COUR j T5he COURIER Leads in' Both News and Circulation. ! T5he COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. I ER. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY,! MAY 10,1906. No 19. MAY PROVE FATAL ' Boy Fatally Wounded While Care lessly Handling Pistol. ACCIDENT AT RANDLEMAN. Son of Mr. and Ilri. Hllllard Hill May Die from Injuries Ball Ranged Upward Penetrating Lung No Hope of Recovery. Ho e t Hill, the uine-yer old sn of Hilliard Hill, of Randleman accidentally shot himself Tuesday evening while carelessly handling a 32 calibre pistol. Ihe accident oc cured at the home of his father near the Naomi cotton mills. The boy had secured the weapon in the house and had gone into the yard to amuse himself. Taking hold of the barrel he was pulling against a board of some kind in an effort to raise the hammer, it is be lieved. He lost his hold on the plank causing the hammer to lower firing the pistol. The ball entered thejabdomen ranging upward piere ing the lunsr on the left side. The wound is most serious. A telephone mtswee to the Courier late yesterday afternoon said that though the boy was still alive, it is believed the wounds will prove fatal. RANDLEMAM PERSONALS. Glimpses of Familiar Faces Move ment ot People Other Newsy Items of Ashe on busi er ol. A. C. McAlister, to o, was in town Friday. ne:s. Miss Annie Johnson and Alice Hilliard, spent Saturday with friends in High Point. Mr. S. Bryant and son returned Sunday from a few days visit to Washington City. Dr. C. C Hubbard of Worthville, was here Friday on professional business. Messrs. P. A. and Guy Hayes, of j Greeusboro, and Me bane, spent bun day here with their parents. Mr. Joseph Newlin, son of S. G. Newlin, has gone to the Leo Hospit al in Greensboro to have his ear treated . The Randleman Sunday school convention has been postponed to the third Sunday in June. Miss Daisy Stuart Page is visit ing Mrs. J. T. Bostick. Mrs. M. A. Ferree spent Thurs day in Greensboro. The Randleman Township Good Roads A eocintkn will hold a meet ing inlthe gr.idedschool Auditorium Saturday. Tie farmers are invited to come and take steps towards improving the roads of the county. Dr. J. A. Walker, of Concord, spent a few days here with his aunt. Mrs. J. T. Bostick, the first of the week. DEATH OF MRS. CECIL. Wife of Former Pastor of Asheboro III. P. C hurch, Sneenmbs to Oprrtlon In Greensboro. Mrs. Cecil, wife of Rev. C. A. Cecil, of High Point, and formerly pastor of the Methodist Protest ant church here, died at St. Leo's Hospital at Greensboro. Thursday evening t Mrs. Cecil had been iti ill health for some time, and was carri ed to the hospital for an operation, which was performed Thursday morning. Mrs. Cecil is survived by two daughters, Mrs. K. W. Cur lee and Miss. Bessie Cecil, both, of High Point. The funeral becured at High Point Saturday. Louise league Cecil was born February 6, I860, and died May 4, 190G, aged 46 years. Her husband, Rev. C. A. Cecil, pastor Welch Memorial church at High Point, is a useful member of the m. P. Con ference. Deceased was well known in this vicinity. She was reared a few miles noith of High Point. She was t consecrated Christian woman, a devoted wife and mother and will be greatly missed by relatives and fiiends everywhere. VALUABLE MINERALS Mining Expert of New York Visits Asheboro. SMELTER SHOULD BE LOCATED HERE. LOCAL MINSTRELS. Members of the Nightengale Baud De light a Large Audience. The members of the Asheboro Band gave a minstrel performance at the Acadeniv lat Friday evening. The program was a met creditable one and some very fine talent was piesented. Many of the features would have uone Honor to proiessi- onah minstrels. The voung me" delighted the large audience wh will give them a most cordial recep tion' should they again present them selves in the burnt cork rob The door receipts aggregated about $ 40. BRIEFS. M. S. Hale is building h nice resi dence on Park Street. A neat cottage is being erected on Park Street, by J. N. All red. E. G. Morris has begun his new residence on the corner of North and Main Streets, The county commissioners were in sessiou Monday. Only Routine business came befoiethem. R. W. Steed, of Concord Town ship, was in Asheboro