VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT. It Should .Not Be ladertakea With out a Srttlrd I'lan. Tbe only safe procedure when one goes u single step beyond tbe neat and Arthur Perc to Marry. Th South Cirolim Dispensary. Invitations have been issued as Gov Hevwnnl. in his annual nies follows: Slici' 10 e Geueral Assembly of tii. un.i r r a Vawlin will tontn Carolina last xuesuav, nas give in marriage The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. k. enn ui - " " " -------.- Tnere is a disease prevailing in tins their daNsrhter, some bard thinsrs to sav of that pe- coumrvimwiiuivnnis WYiuiscsoaiH- V? .'at;iii;..n 14 cofo tlu .-. 'ill II VI Y-l,... M.,.,.. disease prevailing in this orderly provision for generally reeog- Laura, to Mr Arthur Bascom Tearct culiar institution. He says "the ou nized practical necessities of the vil lage in to look fairly and squarely Into the future, to adopt a definite and com prehensive plan ami policy and never to undertake or accept a project of im provement without earnestly and de liberately comparing its probable re sults with the alms of the plan, says Frederick Law Olmsted iu Atlantic Monthly, However wise and compre hensive they may b, such general J popular piaus must irom nine 10 unit- uc ujuui- . fled, but the modifications should be j thoughtfully und deliberately accepted, j not drifted into haphazard. j A savage, forced by the limitations of ; his condition, may live upon a spare ; and healthy diet. (live him the oppor- j tuulties of civilization, and he will ' gorge himself with indigestible eombt nations, selected at random from among the endless number that individually please his The civilized man may be equally fond Wednesdav afternoon. January 24 1905, at 5 o'clock, Christian church Burlington, X. C. Your presence is requested. "At home after February 5th, 225 East Market street, Greensboro, N. C." Mr Pearce is a sou of Mr and Mrs J 12 Pirce, of this city, and is a young conductor on the Southern Kallwav. Greensboro Tel egram. Mad Dog Scare at Lexington. Lexington is having a mad dog ciaze. Seventeen dogs have been killed in the last few davs, and the police is still aimed with shot guns liestruet-manifest- ed madness near the cotton mills in of the same things, but when lie wants ! West Lexington, and on his way a good dinuer he resolutely rejects i through town is said to have bitten nlne-teuths of the things which please j Jogs jU all, and was finally kill him on the bill of fare for the sake of , s vet onv j0rs have ln adequately enjoying what he elects to bitten. Lexington ?or. in Char- m from T . ' of things ' or tne PurP08e of canine s palate. 1 0I1 Last Sunday a dog have at that particular place and time. What village Improvers seein often to forget is that their selections from the bill of fare are not for a day only, but for many years, and must be con sidered in relation to the selections of the past and of the future for the lo cality in which they are to occur. "Will it be beautiful?" should be ask ed as to any proposition for improve ment, but it is not by any means the first question to be asked. "Is It in purpose and tendency aiming in the direction we have deliberately cho sen?" "Is it appropriate to that par ticular kind of common, park, street, dooryard or township which we can reasonably look forward to having dur ing the period in which the Improve ment will be effective?" These are the first questions to ask in such a case. They are often hard to answer, but real Improvements are not made easily and thoughtlessly. Time, effort and money expended on embellishments without painstaking thought as to their ultimate result are apt to be worse than wasted, while wise fore thought as to purposes and tendencies may so shape the simplest utilitarian necessities of a village as to give it the beauty of consistency, harmony and truth. Iotte Observer of January 13th. A Card of Thanks. wish to thank our crowd which throws a shadow over the State iu the unsatisfactory eon diton of the dispensary." and "no one cau deny that the prese"t at mosphere surrounding the dispensa rv is