THE COUR I J3he COURIER j Leads in'Both News and j Circulation. j T5he COURIER ! Advertising: Columns J Bring Results. . Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1906. No . OUR RALEIGH LETTER. Politicians Preparing for Sena torial Contest. Principal Candidates Named. Gorman News Bureau, Raleigh, N C, January 15. Politicians and party leaders who come to the Btate capital, especially lawyers, and particularly those from the eastern and central counties, are beginning to discuss the eastern Senatorship now filled by Sena tor Simmons, whose term expires a little more than one year from now, and whose successor the legislature to be elected this year, will choose. They are very earnestly canvass ing also the question of a state primary and the possible outcome, which some of them predict would result in no choice. Remembering the unpleasant features and party distracting results of the senatorial primary of six years ago, many prominent Democrats say that they dread another. It is understood that the three principal candidates for the senator ship will be Senator Simmons, Ex Governor Aycock and Chief Justice Walter Clark. It is believed that there are one or two dark horses ia the wood3 ready to join in the race as soon as a favorable opportu nity presents itself. The situation is not clearly defined, however, and it is a little too early, perhaps, to accurately predict results COfioM fcitOwMS Afe&OOUTiON. The cotton planters of North Carolina, especially those identified with the Cotton Grower's Associa tion', are in better spirits and more hopeful of future results than in many years. The new board of di rectors selected at the recent meet ing of the state association, which is charged with the management of the affairs of the association, are greatly encouraged oYet the result of their labors during he last two or three Weeks. Thic board is com posed 'of five of ttie leading cotton planters of the'stfcte. Col Ilenry C ttotkery is the clirirman and Dr R 'TL Speight, '? Edgecombe, S B Alexander, of Mecklenburg, Ashley Home-, of Johnston, and A C Green, of Wake, re the other members of the manspng directorate. Those-gentlemen have, during the last two weeks, secured several thou sand dollars m subscriptions with whict to defray the expenses of the work of the Slate totton as 'eootation, and tbfy now announce that they will soon put the new president. C C Koore,of Charlotte, in the field, be to devote his entite "tr.nie to the grewtn find upbuilding 'of the organira'tiou, on a regulaT an ' nual salary, which, it is dtated will be twentyfrve hundred 'dollars. They hope 'Obis and other means which they will employ to soon bring thereat majority of cotton growers i'nTNorth Caiolina into the association as members of the or ganization and to thns make their work more effective. The action of the general convention of the South ern Ootton Growers' Association at NowHDrleans last week, in declaring for fifteen cents for the balance of the'erop of 1905, has also enthused "the members of the organization. This writer observes, also, from heading the editorials in several of the Northern textile journals during the lastfew weeks, that those papers which up to a very recent period made light ot the cotton growers' Organization are cow conceding the strength and possibilities of the as sociation. It is apparent, too, that the northern stock and eotton market-gamblers, who have baen reaping the great bulk of the profit on cotton for so long, are greatly disturbed over the actual probability that the "Southern farmers will hereafter fix the price of the staple, instead of these sharks. TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL. The academic building of Trinity Park High School is to be enlarged and improved, Mr B NDuke having just donated the money to make all desirable improvements and enlarge ment The final arrangements have been made with architects and work will begin as soon as practicable. The Columbian Literary Society has elected C R Pugb president, F W Obarr vice-president, R C Goldstein Sflcretary, R L Furguson marshal. The Hesperian Society elected its officers last month. GOVERXOB IN CHAKLESTON Governor Glenn spent yesterday Sunday in Charleston, S C, where he delivered wo addreoee, one be f Tore the Young Men's Christian As sociation and the other in the Scotch Presbyterian church. He was the recipient of much attention and many courtesies at the hands of the officials and citizens of Charleston. 