'77 THE A COU 1 1UER New, and f 6t? COURIER Advertising Column I Circulation X J Bring Results. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year, VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO. N. C, THURSDAY, ' JANUARY 4, 1906. No I KliiK. Lea is In Beth 1 I f The Great blessing to Homes Saves life often and is the Doctor ever at hand, Vick's Grip and Pneumonia Cure. Kxterniillv applied.'; Prevents ant KelicveH lli.-se Midilen and dangerous Disowns like iniigii'. ion can have vnur ntonpv lock if not Irue. Also curee sore tlirodi, rlnwl mid bead oW". burns and milling., ami n a I'omfort to Conatimtimt fciilTeroin. 25 cm nt PruR Stores and Dealers or sent hy mail for 30 ctn L Richardson, Manufacturing Chemist. GreensEoro. N C. Dr. S. A. HENLLY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. Office over Spoon Standard Drug Co. A tlt'dilinc'H ittore DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. 0. offlces hiiiihh. JSamtol OVIB THK BANK. Hill KH. 4pmioj L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Offer his prnfewionnl aervfee to the cittseua oCAnheboro'und Rurrouudlus oommunity. Offices At Residence J. V. HUNTER, M. D., Asheboro, N. O. Day calls answered from either Drug Store. Night cbIIb from residence in front of Bunk Fox's residence. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Nitrous Oxt ond Oxy traetiona for paiiil em Ex- Offices First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. A C MCALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The. best companies repres over the Bank of Ilnndolph. S Bryant, President J. H. Cole, Cashier T5he Dank of R.andlema.n, Randleman, N. C Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest puid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hurtsell, A N Bulla, S 0 Newlin, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, H 0 Barker and J II Cole. O K OOX, President. W J ARMFlKI.li, V-Pre. W J ARMF1KLD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, tVlxa"bX", iT. C. Capital aud Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 Wltta ample smew, eiperlrnce and protection, we solicit the tuinn nt the bankiim public and feel sale In iyiii e are prepared and willing as extend to our cumomen. DIRECTOR.81 nan Park., Sr., W 1 ArmflpM.W p wood, P B BlaiTM. C C McAlixter. K M Armnuld. O K Cox, w v y ses! FOR STATE FORESTER. Divide State Between Randolph and Chatham $5,C00,CC0 Annually is Available in Lumber. '.' Mr Alfred Gaskill of llie Fores try Division of the United States Department of Agriculture made an address before the Kttleigh Chauiher of Commerce on Tuesday night of lust week. He urged the iinporlai j of a State Forester, i As an iilustratiou of the value of the wood lots of the .State, Mr Oas kill srid that dividing4he State with a line running between Chatham und Randulph. there were over seven- i teen unlfioii acres t forests, mill that this area could tie nide to pm duce aniiiiallv wo liiiU'HYil fee'. board measure to the aeie, mid this sold at $2 50 per one thousand, would gtve an amitial and peinihii eut income to l he fnrnioi of that section ot over j,000.000, Thii could be done with the creation of the office of Slate Forester, who would make it his btisn-.ess to cilu- cate the farmers how to preserve und utilize lo the best ndvnntUL'C this great wealth which is uow going to waste, llesaiutnat tne iaiionti Forestry Association was teady to eiveeverv aid to this woik. PUBLIC EDUCATION. $1,700,000 Exclusive of Special Leviej ipent ! In Stale During Part Year. j North fiaroliim last vear, applied! to its common svsteni, exclusive of ! special levies of taxes and districts, ! a million and a half dollars, besides the $200,000 which it appropriates directly from the treusury to the needy public schools. 