rff 1 v s (4 J She COURIER 5 Leads in' Both News and I Circulation. H fhf G6e COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1906. No 2. rv el J1 'V. OUR RALEIGH LETTER. Social Equality in Convict Camps. Horrible Double Sui cide at Raleigh. From Our Sjiecial Correspondent. Gorman News Bureau Raleigh, N C, Jan 8. '06. There has been a good deal of un favorable comment and criticism indulged in within the last few days concerning the alleged "social equality" between the races practiced at the convict camps in some of the counties of this State as indicated in the report of the State Board of Charities mtde public the latter part of last week. But inquiry seems to develop the probability that rumor has exaggerated the actual facts. So far it does not ' appear to have been esta! lished that white and black convicts at work on the roads have been "chained together" either day or night in any county, but it seems that in several counties the two races have been made to occupy the same building with one room as sleeping quarters the negroes sleep ing on one side of the room and the whites on the other. Masons Meet. The North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masons will meet in annual com munication here tomorrow night and will be in session till Friday of this week. Grand Secretary John C Drewry reports that there are now over sixteen thousand Masons in the State, twelve hundred having been added during the past year, and that fifteen new lodges have been established during 1905. The Grand Lodge receipts now amount to more than twelve thousand dol lars annually. Ten years ago, when Mr Drewry was lirst elected Grand Secretary they amounted to four thousand. Of course Mr Drewry will again be elected for he is with out opposition and is very earnestly eugaged in helping in the work of building the handsome Masonic i'tinple which is about to be com menced in this city. As Grand Master Liddell has served two terms he will in the regular order of suc cession be succeeded by Deputy Grand Master F D Winston, the present Lieut-Gov of the State. Double Suicide. Yesterday (Sunday) there was de veloped another horrible instance in Raleigh of what whiskey will do for a man who was otherwise a good and popular citizen. William H Hood, until recently deputy register of deeds of Wake county, and whose father was register of deeds at the time of his death soaie four or five years ago, was found dead in bed with a disreputable woman in Raleigh's tenderloin district, locally known as East Raleigh. The wom an was also dead and empty lauda num vials in the room revealed the means employed by them to commit the double suicide. Three months ago Hood was treated at an institu tion in this State for the drink . habit. During the holidays he re turned to his cups which fact is said to have caused him to lose hope for the futurand on Saturday he de liberately made up his mind to put an end to his existence. According to report he revealed his intention to the woman Saturday night, whereupon the latter told him that if he was determined to kill himself she "would go along with him, wherever it led to." The woman then, it seems, left the bawdy house in which she was an inmate and. ac companied Hood to the house of an old colored woman where they hired a room for the night. The finding of their dead bodies in bed yester day about noon was the sequel of the horrible that they made and so fatally kept Mr Hood leaves a widowed mother, an invalid wife and one or two small children. Wake Criminal Court. " The two-weeks term of Wake county criminal court which began here to-day will dispose of several important and sensational cases. Among the cases set for trial at this term are thoae against the three at tendants at at the Central Hospital , for the Insane located at Raleigh who are charged with the killing, through alleged cruelty, of the pa tient Nail, from Chatham county, whose death last summer a few hours after his attempt to escape r created such sensation all over the - State.T .Poiiceman Isaao W " Roger!, who shot and mxm so near- killing deputy U $ Marshal John Dockery, popular young man and son of Marshal Henry C Dockery, and - whose assault was the result of the discovery of intimacy between young Rogers at a disreputable assignation house here, will also ie tried, the charge being secret assault. Frank Moore, a young white man of this city, and" a negro will be tried on the charge of having set tire to the plant of the Standard Oil Co in this city last May, on which occa sion the night watchman was killed and the money drawer robbed, the building and thousands of gallons of oil having been consumed in the fire which followed. A large num ber of gambling cases are also set for trial. Judge Ward is the pre siding judge. Llewxam. NEWS FROM RANDLEMAN. Bank' Stockholders to Meet Mr Council Sells Out and Leaves Mr Wall Goes to High Point -Other News. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of Randleman will be held to-day. The officers and direc ors for tbe ensuing year will be elected and other business transacted. Mr John T Council, manager of the Randleman Bargain House, has sold his interest in the firm to Mr G T McAlister, of Spray. Mr Sam Swaim will have charge of the business afier Feb 1st. Rev Amos Gregson, of Rock Hill, S C, is here on a visit to his old home. His many friends are glad to welcome him. Miss Louise Fousb.ee, who has been the guest of MissFerree for the past week, returned to her home in Greensboro Monday. Mr Edgar Wall, who has illled a positiou as saie sman with the Naomi Falls Store Co for the past year, has accepted a similar position with Uliuard, of High 1'oint. Miss Ma7 P Blount returned Saturday, having spent the holidays with her relatives at Washington, N C. Mr R P Dicks, of the Hunter Mfg & Com Co, of Greensboro is at home for a few days. Mr Charles Beaslev left Monday to iiccent the nosition of cashier of the Bank of Chapel Hill. Mrs P A iHenuennaii, 01 Asne boro, is here on a visit to friends. Miss Eula Haves has returned from Greensboro, having acted as bridesmaid at the Ray-Terrell mar riage. Medical Society. The RandolDh County Medical Society met in the Court House on Tnesdav of this week. Dr Henly read an interesting paper on the old physicians; or tne uouniy, giving many interesting matters connected with the lives of a number of the old physicians. Drs "Sumner and McFadyen were appomtea to repre sent the medical society at the good roads meeting at Randleman on next Saturday night. Amount of Tobacco Consumed. Of all the tobacco consumed in the civilized world statistics show that the United States burns up more than two-tbirds. a total esti mated at 450,000,000 pounds. The per capita consumption is 0.4 nounds. which is exceeded by the natives of Belgium, who use 6.21 pounds per annum eacn. uermany, with 201,73,OOO, and uussia, witn were the only other countries last year that consumed more than lOO.ouo.uuu pounus 01 tobacco. Belgium Bhows the high est rpr nanita: the United States is second; Russia's is but 1.1 pounds, and Italy a is even lower, witn l.uo pounds. Personals. V A Kline, of Liberty.' spent Wednesday in Asheboro. . W M Ellison and A 0 Pickett, of Liberty, were visitors here Wed nesday. , ' Rev G W Robinson will preach at the Presbyterian " church Sunday morning and evening. ":' Mr 0 K Cox and soa Master Clvde. of Oedar Falls, spent Wednes day in Asheboro. Dr Hunter has returned , from ChaTlotte where he he has been with Mr Leo Barker to see an eye special ist. ' ' E W Walker, who has been one of tha 1nrTPt nnrk mi sera in Taber nacle township, killed 20 pigs that weighed oea4. ruteen 01 ineui averaged 311 pounds. ,t ' Mr H B- Martin, a young man of ien years'- x jiarience. oa dsily and weekly newspapers, has accepted a position en the Courier and will take charge of tbe business and act as circulation manager of the Conner for the present. Mr Martin comes to as with a fine record and highly recommended. FRANKLINVILLE ITEMS. Franklinv'ile Mfg. Co. Putting In New Ma chineryFish Stories. Etc. Dr Turrentine our presiding elder filled his appointment at the M E church Sunday and preached an able sermon to an appreciative au dience. Mr Sidney Mauer, of Thomasville, is visiting his children in the city this week. Mrs Caroline Crayen has gone to Greensboro to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs 0 T Leonard. Mr J U Lutterloh, of Rowland, came up last week to spend a few days with relatives and friends. We are alwavs glad to welcome Mr Lutterloh to our city. Miss Mary Dockery has resigned her position with the Franklinville Mfg. Co. and has gone to White Oak to accept a similar position. Mr Lonnie and Masters Clarence Welch and Lewis Hayes spent Sat urday evtung and Sunday in Ran dleman. Mr Geo W Mullinix, machine erector for Saco & Pettee Machine Shops, of Biddeford, Maine, is plac ing some new spinning frames for the Franklinville Mfg. Co. this week which will be ready to start in a few days. Mrs Sarah A Craven has been on the sick list for some time but is reported better. Messrs Marion Burk aud B H Cheek attended the breaking of the dam at Marleya Mill last week and report a splendid time and that there were over three hundred people pres ent who came from High Point, Liberty, Staley, Pittsboro and the surrounding community. Several amused themselves fishing and shoot ing. Thelargest carp caught weigh ed 2? 