER.. Next door to FoetolEe. Asheboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished. Table supplied with (ho beet the market lords. Rates Reasonable, B. -. tJEWBY, Prop, TRIP TO THE NORTH'. n ottpi nguver nines nnuiiier Interestina Letter Tellina-of ii. t il an x- t-i ms mp wonn Atlantic uity and Other PlBCeS. With what varied emotions does the casual visitor to the great City-by-tbe-Sea look upon the scenes spread out before hint! To the lover of nature and the beautiful, there is the grand old ocean, with its rest less tides, evci coming, ever going, ; and possessing that wonderful f.ts j cination, which keeps it ever new. The various beautiful sky effect as h background forms a picture, which shows Mother Mature still to be the most perfect artist To the student of human nature, the great moving picture of thou sands of people, intent cn pleasure, or seeking lost health, or just drift ing along for a vacation otttinir, perhaps, presents a text book not to be surpassed, and certainly furnish es rood for thought. Fifty years ago, this inland of some ten miles m length and from one-half to three-quarters, of a mile in width, was practically deserted A few fishermen used to come over from the main land and camp there, hut the houses were lew and far be' tween. A party of wealthy men however, with prophetic eve, saw the possibilities of this stretch of sea and shore, and planned a small sum mer home for the near-by people. mainly those from rbilndelphia, Never in their wildest dreams, did they see the crowds that bow come fiotn all over the world to visit this famous resort. The little colony of summer folks grewto a village, per manent residents appeared, business opened up, and to-day the result of this phenominal growth is a city of an average population of some 40,u0 its Mayor and Councils, splendid schools, efficient police and Ore de partments, and hundreds of dwell ing bouses, hotels, apartment houses its bank buddings, two K K stations, and City Hall. Along the ocean front is, built a great board-walk, or "esplanade," as it is called, with foundations of steel. Its length is orne eight miles, and it varies in width from some fifty feet, in its widest part, to some twelve or fifteen in the narrow er sections. On the land side the walk is lined with stores, and small booths, but is open to the sea in front, except at intervals where rest pavillions aie placed, aud the four big piers run into the sea, Bath houses containing hundreds of rooms are sand witched in between the stores, where for twenty-five cents the visitor can be furnished with a suit: given the use of a room, aud have his valuables chocked, prepara tory to a dip in the oceau. The bathing hours are the feature of the day dowu at 'he shore, and usually the largest orowuB are in the surf from ten-thirty until noon. It is at this time, that one meets all his friends, and hundreds of people play and sport in the water. There is swimming, diving, and all sorts of antics. How the waves do roll ami tumble! How the people laugh! How the crowds line up on the shore and boardwalk and watch them! Here the camera "fiend" nourishes and tiny donkeys are used bv one enterprising photographer ou which to pose bis "victims in all possible postures. To guard this happy crowd is the "Atlantic City Life Guard," a brave body of men ho risk their lives many times during their season from early spring until late fall, lo save from drowning, some daring and reckless bather who has ventured too far out, or perhaps been seized with illness, while in the water. How quickly they man their life boat, row out to the helpless one, pull him aboard, and back again to laud. There he is rushed into the hospital tent erected on the beach, and doctors, guards, and nuiscs, work like heroes to win the race for life. Sometimes they loe, aud a si leut form is carriecf from the tent to the ambulance, A hush falls over the hundreds who have presied near to see, and some turn softly away. But it is only a temporary blot on the sunshine. Just a little lull in the whirl, and in a few mo menta everything is joyous as ever. The ocean rolls on, and it is just another ''news item" for the watch ful reporters. The character of the coast is constantly chauging, and the bathing here is not considered quite so good as