1 be appro priation to the University this year was $70,000; that for the JNoiuial and Industrial College at Greens boro for women, SlOO.sny, of which $80,000 was to replace the burnt building; and $54,000 was given to thp Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, and $19,5000 to that for the colored race at Greens boro, Iu the case of these two colleges the appropriations of the Uuited States is included, this be ing $17,500 to the white college and $7,500 to the colored one. The total amount of the appro priation this Tear by the Slate for the care of the insane is $375,035, 1 to the blind school at Kaleigh and that for the deaf-mutes at Morgan ton, both of which institutions are for white, and to the deaf-mute and blind institution for negroes at Ka leigh the appropriation is $115,000. The school for deaf-mutes and blind are up to date in this respect they accommodate all who apply for admission, and are really built for some Years ahead. MACHINE TO SHINE SHOES - Winston-Salem Man Hat Invented A Ma china to Shins Shoes Automatically. Eleven years ugo E F Liueback. practical machinist, a resident of Winston-Salem, conceived the idea of polishing shoes by electricity. hor these years air Liifback has been slowly developing his ideas by constant experiment. There are three fundamental motions in the machine. The machine is operated auto matically hy dropping a nickel in the slot which turns iu the electric current and sets in motion the six teen brushes of the machine, which cleans and polishes the shoes in about 58 seconds. 1 he machine stops automatically when the shoes are polished. The brushes used in polishing the shoes make 2.500 revolutions a minute, and thus gives a better friction and polish than any hand polisher can. SHOT COLORED BOY. Glann Burge'l. Formerly of Liberty. Claimed He Fired Rifle at t Bird. Glenn Buigess, sou of W D Bur gess, of High Point, shot and proba bly fatally wounded Will White, col ored boy, while in a woods in the northwestern part of that own Tues day of last week. The boy was shot with a 22 cali bre rifle and the ball entered near the heart. The Burgess boy claims it was accidental; that he shot at a bird aud did not see the negro. Mr Burgess formerly lived at Lib erty. Many Birds, Faw Walnut. Libeity, Randolph county, has been shipping so many botes of wal nnt kernels thW"6easoa, Go-Var-den Weatlierlv ha smelt rat. Upon intestigation disoor eretrfrTiit id an express box oi avirj walnuts, there are packed a very oreat manv uartridires. i nese were being snippea out oi mo nir.r, tn the came law. There suit has been the conflscatiou of many exprVs packages, and the .ti7d conviction of four protweuw u n,,.- I smppe auu uu boro Telegram. Denied hy Mr McPhertoi. Capt McPherson, of Franklinville requesUthat The Courier publish that no distillery has been operated in, bis honse. The Courier d m so with pleasure. The facto al ot find, ine the apparatus, keg. jug, etc . l-' ' u . UnPhamnrt. werei ained from Deputy Sheriff J MJ wer. The duwuierr wi n. nd in operation, and Mr MoPber- evidence that aays there was no yer had been operated. WHi't'i .' :N Mffi il C i.ot.iNA. Notable Dtcrssse fn Dullness at Compared T lY- s,. The report of the Couiuii-sioller of Internal Revenue ghotvit it great de crease in the whiskey ImMncsH in JNorth laMina. I ht report show that forth i..r ending June. 30th 19i5, there ut-it- uiily t'H i-aloous in IN or Ui (Jl"li'iu, as com pared ih a ',.!! ,.f 1,18.' '-. ,-u' i n vmi.- l.i ii .In- Watts law 1 1 1 iuui operation. Lust vent license were issued tu 817 retail litjtiijr lleiU-h. a tlifliue of Hear!) hhi in Two , in upc 'IV led tuv IV, g.i 4.1 ceo' liters wen in. ik I iiere are 27. 'eut. rs ! U-e i 4r.-) ,iis tillenes r.ii' ... v , .isi in tt.e State; " t'" '' i" I I lie number of fruit .ii-i.u . .. ,.. . f'm 4i,:i .: i . . '! I'dllced .: in i Hum "i m- i . 'i - "in. '';" ui in.i tf . ol; hie. . e were 3S)-i in u nui i '.o-j the large , numliei of trmt distilleries. I It may not e ceuer.illv knowu. j but it U ueverthelejis a fact, Ni th .'-'""" "!- una iniuni" inis treat reduenni' in nri! i.'