1-2 lbs. John Williams aud B 11 Check caught with three draws of seine 134 of lbs fish. Burk and Cheek with one draw caught two carp weighing 40 lbs. Fork Creek. Miss Lv.la Seawell has commenced her school at Cross Roads where her sister had been teaching before Christmas. We wish her much success. Mr Walter Albright, from near Patterson's Quarters, has moved to the Spencer place near Yow's Mills. Mr Elmer Yow, who has been in school at Why Not, for some time came home Christmas and will spend a few weeks with his parents near Yow's Mill. Mr R L Albright and 0 , D law rence have about completed the bridge across Fork Creek near Al bnghs's store. Mi George Henry Bean, from near Mitchfield, who is m the saw mill business has located near here. Getting Under Way. After much time and trouble our new press is at work. There has been much delay, but we are run ning off this issue at the rate of 1500 papers an houi. It will easily turn them off twice as fast. After this issue we hope to be on time each week. The folder is not yet in operation but will when properly adjusted do good work. There is much work in getting all the ma chinery to work. Copper Mine. Mr W L Thurber and his brother, Mr A J Thurber, who recently came in from Kentucky, have purchased the Asheboro Copper Mine. They are working a large force of hands day and uight. There is is a large vein of silver between two large cop per veins. The showing is very fine and the owners are greatly encour aged. Farmers' Insurance Company. The annual meeting of the Ran dolph County Farmers' Mutual Fiie Insurance Association - will be in Asheboro on the first Monday in Febrnary. Mr O ROdx is president and Beth W Laughliu Secretary and W J 'league is the County Agnt. Mr Wm Daily, who left this county some ttfenty yenrg or more ago, going to Indisn Territory is visiting in this se c t i o n. Mr Haily engagad in merchandising and became wealth and prosperous. After accumulating considerable property, Mr Hailey's business was burned out and he" loft nearly all his accumulations .by a disastrous fire. The. County Road Force is at work on a bad piece of road near Mr Thos Beddings, twa miles . wet of Aiheboion the Salisbnry read, NEWS FROM RALPH. Reorganization of Sunday School The Do ings of the People at Ralph. Several of Mr anl Mrs Alson Humbles friends gave them a nice pounding Satuidav night. Mr and Mrs R E Cox, of High Point, are visiting Mr Cox's father, Mr A C Cox. Mr William Haiiey, of Indian Territory, is visiting in and around here this week. Mr Alson Humble has moved in his new dwelling house. Mr J.L Henry ha3 killed one hun dred and forty squirrels in the past two months. Who can beat that? Mr and Mrs John Humble, of Asheboro, visited Mr Hnmble's father Saturday uight. Mr Gfover Scott passed through here Sunday on his way to High Point. The Sunday school at Broker's Chapel was reorganized last Sim. lay. Mr Carson Winninghani wtu. re elected Superintendent, and Miss Ida Henley Secretary, Mrs Causey Brown and children spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr Ira Brown's, of Brown. Rain seems to be plentiful now. Richland creek wis the highest last Wednesday it has been in twenty years. LIBERTY LETTER. Visitors from the West -Mrs Barlow Visits Her O'd Home Church Services, Etc. The train on December 21st was pretty Well loaded witli Indiana peo ple when it reached Liberty. They scattered in different directions and some aie starting back every few days. Mr Alfred Hiushaw left here January 2nd for his home in La mong, Indiana. Mr Joab Staggs and wife will shortly start for their home in Hor ton, Indiana. They visited the form er's mother, Mrs j Stagg, who is 81 years old and very feeble. irs Barlow's family will remain here till some time in February. Mrs Barlow was born in Randolph county and left for the West when three years old. She is a daughter of Mr and Mrs William Fogleman who have died since removing to the West. Mr and Mrs Barlow accom panied by their two daughters visit ed old Rocky River church where Mrs Barlow s mother was a member for fifty years and was the