a grave reflection upon South Carolina," and he further iusists that any odium attaching to the dis pensary i ecessarily attaches to the Mare because it is a state institu tion. He regards the widespread iiUjatisfactiou with the dispensary uu've as a rebuke to the mode of operation than repudiation of it as a system. And adds: "It is inspira tive for the honor of the State that existing conditions should be imme diately remedied." Kor coughs and colds no remedy niual to Kennedy's Laxative Hon ey und Tar. It it dfficrent from all oihc-rs l etter because it expels all eoki from the system by acting as a earthartL' on the bowels. Affords immediate relief in Croup, Coughs. Colds. Whooping Cough, etc. Chilli--!! love it. Sold by Standard Vrv.z Co and Asheboro Drug Co, ' Ahrboro. X C. mauv BEAUTIFYING TOWNS. Noticeable I'fuKrMn Toward Munici pal Adorument In the Far Wtit. Iesire for municipal beauty makes strong growth in the west, and consid erable additional interest has been aroused by the recent visit to the coast of Clinton lingers Woodruff, first vice president of the American Civic asso ciation. Newspapers tell of San Fran cisco's ambitious plans, involving years of work and millions of dollars, to en Lame the natural beauty of that water girt city of commanding hills. Tort land and Taconia newspapers earnest ly enjoin the citizens to "preserve the roses." those cities being distinguished for the abundance of that flower. Ta conia recently celebrated a rose carni val and such good advice as "beautify your garden," "help to make the town a bower" aud "grow roses" has been given away with each issue of the pa pers. In Spokane there Is n call for the preservation of the native pities. The Spokane Spokesman-Review says: "Many buyers of residence lots in the hill sections of the city are greatly ln JuriLg their properties from both an aesthetic and a monetary standpoint by cutting down the native trees on their land. After their houses are complet ed and occupied the owners generally regret their folly when it is too late to repair the damage done to their sur roundings. ( me of the characteristic and most attractive features of north western towns is their wealth of pine tret-s, distinguishing them from the cities of every other section of the eounrry. Eastern visitors of taste al-riio-t invariably remark the pines of Spokiihe lawns as forming a high dec orative natural background for resi llciiC' s, ii, any even placing them above lLe !!iis .,f the Xfw England towns or ti.e ::iap!-s of the middle states. Th.. are shade trees, of course, and often of stately beauty, but they lack the picturesquenes of the pines, as llier Jack Ita clean, spicy fragrance. Kuf h an ornament to the city and its homes js worth preserving and will be preserved by thoughtful persons who value beauty in their surroundings." Winter Garden In a Station. At h'iit. In P.eltrium, is a very large terminus to the railway system, cover ed in with a glass roaf. One portion of the station not being required for use lias tu turned Into n winter garden, the C jor ot the building being utilized for the planting out of various sub ject In the form of beds and groups, mt the Pall Stall Gazette. An Illus tration of this floral station Is given in the Kerne de L'llorticulture Beige for July. This shows some stately palms from Australia planted along the cen ter. A group of bamboos Is also pret ty. Several other plants are used, such American aloes, musas, pbeniz, sonal pelargoniums. New Zealand flax, liydrangeM, fuchsias, begonias and etbern. Owing to the Tery high roof of tbe station we should think, u;i Cardealn World, the flowering plants less stutabl for tbe situation than the 1m fat lac plants. This Is an expert- wturii applies to tall conserrt ortesr, wbsrc the plants are a long way from tbe glass. It would be quits exprienc to see a flower arar- to IwdoB railway station. , W friends for their kindness to iug our recent bereavement. God saw best to take our little Iewy to be with Him and may our loss be his eternal gain. By God's help f hope to meet him in heaven. Mr and .Mrs W F Moon Franklinsville, X