-l'. .' "'"'' than i other Mate After the brst ot Jauuarv m ;nv other grain iliiilleiieg will go out of , ousiiiess under llie nam lull. FRANKLINTON'S NEW PASTOR. Rv N E Coltrana Leavet a Hoit of Friondt At Smilhfield. Hev N E C'ollrai.e and familj moved to Fraiikliiiton yesterday. Mr Coltrauc lias been pastor of Sinithliel'l Methodist church tor three years, and the people here, irrespective of denomination, regret to nave tn ui leave us. When he came the SmithSeld church had cervices two Sunday in each month. Two years ago Nmii.ulielil wa. made a station and hi nee that time Mr Coltrane has given his full time to the chinch here. During these two years the church ha' made great progress along all lines Mr Coltrane is it good preacher, a good pastor and a g.iod man. Ite and his family have made many strong friends here whose best wishes will attend them wherever they may go. Sinitlifleld Herald Rev Mi Coltrane formerly lived iu Liberty township and is a broth er of the late Dr Coltrane. Homemade Dra. Mrs Burrow, wife of Mr N M Burrow, of Asheboro received n beau tiful old-fashioned home spuu and home made gingham or plaid di-a. Mrs Moore raised the cotton and spun the warp und filling with he' own hands la-fore the Civil war, nearly- fifty years ago, and woe and made the dress then. Mrs Moore jiickcd the coitou and aid the card ing aud spilling at night. The dress has been kept all these years and luia never beeu worn. The goods are of u fine texture and look like the finest of giughani. MR.J. E.MARTIN KILLED. Victim of Auto Wrack at Flushing. L. I. Antlcipated Hunting at "Fairview" Mr Jninea K Martin, i f " York Crtv brother- i. in of Mr W Gould Brnkaw, who own tin hunting preserve known as "Fair view", fourteen miles from Aislie boro, and who was killed in an auto-i mobile accident neur Flm-hing, L 1. yesterday, uus oue of a party couiiiiing to Randolph !tisf. we k. for a big hunting trip. Mr Bro kaw had a puny ui twenty-live made up and t h y expected to spend the olidas Ivuinug pheasani, deer and quail. GOES TO SEE RQLLINS. Ma Grant Attempts to Patch Up tha Differ ences between tha Different Factions. Mayor H L Grant, clerk of ill" United States Court for the ivittcni District went to Asheville Wednes day and the report that he went for a conference with State Chairman Rollins lends color to the statement that efforts are being made lo heat the breach between ibe Blackburn and Rollins factious. The LKuervcr says: "In f ct it was stated last week, and or good au'Hority, I bat men hifh in sua) council, ot the Hepulili catt part? would shortly take tbeir way to Washington for a uonfereticc wits President uooserelt, with the purpose of reconciling the factions aud endiLg the fight," Rockefeller's Income. McClure's Magazine says that the income of John 1 Rockefeller fth. current .year is forty million twity Million dollars oomes from his stock' in the .Standard Oil Company. This is more tnau three times the income if the Czar of Russia and more than lialf the entire fortune of England's richest nobleman, the Dokeof West- ins ter. A man gifted with figures ys it represents the comtiiued average wealth of 40,000 Americans d the average annual accumula tion of 1,000,000. - iTuf J A Hivins, forinerly-snuer U fended of Ashelxiro fublic school i t t Tu-dv Wednesihiy i wvtisy friends here. ANDERSON MAKES SERIOUS CHARGE. Makes oensational Attack on Attorney General. MR MOODY IN MASSACHU SETTS. State Senator H 8 Anderson Writes a Utter Widen Appears in Ceataln Elements Truth -An Offliuu Admits "Oharfrt r Probably True." Washington, D C, Dec 27 The ariaiiiiiment of Attorney-General Moody by former state eon a tor An d rsou for gratuitously taking the p.in ot Hie defendants in thi sin zh' against Chairman Rolliu o h. r organisation leaders, has created a genuine stir. Att ii'uey-Ueneral Moodr is in Mw en-. Ite.nii J at the Department of .-.lift.