31 S.OISTRATE INVESTIGATION. Under a special charge from Judge Ward the grand jury of Wake connty is investigating the official conduct of some of the magistrates of Raleigh. This is partly due to the fact that many of the cases sent on to this term of court by some of the magistrates were based on such flimsy evidence that the grand jury declined to return the true bills. It is alleged that their courts are run principally on the "financial plan," the magistrates governing their acts according to the means best affording the largest financial returns. Llewxam. INTERESTING LIBERTY LETTER. A Prosperous Little Town Dwoll'ngs Needed Business Houses Nearing Completion. Mr and Mrs Georee Ciutchfield and little son, Hony, spent last week in and around .Liberty, iney leit Saturday, the 13th, for their home in Greensboro. Mr Crutchfield was a policeman for a number of years in that City an J is now deputy sheriff. He has" the reputation of being one of the best officers in Greensboro. Mrs Emma Siler is here on her way home from Atlanta, Ga, where she has been for several weeks visit ing her brother, Mr H L Browec and family, Daniel Albia Teague and bride spent a few days here last week on a visit to their parents, Mr and Mrs A A Teague. Our new bank and new drugstore buildings are almost completed and are going to be beautiful. It is thought both will be ready to be occupied by May or sooner. Mrs Griffin, the mother of W II Griffin, the cashier of the Bank of Liberty, will move here this week from Pittsboro. We welcome all such good people here. Miss Griffin came a week ago and has a position as clf-rk in the Bank. Rev J W Frank, our new M P preasher, filled his pulpit twice last Sunday. Mr Frank has been in .Tanau for five and one half years and talks very interesting. There is not an empty dwelling house to rent in Libertv and num bers of good people- are anxious to move here. If anyone does Duna or change houses there is some one standing on the front steps ready to Som Dr ii W Hotches has oeen nere for a few days. This is the Dr's home, but Mrs Hotches is living in Kinston and his son at Aioemane. The Doctor is the State Lecturer for the Masonic Lodge and he is on the go all the time. Mr H C Causey is now on the road buying cross ties and bridge, lumber etc for a new rail road that is being built m Eastern Carolina. Mr and Mrs J II Johnson have moved in their new cottage on East Greensboro St. Mr O T Hatch is the happiest man in town. David had bought him a possum and it got out and was gone for a week and on last Monday he found it it ii his place of business, and he has a smile on his face as big as if they had twin babies at his house. Liberty shipped 567 solid car loads of wood and lumber last year. This does not include cross ties. It has shipped more than one half hundred this month up to the 13th. R- Want Rillroad to Fanner. It is learned that citizens in and around Farmei are offering in ducements to Capt Jones to have his railroad extended nine miles from Denton to that place and there is a probability sf this being done. One of the parties interested has offered to grade five miles of the road if Cam Jones will undertake the ex tension. Mr Finchor Paralyzed. Mrs Fincher, wife of Rev B F Fincher, of Farmer, suffered a stroke of paralysis in the whole of her left side, Saturday, January 7th, from which she remains helpless; and though her condition is still serious, her physician thinks she is doing nicely, It is not thought the stroke will effect the heart. The members of the M E Church are considering the matter of placing electric lights in th church. This will be for the congregation a highly appreciated improvement. THE COURIER TODAY. Appreciation of Support Materially Expressed by Management. New and Modern Facilities for Publication. The increase in patronage steadily realized by the publisher of The Cprier has proven the old plant inadequate to meet the demands of the business and as and expression of appreciation to our readers and advertisers for their past support The Courieii has spared no ex pense in equipping one of the most complete printing plants known in weekly newspaper publishing in the State. To make the paper more readable for the subscribers, and hence more valuable as an adveitising medium we have enlarged to an eight-page quarto, necessitating additional room, new type, new cases and cabi nets, a new press, folder, motor, mailer and many other necessary things. Our new press is one of the best presses built by the Cottrell Co, having a capacity of 2500 four- page papers an hour. We do not expect to operate the press that fast, however. The press illustrated be low weighs fourteen thousand pounds, the cylinder alone weighing three thousand five hundred pounds. With a larger press we print a larger paper. The increase in size to an eight page paper made it necessary to add not only new type, piess etc, but a folder. Our folder is one of the best on the market, and folds, and trims the paper after they have been printed, at a rate of 2500 an hour, it win fold 16 pages, trim and paste them as easily as a 4 or 8 page paper. The folder, and the mailer used by so many of the great papers aud mag aainee, gives The CcI'uier js?.r;. 