C December, 2i 1005 Cutting Glass Under Water. The next term of Montgomery court win convene on the January. This is a ciiminal term if only one wtck. There are vet but few iu jail to be tried at this term of court. We are requested to announce that the vocal talent of Wadeville will give a comedy, "The Courtship of the Deacon," "at Mt. Gilead on Friday evening of the oth inst. Admission 25 cents: Imagine trying to cut a piece of children 15 cents. The manage glass with a pair of shares! How nieiit of the Uwharrie hotel under many crac ks would form! How went a change at the first of the pieces fly into tbe air! But try it year. Mr G M Hearn, the former under water. You will be surprised proprietor, gave it up to George W to see what a tine bit of cutting you Morris, who is running it ou the can do there. Only be sure that same plan as the Hearne manage the glass, the shares and your hands ment. Montgomrian are entirely immersed in the water, . 'Ph? greatest system renovate r. The mill dam at Marleys mill, Ignores vitality, regulates the kid Randolph county, was tapped last neys. liver and stomach. If Hoi Friday and yesterday when the lister's Rocky Mountain Tea fails to water was low, several hundred cure fret your money back. That's pounds of fish were caught. There :'5 cents Tea or Tablets, were about live hundred people at - the mill yesterday. Two of our sportsmen, Messrs. John II Fox and Edgar T Jordan, were among the number, both securing a large carp. The carp weighed 24 ind 15 pounds respectively. It is said that this dam was built by Indians over 100 years ago and since that time the jui water has not been let oft. It will be remembered that last summer there was an epidemic of chills and fever !n the vicinity of Marleys Mills, and as the disease was sup posed to have had its origin from the pond, the county board of health ordered the water let oiY. Siler City Grit. tive. Man v sudden ' deaths sre caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or Rpoplex v nre often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvance Ihekiilnev-poison- ' ed Mood' will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Madder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Ir." Kilmer's 5wamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over Tomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, ind to get up many times during tbe night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realised. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery ami a lnuik that tells all a!n:t it. both sent free by mail. Address. Tr. Kil mer & Co., Einghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous ofr in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but rememberthename.Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the 22nd of address, Binghamtor, N. Y., ou every xittle. We will commence our Annual Remnant Sale :Next Tuesday: TIRES SET Quicker and better and pox Janua-ry 9, 1606. This Sale was inaugurated for the purpose of cleaning up odds and ends preparatory to our Inventory which we take annually, the first week in February. Every Remnant in our store will be marked in plain figures at a Great Sacrifice. Don't wait until after this sale closes and then come in and expect these goods at closing out prices. Cut Sate will absolutely last No Longer Than Feb. I, 1906. Monis-Scarboro Moffitt Co. Free Delivery. 'Phone No. 7. Rock Hill Buggies. Advertisements. We Set Them Cold- .t L Lutllri ;a!i!icl as. tx-cutrix ;.t. i- w 'ur: of urr !n,t:i-ii to iirwM ti.t.-:j b. t:,t l vvr:iie!. mi or l-r'"r? tr.e .1.. U-r l!sir thi- uut;- ::: r:ra4 VO: HH 'rv 1. 1:' EKFIK; LfTHK! N"TU.E i.'avi".1 "i'v'vh-".'.' U-S .4"w Tii of t.-iv .J-.-..T Curt tii.-- i Um not.fy a.: jrv.s., tv a::.t the &A tat t.. A reasonable amount of food thoroughtly digested and properly assimilated will always increase the strength. If your stomach is a "lit tle off" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat and enable the digestive organs to assimilate and transforms all foods into tissue building blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach, BtlchiDg, Heart Burn and all other forms of Indi gestion. Palatable and strength-' ing. Sold by Standard Drug Co Hi.. and Asheboro Drug Co., Asheboro. strut fV X C. 1., I i I Ik HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. fHE CAROUNi COOK BTOVEi --lit n i-t f their TI' n aifain-t the elstr of sa;l em u the uijler;ir:.e.l en or otf . or th notii-.