The Asheboro courier Asheboro, K. C, Nov. 16 1905, Arrival and Departure of Trsins. SOUTHBOUND. Train No. 141, arrives nl 10:00 a.m. Train No. 107, arrive at 3:10 p. m. Train No. 143, arrive at 11:35 p. m. NORTIIBOIND. Train No. 76, arrivu ut 8:25 a. m. Train No. 130, arrives at 1 1 :01 a. m. Train No. 42, arrives at 2:25 p. m. NORTHBOUND No. 142, leaves at 4:10 a. m. No. 130, leaves at 1 1 )' a. m. No. 144, leaves at 4:30 p. m. , SOUTllllOL'XD. No. 71, leaves at 10:15 a. m. No. 107, leaves at 3:15 p.m. No. 41, leaves at 3:30 p m. Local and Personal. Come to the lot sale in Asheboro on Nov. 25th. Mr C II Spencer, of Hamlet, was in Asbeboro yesterday. Rev J R Comer, of Asbury, was in Asheboro yesterday. Mr Alfred Cox, of Miclilield, wue in Asheboro yesterday. Mr B Allium), of Star, wits in Asheboro Tnesduy. Messrs W S Williams and M Bean, of Ulah, wore in to see us to-lay, Mrs W S Crowsou spent Sunday in Asheboro visiting relatives. Mr W B Webster, of Central Falls, was ip Asheboro yesterday, Mr Thomas KearnB, of Kansas, is Visiting relatives in tins county Dr John Wheeler, of Qrvensboro, spent Tuesday night m Asheboro, Mr Brittain is out again after sev eral days confinement with liigrippe, Mr C C McAlister leaves to day with Ubarlotte friends tor Aew York City. Miss Myrtle Ilockett, of Pleasant Garden, visited in Asheboro last week. Randolph Superior Court begins December th fourth, and will be a two weeks term. Mr W G Brokaw is expected Sun day at big hunting lodge in Tiiuity township. Building on Mr 11 I Dickens' house and several others is going op rapidly. The Oyster Supper, ou Friday night for the benelit of the band was a great success. Another car load of granite curb tone has arrived and is being put down on Depot street. Mr O R Fox 1ms purchased a valuable business lot ou depot street of the Arm field Luughlin Realty Co. DrJO Walker was called here yesterday from Concord on account of the illness of his little daughter Francis. John Welborn Conner died on yesterday afternoon ut his home four miles north of Asheloro. aged ti5 years. Thirty or forty acies in one acre lots and twelve acres in town lots will be sold at public auction ou Nov. 25th. ' Hon H B Vainer, State Labor Commissioner, wus in Asheboro yesterday gathering statistics for his annual report. On Tuesday of this week there was for an hour a fall of enow at intervals. The sun wus shining all the while unu the snow melted as fast as it fell. MrW T Diftct, who has been living in Hooue county Indiana, for thirty-one years is on a visit to his Id home in Randolph and paid us a pleasant visit today. The public school at Cidar Falls was suspended ou Tuesday of this week, owing to the prevalence of diptheria. Mrs Uowniuii the assis tant teacher, is coutiucd with a severe case of diptheria. Mr W II Glasgow, who is engaged in saw milling, bus recently moved to Asheboro and is living in Xlie Joseph Redding house opposite Mr OR fox's. Mr Glasgow formerly lived two and one half miles east of Asheboro. Mr Jones Yates, of Richmond county, has two sons that were out hunting the other day and killed two deer. One of them wus a large back with ten points, marked with a split in the right ear. Seventy-five lots ranging in size horn one-fourth acre to one acre will be sold on Nov. 25th. All are desirable building lots The lots are advertised for sale and will be old. Mr Banks Hinslia, who formerlv lived at Wortbville, has uioved to Asheboro and is livini; in the nanh ern part of town. The deinuud for carpenters induced Mr llinrshaw to move to Aeueboio. . Twelve acres known as the Reid tan yard place in n most desir able' part of the town will be sold in lots November 25th and thirty acres just ont side' of and adjoining tbe Corporate limits known as toe He Adden property will he sold at pub lic anction in one acre lots on tb same day. Miss Lillian Miller, aged 14 years. the adopted daiighrsrof Mr and Mrs E R Robbios, died at their home, 107 East Gaston street Tuesday . morning after an illnefs of three weeks ith typhoid fever. The body waseariied through the country ridav moraine to Back Creek Church, Randolph county, for inter ment The mother of tbe deceased is (till living, but the girl had re- tided for some time with Mr and Mil Robbios. Greensboro Patriot. Mr J G Steed of Steeds was here last Suturdav. -. ) J . i ' ' Next Saturday the County Teach ers' Association' Meets in Asheboro. Mr Albert CoppleJ of Davidson county, nus moved jo tutnaoipn. Dr F E Asbmy and tw daugh ters, of Asbury,- spent Saturday Asheboro. Congressman Page was on the tiiscoe. .. If you have been put on an, R D route please write us and tell us about it. ' The Greensboro News says that Dav'd L. Wright, spent buuday in Asheboro with bis family. Do you want a watch or a knife, the best "yori ever saw, wri te: the Courier how to get it free. Dr F 'Asbury and daughters Misses .hva andjilauclie were in town last Saturday shopping. The illness of Rev Geo F Kirbv's child, of High Point, prevented his attending conference at Greensboro I'ist week, . . The big town lot, sale will beein at 12 o'clock on November Jjith in stead of ut 1.30 as har-'tpfore'idver tised. & v. The liandl'emah Times sav that Zeno Hinshaw has beet np'riointed carrier of th Randleman HrJF D No, 3 route. f . t . . n. ... i . ' Randolph Superior Court begins on December 4tb, a two weeks term Hon R B Peebles, of Notthamntdn county, Will te fhe presiding Jndge. Mrs G S Ilenlev and daughter. Mrs W I t erg ti son were in Ashe boro Wednesuay of last week visit ing Mrs IS lluisbaw. Mr and Mrs Charles Smith, nf Asheboro. desire to retard ' thanks to their friends for krodnesae re cently during the illness of Mr Smith. Miss Minnie Jaekson, of Carthage,' ho was in Asheboro on a visit to Mrs Eliza Moffitt, went from here on last Saturday to visit Mrs E E Mof titt in Raleigh. 4 Everybody looks forward to next Saturday as an important meeting ot the public school teachers. Many ichool committeemen and friends of education are ex'petted ,...', I f Mr R R Burgess, of Julian, this county, is at tbe University of Tenn Medical Uollegc, taking a medical course. Mr uurgess will remain here four or five mouths. - Messrs A P Stale;, JAl Sechrist. Bert Fields. Albion Millis and Rarbce pltssed through Asheboro Monday going to Marley's Mille to spend four days fishingand hunting. It is of interest to every citizen to trade with his home meichauf. In the columns of this paper will, ha found a number of up-to-date mer chants who will give a square, deal to every one and anyone. ., Our subscription campaign is new bpirinninir. Can't you send us a subscriber and send ns the names of friends who live in your neighbor hood or have left the State and' do not take The Courier? Dr Hanes of Winston and Mis Psge daughter of sherrift 'Page of Wake countv were in town Sunday to see Miss Daisy Page. Miss Page a stndent at Salem Female, Acad emy she and Dr Ilanes came over in an automobile. Dr W II Wakefield, of Charlotte, N C. will be in Asheboro at Central Hotel on Thursday, Nov 16th for one day only. His practice is limit ed to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. Ask your doc tor about me. Grace Church people were de lighted to receive two new members last Sunday Mr J M Millikan and Mies May Bain. Mr Millikan came to Greensboro from Randolph county, mhI has been United States Marshal for the estern. Uistnct of North Carolina for a number of years, miss May Bain is tne yonng er daughter of Bio W C Bain. Greensboro (Jhurch Kecord. The Randolph Book Club met with MrsElnah Morhtt "-"Fuday afternoon at 4 p. m. 1W study, of England has been taken up for awhile and interesting papers were read by Mrs W Ji Monngon William E Gladstone, and Mrs J D Simpson ou England, after which Mrs Mof- fit , the hostess, passed quotations written on tissue paper cut in the shape of leaves. The guests were expected to give authors of quota tions. Several guessed correctly, consequently straws were drawn and Mrs itueene Morns won a beautiful booklet. "Violets from- Dickens." After the program arraDged by Mrs Moffitt a delicious salad course was served. Tbe club meets with Mrs W C Hammond in two weeks. So It may ba from overwork, but the chance are Ha from aa In active LIVER. i. With a weU conducted LIVER m can do monntalaa of labor Without fatlciM. It add a hundred per cent to