kANSAS LETTER. R C Welbern Give Interesting Ftctt Well Worth Attention of North Carolina. Endora Kan. Feb. 19 1906 Dear Editor Courier: Hav ing seen aa article in your valuable paper trom tine pen 01 "uoo v ick orv" of Level Cross (now in Empor ia, Kansas,) some weeks ago, we want a word through your col umns. In the first place we do not always see things alike but as a geneial rule we see, or find what we are looking for. JNow as to "roor Kansas" having troubles enough of her own, that is usually so with wiy State as well as with private in dividuals, as to the ''whiskey" 1 want to say I have been here two years, have seen anu mingieu witn thousands of people in cities and the country, have not seen a drop of whiskey, nor a single person under the influence of intoxicants. But now for the facts and flgurers ...t.:U f T vorilu 'believe the figures which I Bhall give will be intererting to those who ure puttiug iortn every euorc in their power for the betterment of tho pnblic school system in the good old North State, as well as to the improvement of the public roads etc. Kansas as every school child knows, is not a far Western State, but is the Central Btate in tne Union. It is not bleak and barreu, inhabited by normadic and erratic people, but by a people among whom there is a less percentage of illiter acy than in any other State in the Union. 10,000 school houses adorn its landscapes; 12,000 teachers a.e engaged in educational work; $6, 000,000 are annually spent upon its common schools. Over 200 univer sities and colleges furnish higher education; nine finely equipped elemosynary institutions reflect its benevolence; its' penitentiary popu lation is less than any among similar number of people in this county. Uncle Sam, who knows a good thing when he sees it, has located with in its domain too of the greatest military establishment in the world. It raises more wheat than any other State in the Union; and the value of its wheat and corn exceeds that of any other State. Its live stock aggregates several million; its oil wells yield 60.000 barrels per day with little tax on their capacity; its salt deposits are unequaled; its zinc mines are the richest in the world, its gas flow is sufficient to furnish light and heat in every home, factory and mill, and motive power for all its ma chinery; its mineral deposits, such as lead, coal, gypsum, cement brick clay and other subteranean wealth are simply inexhaustable; and $200, 000,000 of its mortgage debt has been liquidated in fifteen years leaving but little legacy of financi al obligation to be paid; its banks are overflowing with money con taining more than 80 dollars per capita; and pauperism is almost unknown, and no equal number of people on earth exceed these 1,600, 000 Kansaua in intelligence, in sobriety, in all the elements of good citizenship, and in material prosper ity. These are facts and figures taken from the official record, and not merely guess work from the writer. We appreciate the great improve ment in the Courier and with this you will find our subscription for the next year. We would like to congratulate Prof Way for the great stand he has taken for the upbuilding, and advancement of the cause of pub lic education in Randolph county, But until all the peple are waked up to the fact that they must put more money into the work, employ better equipped teachers at better salaries, and give them longer terms ic will not be a Buccess. Every public school in Kansas is a graded Bchool from 6 to 10 months with as many teachers aa needed at a salary from $35 to $75 per month. A large number of 1st and second grade teachers get $50 to $60; third grade $37.50 to $45. The school buildings are neat and clean and a janitor payed by the month attends eich school. Success t) the Courier , and kindest regards to all its readers. Yours respectfully, R O Welbork. National Rip Saw Rlppera. Some "maiden efforts" get hus bands. "Date" generally dishes out about what we deserve. The devil always tries to wear a pious looking face. When the dollar rales the pulpit, the devil rules the pew. If yoa want trouble right quick, just go to looking for it. - Most liars are honest enough to "fess up" when they're caught. When you flatter a Jwoman, you increase the sale of face powders. There are two kinds of women the married, and those who still hope. Standard Literature Made Interesting. Would you like an easy system for reading Standard books so they will seem as interesting as maga zines, and newspapers, und for helping your pupils to like staudard literature? If anything will make highclass reading attractive; if anything will open one's eyes to the great poetry of the world, and put one in harmony with the great world masters of thought and feeling, it is un questionably Sherwin Cody's little book, "How to read and what to Read." For current literature and for amnsemeut you will find nothing better than The Touchstone, Mr Cody's new humorous magazine, that caricatures and parodies litera ture, art, drama, and society. , Mr Cody is recognized in all the great universities as the most com mon sense aud practical teacher of English and literature in this coun try. "Every teacher in this country should have 'How to Read and what to Read,' because it answers in the best possible way questions about the best books which pupils are asking every day," says tho editor the Business Philosopher; and Fred erick Hitchcock, manager of the Grafton Press, says, "It is the most practically stimulating and suggestive book I ever saw for col lege men or non-college men. Every cultured man or woman ought to have it." Pocket size, dainty binding, price 50c, (regularly, 75c) prepaid if you also enclose 10c for six months subscription to The Touchstone. Address. The Courier. Asheboro, N C. , Originated In North Carolina. A voiing