iM - r pi She COURIER Leads In'Both News and Circulation. J3he COURIER Advertising Columns J Bring Results. J 1 Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH IS 1906. No 11. GO RIER. OUR RALEIGH LETTER. Dr Kilgo Improving New Trus tees Announced. ; The friends of Re" Dr J C Kilgo, of Trinity College, will learn with ' pleasure of his improved condition. ! On his return to Durham from Bal ! timore last week he was compelled to take to his bed and for several days his condition was such as to ' alarm his friends and family. ; The following, new trustees of Trinity College to fill vacancies, are announced: Dr E G Register, Char ; lotte; Rev J It Seroggs, Winston; ! Dr 0 C B McMullen, Elizabeth City; ? Rev W L Cunninggim. Chief Mar- ehal Jerome and Chief Manager Ogburn have appointed the follow ing assistants for the next Com mencement: II e s p e r i a n C C Barnhardt, of Coucord, Fred Flow ers, of Durham,- A L Wiseburg, of Durham, L E Blanchard, of Hert ford, J M Mays, of Pete; sburg, Va, L G White, of Norfolk, Va. Colum bian W R Grant, of Rehoboth, K W Parham, of Monroe, U R Rowe, of Salisbury, Arnold Briggs, of Dnrham, W W Watson, of Vy socking, J N Potts, of Amelia, Va, . The Methodist Protestant College committee last Saturday took defi nite steps looking to the opening of the proposed college of that denomi nation at Oak Ridge next fall. It is understood that the Messrs Holt, who have for a ' number of years successfully operatated Oak Ridge Institute will be at the head of . the new college. Another meeting of, the committee will be held to per fect details lifter some additional ar rangements haye been guaranteed. The newly commissioned United States Marshal for this, the Eastern District of N C has gone to Rock ingham to the bedside of his father, the venerable Col Oliver II Dockery, who for many years was regarded as the leading and ablest Republican in North Carolina and missed being governor of the state by Daniel L Russell bea;ing him by the fraction of one vote for the Repbulican nomi nation 189G. The new marshal, Claubins Dockery, will assume the active discharge of the duties of his position upon his return to Raleigh. The executive committee of the State Fair, which last year secured President Roosevelt as the principal attraction, has adopted a resolution inviting Hon William Jeuniug3 Bryan to visit the fair this year and deliver the address. tfst federal Court ) urort. The following gentlemen in this and adjoiuing counties have been drawn for the April term of U S District and circuit courts at G reens boro: In Randolph: S M Stanton, Level Cross; Thos Arnold,. Wheat more; C W Shaw, Pisgah;WW Jones, Asheboro; J S Redding, Maud; S E Free, Cedar Falls. From Guilford: J L Parrish, High Point; Wilson Holmes, Greens boro; G W Alley, Jr, Greensboro; W C Denny, High Point; Dr Wes ley Coble, Pleasant Garden. "From Davidson: W F Curry, Lex ington; E F Westmoreland, Thomas ville; John Raker, Lexington. From Alamance: Jacob S Long, Mebane; B F White, Mebane; John C Foust, Alamance. FEDERAL COURT The special term of United States District Court in Greensboro was convened this week to try the ex revenue officials for corruption in office. None of the ex-revenue of ficials who were indicted were pres ent except J W Hasty. District Attorney llolton insisted on a trial of Hasty but his Attorney, Spencer Adams asked a continuance owing to the absense of two of the council. Mr Watson, who was ill and ex Governor Aycock, who could not be present. The special term of court was ad journed to try this ex-revenue of ficial on Tuesday Sept. 4 th 1906. The next regular term of federal conrt will commence in Greensboro on the first Monday in April. It can last but two weeks, for a special term to try Representative Black burn wili begin April 17th. It is said that Judge Nathan Goft will preside at the special term to try Blackburn. Capt A E Burns is not able to be up jet. The wounds on his face are still painful, but ara healing slowlj. It was a bad shock he got. BELL'S GROVE SCHOOL. Address by Mr Christenburg of Charlotte, a Feature of Closing Interesting exercises marked the closing of the school at Bells Giove Friday. March 2. The program was enjoyed by a large audience. The feature of the exercises was an address by Mr II J Christenbury of Charlotte. The school which has been in charge of Prof Surratt, did a good years work. His ef ficency is highly appreciated