formerly, but is still to be. commended to any who are fond of that sport. The "Inlet," at the upper eud of the island, affords a harbor for the fleet of popular pleasure yachts and fishing boats. The captains of these SoaU are familiar with the waters all about Atlantic City and vicinity, and make a goon living all the y ar round, by taking parties out for an hour, or as long as they may wish to stay, at a nominal sum per head. At the extreme opposite end of the island is Loogport, with the ocean on one side, aud another large bay, or inlet, on, the other. I his plane might be termed a suberb of Atlan tic City, and it reached by a pleas ant trolley car ride, through several settlements of cottages, and hotels, known variously as Ventnor, Chel sea, etc. From Longport, little steamboat runs across to neighbor ing resorts, and affords pleasant way of spending tome of the vaca tion hoars. A favorite recreation is to walk from the Inlet down to where the boardwalk ends, aud perhaps a has ty glance at tome of the tights, will . mi. prove interesting, xue urst tuiug to catch the eye on such a wulk, i. ! the U S Life Saving Station, maie- i tained by the Government till the year round. Here one may see tl greilt lifc boilt swinging on tl U.avtts, the breeches buoy, ami tli 1 8nmu cullinil, or nmnM, 14S it. 'called to shoot a life line out ov the water. 1 hen there are the rock ets for signals, and all the parapher nalia, appertaining to it well equip ed uovrninent station till under th charge of a competent officer. Th' grea-- lighthouse next claims our at tetitioti, with its tilternatiti"; li''h which can be seen miles out at am A trip to the tup of the lighthou is made by spiral stairs, mid from the balcony outside, one can olitttit a magnificent view over html am! sea. next qn our walk, is ll.-mz h titer. open al! the year round, admission free. The enterprising linn of Pittsburg, Pa does this as au adver tisement, and jiiil'Mii'' from th crowds who avail themselves of th use of the sun parlor, reading room and taste tne samples of the "liftv seven varieties," it it an undoubted success. A curio halt contains choice collection of pictures, bnc-a brae, bronzes, and (lottery from for etgn shores, clilellv from Japan Leaving the pier e pass in end less succession shops for jewelry, laces, candy clothing anil everything money can buy. Juptittescs by the score, conduc auction houses, which are blled wit.) the most beautiful works of the Orient, china, bronzes, ivory lacquer woik, and em broideries. There is a wealth of other goods to be found also; even to the finest hand-carved furiiilui' aud all is so arranged to catch the eye of the unwary visitor. For who can resist bidding, when things at selling so cheaply (?) bhooting galleries, fortune telling scenic railways, merry-go-rounds. the old null, catch penny games, all furnish the quota of amusement to their various nations. The great steel pier, steeple chase pier, and xoung s pier, auU all have their own line of patronage, and cadi one is well worth the price of admission. On Young's pier dining the season, a great seine is kept lowered at the exttelue end. Twice a day this is hauled up, and many are the queer things brought up from old oc. an. Sometimes a monstrous sea turtle, his back covered with barnacles, is auded and these are kept in a great ta k on another part of the pier, in company with many other odd speci mens of lish life. When the haul is good, the edible fialt nre sold, and I want to say right here, that the tisli at Atlantic City ate as fine as can be caught anywhere. As it is u mile out to where the seine is hauled, many persons like to ride on the my loin Iniinili railway, and are w hisked away in diminutive cars for five cents a trip. The Baby Incu bators, with living infants, are a great drawing card, and one marvels at what science is doing, when it can keep life i it such tiny specimens of humanity, and cause them (o thrive under glass. On all these piers, are bands of music, which give dtily concerts, which are always enjoyed by every one. The salt water taliv, iiaile at sever al places along the board walk, in public view, is quite a feature. 