WkM earalns capacity. . ttcukekaptlabealthhilactioa by, aad aatly by TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE, We would be glad to send The Courier without obarge to many f i lends, but we have adopted a rule of requiring all subscribers to pav, We Kave known newspapers to send to many who have never paid or au thorized the paper to bs sent, and after sending tbe paper for a year or two, send ont duns threatening to sue if payment, is not made. We don't do that way. With us it is no pay, no paper, it iineoniy way we are able to live. Mr and Mrs W, J Page, of Elise, Page is manager for the Asheboro Mfg.Co. with whuut-he has been for several years, lie is influential in bis section and is using ins influence for the public goo)., lie is one ot the active and leading spirits of the Elise High School-tul in speaking or tnac sonooi ne seemeu pieaseu with its work and prospects and spoka, in. .very? liigh-piuise of Prof Arrowiopg and his. force of teachers, Carthage Blade. FrnLtt At the big lot sale in Asheboro on November 25th one lot worth $100 .will be given awav free. Everv persoa liuyiHK a lot will hare oppor tunity to get the free lot. " ' Suosrlor Cnurtt. In this the tenth judicial district t hero are no more courts except in KowutfTTbeciiniiDg next Monday, and in Randolph beginning the first Mondtryrtin- 4eoember until the 15th of January, nearly three r,r,.lV,a Tlio tii-at nf tl, spring term is at Albemarle. Judei Geo W.Ward, of Elizabeth City, will hold trie courts for snrin? terms in the district State ol Ohio, CUy of Toledo. I Frank J Clieucy inaku nath that he Is renlor Krtuer of the firm nl K J CheiH-y A Co, -loiiia llteHl iu the City ol Toledo, County au1 State fnrotaiil. an-1 Uial Mild firm Hill wy the i-uin of INK HCNDKKD DOLLAKSfor each anil .very a-e of Catarrh thut eannot be crural by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FKANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and xutw-cr-bed In my nres- euce, uu oia aay 01 uecemuer. A ji two. C'- . . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taften internally, and acts ou the blood and mueous of the stem. Send for testimonials free. rj ico, loieao.u. Sold by all Druiriibit-.i.'H'. Take UalU Kauiily fills for uonstipatlon. County Mtdieal Society. The Randolph' 'County Medical Society will meet at Asheboro, Tiles Nov 21 at 10:30 a m. Papers by Drs Thos I Fox, C H Lewis and S A Ilenlev.' Alt medical men, medical students aud dentists are invited to be present. S A Hesley, I'res. C C HriiiiABi), Sec. MARRIAGES. Recently in Davidson county at the home of the bride's father, Mr Solomon Connie in Tabernacle town- sbip, Mr Roby Sumuiey and Miss Uirlie Copple, U U I'biilips, J F ofliciutiug. Married in Tabernacle township, by L.C Phillips, Mr J R Williums to Mrs Sue Arnold. Mr 11 IV 1VU- ianis to Miss Essie Hunt. Mr R T Summy to Miss J G Copple. DEATHS. Hurvey Allred, son of Joel Allred of Central Falls, iu Greensboro yes terday of typnoid fever aged VI ejirs. 1 be deceased wus buried at ailes Chapel to-day. On Tuesday night of this week Miss Mury Johnson, aged 50 years, Asheboro. I be deceased has b-en in bud health for years and died during prater meeting at her mother's house, Mrs Mury Aun Johnson. Thomas J Wrenn, died in Brower township on Nov 11th, 1905. He would have been 73 years old had he ived until December 25th. 1 be deceased leaves seven children, three boys, M Wreuu, W 11 Wrenu aud A W renn and four daughters, Mrs W C Spoon, Mrs Ezra Cox, Mrs J T Saunders, Mrs W J Moffitt, Tbe deceased has been for many years a member of the M E Church South. The High School Teacher' Attoclttlen. The Randolph Couuty High School Tcicliers Association which was recently orgunizel will bold its first meeting on next Satuiday, the same date of the county teachers' association. The officers of the new association are Prof. Chas. M Staley, president frot. ti r Uarner, vice president; Mits Laura Stinison, secretary; Committee on arrangements Prof. J L Henry; of Trinity High Sch' ol frof J Li liarriss. of Kundlcman Graded School; Tuof J K Mclntyre of Farmers Academy; Miss Daisy Page of Ashtburo Graded School; Miss Jennie 13 u (lord, of Randleman Graded School. Our Gri' Clubbing Offer. We have been working for several months on a dabbing list and after spending much time and money have contracted for a limited number of subscriptions to various journals add mugaziuei and have arrange! to send the Courier and the journal and magazines named at an astonish ing low price, lower than was ewt iffered before. We have only 100 aabseriptions each of two of the larger monthlies in the lists and tbe proposition cannot possiblv run long until we will have to withdraw it. Seal rove Hesj. Farmer are through sovinu wheat in this section, and tbe talk is. that early sown wheat is dead on account of dry wrallier. Tbe s. Hool at Aunutna Hill opened .Nov h with Mr P O Hognn as teacher, they are harinir a lar&e school this rear. Mr llamtanm Oldham has a nice hog to kill, which will weigh about HOG lbs. Mrs M C Ashworth baa jast returned from a visit at Mar. The yearlv meeting at Maple Spring to he held the fourth Bundav in November, Mr Walter I.inels-rrv has the nicest wh. ai eron on Little Kiver. on Mrs M C Ash worlb's (arm. THE RANDLEMAN GRADED SCHOOL. Prof Collier Cobb to Lector. Nw Colloa oath Market. Much Praia far the Vol uatary Help at Fire. Miss Zana Thompson, of Salis bury, is the guest this week of Miss Allen Barker. Mrs W A Underwood returned Tuesday from Asheboro. Mr J A McCuuley, of Mt Gilead, was in town Tuesday ou business. Solicitor W C Hammer, of Aslie boro, was in town "between trains" Saturday. ' Hev U AI uainpbell has been ap lointed to fill the pulpits at St 'aulsaud Naomi churches for the coming year. Messrs T O Bowdon and O C Marsh attended conference in Greensboro last week. Mrs Jennie lugold and Miss Vii- giniii Henley returned to Asheboro Monday. Rev Li I Cordell, former pastor of the Methodist churches here, is expected Wednesday to visit among frit mis. Mr Cordell has been ap pointed Presiding Elder of the Mt Airy district. Ihe Kandleinau Mfg (Jo after its fire of lust Friday night b tin ted up this morning. On every side is heard pruise of the many who vol - unteered to help light the tire. Some of them st od ut tbe hose nozzles and faced the tlames like veterun liremen and several taking great risks in order to keep the lire from the big spinning mill. J. he graded school uuder the leadership of Mr J no L Harris is uiukiiig tine piogress, there being about 4U0 pupils. On lust Friday afternoon th-i two lower grades en tertained the school with a number of recitations, drills, etc., there be ing present some lifty patents and;crg are required to do the effect other friends cf the school Pro' Collier Cobb, head of the Geologicul Department of the Uni versity of North Carolina, is to de- iver in the school auditorium on tbe 24th i list his famous lecture entitled Yellowstone Park," illustrated by stereojiticiin views. 1'rof tohl is no stranger to onr ople and we bespeak for him a full house. The proceeds of the entei ta'iiment will co toward the urchuse of a piano for the audito rium. A good deal of cotton is coming into town and the farmers seem ell pleased at the price, several uving remarked that if the prtseut figures continue they will not cut low u the acreage us they did this season, but will plant more another year. Mills here are paying from 11 to 11 1-4 els. The Ruiidlcmun Baud hits ordered new instruments and will soon give several entertainments for the pur pose of raising funds for the pur hose ot uniforms. News from Mt Olivet. The death antl liaa aain v dnt anil taken for iui victim M renn. lie had! hv reason of Mrei siteu our 1 huuuis ! igth liwd ! tlie aso of 7.'1 veara. He had been for many year a member ol Ihe Mottiodiat &pitt- ll. Uiurcli, ISoiitli.m lit liltvot. He was he frequently expressed to aie relatives 1 friends, rettdv, willing, and waiting to go lieu (lie aitnnnous came. They desire a better country, wherefore (iim! is not ashatn- I to le culled theirdod for be hath iirepar- 1 for them a citv. He leaves u wife three sons and four lubters n lurge circle of relatives and iemls to follow his fatherly and ucnllv ex lple atul to greet him on tbe other shore. Mi M H Tvsor has reiurred froma business trip to Mt Airj'. Mr I. -M Ivsor lias gone to otatesvillo on business liip. Mrs ka'e Suio; who sustaiued a fearful jury by a fall is improving we are glad to e. Miss Il.ira Lassitergave a stalling lee at he academy Kritlay evening. Frankliniville Items. Mr Thomas Wrenn, who died at his lOiue near All (llivet churcu tins county, was ried in the M K church cemetery at this ace Sunday evening. Numeral aervices tetel by Kev J H Hackney. 