- ml one wohld talk witb lc nee to the letter. That it has n received und will be turned to the AMoraey-general for h lo '.i il inspection there is no room inr douot. The charges oontained in the let ter, especially those relating to the 'A .-si, Asheville postolnoe are so v. and eeiious that in the opinion it many people here, they oall for Congressional action, and if the Administration ignores them, it is almost eertain that a resolution will be introduced in the Senate, de manding a fall feciUl of all the facts. The North Carolina Senators will be forced to take notice of the West Asheville situation when the iptintirientof Major W W Rollins as poaimasw at Asheville comes np tor continuation. THE CASE OF JAKE. KAY If all the facts hate been told,' the I appointment of Jake Ray, as assist ant in the West Asheville office and bis transfer here, which resulted in the evasion ot the civil service ex uminatiou regulations will be aired to such an extent in Congress that; the Administration will be foiced to take notice of this particular phase of the Radical row in the State. The claim is made that the situation with respect to Kay's apjxiintmcnt, is really worse than portrayed by Aiidereou, Not only did Ray receive f 400, as salary in an onio that had previously paid only $100. per year, but the statement is made that the postmaster was also given a salary of $300 a year over his protest The opponents of Postmaster Rollins tre very busy, aud it is apparent they will recite his connection with tu Incident to tbe members of the Semite committee 03 postofflces and post roads. THOUGHT THE CHARGES TRUE. Aii effort to get the facts with ference t the West Asheville in cident front the I'ostotlicc Depart ment was unsuccessful. Utucials there said it was contrary to custom t make p ublic matters of this kind One official was frank enough to ad mit that the charges are probably tiue; "for said he, "'George W Bearers, indicted chief of salaries aud allowauces in the depaitment r -lining things, with a high hand at this time." .. Tiie opinion is freely expressed thai the Administration will,, not take notice of this ugly situation in North Carolina, unless forced to do so, as the result of publicity 'coming through Congressional channels. llie rreident who has already de nounced Anderson iu strong lan guage, lias seldom it ever iu nis me ud mi tied that be erred aud it is not thought that be will voluntarily do so in this instance. It is certain that the Attorney-General will not take actiou without consulting Mr UiMiM-velt, Col V 8 Lusk, of Ashe ville, who is here, declares that his visit relates to legal and not political matters. He says tha he is not taking part in the Republican scrap iu the Mate, though be is against the third termers. Ex-Goveruor D L Russell ! who has been to Raltimoie to consult his physician spent the day here. The t. inner Governor was accompanied iiv bis nephew, Major D R Johnfon. lie is not in good health. Tom I'ence, Washington Cor. News aud Observer Remsdy lor Dlpthsrla. Diptheiia is getting to be a very common, aud is a very d.mgerous disease Simple remedie i .nicthiie nrov more rffective than bought medicines. Every family in whichJ there are children, should nave a remedy at hand. We give one that has been tried aal cured when other remedies failed. It is grated pinV pple, such as you can bay in grocerj stores. When the oh Id has the dis ease give the pineapple to it and fit it eat it. Give a apoouf ul of it fre quently. There) is something in th'f acid that kills the germ and cuts the phlegm loose. It will do no barm to try it. Hickory Times Mercury, j Mr W F Norman, manager of The Snow Lumber Company, at Mt Gilead. baa in.ov.id to High Point und will 'ravel for the Snow Lum ber I'ompuny. A Mr McAnley will succeed Mr Norman at Mt Gilead in tbe management of the Snow Lumber Co's business. , D M Hill and Richard Rogers, of Saxon Hill, and J F Stone, of Crowd Anchor, Sonth Carolin i, were stinck bv a fast train on tho Southern ml