1 lie rolling chairs at e another, I almost said a nuisance , for when the crowds are thickest, it is not always pleasant to have these means of lo comotion, pushed almost on top of one. Men, women, and childieti, use their chairs, and are rolled by the hour up and down or taken whenever they wish to go. And thus it-continues, sight on sight al ways something to catch the eye, il only a fakir, who has lost his string of balloons, and is gazing helplessly skyward, amid a laughing throng. Ur perhaps tne men who guess within three pounds ot your cor rect weight, or no charge," is try- tig to earn his live cents, while side bets on the result are being made in the crowd. The sand artists solicits vour contributions, by their really excellent work in modelling in wet sand, and their legend, "l do this work for a living. What a happy-go-lucky sort of crowd it is, this throng who llock to the shore! How cosmopolitan: lhe wealthy mine "wtier and his family rub shoulders with the poor work man, hiff wife, and children, who are down for the day, on a dollar ex cursion from a neighboring city. I'he society belle is copied in cheap er detail bv the waitress from the neighboring hotel. The foreign court resents the rude shovings of the plebeian mortals, but tan offer Give natrre thri h-'rs a nearly every case cf y sumption will recover, f . air, most important of : Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food conies next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. -1 flmt n.M AT.r'i Cli.rrr PMtwat M T." AlUBU't' o. u tv..e..t. , Mrltt. Ohio. for i Consumption "aaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaai wttri demand daily action of the) iovveii. Aid nature with Aver rill. no objections. A till.- la-.'- and or der is maintai e.l. ev.-rynne has equal rights lo the linrd walk, and here they move eve r-stless e. r on the lookont for sou thing new. Even life at the holel ii a novelty, for there is always the vo-chii vouh chil dren of each house he musical visitor, who sings and plays on e.ich and every occasion, opportune or otherwise. Then there is the young old maiden lady, the cm-ay Imch, lor a1 1 of these are features, encoun tered every year at the shore, and which if eliminated, would cmise a void, ami make the trip seem lacking. But a day comes when we must say good bye to the ocean, the board wxlk and the happy crowds. W buy our last Miiivenns, nor final box of salt water t ,f. mi climn aboard the express, bound in this instance for Philadelphia. After u pleasant run of little over an hour we arrived in Camden, N J. Here a large ferry boat awaited us, and we were soon on the historical Delaware. Kiv er. In five minutes we were on the opposite allure, standing in the old qttaker city of Win I'enu, in the "keystone state of the union. Upon consultation, we decided to go to .New lork tit once, and take in Philadelphia on our return trip; ind in a little while, we were on tin New York system of the Penna U 11, and speeding toward the great metropolis. How we arrived and what we saw there I will tell you in my next letter. J J HoovEit. No Poison io Chamberlain's Cp-gh Remedy. From Napier New ZealauJ. Herald: Two years ago the Phar macy Hoard of New .South Wales, Australia, had an analysis made of ill tne cough medicines that wer, sold in the inarke . Out of the en tire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from an poisons. this exception was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made uy tne naniDerlain Medicine Coin any, lies Moines, lown, U S A I'he itliseuct of nil nincotics makes this remedy the safest and best that hat can be had; and it is with a feeling of security that any mother an give to her little ones. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is especial ly rjcointneiided by its makers for jottghs, colds, croup and whooping nigh. 1 Ins remedy is tor sale by Standard Drug Co, Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, W A Underwood, Haiidleiuan. Manv children inherit constitu- ions weak aud feeble, others due o childhood troubles. Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea will positively tire children and make them strong. 15 cents. Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co, Henry Berry Lowry it Dead. Every body in this section of the country remembers having hec:d of the tauiuiis 1-owrv gang in liobcrsoii county, which operated for years to the terror ot the whole country. Mo.