1 be decear-en was 7.H years old and leaves a wife I several children und grandchildren. He leriv lived in this place and was an up- ,nh', bom i and had many friends here w ith the itereaved family. Mrs tv C HnsM'll uncalled the annual con--enco of llie M K church south at (ire-ens-ro last week. Mr lloltert (ilass, our clever depot agent, made a busiue-strip to (.reeusiioro last Fri day. 1 .lira li t'ove gave an oyster supfer and inlertaininent at their homo Saturday night which w as enjoyed by tbe young peo- ;1 espei-ially your corresponuenl. Hope ibey will give another. Mis l allu'iiiie i ex has oeeu on Uie sick list r a few days. Mr (ienrge lhissell and Miss Fannie Buie sited at Mr .lessie copelanda at Kamseur Saturday night Mr a id ttic'iardson of near Patterson rove has go:ie to High Point to accept a positiuu anil on his way spent aaturaay night, Sundny and Sunday night with Ur and il rraveu unil it is said that one ol air ' boiirderi lias bi'n smilling ever - Monroe raveu purchased a fine mule last week. The clo-iiiB exercises of Mr i icero Hamil- lous sttimnu cla-s will take place at tnu il K church Suielay. A nice program has been tircpa rei I ami a iroou time is in more for all who attend. Kvery body is iant"d New Wholetal Houm. E E Mendriihull of the Lexing ton Grocery Co and C U bwuin ot K 11 MeSsick & Co have organized the Meudeiihall & Swain Grocery Co. Thev intend Ui wholestle gro ceries, notions and novelties and will commence business Dec 1st in the: room now ocenpied by tbe Hiijh ! Point 1 rovision Jo and the MCiNee- l.-V Co in the Hrockett building on Broad street. High I'uint ti-dRor. The8e ireiltlemen need no llltro-l , .. " 4 i . , i ,. ,. dllCtlon to the 'raile as they Hie lug towns H8 nuMliers io tne niurei . exteut of the word and we (.r.-li. i for this Compauy a thriving Imsi nebB. KXKCt'ToK SOTICK. Havlnirqualined as Executor of tlie last will anl tclutni'tit ot H M Johnson, ileeeased. Ivlore W C Hammond C S C of Kstslolph Cuuty, N C th s I to iitttily all persoiiH haviua claima , aKSlnt snl'l vtne to pmfnt there to the umli-r-1 si j it d on or before. Uie 6tlt ttav nf KoTeraticr lwiw.r tlil iitiliea will uepletnYd 111 br ol re- i C very : And all persons owun said ertau- will i i.l. -a.,' conic anil make Imme lint" -etili UH-nt. J O U LAWKESCS. Kaeeutor. This Nov 0. 10. IMilfilL. Program of the Randolph County, AfaeelaU of Public School Teackert, To be held in Asheboro, N O, Hev 18th, 1906: ' - ' 10:30. Opening Ejercises. .... 10:45. Business Election of off! cers,etc.' 11:00. Organization of R u r a 1 Schools J M Wav. 11:15. -English in the Rural Schools Miss Martha itedding. 11:30. Agriculture K A Mclntyre. . Teaching History JTL Harris. Primary Number KWork-r-Miss Maggie Erwin. Civics J T Henry.. 12:30 Recess. Teaching Multiplication and Division Chas M Staley. Nature Lesson r Miss Helen Newbold. 11:45. 12:00 12:15 1:30.- 1:4$.: 2:00. 2:15. 2:30. Reading Miss Daisy, Stuart Page. Geography. Thos Ci Amick. Round Tabla A System of Diaerammine. As this is the last meeting of the Association of Public School Teach' ers for this year, every public school teacher is urged to be present. Bring the committeemen from your ; district with you. Those who have ! jn alm,ge the conduct of the public f,iH,nls should keeD ud with edu- j catioual advancement as well as those who teach the schools.' A few committeemen were present at our last meeting, and we were exceed' ingly glad to see them. We hope that every committeemen in tne county can aud will arrange to at tend tms meeting, ii commuww meu could and would take enough interest in school work to attend these meetings and study methods and school management as the teajh- would be a surprise to all, the effici ency of the public schools would be more than doubled. . Let all teachers observe that this programme is made up of the sub jects on which they deare most ia fot mation, and it is intended to be plain and practical. The program wus uiude out entirely by the com mittee appointed for that purpose, and it will be v"erv interesting and helpful. . " The rules adopted by the County Board of Education require all .pub lic school teachers to attend these meetiugs, and all who fail to.attend this one will be expected to have a valid excuse, which can be nothing short of an unavoidable hindrance. If absolutely impossible for you to, attend write the.