on business i yesterday. GRADED SCHOOL TEACHERS. PiiriPKiwiiult'iiiv- should lie n mi led in time to reach the Courier not! tne .towu Salisbury has Offered location and Olher Inducements But Besides these Asheboro (nil Add to Them Some Inducements. Ore to Operate the Plant. Mr. H. B. Meech, of New York City, who has been investigating the tiV mining interests of this county V request of Messrs. A. J. and W. 1 . Thurber, left for home on the 4.30 train Monday evening. Mr. Meech is a man well posted on minerals and mineral land forma tions, and has had many years ex perience in the Western mines as mining engineer, and in smelting and refining. IK- is the inventor of several of the modern processes for treating and smelting ores now in use aud now has a smel'er and works that will successfully treat all kinds of oie in this mineral belt, turning out each kind into bulion at the works. He guaranties to save 95 per cent, of the mineral that the ore contains and at a moderate price for treating. Mr. Meech visited Salisbury a few days ago looking for a location to ereyt his smelting works, and the city agreed to donate to him a locution and offered him some other inducements. While here he examined Asheboro Copper Mine and some of other mining properties in this section and ore from several others. Among them was the Walker prop erty near town, the B. F. New by property on the old homestead, and the Davis Mountain mine. All of these he pronounces good prospects and when developed deeper will will make good mines. All show good smelting ore and are located in hauling distance of Asheboro. He thinks we have as much accessable ore in this section as any place on the railroad so with proper effort on a part of the people of Asheboro, it would be possible for the smelter to be located here. Salisbury has donated nothing, or offered any inducement that Ashe boro cannot well afford to offer or donate as a town. With the in ducements that the mine and pros pect owners can offer in the way of contracts to furnish ore to the smelter and all done in good time, the writer believes that Mr. Meech and associates would locate the works at Asheboro instead of Salis bury. It would mean a great deal to and conntv, for with COMMENCEMENT DAY Bombay Institute Closed May 4th Large Attendance. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. ADDRESS BY HON. CRARY. J. R. Me la ter than Monday afternoon to guarantee publication without de lay. Mrs. Samuel Spoon and daughter spent a part of last week with the family of John Humble. Mrs. C. C. ade has returned to her home at Tiov ufier a visit to Elected at a Meeting of the Asheboro School Board Thursday. The Asheboro Graded School Board was in session Thursday last and besides rviewing the plans fori relatives and friends in Ashfl.oro, the new building, the entire faculty ,7. ..... for the past year was re-elected. Mr. Propst, of Vine Hill, Ala, They are Prof. IChns. M. Staley, BPent. Suud.ay ith superintendent and teacher of the who is visiting her father sheriff eighth and nineth grades; Missi"usn JJa'sy Page, teacher of the sixth The Randolph Book Club meets and seventh grades; Miss Annie Tomlinson, teacher of the fourth and fifth grades; Miss Laura Stim- son, teacher of the second and third with Mrs. T, II. Redding this week. J. Van Lindley and R. D. Doug las, of Greensboro, will address the grades; and Miss Erwin teacher in ! Good Road, Convention to be held the primary department. at Randleman Saturday afternoon. The teachers for the colored school were also re-elected. Was Deep River's Best. The burning of the cotton gin and 30 bales of cott jn belonging to Mr, Thoe. Caveness and sons at Enter prise a few days ago, entailed a seri ous loss. Ihe gin was running when a match in the cotton explod ed cansing the fire. Mr. Caveness and his tons narrowly escaped in jury. The gin w8 probably the best oi Deep River, and there w as no insurance on either building, ma chinery or cotton stored m the building. Sngg'a Creek Items. llev. Mr. Ingram, of Star, preach ed an able sermon at Maple Springs Sunday last. M. E. Ashworth and Richard Boling were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. Theniy Freeman continues tery s ck at her