-t of us will also remember read- tig recently that Henry Berry Lowry he leader ot the gang, was still live and was in Mexico, and was tnxioiis to returi) to this country, Id lit. petitioned the lioVernor for pardon that he might return. In this connection the Florence Times says: J he readers of tins panel- will be utcrcsled in knowing that one of he Uxeudines, a brother-in-law of owrv, passed through this cttv n few nights ago, going to New York rum Mexico, lie went down there 8 years ago, and has become iude lender.tly wealthy woiking in Mexi can mining properties. He talked freely to various gentlemen that he met, ami to them lie said with the reatest earnestne.-s that Lowry was really dead; that there was no truth n the recent story of his being alive n Mexico. Oxendiiie declared most solemnly that he bad assisted ill the mi ml ot his brother-in-law, aud hat Ins body was buried in a hollow g in the swamp io avoid suspicion. There was $tiO,OI)G offered as a rewind for the return of his body, tltve or dead. ravettwllc Observer. Soap Ctone. One soap stone mine near (ilendon has been in operation for some time tin! has proven very pruln .:..-. it a bought other mines in l:i ate l u will be opened soon. Health Board In Washington. N J Recommends Paste ol Onions. Rye Mealsnd Vinsgar for Cure of Pneumonia. "Take ix or ten onions, accord1 lLr io size, anil cnop nne, pu . in a large spider over a hot fire, then add the same quantity of rye meal and vinegar; enough lo form a thick paste. Mir thoroughly, letting it simnur live or ti u minutes. Then put it in a cotton bag large enough to cover the lungs and apply tn chest as hot as patient can teur. In about t.-i, in i n ii t. s apply another, and tmia continue bv reheating th poultices, anil i" a few hours the path nl wit be nut of danger." Nature Needs Bui Utile. Nature neede only a Little Early Riser now and then tt l.- ep the bowels clean, the liver active, and the sys tern free from bile, headaches, cons tipation, etc. The famous little pills "Early Risers" are pleasant in effect aud. perfect in actio?1. They never gripe or sicken, but tone and Istiengthen the liver and kidneys. . c.., . .q,-,i.,.i n.,,,, (. tt,i T T tr. L- nderwood. MONTGOMERY NEWS. The News of Our Neighboring County. From the Mnutgonirian. Mr N AV Maness of Star entered school here Monday. Miss Emma Bruton ot near Onvil died early Tuesday morning. Mr D K Pemberton's little sou Edward is right sick, we urc sorry to state. Something over two hundred pupils have been enrolled in the Troy graded school. Mr A M Yarner returned Tues day from Kansas, where ho went to purchase a car loud of horses and mules. Mr John Henderson, after being cot nneu to nis room lor severa days with an attack offerer, is able to be out again. Mr N S Cochran left last week tor Jacksonville N C where he has accepted a position as cashier of the Bank of Onslow. The Smithermun Cotton Mill was still Saturday, on account of scarcity of water. The cry for water is get ting to be a general complaint. Mrs A L Ledbctter died at her home a few miles west of town last Sunday. Her remaius were brought to Troy for interment Monday. Mr 1) B Batten of Wadeville and Miss (itiinnie Griggs of S C were married on the 1st. inst. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents. Mr Neal Clark has sold out his stock of goods, and haj closed out his mercantile business at this place. We are not informed as to who will occupy the building he is vacating. Mr W hitwn 1 albert of Oph.r was in t.vvn a few days ago and gave us a little history o, his lite. Mr lal- bcrt will or- 88 years of age the Pth nF nuvt Muu II,. m u-n hearty and does good work. He wa9;t a soldier in the war betweiu the 1 the States, and received a wound ik i! the temple. He draws a pension but i lint mj bie.r.. on,. n h.. uh, ,1,1,1 .l.v.w I He professed faith in Oh. ist 35 years ... .. ! Mr II G Aoppelmvei, a well known citizen of Eldorado township ; who has been suffering from a ; rupiiueu ariei v joi ine past year ; died last Tuesday morning. Mr Kop- pelniyer came from Chicago 111., to his county several years ago, aud j occlimori Wll8 ull uJdress by Mrs Mag has made it his home since having je Wakw of KichmolL Vu., the married a iltss Kt.sse in that com- wmmn presi(1,llt of minuty. He