by the patrons of the school. We are sorry to report Messrs L G Rngsell, V J Coggin, W M Rus sel and Jerome and N L Rachel on the sick list this week. Mr A C Griffin is having a nice residence built here. Reed Ilanner, of Asheboro, visited relatives in our section a few days ago. Mr W A Clodfeller, of Troy visit ed his son, J 1) Clodfeller, a few days ago. Rev Mr hCristenbury preached an excellent sermon at Hillsljpro, : Sunday. The Coi'RiEit is a welcome visitor in our home. We are glad it has become an eight page paper. COURT WEEK. Randolph Superior Court Convenes Monday, March 1 9th Light Docket, The Spring term of Randolph Superior Court conrenes Monday March 19th. Judge Geo W Ward, of Elizabeth City will preside, The criminal docket is very light aud will consume only two or three days. Five persons are in jail await ing trial during this term. They are Elijah Elliott, John Beeson, and Mat McColluin, all white; and Elzy Hamlin and Will Langly col ored. The most important case on the crimnal docket is the State vs A L Langley, alledging the maintenance of a null dam which contributed to the ill health of the citizens of the community in Columbia township where the dam is located. Trinity Items. Mr and Mrs, "K ll Carl' and little Miss Lucy Neal of High Point visited relatives here on Saturday and Sunday. I The protracted meeting, that has ! been going on for a week, has been I productivej.f much good. Rev B F j llargott has preached some strong j sermons, and is endearing himself j to his people. In the absence of the j pastor on last Sunday, Rev Mr I Hilliard, of High Point came down ! and preached a good sermon. Mr Paul is building a store house, on the lot where he lives. He will soon be ready to put in a stock of general merchandise. Rev Mr Hicks has been sick for several days, but is better now. Capt Parkin, Mrs J D Brame and Miss Paul are all sick, and unable to be out. Miss Nan Heitnian and her friend Miss J.Uuse, of High Point, spent Sunday here. Dr Dnd Peacock and tamily visited at Mis Can's week. Dr Peacock has just returned from Baltimore where he has been for treatment in Johns Hopkins Hospi tal for the past three months. He is very much improved. Mr Lon White and family of Raleigh have moved into the "Eng lish house" and will make their home here. We are glad to have them among us. Mrs Frank Wood has returned from Durham. Mrs Prof Johnson, of High Point, visited here on Sunday. Knitting Mill Projected. Thursday night, February loth a meeting "of citizens will be held in the olliee of the Bank of Ran dolph, in the interest of a proposed knitting mill to be located here. Mr G E Petty, a Randolph boy, now living at Albemarle, spent several days here last week promot ing the enterprise aud succeeding in raising a large part of the $15, 000 stock required. The mill will operate about forty machines, and! produce a very high grade of ladies' j misses and children's hose. Prof J M Bandy, wno was city engineer at Lauriuburg, S C, left Greensboro Monday for his new home. Prof Bandy is a Randolph young man, spending his early years at Trinity. Later he was principal of the Asheboro Public School, bor several vears 1 e has been civil engineer at GreensbDio. 1193 MINERS KILLED. Catastrophe of Incalculable Horror in France. Paiis, March 11th. An explosion of fire-damp early Saturday morning carried death and destruction throughout the net work of a coal mine centered at Courriers. Short ly before the explosion 1 795 miners had been lowered into the mines and of these but 591 have come to the surface. A rescue, party of several hundred men are engaged in L' a search for the bodies entombed Deenest doom has been cast over: the entire French Republic on ac count of the accident and contri- butions to the relief fund are being received daily. Henri Rothschild has contributed $4,000 for the relief of the stricken families who have been suddently cut off f i om their means of support. RAMSEUR LOCALS. School Exhibitions Furnish Amusement for the Young People. Rev C A Wood preached two very excellent sermons Sunday and Sun day night. The morning service was a special service ' arranged by the American Bible Society. Mr Wood was at his best and many words of commendation were heard legarding the sermon. We regret to chronicle the depart ure of our esteemed friend and popu lar druggist, Dr R P Lyon. We hope to have him with u again. Mr Wili York, of Staley, was here