Spartanburg S O Dee 26th and in- stantly killed, Mr O W Billiard, of Worthyille, DECEMBER MARRIAGES. Thirty -Three Couples Secured License During Last Month. . Register of Deeds J P Boroughs issned tbe following nianiago license tor the month of December) J M E.der to Miss Minnie & nedy, both of Trinity. J M Hinshaw lo Miss Elda All red, both of Central Falls. Cephas Cranford to Miss Mvrtl Browoi Tillman Dennis to Miss Ella Russell) D I Sink to Miss Mary fvans; Mr T A Nance to Miss Ellen Nance; W M Parsons to Miss Maude Coble, all of Randleman. A H Wood del I to Miss Emma Allen; N M Martin to Miss Sarah L Allred, all of Ramseur. G W Parks, of Hallieon, to Miss Matilda black, of Pisgah. Frank L Andrews, of Mt Gilead toMi&GiaE Kearns, of Trinity ItF D. ' W H Smith, of Guilford county 5 atiaa iimiu vooie, oi Liioeny. Jerry Smith to Miss Ida Curtis, both ot Liberty. C M Keeling, Central Falls, to Mrs Martha Cagle, of Why Not. A H- Macon to Miss Minnie D Mofflr, both of Moffltt.- William Cox, of Kansas, to Miss Ida lavis, of rJmpire. E L.Wood to Miss Ida V uncanon of Pine. W J Jarrell, of High Point, to miss marj a uinsnaw, oi wortn yilli'. James H Klvett. of Asheboro, to Miss Sallie ftunce, of Salem Church. Mr John Swaiui. of Liberty, to Miss bailie Curtis, of Gray s Chapel r A Moore, of Good Snrinir. to Miss Mattie Swaim, of Randleman, J . Lowe, of Hollv. to Miss Meta Macon, of Kemp Mills. James Hinshaw to Miss Minnie Redding, and A R Lollin to Miss Nannie Stevenson, all of Asheboro. G B Collins to Miss Emma Routh. both of Grays Chapel. W 11 ulin. of Central Falls, to Mies Mattie Russell, of Asheboro, J i Steed, of Farmer, to Miss Leona Sprinkle, of Jacksons Creek J U Hurley, of Montgomery coun ty, to Miss Amanda Hall, of Eleazer. S U Coble, of Fronkl usv e. to Miss Jesse Lnugbuu. of Stalev. W Check to Miss Annie Davis. both ot Coleridge. W u JN uncanon to Miss xMena Pfesnell, both of Seagrave. V U Brooks, ot Katuseur. to Miss Cora I ugh, of Asheboro. Dellr.ialor for January. The Delineator begins the New Tear with manv feAtures of lltemrv excellence Of particular interest is an article by Postmaster-Ueueral Cortelyou, describing woman's place and share of work in the postal service. The article iu the Safe food series Is devoted to a discussion of the real value of glucose as a food product. Cicilia l.ottu8 gives impressions of "Ophe lia a character which she acted with suecess, and N Hudson Moore writes Old-Fashioned Beds". "The President of (Juex". Helen M Wins low's club story, is continued, a serious note being c-.ild labor. he education of the child is the subject of it thoughtful paper ty r Grace r Murry. VIOLATION OF LIQUOR LAWS. B Farrington Placed Under $1,000 Bond by Judge Ward. T B Farrington, of Sumner township, Guilford co toly who bus been a notorious violator of the li quor law, and ha. given much trouble in Guitf..nl and Randolph for the last year or two, was tried recently at Greensboro, and sen tenced to twelve months on the county roads. An appeal was taken and judge Ward renin red a $1,000 bond. He is vet to be tried on the charge of burning Isaac oiauiey a oam, Onions for P. eumonla. The following lemedv is going the lounds of the papers aiid said t" be a good remedy for pneumonia: Take six "r ten onions, according to the size, chop fine, put iu a large spider on it hot fire, theu sdd the same quantity of rye meal and vine gar enough to form a thick paste. Stir thoroughly, letting simmer five or ten minutes. Then put iu a cotton bag large enough lo cover the lubgs and apply to the client us hot as tbe patient can bear. In ubout ten minutes apply unotber, and thus continue by reheating the poultices. In a few hours tbe patient a ill lw otit of 'danger. . - It is said thiil tbia remedy has never failed to effect a cure. From .three tn four applications usually are all that ars needed to start t he perspiration freely from tho chest. The remedy is said to have been originated