hut followud mining LJk wor,d the greater part of this time, hav- Sectioil :U of ,ho Machinery Act ing been prospecting at the time he . int M t.orponltloll8 to Inake M was taken sick. His remains will annual report to the State Auditor, be buried at New Hope church to Failure tn nnmnlv carries a tine of J;IV- One of the most delightful social I events of the season was enjoyed at the Allen House Friday evening. ; Miss Blanch Covington of Humseur e8i the necessarv reports re forth whowns visiting friends in town, coming he till estnnaie their capi was the guest of honor, lhe pro-1 ,,. gt,,k. add the live ner cent nen- ;rain arianged by the Misses Allen, onsisted of a "nut cracking" con-: test, and furnished the large num-im ber of guests present much enjoy- uient. In the contest Miss Let Suiitherniau and Mr J K McKenzie, ! owing to their superior skill in this line, tied; but, when the decision j was submitted to a draw, Mr Mc- Kenzie, being the lucky one, carried off the laurels of the victor. Amtd he confusion of much rivalry, Mr J T Cooper a visitor who has spent the greater part ot the past tew years in the West and in South America, won the booby prize. After the contest had closed and the prizes had been awarded, re freshments were served. Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even b fore you expect it We will tmi yea a sample free. Be sure that this pktore in the form of a label it M the wrap per si every bottle of Emulsion yoa buy. Scott & Bownt Chemna 409 Pearl St., N. Y. HAPPENINGS ATTHE CAPITAL Newn Items of Gener terest. In The internal revenue collections for this district for the month of October were: Lists $444.50; Spirits stamps, 15,t;04.(iU; Cigar stamps, lb,l()0.2a; Tobacco stamps, 1 5G1.21-, Special tax stamps, $852.33 Documentary, $1.00; Total $219,- 803.75. A call will be issued at an early date bv the is'ate crnpt. of Public In struction J Y Joyner, for the annu al meeting of the North Carolina Superintendents of the public schools, to be held the latter part of the ,, of ropre8entatives. piMmber8 nmde a ,,ueer di8C0Very ' t the d t Saturday. Since fair i, ,. ' t,. ' .i week a pipe has been stopped up leading from the colored toilet room. The pipe was taken out and totind congested with empty pocket- books, These purses, discarded by pickpockets, had clogged the sewer pipe, A conference between Adjt. Gen. Ii Robertson and Uov K B Glenn on the 31st of October' relative to select ing a place of permanent encamp ment of the N C National Guard, Moiehead City and Wrightsville were the two places favorably men tioned. However, no definite action will be taken for a few days. The report lo the State Bureau of Labor shows that the cost of living, wages and the value of land has in creased. Also that labor is scarce. Increase over last year in wages: males, ninety-eight cents per mouth; r i. . ;..i,, .;,.!,, a a ..i. j BUlIltju, H ' heat ..olt ....d' tobacco is indicated, December the 2d has been fixed I tlle dllta for the ,lu,1rilltr of ,.,. .Z . . . . . P. " . for tbe ;mmlero'f Wil,mm Eborn ,.,,, ,.i i).,;ui uo ,,;f..,i th(J A t tl.,m 0f Martin court .. i ..,.,. .,i,i u .-,., ,.. . . "IT""' l'"- .'"" , , . t - , . , The North Carolina Colored Fair ,,.. f.,P,-i r,n,i i, !,.;, i,,t . Mlt,dlL,.on ' th o7,,. of Octo. ber. Governor Glenn was to have t,u f.,: i..., ,a ,.,..,, fwl ucuount 0' ftm th(, ci r,. ,v.i,ii, ?.,,. f t, liftv dollars, and as many have fail- oj "t0 ,i0 so. su,te Auditor Dixon iKBm,,i ,hi,d nd last notice to Km.h il.diih.nentB. shit inn- that, nn- Hity to ,le a,m,t ,,f taxes and uta t,, ,...i r il'hiv i,..i,liv mie s ,vjje.l l,v Taw. ! I state xkws. The Baptist State Convention will meet with the Tabernacle Church in Kaleigh. December (itb. Washington, N C, is soon to have tree mail delivery. The Charlotte Observer has pur chased the Greensville (S C) News. Sveral hundred bales of cotton were sold at Durham Tuesday at 11 1-8. The Old Nick Williams case is still occupying the attention of the Federal Court at Greensboro. The postoflice receipts of High Point for October is evidence that High Point is steadily growing. NegotiatiouB are now in progress for a wrestling match between 1'rof. Olson and au Indian, Standing Tur key, a full-blooded "herokee. The bed of the I'oiible track of the Southern