Saturday. Mrs H B Carter is spending sever al days with Mrs P V Carter, in Greensboro. Mr R D Thomas is visiting in Durham this week. The Ramseur Cornet Baud is making some fine music and are hav ing calls already for commencements this spring. They will go to Park's Cross Roads March 24th to play for Pvf fi n WmitWlv'x evhiliirinn. ! A number of young people at-1 tendod 'the exhibition at Hickory j Grove Saturday. t Prof D M W eatherly, ot h rank- linville, was in town Sunday to the! delight of his many friends. Mr J jn Copcland, our popular engineer of Southern railway, is off for a few days' rest. MissGainey Guest nl Honor. Misses V.thi and Annie Blair en- i Wtained the Ramblers at their home They were instantly killed. Saturday in honor of their friend, Miss Gainey, of Guilford College, j Why Not Items. Nearly all of the members were! Miss Mamie Lawrence has re present and several visitors. J turned to AlberniiU.le, A musical program in which , MiM KUu Anmau is expoctla musses .inline j.uumueu.1, j-iuuint i Bulla and Etta Blair took part, had been arranged by the hostesses after which a Geographical contest of North Carolina was used. Cards were passed witu question answers were umerenc counties , in ; North Carolina. Airs J D Rossi won the prize which was a North I uarouna seal pin aim miss ueiu, Moffitt the consolation a bunch of j violets. Miss Gainey, the guest of honor, answered all the questions, so was presented with a box of candy. Delicious refreshments were served. The Misses Blair are uniong Ashe boro's most entertaiuing hostesses, and the afternoon proved an enjoya ble event for all attendants. Measles Scare Abating. Prof. G. F. Garner, of Why Not, reported when here Saturday, that i the measles scare in the vicinity of i Why Net is abating. It greatly at-1 fected aud attendance at the Acad ! my of which he is principal, lie report that within a tevv days att r ; the epidemic sturteil the niimuer ot pupils attending decreased from about 80 to 27, and that only one case had developed among the pu pils of the school. The list of a. teudants is gradually becoming nor mal again. Telephone Be'ng Pushed. Mr Clay Armfield, of Greensboro, arrived Monday night with a force of linemen to push the reconstruc tion of the Asheboro Telephone System. The exchange will be moved from the old building on South Fayetteville street to the second Uoor of the building which is being remodeled on Depot street by Mr R R Rots. The new switch board will be installed there and the line put in operation at the earliest possi ble date. Write uj and enter your Jnaine in the contest for premiums. This is the week to begin. NEWSY PARAGRAPHS. Things that Have Happened In and Out of the State. The Home Talent Music Festival will be held at Greensboro April Cth. The Cecil Bros have established a hub and handle company at High Point. High Point is to have another chair factory, B A and Joe Best are the owners. High Point silk mills is to be en- to. 11 c'T'uy tnac win eni- - L10? oW ,liUuls- Mr E L Tlmmnsnn s, rf Mr 'Tobe Thompson, died in Salisbury on Monday of this .week, aged 0 years. The Southern will extend the block system to Ashville and per haps further, in the near future. J II Horah was run over by a buggy driven by two young ladies. in Salisbury on Saturday of last week and sustained slight injuries. There are more than 1400 rural libraries in the State every countv in the state has one or more of these libraries. Lexington business men have sent a committee to Washington to ask for an appropriation for a public I building theie. j District Attorney Jerome of New i York has instituted libel suits j against the New York Hearst papers j for 200,000. ! The adjourned session of the Jan- J uiry term of U. S. District court i convened at Greensboro Tuesday. I Prosecution of revenue officers con-; tin les the order of the day. Col. W. D. Mann, editor nt Town j Topic.