by a New England physi ciau, who achieved great success through the application of simple remedies." . ' Pneumonia is adisease which calls for the constant care of a competent physician and one should be in ut tVudanoe, but occasionally a simple remedy will help oiiderfully in the first stages or in the absence of the family doctor. . m cS h Ji'1 W M Brady. E "O Stua.t, criminal assault on the wife of n S J 'I'o1' M V'cKS'nJ f n.u.i uu:ii. i.i white farmer in the Island Creek -Vi. " "ru"J"- "-' section of Dnplin Connty was shot'? A rhorD,bnr h Tr"f ' " " ?Cmi MS i ff , a Z l night FOR THE TABLE. Thoroughly Tested That Interest Housekeepers. Broiled Chiokejt Only young chickens are suitable for brciling. Draw the chicken and split it down the back, wash clean, lay it on the board anu Dreaic down the breast bone by pressing with the rolling pin, put double wire broiler, season with salt and broil over a clear fire, presenting the inside to the fire first Paste With melted lbutter while brolmg and serve as stiou as done. Panned Oysters. Put two tablespooufuls of buttci in a chafing dish or frying pan,' and melt. When it is bubbliug-hot lay in twenty oysteis that have been lifted from the liquor. None of the liquor should go in with them Cook until tbe oysters ruffle about three minutes. Add one halt tea spoonful of salt and a dash of cay en no pepper, squeeze in the juice of a lemon and serve at once on bol buttered toast. Enolimi Meat Pie. The old way of making "English m -at pie" is to take finely chopped cold beef, put in a deep baking dish a layer or tne niear, siew iignuy with breadcrumbs, seasou nightly witb salt, pepper, butter and a few drops of onion juice; repent the pro cess uutil the disli is full or your meaf used up. Ponr over it a cup of stock or gravy, or, lacking these. hot water with a tesspoontui ot butter melted in it; on top a good layer of breadcrumbs should be put aud seasoned aud dotted with but ter. Cover and bake lr If an hour: remove the cover and brown. s Cbeam Pie. To make the crust of this con fection, tuke three eggs, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of Hour, one third of a teaspoonful of soda, and one teaspoonful of cream tartur. Beat the whites and yolks well sep arately; stir all together quickly as possible, and bake In two pans (if rather small if lurge use only one), the batter three-quarters of an inch thick. For the cream, take two sud a half cupfuls of sweet milk, four even tab.espooufuls of sugar, two tablespooufuls of Hour und one Boil this a few moments until hits thickened, and flavor with anillu or lemon. When the crust s cold split it and pour the custard between. This cake is much im proved with a boiled icing. Misx-E Meat. Two pounds of lean beef, one quart f apples, three cuptuls of raisins, one-half pound of citron, one-fourth cupful i f ciiml'c I iiriiiL'e peel, one- alf cni, Iul nt monisms, gialcd rind und Juice of one lemon, two tea- stiooiifuls of cult, otic I) i f leitMioon- ful of clous, uue-bulr i-uptlil of andv, one round of suet, one rup- ful of ciiiTiiiitH, niic-foui th cupful of candied fi nil, one-foui th cupful f culidied lemon eel, oue cupful of sugar) grated rind and juice of ie orange, one tousjloollfnl cf cill union, one half teasiioonful of all-" spice, one halt' cupful of sherry. Chop the bref and suet very hue and mix. Add the chopped apples. (I the niisins, chop the candied uitf, candied lemon und orange peel, and slice the citron. Add to the meat and stlet with the currants, spices and salt. Mix and add the sugar, iiiolu8es, lemon and orange ; when ifcell mixed, add the inly, sherry and cider. Subscr slions Paid. The following fi lends of the Courier have subscribed or renewed their subscription since o.i: last issue: R L Clark, T G Coble, T W Parks, Rev E J Poe, J C Lowder milk, Mrs C C Hardin, W J Allen, J E Hepler, Roddy Fields, J 11 Craven, Mike York. K Graves, W C HhiiiuioihI, II II Potigun, J C