- County Superin tendent your reason not later than the 20th of this month, as a record of the attendance will be kept by him and-reported to the Board. All districts that have not yet re ceived their registers, blanks, etc., for this school year can get them at this meeting. It costs too much to mail them. Most of them have lioon apnt nut and I Will el Dec t golm, oue to call for the remain- , dW. o m. viai. President. In Mtmnrluai. (In Xovemlier the 5th, after a lingering illness of about eight years, the last two month of which brought intense Buffering, Mrs Mary Ann Monroe, wife of M Li Monro iJeinrted this life in the Birth yer of her age. Her death occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs (I 1' Hatch, of f jberty. She leaves a husband, three children and live grandchildren to mourn their loss, but is welcomed to the other shore by her three linys who preceded her. Her last word wcr, "I'm not afraid to die." Half the family has gone. May those who remain put their trust in Him who docih all things well, Him who i able to make lighter th'ir burdens and tttrn their mourning into joy. The bereaved have the sympathy ol the entire community. Business Locals. Notions Innerted under tKIa head at oont a ward Men Insertion. WAXTKt): fjidy or gentleman of fair 'duration to travel' fur linn of $250,000 rapital. Salary $1,072 per year, pavable weekly". Expense advanced.' A.i.lress, lleorge' U Clows, Asheboro, N C. .II'ST received a car of iron roofing. Mci rary lteoding Hdw co. ,11'ST receiveil a car of iroa roofing. ii rary-Hedding Hdw. ro. Wanted. Chickens, eggs and turkeys and will pay the higest cmh prices. Also for furs and h' v. T B Mcl'UEhMN. Aabeboro, N C IM7 LULLS All sites buitt. II w the ten sccorst. t Work sod best Variable Peetl Work asws. Bd-en, Trimmers, Bwlog Saws. Lath and aai(kt atav jlunery, Placers, Rcaaws, Esae. jf Wt br Ms faasassst AkCtJ IRON WOUS. SSiialil Saiat B a. AGENTS WANTED TO tcWart's II laoit ratMCst An exeeptlesMi oe- tat to represent eountrr esatetting order for In whleh uhTh.nwtuailllaatallieUaa. Ital work. Vtara tblni thatasnnotbeeqaaiea iiiami'. lnfow un, d.limi and low pries foueaa eatioa aa nuareno pnuopwr. THB STBWAKT IKON WORK COHPAWr. Dwt.Wo.1. catati.o.,u.B.A. . N. P. COX, Jeweler and . Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. 'lYii? i i iiaa .rrfflfHtM nTnTil W. D, 8TEDMAN GO Heavy and Fncy Groceries Depot St West Side Railroad, Ray Edmundson i Haa refitted and refurnished BARBER SHOP ...... and now has one of the nicest, cleanest and best fitted shops in the county. (Opposite Wood & Monngr'a.) Rich & Moffitt, (New Store) . Dealers in Groceries. Notions. . . . .and Country Produc. "" South Fayetteville Street. New Cotton Gin. My cottoo sin is now ready for work. The only gin in this section. .1 guarantee eaiiaiacuoa. . 1 will buy your cotton at highest market price. Bring your cotton to my mill on Polecat one mile eaat of f.momi Uotton Mills. A. N. Routh, Randleman, R. P. D. Nol Z Furniture. We have just received a lanre stock of Pictures and Frames, Furniture, Rockers and Dining: Chairs, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Bed Steads, Bed Springs and Mattresses at prices that will please. Also, we have a full line nf nn. 