- -..! t j,;)ed Tl,..- 1'ei- .-.!, 1U...V Mr -:r. :.a K'-an,-. A'. NOTICE. Mr Alan Browning, bookkeeper for J J Stone ic Co for some time, has given up his position to engage in work not so contining, as his health necessitates a change. He will engage in the insurance biisine-s at Durham. His successor in the printing '-stablishnieiit is Mr S T Wyriek. Greensboro Patriot. u Indigestion is easily ovei come bv i, the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, T Vcatibe this remedy digests what -you eat and gives the stomach a' rest allows it to recuperate and i grow' strong again. Kodol relieves : ' t 'iua'i:ie'l a- a'!mSn:-tr.itor f li W I. rifea-fl. thu i u TK.tifv ;i ii.ivii:k -!aim! aim:ut tat of m'.i l w .-trmt-for.l to i.n:it the -ame f the ur.iler.iftie"l on or l the i'rid of l- y,. ,,r th: w:.; t-: I'it-a'i'i in triir of the;r reverv. JW ratfor.l. A'lrar. ; Trap X '. 11.: l)..vj. -V' .TICE. i J as ii'iiiili.i-T. . si; I'-rv,!., M ..ii ..r tjef'.r- I'.. l:"7. t !.:, .r ,l their re.y V. W. N. K! Guaranteed to give Entire Satisfaction in every way. -ef.'. .I.KMEN WANT! ir ii.terem in l.'an'lolrh j -To ,1 aL iniiig'.-suon, i.eicning or oas, sour Stomach, Heart-Burn etc., and en ables the digestive organs to trans form all food into the kind of rich red blood that makes health and strength. Sold by Standard Drug Co and Asheboro Drug Co Ashe boro. N'C. A Shifting engine belonging to the Southern railway was stolen by gomeone last Sunday morning, run to Method a station four miles from Raleigh, add left standing on the mam line with the evident intention of wrecking an early morning train. It was discovered in time to prevent it, however. You will not find beauty inrouge pot or complexion whitewash True beauty comes to them only that take Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. It ii a womderf nl tonic and beautifier. Tea or tablets, 35 cents. Asheboro Drug Co. T.'.e ILirvev Oil C., (.levels,..!. Thi, a G. T. GLASCOCK iz SONS, Greensboro, N. C. f : v . ...... B ii . a i,, A. IY1. PRESNELL, We were talking with a gentleman a few days ago who had used a ROCK HILL BUGGY br the past twelve years, and he states that if he were going to buy a dozen buggies he would buy a ROCK HILL, believing that he would get more for his money than in any other make of buggy. Can you not be convinced of this fact? Call to see us and we think we can prove the above to you and sell you a ROCK HILL BUGGY, if you are in need, made and guaran teed by the Rock Hill Buggy Co., Rock Hill, S. C, for sale by McGi-ary Redding Hacrdware Company. 17 i HOLLISTtP'8 Rocky Mountain Tea rrjets A Boy Heiicise for Burr Brfngi Golden Eet!.h tt 't r.'.e-, J f rri A Bpedfle tntCmt'u- : f t .- t ' and Kidoey Troulii'. i : . r.: .. ,. , .. ', , ..1. Bad Breath. .r1 Baekacfae. lt R. f T.i, 8A eit a tot 14.111 2an. Hi ait. ClZVl Kl'GGETS FCR Ci.-- I L0PLC Olacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Boggies and Wagons, Bhoe Horses and do a general repair bus iness. Second hand baggies always on band at bargains. When in Asheboro me. Shop back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours trnnr, A. M. PEESNELL, Capt. J. W. Fry, Pres. R. R. King, Vice. Pres. E. Caldwell, Jr., Secy. The Greensboro Life Insurance Company. Organized 1905. (Legal Reserve) $100,000 Paid Capital. $25,000 Surplus. Writes all ordinary forrr.B of contracts. Each policy is reentered and secured y Treas. Dcpt of State. i AAA rutst r i tt wvv.vvv reacn irees Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. June Buds a Specialty. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true to name. Largest rencuiiuTBery id me worw. Address J. C. KAII, Winchester, Tenn. li

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