Hammer, S S l'ortei, Mrs t) G Gray, S Dowdy, -W W Brady, M S Brown, J M Pounds C H Julian, W L Adams, John Sellars, V , Church, D S Hoover, A V Stedimn N B Curtis, R L Birkhead, J li Smith, J P Barrett, J T Thomas, V W Birkhead, P A Williams, R Aumnn, E LowdernulK, R L Al bight. FC Hollady, K W Lench O A Campbell, M E Brown, AS I'uu'l M Small, W II Orimu, H P Jn'Minon, Heicnles Gold and Cop per ( ... .i J tiammonn, Hi t: lu sher, S R Richardson, B Deatou, L M Russell, T T Vuncannon, Kcv J Rlmtton, J F Coltrane, W.JI Moser, James Martindate, Isajtc Ronth, C F Burgess, E B LeonarK, T J Fraley, V l Fruzier. T P Bark er, H L Jackacn, G 1 1 Bean. J'T Shaw, W D MofTiit.?! Allen, A C Hanner.W J G;ei-oii, 11 ) ("r.m ford, H F Brown, J A ttuiimler, S J Hale, Jess Allred, C I' Smith Jr., MrsHK Trogdon, Eli Colile, Miss Georgia Stalev, R L Talliert, E C Burgess Emily C Parks, II Goolsby P P Turner, S W Swaim, Min Mattie Julian, J T Bostick, M F Hinshaw, G II Lauibeit, John Presnell, Mits Bessie Ash north, SF Pugh, J W Dixon.B F Hardin. C H Welch, B L Allied, Mis, M M Ar nohl, S Q Spooo, W M Caveness S Frazier, A II Kearns, W C York J U Coltrane. Ii M Myeis, A U j N Maner, W Vickory! J A Parks, J A Cagle, Wood (Si Big Shoe Sale. We have just completed (J best and finest line ever shown SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN DAYS, COME BEFORE THE 1 0 per cent ADVANCE irhil. anmWrnniAWni.. S-S, .""J J following makes: Ct Hamilton Brown's Americai " " " W earth. Try a pair. Also full i n....l:i.. f... t..,i:. Olimi huuiiij iui lauica an u.vu mil. .ov. 1 oil f can't fail to be pleased with style and quality of th'..- orand. J J Full line of Godnian Shoes. Every pair warranted to have " O solid counters and soles. (j t New line of King Bee Shoes in vici and patent finish, $3.00 L to $4.00. Full line Eikin Shoes, Rubbers, etc., will be shown. 2t Conie at once and get well shod for winter. WOOD & ! ' we Can interest vou in a. Heating Stove? We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing in that line. u-uns, Amumtlon and Sporting Hoods of all kinds. Barbour, Virginia and High Point Bnggies. Lewis & Winslow Hardware Company. argains! O 0 Q (13 If you are in need of a good suit or a nice over-coat it will pay you to see our stock. We have one of the largest and best lines in the county, and will save you money. Come to see us; we guarantee satisfaction. Liberty Mercantile Company, Liberty, N. C. ii B We Sell the Earth cyx)ococoooooooo If you are interested in the Imposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, pi'i.-.- and terms. Office in Bank tt'ld'g. Armfield (& LavigKlin. .' Real Est site DeeJers, $39 0G30$SSG0SS3SQ S3' REDUCTION SALE! u 4? O McCrary-rieddiriG; 93eeta;.S3 r Bargains! f We will close out 100 pairs of Men's fine Shoes worth from $2 CO to $4.00 per pair court week. Now is jour time to get a good pair of shoes cheap. We are receiving a large quantity of new shoes and must lave room for them. We also have other things tha. we will sell you bar gains in. We will have a lot of nice Christmas goods. Come and see us and be convinced. Ridge, Fox Winter Wear for Men. Women anc Children. Fine Shoes, Goo a fihof is, Long Wear Shoes, Fine Clothes, C tood UJ .othes, Clothes that wear well. Dress Goo, Js of the Latest Styles. Ererythjifor ev ery bod; t at l. J;. Miler's Store. Moring's !' our line of Shoes and will show tne ft by us, at the verv lowest prices. ' 2 lmr w"6' Our line consists of tho leiitleman, $3.50 to $5.00, Lady, $3.00; oite of the best on line other styles. j t en o nn 1 v.... MORI I Gr. C In order to reduce cur etock before takir tf inventory, we will offer, lor the next thirty days, anything in our line at i a nduaed price. We have some special bargains to offer in a great many things such as LCOr. PJKGEP. PAINT, BUGGIES, etc , m.cl . t in need of anything in this lire, pleaBe call to see us. Hardware Company. Bargains! ... Company. , -y- ......... .f.;