home. j Mrs. S. S. Kearus and daughter, Miss Kate, of Farmer, spent yester iday in Asheboro. I ..... miss Jessie liodgm is visiting friends at this place. J. II. Millis, of High Point, spent Tuesday night here a guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. J. Arm field, Jr. J. F. Cameron, of Cox, was a business visitor in Asheboro yester day. W. D. Steadman has purchased from Armfield Laughlin Realty Company the property on which W. D. Steadman's store is located ou Depot street. O. L. Sapp was a business visitor to Gretnsbor j Tuusdav. smelter at Asheboro the many mines and prospects with low grade, ore near the surface could be developed by hauling this low grade ore to the smelter. The mineral sived would nearly pay expenses and when worked deeper would fully pay for development. Without a smelter near, these oies must be. thrown in the dump until better ore was reached that cottld be shipped, but the receipts would not more tbau pay the expenses of treating then1. This matter should be taken up at once by our people and the en terprise brought to Asheboro if possible. The mineial in th's section is of recognized value an l economical operation and energy ex ercised by our people is only uenled to make this a prosperous mining section. RED MEN MEET Hold Pow now al Raleigh tireat Chirps of The Order Named Prof. D. M. j Weathrrly, treat Mlsenema. The Great Council of th Inde pendent order of Red Men met at Raleigh Tuesday. It was a well at tended an I enthusiastic gathering. There are 53 tribes in North Caroli na, with a membership of 3.200 braves, aud neaily 150 attended the convention. The election of the Great Chiefs of the order was the feature of the second day. Among them is Prof. D. M. Weatherly, of Mainniehaha Tribe, No. 64, at Raniseur, who was electe i Great -Misenema. Rev. W. E. Swain has received a letter from Uev. J. D.Williams an nouncing that he will arrive Mon- Gold Medals Awarded to Pupils niak Ing Best Heeord In Declalmer'a and X Kectter's Contests Medal Offered By N.L.Cranford, of Winston-Salem. The commencement exercises of Bombay Institute, occured Friday xne aay s program was wen ar ranged and the efforts of those who took part were highly compliment ed by the large crowd that had gathered from miles around to wit ness the exercises. The program during the morn ing consisted of declamations by the young men of the school and recitations by the young ladies, interspersed with music by the New Hope Orchestra, which added much to the diversion of thought suggested by the different decla mers and reciters. The orchestra is composed of Messrs. S. T. Lassi ter, director and pianoist; Bernard Varner and Walter Lvndon. violin ists; Eck Loflin and Regie Varner, cornet; tCarl Lyndon, trombone; Walter Hill, tenor violin; Rufus Lassiter, base violin; Floyd Lassiter and J. L. Cranford mandolin; and lonv Johnson and Carl Nance, banjo. Mr. N. L. Cranford, formerly of Bombay, but now one of Winston Salem's most enterprising, and public spirited business men had offered a gold medal for the best declamation which was won by Mr. Uyron Ingram as declaimer. 1 he recitei s medal given by Prof. J. II. Robertson, the principal, was wou by Miss Tura Cameron. The Institute has just closed a very susisful years work which is largely due to the efforts of Mr. Robertson and his assistant, Prof. A. H. Thompson, of Lilac. PROGRAM. DECLAIM EES CONTESTj--10. A. M. Abraham Lincoln W. Coy Har rison. Ceutialization in theJUnited States W. Payne Morris. Opportunities of the Scholar E. Sherill Harrison. Music Man Fred Brown. The District School Ivy Cranford. The Meaning of Four Centuries Byron Ingram. The Teacher the Hope of America Harris G. Johnson. Music RECITERS COXIEST 11 A. M. Marguerite Miss Tura Cameron. Patrick Conner Mis3 Nora Tucker. The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter .Miss rloss Jiearns. Mnsic Over the Orchard Fence Miss Nel lie Thompson. The Traitor's Deathbed Miss Net tie Lanier. A Scene on the Battlefield Miss Cora Kinney. Music AFTEUXOON. Literary Addiess Hon. J. R. Mc Crary. Music Presentation of Medals. MU. MCC'RARY'S ADDRESS. Mr. McCrary's address was broad in its scope. He emphasized the importance of the home training :! mural development of a child in the school room. He eaid to educate the mind without educating the heart would only be- to increase high c- me. Whereas educating the heart is to iuspire education of the mind and the combination of the two would produce the ideal citizen. He also laid great stress upon the necessity of better school buildings, modern ly equipped; better paid teachers and was strong in advocat ing local taxation as the only sure means of accomplishing this end. Mr. McCrary is most earnest in his argument for schools and amimercial progress in our state and is the subject of much favora ble comment by all who have heard him. Delngates from the Seventh District to Meet at Lexington, July tt. The Democratic convention of the Seventh Congressional District has been called to meet at Lexington Monday afternoon, July 2nd, at 3 o'clock. The announcement was made last week by Mr. U. L. Spence, chairman and member of the com mittee from Moce county who was in Asheboro Friday. Mr. Chas. Ross is member of the committee from Randolph; C. A. Arms rong, from Montgomery and J. W. Pass, from Yaditio. Congressional Convention The Democratic Convention of the Seventh Congressional District is called to meet at Lexington, N. C, oh Monday the 2nd day of July, 1906, at 3 o'clock p. ni. for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for congress and transacting such other business as shall come before the convention. Done by order of the committee. I U. L. Si'EXCE, Chairman. TO SUCCEED HIMSELF Political Chat from Our State Capi tal. NO OPPOSITION TO SIMMONS. Time Refusal ofEi-Uov. Aycock to Enter the Arena Makes Ills Election As sured Annual Address on Confederate Memorial Day at Raleigh. Gorman News Bureau, Raleigh, N. ,'., May 7, 190G. Unless the admirers of Chief Jns tice Walter Clark elect to make such a contest it looks now as though there will be no formal aud organ ized opposition to the re-elentiou of Senator Simmons, since Ex-Governor Aycock has at last delinately an nounced that he is not and does not intend to become a candidate for United States Senator before the egislature to be elected this year. This announcement, as some of Governor Aycock's friends suggest, n ill not prevent the legislature from SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY. electing him senator, if a majority ! of the Democratic members of the Given the President of Providence irnnpral asspmlilu shnnlil nrfor Viim Phllathca Class Miss Pearl Chamness. j. o, i o:. .l vj umowu loiuiuiuuB ur any otner Friday atternoon on way 4tn, while Miss Chamness was seated at the machine she suddenly dropped her sewingforshe saw cireliugarouud the house Philatheas in fishing array. Of course she readilv jdned the crowd which proved to be an after noon straw ride company. Upon her return home, still to Miss Pearl's surprise a nice and delicious sup per, prepared by the girls and their mothers, as waiting. After sup per the crowd left and Miss Peai le supposed it was over but about half past eight o'clock in response is a knock at the door, she only found a man. lint such an honor as the 6enatorship is not very likely to cotne to any man in North Carolina who makes no effort to secure it. Therefore it can be set down pretty accurately at this time thatt Senator Simmons will remain in the seat at present held by him until March 1013, if not longer, and he will not be an old man then by any means. Several of the present members of cougress from thi3 state will have opposition in the nominating con ventions this summer. Tne an uounce inent was made to-day that Mr. H. L. Godwin, of Harnett Mav Basket." Several of these i con uty, Pad decided to contest the came so beautifully made and hid- pat of Congressman Thoma3, of the dun iimoncr the lovelv flowprain eanh i third district. basket were the bearers wish original verse. After amusements for awhile refreshments fruit, and can dies, furnished by the young men were passed, then cake and lemon ade given by her own people. Miss Pearl declares she was made to thoroughly enjov the orignal plan ning, which she so greatly admired: also that it is not only nice to be a Providence Philathea but also very fortunate to have such sincere and true hearted friends. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Will Be Held at Asheboro July 30th, Continuing Four Week,-. Prof. J. M Way has announced that the Institute for teachers for white: echools in the county will be held at Asheboro during the month of August, commencing Monday, the 30th day of July, and continu ing for four weeks. All teachers are re(iuird to attend this institute before applying for positions as public school teachers. A public exami nation will be held at the close tf the Institute. State Superintendent of public Instruction J. Y. Joyner has ap pointed Prof. Chas. M. Staley, superintendent of the Asheboro Graded Schools, to hold the institute. NEGLIGENCE OF FLAGMAN, i There are two or three aspirants in the eighth and as many in the tenth who would like to succeed Black burn and Gudger; the opinion pre vails here that "Dick" Hackett, of Wilkes, is the man to put E. Spen cer out of business and he seems to stand the best chance of the nonmi nation, although Mr. Newland whem Blackburn defeated at the last elec tion is also a candidate for the nomi nation again, as well as one or two others. There has been some talk on the jiart of opposite elements about get ting out opponents to contest the re nomination of Pou, in the fourth, and W. W. Kitchin, in the fifth, but they have not yet materialized so far. At the Confederate memorial day services in Raleigh on Thursday of this week the subject of the annual addiess this year will be General Matt W. Ransom aud the orator who will deliver the address is Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn.Jnow of Weldon, one of the most gallant of sol Jiers. That extraordinary petition for a "prohibition" election in Raleigh, alluded to in these letters last week was not presented to the board of aldermen last Friday night as ad vertised, so the election has not yet been ordered. It is now stated that the petition needs more names. Llewxam. J. T. Wintlow an' C. C. MsAlis ter have gone to Moore county on i day, June 4th, to la-gin a series of a fishing trip. I revival meetings at the M. P. church Caused Serious Collision at Salisbury SVonng Man Killed as the Train Crashed. The failure of a flagman to pro perly signal the engineer on No. 3 on main line Saturday caused the train to collide with a work train which was t-eing pulled into the siding. The tender was torn from the wheels and as it tell it struck Will Busbee, a painter, who was working along the path by the track, knocking hini through a fence. His skull was fractured and his body badly brused. Death fol I wed about a half an hour later. He never recovered consciousness. Popular Young People to Wed. The marriage of Mr. O. A. Pamp- lin to Miss Emma Cole, of Concord, well be solemuized Monday, May 21st. Both the bride and the groom elect are well known and popular I in Asheboro. Mr. Pamplin was j formerly depot agent in Asheboro, j but now holds a similar position ! with the Southern at Thomasville. A Card of Thanks. Ve, tic umlfr.-jign-il. wish to e.irei jiiiih tin' columns of Tin: Cuiiiimi our sin c -re onr nmny ln.Mi.lh m tins emu ,,,, nf . Inf,n,. mumt v or llii'ir kindness shown us during I thesirkurss and death of'our ili-ar little child j The nine munths-old child of Mr. and while ne will never I alle to repay j and Ml'?. J. . Kiel) died Monday then,, yet we tl.ey .11 1 u,,,ly lv- : j h, '1'he tuiieral occurred Tues warded i a Mil. and Mi:.. C. F.M.mN. UaV- RANDOLPH VOTERS. Vot-s Cast for Governor Last l&lectlon ami Township Representation In County Convention. lclow is printed a list of the townships in the first column; the Dumber of votes cast for Governor in each township at the last election in the second and the number of dele gates each township is entitled to in the Randolph county convention ap pears in the third column. Trinity, W. ISsew Market, E. Providence, Liberty, Tabernacle, Rack Creek, Handle nan, IV. i'ranklinville, E. " Columbia, Concord, Cedar Grove, Grant, Coleridge, New Hope, Union, Richland, Biower, Pleasant Grove, Asheboro, 171 7 66 3 17 1 109 4 149 6 147 6 74 3 264 11 67 3 125 5 228 9 126 5 56 2 46 2 123 5 140 6 93 4 99 4 46 2 52 2 213 9

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