The Asheboro Cornier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. VRntered at the Post OiEce at Asheboro m 'econd Cass Matter. THURSDAY. March 15, 1906. For a person who does not want to borrow money the building and loan association is a good savings bank. The Building and Loan Associa tion is a great town builder and our people should take more stock In our Building and Loan Association. There is not a dwelling to be had nor is there a vacant store in Ashe Everything should be done to en courage all our people to build homes. It is said that Senator Gorman, who has spent his entire life in politics and has been in Congress for something Jlike a quarter of ta century, is a comparatively poor man. merits of this case as to whether Hasty deserves the punishment for life, bnt the evidence in the case does teach the folly of unbridled passion. Here was a young man, if the evidence of the State is to be believed, who not only attempted to force an entrance into the private chamber of a lady guest at the hotel, but boasted of his amorous relations with women. Oh! the depravity of human nature. Young man rest assured that your sins will Snd you out. THE MATHEWS CASE. The trial of Dr J B Matthews last week for the murder of his wife oh Dec 1st, 1905, resulted in a ver dict of guilty of murder in the sceond degree and Judge Ferguson sentenced the defendant to twenty years in the State prison. The case was a sensational one. The extreme depths to which one may be carried by opiates was made clear. It appear ed from the evidence that Matthews " seduced his wife before marriage, Senator Simmons' speech in the turning her feet from the paths ol j Senate on Tuesday of this week in virtue. That after marriage both vant or anyone ever heard her hus band complain, and when husband and wife were together they were extremely affectionate. When it is in evidence that it had come to the knowlede of the husband more than five years ago of his wife's amorous relatives with other men, and no objection and no disturbance were made by him, we must conclude there was a screw loose about him. A perfectly sane man who had any courage would have gone gunning for the destroyer of the home, yet there was clear evidence that he ad ministered poison to his wife while declaring that he was praying for her. It is true that be had once before threatened to take the life of his wife. He must have been partially insane but he knew enough to know what he was doing and the verdict is a victory for law and order; and it is to be hoped that the supreme court will not give a new trial, for Matthews has "got off" light enough. Advertising Among Fowls. A duck, who had faithfully stuck to business during the summer and laid several dozen large fawn color ed eggs, complained that she was not appreciated. "See that old hen over there? sail.1 the duck; "she has not lain so many eggs as I have, not so big, but she has books writ ten about her and verses composed in her honor, while no one says a word about me." "The trouble with you is." said a wise Buff Leg horn cock that was standing near, that you do not tell public what you have done. You lay an egg and off without saying a word while that sister of mine nevei lays one without letting every body in the neighborhood know it. If you want to cut any ice in this com munity you must learn to adrertise. Ex. A slick duck has been operating m Iredell and Rowan counties tak inglordersj for .Iwagonsand stoves audcollecting a part of the pay in advance, in order,to get lower prices. itnturnsout thatihe is a fraud. TeopleJI should trade with home mTrchants'fand see ivhat they are getting before thev trade. The bitter fight among k Republi cans in this State is disgraceful. It is a small man indeed who will gloat over the fact that these men are Republicans. It is true that bitterness is the rule in politics but this sort of bitterness is disgraceful to the State no matter who is en gaged in it. Mr Blackburn's last charge against Mr Holton is that he offered immuuity to DL Arey, a Salisbury distiller, after his conviction,Jas June, in Charlotte, provided Arey would furnish evidence against reve nue officers for corruption in office. Mr Holton has answered the charge in which he says that Woodson is a man who asked what he could do for Arey if such information was furnished against revenue officers. The district attorney says his re ply to the lawyer was to furnish the information and he, Holton, would submit it to the Attorney-General of the United States. Mr Holton's answer to tne ctiarge nas been sent to Washington, were addicted to the morphine habit and that for fifteen years the wife has led a life of disloyalty to her husband, that she became infatuated with a young business man in Greensboro and let him have $3,500 or more of money which she obtain ed from her father's estate and he used it in the establishment of a factory at High Point. That she was infatuated with other men and for several years led an immoral life with one or more railroad men. That during all these years no ser- behalf of the Railroad Rate Bill without the appeal clause, was an effort which shows what many have contended for years, that he is one the State's greatest lawyers. Mr Simmons declares that the present railroad charges are unjust and un reasonable. The speech rings clear and strong . Three U S Marshalls were killed by Indian outlaws at Vinita, I. T., Monday. A general uprising amon the younger full-blooded Cherokees is feared. Troops are being rushed to the