-", has been indicted for per jury ; during the recent trial of Editor Norman Hapgood, of Collier's Weekly. . o i)nenmonia lire - . - eported at.the Thoniasville Orphan- One death occurred Friday. yQm. other cliiUlren are dangeiously ji. W J Weir aud John Whitelow, were crushed under a boiler at l!al eigh Saturday. The boiler was be ing hauled'to the quarry near the city when it toppled off the wagon i r Klnn I n cw this wpefc. Mr A B Trogdon, who has a position with tha SAL railroad at Aberdeen visited at home recently. Mr J A Monroe has returned o;from g C where h has been for Kyenl mouth8. Migg yMa Ki ig Aci,.w spending T A Aumun Vine nnrnhuorul u fiM team of horses and Mcg(jrg j B Slack aud E C Poteet have each bought one. Mr Cleve Ellis came over Satur day taking Miss Daisy Ellis back home. Mr Harbard Lucas, of Montgom ery, was here recently making ar rangements to enter his children in school. Death has again visited this sec tion. On Sunday morning March .ith Mr John M Yow was called froin time to eternity. He w .,i.011t .15 vears old and leaves a wife U11J eix children. He was a kind j mid loving husband, father and u g00j neighbor. March the 3rd death claimed the infant of Mr and Mrs George II Bean. May their sorrows draw them nearer their Heavenly Father. Suhscrlp'ions Paid. .1 (' Xpwsoii, J A Craven, M F Snider, II H I'elk, S F l.oHilorn'ilk, J W Moore, It II Stiller, J L Foiwlwe, .1 W Allred, It C tt'el lionie, II li IiushcH, ,1 A Xanre, S B JVanv, V S Beeson, I' V Turner, F T Mneon, 1" K Reeves, S S CoMe, A C Aunian, J M Burrow. C W Field. Mins (iertrmlo Fields, I. E Workman, W W Spencer, I) M WeatherU-, J , S Macon, Dr It I) Patterson, VV M .Mitchell, J j M Lvndon, W II Wrenn, V W I.asiter, E C WillinniH, J II Hill, Mary Wood, E SKeaniK, I J A liichardHon, J U t'oi kmaii, Alson Ail- I man, Jesse Frazier, V S l.!at!in, J M Cavo neris, Mis M E Martin, J II Burgess, W E Ini'iam, Or T Viincaniioii, II A Henson, J G i York, A S Callieutt, .1 M li'owlaud, T 1' Krazier, Miss Cora Anderson. Julian Carni'r. J It Bedding, W G Hill, Jitliro Auiuan, G L iA'oiiard. Mioses Eva and Blanche Atbtiry, 0f Asbury, visited Miss Ihilah Fox i Tuesday. FRBNKLINSVILLE ITEMS. Missionary Institute to be Held at Trinity Conference at Asheboro. The second quarterly conference, of the M E Church was held at this place Sunday and Monday. Dr S B Turrentine P E preached a most excellent sermon Sunday night to a large audience. After transacting the regular business that came be fore the conference Monday morning delegates were elected to the district missionary institute to be held at old irinity March 30 and 31 and also delegates to the District Con- ference to be held at Asheboro be- gining July 24th. Mr Isaac Burrow, of Ore Hill, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs John Burrow. M J Conner has moved his family from near Spero to this city and his children have accepted positions with the Randolph Mfg Co. Miss Flossie Stout is on the sick list this week. Mrs Wiley Cox is visiting her daughter M'rs Wm Grimes at Liber ty this week. Misses Bessie Cox, Minnie aud Florence Tippett went to High Point Saturday returning Tuesday, M W Free, one of nur most, suc cessful fishermen, has improved hiSj'01' 011 railroad with Capt Peak, fishery by putting in new nets and. . Mr S C Glass visited at Mr Laugh is now doing a good business with j u s Sunday. the tinny tribe. ! The Redding Mine is being open- Mr H Maiier has resigned his po-1 "l1 ng"1" sihon with the Franklinville Mfg! e are having a good school here Co and left Saturday accompanied'"1" although Prof Bowman by his father W I) Maner for High greatly handicapped by Point where he has accepted a po-! "ickness in school and in his family, sition with the Myrtle Furniture Co. I Vro Bowman is a progressive teach- Mr Abe Hudson, of Randleman, I iillJ excellent gentleman, spent Sunday in the city. ! 1 m S,iul 10 see TlIE Coumeii Mr Henry" Hackney, of Charlotte, fighting for good schools and good is spending some time in town with roads. Prof Way ulso deserves his parants Rev and Mrs J D Hack- j credit for his work. lle l. ... r , , . , i Fair View News. Miss elhe Jordon has resigned1 her position with the Franklins-! Mr W G Brokaw aud guests have ville Mfg Co and will peud some I decided to remain until the 22nd of time visiting. j this month. Mr Rufus C Chandler died at his , 'rhe littles of Mrs Lethe Rub home near here Feb 27th of appeu-il"" 's vt'rY i11 w,lh dicitis aged 50 "ears 10 months and; Several of our people have been 17davsaiid was hurried at Giles attending the series of meetings at Chapel.