ladv of Wadesboro, re cently investigated the ongine of the song ".Everybody werks out Father." She found that the song started in a North Carolina mill town. An old man, who lived in the country moved to town and put all his children twelve of them in a mill to work. He got with the boys one day, he woulden't work, and they filled him full of booze. In his hilarity he broke out into the following strain: All my children are at work And dinged if I ain't in a lather, Everyhody works at my house Everybody works but father. An observant young man in the crowd heard him singing the above and wrote the song. No one but a fool will buy a thing that he don't need, no matter if it is cheap. One would think the Laxative idea in a cough syrup should have been advanced long before it was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would be to move the bowels and clean the mucous membranes of the throat and lungs at the same time. Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It is the Original Laxa tive Cough Sprup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. Tastes good and harmless. Sold by Stand ard Drug Co, and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, JN U. Ayer's We know what all good doc tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. Aver", Cherry Pectoral It well known In our family. We think It li tlie beat medicine In tbe woxld for eouirht and coldi." K aria fKTitRisoN, Psttiuma, Cal. t50.,SC..fl.W. J.CiTIRCO., All dnit'trnt" for Hard Coughs One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Cently laxative. You Furnish the Bride We Furnish the o me. Just receivd nice line Parlor and Bed Room Suits, Couches, Upholstered Parlor Suits, Pic tures, Hall Racks, etc.. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep ing with any purse. We are also prepared to serve the public as Funeral Directors in a careful and courteous man- Kearns & Fox. SOUTHERN CANNERIES. Opportunity (or Money Making Through the Piedmont Section. .., Botft'MiiT, county, Virginia, is notable as the situs t a flourishing can nine industry vvh'ch has grown up during the past few years; The pack this year is expected to be on a large scale, and a writer in he Fincastle Herald states that packers have every reason to hope for good prices, notwithstanding the pros pects of a large output. The Vir ginia Can Co, at Buchanan, so the writer states, furnishes practically all the cans used in Botetourt, and alrea-iy an agent in the southern part of the county, where the largest business is done, has mu.de contracts for the coming season for mora than 2,000,000 cans, and it is estimated that about 125,000 cases of cans have been contracted for the whole county. Should the probabilities eventuate this year's puck in the county will be more than 200,000 cases, and the tomato crop there will represent more than $300,000. Botetourt's experince can be profita bly duplicated in other counties in Virginia and the States generally. It involves, uf course, foresight and business judgment en the part of both the growers or tomatoes or other vegetables and fruits for can ning and of the packers. At pres ent the South is a big customer for goods canned elsewhere. It has within itself ability to dominate the packing industry. bouthern .barm Magazine, Baltimore, Md. SUING FOR $40,000. Will Sue Thomasville Spoke Works Account ot Accident to Son. Mr W P Bumgarner, of Davidson, for his son, Mr Earl Bumgarner, have instituted nroceedings in a suit against the Thomasville Spoke Works, of Thomasville, lor tne re o.nvprv of rlamapes on account of in juries sustained by Earl Bumgarner, who is a 16-year-old youtn. wnne working in the nlant of the defend ant company the young man had the misfortune to get both hands cut off in the machinery. The com plaint, which will be tiled in tne near future, will allege that detective maehinerv and negligence of the company in general, are re sponsible tor the accident. Don't frown look pleasant. If you are suffering from indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. Hon Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga, says: I suffered more than 20 years with indigestion. A friend recommended Kodol. It re lieved rre in one day and I now en joy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching etc. Sold by Standard Drug Co and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, N C. If you ar$ troubled with Piles and cant find a cure, tryWitch Haz el Salve, but be sure you get that made by E C DeWitt & Co, Chicago. It is the Original. If you have used Witch Hazel Slve without being relieved it is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfits that are sold on the repu tation of the genuine DeWjtt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by. Standard Drug Co and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheooro, N C. Wood's Soul Book FOR 1906 is one of the handsomest and most valuable publications of the kind issued. Tbe useful and practical hints contained in tbe annual issues of Wood's Seed Book make it a most valuable help to all Farmers and Gardeners and it has long been recognised as an up-to-date authority on all Garden and Farm Seeds, particularly for southern planting. Wood's Seed Book mailed free to Farmers and Gardeners upon request. Writs for It. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, . VIRGINIA. Farmer requiring Urge quantities of Graa md Clover Seeds. Seed Oat, Seed Potatoes, etc.. requested to write for r;welal Pr'-e List. My Work Pleases ! When you wish an easy shove Aa good aa barber ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon, At morning, eve or noon, cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room ia neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, A.nd everything 1 think you'll find. To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do, If you just call I'll do for you. TOM CARTER.. Next door to Postoffice. Plantation Negroes Better Paid Than Our Soldiers. The pay of the private soldier ip $13 per month, or 43 1-3 cents per day. By adding the average al lowance of 15 cents per day for clothing and 18 cents for the rations we have the total of 76 1-3 cents per day, which is less than any class of labor quoted. Even a general la borer, without any special skill of any kind, commands an average wage of $1.36 per day. and the ordinary farm laborer, 02 cents for poor months, and $1.53 during harvest time. The lowest wages paid to any class of labor in the United States, so far as I am able to find from the statistics of the Depart ment of Labor, is that paid to the plantation negro laborers of the cane fields of Louisianas. For the years of 1880 to 1001, the aveiage wages paid to them at Calumet, La., were as follows: Cultivating season men, without board $.75 per day Grinding season men without board $1.25 per day General average $1.00 per day i The laborers are furnished witlr houses, gardens, and given other ' privileges, besides being allowed Saturday afternoons off two or three times per month. From this it will be seen that the lowest and most ignorant class of negro labor in the country is better paid than the private soldier in the army. The negro requires little clothing, whereas the soldier must always be decently dressed, The negro gets his Saturday and Sunday holidays, whereas the soldier is for duty at all times, by night as well as by day. In addition, the soldier is at all times subject to orders which may cause him to give up his life in their execution, American Re view of Reviews. Waverly Nurseries Growers of the Leading Voriwc of Peaches, Plums, Apples, Pears, Grapes, Figs, Scup pernongs, Pomegranates and Other Fruits Adapted to the South. Also Shade, Ornamental and Nut Trees, Shrubbery and Roses. Write for prices on your wants. PAIL HOFFMAN. Prop. WAVERLY. ALABAMA DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Nitrous Oxi and Oxygen for paiule-isEx-traetions Offices First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. A C McALISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The best companies represented. Offices over the Bank of Randolph. J. V. HUNTER, M. D Cornet of Worth and Kim Streets, Asheboro,, N. O. Day calls answered from eithe Drug Store. Night calls from residence in front of Bunk Fox'b residence. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Often his professional service to the citizens oflAsheboroand surrounding community. Offices: At Residence- Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon. ASHEBORO. N. C. O 'Hoe over Spoon & Redding'a store nar Standard Drug Co. Toko Laxative iiromo yuinincMets. g Seven Minion boxes sold in past 12 months. This SlSSiatCre. ii. cj and you self, friends. These silver seta are not like the ordinary, being exceptionally beautiful in puttcrn and must be seen to be appreciated. The pattern Is tbe famous American beauty June bridal rose and the ware itself is much heavier and more massive thanordinary silverware, which will be noticed when you receive your set and when you handle the different pieces. This ware is plated with pure coin sterling silver over metal base, and will give gooa wear ana excellent satisfaction. The character of the ware is heav ier and the design is a heavily stamped American beauty June bridal -ose pattern, and tbe rose decorations stand out in life-like relief, making this a very handsome Bet. Just notice the illustration closely. The set consists of one dozen American beauty J une bridal rose teaspoons and a V , v v v VfK. , mmmmm I IMU packed In neatly lined Individual box. It is impossible to describe this set In type or by picture, and to really appreciate its beauty you must have tbe set In your own borne. Read below our offer on how you can secure this set for yourself, your rela tives, your neighbors or friends. This is the best, most successful offer of the year and everyone should take advantage of it. Kead our offer below, then act promptly. HERE IS OUR OFFER: Upon receipt of six subscriptions of $1. each, we will send you one of the above handsome sets of Silver ware, absolute ly free. THE COURIER, The Vital Point. h When it comes to eating you wan some- thing you like. The same applies to the If necessary articles for the dining roomwhere ryou do your eating. . Dining Room Suites and Fine j Theodore Havener Dinner Se ts h from $25.oo to $loo.oo per set. I, We are adding a full line of Mantels, Til- J ing and Grates that will be worth your while. to inspect. v r Mattings of all Kinds fRugs, Axminister Velvets and Burtworth Wiltons, varying in price from $2o to $65. y A call will convince you. p People's House Furnishing Co., V High Point, N. C. GIVE and desire for work or ply, Mk- n. ;ln:ir brain, bright eyes ai.d stvuet im-all). MAKE LIFE WORTH WHILE by magically correcting They induce the natural GIVE VITALITY! by cleansing all disorders from theystosu They cure Constipation, acne, For Sale by ill Druggists ACCEPT NO Also R. & Q. Sciatic Plasters, and R. & G. Derma-Lotion. 171 A f VsUl S U VtfWAA All VUV A'UJf 1 mcc, FREE, MCE, ABSOLUTELY FREK This bandsotD Ameri- I I I rose mtiern combina- I .. H tionsilversetfreetoour WSWWIJ mnnv anhcuri ham W. have made arrange- mentstodistribute murjy thousands of these eiifht piece sets free, and if von will reud this descriotion this ad through you will learn bow cun secure one of these for your vmir rf.lut.ivpa vnnr npitrhrmrft ftnrl vnul sugar shell and butter knife, all securely Asheboro, N. C. liver, stomnrh ami m v. ' . Bleep aud uwetilu jf i.ui.,. Indigestion, Biliousness, Head- nervousness. Qc and 35c a BOX SUBSTITUTES Cures Cria b Two Days. Oft every I H C5k i 3 "&oiC. ' 'j