'dertakers goods. Any one in need of such will do well to calj Kearns & Fox. FALL MILLINERY. We now have in stock an a. 80rtment of the NEWEST AND MOST STYLISH MILLINERY. ! Will be glad to have all our old customers as well as new ones call in. You will find that it will be greatly to your interest to buy your Millinery from us. Mrs. E; T. Blah-. Farmers, Orchard ists and all Fruit Growers : in eosreb of money' pro- duoing commodities, ! should stock their or- ' chards with our new Prince R smark apple trees. Fhritty, Btocky, of immease pro- ; duction and succeeding ' in any soiL The finest apple in the market to day, receiving first prem iums at all fairs and ex positions where exhioit ed. The apple that will make money for you, be cause of its un-equalled quality, superiority and proved reliability. Five acres of these trees will net you more money than 20 acres ot wheat or potatoes. They are sold through ajjeula at f 2. each. We can sell to vou direct. mt- ting ont the agent commission, we paying tne freight on all orders or 100 tree and up aa follows: 12 tree at 8., 25 at 1 15., 50 at $25., 1011 at 45., 500 at $200., 1.00 at $.173, 8,000 at S1000., 5,000 at 1,700, rash to ooonipany all order. 3 joar Ail and 5 to 7 ft. high. 5o tree- should be set to tbe acre. We are now booking for next pting shipment and as soon this eascn . npply of graded Mock is sold out. we cs mot furnish more an til 1007. This Is the Greatest Commer cial of To-day We warrant them and will replace any tree that die, Free of Charge. We make an nnnsual specialty of this new variety, and extra care will 1 given all Prince Bismarck buyer. Order to day, before oar Spring 1H08 grading is depleted. THE M B. CHASE NURSERY COMPANY. Nftvark, New York. . 8 Wood (BL o o o o O : O " We have just completed our line of Shoes and will show the O best and finest line ever shown by us, at the verv lowest prices. SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN O CDMf RFFTttF o O which will surely come before long. . .; Our line consists of the v O following makes: , O () Hamilton Brown's American Gentleman, $3.50 to $5.00. () a ' " Lady, $3.00; one of the best on () O earth. Try a pair. Alsa full line other styles. 7 (I Queen Quality for ladies at $2.50, 3.00 and 3.60. Yon W can't fail to bo pleased with style and quality of this brand. W .. Full liue of Godman Shoes. Every pair warranted to have W solid conn and soles. ' '' ' ' t'Jt O Q t New of King Bee Shoes - to $4.UU . run line tlKin onoes, Come at once and get well shod WOOD & New Goods Arriving On Every Train. DONT MISS SEEING HEADQUARTERS. We have purchased an immense amount of goods and our stock is fast assuming the appearance of a full and complete fall stock. A few of our recent arrivals: 52 in. Cravanette for Coat Suits and Rain Coats $L25 per yard. 38 in Plaid Suitings for girls school dresses 50cts per yard. 52 in. Broadcloth, all colors, $1.00 per yard. New colored Plaids for waists, 25cts per yard. New 27 in. Silk for Shirt Waist Suits, 75c. to $1.00 per yard. 36 in. Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, $1.00 per yard. New line Flannelettes for Kimonas and dressing Sacques just the thing for these cold mornings. We carry the celebrated John B. Stetson Hats. Morrls-Scarboro-r.1offitt Co. Telephone No. 7. COO ooooooooooooooooooo oooo Game Law anna and ammunition 0 you wish to keep up with j (jur trade nas Deen very neavy on wis iur voe (. ty past few weeks and will continue so as long as our Q sr. low prices last, t l GEORGE E NI3SEN WAGONS are made better Jf t' and will last longer than ever. It will pay you to buy J one soon, as we are expecting an aavance on mem. S McCr&ry-Redding We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield & Laughlin. Real Etttekte De8.ler. Serviceable Fall For your heavy Dress Goods, Outings, Flanuels, Fac tory Plaids. Waist Goods, Fascinator, Shawls, Union Suits, Ladies Undervests, Gents Hamvy Underwear, Hata, Skoek Hose, Children's Suits, Van's Pants and largo quantity of the best quality of Bubber Shoes at tbe very lowest prices and Notions, etc. For low prices go ta Ridge, Fox & Company. Take The Courier One Dollar Per Moring s 8 Big Shoe Sale. 8 DAYS. THF ID rr rMit inVANTJ O in vici and patent finish, $4.00 0 nuDsers, etc., win oe bhowb. for winter. MORING. i Free Delivery. Out Today. 3 will be in demand, and if Q the procession buy of ns. J Hardware Company. O O and Winter Goods. J and Get the News. Y ear fa Advance.