- He leaves a wife and ! Trinity this week, three children to mourn their loss ! Mr Henry W inslow u all smiles and who have the sympathy of our " ton pound bov. people. Mr Chandler was a kinJj Mr E C Cranford celebrated his and affectionate husband, a loving; 52nd birthday last buiuhiy. I he father and a good citizen and was i guests present were Mrs Allie Cope held in high esteem bv all who 1 laud. ad sons loiii and Hal, of knew him Greensboro; Mr A L Marsh and Mr Baseom Cox, our clever livery-' Miss Pearl; Mis Fred l!ockett. Miss man made a trip to Greensboro re- j Annie llarget, and Mr C J.assey. cently and purchased two tine horses ! Mr llarget preached one of his tobe auded to his already well most excellent sermons to a large equipped stables. J congregation at lair lew church HenrvAUred is in High Point ! Sunday evening. for a week's vacation., j A Can' of Thanks. . Mr Arthur Cox has accepted a . . position with the White Oak Mills. 1 wish to express through the Mr Dick Ellison has moved into columns of the Courier my sincere his new residence just out side he 1 thanks to our many friends foi the.r northern limits of the city. kindness shown us during my has- Messrs II A Russell and Hugh' band"s recent sickness nnd death anii Parks are now visiting northern j y they be abundantly bloated in markets I the Great Beyond. . ; MusRC ClI.YN"J.F.I. . Will Handle Country Produce. Mr J T Turner, of Liberty, paid the a pleasent call Tues day afternoon. Mr Turvser has just completed a store at Liberty, which he will occupy April 1st do ing a country produce business. In this connection a promintnt railroad official recently remarked that Liberty shipped more country produce than any other town in the State. The towns between Wilkes boro and Wilmington have held the honor heretofore. Masonic Lectures. During court week Assistant Lecturer J W Rowell, who has been in Asheboro for several days, will deliver Masonic lectures each day. The lodge rooms will be open from 0 to 12 o'clock each morning; from a until 5 o'clock every afternoon and every evening after ?::() o'clock. All Masons visiting Asheboro during the week are invited to spend as much of their time as possible at the lodge rooms over Heudrick's Store. Aid Society Supper. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M P church will sell sandwitches and coffee in the brick building known as the old Emporium near the court house on Tuesday. At night they will sell chicken salad, coffee, ice cream and cake. Sheriff Finch, who was injured in the wreck on the railroad last week is improving ana is aole to sit up some and walk across the room. ; One of his legs is paralyzed. SERIOUS CHARGE. Negro Boy with a Bad Record Arrested and Placed in Jail. Geo Hearne, a colored boy aged about 1C years, was placed in jail Tuesday for attempt at rape, carry ing a weapon concealed and resisting officer James Free, Jr, who wa.s deputized to make the arrest. Hearne has served a part of a term in the penitentiary for robbery. When convicted of this offense it was in evidence that the person robb- j e(l w:l3 drunk, and that he tried to j "L11' 1011 uie uruuKen man, wnom he had robbed on the railroad track so that the train would kill him and conceal his crime. He was pardoned several years ago by by Gov Aycock on account of his mother being old and without means of support. Cedar Falls. Mr John Brady visited "frieuds" in High Point Sunday. Mr A F Cox, has received some nice spring suits which he offers at very reasonable prices. Mr Ed Johnson, of Ramseur ac cepted a position with C F Mfg Co. Mr Ed Edwards, uf Monbo, N C, has located in our town and will Miss Cora Anderson, or Deuton,. spent Monday in Asheboro. Miss Veil Jordon, of Central Falls was in Asheboro Monday. Mr and Mrs J C Ridge, of Jack sou Creek, were in town. Monday Mr W J Page, of Elise, Moore county was in town Tuesday on business. Miss Elba ililler has finished her school iu the country and returned to Asheboro. Mr Will Kivett of Liberty town ship, has moved in the dwelling house opposite Mr O R Fox's. Our workers who want premiums are credited with every subsciiptiou sent in whether old or new. Miss Mattie Thompson. ! been visiting relatives at Holly has returned to her home at Graham. Mrs W T llerndon and daugh ter Miss Geitrude, ofElou College, are visiting Mrs J T Mollitt on Sun set avenue. Mr C E Kcarns and wife and Lee M Kearns have returned to their home at Holly after a visit with relatives iu Alamance county. Mr W T Hurley, formerly superintendent of the Col j Cotton Mills at Ramseur, has ac cepted the management of the new ; mills being erected at Biscoe. Mr Hurley was for several years super- I intendent of the Cabarrus mill but for several months has had charge of the Bala mill. ...(, y:.