scene. HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK BRIEFLY TOLD. In the North Carolina Bulletin, published by the board of health, there was recently an interesting article on pure food. It is shown that the use of sodium sulphite in lertain fruits is dangerous. It is also said that boric acid in meat is injurious. The last Legislature enacted a law requiring the com missioners of Agriculture to pub lish for two weeks in some local news paper names of dealers found selling adulterated or fraudelent goods, and it is quite probable that many men in different North Caro lina towns will before long find themsel ves held up to their custom ers as swindlers and prisoners. People are advised to pay special attention to the real character of the canned and dried foods they buy and also to the canned,, smok ed and fresh meats they accept from their dealers. The capital of the National Bank of Fayetteville has been in creased from $50,000 to $100,00. Mr C G Foust, a native Salis buriau, is an aspirant for legis tive honois in Erath, county, Texas. The Whitney water power was inspected bv Messrs J B and B N Duke, Dr W G Wylie and W S Lee, Jr., last week. The North Carolina Medical Col We will erect a handsome three- story brick building for its owu uso at Chailotte. A rual free delivery route has been started from Biscoe running east into Moore county. Gaston Sea well is the carrier. Those interested in the cause of temperance will be glad to know that in Vermont only 30 towns out of 24, in that state will license saloons. fl . . rt 1 . ivepreseutauve uocKran nas in troduced a resolution to bar Town Topics from being admitted to the mails. The Graham Canning Companv has been organized in Alamance County. The company furnishes seed to the farmers at wholesale price. J M Turner, formerly superin tendent of the Seaboard Air Line. j has been appointed general mauager or tne new rauroau oeing construct ed from Lumberton to Fayetteville. j Mr W D Siler, of Siler City, was iu town a day or two last week look ing after the Solicitorship. If Mr Robinson was not in the race, Siler would be our man. Moore County News. L Stuckey, editor of the People's Demands, was shot and killed at Colfax, La, Friday morning by A M Goodwin, editor of the Colfax Chronicle. Goodwin claims that his victim published an article reflecting Died In Indiana. The Siler City Grit says the body of Ike Fesmire, who died at Terre Haute, Indiaua, February 21st, was brought there Sunday, March 4th, J C Fesmire, brother of the de ceased, accompanied the remains from Westfield, Indiana, where they were exhumed under advices from relatives at Siler City. Mr Fesmire was 35 years of age, and left North Carolina 9 years ago. Death was caused by rheumatism which at tacked the heart. Mr J C Fesmire retured to In diana Monday of last week. The Wachovia Loan and Trust Company is sendingj out an teresting circular, presenting the "Banking By Mail" system at 4 per cei.t. interest, which is one of that institution's spednl feature offers to the industrial world. This is one of North Carolina's strongest bank ing houses, and the enterprise in circulating such literature through the State will not only benefit them but will be beneficial to those who read it. Of IU Y A Bating Powder we want our workers to see a3 mauy as possible this week and get all the subscribers possible and mail the Cot'KIEU a letter next monday or before and send in all collections and state what premium desired. Then send in every week, You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions for The Courieb. Every body who does not take it wants to subscribe. Get in the race this week. While adjusting a loose belt last week at a grist mill at Campbell, Stokes countv, John Com, aged 22 ; upoa tia character. years, became entangled in the belt ! and was instantly killed. Former Senator Marion Butler is ii ,! being prominently spoken of as the Fire in tne store of the Odell j probable successor of Secretary of Hardware Company at Greensboro Intt,rier Hitchcock, of the l'resi Fiiday caused a loss of $15,0U0, be- , aent-a cabinet. Mr Hitchcock is to Within the past year two former citizens of Randolph eounty have been convicted of murder in the first degree in South Carolina. A young man Small was convicted and sentenced to be hanged in May of last year, but the Governor com muted his sentence to life imprison ment, and very propsrly so from the facts as we leara them. Another case was that of George Hasty who was at Goffney, for the murder of Milan Bennett, recently convicted of murder in the first degree with recommendation of life imprison ment. While he was born in Union county yet his father has lived at Randleman for many years and young George and his oldest brothers once lived at Randleman. We do not undertake to say as to the sides several thousand dollars dam age to stock by smoke. Omnibus Fish Hatchery bill has been favorably reported by the com mittee of Merchant Marine and Fisheries. It gives North Caro lina $25,000 for lish culture. Postmaster Martin, at Gold Hill, has been placed under a $500 bond to appear at the next term of Feder al Court at Statesville, and answer to the charge of violation of postal laws. Iu Boston a fugitive from the Florida railroad construction forces says the builders of new roads there have 4,000 laborers working against their will under armed guards. He sounds the alarm of white slavery in Florida. M L Dean, of Mt Airy, owns a Partridge Coachin hen, which in one month laid a setting of eggs, hatched out a brood of chickens, and began