Ruiiway between Pel hum and Dantillebag been complet ed, and several forces of workmen are now engaged in laying the tracks. The wtrk is b. ing th ne by contract, and is expected to be completed by December 10th. Notice That Merchants and Druggists Must Pay Liquor Tan. Collector E C Duncan of the eutt eru internal revenue district issues unimportant notice regarding the order of the commissioner of inter nal revenue that ou aud after De cember lst8elleis of certain alcohol ic ion pounds sold as medicines will be iiqn'icil to have liquor dealers' licet:-i i s. The notice follows: "'I. Dnipgists and merchants Selling Patent Medicines, Bitters, etc.: "The commissioner of internal revenue hits ruled thutulcholic com pounds advertised and sold as medi cines, bitters, tonics, ccrdtals, etc., which are conwcu chiefly of spirits ir mixtures thereof wMi out the addition of drugs or u.iditinal in grcdients in siifiiciiut quantities to change materially the chaiacter of the alcoholic liqur, are subjects otf special tax; and in and after De cember the 1st, 1! 05, persons selling such compounds will tie held liable to tax as liquor dealers. "The ruling that such ci mpounds ate composed of spirits ill combina tion with drugs, heibe, roots, etc., ui il are held out as remedies for dis eases stutid in labels on the bottle are to be regard d as medicines un til shown to have been Bold for use as beverages is now revoked; and persons selling compounds us medi cines are held accountable for the actual character thereof rather than what is stated in labels mid printed n utter sent out by the manufacturer.'." RANDLEMAN COUNCIL NO. 31 JR. 0. U. A. M. The Great Benevolent and Pa triotic Order Takes a Firm Stand in Favor of the Restric tion of Immigration. Randleman, N C, Nov 10, 1905. Immigration from European countries during the past year was larger than ever before, and the posi tive and ever-present evils ot unre stricted immigration are so antagonis tic to our social condition and the welfare of the wage-earners of the united Mates that the American people now demand that some bar rier be erected, not only against the insane, the criminal and the pauper, but against the COMPETITIVE alien upon whose product we have been levying a high p-otective tariff. ooantauic institutions, prisons and hospitals are crowded with aliens. and some of the trades, mines and public works are so burdened w'th the low grade of foreign labor that the American workmen are driven out. Last year twenty-five million dollars was sent back to Italy by Italians in America and most of it was to assist others to come. Some parts ef Southern Europe have be- cone almost depopulated through mmigratlon to United States and in many localities not enough able bodied men can be found to burr he dead for the reason that all the men and boys are in the United Mates and every one of them has dis placed some American native born or naturalized citizen. The restric tion of immigration has become an economic necessity and should be made a five political issue through out each Congressional d is trio t. I he situation is grave and threaten ing for the tide of immigration brings with it the germs of anarchy. crime, disease, and degeneracy and it is au open attack on the very ex istence) of the American laboring men. Already the character of many parts of the New England States has been radically altered be cause the tact that the foreign ele ment has driven out the old stock of Americans, which will be the ulti mate fate of other portion of our land, and if continued for one hun dred years the present race of native born or naturalized Americans will be as extinct as the mound-builders. Uuder our loose naturalization lawt these ignorant immigrants toon be come, voters, the tools of corpora tions, the bosses and the demagogic ringsters, and their votes give the majorities in our great cities, carry the States and thereby decide for us our national elections and policies. The objects of the Junior Order United American Mechanics has been greatly misunderstood and mis quoted. It is not desired that any foreign born person be excluded from this country if his intention in com ing here is to make this land his home, to observe her laws and to as sist in maintaining the high charac ter ot social lite we have