'uLr better equipment than most week ly publications have. With our equipment oow wa could easily print is daily- The Courier has tried to go forward and never stand still. Every dollar paid us by subscribers or advertisers has gone into improvements in the paper. Our subscribers have been kind to us. Most of them pay in advance. Few wait until the end of the year. They not only take it but pay for it. Our job depaitment is as com plete as our news paper. We have new material and new equipments throughout and the best printers that can be obtained. This is a strong statement, but it is, never theless true. Get our price and give us a trial order. The enlarged service and increas ed expenses will cause us to request every subscriber to pay in advance. It also means that in order to make m iv 1 ends meet, every subscriber must help us hustle for more subscribers. We are doing and will continue to do the best we can. Will you help us pay the heavy debts we have made, and are making by paying your own subscription promptly and getting your neighbor to do the same? We have erected during the last three months an additional building to the brick building now occupied. The length of the entire building being 80 feet. All this has cost money, more than receipts of The Courier in along while, but we had to have the increased facilities. Our new motor is' the best and most expensive made. I is three horse power and furnishes ample power for all onr machinery, al though we have two gasolene en gines and a kerosene engine, all of which is now for sale. Our new mailer is not yet in use, Ijtf lt ff'W" as it takes a long time to 6et up the large list of subscribers, but when we eet it in use. the date of expira tion of every subscriber will follow ) the name on each subscriber's pa- per, and thus no errors wm oc I cur. I Our list has grown so large it has ! become necessary, not only to use a j mailer, but also place the date of ; expiration after each subscriber's I name on the papers mailed. By j this means if a credit is not made I pioperly, it can be noted and cor J rected at the time by the subscriber. Rev CW Robinson filled his regu i lar appointment in the Presby i terian church, both Sunday atiorn i ing and at night. its Whitfield Entertain. The Ramblers were entertained by Miss Irma Whitfield, at the home of her sister, Mrs W C Hammond, on Academy street, last Friday at 4 p m. The usual business of the club was transacted, books exchanged and the meeting given over to the hostess, who had prepared a clever contest in which several of the popular books were to be the answers. Af ter the contest delicious refresh ments were served and each guest was given two white carnations. Miss Bessie Coffin won the prize, a beautifully bound book, and Miss Daisy Page the consolation, a bunch of white' carnations. The Randolph Book Club meets with Miss May McAlister at 3: 30 p m, on Friday. Mrs J K Wood and little daugh ter, Etta Reid, who have been visit ing Mr W P Wood for several days have returned to their home at Raleigh. or FIRE LIMIT ESTABLISHED Town Commissioners In Call Session Tuesday Morning. Thi Board of Commissioners were in session yesterday in response to a call issued by Mayor E Moffitt, for the purpose of considering the establishment of a lire limit m the business section of the town. The entire Board, consisting of Messrs C C Cranford, C O McAlister, D B McCrary, W F Redding, and M C Spoon were present. The board passed an ordinance making it a fine of $50 for erecting or altering frame buildings, without a written permission from the Board and an additional fine of $10 per day for each day the work is allow ed to continue thereafter. The Board has ordered the or dinance giving the boundnes of this limit printed and posted. The same was effective after midday, Tuesday. The limit established is as follows: Said limit begining at a stake at a point even with the east side of the Presbvterian church building, and the South side of W H Moring's residence, and running thence West to Church street; thence in a North erly direction along the East side of ; Church street to a staRe at a point even with the North end of the brick storehouse now owned and occupied by the McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. thence .hast passing along the north end of the McCrary- Keddinir Hardware Company's oncK storehouse to a stake at a point even with the East side of the Pres byterian Church building; thence bouth to the beginning. FARMERS INSTITUTE. Series Declzmert Contests to be Given- Young Ladies to Write Essays Medals to be Awarded. I'rnf Mrlntvre. principle of the Institute at Farmers, was a visitor in Asheboro Saturday. He reports tho snrnllmint for the spring term increased to 85. In the class work he is assisted in the primary depart monf. Vw Miss Hellen Newbold, and in music and in latin by Miss Mamie Mclntyre. The boys are preparing for a se tiPH nf three declamations to be giv en at intervals during the first three months of the spring term, prepar ttfnrv tn fhf final contest for a eold medal to be awarded at the close of tho term. All will be public and are exciting much interest among the patrons ana menus oi me school. Among