laying again the follow ing month. The Education Committee of the j M P Conference has decided to ac cept the proposition from Messrs Holt to locate the new college at Oak Ridge securing the Institute buildings. Messrs Holt will head the new college, Hon Franklin McNeill, chairman of the Corporation Commission, and Commissioner S L Rogers, accom panied by Snpt Copeman, and other Southern railway officials, were in Asheboro Thursday. They were making a personal inspection of the track between Asheboro and High Point. retire inside the present year. Later dispatches from Washington deny all this. The State Educational campaign began Friday, last, in Martin Coun ty. Prof Joyner is filling the ap pointments. This campaign, gives promise of more interest than last year, and the leading busi ness and professional men will par ticipate in the campiiig.i. As a result of an investigation made by district Attorney Jerome, of New York, Frederick A Burn ham, president; George D Eldridge, first vice president and George Bnrham, Jr second vice of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance I Company, were indicted Friday last. Mrs G S Bradshaw, who is giv ing a series of small parties, gave the second one yesterday afternoon at her home on Summit avenue. Flinch was played and instead of the usual prize, each of the twelve guests received a dainty souvenir in the snape of a pink tulip, which held a small candle. Pink also pre vailed in the score cards as well as refreshments. Greensboro Record. Ex-Gov. Hogg, on being asked the kind of monument he desir ed, he said: "I want no monu ment of stone, but let my children plant at the head of my grave a pecan tree and at the foot of my grave a walnut tree, and when these trees shall bear, let the pecans and the walnuts be given out among the plain people of Texas, so that they may plant them and make Texas a land of trees.", Accidenis Will Happen Use ForSprainsBniises SoreMuscIes,Cuts Burns & Scalds At All Dealers Price 2J?J0ft?M Earl Boston Mass-U Sloan i I S.A. I The United States Agricultural Department has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report giving the results of elaborate experiments made by and under the direction of the Department, which show the great saving from baking at home,, as compared with cost of buying at the bakers. All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much fresher, cleaner, cheaper and more wholesome when made at home with Royal Baking Powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. To Aid the Daughters. Mrs. E. E. Moflitt, Historian of the Johnson Pettigrew Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, of Greensboro, has, by direction of the chapter, had printed in pamph let form, the oration of Capt. S. A. Ashe on "The Life of Gen. Robt. E. Lee," which has been prouounced very fine and accurate by the most competent judges. Mr E L Freeman, of Rol erdo and Miss Annie Sedberry of Copleemee, Davie county, were married at the home of Mr F Hnnsucker by 'squire C W Bell on Sunday, March 4, 1906. Mr Freeman is a popular saw mill man, and Mrs Freeman is the attractive daughter of Mr Geo Sedberry, formerly of thisj county but now" of Cooleemee. Montgom-rian. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists nro authorized to refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in Clto 14 days. 50c. Sping Planted Trees. Just before the spring growth starts is one of the best seasons to plant fresh dug Fruit, Shade and Orna mental trees. They start to grow at once, and do not lose vitality as they do when dug in the fall and kept over five or six months before growth can start. This is common sense. We have a large stock that can be dug and shipped on short notice. Is JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Specials For one week Mattings, Carpets, Rugs, AH House Furnishings. Wood (El Moring. Central Falls Store Co . , Successors to- E. O. YORK STORE CO. and WEBSTER a ALLRED. Central Falls Store Co. will PUT ON SALE, MARCH 16th, At Bargain Prices, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Boys' Clothing and Men's Pants. Special Sale to last 15 days. Come and secure the bargains. Central Falls Store Co.. E. O. York, Mgr. NOTICE. W S Gatlin and Uriah Presnell have this day entered the following land in Randolph County to-wlt: A tract ol 60 acres in Cedar Grove Town ship on the waters of Richland Creek and Little River adjoining the lands of Uriah Presnell, W S Gatlin, M R Moflitt. A 8 Williams, P A Williams i"d others, for which without objection filed within thirty days from this date, they will ask lor a warrant of survey to the County Surveyor of Randolph County. This March 9th, 1906. 3-15-06. 3 P BOROUGHS, Entry Taker. Fall and Winter Remnant Clearing. To make room for Spring goods soon to arrive, I offer great bargains in Woollen Dress Goods for ladies and Fall and Winter suits, odd pants and coats, etc., for gentlemen. VALUES WITHOUT RIVAL in ladies shoes, odd sizes; and Hamburg embroidery, etc. Our tickets have been carefully marked and you can realize 25 per cent, discount in most of these special 5 bargains. W. J. MILLER, ASHEBORO, N. C. New Goods in Quan- If you want to see lots of new goods right up with all the style that can be found anywhere come and see us. Our buyer has just returned home and the new good3 are rolling in daily. We have as nice a stock, and as low prices as any one in Randolph county. We guarantee quantity and quality, otherwise your money refunded. LIBERTY (N. C.) MERCANTILE 10.. A. ,W. CURTIS. Manager