only member for twenty years. Mr and Mrs Barlow live in Brownsburg, Indiana. Rev John Hackney preached at Mt Pleasant Baptist church last Sunday. Mr Herndon preached at Pleasant Hill Christian church last Sunday. NEWS FROM STAR. Ten Day' Holiness Meeting Death of Two People Mrs Owen Sick. We are having rain after the fine weather, and it is feared it may in terfere with the ten days' Holiness Meeting which is expected to be held here. The death angel visited the home of Mr and Mrs D P Monroe Thurs day night and took away their only son, Vance, who was stricken four weeks ago of typhoid fever. The family have our sympathy. Mr Saunders Ingram died here the latter part of December. Mrs W B Owen is very sick. . Clubbing Offer. In sending out statements to sub scribers before Christmas we agreed to send other papers with the Cou rier to those who would pay up and in advance provided payment was made by Dec 29th. It may be im possible to send The National Fruit Grower and The Central West to those making remittance after Dec 29th. ' Under our contract we do not get tbia clubbing offer with these two papers after Jan'y 1st, 1906. We have made an effert to get our en tire list m. but in event we fail, we will send in their place the Metro politan and Rural Home one year free. Good Roads Association. The people of Randleman and vicinity fill meet on Saturday night of thia week in Randleman to or- fanize a good road association. We ope this movement will lead io an organization of a Good Roa U Coua ty Association. Among th lrauer in the movement are Dr McFadyen bd Mr J L Fields. Mr 1) M Hollady spent Sunday wiih his family iu Asheboro. Ramseur Items.. Mrs Arthur Marsh, of High Point, is visitiDg her parents, Mr and Mrs A B Covington. Miss Daile Whitehead, who has so ably assisted Prof McCanless dur ing the past session of Ramseur High School, left for her home in Scotland Neck on Monday las:. During her otay among us she made many friends who will gladly wel come her back to Ramseur. Messrs Clyde Causey of Liberty and Wm Roach of Greensboro, at tended the meeting of the Masonic Lodge here on Saturday night last. Mr Edward Johnson and Miss Minnie Bowden, both of Ramseur, were happily married on Jan'y 7th. Ma" their lives be full of happiness. Mrs Maigaret Crntchheld, ot Ce-1 lar Falls, is visiting Mrs W 11 j lotibt. Mr Home, of Roanoke, Va, spent 1 Sunday at Hotel Ramseur. Mr Geo II Lambert, who has been at the Greensboro Hospital for treatment returned home last week, j We are glad to know he is greatly : improved iu health. j ill! illtllMH UUIgcoo, VUC JM. VU1 bau er fanners, killed the champion hog of the season. His best and biggest weighed 501 lbs. He killed 2143 lbs of pork. Mr W F Johnson has a bran new girl in his home. Mr E C Watkins left Saturday for CJrand Rapids, Mich, to attend a big meeting of furniture dealers aud manufacturers. Rev Dr S B Turrentine-filled the pulpit of the M E Church last Sun day night, preaching a most power ful sermon. Quarterly conference was held ou Monday. We are hap py to note that our attendance upon the various churches is always good. We also have four good Sabbath schools in toivn and the great bless ings they confer upon our children is untold. Rev J W I'atton, of Elou College, filled his pulpit in the Christian church last Sabbeth morning and evening preaching most excellent and helpful sermons. Mrs J 0 Redding Entertains. The Randolph Book Club was en tertained on last Friday by Mrs J O Redding who had arranged a very unique and original entertainment besides the regular program which consisted of current events. In re sponse to call of roll, a paper on Tennyson by Mis Herbert Moffitt and one on Institutions of Learning of England prepared by Mrs W A Underwood. After the regular pro gram Mrs Redding passed papers on which were writen questions to be answered with words beginning with "Miss" such as a religious Miso? Ans Missionary Several were suc cessful and Miss Laura Stimson won the prize by drawing the "winning straw". A delicious salad course was served followed by mint can dies. Clatesvllle (Randleman) Items. Mr and Mrs D M Allred have re turned to Spray after spending some time with" their parents Mr and Mrs J C Allred Jr. Sam J Henley returned borne Christmas after spending several months in the Western states. Mi us Suda Coble and Herbert Hinshaw spent Christmas in High Point. Mr and Mrs J R Owen and children were at Liberty last week with rela tives. Mr and Mrs J E Allen of High Point visited