the participants are Messrs Herbert Howard, Worth Garner, Chas Shamburger, Grover Nance, Howard Harris and Ed ward Macon. At the close of the Bchool term a medal will also be awarded to the young lady prep-sring and reading the best tssay. DEATH OF MR BURROW. One ot Randolph's Oldest and Highly Esteem ed Citizens. Mr John M Burrow, one of the oldest citizen's in the county, died at his home, two miles south of Asheboro, on Tuesday morning, The deceased had been a resident of this county all bis life. He has been a consistent member of the M P Church at Browers for many years. Mr Burrow leaves a large family of children: Messrs D VI, rrank, Mil ton, and Walter Burrow, and Mrs Newton Cox, of Asheboro, and Mrs Robt Allred, and Mrs J H Wright and Mrs Miller, near Asheboro, Mrs Madison Julian, Millboro, Mrs i M Allred, Jackson's Hill, Mrs Fletch er King, Troy. Deceased was 86 years old. Strike In Lexington. Lexington has been having trou ble in the cotton mills. On last week 49 of the operatives in the Wennonah Cotton Mills walked out and only two have resumed work. On Monday of this week 50 of the hands walked out demanding an in crease from 221 cents per cut to 25 eta per cut. After a talk by the manager, Mr W tu Holt, they all re considered. 106 Years Old. On Sunday, December 24th, Nan cy Davis, an old colored woman, living as an inmate, died at the county home of old age. By the best authority Aunt Nancy wa 106 years old. Mrs Claudia Reid and brother, J L Lassiter, of Randleman spent Tuesday in Asheboro. MR. BRYANT A DIRECTOR Piedmont Immigration Society Organized Last Week. An enthusiastic meeting was held in Greensboro Thursday afternoon for the purpose of affecting a per manent organization to induce im migrants to come to North Carolina. Prominent business men throughout the State were in attendance and great interest manifested in the movement. J Van Lindley was elected President with five vice pres idents and J S Kuykendall, secre tary, with au assistant. Mr S Bry ant, of Randleman was elected a director. The organization will be known as the Piedmont Immigra? tion Society. Others who attended from Randolph county were Messrs W L Bouldin and N C English, of Trinity township. Secretary Biunner. of the State Board of Agriculture, says 00,000 immigrants are needed in the State in mills and on farms. Also that 11,000 people leave us every year, going to other States, while we get very few in return. It is on the farms and the rual districts, t,hat the demand for labor is greatest. SCHOOL NOTES. Encouraging Outlook at Libirty'.Normal and Trinity High Schools. A personal letter from Liberty gives the following interesting note reference to Liberty Normal College: The school is the best it ever has been. We have had a total enroll ment of about 300 students, includ ing both terms. The fall term en rollment was 175; and the the spring term enrollment has reached 115, which makes a total of 290. New entries are registered almost every day. An extract from a letter from Headmaster J T Henry, of Trinity High School reads as follows: "1 am glad to say that the school is better attended than it has been for several years. The enrollment is navv larger than it has been since the college moved to Durham. The outlook tor the spring is very en couraging. We begin work of the spring term January 18th. "With best wishes for ihe Cou rier, I am "Yours respectfully, J T Hexry." From Ralph. Mr Thomas Jordan, of High Point, spent Friday night and Satur day with his sister, Mrs J L Henry. Mr John Burrow died last lues day morning. The interment was at Brower's Chapel, Wednesday even ing. Mr R E Cox, of High Point, whov has been spending some time with his father, is ill with the rheuma tism, we are soi ry to say. School is not in session at Brow er's Chapel this week on account of the teachers being sick. Preacher Meeting. On January 30th and 81st there will be held in the Methodist church in Asheboro, a Preachers Conference to embrace all preachers, both local and traveling, of the M E Church, South, who live or serve Churches in Randolph county. There will be some 15 ministers present. The meeting is callled by Rev N R Richardson at the suggestion of several others. Organization will be perfected, for better work in the exchange of ideas and experiences. Officer Installed. The Asheboro Lodge, K of P, No 45, met Monday night and installed the following officers: P C C E B Hatch, C C J D Ross, V C C J M Way, Prelate C M Staley, K of R aud S C H Rush, M of F C B Russell, M of E C C Cranford, 0 G J M Betts, 1 G B K Lockhart, Randleman Chair Company. Clay Armfield, of Greensboro has completed the instalation of a new electric plant, in thn factory of the Randleman Chair Company. The factory is wired for lights, and dy namo, engine and switch-board put in for furnishing power. All are in operation now. Miss Ida Morris has returned from a visit to Mrs J R Page, at Biscoe. b7

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