always en joyed, i he American citizen's man ner of living is such that it is abso lutely impossible for the American Mechanic to compete with the hordes of pauper laborers being poured in upon us every year, and this order insists that the American laborer should not only be protected against the articles made by the hands of the paupers in the pauper districts of the European and Oriental Coun tries at pauper wages, but that we should be protected against direct competition and contact with the pauper laborers themselves in onr own lund. This organization is not a labor organization, neither it it a board of mechanics, as its name would imply, but we have a most profound respect for the Amtrican laboring man, who is the real tup porter of American institutions, and one object of this order is to protect the American laborer, the American Manufacturer and the American home from the depressing effects of unrestricted immigration. Our record and our intentions are open for the inspection of an intelligent public, and we ever extend the hand of fraternity to all who believe in America and American institutions. We invite all patriotic orders, labor organizations and religious societies o join us in this campaign. W K Habtsell, Councilor. Cliildttn teething often suffer from ''Ii leru Infantum, Diarrhoe, or some ti r.n of Bowel Complaint. Dr Seth Arnold's Balsam it the beat remedy Warranted by Standard Drug Co. Delivering Fruit Trees. Kaleigh people are always glad to see November, for it brings to Kal eigh Mr M J Reitzel, the popnlat representative of the John A Young Nui-8uirs at Greensboro, who comet to delt'-er fruit treet from that splendid Mirsery. Mr Reitzel hat a larga trade in wake aud all east ern couiuils. With Mr Reitzel are Messrs C L Moser, J M Coble and r D Hornady, all efficient represen tatives of this nursery. lialeigh icws and Observer. But Few Are Free. but few people are entirely free from indigestion at this season of the year. Kodol Dyspepsia Care it not only the best remedy to use be muse it digests what yoa eat bnt be cause it also enables the digestive apparatus to assimilate aad trans form all foods into tissue-building blood. Kodot relieves sour stomach, heart burn, belching, and alt forme of Indigestion. Sold bf Standard Drug Go and J T Underwood. " Jersey MalejCalvesfat a GreatjBargain with such breeding as Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at ran-Americar 1901; General Merrigold sire of twen ty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Address, JOHN A. VOUNG, Greensboro, N. C. H. C. MORRIS, iWatchmaker, V r Jeweler, Dealer in Watches. Jewelry. S petit cles. Pepairing my specialty. Work Guaranteed. Randleman, N. C. "DOK1ES1IC." Better Than Ever! "THE STAR THAT LEAD8 THEM ALL IS 4j-aeaa-a TheSewInf Machine tor the bemet to ke lined by wife, mother, daus titer, eam,treiie. That's our specialty. Either Lock or Chain stitch. Write for circulars and prices. Domestic Sewing Ma chine Company, Newark. N. J. W. D. Spoon's is the place to buy your Heavy and Fancy Groceries Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. ALSO UP-TO-DATE MEAT MARKET. Phone S3 Asheboro. N. C. Moved 3 5 Having bought out the grocery Business of Jos. Norman I have moved to the building formerly occupied by Morris & Scarboro NEXT DOOR TO HOLLADY POOL HARDWARE CO. on Depot street, where I will be glad to see all my old customers and new ones, two. W. W. JONES. Your Photograph Opportunity! Send any Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. 6 Photo Buttons 25cts. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only $2.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to $3. a dozen. W. R. NEAL, Photorraphr, Randleman, N. C. To Publishers and Printers We have an entirely new proceaa, on which patents are pending, whereby we can refaoe old Brass Col umn and Ilewi Rule, 4 pt and thicker, and make them fully at good at new and without any unsightly knobt or feet on the bot tom, PRICES Relacug Oeioma aad Bead Rules raeralel lengths, 80 ceati each. ReiaeUa L 8 Oohuaai and Basel Rales lengths t in. sad tra -W esnes far lb. a. sample of nraned Bole, wit laS par sloaUra, will ba uusaifslly samt on appucs- tlmhtumn al Type aad ' SiajsOtsiaVe rriauag Weriel

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