relatives in this section last week. Mr J M Laughlin spent Christ mas at Haw River visiting relatives. Mr T F Millikan and wife spent a few davs recently at Cooleemee, with Mr and Mrs Caswell Patterson reporting a nice time. Difficult Common English Words. Three hundred and fifty public school teachers in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, are said to have fail ed to spell one or more of the com mon English words: Auxiliary, Tennessee, Beefsteak, proceed, super sede, precede, picnicking, sieve, seize, siege, cylinder, succotash, and desiccated. A small boy in a language class in the Asheboro Graded School paid a compliment o the Courier when be read the followiBK sentence that he had prepared himself: "The Asheboro Courier is the largest paper published". ' Mr J M Way went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend the annual ses sior of the grand lodge of masons at Raleigh. Mr Way goes as a repre sentative of Hanks lodge at Frank-linsville. ASHEBORO GRADED SCHOOL. Enrollment Reached 300 Pupils. Average Attendance 225. The enrollment in the graded school during the first four months reached the 300 mat k or more than 80 per cent of the total school popu lation. Despite the measles and other hindrances the average daily attendance for the four months was 225 or 75 per cent of the total enrollment. Both the enroll ments and the daily attendance are far above the average, and indicate that the people of Asheboro are alive to the importance of educating their children. The mid-year examinations show ed that thorough work is being done in all the grades. If the attendance coutines regular promotions at the end of the year will be larger than ever before. The honor rolls of the different grades for the fourth month are given below. FIKST GRADE Jewel Glasgow, Etta Glasgow, Lena Williams, Gusta Humble Ethel Presnell, Claudius Crater, Lura Jones. Ernest Spencer, Rush Lassiter, Lela Aiken, Ursley Will iams. SECOND 'GKADE. Jessie Wood, Mabel Spoon, Ger trude Aiken, Arthur Presnell, Jes sie Ward, Clara Presnell, Emma Graves. THIKD GRADE. Everette Newby, Lucy Aiken, Fred McPherson, Fanny Newby, Nellie Spoon, Lummy Cox, Carl Auman, Ila Aiken, Sirona Croker, Lillian Hendricks. FOURTH GRADE. Pearl Kivett, Maude Hall, Eulah Glasgow, Mildred Birkhead, Clyde Aiken. FIFTH GRADE. Ethel Free, Benlah Laughlin, Mattie Kivett. Garland Pritchard, Duke Smith. SIXTH GRADE. Idyl Free, Emlie Presnell, Lucile Rush, Mamie Morris, Sue Hoover. SEVENTH GRADE. Lollie Jones, Wayland Hayes, Jim Davis, Lela Hall, Grace Wood, Clarence Hughes. EIGHTH GRADE. Ella Morris, Blanche Spoon, Grady Miller, John Sexton, Daniel Sharpe, Sam Spencer. NINTH GRADE. Blanche Coffin, Marietta Betts, The Asheboro Chair Company. The first annual meeting of the stockholders of the Asheboro Chair Co. was on Wednesday of this week. There was a good showing in the business and a dividend of 10 per cent was declared, a profit of nearly twice that amount having been made during the year. Checks will be mailed in a few days to the stockholders for tbe dividend that was declared. It was decided to increase the out put of the factory and to enlarge the plant. There will be an increase of the capital stock from fifteen thousand dollars to seventy thou sand dollars. The present stock holders will be given the opportu nity of subscribing for this stock be fore the books are opened to other persons. The first to apply will be given preference. It is believed that the stock will all be taken with iu the next ten or twenty days. Those of tbe stock holders who wish to increase their shares can if they prefer made payment on the additional shares takeu of twenty five per cent at iutervals of a mbnth or two between the payments. Juo U Plowman, an ex-distiller and a well known violator of the liqnor laws, shot and killed in Yad kin countv on Tuesday of this week a man bv the name of Swaim. It is said that the trouble was an old one about some liquor trouble. Plow man has been indicted for beating his wife. There will be a meeting of the temperance forces at the Asheboro Academy on Friday night of this week. There is a determined effort to resort to every lawful means to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors of all kinds. All friends of law and order andjsobriety and good government are requested to" attend. Col T J Dula, a prominent repub lican lawyer, of Wilkesboro, died yesterday. t Dockery and a aangnter or mi

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